Duncans in Columbia Co. GA


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 17, 2003

Formed 1790 from Richmond
Warren formed 1793 from Columbia, Richmond, Wilkes
McDuffie formed 1870 from Columbia, Warren


1830-1880 Columbia Co. GA Census
      No Duncan indexed


Columbia Co. GA Court of Ordinary Minutes
      1799-1820 - no Duncan (FHL film 847,838 item 1)
      1820-1834 - no Duncan (FHL film 847,838 item 2)
      1834-1849 - no Duncan (FHL film 847,839)

Columbia Co. GA Court of Ordinary, Estate records 1788-1940; Estate index and Estate records, wills, v.A, H, W, X 1790-1851 (FHL film 847,799)
      Records Vol.W, 1821-1839 - no index

Columbia Co. GA Docket of estate proceedings 1790-1833, exec. docket 1833-1855 (FHL film 847,814 item 1-2)
      No Duncan intestate, ward, will; quit

Columbia Co. GA Record of Wills, Vol.A, Vol.H, 1790-1821 (FHL film 847,799)
      Vol.A, 1790-1803 - no Duncan
      Vol.H, 1803-1821 - no Duncan; quit


GA Land Lotteries; Columbia Co. GA
      Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
      Duncan, Mathew, 1805, of Columbia Co., lottery #228, two blank draws (married person)

GA Surveyor General's records, headright surveys; index A-M, no dates (FHL film 465,015)
      Looked to ca 1852, Book AH, quit
      DD-446: Mathew Duncan, Columbia Co., 76a, 1800

GA Land Grants
      G3-103: 22 Feb. 1785, to Mathew Dunkin, 460 acres in Washington Co., bounded on E by Campbell's land, S by Anderson's land, W by Oconee River, N by Sanders land; on bounty. (FHL film 465,080) (MAD: later Columbia Co.)
      E5-578: 29 Nov. 1803, to Mathew Duncan, 76 acres in Columbia Co., bounded E by Horns land, SW by Jones, NW by Lindseys and Kelleys land, NE by Mathew Duncan's land. (FHL film 465,113) (MAD: Mathew Duncan mar. Sarah Napier 6/14/1793)

Columbia Co. GA Index to Mortgages (FHL film 515,965)
      C-229: 3 Jan. 1793, Mathew Duncan to John Southerland, rec. 11/6/1796
      D-123: 22 March 1796, John Roberson to John Duncan, rec. 6/13/1797
      I-122: 17 Nov. 1798, John Duncan to James Luke, rec. 3/14/1799
      R-291: 25 Oct. 1817, Matthew Duncan to John Sutherland, rec. 5/15/1818 (have)

Columbia Co. GA Deed Index 1792-1860 (FHL film 515,965)
      R-291 Duncan, Matthew to John Sutherland, 10/25/1817
      R-289 Duncan, Matthew from Wm. Wright, 8/17/1810, rec. 1818
      R-290 Duncan, Matthew from Jno. Kelly & wife, 3/19/1799, rec. 1818
      R-295 Duncan, Matthew from Thomas Jones & wife, 4/14/1800
      R-296 Duncan, Matthew from John Kelly & wife, 3/19/1791
      No other Duncan, none later

Columbia Co. GA Deeds
      B-77 (pg. after pg.71): Recorded 12 Feb. 1793; undated deed, William Hughs and Sarah (X) his wife of Columbia Co. to James Mullen of same, £30 Stg, 300 acres, a survey of 14 May 1787 granted to William Hughs 19 Aug. 1790, adj. lands of F. Sanders; wit. Fits (Fitz) M. (Morris) Hunt, John Duncan, John (x) Ham. (from "Some GA County Records" Vol.I, by Lucas, FHL book 975.8 N2L)
      C-229: 3 Jan. 1793, Matthew Duncan to John Southerland, £50, 100 acres, part of grant to Thomas Jones, also part of adj. grant to Abraham Horn on the old ridge path, adj. Youngblood, James Wright, and widow Bennett; wit. Jno. Stith, R.R. Stith, John Bennett. Rec. 6 Nov. 1796. (FHL film 847,818)
      D-123: 22 March 1796, John Roberson (X) (/s/ Robertson) and wife Ruth (X) to John Duncan, both Columbia Co. GA, £22, 200 acres surveyed for John Hutchinson Sr. by Basil Lamar on warrant dated May 16, 1789, surveyed May 17, 1789, adj. Marshall, John Culbreath and William Few, refer to Grant E4, 30 May 1794; wit. Philip Steed, Joseph Battson; rec. 13 June 1797. (FHL film 847,819)
      E-487: 15 March 1803, John Mossman of Savannah, Exor. of estate of James McKay, to A. Gindrat of Bryan Co., highest bidder, $930, 1000 acres in Wrightsborough Twp, bounded south by Coates, Carter, Duncan and Mills, NE by Hickson, Ross and widow Stubbs, SE by John Perkins. (FHL film 847,819)
      I-122: 17 Nov. 1798, John Duncan to James Luke, $200, 200 acres surveyed by Basil Lamar for Joseph Hutchinson May 17, 1789, adj. John Culbreath, William Few, Marshall, other sides vacant; wit. William Joysey, Tho. Edmondson; rec. March 14, 1799. (FHL film 847,820)

Columbia Co. GA Deeds; Book R, 1815-1818 (FHL film 847,822)
      R-289: 17 Aug. 1810 (rec. 17 May 1818), William Wright to Matthew Duncan, both Columbia Co. GA, $315, 35 acres on waters of Green Briar where James Wright decd formerly lived, orig. grant to Elisha Gentry 9 April 1800; and 31-1/2 acres, part of tract granted Absolum Horn and conveyed by Horn's heirs to James Wright now decd, adj. above land; and 20 acres on Green Briar, part of two tracts, one a grant to James Wright and the other conveyed to James Wright by E. Gentry 30 July 1795. Sketch of land (shown as 1 parcel). Wit. John Watson jurat, David Langston jurat.
      R-290: 19 March 1799, John Kelly and wife Elizabeth of Columbia Co. to Matthew Duncan, £100 money of GA, 100 acres on White Oak adj. Hawkins, Jones. Wit. Milford (I) Betchery?, Henry (I) Lovrith.
      R-291: 25 Oct. 1817, Matthew Duncan and wife Sarah G. of Columbia Co. GA to John Sutherland of same, $1500, 371-1/2 acres which intraces (sic) 4 surveys or grants and parts of others; 1 tract 100 acres granted to Thomas Jones then deeded to Matthew Duncan 14 April 1801; 100 acres orig. granted John Kelly deeded to Duncan 19 March 1791; 1 tract granted to said M. Duncan of 76 acres on 29 Nov. 1803; and 1 tract of 35 acres grant to Elisha Gentry 9 April 1800, to James Wright decd, and by his son Wm. Wright to said M. Duncan; and parts of 3 other tracts described in aforementioned deed from Wm. Wright to said Duncan containing 60-1/2 acres; and part of another tract granted Absolum Horne conveyed by John Kelly to said Duncan 19 March 1791 of 18 acres in addition (to foregoing). Wit. James M. Crawford, Reuben Y. Langston.
      R-295: 14 April 1800, Thomas Jones and wife Tabitha of Columbia Co. GA to Matthew Duncan of same, $5, "five dollars", 100 acres in Columbia Co. formerly Richmond, on White Oak Creek, grant 1775, surveyed 14 April 1800, adj. line proven by Alexander Johnston and David Tomlinson. No relinq. of dower. Wit. Wm. Walton, John Sutherland. Rec. on oath of wit.
      R-296: 19 March 1791, John Kelly and wife Elizabeth (X) of Columbia Co. GA to Matthew Duncan, £50, 100 acres on White Oak Creek, part of grant to Absolam Horn of 200 acres on 6 Sept. 1774. Wit. Mildred (X) Cawhing, H. (L) Leverett.


"Georgia's Roster of the Revolution" by Lucian Lamar Knight, 1920 (FHL film 547,588)
      Pg. 62-73: Certificates of Service in the American Revolution on File in Office of Secretary of State, State Capitol:
      Duncan, Joseph. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st April 1784, that he was a captain in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not at the time of enlistment an inhabitant of the State. His brother, Matthew Duncan, prays for warrant as heir in Washington Co. (pg.63) (MAD: see Richmond and Columbia Cos. GA)
      Duncan, Matthew. Certificate of Col. E. Clark, 1st April 1784, that he served as a lieutenant in the Batt. of Minute Men, though not an inhabitant of the State at the time of enlistment. Prays for bounty in Washington Co. (pg.72)


"Augusta Chronicle" published Augusta, Richmond Co. GA (from index in "Personal Name Index 1786-1799" by Alice O. Walker, FHL book 975.864 B32w Vol.1, index from Georgie Cooper 1988; the indexes continue through 1830 in Vol.5)
      Indexed: Issue of August 21, 1790, pg.3, col.1, reference to Matthew Duncan in Aug. 1790 - no issue of 8/21/1790 found on film (FHL film 206,283)
      Indexed: Issue of Nov. 20, 1790, pg.1, col.3, reference to Edward Duncan on 11/20/1790 - name not found; a list of Richmond Co. (tax) defaulters.
      Issue of Sept. 10, 1791, pg.3, col.2: Edward Duncan a defaulter on tax list of Columbia Co.
      Issue of March 24, 1792, pg.2, col.2: Matthew Duncan on Grand Jury of Columbia Co. for 1791.


Putnam Co. GA Deed (FHL film 400,939)
      L-317: 29 Aug. 1817, Wilie Abercrombie of Putnam Co. GA to Mathew Duncan of Columbia Co. GA, $6000, several tracts; lot #111 in 2nd Dist. old Baldwin now Putnam Co. drawn by John Fitzgerald of Elbert Co. containing 202-1/2 acres on Cedar Creek; also 43a adj. former, being part of lot #112 in same county and district purchased of Robt. Jenkins; also a part of lot #98 in same county and district containing 39 acres in E. corner adj. N by Robert Jenkins and W by Leonard Abercrombie; and part of lot #97 (MAD: acres not given but should be about 100 acres) in same county and district beg. at E corner of said lots running to Cedar Creek, dividing line of lots #97 and #98 at a brick yard; also 30 acres part of lots #96 and #110 in same county and district beg. at E corner of lot #97, it is understood that Abercrombie reserves for use of Edmund Low the perpetual privilege and exemption from suit if the land is overflowed by Edmund Low if he erects a mill dam across Cedar Creek; the whole containing about 415 acres; wit. W. Roberts, Joseph Duncan.


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