Duncan research files of |
1840-1860 Randolph Co. AR Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Randolph Co. AR Census
Demun Twp.
Pg.448, #184-191, DUNCAN, Stephen 48 IL (whites) laborer $0-$200
Damy (f) 25 MO keeping house
Sarah 6, Stephen 1 AR
Pg.449, #184-191, DUNCAN, Wm. 25 IL laborer $0-$0
Sarah 18 IL keeping house
Mary B. 1 AR
HINGS, Danl. 19 IL laborer
Randolph Co. AR Deed Indexes (SLC 6/1/2011; copied by CVD)
Direct index, A-Z, 1837-1875 (FHL Film 1,293,717 Item 6)
A-20, Duncan, H.B. to F. Surgett, deed, 11/16/1836
A-41, Duncan, James to F. Sugit/Lugit, deed, 11/17/1836
A-44, Duncan, W.B. to S. Evans, deed, 11/7/1836, filed 12/18/1836
3-603, Duncan, W. to F. Surget, deed, 11/16/1836
3-619, Duncan, John to F. Surget, deed, 11/17/1836
3-621, Duncan, W.B. to Simi, Evans, deed 11/7/1836, filed 12/18/1836
Indirect index, B-Z, 1837-1875 (FHL film 1,293,718 item 1; SLC 10/3/2011)
No Duncan grantee
Randolph Co. AR Deeds (SLC 10/3/2011; MAD & Dean D. Duncan: Spelling varies; deeds recorded in Book A were also recorded in Book 3 starting on page 591)
3-603: 16 Nov. 1836, William B. Duncan of State of Arkansas to Francis Surget of Adams Co. Mississippi, for $400 paid, sell to said Francis Surget the following lands which I have entered at the land office in Batesville: The E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.21 and W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.23 and NE 1/4 Sec.23 in Twp.19 North of Range 3 East, containing 320 acres, and covenant with said Francis Surget that (1) I am lawfully seased [seized] of said premises, (2) I have a good right to convey the same, (3) the same is free from incumbence, (4) the said Francis Surget shall quietly enjoy the same, (5) I warrant the title. /s/ William Duncan. Wit. G.B. Croft, John R. Vance. William B. Duncan appeared 16 Nov. 1836 before B.J. Niley, Clerk, Randolph Co. AR. (FHL film 1,293,724; SLC 10/3/2011; extract by Dean D. Duncan; this deed was also recorded in Book A, pg.20, on FHL film 1,293,723)
3-619: 4 November 1836, John Brundrett of Independence County, Arkansas to Francis Surget of Adams County, Mississippi; John Brundrett sold for $305 the following described 240 acres, sale being entered at the land office in Batesville: The southwest quarter of Section 33 and the southeast and southwest residual quarter sections of the southeast quarter of Section 33 in Township 20 North Range 3 East. John Brundrett states he has right to sell, free from encumbrances, warrants title, etc. /s/ John Brundrett, 4 November 1836. Witnesses: William B. Duncan, William Moore. John Brundrett appeared 4 Nov. 1836 before William Moore, Clerk of Independence Co. AR. (FHL film 1,293,724; SLC 10/3/2011; extract by Dean D. Duncan)
3-619/620: Deed, 17 November 1836, James Duncan of Monroe Co. AR to Francis Surget of Adams Co. MS, sold for $400 the following described 320 acres, sale being entered at the land office in Batesville: the northwest quarter of Section 24 and southeast quarter of Section 13 in Township 19 North and Range 3 East. James Duncan has right to sell, free from encumbrances, warrants title, etc. /s/ James Duncan, 17 November 1836. Witnesses: Wm. B. Duncan, Hiram Duncan. Randolph Co. AR Clerk Burrell J. Niley of Circuit Court confirmed signatures of James Duncan, William B. Duncan and Hiram Duncan. 17 November 1836. (FHL film 1,293,723; SLC 10/3/2011; extract by Dean D. Duncan; this deed was also recorded in Book A, pg.41, on FHL film 1,293,723)
3-621/622: 7 Nov. 1836, William B. Duncan is bound to Semi Evans of Randolph Co. AR for $100, that William B. Duncan has this day sold to said Semi Evans for $55 the NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec.33 in Twp.20 North of Range 3 East containing 40 acres, now if said William B. Duncan shall make to said Semi Evans a good title to the above land as soon as he can conveniently do so, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise remain in full force and virtue. /s/ William B. Duncan. Wit. Jam.? Johnston, Isaac Folsom. Filed and entered on record 18 Dec. 1836, /s/ B.J. Niley, Clk. (FHL film 1,293,724; SLC 10/3/2011; extracted by MAD; this deed was also recorded in Book A, pg.44, on FHL film 1,293,723)
Randolph Co. AR Records and Genealogy
Randolph Co. AR Marriages 1837-1999
Randolph Co. AR Cemetery Records
1910 "Directory of Randolph County, Arkansas" Compiled by L.F. Blankenship; Published by Star Herald Printing Company, Pocahontas, Ark.
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