Duncan research files of |
1820-1860 Screven Co. GA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Screven Co. GA Census
P.O. Halcyondale
Pg.267, #43-40, SPAULDING, Thos. 55 GA BLACK F.L. $0-$100
Fillis (f) 50 GA BLACK K.H.
Lee (m) 19 KY BLACK Hireling
John 17, Abraham 10 GA BLACK
Richard 6 GA BLACK at H
Grosy? (f) 4 GA BLACK
Betsy 2 GA BLACK
DUNCAN, Mary Ann 22 GA BLACK hireling
Pg.335, #1126-1065, DUNCAN, Milton (m) 30 SC BLACK F.L. $0-$0
Betsy 25 GA BLACK F.L.
William 1 GA BLACK at home
Sallie 46 SC BLACK F.L.
Pg.336, #1138-1079, DUNCAN, Milton (m) 33 GA BLACK F.L. $0-$0
Elizabeth 18 GA BLACK F.L.
John 1/12 GA BLACK at home b.Mch
(MAD: age and birth month of John as given)
1900 Screven Co. GA Census (HeritageQuest image 6/29/2010)
260 Militia Dist.
Pg.283, #28-28, DUNCAN, Moses H., head, b/m, Feb.1846, 54, mar. 28y, GA GA GA
Sarah, wife, b/f, May 1861, 39, mar. 28y, 11ch, 10 liv, GA GA GA
Roosie (Roobie?) D., dau., b/f, Aug. 1876, 24, single, GA GA GA
Filmore M., son, b/m, July 1877, 22, single, GA GA GA
Charles C., son, b/m, Jan. 1880, 20, single, GA GA GA
Wade G., son, b/m, Sept. 1882, 17, single, GA GA GA
Bessie M., dau., b/f, Mch. 1885?, 15, single, GA GA GA
Della G., dau., b/f, 1887, 17, single, GA GA GA
Ben F., son, b/m, Aug. 1888, 10, single, GA GA GA
Model, son, b/m, Nov. 1891, 8, single, GA GA GA
Harry, son, b/m, July 1894, 3?, single, GA GA GA
Moses Jr., son, b/m, Nov. 1896, 3, single, GA GA GA
1910 Screven Co. GA Census (HeritageQuest image 6/29/2010)
260 Militia Dist.
Pg.210, #257-259, DUNCAN, Moses H., head, m/b, 59, m1, 35y, GA VA SC
Sarah, wife, f/b, 50, m1, 35y, 13ch, 11 living, GA GA GA
Garfield, son, m/b, 28, single, GA GA GA
Gibson, son, m/b, 20, single, GA GA GA
Ben, son, m/b, 17, single, GA GA GA
Modell, son (written over), m/b, 15, single, GA GA GA
Moses Jr., son, m/b, 10, single, GA GA GA
Roosevelt, son, m/b, 6, single, GA GA GA
Harriet, dau, f/b, 12, single, GA GA GA
Charlote, dau, f/b, 8, single, GA GA GA
GA Land Lotteries; Screven Co. GA
Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
Dunkins, Elizabeth, 1805, of Screven Co., lottery #804, one blank draw (unmarried or single person)
Duncan, Elizabeth, Widow, 1807, of Williamson's Militia Dist., Screven Co., drew lot #43 in Dist.25, Wilkinson Co. (MAD: Dist.25 was later Twiggs Co.)
Screven Co. GA Deeds & Mortgages, index v.1, 1794-1878 (FHL film 222,468)
No Duncan
Screven Co. GA Court of Ordinary Annual Returns (probate records) (FHL film 222,450)
Annual returns Vol.A 1821-1832, incl. marriages 1817-1832 - no Duncan, McBride, Modesett
Annual returns Vol.D 1833-1851, incl. marriages 1832-1837 - no Duncan, McBride, Modisett
Screven Co. GA Ordinary Court Minutes (FHL film 222,433)
Vol.A2 1811-1829 - no Duncan, McBride, Modesett (MAD: see Jones Co. GA 1836 Deed P-515, Elizabeth McBride to grandsons)
Vol.C 1829-1850 - no index
Screven Co. GA Court of Ordinary, Wills
Vol.1, 1810-1929 - no Duncan or John McBride (FHL film 222,431)
Vol.2B, 1810-1875 - no Duncan (FHL film 222,432)
Vol. 1839-1902 - no Duncan (FHL film 222,432)
Screven Co. GA Inferior Court Minutes (FHL film 222,434)
Vol.A3 1828-1859 - no Duncan, McBride, Modesett
Vol.D 1850-1868 - no Duncan
Screven Co. GA Court of Ordinary, Estray records 1816-1849 vol.A; incl. index (FHL film 222,466 item 2)
No Duncan
Jones Co. GA Deed (FHL film 470,018)
P-515 (3rd): 28 Dec. 1836 (1836 in numbers, "thirty" written without a "six"), Elizabeth McBride for love of Thomas Jefferson Duncan and Henry R. Duncan, all my interest as widow of John McBride decd. in 3 lots, viz, one in Dooly Co. #42 in 16th Dist., one in Screven Co. known as Screven City, and one in Baldwin Co. known as #33 adj. D.B. Hill, M. Cone and others; wit. R.J. France, P.P. Jarrette; rec. Dec. 20, 1837. (indexed dates 12/28/1836, rec. 12/20/1837)
Wilkinson Co. GA Land Lottery Grants; Surveyor General's Office; Districts 1-28 index 1807-1828 (index on FHL film 514,017)
MAD: Grants are by district, then by lot number, and show name of drawer, residence, and date of grant; did not look at all districts
Districts 24-28 (FHL film 511,995)
25th Dist., lot 43, granted Elizabeth Duncan (widow) of Williamson's Dist., Screven Co., 24 April 1809 (MAD: 1807 Lottery; Dist. 25 was later Twiggs Co.)
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