Duncan research files of |
"The Colonial Records of State of GA, 1732-1784" by Allen Candler, 28 vols. (FHL book 975.8 N2g)
MAD: every-name index began with vol. 4; records of Governor & Council, House of Assembly, correspondence, etc. Vol.10 from Manuscripts in British Public Record Office, London, except minutes from Feb. 7, 1769, to July 4, 1769, which are from State Archives.
Vol.10, Proceedings and Minutes of the Governor and Council Jan. 6, 1767 to Dec. 5, 1769, pg.598: 6 Sept. 1768, Governor and Council read a petition of John Dunkin setting forth that he had been ten years in the Province had had no land granted him and was desirous to obtain Land for cultivation having a wife and two children, therefore praying for 250 acres upon the South Branch of Turtle River near or to adjoin land there ordered John William and Jane Carney. RESOLVED that on Condition only that the petitioner take out a grant for the said land within seven months from this date and that he also register the said grant in the Register's Office of the Province within six months from the date thereof that his Majesty may not be defrauded of his quit rents the prayer of the petition is granted.
Pg.696-8: At a Council held in the Council Chamber at Savannah on Monday 20 Feb. 1769, ... on reading a petition of (5 men, Esq.) appointed to execute an act of the last General Assembly for settling a Township on the branches of Great Ogechee River upon lands some time since reserved for that purpose, it is ORDERED that the following tracts, out of the said reserve, be surveyed and laid out to the several persons hereunder mentioned, and that the Surveyer General issue his Precept for that purposes, and that Grants do pass to them for their tracts ... To ... Robert Dunkan, 100 acres ...
Pg.809: 4 July 1769, Read a petition of John Dunkin setting forth that some time ago he had ordered [to] him 250 acres of land upon a branch of Turtle River to adjoin land then ordered Arthur Carney, and wereat for surveying whereof by mistake mentioned 550 acres, therefore praying for 250 acres at the same place to be laid out in an oblong for the conveniency of a small creek for a mill. RESOLVED that on Condition only that the petitioner take out a grant for the said land within seven months from this date and that he also register the said grant in the Register's Office of the Province within six months from the date thereof that his Majesty may not be defrauded of his quit rents the prayer of the petition is granted.
Pg.910: 3 Oct. 1769, His Excellency the Governor signed the following Grants, viz, To ... William Dunkan, 600 acres in St. David's Parish ...
Vol.11, Proceedings and Minutes of the Governor and Council April 3, 1770 to July 13, 1771, pg.193: 4 Dec. 1770, Read a petition of John Duncan setting forth that he ordered him 250 acres of land upon the South Branch of Turtle River to adjoin land heretofore ordered John William and Jane Carney but upon a survey thereof it was found not to be convenience, therefore praying that the said tract might be run in an oblong the Swamp being narrow. RESOLVED that on Condition the petitioner take out a grant for the said land within seven months from this date and that he also register the grant in the Register's Office of the Province within six months from the date thereof that his Majesty may not be defrauded of his quit rents the prayer of the petition is granted, Observing the order of Council in respect to oblong lands. (MAD: see Glynn Co. GA)
Pg.431-2: 1 July 1771, ... The following lots were ordered to be laid out and granted to the persons whose Names will be hereafter mentioned. His Excellency the Governour signed the following grants, viz, to ... John Duncan 250 acres in St.Patrick's Parish.
Vol.12, Proceedings and Minutes of the Governor and Council Aug. 6, 1771 to Feb. 13, 1782, pg.169: 7 Jan. 1772, Read a petition of John Dunkin setting forth that he had been some time in the Province, had a wife and three children but never had any land granted him and being desirous of obtaining land for cultivation therefore praying for 300 acres of land in Wrightsborough Township. RESOLVED that on condition &c the prayer of the said petition is granted. (MAD: see St.Paul Parish GA)
GA Colonial Conveyances
CC-1 p.122 to 124: 2 Dec. 1773, Arthur Carney of St. David Parish, GA, planter, and Elizabeth his wife, to James Butler of St. Patrick Parish, GA, planter; whereas John Duncan of St. Patrick Parish, cooper, and Catharine his wife have by lease and release dated 1 and 2 Jan. 1772, for a certain consideration, sold to said Arthur Carney 250 acres in St.Patrick Parish on a branch of Turtle River (the south side), bounded southwest by land of John William and Jane Carney and all other sides by vacant land; now this indenture from Arthur Carney and his wife Elizabeth to James Butler lease for 5 sh. sterling to said John Butler all that tract of land above mentioned containing 250 acres in the Parish of St. Patrick, GA, bounded southwest by John William and Jane Carney, and all other sides vacant. Wit. Andw. Cunningham, Robert Andrew. Release by Arthur Carney and wife Elizabeth Carney to James Butler, 3 Dec. 1773 for £60 sterling, of the above land, being a grant by George III by Letters Patent 2 July 1771 to said John Duncan, recorded in Book I folio 360 and audited in the Auditors office of GA in Book A, folio 696. Wit. Andw. Cunningham, Robert Andrew. Witnesses gave oath, 21 July 1774; recorded 18 Aug. 1774. (FHL film 158,989; extracted by Roy Hall)
CC-2 p.660 to 661: 2 Oct. 1775, John Watson, of St. Paul Parish, Wrightsborough Twp, GA, to Jacob Watson of same; that John Watson by virtue of a power of attorney given him by John Dunkin on 18 Aug 1772, recorded in the County Office of Savannah in Book Y, folio 333 & 334 on 3 Nov. 1774, by virtue of which John Watson hereby grants to said Jacob Watson, 300 acres more or less in said township & parish on the waters of the South Fork of Misslen's(?) (Replen's?) Creek, originally granted by George III to John Dunkin on 7 June 1774; wit. Tho. Watson, John Fell. (MAD: no consideration or money stated) (FHL film 158,989; extracted by Roy Hall)
BBB p.64: 4 July 1761, Danl. Nunes of Christ Church Parish, GA, to William Roche of Savannah, GA, £5, one garden lott #47 in Township of Savanah.
23 March 1781, Wm. Roche assigned 5 acre garden lott to David Murdock. Proved 28 Aug. 1783 by David Duncan who saw Wm. Roche sign the transfer. (FHL film 158,995)
BBB-255: 8 Jan. 1784, David Duncan of Liberty Co. GA, merchant, to Gabriel Leaver? (Leavee?), cabinet maker of town of Savannah, for 5 sh., lot 6 in Heath Cock Tything Dickans Ward, 60 feet in front and 90 feet deep, (lease) for 6 months. Wit. Ja. Whitefield Jr., Martha Whitefield. (FHL film 158,995) (MAD: Chatham Co. GA)
BBB-256: 29 Jan. 1784, David Duncan of Liberty Co. GA, merchant, and wife Martha, to Gabriel Leaver of town of Savannah, cabinet maker, release for 100 guinneas, lot 6 in Savannah that David Duncan lately purchased from James Martin of Richmond Co., plantor. Wit. Ja. Whitefield Jr., Martha Whitefield. (FHL film 158,995)
GA Land Grants
I-360: 2 July 1771, to John Duncan, 250 acres in Parish of St.Patrick, bounded on SW by land of John Williams and Jam (sic) Carny, all other sides vacant; reg. 11 July 1771. (FHL film 465,077)
I-1037: 7 June 1774, to John Dunkin, 300 acres in Wrightsborough Twp, Parish of St. Paul, bounded on all sides by vacant land; reg. 7 July 1774. (FHL film 465,077)
G3-103: 22 Feb. 1785, to Mathew Dunkin, 460 acres in Washington Co., bounded on E by Campbell's land, S by Anderson's land, W by Oconee River, N by Sanders land; on bounty. (later Columbia Co.) (FHL film 465,080)
H3-685: 12 October 1785, to Samuel Duncan, 250 acres in Wilkes Co. bounded E by Nathaniel Bullock's land, W by William F.lards? land, N by John Robinsetts land, S by vacant land. (FHL film 465,081)
H3-776: 7 Jan. 1786, to James Duncan, 460 acres in Washington Co., bounded SW and SE by unknown lands, other sides vacant; on bounty. (FHL film 465,081)
H3-780: 7 Jan. 1786, to David Duncan, 460 acres in Washington Co., bounded on S & NW by unknown, all other sides vacant; on bounty. (later Glynn Co.) (FHL film 465,081)
I3-355: 13 Dec. 1785, to Miles Duncan, 180 acres in Washington Co. bounded S by Richland Creek and John Ogletrees land, the other sides by vacant land. (FHL film 465,081)
I3-465: 22 Feb. 1786, to Henry Duncan, 200 acres in Wilkes Co., bounded NE by John Ribines and vacant land, SE by vacant land, all other sides by surveyed land. (FHL film 465,081)
K3-292: 20 July 1786, to David Duncan, 200 acres in Glynn Co., bounded NE by William Graves, SW by vacant land, other sides by said David Duncans land. (FHL film 465,083)
K3-293: 20 July 1786, to David Duncan, 185 acres in Glynn Co., bounded NE by David Duncans land and all other sides by marshes and Buffaloe River. (FHL film 465,083)
K3-304: 20 July 1786, to David Duncan, 500 acres in Glynn Co., bounded NE by William Graves, SW by vacant land, all other sides by D. Duncans land. (FHL film 465,083)
K3-306: 20 July 1786, to David Duncan, 200 acres in Glynn Co., bounded SE by William Graves, NW by Samuel West, all other sides by said David Duncan. (FHL film 465,083)
K3-307: 20 July 1786, to David Duncan, 550 acres in Glynn Co., bounded SE by David Duncans land, NE by William Graves, all other sides vacant; on bounty. (FHL film 465,083)
N3-278: 26 April 1787, to heirs of Joseph Duncan, 575 acres in Washington Co., bounded N by James Hudsons and unknown lands, other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,085)
N3-220: 26 April 1787, to Samuel Duncan, 200 acres in Wilkes Co., bounded E by James Hannah and Perry's land, other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,085)
R3-129: 13 Jan. 1789, to David Duncan, 400 acres in Wilkes Co., bounded SE by Robertsons land, NE by Bennetts & Fletchers land, NW by Fletcher and Liverett, SW by Davidson and Tonsend (sic). (FHL film 465,089)
S3-102: 17 April 1789, to Samuel Duncan, 450 acres in Burke Co., bounded NE by Jenkins, NW by Duncans and vacant land, SW by Wyches and vacant land, and SE by Boazman's land. (FHL film 465,089)
T3-698: 12 July 1790, to Andrew Duncan, 100 acres in Burke Co., bounded S by John Knowblack's land, all other sides by vacant land. (FHL film 465,090)
V3-197: 21 Dec. 1791, to Henry Dunkon, 200 acres in Franklin Co., bounded E by Christopher Clarks land, all other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,092)
W4-143: 20 Jan. 1796, to Pierson Duncan, 105-1/2 acres in Elbert Co., bounded SE and NE by Henry Duncan, other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,109)
W4-144: 20 Jan. 1796, to Henry Duncan, 250 acres in Elbert Co., bounded E by Tompletons? land, NW by surveyed land, other sides by Hunts, Duncans and vacant land. (FHL film 465,109)
B5-84: 13 Jan. 1799, to John Duncan (also spelled Dunkin), 197-1/2 acres in Elbert Co., bounded NE by Henry Dunkins land, NW by surveyed land, all other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,112)
D5-71: 12 Feb. 1801, to William Duncan, 50 acres in Oglethorpe Co., bounded NE by William Lanceford, E by Coplain, SW by Orgain and Paton. (FHL film 465,113)
D5-72: 12 Feb. 1801, to William Duncan, 150 acres in Jackson Co., bounded NE by north fork of Oconee River, NW by Ganons land, E by Garrett, SW by Ignatious Few. (FHL film 465,113)
E5-371: 26 April 1803, to heirs of Jean Duncan, 400 acres in Franklin Co., bounded NW by Taylors Creek, SW by Daniel Easley, SE by surveyed land, Peter Terrells and Bedford Browns land. (did not say his or her for Jean Duncan) (FHL film 465,113)
E5-578: 29 Nov. 1803, to Mathew Duncan, 76 acres in Columbia Co., bounded E by Horns land, SW by Jones, NW by Lindseys and Kelleys land, NE by Mathew Duncan's land. (FHL film 465,113)
K5-338: 5 Dec. 1815, to Thomas Dunkin, 200 acres in Washington Co., bounded SE by said Dunkins land, all other sides vacant. (FHL film 465,116)
K5-441: 11 Jan. 1816, to Pearson Dunkin, 36 acres in Elbert Co., bounded NE by Overboyd (Overbay?) land, NW by Roberts land, SE by land of the heirs of Robert Brown, and SW by Dunkins land. (FHL film 465,116)
O5-249: 9 Jan. 1820, to Moses Duncan, 87 acres in Elbert Co., bounded NE by Moses Duncans land, NW by Wm. Harbins land, SE by Henry Duncans land, W by Thomas Renjan?. (FHL film 465,118)
Q5-298: 11 Dec. 1830, to Peter Dunkin, 492 acres in Jackson Co., bounded by Hightower, Vaughn and unknown lands. (FHL film 465,119)
W5-229: 30 May 1848, to James Duncan, 971-5/10 acres in Emanuel Co., bounded by four lines of Ephraim Phillips, one line of Fort and W.M. Mason and one line by Robt. H. Freeman. (FHL film 465,126)
GA Surveyor General's records, headright surveys; index A-M (FHL film 465,015)
A-179: Miles Duncan, Wilkes Co., 600a, 1784
F-96: Mathew Duncan, Washington Co., 460a Oconee River, 1784
F-105 (2nd): Miles Duncan, Washington Co., 180a Richland Creek, 1785
F-108: David Duncan, Washington Co., 460a Oconee River, 1785
F-108: James Duncan, Washington Co., 460a Sugar Creek, 1785
G-127: Miles Duncan, Wilkes Co., 600a Kettle Creek, 1784
G-135: Samuel Duncan, Wilkes Co., 250a Little River, 1785
G-140: Henry Duncan, Wilkes Co., 200a Broad River, 1785
K-126: Samuel Duncan, Wilkes Co., 200a Hardemans Creek, 1787
L-307: David Duncan, Glynn Co., 550a, 1785
L-307 (2nd): David Duncan, Glynn Co., 2000a, 1785
L-308: David Duncan, Glynn Co., 200a, 1785
L-308 (2nd): David Duncan, Glynn Co., 500a, 1785
L-309: David Duncan, Glynn Co., 185a Buffaloe River, 1785
O-32: Joseph Duncan, Heirs of, Washington Co., 575a Deep Creek, 1785
Q-74: David Duncan, Wilkes Co., 400a, 1786
R-184: Henry Duncan, Franklin Co., 200a Littles Creek, 1785
S-49: Andrew Duncan, Burke Co., 100a, 1787
S-51: Samuel Duncan, Burke Co., 450a, 1786
BB-182: Henry Duncan, Elbert Co., 250a Beaverdam Creek, 1794
BB-183: Pierson Duncan, Elbert Co., 105-1/2a Beaverdam Creek, 1794
CC-9: Jane Duncan (Heirs of), Franklin Co., 400a Broad River, 1790
CC-137: John Duncan, Elbert Co., 197-1/2a Beaverdam, 1797
DD-83: William Duncan, Jackson Co., 150a Oconee River, 1800
DD-446: Mathew Duncan, Columbia Co., 76a, 1800
DD-542: William Duncan, Oglethorpe Co., 50a, 1799
XX-25: Pierson Duncan, Elbert Co., 36a, 1809
XX-134: Thomas Duncan, Washington Co., 200a, 1813
YY-207: Moses Duncan, Elbert Co., 87a Beaverdam Creek, 1813
H4-442: Peter Duncan, Jackson Co., 492a, 1829
AC-581: James Duncan, Emanuel Co., 971-1/2a, 1836
Looked to ca 1852, Book AH, quit
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