Duncan research files of |
1830-1840 Chicot Co. AR Census
No Duncan indexed
(MAD: James Duncan in 1828 Conway Co. AR tax list; James Duncan in 1829 Chicot Co. AR tax list; see 1830 Conway Co. AR census)
1850 Chicot Co. AR Census
Bayou Mason
Pg.181, #92, Hiram H. RALPH 50 TN farmer $3600
Ellen 36 NC
William B. OWEN 13, Eliza 10 TN
Mary 8, James T?. 6 TN
Simeon DUNCAN 22 SC
(MAD: ? 1860 Panola Co. TX census)
1860 Chicot Co. AR Census
Pg.963, #357, Geo. W. SAPPINGTON 37 VA planter $35,600-$56,000
Clarence CABALL (m) 40 VA planter
Jas. C. DUNKINS 36 VA overseer
1870 Chicot Co. AR Census
Oden Twp., P.O. Luna
Pg.149A, #345-345, DUNCAN, W. (m) 38 KY BLACK laborer $0-$0
Julia 25 OH BLACK school teacher
SNIELY?, James 29 PA BLACK machinest
HEAD, W.J. (m) 24 GA BLACK laborer
Railroad Twp., P.O. Gains? Landing
Pg. 165, #157-158, DUNCAN, Wm. 40 KY BLACK laborer $0-$300
Stephen 15 LA BLACK
Cornelia (f) 35 LA BLACK laborer
Jack (m) 10, Tommie (m) 6 AR BLACKS
"Territorial Papers, Arkansas Territory, 1819-1825 (sic)" Vol.XIX (CA State University, Sacramento, library)
Pg.856-7: County Officers: Chicot Co., Feb. 9, 1830: William B. Duncan, Judge of the county court.
"Territorial Papers, Arkansas Territory, 1829-1836" Vol.XXI (CA State University, Sacramento, library)
Pg.463-4: Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of Chicot Co., referred Feb. 27, 1832: Petition for establishment of a mail route and placing a weekly mail thereon, from Vicksburg MS via Lake Providence LA; Princeton MS Lake Port A. Tery (sic); the seat of Justice of Chicot Co.; Pennington's settlement on the Bayou Saline in Union Co.; Pine Bluffs the seat of Justice of Jefferson Co., to Little Rock the seat of Government of the Territory of Arkansas. Signed by William B. Duncan and others. (MAD: perhaps 1826-1828 Jefferson Co. AL; 1850 Smith Co. TX census)
Pg.492-4: Petition to Congress by Citizens of the Territory, referred April 2, 1832: That by act of Congress approved 2 March 1831, a quantity of unappropriated public lands in the Territory of Arkansas, not exceeding 10 sections, were to be selected in portions not less than one quarter section, but the Legislature adjourned without making any provisions for selecting the lands; petition for a law authorizing the governor to cause the lands to be selected according to the provisions of the act. Signed by Wm. B. Duncan and others.
Pg.849-853: Letter from Benjamin L. Miles, Columbia, Chicot Co., to Delegate A.H. Sevier, 18 Nov. 1833, enclosing a memorial (petition) from many inhabitants of Chicot Co., requesting a canal to unite the Bayou Bartholomew, a tributary of the Washataw, with the Mississippi, to improve navigation on the Bartholomew. Signed by Wm. B. Duncan and many others.
Pg.1233-4: Letter from Aaron W. Lyon, land office, Batesville, to Ethan A. Brown, July 2, 1836; enclosing a letter written by "Dr. Wm. B. Duncan" and saying that there were others in the same situation. The list of seminary lands furnished Duncan at the land Office in Little Rock belong to the 72 sections selected for Seminary purposes but were not on the list on file in Lyon's office.
Letter: Wm. B. Duncan, Batesville [Independence Co.], State of Arkansas, July 2, 1836, to Hon. Ethan A. Brown. In entering some lands at this office last fall I entered the North half of Sec. 31 and the South half of Sec. 30 in Twp. 8 North, Range 3 West, and also a part of Sec. 4 in the same Township. Since that time in looking over a list of our Seminary lands, viz the 72 sections granted to our Territory for an institution of Learning, in the land office at Little Rock, I find the above named lands among the selections. This induced me to enquire at this office whether or not the lands had been selected as Seminary Lands. The Register informs me that they have not, or in other words that no authentic list furnished the Batesville office embraces those lands ... In this state of uncertainty I must request you to furnish my friend Mr. Lyon the Receiver of this office with an authentic list of our Seminary Lands so far as they are embraced in the Batesville district. ... Signed Wm. B. Duncan.
Index to Lovely Purchase Donation Land Claims, AR (FHL film 1,302,802; county from Rand McNally Commercial Atlas)
Duncan, James, S 1/2 Sec.36 Twp 16S, Range 2W, 320 acres, 1835; Chicot Co.
Duncan, William, W 1/2 Sec.19 Twp 17S, Range 1E, 320 acres, 1836; Chicot Co. on Mississippi River next to Washington Co. MS.
Chicot Co. AR Deed Indexes (copied by CVD in SLC 4/29/2013)
Direct Indexes to v.A-L (FHL Film 978,107)
A-246: Duncan, Wm. B. to Benjamin D. Miles and James Blaine, Agreement, A-246
A-310: Duncan, Wm. B. to Horace F. Walworth, Deed, A-310
A-313: Duncan, Wm. B. and James Blaine to Horace F. Walworth, Deed, A-313
A-314: Duncan, William B. to James Blaine, Deed, A-314
A-512: Duncan, William B. to A.C. Davies, Deed, A-512 or A-572
B-91: Duncan, William B. et al to Reuben Smith, Deed, B-91
B-154: Duncan, Wm. B. to Wm. P. Reyborne, Deed, B-154
C-93: Duncan, Stephen & wife to Frances Surget, Deed, C-93
C-553: Duncan, William B. et al to Anthony H. Davies, Q.C. deed, C-553
C-691: Duncan, William to Samson, Gray, Power Atty, C-691
C-698: Duncan, James to Samson, Gray, Power Atty, C-698
D-473: Duncan, William B. to Horace F. Walworth, Bond, D-473
D-578: Duncan, James et al to William McD? Riter?, Decree, D-578
E-238: Duncan, William B. to Frances Surget, Deed, E-238
E-239: Duncan, W.B. to Frances Surget, Deed, E-239
F-267: Duncan, Stephen to Johnson Chapman, power atty, F-267
G-45: Duncan, Wm. B. et al to Chapman, Johnson, Deed, G-45
G-46: Duncan, Wm. B. to John R. Sanford, Power Atty, G-46
G-614: Duncan, Stephen to County Register, Power Atty, G-614
H-280: Duncan, Stephen to Johnson Chapman, Power Atty, H-280
General index to deeds and mortgages, grantees and grantors 1824-1879 (FHL Film 977,951)
A-197: Duncan, W.B. from Benj. L. Miles, Agreement, A-197, 8/9/1831
A-310: Duncan, Wm. B. from (to) H.F. Walworth, A-310, NE Cor Lot No.9 Columbia, 4/2/1833
A-314: Duncan, Wm. B. from (to) Jas. Blaine, A-314, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 15S R126, 5/22/1833
A-350: Duncan, Wm. from Hedgeman Triplet, Bond, A-350, Lot No.6 Columbia, 11/6/1833
A-354: Duncan, Wm. from Miles, Benj. S., bond, A-354, Lot No.11 Columbia, 1/13/1834
E-111: Duncan, Stephen from J.P. Walworth & wife, Mort., E-111, Point Cornfort Plantation, 11/14/1844
E-240: Duncan, W.B. from Jno. Rodgers, Deed, E-240, 2 qr. sec., 5/14/1845
E-243: Duncan, W.B. from N. Marsh, Transfer, E-243, 5/14/1845
F-268: Duncan, Stephen from J.P. Walworth & wife, Mort., F-268, NW frl.1/4 SE frl.1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.14, NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 and NW frl 1/4 Sec.22, NW 1/4 and SW frl. 1/4 Sec.23 NE and NW 1/4 Sec.27 T14 R1W, "slaves &c", 1/28/1848
F-580: Duncan, W.D. from Jno. Campbell, Deed, F-580, Donation Claim E Bradley to 24 1/4 Secs. 6/8/1849
F-615: Duncan, Stephen from J.P. Walworth, Mort., F-615, NW 1/4 frl. & SE frl 1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.14 frl 15, NE frl.21, frl.22 NW and SW frl. 23 NE and NW 27 14-1-W (satisfied) 6/8/1849
G-223, G-209: Duncan, S. from R.M. Gaines, Mort., G-223, see Washington Jackson & Co. from Same, page 209, 1/28/1852
G-564: Duncan, S. from R.M. Gaines, Mort., G-564, S frl 1/2 31, S frl 1/2 32 except 12 A., W frl 2/4 pt SE 1/4, 1/4 pt NW 9 Secs 8-5 & 6 Except W 1/2 of W 1/2 6 E 1/2 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 18 S 1/2 and NW 1/4 17 NW 1/4 20, N 1/2 NE 1/4 19-15-2W, 11/20/1854
J-423: Duncan and Logan from J.M. & G.M. Robinson, Bill Sale, J-423, slaves, 12/8/1858
J-424: Duncan and Logan from J.L. Ford, Deed, J-424, land in Sec.6-19-2 and slaves, 12/8/1858
J-425: Duncan and Logan from R.E. Gorman, Deed, J-425, W 1/2 3-18-2 and slaves, 12/8/1858
J-439: Duncan, Steve from R.M. Gaines, Mort., J-439, S frl 1/2 31, S frl 1/2 32 except 12 & 51/100 acres 14-2-W, W frl. 1/2 4 pt. SE 1/4 4 W of Lake, NW 1/4 9N BM, All 8, All SE 1/2 W 1/2 and SE 1/4 SE 1/2 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 18, S 1/2 and NW 1/4 17, 1/3/1859
J-439: Duncan, Steve from R.M. Gaines, Mort. J-439, NW 1/4 20 and N 1/2 NE 1/4 19-15-2W and slaves, NE frl pt NE frl 1/4 frl.8, NW frl. 1/4 frl. 5, E & W frl pts NE frl.1/4 frl 5, W 1/2 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Frl.5, E pt. SE frl.4, 1/3/1859
Pg.439 - quit
Chicot Co. AR Deeds (SLC 7/22/2014)
Deeds, v. A-B 1823-1837 (FHL Film 977,960)
A-197/199: 14 June 1821, Agreement, Benjamin L. Miles and William B. Duncan, both of Chicot Co. AR, that articles of copartnership were made in relation to business of merchandize between said Duncan, Miles and James Blaine on 17 Feb. 1831 whereby said Miles agrees to furnish to the firm a lot of ground for a store house situated on the bank of the river in the lower end of his plantation, 60 feet in front and 120 feet deep, and by the same articles the said Duncan agrees to defray all the expenses of building on said lot, now Duncan intending to appropriate said building in part to his own private purposes, it is agreed by said Miles and all of said building except a store room and other house room sufficient for all the purposes of said firm shall be appropriated to the exclusive purposes of said Duncan so long as said copartnership shall exist, subject to the restrictions contained in these articles. And the said Miles for consideration hereinafter stated agrees to lease and doth by these presents lease to said Duncan all of said lot with appurtenances belonging (the lease to commence at the expiration or dissolution of said copartnership), together with a certain other lot adj. the above lot, which by including the above lot makes a front of 16 rods and a depth back at right angles with the run 20 rods, the lease of the latter lot to commence from and after the date of these articles, the said lease to continue during the natural life of said Duncan and after him to descend to his wife, child or children, should he leave any at his decease, subject to the provisions and restrictions of these articles. It is understood by the parties that should such heirs exist at the decease of said Duncan the said Miles shall have the priviledge of terminating said lease at any time by serving such heirs or their representatives with a written notice to leave the premises within 12 months from the date of such notice, and paying before the expiration of said 12 months whatever amount said Miles may think proper not below 2/3 of the amount of whatever the said improvements may be appraised to be worth to said Miles or to his estate, and the same rights that belong herein to said Miles shall also belong to his heirs and legal reps. It is understood by the parties that as a consideration for said lease the said Duncan shall attend as a physician on all of said Miles family and furnish medicine therefor so long as may be agreeable to said Miles or his heirs, but either party shall have the priviledge of substituting for such services the annual sum of $15 and in the event of said lease falling into the hands of the above named heirs, the consideration shall be the above named sum of $15 per annum. It is understood by the parties that said Duncan shall not permit any other family except his own to reside on said premises without said Miles consent and the residence of any other family but his own without such consent ... amount to a forfeiture of said lease. Duncan shall not have the priviledge of carrying on the business of merchandise on said premises or any other business except the practice of medicine unless Miles is ... approbation, nor shall Duncan keep or own on said premises exceeding ten head of cattle, five horses, 20 head of hogs. It is understood that should Miles his heirs or legal reps wish to sell the plantation of which the above premises are a part, he or they may sell the above premises with the rest of the plantation and terminate this lease by paying to said Duncan ... whatever the said improvements may be deemed to be worth. ... It is understood by the parties that as Miles leases land the title of which is not confirmed, he only leases such right as he now has and whatever right he or his heirs may hereafter have ... subject to all the provisions and restrictions of these articles. 14 June 1831. /s/ Benja. L. Miles, William B. Duncan. Wit. Amos W. Taylor.
A supplemental article made and entered 14 June 1831 between same parties, that should said Duncan die leaving no wife or issue then said lease shall terminate and Miles ... shall pay to Duncan's legal representatives whatever amount the improvements on said premises may be appraised by disinterested persons to be worth to said Miles, with a deduction of 1/3 as said Duncan's loss. /s/ Benj. L. Miles, William B. Duncan. Recorded 9 Aug. 1831. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-246/247: Articles of Agreement made 1 June 1832 between William B. Duncan, Benjamin L. Miles and James Blaine, all of Chicot Co. AR, that the partnership heretofore existing in Merchandiz between the said parties is hereby disolved, and for $350 to be credited on said Duncan's account on the books of said firm; Miles and Blaine hath purchased of said Duncan his entire interest in said concern, embracing cash, debts, and stock of goods on hand, and all other property or assets belonging to said firm; and Miles and Blaine agree and obligate themselves in consideration of said purchase to release Duncan from the payment of debts, dues and demands or any part thereof which have been contracted or owing by said firm, in short to allow Duncan the said sum of $350 as his exclusive share of the profits of said firm, and to ?assess? to themselves all responsibility to creditors indemnifying him against all debts, costs of suit, interest or other liabilities which have been contracted or may arise against said firm. 1 June 1832. /s/ William B. Duncan, Benjn. L. Miles, James Blaine. Recorded 18 July 1832. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-309: 14 March 1833, Horace F. Walworth and (to) William B. Duncan, all of Chicot Co. AR; Horace F. Walworth for $1,000 paid by said Wm. B. Duncan, sell and quit claim a certain tract or parcel of land containing 2 acres lying and being between on the East side of a Donation made by me to the County? for a seat of Government and on which the same is located and called Columbus, bounded commencing at the NE corner of said donation and running in a direct line due east with the front line of said donation 244 feet to Walworth Street and then a due south course 327 along said Walworth Street exclusive of Sycamore Street which divided said land into two lots and 60 feet wide, and then west on Empress? Street 244 feet and then due north to the beginning, being the northeast corner of Lot No.9, the said Walworth obligates himself etc. to have a street in front of said lot of land at least 100 feet wide. /s/ Horace F. Walworth. Territory of Arkansas, County of Chicot, ack. by Horace F. Walworth before James Blaine, J.P., 20 March 1833. Recorded 2 April 1833. (FHL film 977,960; SLC 6/5/2015)
A-310: 14 March 1833, William B. Duncan of Chicot Co. AR to Horace F. Walworth of afsd, for $500 paid, sell tract or parcel of land, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.15S Range 1W containing 80 acres more or less, with appurtenances. /s/ William B. Duncan. Ack. 22 March 1833 before James Blaine, JP, Chicot Co. AR. Recorded 2 April 1833. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-311: Title Bond, Manuel Fincus to William and James F. Taylor, 1 April 1833 (not copied here, not Duncan)
A-312: Bond, Thomas T. Tunstall to Benjamin Hughes and Andw. Knox, 29 March 1833 (not copied here; not Duncan)
A-313/314: 24 March 1833, William B. Duncan and James Blaine, both of Chicot Co. AR, to Horace F. Walworth of same, for $500 paid, sell tract or parcel of land, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.15S Range 1W, with appurtenances, and all his interest. /s/ William B. Duncan, James Blaine. Ack. 12 April 1833 before John Gibson, J.P., Chicot Co. AR. Recorded 22 May 1833. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-314/315: 16 March 1832, William B. Duncan of Chicot Co. AR to James Blaine of same, for $200 paid, sell E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.15S Range 1W, containing 80 acres more or less, with appurtenances, and all his interest. /s/ William B. Duncan (Deed Heading: James Blaine to William Duncan). Ack. 12 April 1833 by William B. Duncan before John Gibson, J.P., Chicot Co. AR. Recorded 22 May 1833. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-314: Duncan, Wm. B. from Jas. Blaine, A-314, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 15S R126, 5/22/1833 (not found 7/22/2014)
A-350: Title bond, Hedgeman Triplett of Chicot Co. AR bond to William B. Duncan of same place for $300, 29 Oct. 1833. That Hedgeman Triplett for $83 paid, has sold to William B. Duncan, lot or parcel of land in town of Columbia, the seat of Justice in Chicot Co. AR, Lot No.6, commencing at a stake on the corner of Walnut and Sycamore Streets, then running east to a stake dividing said lot from lot 5 belonging to James Estell, then south along the dividing line to a stake forming the corner of lots 3, 4 and 5 and said lot 6, then west to a stake on east side of Walnut Street dividing said lot from lot No.4 belonging to John C. Jones estate, then south to the beginning, as soon as Hedgeman Triplett obtains a title to afsd lot 6 or as soon as he receives a title to the same from the Commissioners of Chicot Co., will convey afsd Lot 6 to William B. Duncan by a good deed ... /s/ Hedgeman Triplet. Wit. James Blaine. Ack. 29 Oct. 1833 before James Blaine, J.P. Recorded 6 Nov. 1833. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-354/356: Title bond, Benjamin L. Miles to Wm. B. Duncan. Benjamin L. Miles of Chicot Co. AR bond to William B. Duncan for $200, bond, 29 Nov. 1833. Benjamin L. Miles for $300 paid by William B. Duncan, has sold to said William B. Duncan, lot or parcel of land in town of Columbia, Chicot Co., Lot No.11, beg. at a stake on corner of Levee and Walnut Streets, ... dividing it from a lot belonging to Reuben Smith, then ... corner of Lots No.12, 13, 14, and said lot 11, then ... along dividing line between lots 11 and 12 to a stake on Levee Street to the beginning. ... Benjamin L. Miles to obtain a title and make deed to Wm. B. Duncan. /s/ Benjamin L. Miles. Wit. James Blaine. Ack. by Benjamin L. Miles before James McKinney, J.P., Chicot Co. AR. Recorded 13 Jan. 1834. (FHL Film 977,960)
A-512: 12 Nov. 1834, William B. Duncan to Anthony H. Davies, all of town of Columbia, Chicot Co. AR, for $314 paid, has sold tract or parcel of land in Chicot Co. adj. said town of Columbia, beg. at NE corner of Lot 9 of said town, then east 150 feet, then south to Sycamore Street, then west with Sycamore St. 150 feet, then to the beginning, with appurtenances. /s/ William B. Duncan. Wit. James Blaine, J.P. Ack. (too dark) ...ber 1834 before James Blaine, J.P. (FHL Film 977,960)
B-91/93: 28 March 1835, James Blaine and William B. Duncan of Chicot Co. AR to Reuben Smith of afsd, for $550 paid, sell tract of land, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.15S Range 1W, to which the said James Blaine and William B. Duncan are entitled by virtue of an entry made for cash ... certificate of the Register of Land Office at Little Rock No.253, patent dated 1 Sept. 1833 to said James Blaine and William B. Duncan and their heirs, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Blaine, William B. Duncan. Wit. T.C. Clark, James Cheek. Ack. 31 March 1835 before N. Faulkner, J.P. Recorded 20 May 1835. (FHL Film 977,960)
B-154/155: 7 Oct. 1835, William B. Duncan to William P. Reyburn, both of town of Columbia, Chicot Co. AR, sells tract or parcel of land in county afsd adj. town of Columbia, commencing at corner of Walworth Street, then W to the corner of the lot owned by S.H. David, 94 feet, then S to Sycamore Street, then east to Walworth Street, then N with Walworth St. to the beginning, also all that tract having a front of 94 feet front on each, for $800 paid, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Wm. B. Duncan. Wit. A.H. Davies, Hiram Monell. Hiram Monell, witness, appeared before James Blaine, J.P., 21 Dec. 1835. Recorded Feb. 20, 1836.
Deeds, v. C-D 1837-1844 (FHL Film 977,961)
C-93/97: 23 March 1837, Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan his wife to Francis Surget, all of Adams Co. MS, for $1 paid, sell certain parcels, lots and tracts of land; First, pieces and parcels of land described by certain certificates of purchase under the hand of A.W. Lyon, Receiver, at Receivers Office at Batesville, AR, in favor of William B. Duncan and Co. of Natchez, MS, namely, S 1/2 Sec.9 Twp.8N Range 3W containing 320 acres per certificate No.1094 dated 10 Nov. 1835; S 1/2 Sec.10 Twp.8N Range 3W containing 320 acres per certificate No.1095 dated 10 Nov. 1835; the whole of Sec. No.15? Twp.8N Range 3?W (bottom line too dark) 40 acres per Cert. No.1100 dated as date of last; the whole of Sec.17 Twp.8N Range 4?W containing 640 acres per Cert. No.1101 of date of last; the whole of Sec.22 Twp.8N Range 3W per cert. 1106 of date of last containing 640 acres of Sec.17 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 320 acres as appears by survial? certificate and like date number 1117; E 1/2 Sec.18 Twp.7N Range 3?W containing 320 acres as appears by Cert. 1119; E 1/2 Sec.19 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 320 acres per cert. 1120; SW fractional quarter Sec.19? Twp.7N Range 3W containing 162 and 37/100 acres per Cert. 1121; the whole of Sec.20 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 640 acres per Cert. 1122; the whole of Sec. 24 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 640 acres per Cert. 1123; the whole of Sec.36 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 640 acres per Cert. 1128; S 1/2 Sec.13 Twp.7N Range 3W containing 320 acres per Cert. No.1129; S 1/2 Sec.8 Twp.8N Range 3W containing 320 acres per Cert. 1193;
Second, the following pieces and parcels of land as fully described by certificates of purchase under the hand of Davis Thompson Receiver at Helena, MS, District Arkansas, each severally dated Nov. 17, 1835, namely NE 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.1S Range 2W containing 160 acres per cert. 2443; SE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.1S Range 2W containing 160 acres per Cert. 2444; W 1/2 Sec.13 Twp.3S Range 1E containing 320 acres per cert. 2447; W 1/2 Fractional Sec.7 Twp.2S Range 3E containing 322 acres and 27/100 acres per cert. 2454; W 1/2 fractional Sec.18 Twp.2S Range 3E containing 317 and 42/100 acres per cert. 2457; SE 1/4 Fractional Sec.7 Twp.7 Twp.2S Range 3E containing 160 acres per cert.2461; E 1/2 Sec.18 Twp.2S Range 3E containing 320 acres per cert. 2466; the above described certificates of purchase being likewise made in favour of said William B. Duncan and Company of Natchez, MS.
Third, the following pieces and parcels of land per certificates of purchase under the hand of L. Hawkins Receiver at the Receivers Office at Helena, MS District, AR, each dated Sept. 16, 1835, in favor of John Ker and Co. of Natchez, MS, namely: NW fractional 1/4 of fractional Sec.19 Twp.12S Range (blotted) W containing 151 and 20/100 acres per cert. 2100; W 1/2 SE 1/4 fractional Sec.18 Twp.12S Range 2W containing 80 acres per cert. 2101; SE 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.12S Range 3W containing 160 acres per cert. 209x?; W 1/2 fractional Sec. 18 Twp.12S Range 2W containing 305 and 20/100 acres per cert. No.2096; SW fractional 1/4 Fractional Sec.7 Twp.12S Range 2W containing 157 and 86/100 acres per Cert. 2097; W 1/2 NE 1/4 Fractional Sec.18 Twp.12S Range 2W containing 80 acres per Cert. No.2098; also 1/2 of the surrounded Hill Tract; the whole thereof being held by said parties of the first part conjointly with said John Ker, meaning hereby to convey to said party of second part 800 and 51/100 thereof acres;
And likewise the following pieces and parcels of land: The whole of Sec.8 containing 640 acres; the N 1/2 Sec. (too dark) containing 317 and (too dark) 100 acres; the E 1/2 of (too dark) in Twp.7N Range 3W in District of lands subject to sale at Batesville, AR, mentioned in a certificate of sale from said William B. Duncan to said Stephen Duncan made 3 March 1836 and recorded Record Book A pages 48, 49 & 50; parties of first part intending to convey all their entire interest etc. purchased by said Wm. B. Duncan in AR for himself and company and likewise those by John Ker for himself and company ... any lands in state of AR; together with appurtenances, etc. /s/ Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan his wife. Ack. 16 Sept. 1837 before Ralph North, clerk of Probate Court of Adams Co. MS. Ack. 4 March 1837 before James R. Cook, J.P. of Adams Co. AR. Recorded Chicot Co. AR Dec. 18, 1837. (FHL Film 977,961)
C-553/554: Deed of quit claim 23 May 1838 between William B. Duncan and John Clark, the latter of Chicot Co. and the former of Monroe Co., AR, of the one part to Anthony H. Davies of Chicot Co. AR, that said Wm. B. Duncan and John Clark sell and quit claim to Anthony H. Davies, the E 1/2 Sec.1 Twp.16S Range 2W containing 320 acres on which land Duncan and Clarke have located the donation claim of Edward Bradley, in consideration for which land Anthony H. Davies has agreed to pay and executed his ?(in fold) for $1,000, to be repaid whenever a patent shall issue for said land or earlier provided it is ascertained that said claim is good and vested and the location be allowed and approved by the Land Office. /s/ at Helena, William B. Duncan, John Clark. Wit. Peter Hangor, Isaac Adair. 24 Jan. 1840, Isaac Adair, one of the witnesses, testified that he saw the deed signed, /s/ Wm. W. Rose, J.P., Chicot Co. AR. Recorded 4 Jan. 1840. (FHL Film 977,961)
C-691/692: William Duncan of Pulaski Co. AR bond to Samson Gray of Pulaski Co. AR, for $500, the payment to be made to said Samson Gray, bond, made as Bayou Master A.T. 19 Dec. 1832. The consideration is that I, William Duncan, for consideration of $450 paid me, sold to said Samson Gray a donation of two 1/4 sections to which I am entitled under Act of Congress to aid OH in extending the Miami Canal from Dayton to Lake Erie, and to grant a quantity of land to said state to aid in the construction of the canal authorized by law, and for making donations of land to certain persons in ARK territory, approved 24 May 1828 as an actual settler in that part of the territory of AR ... and the Cherokee ?? west of the Mississippi ratified 23 May 1828 has leased to .. and I the said William Duncan have removed from the county which has ceased to be a part of said territory ... delivered to Wm. M. D. Pettit Cook Dec. 20, 1840 ... the sale of which is authorized by law &c, and William Duncan hereby irrevocably nominates and appoints the said Samson Gray my attorney in fact with a power of substitution for me to choose any two quarter sections of land which are subject to entry under the provisions of the act ...and make application for the entry and location, and sign my name and receive any patents that may be issued in my name ... Now, if William Duncan shall make, on the reasonable demand of said Samson Gray after the patent or patents which shall be issued, a deed to the two 1/4 sections of land together with a relinquishment of dower therein to said Samson Gray, then this obligation be void. /s/ William (D his mark) Duncan. Wit. Saml. M. Rutherford, W.H. Securty. Ack. Big Rock Twp, Pulaski Co. AR, by William Duncan before Dudley D. Mason, J.P., 19 Dec. 1832. Filed for record 23 May 1840. Recorded March? 15, 1840. (FHL Film 977,961)
C-698/699: James Duncan of Pulaski Co. AR bond to Samson Gray of Pulaski Co. AR for $500, signed at Bayou Metre A.T., 21 Dec. 1832. That James Duncan for $400 paid by Samson Gray of Pulaski Co. AR, have sold him the claim or donation of 600 quarter sections of public lands to which I am entitled under Act to aid State of Ohio in extending the Miami Canal from Dayton to Lake Erie, ... and James Duncan has moved from the County which has ceased to be a part of said Territory ... and am entitled to two quarter sections of land in that territory, James Duncan appoints Samson Gray his attorney to select any two quarter sections of land ... and make application for entry or location of the same and receive any patents issued in my name, I shall make a deed to Samson Gray after the patents are issued, this document is void. /s/ James (X) Duncan. Wit. Saml. M. Rutherford, William Saunders. William Saunders, J.P. of Big Rock Twp, Pulaski Co. AR, appeared 21 Dec. 1832 before Wm. Launous? J.P. Filed for record 25 May 1840, recorded June 17, 1840. (FHL Film 977,961)
D-473/474: William D. Duncan of Chicot Co. AR bond to Horace F. Walworth of afsd for $4,000, 24 Oct. 1835; that William B. Duncan for $2500 paid him, has sold to said Horace F. Walworth two lots #11 and #12 in town of Columbia, in said county & territory; if William B. Duncan conveys to said Horace F. Walworth a good title by warranty deed to the said lots with appurtenances, then this shall be null and void. /s/ William B. Duncan. Wit. Abner Johnson, B.S. Miles. 5 Dec. 1842, Abner Johnson testified he saw William B. Duncan sign the instrument, /s/ Johnson Chapman, Clerk. Deposited for record April 18, 1843, and recorded same day. (FHL Film 977,961)
D-578: Chicot Co. AR, in Chicot Circuit Court in Chancery sitting, Nov. 10, 1843. Bill for title. William McD?. Pettit, Complainant, vs. James Duncan, Aaron Goya (Goga?), Joseph Moore, and William E. Woodruff, as administrator de bonis non of Samson Gray, deceased, Defendants. This day came the complainant by his solicitor as the defendant William E. Woodruff as admin. de bonis non of Samson Gray deceased by his attorney in fact and solicitor, A. Pike and the said Woodruff as admin. as afsd by his attorney here in open court admits the facts in Complainants bill of Complaint to be true, and the Complainant having now filed here the proof of publication ... and the defendants Duncan, Goya (Goga?) and Moore having failed to appear and plead, answer or demure to the bill, it is therefore on motion of the complainanat by his solicitor decreed that the bill and allegations and charges be taken as confessed against said defendants, and the court upon inspection of the papers produced and filed ... being satisfied the bill and allegations and charges are true, it is decreed by the Court that all title to the lands and premises, to wit, the S 1/2 Sec.36 Twp.16S Range 2W in Chicot Co. which was in said Samson Gray deed in his lifetime and at time of his death and which passed and ensued to his administrators as heirs and to said Woodruff as administrator de bonis non of Samson Gray decd, and that all the title etc. to the said James Duncan, Aaron Goya (Goga?) and Joseph Moore do pass and vest absolutely in the complainant William McD.? Pettit free of encumbrances by said Samson Gray in his lifetime or his heirs since his decease or by the said James Duncan, Aaron Goya and Joseph Moore or either of them. Unless the defendants appear themselves or their solicitors on or before 3rd day next term of this court and show good cause for not before appearing, this decree is final, and complainant pay all costs of this suit. Foregoing decree copied from record of Circuit Court in Chancery, /s/ Johnson Chapman, Clerk of said Court, /s/ 11 Dec. 1843 in Columbia. Recorded Dec. 12, 1843. (FHL Film 977,961)
Deeds, v. E-F 1840-1849 (FHL Film 977,962)
E-111: Sideways note: Stephen Duncan ack. full satisfaction of the debt in this deed of mortgage, paid by John? P. Walworth, 28 Jan. 1841, /s/ Stephen Duncan by his agent & attorney in fact Iverson? Chapman, duly authorized by Power of Attorney recorded Book F pages 267 & 268, wit. Calvin Ashbrook, Clerk, by Jno?. B. Stedman, D.C. (FHL Film 977,962)
E-111/112: 9 Nov. 1844, John P. Walworth and Sarah Walworth his wife of Adams Co. MS to Stephen Duncan, agent of Co. and State afsd, for the debt to be secured and $1 paid by said Stephen Duncan, agent, sell to said Stephen Duncan, agent, all that tract of land in Chicot Co. AR known as the Point Comfort Plantatioin, to wit, NW frac. 1/4, SE frac. 1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.14; NE, SE & SW frac. 1/4 Sec.15; NE frac. 1/4 Sec.21; NE, SE and SW 1/4's and NW frac. 1/4 Sec.22; NW and SW frac. 1/4 Sec.23; and NE and NW 1/4s Sec.27, all Twp.14, Range 1W, containing 1,844 and 66/100 acres, with negro slaves for life, Jim Miles, Aaron, Jack, Jim Michony, Henry, Absalom, John, Nelson, Abram, New Abram, Robert, Spencer, Mose, Philip, Berryman, Travers, Bill, Henry Mason, Jenny, Daphney, Mary Carson, Indy, Anna, Eliza, Juliana, Seriah, Hannah, Sarah, Mary Jane, Jane, Rhody, Harriet, Hannah, Peggy, Charlotte and Milly and their children "(all together about ninety in number)" together with their future increase, forever, provided that if John P. Walworth or heirs etc. pay or cause to be paid to said Stephen Duncan agent, his execs, ... the sum of $10,423.18 as mentioned in four promissory notes of even date, the first for $680 payable 1 Jan. 1846, the next for $680 payable 1 Jan. 1847?, the third for $8,(too dark)and 80 dollars payable 1 Jan. 1848, the fourth for $383.18 payable 1 Jan. 1848, then this is void. And John P. Walworth doth covenant with said Stephen Duncan agent that said John P. Walworth his execs. etc. shall pay or cause to be paid to said Stephen Duncan agent, ... the sum of $10,423.18 on the days above limited for the payment thereof. In testimony whereof, the said John P. Walworth and Sarah Walworth his wife have set their hand and seal ... /s/ J.P. Walworth, Sarah Walworth. Wit. Will T. Martin, Susannah Wren. Ack. in Adams Co. MS before Ralph North, Clerk of Probate Court, 9 Nov. 1844. Recorded Nov. 14, 1844. (FHL Film 977,962)
E-238/239: 26 April 1844, William B. Duncan of Monroe Co. AR to Francis Surget of Adams Co. MS, for $1,000 paid, has sold S frac. 1/2 of the Chute of Sec.6 and South frac. 1/2 South of the Chute of Sec.5, all Twp.9S Range 1W containing 313-42/100 acres more or less, in state of AR. The land was located by a lovely donation claim allotted to Ebenezer Crawford and by said Crawford sold to Noadiah March and by said Marsh conveyed to William B. Duncan who located this claim, all by reference to said Crawford's conveyance dated 4 June 1835 and to March's conveyance to Duncan dated 22 Sept. 1835. /s/ (blank) Wit. Penn?. Harrick, William H. Danial??. William B. Duncan ack. 26 April 1844 before William Harrick, J.P. for county afsd. Deposited for record May 14, 1845, and recorded June 17, 1845. (FHL Film 977,962)
E-239/240: 26 April 1844, William B. Duncan of Monroe Co. AR to Francis Surget of Adams Co. MS, that by virtue of a lovely donation claim confirmed to John Rodgers, has located W 1/2 Sec.3 Twp.10S Range 1W in AR containing 320 acres more or less, now for $1,000 paid, the said Duncan, has sold to Francis Surget, and whereas Duncan had taken of John Rogers the original claimant a bond and power of attorney 4 Aug. 1835 investing said Duncan with power to locate the claim and assuring title when located, now Duncan appoints said Francis Surget his substitute if necessary to relocate said claim ... /s/ William B. Duncan. Wit. Peirson? Harrick, William H?. Danial?. Ack. 26 April 1844 by William B. Duncan before W. Hawick, J.P., Monroe Co. AR. Filed for record 14 May 1845 and recorded June 18, 1845. (FHL Film 977,962)
E-240/241: Deed between John Rogers of Crawford Co. AR, to William B. Duncan of Chicot Co. AR, that party of first part having become entitled to a donation of land, not exceeding two quarter sections, which he is entitled to enter ... and has sold all his right to such land to be entered as a donation, and has authorized party of second part with power of substitution to enter such lands, and such entry is hereafter to be made and is not at this time known on what lands said entry shall be made, now this agreement ... part of first part for $1,000 paid by party of second part, he agrees party of second part ... as soon as patent issued, shall deliver a full warranty deed ... giving a full description of the land ... 4 Aug. 1835, /s/ Jno. Rogers. Wit. W.B. Howell, D.D. Mason. Ack. 4 Aug. 1835 before D.D. Mason, J.P., Pulaski Co. AR. Recorded (too dark; probably 14 May 1845) (FHL Film 977,962)
E-242/243: Ebenezer Crawford of Washington Co. AR bond to Noadiah Marsh of Patersville, AR, for $2,000, 4 June 1835; for $400 paid by Noadiah Marsh of Batesville, AR, sell to said Noadiah Marsh all that donation of two quarter sections to which I am entitled ... State of Ohio in extending Miami Canal from Dayton to Lake Erie ... I have removed from the county which has ceased to be a part of said territory, and am entitled to two quarter sections of land ... I appoint Noadiah Marsh my attorney ... obtain the patents ... /s/ E.P. Crawford, wit. John R. Sanford, Geo. W. Ferebee. Ack. 4 June 1835 before John R. Sanford, J.P. (FHL Film 977,962)
E-243/244: Noadiah Marsh for $1,000 paid, sell and assign the annexed and foregoing obligation and condition to William B. Duncan, and by foregoing power of attorney, appoint said William B. Duncan as my substitute and the attorney of said Ebenezer Crawford, 22 Sept. 1835. /s/ Noadiah Marsh. Ack. 22 Sept. 1835 before Tubman Jones, J.P., Philips Co. AR. Deposited for record May 14, 1845, and recorded June 18, 1845. (FHL Film 977,962)
F-267/268: Stephen Duncan, agent, of Adams Co. MS, appoint Johnson Chapman my attorney in fact to accept and acknowledge satisfied on the record of mortgages in Chicot Co. AR a deed of mortgage made by John P? (R?. or B?) Walworth and Sarah his wife dated 9 Nov. 1844 to secure payment of 4 promissory notes of same date amounting to $10,423.18, which deed of mortgage is recorded Book E pg.111&112 of Record of Mortgages in Clerk's Office, Chicot Co. AR, hereby ratifying the act of my said attorney. 21 Dec. 1847. /s/ Stephen Duncan. Ack. Dec.21 1847 before Richd. A. Inge, Clerk of Probate Court of Adams Co. MS. Recorded Feb. 4, 1848, Chicot Co. AR. (Side note: Original delivered to J. Chapman Feb. 17, 1848.) (FHL Film 977,962)
F-268/270: 20 Dec. 1847, John P. Walworth and Sarah Walworth his wife of Adams Co. MS to Stephen Duncan of same, in consideration of the debt to be secured and of $1 paid, sell to Stephen Duncan all that tract of land in Chicot Co. AR known as Point Comfort Plantation, the NW fractional 1/4, SE fractional 1/4, and SW 1/4 Sec.14; NE, SE & SW fractional 1/4 Sec.15; NE fractional 1/4 Sec.21; NE, SE & SW 1/4 & NW fractional 1/4 Sec.22; NW & SW fractional 1/4 Sec.23; and NE & NW 1/4 Sec.27; all of Twp.14 Range 1W, containing 1844 acres & 66/100, together with negro slaves for life, Jim?, Miles, Aaron, Jack, Jish? Michong, Henry, Absalom, John, Abram, New Abram, Robert, Spencer, Moses, Philip, Travers, Rill?, Henry Mason, Jenny, Daphney, Judy, Hannah, Ann, Eliza, Julianna, Sinah, Sarah, Mary Jane, Jane, Rhody, Harriet, Peggy, Charlotte and their children (all together, about 90 in number), and their future increase, provided that if John P. Walworth pays to Stephen Duncan ... the sum of $16,700 as mentioned in 13 promissory notes of even date, to wit, one note for $260, one for $290, one for $600, payable on 1 Jan. 1849, and 3 other notes for like sums payable 1 Jan. 1850, and 3 other notes for like sums payable 1 Jan. 1851, and one other note for $2860 and one note for $3190 payable 1 Jan. 1852 and one other note for $6,600 payable 1 Jan. 1853, all payable to said Stephen Duncan or order at the Bank of LA, N.O., then these presents to be void; and John P. Walworth shall pay Stephen Duncan $16,700 on the days above limited for the payment thereof. /s/ John P. Walworth, Sarah Walworth. Wit. Richd. A. Inge, Thomas Rose. Ack. 20 Dec. 1847 in City of Natchez before Richard A. Inge, Clerk of Probate Court of Adams Co. MS. Filed for record Jan. 28, 1848, and recorded Feb. 4, 1848 Chicot Co. AR. (FHL Film 977,962)
F-580/581: Whereas Edward Bradley of the Creeks Nation, having become entitled to a donation of lands not exceeding 2 1/4 sections, by virtue of his actual settlement on that part of the Territory of AR which by the Treaty between the US and the Cherokee Indians, west of the Mississippi, ratified in May 1828, has ceased to be a part of said territory, and having canceled? his right to the donation afsd, to be proven at the Land Office at Batesville, and whereas said Edward Bradley by his bond and covenant March 5, 1832, obligated himself to convey by warranty deed all such lands located, to John Campbell, ... said donation of 320 acres, and whereas John Campbell obligates himself to assign? the title of said lands to William B. Duncan, Now John Campbell for $800 paid by William B. Duncan, that Edward Bradley will perform each clause of his covenant to the William B. Duncan, and John Campbell covenants with William B. Duncan that a patent shall issue on the lands located by virtue of the donation to which Edward Bradley is entitled, and Edward Bradley will convey to William B. Duncan a fee simple estate of inheritance in the lands ... /s/ John Campbell by his attorney in fact Wm. E. Woodruff, 22 June 1836, at Little Rock, AR; wit. Seabourn Hill, David H. Dolt. Ack. by John Campbell by his attorney William E. Woodruff on 22 June 1836 before Jesse Brown, J.P., Pulaski Co. AR. Filed for record June 8, 1849, and recorded June 11, 1849, Chicot Co. AR. (FHL Film 977,962)
F-615/616: (faint side note: mortgage paid) 19 March 1849, John P. Walworth and Sarah Walworth his wife of Adams Co. MS to Stephen Duncan of same, in consideration of the debt to be secured hereinafter mentioned and $1 paid, sell tract of land in Chicot Co. AR known as Point Comfort Planatation, the NW fractional 1/4, SE fractional 1/4, and SW 1/4 Sec.14; fractional Sec.14; NE fractional 1/4 Sec.21; all of Fractional Sec.22; NW and SW fractional 1/4 of Sec.23; and NE and NW 1/4 Sec.27, all Twp.14 Range 1W, containing by the original survey 1,844 & 60/100 acres, with negroes, slaves for life, (MAD: not copied here); if John P. Walworth pays to Stephen Duncan $28,800 as mentioned in 6 promissory notes of even date, the four first for the sum of $1,600 peach due 1 May in 1850, 1851, 1852, and 1853; the 5th note for $7,600 payable 1 May 1854 and 6th note for $10,800 payable 1 May 1855, all payable in City of New York at the Counting Room of C.P. Leverich, then this is void. ... /s/ J.P. Walworth, S. Walworth. Ack. before Samuel Woody, Clerk of (cannot read) Court, City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, 19 March 1849. Filed for record Aug. 8, 1849, recorded Aug. 9, 1849, Chicot Co. AR. (FHL Film 977,962)
Deeds, v. G-H 1849-1857 (FHL Film 977,963)
G-45: John R. Sanford of Coahoma Co. MS for myself and as attorney in fact for William B. Duncan now of state of Texas, for $300 paid by Chapman Johnson of Chicot Co. AR, sell to said Chapman Johnson the tract or parcel of land in Chicot Co. containing 150-97/100 acres, the NW frac. 1/4 of frac. Sec.25 Twp.15S Range 2W in District of Lands subject to sale at Helena, AR, for which tract of land a patent has issued to James Carp? and John Houston of St.Francis Co. who on 3 June 1836 assigned their interest to myself and William B. Duncan, and for myself and as attorney in fact for William B. Duncan agree with Chapman Johnson to warrant title. 3 Oct. 1849. /s/ John R. Sanford, William B. Duncan by John R. Sanford Atty in fact. Wit. A.G. Underwood, Jno. Preston Jr. Ack. 3 Oct. 1849 before A.G. Underwood, J.P., Phillips Co. AR. Filed for record Jan. 7, 1850, and recorded Jan. 17, 1850. (MAD: Hopkins Co. TX per Monroe Co. AR deed G-233 in 1858; 1850 Smith Co. TX census) (FHL Film 977,963)
G-46: William B. Duncan of Monroe Co. AR appoint John R. Sanford, residing at or near Helena in said State, my attorney in fact to sell and convey for the best price he can obtain, my undivided interest in the NW frac. 1/4 of frac. Sec.25 Twp.15S Range 2W containing 150-97/100 acres more or less, which is owned jointly by Sandford and myself, and hereby confirm whatever my said Attorney may do. 30 April 1844, /s/ William B. Duncan. Wit. James Duncan. Ack. 30 April 1844 before Wm. Harvick, J.P., Monroe Co. AR. Filed for record Jan. 7, 1850, and recorded Jan. 17, 1850. (FHL Film 977,963)
G-209/210; and G-223/224: (sideways note: The arrangement contemplated by the parties to the mortgage not having been carried into effect and on acceptance of R.M. Gaine, ... having been cancelled and annulled, we authorize Samuel M. Cooper, Clerk of Circuit Court of Chicot Co. AR to mark such endorsement on the mortgage, 8 Jan. 1852. ...) Mortgage from Richard M. Gaines of City of Natchez, MS, to Nelson Washington Jackson & Co. of City of M?? LA; not copied here. (FHL Film 977,963)
G-564/565: 15 Nov. 1854, R.M. Gaines of Chicot Co. AR to Stephen Duncan, agent, of City of Natchez, MS, for $?? (cannot read) paid, and in further consideration of the debt mentioned to be secured, have sold tract of land known as Mason Lake Plantation in Chicot Co. AR ... S frl 1/2 31, S frl 1/2 32 except 12 A., W frl 2/4 pt SE 1/4, 1/4 pt NW 9 Secs 8-5 & 6 Except W 1/2 of W 1/2 6 E 1/2 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 18 S 1/2 and NW 1/4 17 NW 1/4 20, N 1/2 NE 1/4 19-15-2W (more not copied), Ack. 20 Nov. 1854 before Samuel H. Cooper, Clerk of Circuit Court of Chicot Co. AR. Filed for record and recorded Nov. 20, 1854. (sideways note: by virtue of power of attorney to me from the grantee in this mortgage, I enter satisfaction of mortgage so far as the same relates to NE 1/4 ... Twp.15S R2W, /s/ Saml. M. Casper, Clerk, by S.N. Caughen? D.C.) (FHL Film 977,963)
G-614: I do hereby release & discharge my mortgage on SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.15S R2W in Chicot Co. AR which mortgage was made by R.M. Gaines and is dated Nov. 15, 1854, and I authorize the Recording Clerk of said County to enter satisfaction on the record of said mortgage so far as the said quarter section of land is concerned but no farther. /s/ Natchez, MS, (bank) day (blank month) 1854. /s/ Stephen Duncan. Wit. J.J. Pringle, J.P. Duncan. Filed Feb. 20, 1855, and recorded March 10, 1855. (FHL Film 977,963)
H-280/281: Stephen Duncan of Adams Co. MS appoint Johnson Chapman of Chicot Co. AR my attorney to discharge a mortgage given to me by J.P. Walworth and Sarah Walworth of City of Natchez, MS, dated March 19, 1849, and ack. same day before S. Wood, Clerk, recorded in Chicot Co. AR, being a mortgage on property in AR in Record Book F pg.615&616, with power to release and discharge said mortgage ... /s/ Stephen Duncan, wit. S.M. Davis, E.B. Baker. Ack. 15 March 1856 before Robert W. Wood, a Commissioner for Arkansas, in City of Natchez. Filed May 24, 1856, recorded June 4, 1856. (FHL Film 977,963)
Conway Co. AR Deed (FHL film 1,025,761)
A-345: 17 Dec. 1836, John Clark of "Shicot" Co. AR appoint William B. Duncan of same, my attorney to divide or to sell my lands pursuant to an agreement between said William B. Duncan and John Clark, of one part, and John Knight of Natches, MS, of the other part, 13 May 1836; reg. Chicot Co. AR 17 Dec. 1836; no wit; Reg. Conway Co. AR 25 April 1837.
Desha Co. AR Deeds (copied SLC 7/22/2014)
B-270/272: Deed of sale between John Rogers of Crawford Co. AR to William B. Duncan of Chicot in said Territory, the party of first part having become entitled by virtue of an act of Congress passed 24 May 1828 and sundry supplementary acts, to a donation of land not exceeding two quarter sections, which he is entitled by law to enter with the register of the proper land office in Arkansas per said act, and party of first part has sold to said party of second part, all his right and title to such land to be entered as a donation as afsd, and has authorized party of second part with power of substitution to enter such land in name of said party of first part, and such entry is hereafter then made ... and it is not at this time known on what lands said entry shall be made, now this agreement ... party of first part for $1,000 paid by party of second part, receipt acknowledged, ... issued by the President, deliver to party of second part a full warranty deed for such lands ... and execute a deed ... to describe such lands ... /s/ John Rogers, 4 Aug. 1835. Wit. W.C. Howell, D.D. Mason. Ack. before D.D. Mason, J.P., Pulaski Co. AR, on 4 Aug. 1835, as deed of bargain and sale. Recorded Oct. 14, 1845. (FHL film 985,112)
Drew Co. AR Deed (copied SLC 7/21/2014)
G-493/496: 27 Dec. 1858, Richard M. Gaines of Chicot Co. AR to Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, State of MS, for $5 paid, and further consideration of debt hereinafter mentioned due, sell tracts or parcels of land in Chicot Co., S fractional 1/2 Sec.31, S fractional 1/2 Sec.32 except 12-50/100 acres, in Twp.14S Range 2W, also W fractional 1/2 Sec.4 part of SE 1/4 Sec.4 bearing thus just west of the Lake and above the Bayou, also that part of NW 1/4 Sec.9 which lies above the Bayou Bason, all of Sec.8, all of Sec.5, the E 1/2 of W 1/2 and SE 1/4 Sec.6, the E 1/2 and E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec.18, S 1/2 and NW 1/4 Sec.17, NW 1/4 Sec.20, and N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.19 in Twp.15S Range 2W containing in the aggregate some 3,500 acres more or less, known as the Mason Lake Plantation. Also slaves, being the Negro force belonging to said plantation, to wit, John aged about 49 years, Luther? aged 37 years, Anges aged about 12 years, Robert aged 32 years, Margaret aged about 22 years, Olison? aged about 2 years, Speces aged about 60 years, Sylva aged about 60 years, Johnathan aged about 31 years, (MAD: Quit copying), also the following lands in Chicot and Drew Co., the NE fractional part of N NE frct 1/4 of fractional Sec.8, the NW fractional 1/4 of fractional Sec.5, E & W fractional parts of NE fractional 1/4 of fractional Sec.5, W 1/2 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Frac. Sec.5, E part of SE frac. 1/4 of (MAD: quit copying, many more land parts given), all in Twp.12S Range 4W in Drew Co., also all of Sec.18 except the W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and all of Sec.17 except the E 1/2 of E 1/2 in Twp.12S Range 3W in said Chicot Co., provided party of first part shall pay party of second part the following promissory notes ... $5,250 payable 1 Jan. 1860, same amount due 1 Jan. 1861, same 1 Jan. 1862, and one for same on 1 Jan. 1863, and one for $5,409 payable 1 Jan. 1864, all payable to the order of said Stephen Duncan agent at the Bank of Louisville in City of New Orleans, LA, 8% interest, /s/ R.M. Gains. Side note: The two first notes mentioned in this mortgage have been paid & the Clerk is requested to copy this statement on the margin of the record, /s/ R.M. Gains, July 9, 63. Ack. 3 Jan. 1859 in Chicot Co. AR, before Benjamin F. Steapherson, Clerk of Circuit Court. Certification 19 Jan. 1863 by Calvin Ashbrook, Clerk of Circuit Court and Ex officio recorder of Drew Co. AR, for record in Book II, Pages 439 to 442, inclusive of Mortgages of R.M. Gains & Stephen Duncan. Recorded Feb. 10, 1863. (FHL film 981,522)
Adams Co. MS Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
Y-173/174: 30 Dec. 1836, William B. Duncan and John Clark, both of Chicot Co. AR, to William A. Britton of Adams Co. MS, for $2,917, land in Arkansas, SW 1/4 Sec.7 containing 178 acres and 74/100, the E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.5 containing 8 acres, the E 1/2 Sec.8 containing 320 acres, the SW 1/4 Sec.8 containing 160 acres, the E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 containing 80 acres, the SE 1/4 Sec.7 containing 160 acres, the NE 1/4 Sec.17 containing 160 acres, and the SE 1/4 Sec.5 containing 160 acres, all in Twp.8N R23W, and also tract in T8N R23W, viz, SE 1/4 Sec.12, 160 acres, all of which lands are entered in name of John Knight and by him conveyed to the said Wm. B. Duncan and John Clark. /s/ William B. Duncan, John Clark by his atty in fact Wm. B. Duncan. Wit. W.R. Turner, Thos. Armat. Appeared William B. Duncan 30 Dec. 1836 in Adams Co. MS. (FHL film 892,062)
Y-174: 28 Dec. 1836, John Knight and wife Frances Z.S. both of city of Natchez, MS, to William B. Duncan and John Clark, for $1, (above land), land office at Fayetteville, entry, receipt #1361. (FHL film 892,062)
1890 "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Southern AR" Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayette, Hempstead, Columbia, Little River, Nevada, Cleveland, Ouchita (sic), Dallass, Bradley, Calhoun, Union, Ashley, Drew, Lincoln, Desha and Chicot Cos.; by Goodspeed (FHL film 266,242; and from Betty Laarveld 5/1987)
Pg.1062: Chicot Co. County and probate judges -- W.B. Duncan, 1829-30, 1832-34.
MAD: 1840 Monroe Co. AR census; 1850 Smith Co. TX census; William B. Duncan b.1800 Culpeper Co. VA, graduated Univ. of PA at Philadelphia in 1830 with degree in medicine, practiced AR for 15 years, to TX 1845, d. Grayson Co. TX 1874; mar. Mrs. Elizabeth Harper 3/15/1855 in Hopkins Co. TX (from sketch of their son Arthur B. Duncan b.1862 of Floyd Co. TX in Vol.IV, pg.137-8, of "TX Under Many Flags" by Clarence Ray Wharton, 1930, FHL film 1,000,594 item 4); Elizabeth L. Vaden had mar. Wm. L. Harper 3/2/1854 Hopkins Co. TX.
1890 "Biographical and historical memoirs of southern Arkansas : comprising a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of its distinguished citizens, a brief descriptive history of each of the counties mentioned, and numerous biographical sketches of the citizens of such county" published: Chicago : Goodspeed (FHL film 1,004,960 item 3; SLC 9/2007)
Cover title: "The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas : Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayette, Hempstead, Columbia, Little River, Nevada, Cleveland, Ouchita [i.e. Ouachita], Dallass [i.e. Dallas], Bradley, Calhoun, Union, Ashley, Drew, Lincoln, Desha and Chicot Counties."
Pg.1023: Desha County. Hugh L. Henry, member of the mercantile firm of Henry Bros. of Tillar Station, Arkansas, born in Madison Co. TN in 1852, son of John L. and Martha (Ross) Henry (MAD: more not extracted). In 1861 he (MAD: John L. Henry) removed from TN to AR, purchased land in Chicot Co., engaged in farming until his death in 1865. His wife was born in TN in 1821, died 1889, having borne him seven children, 3 sons and 4 daughters - Thomas R., Mary C. (wife of James H. Herron), Mattie L. (wife of S.T. Duncan), Frame W., Hugh L., Caroline L. and Sarah J. (MAD: more not extracted)
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