Duncans in Dooly Co. GA


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised January 11, 2004

Formed 1821 from Indian Lands
Worth formed 1852 from Dooly, Irwin
Wilcox formed 1857 from Dooly, Irwin, Pulaski
Crisp formed 1905 from Dooly
Turner formed 1905 from Dooly, Irwin, Wilcox, Worth


1830-1840 Dooly Co. GA Census
      No Duncan indexed

1850 Dooly Co. GA Census
Pg.265, #548, George M. DUNCAN 45 SC farmer $7000
                  Catharine H. 32 GA
                  Robert 12, Eugenia 6 GA
                  Martha LaROKE 75 NC
                  Thomas G. WRIGHT 30 NC doctor
                  Mary L. 26 GA
                  Francis McNAIR 17 GA
                  Felix 20 GA clerk
                  Issac BROXTON 25 GA teacher
                  (MAD: 1840 Houston Co. GA census; 1860 Randolph Co. GA census; son of Robert Duncan of Talbot Co. GA; wife Catharine Duncan b. 12/28/1817, mar. 11/1/1836, d. 7/3/1877 Orange Co. FL, from obit in "Death & Obituary Notices from 'Southern Christian Advocate' 1867-1878" Vol.3 by Brent Holcomb, FHL book 975.8 V4h)

1860 Dooly Co. GA Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Dooly Co. GA Census
P.O. Drayton
Pg.435, #1945-2105, DUNCAN, Wm. 30 SC MULATTO works on farm $0-$157
                  Rebecca 24 GA MULATTO works on farm
Pg.440, #2043-2205, DUNCAN, Jane (f) 30 GA BLACK works on farm $0-$0
                  Wm. 7, Mary 4, George 2 GA BLACK


GA Land Lotteries; Dooly Co. GA
      Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
      Duncan, Daniel, 1821, of Shaws Dist., Morgan Co., drew lot #138 in Sec.12, Dooly Co.
      Dunkin, John, 1821, of Powells Dist., Madison Co., drew lot #167 in Sec.7, Dooly Co.
      Duncan, Mathew, 1821, of Leggetts Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #80 in Sec.7, Dooly Co.
      Duncan, Mathew, 1821, of Leggetts Dist., Putnam Co., drew lot #182 in Sec.14, Dooly Co.
      Duncan, William, 1821, of Freemans Dist., Wilkes Co., drew lot #236 in Sec.4, Dooly Co. (MAD: later Pulaski Co.)
      Swift, Flour, 1821, of Eddin's Dist., Franklin Co., drew lot #108 in Sec.14, Dooly Co.

Dooly Co. GA Land Lottery Grants, 1820-1848, at Surveyor General's Office; Dist. 3-12 (FHL film 519,016)
      Dist.12, Lot 138, granted to Daniel Duncan of Shaws Dist., Morgan Co., 24 Jan. 1835.
      Dist.12, Lot 151, granted to Peter Buchan of Wagnon's Dist., Morgan Co., 20 May 1845, M.A. Bently. (MAD: north half of this lot sold as property of Daniel Duncan by Sheriff per fi fa in 1837 in Greene Co. GA estate)

GA Surveyor General, Land Lottery Records, surveyor's filed notes; Coweta Co. 1821-1827; Dooly Co. (FHL film 465,144)
      No index

Reverted GA Land lottery records 1815-1872 (FHL film 511,999)
      (later grants)
      Dooly, Muscogee & Carroll Cos. Book B, 1846-1851
            Dooly Co. - no Duncan
            Carroll Co. - no D names listed
            Muscogee & Carroll Cos - no Duncan
      Troup, Coweta, Carroll, Lee & Muscogee Cos. reverted lots 1845-1846 - no Duncan

Dooly Co. GA Deeds
      MAD: No overall index until 1888; most deed books had grantor index, checked through indexes looking for grantees.
      Vol.A, 1847-1849 - no Duncan grantor (FHL film 366,674)
      A-179: Baldwin Co. GA, 25 Dec. 1847, John M. Shelton of Cobb Co. GA to George M. Duncan of Dooly Co. GA, for $75, lot #7 in 7th Dist. of Dooly Co. of 202-1/2 acres; wit. George W. Collins JIC T?.Co., F. Bivins JIC Marion Co.; rec. 10 April 1848. (FHL film 366,674)
      Vol.B, 1849-1851 - no Duncan grantor (FHL film 366,674)
      B-211: Dooly Co. GA, 20 Jan. 1845, Jacob J. Swearingen of afsd to James E. Duncan of Houston Co. GA, $1,400, E part of lot #102, the said E 1/2 containing 121-1/2 acres, in 2nd Dist. of Dooly Co., and E 1/2 lot #123 in 2nd Dist. containing 100 acres; wit. James Bain, John J. Forsyth JP. (FHL film 366,674)
      B-212: Houston Co. GA, per will of late Major Jacob Wood of McIntosh Co. GA, we, Charles West and Elias Reed of Savannah, his execs, sold on 1 Jan. 1850 to James E. Duncan at private sale for $5,000, lots in 3rd Dist., #237, #238, #243, #244, and #236 less 30 acres, in all 982-1/2 acres; now on 15 Feb. 1850 we make deed; wit. Thos. Stewardson, Wm. Thorne Williams JIC CC. (FHL film 366,674)
      Vol.C, 1851-1854 - no Duncan grantee spotted (FHL film 366,675)
      C-504: Houston Co. GA, 19 March 1853, George M. Duncan of Dooly Co., admin. of estate of James E. Duncan late of Co. first afsd, now decd, to Benjamin T. Russell of Co. first afsd, George M. Duncan was granted permission to sell all the real estate, sold at public sale to highest bidder Benjamin T. Russell for $7,500, deed for plantation lately cultivated by said James E. Duncan consisting of lots in 3rd Dist. #237, #3238, #243, #244, #236 except 30 acres off #236, total 982-1/2 acres; wit. John M. Giles, John H. Ragin JIC. (FHL film 366,675)
      C-505: Houston Co. GA, 19 March 1853, Catharine H. Duncan agreed the lots should be sold by George W. Duncan admin. of my late husband James E. Duncan and that my dower or thirds should also be sold, and I to have the interest on 1/3 the purchase money for my life; wit. John M. Giles, John H. Ragin JIC. (FHL film 366,675)
      Vol.D, 1854-1859 - quit on grantees (FHL film 366,676)
      D-101: Dooly Co. GA, 23 Aug. 1853, George M. Duncan to John K. Morse, both of co. afsd, $160, lot #7 of 202-1/2 acres in Dist. 7; wit. Andrew J. Shine, Robb B. Davies Clk. Superior Court. (FHL film 366,676)
      D-358: Dooly Co. GA, 21 June 1847, Isaac Butler of afsd to George M. Duncan of same, $1300, 20 acres off Lot #157 in NE corner, all of lot 186 on NW side Turkey Creek, all of lot #133 on NW side Turkey Creek except 60 acres on NW side, all of lot #134 up to line between Jacob Swearingen and Richard Brady, all in 2nd Dist; wit. Philip Butler, Joshua B. Oliver JP. (FHL film 366,676)
      D-358 (2nd): Dooly Co. GA, 7 Aug. 1850, George M. Duncan to Robert H. Daniel of Jasper Co. GA, $6000, 960 acres, Lots #148, #157, #164, NE 1/2 #163, 40 acres off E side #19, 2 acres off #63 in SE corner, #156 on NW side Turkey Creek, #33 on NW side Turkey Creek except 60 acres on N side, all in 2nd Dist; wit. J.R. Westberry, Joshua B. Oliver JP. (FHL film 366,676)
      D-359: Dooly Co. GA, 8 Jan. 1850, George M. Duncan of afsd to Robt. Daniel of Jasper Co. GA, $80, 16 acres more or less of lot #134 in NW corner, NW side of Turkey Creek, adj. Wm. Thompson and J.B. Oliver, in 2nd Dist.; wit. Thomas S. Wright, Joshua B. Oliver JP. (FHL film 366,676)
      D-360 (1st): 6 Dec. 1851, Robert R. Burgess to Robert H. Daniel, ... (FHL film 366,676)
      D-360 (2nd): Houston Co. GA, 10 Jan. 1850, James E. Duncan of Houston Co. GA to Robert Daniel of Jasper Co. GA, $2,000, land in 2nd Dist., lot #123 except 1 acre in N boundary line near NW corner in which stands the Baptist Church, containing 201-1/2 acres, lot #102 being Eastern portion, and lot #134 on N.side Turkey Creek except that part deeded to said Daniel by George M. Duncan of Dooly Co., containing 5-1/2 acres, the whole tract containing 327 acres; wit. B.H. Gray, Stephen R. Ham JP; rec. 28 Oct. 1856. (FHL film 366,676)
      Vol.E, 1859-1868 (FHL film 366,677)
      E-147: Dooly Co. GA, 29 Jan. 1855, Joshua B. Oliver of Dougherty Co. GA and George M. Duncan of Dooly Co. GA, to Richard Clewis of Dooly Co. GA, $900, Lots #106, #120, and #137 in 2nd Dist., total 607 acres; wit. John W. Edwards, James M. Dees JP, Wm. W. Kendrick, P.J. Strogis. (FHL film 366,677)


Dooly Co. GA Will records 1847-1901, Court of Ordinary (FHL film 367,139)
      No Duncan indexed

Dooly Co. GA Probate Records, Court of Ordinary
      Letters of Administration and Guardians Bonds Book A, 1847-1866 (FHL film 367,144):
            Pg.88: Duncan, George M., admin., bond 2 Sept. 1850, security Charles Powell and Wm. L. O'Brien, admin. of Daniel McVain (McNair?) late of LA (Louisiana) decd; wit. Alexdr. Meriwether Clerk.
      Letters of Administration 1856-1871 and Letters Testamentary 1856-1914, Book A - no Duncan (FHL film 367,144)
      Temporary Letters of Administration and Letters of Guardianship 1856-1873 - no Duncan (FHL film 367,145)
      Bonds on Temporary Letters of Administration and Letters of Guardianship 1856-1873 - no Duncan (FHL film 367,146)
      Inventories and Appraisals and Sales 1838-1847 - no Duncan (FHL film 367,149)
      Inventories and Appraisals and Sales 1847-1863 (FHL film 367,150):
            Book A, 1847-1854: Duncan, George M., admin. Jacob McVain (McVair?), pg.140, 141, 142, 143
            A-140+: 7 April 1847, inventory of Jacob McVair filed by George M. Duncan, mentions balance of appraisement between Daniel McVair and Jacob McVair in copartnerships.
      Inventories and Appraisals and Sales 1854-1863 - no Duncan (FHL film 367,150)


Go to the Dooly Co. GA Court Records


GA Confederate Soldiers Pensions; Index - Dobson, W.P. to Ellington, Allen J. (FHL film 1,493,057)
      MAD: The Pension records themselves are alphabetic within the county. The index is small 3x5 cards preprinted with "Name:" and "Service:" and "Res.:" and "Remarks"; also looked at any Dunan and Dunk.. names listed; cards include witnesses for other confederate soldiers.
      Information in FHL Catalog: Confederate soldiers received pensions for military service beginning in 1879; law changed 1891 to include widows; cards in this record for the witnesses of these soldiers & widows attesting to service of each soldier; alphabetical by name of pensioner, included on card are notations concerning county of residence, unit designation, and husband's name in the case of widow cards.
      C.C. Duncan, Co.A, 14th Bn GA Light Arty, witness for T.J. Graves of Dooly Co. GA
      C.C. Duncan, Co.A, 14th Bn GA Light Arty, witness for Mrs. Nancy A. King, Dooly Co. GA
      C.C. Duncan, Co.A, 14th Bn GA Lt. Arty, witness for J.H. Barker, Houston Co. GA
      J.R. Duncan, Co.C, 1st GA, application in Dooly Co. GA
      J.R. Duncan, Co.C, 1st GA, witness for McD. Felder, Dooly Co. GA


Campbell Co. GA Deeds
      D-170: Dooley Co. GA. 10 March 1838, George (X) Mansell of Pulaski Co. to Larkin C. Duncan of Lowndes Co. AL, for $250, 202.5 acres in lot #94, Dist.14, Fayette now Campbell Co. GA; wit. William J. Lawson, Charles Powell, J.P. (FHL film 401,779)
      D-514: Campbell Co. GA. 6 March 1849. Per Writ of Firi Facias from the Superior Court of Campbell Co. in the matter of James B.A. Sneed vs. John C. Duncan, Sheriff Wiliam Bartlett sold 202.5 acres in lot #92, Dist.14, Fayette now Campbell Co. GA, as the property of said John C. Duncan, at public outcry to William McWilliams as highest bidder for $30; wit. James M. Cantrell, Thomas Camp, JIC. (FHL film 401,779)
      F-173: Muscogee Co. GA, 15 Dec. 1856, Larkin C. Dunkin of "Lundes" Co. AL to John C. Dunkin of same, $200, land in Fayette when surveyed now Campbell Co., 14th Dist., lot #92, 202-1/2 acres; wit. John Clustain (Christian??), Thomas Bowland JP. (FHL film 401,781)

Jones Co. GA Deed (FHL film 470,018)
      P-515 (3rd): 28 Dec. 1836 (1836 in numbers, "thirty" written without a "six"), Elizabeth McBride for love of Thomas Jefferson Duncan and Henry R. Duncan, all my interest as widow of John McBride decd. in 3 lots, viz, one in Dooly Co. #42 in 16th Dist., one in Screven Co. known as Screven City, and one in Baldwin Co. known as #33 adj. D.B. Hill, M. Cone and others; wit. R.J. France, P.P. Jarrette; rec. Dec. 20, 1837. (indexed dates 12/28/1836, rec. 12/20/1837)

Talbot Co. GA Deeds
      J-134: 22 July 1845, George W. Duncan of Dooly Co. GA to Joseph W. Wilson of Talbot Co., $700, including promissory notes, one undivided half of lot 239 in 22nd Dist. was Muscogee now Talbot Co. Wit. Levi B. Smith, M.A. Harvey. (FHL film 249,429)
      K-26: 15? July 1856?, Robert Duncan of Talbot Co. to George M. Duncan of Dooly Co. GA in trust for Eliza M. Russell, wife of David R. Russell and daughter of said Robert Duncan, negro slaves; for benefit of Eliza and her children. /s/ Robert Duncan, George M. Duncan, David R. Russel, Elisa M. Russel. Wit. George Buchanon, Robert Connell. Second indenture declared part & parcel of the foregoing; negroes to remain in possession and control of the family of said David R. Russel for comfort and convenience of his said family, and services of said negroes are to be rendered in and for said family. Wit. Levi B. Smith and Wm. Bacon for David R. Russel, George M. Duncan and Robert Duncan; wit. George Buchanon and Robert Connell for Eliza M. Russel. (FHL film 249,430)

Greene Co. GA Estate Records, Dooley, Lillian L. to Durham, Dr. Jno. L., 1790-1943 (FHL film 1,766,304)
      DANIEL DUNCAN, 1852 (frame 319+): Warrant of Appraisal 2 Feb. 1852 to Thomas Stocks, Thompson Malone, Morgan Brown, John Branch & William Moncrief. Recorded Appr. & Ltrs A-4, April 14, 1852, admitted 20 March 1852. Appraisal by J. Branch, T. Malone & M. Brown, tools $11.12-1/2, 2 March 1852. Security rec. Book B, pg.30, bond of Thomas L. Sanders, sec. Joseph W. Varner, for $400, 2 Feb. 1852 to admin. estate of Daniel Duncan. Sale recorded Sales Book A, pg.13, May 14, 1852; sale 3 April "1851" to T.L. Sanders, J. Branch, M. Brown, J. Inglish & T.J. Moncrief, & Mr. Hobbs, total $6.50; returned May 3, 1852. (Frame 328+) Letters of Admin. to Thomas L. Sanders for estate of Daniel Duncan, 2 Feb. 1852. Order for sale 15 March 1825 to satisfy judgement in 399th Co., June 1825, in favour of Royal (fold/tear in document); the above lot #138 in 12th Dist. Dooly Co. sold for $20 on 1 May 1838 by Sheriff. (Frame 330) Return of Sheriff, served the within fifa on Lot #151 in 12th Dist. Dooly Co. on 10 June 1837; levied on Lot #138 in 12th Dist. 22 Jan. 1838. (Frame 331) 2 March 1853, Marion A. Jenkins the exec. of Royal Jenkins late of Sumter Co. decd, 2 March 1853, ... re estate of Daniel Duncan late of Greene Co. decd. Other receipts and accounts not copied; no heirs shown. (Frame 356) Final return filed 10 Feb. 1853, rec. Journal pg.381, balance $12.24.

Wilkes Co. GA Tax Digests (FHL film 177,831)
1822: Dist.7, Capt. Freeman:
      Duncan, Wm., 250a Earley Co., 13th, #192;
            202-1/2a Dooly Co., 4th, #136


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