Duncan research files of |
1860 Chattahoochee Co. GA Census (also from Denzil Mauldin 1/1987)
1153 Dist., Cusetta
Pg.465, #118-118, John S. DUNCAN 57 SC farmer $8,710-$15,395
Ally 60 GA
Mary 28, Robt. 24 GA
Hellen 20, Caroline 18 GA
(MAD: 1850 Muscogee Co. GA census; ?? Robert 35 GA in 1870 San Francisco Co. CA census, Wd.11)
Pg.465, #119-109, Sarah E. DUNCAN 35 NC farming $90-$150
Jas. 16, Caroline 14, Robt. 12 GA
Eliza (f) 9, John 6 GA
(MAD: ? 1850 Talbot Co. GA census, widow of William Duncan; one Robert Ray Duncan b. 3/25/1848 Marion Co. GA, d. 9/10/1919, bur. Bryan City Cemetery, Brazos Co. TX, from pg.32, "Brazos Co. TX Cemetery Inscriptions" by W. Broadus Smith, 1967; FHL book 976.4242 V3sm; Houston, TX, library book 976.44S; from Lucille Mehrkam 3/1984; or d. 9/10/1912 from "Pioneers of Brazos Co. TX 1800-50" by W. Broadus Smith, 1962)
1107 Dist., Cusetta
Pg.472-3, #188-176, Simson DUNCAN 55 GA cooper $0-$100 pauper
Polly 50 SC pauper
Martha 17, Frances (f) 18 (sic) GA
Jane 13, George 10, Annojine (f) 8 GA
Andrew 2, Colum (m) 2 GA
Henry JACKSON 21 GA laborer
(MAD: 1850 Harris Co. GA census; see also Frances Duncan in 1860 Harris Co. GA census; one Martha Duncan mar. Henry H. Jackson 11/16/1862)
P.O. Cusseta
Pg.506, #441-426, Malina HOLLIS (m) 41 GA farmer $2000-$20,800
Martha 36 GA
Zack 13, Elizabeth 11, Nancy 9, Sarah 7 GA
Parlia (f) 6, Rich 5, Martin 6 (sic) GA
Martha 3, infant (m) 1 GA
(MAD: looking for Mr. M.T. Hollis who mar. M.A. Duncan 11/11/1866; see 1870 Marion Co. GA census)
1870 Chattahoochee Co. GA Census
Goblers Hill
Pg.2, #25-25, DUNCAN, James F. 26 GA farm laborer $0-$250
Mary W. 17 GA
William 3/12 GA Feb.
DUNCAN, Eliz. (f) 17 GA attending school
(MAD: James F. Duncan mar. Mary Kenelly 3/7/1869)
Pg.8, #105-105, GUY, Zachariah 29 GA farm laborer $0-$300
Amanda 28 GA
Major (m) 27 GA
COBB, George 16 GA
ROSE, Jeter (m) 16 GA BLACK
Pg.8, #111-111, DUNCAN, Sarah 53 MS keeping house $0-$0
Robert 17, Elizabeth 15, John 13 MS
Pg.9, #116-116, DUNCAN, Alley (f) 70 GA keeping house $4500-$1500
Helen 32, Virginia 29 GA
DODSON, Henrietta 20 GA
(MAD: V.E. Duncan mar. John Edge 2/19/1871; Helen Duncan mar. J.A. Wynn 2/17/1875)
Cusseta Dist.
Pg.20, #3-3, DUNCAN, Barbara 60 MS MULATTO washer woman (alone)
Pg.20, #7-7, COVINGTON, Marshall 70 GA farm laborer
Aranin (f) 30 GA
Martha 25 GA
Pg.20, #10-10, HOUSE, John 38 GA BLACK farm laborer
Lucy 10, Scott (m) 6 GA MULATTOS
HOUSE, Anderson 13, Josephine 10, Cornelia 8 GA BLACK
Pg.20, #12-12, DUNCAN, Joseph 22 MS MULATTO farm laborer
Hannah 25 GA BLACK
Josaphine 5 GA BLACK
Pg.20, #13-13, DUNCAN, Peter 27 GA BLACK m/April
Mela (f) 18 GA MULATTO m/April
Tobias 8, George 6, Mariah 4 GA BLACK
Pg.31, #163-163, HARP, Andrew J. 28 GA farmer $4,700-$1050 & family
DUNCAN, Sarah 49 GA BLACK domestic servant
Nelson 8 GA BLACK
& 3 other MULATTO or BLACK servants
Pg.32, #171-169, DUNCAN, Kinian (m) 45 GA BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
COBB, Rachel 60 GA BLACK house keeper
William 3, Mariah (f) 4 GA BLACKS
COBB, Catharine 18 GA BLACK farm laborer
Harriet 13 GA BLACK farm laborer
Pine Knot Dist.
Pg.58, #93-93, DUNCAN, Mary 54 TN keeping house $0-$0
Frances (f) 26 GA
Mary 24, Martha 24 GA
George 20, Andrew 16, Howard (Hervard?) (m) 14 GA
James 5, Georgia (f) 2 GA
(MAD: ? household of Simson Duncan in 1860)
Chattahoochee Co. GA Marriage Records, 1854-1907 (FHL film 423,379)
Book 1854-1860
Book 1A, 1866-1876
Book A, 1854-1907
Pg.108, M.T. Hollis to M.A. Duncan (bride), mar. 11 Nov. 1866 by N.N. Howard J.I.C. (MAD: see 1870 Marion Co. GA census, Malin T. & Mary Hollis)
From other sources:
Starling Turner mar. Josephine Duncan 12/8/1858 (MAD: 1860 Marion Co. GA census)
John H. Turner mar. Mary Duncan 8/12/1858
Chattahoochee Co. GA Will Records, 1854-1935 (FHL film 423,381)
A-39/41: Will of John S. Duncan, of Chattahoochee Co. GA, 15 Dec. 1860, proved 14 Jan. 1861; at this time in ill health; there are at this time certain law suits pending against me for the recovery of certain of my negroes; all my property be kept together until each and all the suits are ended and disposed of, then my lands be sold and final distribution of the whole estate be made among my wife and children as follows; to my wife Alley my negro man Kinian for her life, then to my children equally, the negro man to my wife in lieu of her dower in my lands; balance of my estate of every discription be equally divided among my wife Ally and my children except Jane Dodson and William J. Duncan my son, each of whom have received from me $800, I direct that each of their shares shall be $800 less than any of the other shares; all property herein given to my daus. shall be for their sole and separate use not subject to the debts or liabilities of any husband with whom either of them may intermarry; appoint my two sons William J. Duncan and J.R. Duncan as execs; wit. E.G. Raiford, Elias Folsom, Merideth Wise; proved on oath of Elias Folsom 14 Jan. 1861; it is considered and adjudged that the will of John S. Duncan be considered duly proven and admitted to record, and the executors thereto and also Hellen M. Duncan has leave to qualify thereto; oath by W.J. Duncan and Hellen M. Duncan that they will execute the will 14 Jan. 1861; oath by J.R. Duncan that he will execute the will, 6 Dec. 1861. (MAD: obituary named him as John T. Duncan, late Senator from Chattahoochee.)
(MAD: wife said to be Allie Cobb, from pg.69A, genealogy of Warren Wilmot Williams, husband of Betty Ball Embry, in "Descendants of Joseph Embry (1712-1819) of Madison Co. KY and Other KY Embry, Embrey, Embree Families; with Miscellaneous County Records of KY, TN, VA, GA, NC, SC" 2 Vols., by Norris W. Embry of Ft.Lauderdale, FL, 1940-1963, from copy at KY Historical Society, from John A. Duncan 1995. "Twenty-One Southern Families, Notes & Genealogies" by Elizabeth Pryor Harper, compiled & edited by Patricia Freeman, 1985, had info that John Duncan mar. Ally Cobb 12/29/1825, dau. of Absolum and Unity (McDade) Cobb near Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., with no other source)
Chattahoochee Co. GA Court of Ordinary, court minutes; incl. index; Book A-C, 1854-1885 (FHL film 423,383)
Vol.A, 1854-1863 (indexed, not all items copied)
A-29: Feb. 1857, Mary F. Duncan, dau. of Franklin Duncan, late of Talbot Co., decd, being of lawful age, choose John S. Duncan her gdn.
A-374: Aug. 1861, Wm. J. Duncan, admin. of John C. Dodson, having filed his return for 1861, ordered recorded; Wm. J. Duncan, admin. of Samuel C. Dodson, having filed his return, ordered recorded. (MAD: Wm. J. Duncan was also guardian for orphans of Mr. Cobb, not copied)
A-374: Aug. 1862, Wm. J. and H.M. Duncan, exor & execs of John S. Duncan having filed their return for 1861, ordered recorded.
Vol.B, 1863-1868 (indexed, not all items copied)
B-84: April, 1865, Helen M. Duncan, extrx of John S. Duncan, having filed her return 28 June 1864, ordered recorded.
Edmund O'neal agent for ... J.R. Duncan trustee for minors of Wm. Duncan decd, ...
Edmund O'neal agent for W.J. Duncan admin. of J.C. Dodson ...
B-118: Jan. 1866, petition of James R. Duncan for minor orphans of William Duncan decd, wants to resign as guardian, James F. Duncan a brother of said orphans is suitable; 8 Jan. 1866 letters of guardianship issued to James F. Duncan.
Chattahoochee Co. GA Court of Ordinary probate records; temporary letters & letters of administration, guardianship & dismission 1856-1922; administration & guardian bonds 1854-1913 (FHL film 423,385)
Vol.A., letters of guardianship 1856-1922
A-107/8: 1 April 1861, James R. Duncan, guardian of James F. Duncan, orphan of William Duncan decd. James R. Duncan, guardian of Elizabeth C. Duncan, orphan of William Duncan. James R. Duncan, guardian of Robert L. Duncan, Eliza J. Duncan and William J.W. Duncan, orphans of William Duncan decd.
A-191: 8 Jan. 1866, petition of James F. Duncan to be guardian of minors of William Duncan; whereas Elizabeth C., Robert L., Elijah J. and William J.W. Duncan, orphans of Wm. Duncan decd, possessed considerable estate; letters of guardianship issued.
Chattahoochee Co. GA Deed Index Book A, 1854-1910 (FHL film 423,367)
A-215: H.M. Key to Jno. S. Duncan, Dist.5 Lot #111, 5/21/1855, rec. 1/31/1856
A-215: S.C. Dodson admins to Jno. S. Duncan, Dist.5 #110, 11/6/1855, rec. 1/31/1856
A-216: Sheriff S.R. Brown to Jno. S. Duncan, Dist.33 #16, 11/6/1855
A-375: J.S. Duncan to S.C. Dodson, Dist.5, lots 79-80-49, 2/19/1850
A-427: J.S. Duncan to J.B. Parkman, Dist.33 #16, 12/2/1856
B-147: J.S. Duncan admins to S.J. Austin, Dist.5 #13, 1/5/1860, rec. 6/11/1860
C-302: C.A. Waddle et al to "Helen" M. Duncan, Dist.5 #48, 12/4/1874, rec. 2/17/1875
C-303: H.M. Duncan exor to M.T. Hollis, Dist.5, lots 51, 78, 79, 84, 83, 80, 1/17/1874, rec. 2/19/1875
C-334: M.T. Hollis to "Hellen" M. Duncan, Dist.5 lots 84, 77, 78, 51, 83, 80, 7/21/1874, rec. 6/16/1875
D-33: J.F. Duncan et al to B.F. Davis, Dist.32 #245, 11/27/1874
D-474: H.M. Duncan to M.T. Hollis, Dist.5 #110-111, 1/23/1875, rec. 3/6/1883
F-209: Hellen M. Duncan to John Edge, Dist.5 lots 52, 77, 1/20/1874, rec. 12/5/1896
G-458: S.R. Bevim? (Brown?) to Jno. S. Duncan, Dist.5 #52, 2/7/1848, rec. 3/24/1905
G-459: Jemimah Culpepper to Jno. S. Duncan, Dist.5 #77, 3/11/1850, rec. 3/24/1905
Chattahoochee Co. GA Deeds
D-33: Chattahoochee Co. GA, 27 Nov. 1874, J.F. Duncan, Robert L. Duncan, Elizabeth C. Duncan, Eliza J. Duncan and John W. Duncan of afsd, to B.F. Davis of Stewart Co. GA, for $50, deed for S 1/2 frac. of land in Chattahoochee Co. GA, fraction #245, of 95 acres in 32nd Dist. orig. Lee Co. now Chattahoochee Co.; /s/ J.F. Duncan, Robert L. Duncan, E.C. Duncan, Eliza J. Duncan, J.F. Duncan gdn for J.W. Duncan; wit. M.T. Hollis, H.M. Duncan. Proven 7 March 1882. (FHL film 423,369)
G-458: Muscogee Co. GA, 7 Feb. 1848, Silas R. Brown of afsd to John S. Duncan of Muscogi (MAD: sic) Co. GA, $150, lot 52 in 5th Dist. of Muscogee, 202-1/2 acres drawn by James MacGlothling; wit. Wm. C. Campbell, Ezekiel Watters JP; rec. 24 March 1905. (FHL film 423,371)
G-459: Marion Co. GA, 11 March 1850, Jeremiah Culpepper of afsd to John S. Dunkin of Muscogee, $120, lot in 5th Dist. of Muscogee, 1st Dist., #77, 202-1/2 acres; wit. Elias Folsom, Adaline Morgan; rec. 24 March 1905. (FHL film 423,371)
"Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Georgia at Milledgeville, June term 1867 and part of December term 1867" by N.J. Hammond; Georgia Reports, Vol.36, pgs.575 to 581 (California State Law Library, Sacramento, 2/2004)
D. H. BURTS, Administrator of WADE H. GORDON, deceased, plaintiff in error, v. J. R. and H. M. DUNCAN, Executors of JOHN S. DUNCAN, deceased, defendants in error; Supreme Court of Georgia, at Milledgeville; 36 Ga. 575; December, 1867, Decided.
Trover. Motion for new trial. Decided by Judge Worrill. Chattahoochee Superior Court. March Term, 1867.
Wade H. Gordon died in July, 1839, in Lowndes county, Mississippi, leaving a will by which a negro woman, Babe, and her child, Violet, were bequeathed to his wife, to be held by her during her natural life, or widowhood, for the purpose of aiding in raising their children till they were of lawful age, and in case she should die or marry, they were to be sold for the benefit of their children, and by which James H. Turner was appointed executor.
The widow afterwards, in May, 1845, married Samuel Martin, who took the negroes into possession, sold Violet in Mississippi, and in 1851, brought the others to Georgia, and sold them to John S. Duncan for $1,600.
In 1860, Duncan H. Burts became, in Georgia, administrator, cum testamento annexo, of said deceased, and sued John S. Duncan for said negroes and their hire. The declaration averred that said Turner, executor, (who had qualified in Mississippi) was, as such, possessed of said negroes in 1840, and afterwards, in said county of Mississippi, on the first day of October, 1845, casually lost said negroes out of his and said Georgia administrator's possession, and afterwards, in 1851, they came into the possession of defendant, who refused on demand, to give them up, &c., that they were worth so many dollars, and so many more for hire per annum, respectively. Pending the case, defendant died, and his executors became parties. On the trial, the following additional facts appeared:
Samuel Martin testified: that upon his said marriage, he took possession of said Babe and her children, kept them about six years, sold them to Duncan, deceased, in May, 1851, for $1,650 in cash, spent the money for his own use, and had never paid any part of it to any of Gordon's children; that said Gordon's children were six, viz: Hilliard P., William E., John P., James N., Wade H. and Isaac S.; that he kept the negroes by consent of Turner till he brought them to Georgia, in 1851, and did not consult the children about bringing them away.
Mrs. Martin testified the same in substance, stating that though the children all lived with Martin, the negroes were taken secretly, and without the children knowing it, that the youngest of her children was born in 1839, and that Martin had never settled with Turner, nor with any of her children, for the negroes sold by him, and Turner was insolvent.
Hilliard Gordon testified: that Martin had not settled with the said children or executor, and that he (witness) sold his interest in said slaves to Nevil Dobbs, for $80.
Isaac S. Gordon testified: that he was a minor when this suit was commenced, and that he had sold his interest in said slaves to W. H. Montgomery.
John Harvey testified: that Martin, in 1851, sold the six negroes to Duncan, deceased, for $1,650, when they would have brought in market over, if the title had been undisputed, $2,000, or $2,500, that witness told Duncan, deceased, that he, witness, had fears about the titles, and he put their hire at from $250, to $300 per annum.
Matthew Revel testified as to said sale, and that the negroes, if the title was undisputed, would have sold for $2,500 or $3,000, that Duncan, deceased, and Duncan's executors, kept them till slavery was abolished, and that they were worth for hire, per annum, $400, and that in 1862, they were worth $6,100.
The demand and refusal were admitted. The plaintiff offered the Georgia administrator to prove that his administration was at the instance of said Turner, in order to recover said slaves and their hire, but the Court rejected this evidence.
The defendants then read Martin's bill of sale, dated 9th May, 1851, conveying to Duncan, deceased, said woman and her five children, for $1,600, and warranting the title; the interrogatories of said Wade H. Gordon, stating that his brothers, Hilliard, William and John, got part of said purchase money from Martin; John got $200 in witness' presence from Martin, Hilliard and William sold their interests to Dobbs, whom Martin paid, and witness, in 1839, sold his to Montgomery, that two of the brothers were dead, that Martin maintained all of said children till they were of age, and that he, witness, was eight years old when his mother married Martin.
Defendants further showed by the records of Mississippi, that Turner qualified as such executor in January, 1840, and in October, 1845, procured an order from the Probate Court to sell said slaves.
The defendants examined several witnesses who testified substantially that Duncan, deceased, paid Martin the value of said slaves, and that their hire was balanced by the expense of keeping them, some of them being breeding women.
It was admitted that Duncan, deceased, kept them openly, and paid taxes on them as his own.
The Court charged the jury that if Turner, executor, did not sue for said slaves within four years after Duncan, deceased, bought them, and he was guilty of no fraud, and held them as his own, Turner, and all claiming under him, were barred by the statute of limitations, and that if Duncan, deceased, claimed title to said slaves in good faith, and they were emancipated by the government, plaintiff could not recover.
The jury found costs against the plaintiff. He moved for a new trial on the grounds that the Court erred in not allowing him to show that he administered at the instance of Turner, in charging as aforesaid, in refusing to charge, as requested, that if Duncan, deceased, was guilty of fraud, the statute of limitations would not protect him, and because the jury erred in finding that he should pay the costs.
The Court refused a new trial, and this is brought up for review.
[opinion] WALKER, J. By the Act of December, 1847, Cobb's Dig., p. 569, it is provided that nothing in the fifth section of the statute of limitations shall be so construed as to protect any defendant or defendants, from any action at any time, where the jury are satisfied that there has been a fraudulent removal or concealment of the property, in order to deprive the rightful owner of the possession or enjoyment of the same, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. This statute was in force at the time the possession of Duncan began, in 1851; and according to its provisions, Duncan could not be protected from "any action at any time" where there had been (no matter by whom) "a fraudulent removal or concealment of the property in order to deprive the rightful owner of the possession or enjoyment of the same." Do not the facts bring this case fully within the provisions of this statute? We think so.
By the 21st section of the Act of 1856, pamph., p. 235, it is provided that when the right to sue shall not accrue until after the death of any person, the time within which suit is to be brought, under the provisions of this act, shall not begin to be computed until there is representation upon his estate: Provided, that in each of these cases (named in the section) there be representation by an executor or administrator duly qualified within five years from the death. Section 22 provides that where personal property shall be carried away or secreted, so that the party entitled to sue for the same, knows not who is in possession of it, or where it is, or against whom to bring his suit, the limitation of time in which suit, for the recovery of personal property are to be brought by the provisions of this act, shall not begin to be computed against such party until he has discovered where such property is, and who is in possession of it.
This act went into effect the first of June, 1856, ib. 237; and this action was brought 24th April, 1860, less than four years from the time the act went into operation. Now, by the act of 1847, Duncan was liable to suit "at any time, " if there had been a fraudulent removal of the property in order to prevent the rightful owner from enjoying the same. In such a state of facts, the statute of limitations did not begin to run. It could not begin to run until the 1st June, 1856, and four years had not elapsed from that date until suit was commenced; and under the act of 1856, ought there not to be five years in which representation of the estate should be taken out before the statute should begin to run? Such would seem to be a reasonable interpretation of its provisions. Secs. 2877 and 2880, Rev. Code, is in substance both the acts of 1847 and 1856. See also Sec. 2646. So that taking all our statutes on the subject together, we think, under the facts of this case, the defendant was not protected by the statute of limitations; and the charge of the Court on that subject was erroneous.
The defendant in error insisted that the legal title was in Turner, the executor, and not in the Georgia administrator, and therefore, the plaintiff could not recover. Admitting the title to have been in Turner, we have shown that tinder the act of 1847, Duncan would not have been protected by the statute of limitation, because the property had been fraudulently removed. But Turner could not maintain an action in Georgia as executor, to recover these negroes. In Davis v. Smith, 5 Ga. 295-6, this Court says: "An administrator or an executor derives his authority from his letters of administration or testamentary. As such, he has no power beyond the limits of the State by whose authority he is invested with the trust. He cannot sue, therefore, nor can he be sued in any other State. If it becomes necessary to sue in behalf of the estate which he represents, in a foreign State, he must obtain letters of administration in that State, according to the provisions of the law of that State." Citing quite a number of authorities. Again, in the S. W. R. R. Co., v. Paulk, 24 Ga. 356, the Court says: "It is a general doctrine of the common-law, recognized both in England and America, that no suit can be maintained or brought by any executor or administrator, in his official capacity, in the courts of any other country except that from which he derives his authority. The authorities upon this point are exceedingly numerous and conclusive." Citing quite a number, and add, "See this point strongly stated by this Court, 5th Ga. Rep., 295, 296." This case was a construction of the act of 1850, Cobb's Dig., 341, and was adverse to a foreign administrator's right to sue in a case like this. The rule seems to have been changed and enlarged by the Rev. Code. Secs. 2573 and 2414.
We do not mean to decide that under the facts of this case the defendant is liable for the value of these negroes. We recognize the rule as laid down in the Code, Sec. 3023, that "The death or destruction, or material injury to the property pending the litigation, shall be no defence to a mere wrong doer. If the defendant is a bona fide claimant, and the injury arises from the act of God, and in no wise the result of defendant's conduct, the jury may take the same into consideration, but in no case shall such a Court cast the costs upon the plaintiff." In this case, the jury "cast the costs upon the plaintiff." Under the facts of the case, we hold that the defendant was not protected by the statute of limitations; and no other defence is shown sufficient to defeat the legal title shown in the plaintiff. If the property had been destroyed by the act of God, the vis major pending the litigation, and the defendant is a bona fide claimant, as he seems to be, the jury may take the same into consideration but they cannot, on this account, make the plaintiff pay the costs. I am inclined to think that a verdict finding the costs in favor of the plaintiff would have been sustained. This question is not before us now however.
Judgment reversed.
Talbot Co. GA Deed (FHL film 249,430)
K-193: 5 April 1859, John S. Duncan of Chattahouchee GA, admin. of estate of Elisabeth Duncan, late of Talbot Co. GA, decd, to David R. Russell of same; by an order of Court of Ordinary on 1st Monday of Feb. last to said John Duncan to sell land belonging to estate of said decd, lot #35 in 22nd dist. originally Muscogee now Talbot Co., and part of lot #34 containing 217 acres; sold 1st Tues. April 1859 to John R. Russell for $1200. Wit. R.M. Gamble, G?.E.N. Forbes.
"Roster of Confederate Soldiers of GA 1861-1865" by Lillian Henderson, Director of the State Division of Confederate Pensions and Records for the state of Georgia, 6 vols. (FHL book 975.8 M22h)
2:18: 10th Regiment GA Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern VA; Co.C, Chattahoochee Beauregards, Chattahoochee Co. GA: J.F. Duncan, Private, Aug. 20, 1861; surrendered, Appamattox, VA, April 9, 1865.
4:962: 46th Regiment GA Volunteer Infantry, Army of Tennessee; Co.D, Chattahoochee Sentinels, Chattahoochee Co. GA: James Robert Duncan, Private, March 4, 1862; appointed 3rd Sergeant June 1864; paroled at Greensboro, NC, May 1, 1865, remarks: "Sick in hospital since Feb. 13, 1865."
1890 "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Southern AR" Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayette, Hempstead, Columbia, Little River, Nevada, Cleveland, Ouchita (sic), Dallass, Bradley, Calhoun, Union, Ashley, Drew, Lincoln, Desha and Chicot Cos.; by Goodspeed (FHL film 266,242; and from Betty Laarveld 5/1987)
Pg.639: Cleveland Co. John A. Wynn, resident of Cleveland Co. AR for past 15 years; b. Harris Co. GA Feb. 12, 1834, son of Thomas H. and Temperance C. (Huff) Wynn, b. Baldwin Co. GA and Edgefield Dist. SC in 1801 and 1814 respectively. May 1862 Confederate Infantry. 1875 to AR, Lee Township. He was first married in Feb. 1866 to Miss Maggie Bussey, a dau. of F.S. and Dimny Bussey, but she died in GA in 1873, having borne 2 children ... In February, 1875, he took for his second wife Miss Helen M. Duncan, a daughter of John and Ally Duncan. She was also born in GA, and has born Mr. Wynn 3 sons: Thomas D., Robert D. and John F. (MAD: mar. 2/17/1875 Chattahoochee Co. GA)
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