Duncan research files of |
1850 Gordon Co. GA Census (no Duncan indexed)
Pg.19, #127, James COBB 25 NC gunsmith
Nancy 23 GA (not mar/in/year)
Willis CARROL 21 GA
(MAD: looking for James Cobb b. ca 1825, mar. Martha or Patsy Duncan 1828-1908 who d. Fulton Co. GA per query in 7/17/1969 "Family Puzzler", see Gwinnett Co. GA; not the James Cobb in Pike Co. GA wife Ardesia, or Forsyth Co. GA wife Elizabeth)
1860 Gordon Co. GA Census
Pg.395, #1032-1004, Ansel DUNCAN 32 GA farmer $0-$300
Catharine 32 SC
Ann 10, Mary 8, John 7 GA
Nancy 6, Susan 5, Henry 1 GA
(MAD: 1850 and 1870 Cherokee Co. GA census)
1870 Gordon Co. GA Census
No Duncan indexed
Gordon Co. GA Probate Records; letters admin, etc. 1865-1893 (FHL film 422,582 item 1)
Letters of Administration and guardianship 1865-1866 & Record of Homesteads 1870-1877 - no Duncan
Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary, Executors, Dismission, 1865-1893 - no Duncan
Gordon Co. GA Will Records, Book A-B, 1856-1931 (FHL film 422,569)
No Duncan
Gordon Co. GA Deeds
MAD: general index starts 1887, but most deed books have grantor index.
Vol. A, 1850-1853 - no Duncan (FHL film 422,607)
Vol. B, 1853-1855 - no Duncan (FHL film 422,608)
Vol. C, 1855-1857 (FHL film 422,609)
C-510: Houston Co. GA, 2 Dec. 1856, George M. Duncan, admin. of estate of Temperance Brady late of said Co. decd, per order of Court of Ordinary of that county on 5 Aug. 1856 advertised and sold on 1st Tuesday at public sale to highest bidder Catharine H. Duncan for $100, lot #316 in 13th Dist. Gordon Co. originally Murray Co.; wit. Jno. M. Giles, John H. Ragin JIC.
Vol. D, 1857-1861 (FHL film 422,610)
D-263: Houston Co. GA, 19 July 1858, Catharine H. Duncan of Houston Co. GA to Clinton C. Duncan of same, $450, lot #316 in 13th Dist. of Gordon originally Murray Co. GA; wit. L.E. Cooper, C.A. Felder, Jesse D. Harris JP.
Vol. E, 1861-1870 (FHL film 422,611)
E-485: Mortgage, 17 July 1866, John F. Green of Gordon Co. mortgage to John W. Duncan of Fulton Co., lots #274, #275, #276, #267 in 13th Dist. 3rd Sec., 160 acres each, for $1,000; wit. J.W. Buckner JP, Chas. M. Green.
Gordon Co. GA Ordinary court minutes 1855-1866 (FHL film 422,572 item 1)
No Duncan indexed
Gordon Co. GA Inferior Court Minutes 1850-1872 (FHL film 422,581)
1850-1855 - A-D index pages missing
Vol.B, 1855-1872 - "index" noted but not found
Gordon Co. GA Tax Lists (1852-1853 on FHL film 159,150; 1851 and 1853-1862 on FHL film 422,604)
1851: 24th Dist.: Duncan, David, 1 pole, Gordon Co. (MAD: ?? see Murray Co. GA 1850 ??, neighbor to Gordon Co.)
1852: 23rd Dist.: Duncan, David, 1 pole (no land or slaves)
1853: 23rd Dist.: Duncan, David, 1 pole
Desaca Dist. G.M. (Georgia Militia) #980: Duncan, John H., 1 pole, 1 person subject to military duty.
1854: 23rd Dist., 948th G.M.: Dunkin, David, 1 pole, 1 person subject, 0 children
1853 (MAD: definitely 1853, not 1855): 23rd Dist.: Duncan, David, 1 pole, land of J. Green (no acreage given)
1856: 23rd Dist. G.M. #948: no Duncan, nor elsewhere on the list
1857: G.M. #948: no Duncan
G.M. #1063: Duncan, A.G., 1 pole, 2 children
Duncan, W.M., 1 pole, land (acres not given), 4 slaves
1858: Cossatee Dist., G.M. #1063: Duncan, A.G., 1 pole, 160a, #817, 8th Dist., 3rd Sec. Gordon Co.
23rd Dist., G.M. #948: Duncan, David, 1 pole
1859: 8th Dist., G.M. #1063: Duncan, A.G., 1 pole, 2 children 8 to 18
23rd Dist. - no Duncan
1860: Hooper's Dist. 8: Dunkin, A.G., 1 pole, 4 children
23rd Dist. - no Duncan
1861: 8th Dist., G.M. #1063: Duncan, A.G., 1 pole, 2 children
1862: 23rd Dist.: Duncan, David, 1 pole
(no 8th Dist. found; G.M. #1063 - no Duncan)
GA Confederate Soldiers Pensions; Index - Dobson, W.P. to Ellington, Allen J. (FHL film 1,493,057)
MAD: The Pension records themselves are alphabetic within the county. The index is small 3x5 cards preprinted with "Name:" and "Service:" and "Res.:" and "Remarks"; also looked at any Dunan and Dunk.. names listed; cards include witnesses for other confederate soldiers.
Information in FHL Catalog: Confederate soldiers received pensions for military service beginning in 1879; law changed 1891 to include widows; cards in this record for the witnesses of these soldiers & widows attesting to service of each soldier; alphabetical by name of pensioner, included on card are notations concerning county of residence, unit designation, and husband's name in the case of widow cards.
W.G.B. Duncan, Co.C, 1st GA State, application by Mrs. Meca Duncan, widow, Gordon Co. GA (1870 Pickens Co. GA census)
Mrs. Meca Duncan, widow of W.G.B. Duncan, Co.C, 1st GA State, application in Gordon Co. GA
J.B. Duncan, Co.A, Rusk's Legion, witness for G.B. Duncan, Gordon Co. GA
W.R. Duncan, Co.G, 52nd GA, witness for John C. Gillespie, Gordon Co. GA (MAD: see also Union Co. GA)
G.B. Duncan, Co.A, Rusk's Legion, application in Gordon Co. GA
G.B. Duncan, Co.A, Rusk's Legion, application in Cherokee Co. GA
Sumter Co. GA Deed (FHL film 255,333)
P-384: Cobb Co. GA, 26 Oct. 1870, Harriet A. Duncan appoint George S. Foster attorney to make a deed for my interest in our plantation in Sumter Co. known as Foster plantation, of some 960 acres, and sign my name to deed they made to Julius M. Byrd, and other property in Americus ... land in Gilmer Co., Gordon Co., Forsyth Co., belonged to Foster estate (details not copied).
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