Duncan research files of |
1820 Greene Co. GA Census Woodham Pg.208 Mrs. Jane Dunkin 000200 - 02001 1830 Greene Co. GA Census Pg.287 James Jenkins 0000,0000,1 - 0000,001 (MAD: ?? 1820 Putnam Co. GA census) 291 Wm. Duncan 0010,01 - 0 1840 Greene Co. GA Census Pg. 46 Wm. Duncan 2100,01 - 0 47 Wm. Sanders 0010,001 - 0010,0001
1850 Greene Co. GA Census
145th District
Pg.79, #116, John JENKINS 25 SC printer $100
Maria L. 25 GA
John 4, Marian (f) 2, Mary E. 5/12 GA
(MAD: see also 1850 Sumter Co. GA census)
149th District
Pg.85, #190, Martha ONAIL 27 GA (f) (blank) $0
Harriet E. 20, Mary 15 GA
John P. JENKINS 25 VA factory hand
160th District
Pg.117, #684, William SANDERS 52 SC farmer $15,000
Elizabeth 51 GA (MAD: age plainly written)
(MAD: Betsy Duncan mar. 7/5/1810 James Jenkins who d. 1832-1833; Elizabeth Jenkins mar. 12/15/1835 William Sanders, had mar. settlement 1835, had nephew Virgil J. Duncan in 1860 perhaps of 1850 Itawamba Co. MS census)
Pg.117, #685, Thomas L. SANDERS 24 GA farmer $0
Henry HALES 35 GA farmer
Elizabeth THOMPSON 15 GA
Maranda 14, Thornton 12 GA
Lavina 10, Susan 8, Nancy 6 GA
161st District
Pg.126, #812, Wm. P. BOWLES 35 GA farmer $8000
Martha E. 28 GA
James 12, Martha 9 GA
Sarah 8, Amanda 6 GA
Samantha (f) 4, William 1 GA
(MAD: William T. Booles mar. Martha Williams 11/14/1837; Mildred Duncan with William Bowles in 1880 Howard Co. AR census)
160th Dist.
Pg.127, #824, Leonard PEEK 44 VA farmer $300
Sarah 36 GA
Mary 7 GA
Pg.127, #825, Mildred DUNCAN (f) 52 VA -- $150
(MAD: Daniel Duncan mar. Milly Williams 1/16/1844; 1860 Chattooga Co. GA census)
Pg.127, #826, Wm. MONCRIEF 64 NC farmer $4500
Nancy 26 GA
(MAD: see Daniel Duncan estate 1852)
1860 Greene Co. GA Census
No Duncan indexed; one Rachel A. Duncan b.1834 TN mar. Elias Fountain 5/15/1859, 1860 Cherokee Co. GA census, but no Duncan family in Greene Co. GA fits
P.O. Scull Shoals (all places of birth were blank on pg.468)
Pg.468, #129-134, Wm. SANDERS 62 (blank) farmer $18,000-$70,000
Elizabeth 72 (blank)
Luther T. "4" (blank) (occupation blank) $0-$1600
(MAD: Elizabeth Duncan Jenkins mar. William Sanders 12/15/1835)
Pg.468, #130-135, James A.F. JENKINS 47 (blank) farmer $0-$15,000
Frances B. (f) 38 (blank)
Euphelia (f) 15, James T. 7 (blank)
John H. ALLEN 25 (blank) overseer
1870 Greene Co. GA Census
No Duncan indexed
Go to the Greene Co. GA Estate Records
GA Land Lotteries; Greene Co. GA
Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
Duncan, Jane, Widow, 1807, of Jenkins Militia Dist., Greene Co., drew lot #281 in Dist.14, Wilkinson Co. (MAD: Dist.14 was later Dodge Co.)
Duncan, Lovina (Orphans), 1820, of Fosters Dist., Greene Co., drew lot #398 in Dist.19, Early Co. (MAD: later Thomas Co.)
Duncan, Mathew, 1805, of Greene Co., lottery #451, two blank draws (married person)
Duncan, Nathaniel, 1805, of Greene Co., lottery #447, two blank draws (married person)
GA Land Lottery grants, 1820-1904; index of names of fortunate drawers, 1820 (FHL film 514,012 item 4)
Dist.19, Lot 398, to Lovina Duncan's orphans, of Fosters Dist., Greene Co., granted 23 Dec. 1822. (MAD: Early Co. GA, later Thomas Co.)
Greene Co. GA Deeds (Indexes, Vol.A 1785-1840, Vol.B 1840-1889, on FHL film 158,293)
Books A, B, C, D, E, F, M, P, AA (to 1804), CC (1810) - no Duncan (index on FHL film 1,018,450)
1-91: 14 July 1791, John Burford and wife Rhoda of Wilkes Co. GA to Nathan Barnett Jenr. (MAD: sic) of afsd, £100, 287-1/2 acres in Greene Co. on waters of Ford? (Forl?) Creek per plat annexed to grant to Benjamin McCarmack 28 Dec. 1784; wit. Wm. Christopher, Wm. Duncan; rec. 20 Nov. 1792. (FHL film 158,294)
1-309: 10 Oct. 1787, William (X) Evans & Tabitha (X) his wife of Wilkes Co. to John Robinett of Greene, for and in consideration of 400 acres in Wilkes Co. on waters of Little River adj. Samuel Duncan & William Pollard, we release unto said Robinett 480-1/2 acres in Greene Co. in the forks of and on both sides of the forks of Beaverdam of Richland Creek, bounded NE by William Daniell; wit. John Karr, George (X) Harris; proved by George Harris 10 July 1789 before Tho. Harris A.J. in Greene Co.; reg. 26 Oct. 1789. (from pg.188, Vol.2 of "Some GA County Records" by Silas Emmett Lucas, FHL book 975.8 N2L)
2-303: Greene Co. GA, 27 July 1795, Robert Stewart of SC to Adam Torrance of Co. & state afsd, £250, 287-1/2 acres on waters of Fishing Creek, it being land granted Robert Stewart 5 Aug. 1785, adj. Asburry's lands, Hudson's land; wit. Jesse Johnson, Joseph Duncan; reg. 10 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 158,294)
2-665: Greene Co. GA, 26 July 1801, Dempsey (X) Hood of state & co. afsd. to Nathaniel Duncan of Wilkes Co. state afsd., $1000, 133-1/4 acres on the Appalachia River adj. William Jenkins and William Phillips. Wit. Matthew Duncan, William Evans. (FHL film 158,294)
HH-561: 17 Dec. 1824, Henry Sanford Jr. and Micajah McMillin to William Duncan, $500, 204 acres in fork of Ocome? and Appalachie River adj. Wingfield Mathews. Wit. J.W. Wood, Jacob Riley. (FHL film 158,298)
JJ-5: (no day) Feb. 1824, Royal Jenkins of Morgan Co. GA and James Jenkins and Frances Duncan and Rainey Duncan and William Duncan and Lovanny Duncan of Greene Co. GA, to William Duncan, for $361, 134 acres on Apalachy River adj. land of Fernless(?) & others. Wit. Eleazar Lockwood, Saml. Harriss JP. (FHL film 158,299)
JJ-325: 17 Aug. 1826, William Duncan to Frances Duncan (her), $550, 204 acres in fork of Oconee & Apalachia Rivers, adj. Winfield Martin, Green & others. Wit. John Catching, William Winfield. (FHL film 158,299)
KK-212: 30 Dec. 1829, William Duncan trust deed to William W.D. Weaver and Thomas W. Grimes, 137 acres in Appalatchie River adj. George Martin, Adam G. Soffold? & David? Terrell, being the same tract of land conveyed by Dempey Hood to my father Nathaniel Duncan by deed 26 July 1801; the other tract conveyed to me by Royal Jenkins, James Jenkins, Frances Duncan, Rainey Duncan, Wm. Duncan and Loviney Duncan by deed Feb. 1824; each of which were recorded; Weaver and Grimes on 16 Nov. 1827 became jointly bound with William Duncan in a bond for $1000 for Duncan act as guardian of Columbus Evans. Wit. Vincent Sanford, Henry Sanford Junr, James Fausch JP. Note in margin, relinquishment by Weaver and Grimes, Sept. 1830. (FHL film 158,299)
KK-278: 18 Sept. 1830, Mortgage, Wm. Duncan to William W.D. Weaver and Thomas W. Grimes, lot #88 in Lee Co. when drawn now Randolph Co. in 23rd Dist., 202-1/2 acres; that Weaver and Grimes on 16 Nov. 1827 became surety for Duncan as guardian of Columbus Evans, mortgage to protect Weaver and Grimes; wit. Wm. N. Morgan, John Chin JP. (FHL film 158,299)
KK-280: 28 Sept. 1830, William Duncan to George Martin, both Greene Co. GA, for $275, land on Appalachee river adj. David Terrell, George Martin and Adam G. Saffolo, beg. where a parallel line with north side of dwelling where said Duncan now lives will strike said George Martin's line so as to include the dwelling house, to where it will strike the Appalachee river, thence down the said river to Terrell's gum corner, ... Wit. Joseph Catching, Matthew Winfield JP. (FHL film 158,299)
LL-522: 23 May 1835, Gilford Robinson to William Duncan, both Greene Co., mortgage of farm animals, Robinson owes Duncan $50.93; wit. Benjamin Greene, John A. Baugh JP; paid 11 Feb. 1836. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-22: 6 June 1836, Willis Robinson to William Duncan, both Greene Co. GA, $113, my right per Sheriff's deed 5 Aug. 1823 to 205 acres on Waters of Appalachee adj. Terrell & others; wit. Matthew Winfield, Jas. Catching. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-24: 8 Aug. 1836, Archibald C. Taylor of Morgan Co. GA to William Duncan of Greene Co., mortgage for several notes, Taylor owes Duncan, mortgage of 129 acres sold Taylor by Sheriff's deed; wit. John F. Zimmemon (MAD: sic), Jas. W. Godkin JP; "Mtg satisfied 1 July 1837". (FHL film 158,300)
MM-26: 15 Dec. 1835, marriage settlement between William Sanders of Putnam Co. and Elizabeth (X) Jenkins of Greene Co.; title to 31 negroes of Elizabeth shall vest in her trustee Thomas Stocks for their benefit and support, if Elizabeth dies without issue, then she may dispose of them as she wishes; she quit claims interest to negroes owned by Sanders subject to be divided among his children; wit. Emily Crossly, John Harding. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-27: 22 Feb. 1836, William Sanders of Greene Co. GA to William Duncan of same, $200, lot in the fork of the Oconee and Appalachee Rivers orig. granted to Thos. Green, 100 acres adj. Green, Fitzpatrick, Joseph Catchings, Matthew's land; wit. S. Gresham, John Patterson. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-28 (1st): 22 Feb. 1836, William Sanders of Greene Co. GA to William Duncan of same, $600, land in fork of Oconee and Appalachee, 230 acres adj. Matthews, Robersons, adj. grant to Greer and formerly known as the Fitzpatrick place; wit. Emily Crossly, John Harding. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-28 (2nd): 22 Feb. 1836, William Sanders of Greene Co. GA to William Duncan of same, $200, land in fork of Oconee and Appalachee Rivers originally granted to James Greer, containing 36 acres, adj. Fitzpatrick, Earley, Jordan; granted registered 20 June 1830 in Book M pg.695; wit. Emily Crossly, John Harding. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-29 (1st): 15 June 1836, William Duncan of Greene Co. GA to Virgil J. Duncan of Troup Co. GA, $1500, land in Fork of Oconee and Appalachee Rivers where said William Duncan now resides, 366 acres, adj. Matthews, Catching, Jordan & Duncan, and Robertsons; wit. James Miller, Jas. W. Godkin JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-29 (2nd): 15 June 1836, Wm. Duncan received of Virgil J. Duncan $2500 for 5 negroes, viz, Billy a man about 18, Mary a girl about 12, Christiana Lovenia a girl about 11, Charlotte a woman about 40, and Malinda a girl about 25 years; wit. James Miller, Jas. W. Godkin JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-30: 15 June 1836, Virgil J. Duncan of Troupe Co. GA to William Duncan of Greene Co. GA, mortgage for notes this date of the 366 acres (see deed MM-29); wit. Thomas W. Grimes, John A. Baugh JP; "note 5 March 1838, satisfied". (FHL film 158,300) (MAD: 1850 Itawamba Co. MS census)
MM-55: 8 Aug. 1836, William Duncan to Archibald C. Taylor, both Greene Co. GA, $774, 129 acres on waters of Appalachee River adj. lands of Terrell, Benjamin S. Jordan, V.J. Duncan, Willis Robertson, conveyed by Sheriff deed to Willis Robertson 5 Aug. 1823; wit. John F. Zimmermon, James W. Godkin JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-161: 1 July 1837, William Duncan to David S. Terrell, both Greene Co., $56, 50 acres, part of tract from Willis Roberson to said Duncan in Fork of Oconee and Appalachee adj. Jourdan and Taylor, Roberson's spring branch, Benjamin Jourdan; wit. A.C. Taylor, John A. Baugh JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-253: 5 March 1838, William Duncan of Greene Co. to Archibald C. Taylor of Morgan Co., $1700, 366 acres in Fork of Oconee and Appalachee adj. Charles L. Matthews, Benjamin S. Jourdan, Willis Roberts, Joseph Catchings; wit. Jesse King, John A. Baugh JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-254: 5 March 1838, Archibald C. Taylor of Morgan Co. to William Duncan, mortgage for $5190 for 366 acres land and for negroes etc.; wit. Jesse King, John A. Baugh JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-256: 5 March 1838, William Duncan of Greene Co. to Archibald C. Taylor of Morgan Co. GA, bill of sale for negroes and horses and "all my plantation tools, 2 beds," etc; wit. Jesse King, John A. Baugh JP. (see deed MM-29 for names of negroes) (FHL film 158,300)
MM-277: 1 July 1837, Archibald Taylor (/s/ A.C. Taylor) of Morgan Co. to William Duncan of Greene Co., $774, 129 acres on waters of Appalachee River adj. lands of Terrell, Benjamin Jordan, William Duncan, Willis Roberson, being part of land conveyed by sheriff to Willis Roberson on 5 Aug. 1823; wit. David S. Terrell, John A. Baugh JP. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-361: 8 June 1838, Archibald C. Taylor of Greene Co. to William Sanders of same, $850, 366 acres in Fork of Oconee and Appalachee Rivers adj. Charles L. Matthews, Benjamin S. Jordan, Willis Robertson, Joseph Catchings; wit. D.C. Watson, M. "Winfield." (FHL film 158,300)
MM-362: 8 June 1838, William Sanders of Greene Co. to William Duncan of same, $850, one equal half of 366 acres in Fork of Oconee and Apalachee Rivers adj. Charles L. Matthews, Benjamin S. Jordan, Willis Roberts, Joseph Cathings; wit. Francis C. McKinley, Thomas Stocks JIC. (FHL film 158,300)
MM-363: 10 Sept. 1838, Archibald C. Taylor to William Duncan, both Greene Co., $850, one equal half of 366 acres (same description as MM-362, apparently the other half); wit. Jos. Catching, M. "Wingfield" JP. (FHL film 158,300)
NN-116: 1 Nov. 1836, Virgil J. Duncan of Greene Co. GA to William Duncan of same, $1500, 366 acres in Fork of Oconee and Apalachee Rivers where said V.J. Duncan now lives, adj. Matthews, Catchings, Jordans & Taylors, Robinsons; wit. Miles N. Cartright, Jas. W. Godkin JP, rec. 1/29/1841. (FHL film 158,301)
NN-117: 2 July 1840, William Duncan of Greene Co. to Frederick Ward of Morgan Co., $1830, 366 acres in Fork of Oconee and Apalachee Rivers adj. Charles L. Matthews, Benjamin S. Jordan, Willis Roberts, Joseph Cathings; wit. Archibald C. Taylor, Matthew Winfield. (FHL film 158,301)
OO-139: 17 Jan. 1844, Marriage Settlement; Daniel Duncan and Milly (X) Williams, all property owned by Milly except the stock shall vest in Doctor R?. Malone as trustee for her use, and she can make title at any time; if she does not otherwise dispose of it, it goes to the children of Martha Elizabeth Boles; /s/ Daniel Duncan, Milly Williams (X), R. Malone; wit. John Malone, Thomas Stocks JIC. (FHL film 158,301)
RR-307: 6 Jan. 1859, Milly Duncan (X) to William Moncrief, both Greene Co. GA, $245, 35 acres on waters of Old Town Creek adj. Wm. Moncrief; wit. R.L. McWhorter, John G. Holzclaw JIC. (FHL film 158,302)
RR-343: 20 July 1860, Elizabeth Sanders (X) for love to her nephew Virgial J. Duncan, my negro man Henry between 30 and 35 years of age; wit. Wm. Sanders, M.R. Duncan. (FHL film 158,302) (MAD: William Sanders mar. Elizabeth Jenkins 1835)
Greene Co. GA Tax Records (FHL films 1,018,450 items 3 & 4; FHL film 1,018,451, 1802-1806)
1788-89: no Duncan
1793: No Duncan
1796: James Duncan, 1wp, Capt. Gresham's Dist. (no familiar names)
1797: (Receiver's Book) - no Duncan
1797: (Clerk's Book) - no Duncan
1798: no Duncan
1799: Canron (sic) Duncan agent for Moor Frederic, 115a on Oconee, granted to Wood, 1wp, 3 negroes
1801: Capt. Jesse Evans Dist.: Dunkin, Mathew, 1wp, 1bp
(MAD: see Jasper Co. GA Deeds 1811-1818 for Mathew Dunkin & Jesse Evans, 4-104, 7-102 & B-90)
1802: Capt. B. Jenkins Dist.: (next to each other)
Duncan, Mathew, 1 white, 2 blacks (not listed in separate list of poles)
Duncan, Nathan, 130-3/4a Appalachia, grant to Wilborn, adj. Philips, 1w, 4b
1804: Capt. Little B. Jenkins:
Duncan, Mathew, 1w, 1b
one name
Duncan, Nath'l, 133-1/4a, (same as above), 1w, 4b
Capt. Little B. Jenkins' list of poles: Duncan, Daniel
1805: Capt. Jenkins:
Duncan, Nathan, 133a (same), 1w, 4b
Capt. Jenkins list of poles without property: Daniel Duncan
1806: Capt. Grier's Dist:
Duncan?, Thomas, 1wp
(MAD: Per NRR pg. 108, Thomas d. 1840 Jasper Co. GA was bro. of James m. Sarah Lumsden)
Capt. Jenkins Dist:
Duncan, Daniel, 1wp
do as Admr. of Nathaniel Duncan decd, 132-1/2a (same), 0wp, 0bp
Duncan, Jane, 6bp
1807: Capt. Jenkins Dist:
Duncan, Jane, 133-1/4a, 0wp, 6bp
Greene Co. GA Tax Digests 1809-1815, 1822 (FHL film 1,018,452)
Year, whose District, name, county where land located, acres, waterway, to whom granted, neighbors or Lot #, free males, Negroes, practitioners of law and judges, stock in trade, town lots and buildings, 4-wheeled carriages, 2-wheeled carriages, covering? horses, tax
1809: Capt. Jenkins Dist:
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, granted Wilburn, adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane, Morgan Co., 101-1/4a, S. Creek, granted Sparks, adj. Whatley
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, unknown, self, #28
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, unknown, adj. Barnett, #97, 0 fm, 3 blacks
Gray District: Jas. Duncan (from "An Index to GA Tax Digests 1809-1811" Vol.4, by R.J. Taylor Foundation; FHL book 975.8 R42i)
1810: Capt. Lewis Jenkins Dist (no Evans this district):
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, granted Wilburn, adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, self, self, #281
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, self, Barnett, #97
Duncan, Jane, Morgan Co., 101-1/4a, S. Creek, granted Sparks, adj. McAfee, 0 fm, 3 blacks
Capt. Gastons District:
Duncan?, Jas., 1 free male
1811: Capt. R. Moore's Dist. (copied Wm. Evans only):
Evans, Wm. Jr, Greene Co., 61a, S. Creek, (blank), adj. Stewart, 1 fm, 2 blacks
Evans, Wm., Greene Co., 100a & 350a, S. Creek, granted Hough, adj. Stephens, 1 fm, 12 blacks
Capt. Jubal E. Watt's Dist.:
Evans, Wm. #8, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, blank, granted self, 1 fm, 1 black
Capt. Lewis Jenkins Dist.:
Duncan, Daniel, agent for
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/2a, Apalachee, granted Wilburn, adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane, Morgan Co., 101-1/4a, S. Creek, granted Sparks, adj. Col.
Duncan, Jane, Telfair Co., 202-1/2a, Omulgee, granted J. Duncan
Duncan, Jane, Telfair Co., 202-1/2a, Omulgee, granted Barnett, 0 fm, 3 blacks
Capt. Gaston's Dist. (not found later):
Duncan, Jas., 1 fm
1812: Capt. William Perkins Dist.:
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, (blank), adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted self
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted Barnett
Duncan, Jane, Morgan Co., 101-1/4a, (blank), granted Sparks, 0 fm, 3 blacks
1813: Capt. William Perkins Dist.:
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, (blank), adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane, Morgan Co., 101-1/4a, (blank), granted Wester
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted Barnett
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted self, 0 fm, 3 blacks
1814: Capt. William Perkins, Dist. 145 (no land in Morgan Co.):
Duncan, Daniel, agent for
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, granted Willburn, adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted J. Duncan
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted Barnett, 0 fm, 3 blacks
1815: Capt. Crawford's Dist. 145:
Duncan, Rane, agent for
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/4a, Apalachee, granted Willburn, adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted J. Duncan
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, (blank), granted Barnett, 0 fm, 3 blacks
1816-1821 - tax lists missing
1822: Capt. Matthew Winfield's Dist. 145:
Duncan, William, 1 fm
Duncan, William, agent for
Duncan, Jane, Greene Co., 133-1/3a, Apalachee, (blank), adj. Phillips
Duncan, Jane 14, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, #281, granted Duncan
Duncan, Jane 13, Wilkinson Co., 202-1/2a, #97, granted Barnett, 0 fm, 3 blacks
Duncan, Lavina &c 19, Early Co., 250a, #398, (blank), (blank)
Greene Co. GA Tax Records (FHL films 1,018,453 and 159,150)
No columnar headings; but from later tax lists: Person taxed, (sometimes: District and) county of land if other than Greene Co., acres, lot number or waterway, (sometimes a column for person to whom granted), to whom adjoining, free white poles, slaves or black poles. Order of columns sometimes changes.
1824: Capt. Matthew Winfield's or 145th Dist.
Duncan, William, 15 Early, 250a, No.22, granted E. Perkins, (blank), 1 wp, 4 blacks
do for Lavina Duncan, 19 Early, 250a, No.398, (blank), (blank), (blank)
do for Jane Duncan, Greene, 133-1/3a, Apalachee, (blank), adj? Terrell, 0 wp, 3 blacks
Catching, Joseph, no land, 1 wp, 2 blacks
do agent for Martha Catching, Greene, 300a, Oconee, (blank), Nelms
do, Hancock, 287-1/2a, Oconee, (blank), (blank), 0 wp, 5 blacks
1825: Capt. Matthew Winfield's or 145th Dist.
Duncan, William, "Green", 133-1/4a, Apalachee, (blank), Terrell, (blank)
do, do, 204a, do, (blank), Martin, (blank)
do, 15 Early, 250a, No.23, (blank), (blank), 1 wp, 5 blacks
Catching, Joseph, 19 Early, 250a, #398, 1 wp, 2 blacks (MAD: this was Lavina Duncan's land in 1824)
do agent for Martha Catching, Greene, 300a, Oconee & Apalachee, (blank), Terrell, 0 wp, 4 blacks
Catching, John, no land, 1 wp, 1 black
1827: Capt. William Duncan's or 145th Dist.
Duncan, William, Greene Co., 133-1/2a Apalachee adj. Phillips.
do, 15 Early, 250a, 1 wp, 6 blacks
(no Elizabeth Jenkins)
James Jenkins, Greene, 368a, Town Creek, granted Walker, adj. Heard, 0 wp, 17 blacks
1828: Capt. William Duncan's or 145th Dist.
Duncan, William, Green, 133-1/3a, Apalachee, (blank), Terrell
do, do, 204a, do (waterway), (blank), Martin
do, 15 Early, 250a, No.23, 1 wp, 5 blacks
Catching, Joseph, 19 Early, 250a #398, 1 wp, 8 blacks
do agt. for Martha Catchings, Green, 300a, Oconee & Apalachee, Nelms, 0 wp, 4 blacks
do admr. of John Catchings decd, 12 Habersham, 250a, No.99, 0 wp, 0 blacks
1828: Capt. Clement Malone's or 146th Dist.
Jenkins, James, Greene, 374-1/2a, Town Creek, name of Heard & Daniel, 0 wp, 17 blacks (MAD: no 368a on Town Creek found)
ca 1829-1830, partial, not dated, not divided by district, phonetic spelling - no Duncan
1834: Capt. Hearney's or 145th Dist.
Joseph Catchin ... do Early, 250a, #398 (several others entries not copied)
no Duncan, no 133a on Apalachee, no #23 lot in Early
1834: Capt. Branchs or 146th Dist.
Wm. Dunkin, Muscogee, 202-1/2a, (watercourse:) #144 - 32, 1 wp, 6 blacks
do Irwin, 202-1/2a, (blank) - #7, 0 wp, 0 blacks
do agent for Elizabeth Jenkins, Greene, 368a Town Creek, (adj.) -- Mils, 0 wp, 23 blacks
do do, Greene, 183a-183a, (blank), (adj) Jourden, 0 wp, 0 blacks
do do, Sumter, 202-1/2a, (watercourse) 305 - 15, (blank), 0 wp, 0 blacks
Jenkins, James, Greene, 374-1/2a, Town Creek, name of Heard & Daniel, 0 wp, 17 blacks
1837: Capt. Kearney's or 145th Dist.
Wm. Duncan, Greene, 366a on the waters Oconee, adj. Jourden, 1 wp, 5 blacks
do, Irwin Co., 490a (blank)
Dist. 146 - no Elizabeth Jenkins
1853: Dist.145 - no Duncan
Dist. 146:
Wm. Moncrief, 770a, 0 wp, 14 slaves
Thos. Stacks (do) agt. D. Malone, Trus. M. Duncan, 33a Dist. 146 Greene Co., 3 blacks
1854: (no other Duncan on 1854 tax list)
Dist. 146:
Moncrief, Marshal, 1 wp, 1 black pole, no land
Moncrief, Wm., 770a Greene Co., 0 wp, 12 blacks
Doctor Malone trus. Milly Duncan, 33a Greene Co., 3 blacks
1859: 146th Dist.
no Duncan on entire list, no trustee for Milly Duncan found
William Moncrief, 0 wp, 1 child 8 to 18 years, 765a, Dist. 146, Greene Co., 15 slaves.
Greene Co. GA Misc. records, loose papers (FHL film 1,018,454 item 1)
County Superior & Probate Court Records, Misc. Official records; in Duke University, Durham NC, Manuscripts Division: No Duncan to 1816
"Georgia's Roster of the Revolution" by Lucian Lamar Knight, 1920 (FHL film 547,588)
Bounty Surveys (pg.302):
Survey Book K, pg.26: July 5, 1785, Andrew Armour, 287-1/2 acres, Greene Co., bounded N. Jas. Wilson, E. unknown, S. grantee, W. Miles Duncan. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 42.
GA Military Commissions in the State Militia, 1798-1860, by the GA Executive Department
MAD: by year, includes index, frequently two items on a page; these are apparently orders that these men be commissioned a certain rank in a particular company. The early ones gave a county, the later ones only a militia district.
1800-1806 (FHL film 158,997):
Pg.224: 14 Nov. 1801, Mathew Duncan, Gent., Lieutenant of Company in Battalion of Greene Co. Regiment of Militia.
1815-1818 (FHL film 159,001):
Pg.676: 16 July 1817, Daniel Duncan, Gent., Lieutenant of 282nd District Company of Militia. (MAD: ? see Morgan or Henry Co.)
Wilkinson Co. GA Land Lottery Grants; Surveyor General's Office; Districts 1-28 index 1807-1828 (FHL film 514,017)
MAD: Grants are by district, then by lot number, and show name of drawer, residence, and date of grant; did not look at all districts
Districts 5-15 (FHL film 519,059)
14th Dist., Lot 281, granted Jane Duncan, widow, of Jenkins Dist., Greene Co., 4 Dec. 1809
Early Co. GA Land Lottery Grants, Dist. 17-26 (FHL film 519,020)
Dist.19, pg.86: Grant 23 Dec. 1822 to (her) Levina Duncan's orphans of Fosters Dist., Greene Co., 250 acres in 19th Dist. Early Co., Lot 398.
Henry Co. GA Deed
A-305: Greene Co. GA, 12 Jan. 1824, Robert Duncan of Greene Co. to Parker Eason of Henry Co., $425, 202-1/2 acres in Dist.3, Lot #181 on waters of Towaliga River, orig. granted said Duncan on Dec. 13, 1823; wit. James Ramson, Peter Johnson; rec. May 4, 1824. (from pg.49, "Henry Co. GA Land Records 1821-1828" by Kathleen Borders Moss & Freda Reid Turner, FHL book 975.8435 R2m, and other sources) (MAD: Robert Duncan of Franklin Co. 1823 when land granted)
Clarke Co. GA Deed (FHL film 214,595)
O-267: 14 Jan. 1808, Wm. Duncan of Jackson Co. GA to John Duncan of Green Co. GA, $400, 200 acres in Clarke Co. GA on north fork of Oconee River. Wit. Henry Swann. Appeared in court 2 Feb. 1808.
Decatur Co. GA Deeds
A-407: (Heading: Green Co.) 29 June 1822, Ezekiel Perkins to William Duncan, both county aforesaid, $260, 250 acres in Early Co. GA, 15th Dist., lot 28, grant to Perkins 25 March 1822. Quit claim by Sarah (X) Perkins, wife. Wit. William Moreland?, William Whitfield. (FHL film 249,530)
C-67: 30 Dec. 1834, William Duncan of Green Co. GA to John Mansfield of Decatur Co. GA, $150, lot originally in Early now Decatur Co. GA, lot #23, grant to Ezekiel Perkins. No wife. Wit. Duncan Curry, Archabald T. Curry. Rec. on oath of Duncan Curry. (FHL film 249,531)
Irwin Co. GA Deed (FHL film 394,616)
3-388: 1 Nov. 1850, James Jenkins to William Duncan, both Green Co., 490 acres, lot #238, surveyed 10 Dec. 1817, drawn by and granted to said Jenkins 13 Nov. 1829, in Dist. 7. Wit. George Redden, John Wilson JP.
Jasper Co. GA Will (FHL film 158,451)
12-531: 24 Feb. 1840, Thomas Duncan "knowing that I must shortly die"; negroes to be sold; exec. brother James Duncan; remainder to be equally divided between brother James Duncan and sister Rebecar Swan. Wit. Ephraim E. Tiller, Zach. Williams, Rebecca Duncan. Probated 14 July 1840.
(MAD: said to be brother of James Duncan who mar. Sarah Lumsden in Greene Co. GA; marriage also given as Sally Sinsdel)
Stewart Co. GA Deeds
B-63: Greene Co. GA, 18 Nov. 1830, William Duncan admin. of Rainey Duncan decd, of afsd, to Joseph Catchings of afsd, for $14, lot #88 of 202-1/2 acres in Lee Co. now Randolph Co. in 23rd Dist., sold per court order in Lee Co. on 1st Tuesday Nov. 1828 to highest bidder, it being all the real estate of the decd; wit. Wm. C. Burton, Matthew Winfield JP. (FHL film 424,307)
D-147: Greene Co. GA, 15 Nov. 1830, Ezekiel L. Standley of afsd to William Duncan of same, $50, lot #52 of 202-1/2 acres in Randolph Co. in 23rd Dist., (drawn by) granted to Standley on 3rd instant; wit. Andrew McCalpin?, Arden Evans; reg. 5 March 1834. (FHL film 424,308)
Wilkes Co. GA Deeds
I2-137: 6 Feb. 1792, Alexander Gilispey of Greene Co. GA to David Duncan of Co. and State aforesaid, £200, 200 acres on Little River bounded by John White, John J. Townsend, vacant land, grant to Alexander Gilispey 15 March 1790. Wit. Samuel Wall, William Robertson, James Patrick. Reg. on oath of wit. 24 March 1792. (FHL film 163,605)
U2-72: 29 Dec. 1801, Nathaniel Duncan and wife Jane of Greene Co. GA to John Wilson of Wilkes Co. GA, $788, 197 acres on Kettle Creek, corner John Robertson, Nathan Barnett, Elijah Evans, Owen Hukes and Cunningham Daniel. Wit. Jno. Cargile, William Evans, Even Rice JP. Ack. by Nathaniel Duncan 29 Dec. 1801. (FHL film 163,609)
Wilkes Co. GA Tax Lists (FHL film 159,194, negative filming)
MAD: Sets of pages numbered in upper right corner of right-hand page; all pages numbered at bottom of each page near center binding.
1787: Capt. Heard's List (pg.36/71):
Miles Dunkin, 180a, Greene Co., 1 negroe, 1 pole
Capt. Black's Dist. (pg.100/199):
Thos. Harbin 260a Wilkes Co., 4 negroes, 1 pole
Archibald Briant, 1 pole
Person Dunkin, 1 pole
Jno. Collins, 130a Wilkes Co., 1 pole
do, 200a Wilkes Co.
Henry Dunkin, 100a Wilkes, 2 negroes
do, 350a, do, 0 negroes, 1 pole
(other names, then pg.200)
Martin Deadwyler, 100a Wilkes Co., 1 pole
do, 200a Wilkes
do, 400a Wilkes
do, 200a Fklin Co. (MAD: Franklin Co.)
do, 275a Fklin Co.
(one name top of pg.101/201)
Jno. Dunkin, 0 poles
Pendleton Co. SC loose papers in Greene Co. GA Misc. Records (FHL film 1,018,454 item 3)
Original papers, no Duncan to 1816
The family records of James Duncan and Sarah Lumsden (marriage frequently given as James Duncan to Sally Sinsdel 7/22/1805 Greene Co. GA) have been given in the following:
"East AL Genealogical Quarterly" 1983-4, pg.137, gives burials in the now destroyed Family Cemetery in Salem, in Russell Co. before the creation of Lee Co. AL, of James Duncan 5/30/1785 - 12/29/1851 and Sarah Lumsden Duncan, 4/20/1785 - 2/11/1860 and many of their children.
"Tap Roots" Vol.5, No.3 (January 1968) and Vol.5, No.4 (April 1868) has Bible Records pertaining to this family.
A typed copy of the Bible Records of Augustus Jones Digby and of James Duncan and his wife Sarah Lumsden Duncan, married 7/2/1804, are also in the AL State Archives 929.3 Hobbs (from Donna Little 1982)
"AL Bible Records" by Jeannette H. Austin, 1987 (FHL fiche 6,100,667 and FHL book 976.1 D2a)
This family is also listed in "Lumsden Family and Related Lines, Day, Greer, Leonard, Lowe, Richardson, Sanford, Taylor, and Williams" by Virginia K. Preston, 1994
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