Duncan research files of |
Also see the published abstracts and indexes to military records by Virgil D. White for Duncans who served in the various wars.
US Land Patents in Arkansas and many other states are available on the Internet from the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records (address as of 6/2001)
Index of MO and AR and Partial IL (C-D) Land Patentees, War of 1812; Warrants (Index on FHL film 983,163)
Sec.1, MO Index (pg.56)
#13766: Duncan, William, Corporal, Talbot's 19th Inf., located Feb. 9, 1819, in NW 27-55-16. (NW 1/4 Sec.27 T55 R16) (from warrant on FHL film 983,170)
#21346: Dunnan, William, (rank blank), Gates Co. of Artillery, located May 8, 1819, in SE 25-56-17. (from warrant on FHL film 983,173)
#21562: Duncan, Lewis, (rank blank), Zantzinger's Corp. of Artillery, located May 17, 1819, in SE 36-56-20. (from warrant on FHL film 983,174)
#22413 (indexed as #22433): Duncan, Coleman, Matross in Hobart's Light Artillery, located Aug. 27, 1819, in SW 11-56-19 (from warrant on FHL film 983,174)
Sec.2, AR Patentees, from G.L.O. (General Land Office) Patent Book; with added date and Tract Book page; added county from Rand McNally Commercial Atlas (tract books on FHL film 1,302,833)
Volume, page, name, warrant #, quarter (unless noted otherwise), section, township, range; date from tract book pages by Twp & Range; present county.
Vol.2 p.270: Duncan, Jeptha, #24,332; NE 1/4, (Sec.) 25, (Twp) 10N, (Range) 7W; 5/7/1821, p.49; present northern White Co. next to Cleburne and Independence Cos. (Independence Co. AR in 1830)
Vol.2 p.433: Dunham, Ephraim, heir of Leml. Dunham, #24,262; SE 18 2N 3E; 5/21/1821, p.130; present Lee Co. (Phillips or St.Francis Co. AR in 1830)
Vol.8 p.427: Duncan, alias Dunkin, Anderson, #25,043; SE 11 14N 4W; 3/12/1822, p.23; NE area Independence Co.
Vol.10 p.154: John Duncan son and the other heirs at law of Geo. W. Duncan decd, #25,618; SE 23 7N 14W; 11/8/1824, p.108; western part of Faulkner Co. (Conway Co. AR in 1830) (MAD: lots of heirs listed in this township & range)
Vol.12 p.449: Duncan, Thomas, #24,945; NE 28 1S 2E; 2/21/1836, p.168; NW corner of present Phillips Co. (Phillips or Monroe Co. in 1836)
Vol.13 p.6: Duncan, Daniel, #354; S 1/2 35 10N 4W; 9/25/1837, p.19; West side Jackson Co. between Independence & White Cos. (could have been Independence Co. in 1837)
Sec.3, IL (Partial) -- no Duncan
Sec.4, Patentees Under Act of 1842 -- no Duncan
Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Automated Records Project. Arkansas Land Office, Act/Treaty of May 6, 1812, Entry Classification: Scrip-Warrant Act of 1812
Name, Acres, Date land document signed
Dunkin, Anderson, 160 acres, Mar 12 1822
Duncan, Daniel, 320 acres, Sep 25 1837
Duncan, Jeptha, 160 acres, May 07 1821
Duncan, John, 160 acres, Dec 09 1824
Duncan, Thomas, 160 acres, Feb 21 1837
Index to Lovely Purchase Donation Land Claims, AR (FHL film 1,302,802; county from Rand McNally Commercial Atlas)
Duncan, James, S 1/2 Sec.36 Twp 16S, Range 2W, 320 acres, 1835; Chicot Co.
Duncan, William, W 1/2 Sec.19 Twp 17S, Range 1E, 320 acres, 1836; Chicot Co. on Mississippi River next to Washington Co. MS.
Lowndes Co. AL County Court Estate Papers, Dulany, A.B. to Evans, Peter (FHL film 1,544,208)
DUNCAN, ANDERSON. Inventory 25 Oct. 1866, admin. John A. Duncan. J.B. Duncan bought Anderson Duncan's land.
Petition of John A. Duncan, that Anderson Duncan died intestate on or about 11 April 1862 in said county, being a citizen of said county, and left property consisting of land and personal effects at about the value of $1650, that the heirs at law of Anderson Duncan are petitioner John A. Duncan, and Lydia W. Douglass wife of F.M. Douglass, over the age of 21 residing in Lowndes Co., M. Martha E.J. Mason wife of E.P.J. Mason over the age of 21 of Lowndes Co., Frances E.A. Duncan under 21 residing in Montgomery Co. AL, Julius B. Duncan in Butler Co. AL over 21, Charles B. Duncan over 21 in AR ("Arkansas"), James M. Duncan over 21 who when last heard from resided in Louisiania, and Wm. W. Duncan over 21 who when last heard from resided in TX, all children of said decd, and (blank) Smith and (blank) Smith over age 21 children of Jane Elizabeth a dau. of decd. now decd. who married first John S. Smith and afterwards Willm. Page, and the following named minor ch. of said Jane Elizabeth under age 21 years (6 children, first names blank, surname Page), all ch. of said Jane Elizabeth, all of whose children reside in MS; 23 July 1869. (frame 121-122)
Deposition of William Martin (Maslin?) 17 Nov. 1866, that he knows the heirs at law of Anderson Duncan decd. are J.B. Duncan res. AL, Jane (blank) mar. woman res. LA, J.A. Duncan res. AL, Thomas Duncan LA, Wm. Duncan LA, Martha Johnson AL mar. woman, Charles Duncan AL, Lydia Douglas mar. woman AL, Francis Duncan single woman AL; he knew the lands belonging to the estate of said Anderson Duncan decd; that the land could not be equally divided but should be sold. (frame 123)
Interrogation of B.R. Ingram, 17 Nov. 1866, that he knows the heirs at law of Anderson Duncan decd. are J.B. Duncan, Jane "I do not know her other name" married woman & resides in LA, J.A. Duncan AL, Thos. Duncan LA, Wm. Duncan LA, Martha Johnson married woman AL, Charles Duncan AL, Lydia Douglas married woman AL, and Frances Duncan AL, all of full age; he knows the land belonging to the estate of Anderson Duncan decd, that it could not be equally divided and should be sold. (frames 124-125)
Macon Co. AL Probate Records; original estate papers 1832-1940; Drakeford, James to Echols, John H. (FHL film 2,033,923; did not extract all documents)
W.B. Duncan, Folder #2 of 2.
Deposition of John W. Rogers; (1) he knows the land; (2) not personally acquainted with any heirs of W.B. Duncan's estate but has heard Mr. Duncan speak of a full brother in Oregon and half brothers and sisters living in Walker Co. GA, he thinks Lafayette is their post office; he does not remember the number (of brothers and sisters) of either; he has also heard him speak of another full brother since died and left widow with 3 or 4 children.
Deposition of W.H. Henderson; L.J.C. Duncan of Jacksonville [MAD: Jackson Co.], Oregon, is a full brother; W.B. Duncan had one other full brother living in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, now decd, who left a widow and some children, unknown how many nor residence of this family; Mr. Duncan had full sister now dead who left 3 children, residence unknown other than Alabama; he had 2 half brothers and one half sister, one of the brothers H.S. Duncan lives in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, the other, R.S. Duncan, living in [MAD: ?Sevier Co.] Arkansas, the half sister lived in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, died and left two children; the full sister married Robt. Huston who lived near Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, and has since died; the half sister married Thos. McDonald who lived at the same place and is dead; 23 May 1866.
Petition 6 Feb. 1866, that William B. Duncan died more than 15 days ago in the State of VA in 1864 or 1865, Thomas Ramsey the largest creditor, petitions for administration of the estate.
(MAD: W.B. Duncan 38 TN in 1860 Macon Co. AL census; L.J.C. Duncan 42 TN in 1860 Jackson Co. OR census with wife & child; one Hugh L. Duncan 23 GA in 1860 Walker Co. GA census with wife next to Marvel Duncan 64 TN and near the widow of Marvel L. Duncan; one Robert L. Duncan 25 GA in 1860 Sevier Co. AR and one Robert Duncan 38 TN in 1860 Benton Co. AR with wife & family)
1883 "History of Greene County, Missouri... : including a history of its township, towns, and villages, together with a condensed history of Missouri...biographical sketches and portraits of prominent citizens..." by Western Historical Co. (FHL book 977.878 H2h and film 1,000,298 item 4; Los Angeles Public Library book 977.81 G81Hi)
Pg.630: Boone Township: J.K.P. DUNCAN. Squire Duncan is the son of Dennis K. and Malinda (Hope) Duncan, and was born in Roane county, Tennessee, June 1st, 1845. His father came to Lawrence county in 1846, and lived there several years, and then took a trip to Arkansas, where he died. His mother died in 1865. J.K.P. Duncan attended his first school in Greene county, James Van Bibber being the teacher. He was educated principally, however, in Lawrence county, ... Mr. Duncan was married December 28, 1865, to Mary E., daughter of Josiah Mason, Esq. She was born May 7th, 1842. Their union has been blest with eleven children, viz.: Wm. H., born October 26th, 1866; Tennessee M., born February 23d, 1868; Josiah H., born May 25th, 1869; Mary C., born October 19th, 1870; Mattie, born February 16th, 1872; J.K.P., born June 2d, 1873, and died September 26th, 1873; Edward W., born March 26th, 1875, and died May 27th, 1877; Rosa, born July 3d, 1876, and died November 17th, 1876; Cinderilla, born November 25th, 1877, and died February 8th, 1879; Cora A., born January 6th, 1880; and Hale S., born March 21st, 1882. Mr. Duncan and wife are members of the Sac river Baptist church.
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