Duncan research files of |
1820 Jasper Co. GA Census Monticello Pg.226 James Duncan 200120 - 41010 (MAD: mar. Sarah Lumsden or Sally Sinsdel 7/22/1805 or 7/2/1804 Greene Co. GA) 1830 Jasper Co. GA Census Pg.396 James Duncan 2111,002 - 2121,01 1840 Jasper Co. GA Census Davidson's 290th District Pg. 78 William Tucker 0220,0001 - 0002,0001 (MAD: looking for William Tucker mar. Elizabeth Duncan 8/22/1833, she said to be born 12/23/1806, d. 12/6/1866) Digbys District Pg. 81 James Duncan 0121,0000,1 - 0002,1001 (MAD: 1850 Russell Co. AL census) 1850-1870 Jasper Co. GA Census No Duncan indexed
Jasper Co. GA original marriages 1808-1869 (FHL film 158,442)
Duncan, Jesse W. to Hardy, Permelia, 19 Jan. 1832, Book 1821-1835, pg.143 (MAD: indexed and written in marriage register as Jesse W. Duncan, not Jesse M. Duncan as given in the Bible record)
Jasper Co. GA Docket & gen. index to proceedings of estates, 1812-1941, Court of Ordinary, Book A (FHL film 158,445)
Duncan, Thomas decd; James Duncan exec. Will Feb. 24, 1840, Book 12, pg. 531, 536
Jasper Co. GA Wills (FHL film 158,451)
12-531: 24 Feb. 1840, Thomas Duncan "knowing that I must shortly die"; negroes to be sold; exec. brother James Duncan; remainder to be equally divided between brother James Duncan and sister Rebecar Swan. Wit. Ephraim E. Tiller, Zach. Williams, Rebecca Duncan. Probated 14 July 1840. (Per NRR pg. 108: Thomas's brother James m. Sarah Lumsden in Greene Co. GA; see Russell Co. AL Bible Record)
12-536: 9 June 1843, received of James Duncan, exec. of Thomas Duncan decd, in full all my part of sd. estate. /s/ Harry Swan.
Estate purchasers incl. James A. Duncan, James Duncan, and others.
Jasper Co. GA Wills, appraisements etc. (FHL film 158,447)
C-71: Randolph Co. GA, June 17, 1812, will of Alexander Ramsay of afsd, weak in body; debts be paid, remaining part be divided between my sisters Mary, Margaret and Elizabeth Ramsay and my brothers Henry Givens and James Harvey Ramsay, except $1 to each of my other brothers, to wit, John, George and Thos. Ramsay; the above property after payment of my debts to be for the use of my father and mother during their life; appoint my brother Henry G. Ramsay my executor; wit. Matthew Duncan, Elizabeth (X) Duncan. (no proved date) (MAD: Matthew Duncan, not Matthew Lemken as extracted by others from Ordinary Court Minutes & Wills, Vol.1 pg.4, proved in Court Nov. 1812)
C-72: Inventory and appraisement of estate of Alexander Ramsay decd, by Lab.? Loughridge, Matthew Duncan, John Brown, 18 Nov. 1812.
Jasper Co. GA Returns of Estates 1809-1905 (FHL film 158,460)
Index 1809-1894 - in order by date instead of name, looked to pg.209 in 1828, no Duncan
Jasper Co. GA Court of Ordinary Wills, Appraisements, Sale Bills, Returns (FHL film 158,446)
Vol.1, 1812-1824 - no index
Vol.A, 1823-1832 - no index
Vol.B, 1845-1851, 1852-1859 - no Duncan
Vol.C, 1859-1872 - no Duncan
Jasper Co. GA Court of Ordinary Minutes & Wills (FHL film 158,454)
Vol.1, 1812-1823 - no index
Vol.A, 1823-1838 - no index
Vol.B, 1845-1859 - no index
GA Land Lotteries; Jasper Co. GA
Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
Duncan, Thomas, 1820, of Northcuts Dist., Jasper Co., drew lot #131 in Dist.2, Habersham Co. (MAD: later White Co.)
Duncan, Thomas, 1832, of Williams Militia Dist., Jasper Co., drew gold lot #632 in Dist.15, sec.2, Cherokee Purchase (MAD: later Cherokee Co.)
Jasper Co. GA Deeds (Index 1808-1835, FHL film 158,490; 1837-1938 direct on FHL film 158,491, and reverse on FHL film 158,492)
3-393: 26 Jan. 1811, Mathew Duncan of Randolph Co. GA to Moses Brooks, $125, 32-1/4 acres, part of lot 145 in 18th Dist., Baldwin now Randolph Co., on waters of the Alcossahatche, granted to Mathew Duncan. Wit. Lewis McLean, Janes? (X) Brooks. (FHL film 158,494) (MAD: Matthew Duncan a grand juror and a petit juror in old Randolph now Jasper Co. GA 1808; from pgs.39-40, "Historical Collections of the GA Chapters, DAR" Vol.I, 1926; FHC book 975.8 H352d)
4-104: 22 Feb. 1811, Mathew Dunkin and Jesse Evans to Radford Ellis, all Randolph Co. GA, $400, 202-1/2 acres, lot 126 bounded by lots 121, 125, 141, 127, drawn in the late lottery by William Reeves of Pinkston's districk of Hankock Co. Wit. Richard Echols, James Stanley. (FHL film 158,494) (MAD: see 1801 Greene Co. GA Tax List, Mathew Duncan in Jesse Evans' Dist.)
7-102: 23 Nov. 1815, Writ of firi facias in Superior Court, Randolph now Jasper Co., Harmon Runnel, Peter Randolph and Robert McGowen plaintiffs vs. Mathew Duncan and Jesse Evans defendants, to seize 3 surveys to sell; sold Sept. 1815 to Stokely Morgan, the highest bidder, $20, lots 141, 142 and 144 in 18th Dist. of Baldwin now Jasper Co., 260a. (FHL film 158,496)
7-235: 27 Jan. 1815, George Rogers to James Duncan, both Jasper Co. GA, $325, 1/2 lot 134 in 18th Dist., formerly Baldwin now Jasper Co., the half adj. the widow Gilcaty's land. Wit. Zachariah Faulkner, James Woodruff, David McCray?. (FHL film 158,496)
B-90: 31 Dec. 1818, writ out of treasury office, Baldwin Co. GA, in favor of the State of GA against Jesse Evans and his security Mathew Duncan, John Evans, Stokeley Morgan and Allen McClendon; sheriff seized land and sold in 2 Sept. 1817, Stokeley Morgan was the highest bidder, $300, lot 145 of 197-1/2 acres and lot 144 of 37 acres in 18th Dist. on Alcocea River. (FHL film 158,498) (MAD: ?? Butts Co. GA Equity Court Records 1836-1843, pg.35-37, Estate of Allen McClendon, recorded 1/30/1837, included a payment to James Duncan among many others)
C-481: 16 Dec. 1840, James (X) Duncan to James C. Bartlett, both Jasper Co. GA, mortgage, $1,054.65, due by 25 Dec. 1841, land whereon said James Duncan now lives, 202-1/2 acres, lot 134 in 18th Dist., and 50 acres, the north part of lot 152, and 50 acres, number not known, adj. Enoch (no 2nd name), and 120 acres of lot 146 in 18th Dist. Wit. William P. Hardy, Robert Price. (FHL film 158,500)
D-268: 21 April 1845, James (X) Duncan of Russell Co. AL to Martin Faulkner of Jasper Co. GA, $300, 101-1/4 acres, NW 1/2 lot 152, known as the Gilcoat lot, adj. lands of said James Duncan & Martin Faulkner and others. Wit. Ephraim E. Teller, Abba Benton, William P. Hardy. Rec. on oath of Hardy. (FHL film 158,501)
D-380: 26 Oct. 1847, James (X) Duncan of State of AL to John A. Steele, $500, lot 130 in 18th Dist. and 50 acres in northern part of lot 15, 16th Dist., adj. Tiller, Steele & Duncan. Wit. Wm. O. Edmondson, Leroy M. Willson JP. (FHL film 158,501)
Only late grantees, not copied
Jasper Co. GA Superior Court Declarations
Declarations 1807-1811 - no index (FHL film 158,478)
Book P 1811-1815 - no index
Book D, 1812-1817 - index at back, no Duncan (FHL film 158,479)
Book I 1817-1820 - no Duncan
Campbell Co. GA Deeds (FHL film 401,778)
C-72: 18 Dec. 1835, Michael A. Roberts of Campbell Co. to James H. Roberts of Jasper Co., for $100, 202-1/2 acre lot #57 in 7th Dist. in Campbell Co. granted Michael A. Roberts; wit. Jas. M. Flues, B.W. Evans.
C-73: Jasper Co. GA. 10 April 1837, James H. Roberts of afsd. to John Malcomb of Walton Co., for $300, 202.5 acres, lot #57, Dist.7, Campbell Co. GA, granted to Micheal A. Roberts; wit. James A. Duncan, Isaac Williams, J.P.
Habersham Co. GA Deed (FHL film 382,556)
M-102: Jasper Co. GA, 5 Dec. 1827, Thomas Duncan of afsd to James Bryan, (no locality), $100, lot #131 of 250 acres in 2nd Dist. of Habersham Co.; wit. E.W. Lane, Thos. Wilson JP; rec. 10/3/1832.
Lee Co. GA Land Lottery Index, 1827; by District, Section & Lot (FHL film 514,014)
19th Dist., 1st Sec., #155, granted James Duncan of Wilson's Dist., Jasper Co., 5 June 1839
22nd Dist., 1st Sec., #169, granted James Duncan, Sol, of Post's Dist., Jasper Co., 5 Sept. 1837
Stewart Co. GA Deed (FHL film 424,309)
H-622: Jasper Co. GA, 17 Sept. 1837, James Duncan (X) of afsd to Josiah J. Evans of Muscogee Co. GA, $300, lot #169 of 202-1/2 acres in 22nd Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. James A. Duncan and ... (illeg) JP.
Russell Co. AL Inventories, Appraisements & Sales; Vol.F, 1850-1858 (FHL film 1,845,961 item 2)
Pg.64: Heirs of James Duncan decd: Sarah Duncan widow feme sole of full age; Elizabeth Tucker feme sole of full age; Jesse W. Duncan of full age; Rebecca Webster feme covert of full age and wife of William Webster; James A. Duncan of full age; Mary Ann Rhodes a feme covert of full age and wife of Charles T. Rhodes; Jeremiah A. Duncan of full age; Jno. L/S. Duncan a minor; all of whom reside in Russell Co. AL; and Mariah Hardy feme covert of full age and wife of Wm. P. Hardy, resides in Jasper Co. GA; and Elmina Swan feme covert of full age and wife of Lee Swan, resides in Dallas Co. AL; and Phebe Barnett feme covert of full age and wife of Jno. L. Barnett, resides in Butts Co. GA; and Thomas M. Duncan of full age; and Robert T. Duncan of full age, who resides in California. /s/ Bryant Duncan, Admin. of James Duncan decd, 25 Feb. 1852. (MAD: Robert T. Duncan in 1860 El Dorado Co. CA as R.F. Duncan, 1880 Santa Clara Co. CA, never married)
National Archives Mexican War Pension Application (extract from Edgar C. Smith 7/1995 from trip to National Archives)
ROBERT T. DUNCAN, Mexican War Pension File # SA-17070. Filed October 19, 1887. Stated that his residence was Gilroy, Santa Clara County, but he went into the veterans Home at Yountville, Napa County, that year because he was ill. He died there January 8, 1888. "No one appeared to complete the claim", so it was rejected (no payments). Apparently he had no known heirs; stated that he had never married. He enlisted 1 July 1847 at Columbia, GA, and was discharged 6 July 1848 at Mobile, AL. He served as a Corporal in Capt. William M. Nelson's company of GA volunteers under Lt. Col. Isaac S. Seymour. He had received BLW 40-206-160-47. He was born 4 May 1827 in Jasper Co. GA, and lived in AL and CA after the war. (MAD: listed in Bible records as son of James Duncan and Sarah Lumsden)
1889 "Biographical souvenir of the states of Georgia and Florida : containing biographical sketches of the representative public, and many early settled families in these states" pub. by F.A. Battey (Los Angeles Public Library book R975.8 B615; FHL book 975 D3bg and fiche 6,088,141)
Pg.249-50, Georgia: ALEXANDER B. DUNCAN, M.D., of Leesburg, Ga., was born in Lee County, Ga., February 10, 1849. He is the son of Alexander B. and Ellen A. (Holland) Duncan. Alexander B. was born in Philadelphia, Penn., in about 1812, went to New Orleans when twelve years of age, where he was reared and educated. In about 1830 he moved to Albany, Ga., where he lived for many years but died in Lee County, in 1852. He was a farmer by occupation and one of the pioneer settlers in Dougherty County. The mother of the subject was born in Jasper County, Ga., in about 1823 and died in 1883. She bore her husband two children, viz.: Alexander B. and Mary E.
Alexander B. was reared in Lee County and was educated at Albany and Mercer University. In 1866 he commenced to read medicine ... he commended clerking (1873) in Albany, Ga.; from there in 1876 he went to Leesburg. He remained in Lee County, farming and clerking, until 1878, when he returned to Albany ... January 10, 1877, he was married to Mrs. Addie H. Cooper, widow of W.C.H. Cooper (deceased), of Albany, Ga., and a daughter of Stephen Wright, of Knoxville, Ga. To their union were born five children, viz.: Mary F., George F., Edward, Pleman and Stephen A. His wife died May 28, 1883.
The family records of James Duncan, b. 30 May 1785, mar. 2 July 1804 Sarah Lumsden, b. 20 April 1785, have been given in the following:
"East AL Genealogical Quarterly" 1983-4, pg.137, gives burials in the now destroyed Family Cemetery in Salem, in Russell Co. before the creation of Lee Co. AL, of James Duncan 5/30/1785 - 12/29/1851 and Sarah Lumsden Duncan, 4/20/1785 - 2/11/1860 and many of their children.
"Tap Roots" Vol.5, No.3 (January 1968) and Vol.5, No.4 (April 1868) has Bible Records pertaining to this family.
A typed copy of the Bible Records of Augustus Jones Digby and of James Duncan and his wife Sarah Lumsden Duncan, married 7/2/1804, are also in the AL State Archives 929.3 Hobbs (from Donna Little 1982)
"AL Bible Records" by Jeannette H. Austin, 1987 (FHL fiche 6,100,667 and FHL book 976.1 D2a)
"Historical Collections of the GA Chapters NSDAR" Vol.IV (TN Gen. Society Library #2264 and "Family Bible Records" by GA DAR, Series 1, pg.739, on FHL film 6,976; and Bible Record of William Hardy on pg.1027-1030, FHL film 6,977)
"Jasper Co. GA Cemetery and Bible Records" by [Mrs. O.E.] Lancaster, 1969, has extracts from the Bible Record of James Duncan on pg.183 and of William Hardy on pg.204-205 (Los Angeles Public Library book R975.81 J39La)
"Lumsden Family and Related Lines, Day, Greer, Leonard, Lowe, Richardson, Sanford, Taylor, and Williams" by Virginia K. Preston, 1994, pgs.19-20 (from Martha Jones 8/1995). This source says that James Duncan was born 5/30/1785 Morgan Co. GA, died 12/21/1851 Russell Co. AL, mar. 7/21/1808.
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