Duncan research files of |
1820 Putnam Co. GA Census Pg. 97 William Sanders 000100 - 00000 (MAD: one William Sanders b.1798 SC of Putnam Co. GA mar. 12/15/1835 Elizabeth Jenkins of Greene Co. GA) 107 Benjamin Duncan 000100 - 00000 Joseph Duncan 000100 - 00000 William Sanders 100100 - 00100 108 Mathew Duncan 020001 - 01101 James Jenkins 010010 - 10100 (MAD: one James Jenkins mar. Betsy Duncan 7/5/1810 Greene Co. GA)
1830-1870 Putnam Co. GA Census
No Duncan indexed
Putnam Co. GA Will Records, Vol.A-C, 1808-1888 (FHL film 394,045)
B-5a&b: Will of Mathew Duncan of Putnam Co. GA, infirm in health, 27 Oct. 1822; to my wife Sarah G. Duncan all my landed property for life provided she maintain & educate my children who are yet minors, to wit, Thomas N., Harrul, & Walker Duncan till they are of lawful age to act for themselves, & provided also that she remain in an unmarried state; I also give my wife Sarah G. Duncan the use of all my stock of horses & cattle & farming utensils for her use in cultivating the plantation; after the death of my wife I give to my sons Joseph, Benjamin, Thomas N. & Walker Duncan (MAD: Harrold not mentioned here) all of my landed estate to be equally divided among them subject however to the maintainance & education of my infant and minor children should the death of my wife occur during either of their monage?; to my grandson Mathew Ector $200 to remain in the hands of my executors at lawful interest till my grandson Mathew Ector shall arrive at lawful age, but should he die before he arrives at lawful age, the $200 & interest shall be equally divided among my lawful heirs; after the death of my wife or after her marriage to another man, I give my aforementioned sons all my stock of horses, cattle &c together with their increase & farming utensils; all my property not reserved above I give to my wife & children to be equally divided among them, with the exception of Dolly Ector she having already received a just proportion; I appoint my sons Joseph and Benjamin as execs; wit. Robert Jenkins, Spencer Hurt, Silas Meachu; rec. 13 Jan. 1823 by Robert Jenkens and Spencer Hurt. (MAD: extracted by others as Sally Ector)
(MAD: Mathew Duncan mar. Sarah G. Napier 6/14/1793; Hugh W. Ector mar. Dorothy Duncan 12/5/1819; Isaac Newell mar. Permulia Duncan 3/6/1827, of 1850 Baldwin Co. GA census; some children to Meriwether Co. GA)
(MAD: one Henry Duncan mar. Sarah Jarold 2/17/1824; see Baldwin Co. GA)
Putnam Co. GA Estate Records 1800-1928; general index 1808-1940 (FHL film 394,014; index page 46D)
Case #90D, DUNCAN, Matthew (deceased),
Exec/admin: Joseph, Benjamin Duncan (Nominated Executors);
10-22-1822, Will, Will Book B pg.5 & 5A;
1-13-1823, Probate in Common Form, Will Book B pg.5A and Minute Book B pg.73;
Exec/admin: Joseph Duncan (Executor);
1-13-1823, Order: Letters Testamentary, Minute Book AA pg.73
1-13-1823, Inv. and Apprt.: Appt. Appraisers, Minute Book AA pg.73
5-2-1823, Appraisement, Appr. Book C pg.151
Case #91D, DUNCAN, "Benjamin (?)" (deceased),
Exec/admin: Joseph Duncan (Administrator);
11-7-1826, Order: Letters Administration, Minute Book AA pg.189
11-7-1826, Bond: Administration, $2,500, Minute Book AA pg.189
11-7-1826, Inv. and Apprt.: List of Appraisers, Minute Book AA pg.189
Putnam Co. GA Estate records, Dodwell - Edmondson, 1800-1928 (FHL film 1,832,391)
Frame 720: Duncan, Benjamin, minor, deceased, 1826; Case #91-D (nothing else)
Frame 724: Duncan, Matthew, 1823, Case #90D. Original will, proven in court 13 Jan. 1823, rec. Book B, folio 5 (MAD: we have from will book, not copied) Frame 731: Appraisal and inventory of slaves produced by Joseph Duncan, exec., 2 May 1823, recorded Book C, folio 86. (MAD: no other documents; inventory not copied)
Putnam Co. GA Annual returns, Vol.A-C, 1808-1833 (FHL film 394,041)
Vol.A, 1808-1820 - no Duncan
Vol.B, 1820-1825 - no Duncan
Vol.C, 1825-1833 - not looked at
Putnam Co. GA Index to Guardianships (FHL film 1,851,886 item 2)
No Duncan
GA Land Lotteries; Putnam Co. GA
Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
Duncan, Benjamin, 1820, of H. Kendricks Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #336 in Dist.7, Appling Co. (MAD: later Clinch or Coffee Co.)
Duncan, Joseph, 1820, of H. Kindricks Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #14 in Dist.18, Early Co. (MAD: later Thomas Co.)
Duncan, Mathew, 1821, of Leggetts Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #182 in Sec.14, Dooly Co.
Duncan, Mathew, 1821, of Leggetts Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #80 in Sec.7, Dooly Co.
GA Land Lottery grants, 1820-1904; index of names of fortunate drawers, 1820 (FHL film 514,012 item 4)
Dist.18, Lot 14, to Joseph Duncan of H. Kindricks Dist., Putnam Co., granted 30 Aug. 1841.
Putnam Co. GA Deeds; general index 1806-1877 (FHL film 400,934)
Book 1, 1806-1832 (to Book N)
L-319: 25 Dec. 1826, W. Duncan et al to N. Childers, 415a
L-317: 29 Aug. 1817, W. Abercrombie to Mathew Duncan, 415a, 96-110&c
Book 2, 1831-1877 - no Duncan
Putnam Co. GA Deeds
L-317: 29 Aug. 1817, Wilie Abercrombie of Putnam Co. GA to Mathew Duncan of Columbia Co. GA, $6000, several tracts; lot #111 in 2nd Dist. old Baldwin now Putnam Co. drawn by John Fitzgerald of Elbert Co. containing 202-1/2 acres on Cedar Creek; also 43 acres adj. former, being part of lot #112 in same county and district purchased of Robt. Jenkins; also a part of lot #98 in same county and district containing 39 acres in E. corner adj. N by Robert Jenkins and W by Leonard Abercrombie; and part of lot #97 (MAD: acres not given but should be about 100 acres) in same county and district beg. at E corner of said lots running to Cedar Creek, dividing line of lots #97 and #98 at a brick yard; also 30 acres part of lots #96 and #110 in same county and district beg. at E corner of lot #97, it is understood that Abercrombie reserves for use of Edmund Low the perpetual privilege and exemption from suit if the land is overflowed by Edmund Low if he erects a mill dam across Cedar Creek; the whole containing about 415 acres; wit. W. Roberts, Joseph Duncan. (FHL film 400,939)
L-319: Putnam Co. GA, 25 Dec. 1826, Joseph Duncan, Thomas N. Duncan and Walker Duncan to Nicholas Childer, all afsd, $3000, 415 acres on waters of Cedar Creek adj. Robert Jenkins, Spencer Hurt and Edmund Lowe (Lon?), being the same land owned by Wiley Abercrombie who conveyed to Mathew Duncan by deed 29 Aug. 1817, the same rights re Edmund Low are in like manner extended to Low; wit. William Williams, Waid Hill JIC. (FHL film 400,939)
Early Co. GA Land Lottery Grants; Dist. 17-26 (FHL film 519,020)
(from name index, not copied) Dist.18, Grant 30 Aug. 1841 to Joseph Duncan of H. Kindricks Dist., Putnam Co., Lot 14
Upson Co. GA Deeds
A-394: 26 Jan. 1826, Nicholas Childers of Putnam Co. to Joseph Duncan and Benjamin Duncan, exec. of estate of Mathew Duncan decd., "for and in consideration of and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, bargained and sold" to the said executors land in 11th dist. of Monroe when surveyed now Upson Co., lot 542. Wit. H.W. Ector, Robert Jenkins. (FHL film 282,802)
C-398: Meriwether Co. 7 Oct. 1836, Joseph Duncan exec. of Matthew Duncan late of Putnam Co. decd, to Thomas W. Riviere, for $400, land now in Upson Co., lot 242 (written in words 142) in 11th Dist. orig. Monroe Co., 202-1/2 acres. Wit. R.E.S. Ragland, W.B. Ector JP (FHL film 282,803)
JAMES DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-37901, PA, NC, GA (MS) (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Applied 19 Nov. 1827, age 74-5? in Feb. 1827, in Baldwin Co. GA; enlisted in 1776 for 2 years at Pittsburg [Allegheny Co.] (PA) under Capt. Andrew Waggoner, Col. James Wood; witnesses Benjamin Gilbert of Putnam Co. GA who served with James, Wm. Y?. Hansell of GA.
Statement of James Duncan, son of James, 22 Jan. 1850; that James Sr. lived in Baldwin Co. GA 4-5 years before his death, before that he lived in NC; James Sr. d. 17 Feb. 1834 in Baldwin Co. GA, leaving no widow and only 4 children heard of in 4-5 years: James, John, Jane Harris, Edy Neely. Eady Nealy of Jasper Co. MS on 16 June 1851; John Duncan and Jane Harris of Pontotoc Co. MS on 26 July 1852; James Duncan Jr. still living 26 July 1852.
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