Duncan research files of |
1850 Macon Co. AL Census
Pg.251, #793, Elijah THERMATIN? 40 GA farmer $0-$0
Julia A.A. 29 AL
Sarah 12, Wiley 9 GA
Prissa A. (f) 7 MS
Manurva (f) 5 AL
1855 Macon Co. AL Census (in AL Dept. of Archives & History) (FHL film 1,533,834 item 1) White males 0-21 - white males over 21; white females 0-21 - white females over 21; total whites, slaves, total Pg.40 Duncan, John 3-1; 3-1; 8, 1, 9 41 Duncan, James A. 0-1; 0-0; 1, 0, 1 65 Duncan, Bryant 0-0; 0-0; 0, 21, 21 (MAD: from Russell Co. AL)
1860 Macon Co. AL Census
No John Duncan or Lovick Allen page by page to page 782
several Denkins families not copied
Southern Div.
Pg.717, #129-141, Ira T. JORDAN 41 GA farmer $0-$0
Mrs. Mary T. 34 GA
Alvy (m) 12, Elinore? (f) 10 AL
Walter 8, Mary 3 AL
W.B. DUNCAN (m) 38 TN merchant $0-$7000
Wm. HENDEN 20 GA clerk $0-$0
Pg.760, #435-436, William H. DINKINS 26 SC overseer $0-$0
Martha 18 AL (not mar/in/year)
1870 Macon Co. AL Census
Honeycutt Beat
Pg.139, #78-89, DUNCAN, Phil 30 AL BLACK farm hand
Amelia 22 AL BLACK
Henry 7 AL BLACK
Cross Keys Beat
Pg.183, #582-631, DANCEN, Niel (m) 25 AL BLACK farm hand $0-$150
Amanda 20 AL BLACK farm hand
Infant (m) 8/12 AL b.Oct. BLACK
Notasulga Beat
Pg.307, #295-306, DUNCAN, John 73 NC farmer $1200-$350
Betsy 55 SC keeping house
Elizabeth 27, Andrew 21 AL
HOOKS, Island (m) 50 NC BLACK farmhand
(MAD: several pages were among the Madison Co. AL census pages; these had a note: "see other part of Macon Co.")
Macon Co. AL Deed Indexes 1834-1870, Direct and Reverse (FHL film 1,503,513 item 1 & 4)
Index 1870-1882 - no B. Duncan grantor (FHL film 1,503,513 item 2)
D-430: Nov. 10, 1840, B. Duncan Register to J.H. Shorter (did not copy deed itself)
G-504: Aug. 6, 1850, B. Duncan admin. to R. Mitchell exor.
G-619: Dec. 17, 1850, Mtg, J. Duncan to L.P. Allen
H-271: Dec. 4, 1851, J. Duncan to L.P. Allen
I-444: Jan. 25, 1854, B. Duncan admin. to E. Williams
K-426: Dec. 14, 1857, B. Duncan to L. Napier (deed not copied)
M-67: April 12, 1861, B. Duncan to Sheriff (deed not copied)
N-64: June 11, 1867, J. & E. Duncan to Armstrong & Son
I-632: May 15, 1854, E. Duncan from L.P. Allen
J-8: Nov. 7, 1854, B. Duncan from J. Wilkerson
Macon Co. AL Deeds
D-430: 31 Oct. 1845, at regular term of Chancery Court for 14th Dist. Middle Division of AL, begun 1st Monday May 1845, a decree was rendered and judgment given in the case of George Hargrove Senr. complainant and Bank of Columbus and George Hargroves Jr. respondents, to benefit creditors of said bank, to sell land in Macon Co. AL, being NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.19 R26 (for $160), SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.19 R26 ($10), NE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.19 R26 ($15), NW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.19 R26 ($15), NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.18 R26 ($30) and SE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.18 R26 ($30); sold by me as Register of said Court on 8 Aug. 1845 to James H. Shorter and George Hargrove Jr. for total $160 (MAD: amounts given for each parcel), /s/ Bryant Duncan Register, appeared Russell Co. AL. (FHL film 1,293,643)
G-504: 22 July 1850, Bryant Duncan, admin. of Jonathan A. Hudson, Russell Co. AL; that Hudson had given bond in 1839 to make title to land, now Bryant Duncan as his admin. makes title ... (FHL film 1,293,645)
G-619: 17 Dec. 1850, mortgage, John Duncan of Macon Co. AL in trust to Lovick P. Allen to secure payment of two promissory notes given him, mortgage horse, ox cart, yoke oxen and 10 head of cattle; mortgage satisfied May 12, 1854. (FHL film 1,295,621)
H-271: 4 Dec. 1851, John Duncan to Lovick P. Allen, for $250, all my crop of cotton which I shall make in the year 1851. (FHL film 1,295,621)
I-444: 9 Nov. 1853, Bryant Duncan of Russell Co. AL, admin. of Jonathan A. Hudson ... (FHL film 1,293,646)
I-632: 13 May 1854, Lovick P. Allen and wife Sarah for $337.30 to Elizabeth Duncan wife of John Duncan, NE 1/4 Sec.33 less 40 acres off SW portion, also SE 1/4 NW 1/4 of same sec., Twp.18 R24; wit. M.S. Belton?. (FHL film 1,293,646)
J-8: 7 Oct. 1854, Jesse Wilkerson, admin. of estate of Arthur B. Davis, per court order Russell Co., sold to highest bidder Bryant Duncan; separate sums listed, about $2-$3 each; Sec.31, Sec.32, NE 1/4 Sec.33, SE 1/4 Sec.33, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.33, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.33, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.40, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.14, SE 1/4 Sec.5, NW 1/4 Sec.5, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.5, all Twp 14 R26; and NE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.19 R26. (FHL film 1,293,646)
K-426: Russell Co. AL, 8 Jan. 1857, Bryant Duncan admin. of Jacob A. Lewis decd; that on 29 Sept. 1856 the Probate court of Russell Co. AL ordered sale of real estate, Sec.34, Sec.33, and S 1/2 Sec.27, all Twp.15 R22E, in Tallapoosa Land District in Macon Co. AL, for a division among the heirs, ... (more not copied) ... sold to Leory Napier; rec. Dec. 14, 1857. (FHL film 1,293,647)
M-66/7: Russell Co. AL documents copied; Bryant Duncan, Register and Master in Chancery for 14th Dist. of Middle Division; suit filed April 12, 1851, by Benjamin H. Zaker trustee for Sarah Jane Sledge and other trustees; ... copy of documents certified by Wilson Williams, Register for 11th Dist. Russell Co., Southern Chancery Division formerly 14th Dist. Middle Chancery Division of AL, 19 Jan. 1964 ... (much more not copied) (FHL film 1,293,649)
N-64 (1st): Montgomery Co. AL, 27 April 1867, John Duncan and wife Elizabeth (X), on or before 1 Dec. 1867, we promise to pay Armstrong and Son agents $200? which we obtained for the purpose of making a crop, and that without such advances, it would not be in our power to procure the necessary provisions and farming implements to make a crop; we agree to deliver to A. Son cotton enough to pay the above note at maturity; wit. J.T. Duncan. (FHL film 1,293,649)
N-64 (2nd): 27 April 1867, John Duncan for self and wife (MAD: unnamed) of Macon Co. AL, for $2, to Armstrong and Son, in return for furnishing us supplies, mortgage our stock of horses, mules, cattle and lands, to wit, NE 1/4 Sec.33 less by 40 acres reserved of the SW portion, also SE 1/4 NW 1/4 of same Sec. Twp.18 R24, and 2 horses; no wit. (FHL film 1,293,649)
Macon Co. AL Probate Records; original estate papers 1832-1940; Drakeford, James to Echols, John H. (FHL film 2,033,923; did not extract all documents)
W.B. Duncan, Folder #1 of 2.
Recorded Bond Book pg.616; bond for Thos. Ramsey as admin. of Wm. B. Duncan, 12 Feb. 1866, security R.W. Coleman, W.G. Andrews.
4-page list of notes, total $529,541
Petition to declare estate insolvent, includes accounts of others, filed June 8, 18??; includes Confederate Bonds $6,900; no real estate; dated 8 June 1868.
Settlement, includes sale of land in Macon Co. and in Barbour Co.; settled 2nd Monday July 1871; recorded Book ?? pg.55.
Inventory included 1 lot land and house, 160 acres, 1 land warrant for 160 acres; filed March 1866, recorded Book 11, pg.114.
Petition to sell land: E 1/2 SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.32, Twp.11 R25, 160.25 acres; and E 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.14 R24, 160 acres.
W.B. Duncan, post master at Hardaway at beginning of war.
W.B. Duncan, Folder #2 of 2.
Deposition of John W. Rogers; (1) he knows the land; (2) not personally acquainted with any heirs of W.B. Duncan's estate but has heard Mr. Duncan speak of a full brother in Oregon and half brothers and sisters living in Walker Co. GA, he thinks Lafayette is their post office; he does not remember the number (of brothers and sisters) of either; he has also heard him speak of another full brother since died and left widow with 3 or 4 children.
Deposition of W.H. Henderson; L.J.C. Duncan of Jacksonville [MAD: Jackson Co.], Oregon, is a full brother; W.B. Duncan had one other full brother living in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, now decd, who left a widow and some children, unknown how many nor residence of this family; Mr. Duncan had full sister now dead who left 3 children, residence unknown other than Alabama; he had 2 half brothers and one half sister, one of the brothers H.S. Duncan lives in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, the other, R.S. Duncan, living in Arkansas, the half sister lived in Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, died and left two children; the full sister married Robt. Huston who lived near Lafayette, Walker Co. GA, and has since died; the half sister married Thos. McDonald who lived at the same place and is dead; 23 May 1866.
Petition 6 Feb. 1866, that William B. Duncan died more than 15 days ago in the State of VA in 1864 or 1865, Thomas Ramsey the largest creditor, petitions for administration of the estate.
(MAD: W.B. Duncan 38 TN in 1860 Macon Co. AL census; L.J.C. Duncan 42 TN in 1860 Jackson Co. OR census with wife & child; one Hugh L. Duncan 23 GA in 1860 Walker Co. GA census with wife next to Marvel Duncan 64 TN and near the widow of Marvel L. Duncan; ? Robert Duncan 25 GA in 1860 Sevier Co. AR census and 1880 Howard Co. AR census)
Macon Co. AL Probate Records
Orphans book v.1 1834-1838 (FHL film 1,293,633 item 2)
Orphans book v.2 1838-1841 (FHL film 1,293,633 item 3)
Probate records v.2 1838-1845 (FHL film 1,293,633 item 4 and 1,293,634 item 1)
Probate records v.3 1845-1850 (FHL film 1,293,634 item 3)
Probate records v.4 1850-1853 (FHL film 1,503,520 item 2)
Probate records v.5, Wills 1847-1852 (FHL film 1,293,635 item 3)
No Duncan indexed in any of above; Quit
Macon Co. AL Probate records ca 1897, each vol. individually indexed
Will record v.15, 1892-1904 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,503,517 item 1)
Wills & apprs. record v.16 1904-1907 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,503,517 item 2)
Probate Minutes (no vol. number) 1892-1910 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,617,064 item 1)
Mexican War service 1846-1847, cards A-L; men from AL (FHL film 1,462,788 item 3)
Volunteers - Dr. Duncan - letter to Gov. Martin from N.M. Hentz, dated May 7, 1846, Tuskegee, AL.
AL Volunteers - Dr. L.C. Duncan, Tuskegee [Macon Co.], AL, recom. for commission as Surgeon by A.V. Brumley, May 6, 1846.
L.C. Duncan, surgeon, concerning service record of L.C. Duncan, dated Oct. 1, 1906, Barnwell, SC. (MAD: see Langdon Cheves Duncan; 1850 Charleston Co. SC census)
Capt. Elmore's Relief Volunteers, L.C. Duncan, Surgeon, enlisted May 12, 1846, from muster roll, Relief Volunteers, Montgomery [Montgomery Co.], AL, from Cert. of Rush Elmore, Capt; A.M. Cook, 1st Lt.; Thos. Miller, 2nd Lt.
MAD: Langdon C. Duncan had pension application SA-25489, 10 Aug. 1906, NY, served Elmore's Co. 5th AL Vols. as a Surgeon, per "Index to Mexican War Pension Files" by Virgil D. White (FHL book 973 M22mw)
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, H.H. Letter 8 April 1931, War Department to AL Archives, one H.H. Duncan, name also born as Henry H. Duncan, Private, Co.C, 45th Regt. AL Inf., CSA, enlisted May 1, 1862 at Auburn, AL, age 18 years. Union Prisoner of War records show captured Jan. 5, 1863 at Murfreesboro, TN, and received at City Point, VA, April 17, 1863. Again captured Nov. 30, 1864 at Franklin, TN, imprisoned at Camp Douglas, IL, where discharged June 18, 1865. Resided at Macon Co. AL, age 18, height 5 ft 9 inches, complexion fair, eyes blue, hair dark, profession student, born in Illinois. (MAD: 1850 Philadelphia Co. PA census pg.357 with Gen. William Duncan)
Duncan, Henry H., Private, Co.C, 45th AL Inf. Reg., Auburn, AL, wounded in action. Authority: Statement of Charles C. Hay. (MAD: no date given)
Duncan, H.H., Private, Capt. G.W. Carter's Co.C, 45th AL Regt. Enlisted by Capt. Carter at Auburn [Lee Co.] May 1, '62 for 3 years. Born in IL. Age 18, 5 ft. 9", fair comp., blue eyes, dark hair, profession student. Authority: Capt. Thos. Swanson's Company Book.
Duncan, H.H., private (age 17), Co.C, 45th AL Inf. Regt. Enlisted Macon Co. AL. Authority: Muster in roll not dated.
Duncan, H.H., Private. Hospital service, General Hosp., Eufaula [Barbour Co.], AL. Regt: 45th AL, Co.C. Complaint: V.S. Admitted Aug. 19, '64. Authority: Register of P. DeLacy Baker, Surg. in Chg, Hosp., General Hospital, Eufaula, AL, Aug. 20, '64.
Duncan, H.H., Private, Co.G, 1st AL Regt. (was Co.C & K, 45th AL Regt.). Authority: Capt. Thos. Swanson's Company Book (Smithfield, NC, April 8, '65).
Duncan, Henry, Private, 18 yrs, Co. E, 34th AL Inf. Reg. Macon Co. AL, private Henry Duncan died May 13, 1862. Authority: Muster in roll, not dated.
Duncan, Henry, Private, Co.E, 34th AL Regt. John Duncan, father, care Tho. Barber, Notasulga [Macon Co.], AL. Claim filed May 26, '64. Authority: List, claims 1863-64 of 2nd Aud., C.S. Treas.
Parents of Confederate Soldiers 1862-1864 (FHL film 1,653,242 item 1)
Duncan, John, father of Henry Duncan, Private, Co.E, 34th AL Regt, Notasulga [Macon Co.], AL; claim filed May 26, 1863. Authority: List, Claims, 2nd Aud., C.S. Treas. 1862-64.
Barbour Co. AL Deed (FHL film 1,294,013)
Q-601: Barbour Co. AL, 30 Jan. 1861, George W. Cooper and wife Harriet (X) for $480 to W.B. Duncan of Macon Co. AL, E 1/2 SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.32 Twp.11 R25, 160.25 acres; wit. Moses Mathews, John G. Grotes.
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