Duncans in Lawrence Co. AL


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised February 17, 2003

Formed 1818 from Cherokee & Chickasaw Cession of 1816


1820-1840 Lawrence Co. AL Census
      No Duncan indexed
      (MAD: Jonathan Duncan of Laurance had a Warrant for land in Sec.18 Twp.2 R11W, on 9/11/1826; from "Old Huntsville Land Office Records and Military Warrants 1810-1854" by Marilyn Davis Barefield, 1985, FHL book 976.1 R2bmd)

1850 Lawrence Co. AL Census
Pg.459, #272, Craven DUNCAN 28 TN farmer&c. $0?
                  Mary A.G. 33 TN
                  James H. ELDER 11 AL
                  Robert M. DUNCAN 3 AL
                  (MAD: 1860 Scott Co. TN census)

1860 Lawrence Co. AL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Lawrence Co. AL Census (pg.53 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002)
Twp.5 Range 6, P.O. Dry Creek
Pg.12, #92-92, M. DUNCAN (m) 45 TN (white) farmer $0-$0
                  DUNCAN, Catharine 38 TN keeping house
                  Rachel 19 TN at home
                  W.B. (m) 19 TN labourer
                  James A. 15 TN labourer
                  John H. 13 TN labourer
                  Mary 11 AL at home
                  Marck A. (m) 9 AL
                  Levi 7 AL
                  (MAD: names as written; Marvell Duncan in 1860 DeKalb Co. AL census)
Twp.4 Range 7, P.O. Courtland
Pg.53, #129-129, SWOOPE, Samuel 16 AL BLACK farm laborer, cannot read/write
                  DUNCAN, John 32 MD BLACK farmer, cannot read/write
                  Francis (f) 23 AL BLACK Keep House, cannot read/write


Lawrence Co. AL Marriage Licenses 1828-1868 (FHL film 1,031,090)
      No Duncan groom; no bride index


Lawrence Co. AL Guardian & admin. bonds 1845-1850 (FHL film 1,031,090)
      No Duncan

Lawrence Co. AL Inventories & Wills, Vol.A, 1850-1856 (FHL film 1,031,097 item 2)
      No Duncan

Lawrence Co. AL Orphans Court
      Vol.1825-1830 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,945 item 4)
      Vol.5, 1830-1834 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,945 item 5)
      Order book 1834-1836 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,946 item 1)
      Vol.1835-1840 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,946 item 2)
      Vol.F, 1838-1841 (FHL film 1,710,946 item 3)
            F-379: Jan. 1841, appl. of Samuel Elliott Jr., appointed administrator of David G. Duncan, late of said Co. decd; security Henry Fennel and Josiah Kelly. Pg.380, Appraisers to be Henry Fennel, Josiah Kelly, Nelson Fennel, Nathan Cook and William White. Pg.380, permission to sell personal property. Pg.537, June 1841, inventory and appraisal recorded. (MAD: not David C. Duncan)
      Vol.G, 1841-1843 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,947)
      Vol.H, 1841-1844 (FHL film 1,710,947)
            H-33: March 1844, Samuel Elliott Jr. cited to appear and file annual settlement; pg.85, May 1844, Samuel Elliott filed his vouchers, he to make final settlement. Pg.133, 21 June 1844, settlement of David G. Duncan, heirs not named. (MAD: not David C. Duncan)
      Vol.I, 1846-1849 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,947)

Lawrence Co. AL Court Document (typed complete copy from June Ricketts 6/1992 with permission to share; originals at Lawrence Co. AL archives)
      Orphans Court, June Term, 1844. Final Settlement of David G. Duncan, decd, estate by admin. Samuel Elliott, 21 June 1841.
      MAD: according to other sources, one David C. Duncan, b.1799 Amherst Co. VA, d. Lawrence Co. AL, 1 Jan. 1841, moved to AL 1820, lived 2 mi. w. of Trinity, AL. (MAD: buried Morgan Co. AL)

Lawrence Co. AL Probate Court Records
      Vol.A, 1850-1856 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,948 item 1)
      Vol.B, 1853-1855 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,710,948 item 2)

Lawrence Co. AL Probate Court; Inventories Vol.F, 1846-1850 (FHL film 1,710,945 item 2)
      No Duncan; did not check later


Lawrence Co. AL Deed Indexes (grantor index on FHL film 1,711,064 item 2; grantee on FHL film 1,711,064 item 3)
      No Duncan grantor until at least Book CC (after 1852); no Duncan grantee
      Book B, 1819-1824 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,711,064 item 4)
      Book C, 1824-1828 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,711,064 item 5)
      Book D - no Duncan spotted (FHL film 1,711,065)
      Book E - no Duncan spotted (FHL film 1,711,065)
      Book F to 1835 - partial index, no Duncan (FHL film 1,711,065)
      (MAD: wanted deed ca 1832 to William Duncan for lots in town of Cortland, none indexed)

Lawrence Co. AL Deeds (typed complete copies from June Ricketts 6/1992 with permission to share; originals at Lawrence Co. AL archives)
      E-107: 13 Feb. 1832, William Duncan and wife Louisa of first part, David A. Smith of 2nd part, and Robert G. Moseley of 3rd part, all Lawrence Co. AL; William Duncan owes Robert G. Moseley $1,800 by three bonds of this date for $600, the first due 1 Jan. next, the other two one and two years thereafter; in order to secure payment, William Duncan mortgages to David A. Smith land in town of Courtland, lots 268, 272, and 272, 273, and 274; Duncan to retain possession. Ack. in court by all parties 13 Feb. 1832. Certification by Clerk the deed was recorded 21 Feb. 1832 in Book E, pg. 107-108 and 109.
      F-233: 25 April 1834, William Duncan of 1st part, Nathan Gregg of 2nd part, and J. Burgster of 3rd part; that William Duncan owes the late firm of Gregg & Burgster $196.35 by note dated 28 March and payable one day after date, and also owes Joseph Bargester for his surityship on a note given by said Duncan to Mrs. Marth Findley for two negroes for $150 due the end of the present year and also by note due said Burgster for $44 dated 28 March ultimo payable 28 Dec. next; in order to secure payment, William Duncan mortgages to N. Gregg, horse, poney, pianoforte, two beds, (other furniture). Wit. Thomas A. Brown, William F. Bentley. Recorded 24 May 1834 on oath of Thomas A. Brown who saw the three parties sign the deed. Certification by Clerk the deed was recorded 24 May 1834 in Book F, pg. 233 & 234.


Lawrence Co. AL Court Document (typed complete copy from June Ricketts 6/1992 with permission to share; originals at Lawrence Co. AL archives)
      Writ, 4 July 1836, That heretofore at County Court of Lawrence Co. AL on 3rd Monday in January 1836, trial of suit D. Wallis & Co. plaintiff vs. Wm. Duncan defendant; Subpoena to Sheriff to ensure appearance of William Duncan in court on 3rd Monday in July 1836 to answer David Wallis, William E. Newel & James Wallis, merchants and copartners in trade under the firm & style of D. Wallis & Co., in a plea of debt that he pay them $136.73 which he owes, and $300 damages.
            Endorsement: This suit is brought to recover of the defendant on his written promise in substance to pay $136.73 one day after day to D. Wallis & Co. $136.73 with interest, /s/ Wm. Duncan, 1 Jan. 1836.
            Return by Sheriff; No bail required.
            July term, 1836, Judgement: The defendant being solomly called, came not, but made default. The plaintiffs recover of the defendant $136.73 with $11.39 damages, besides their costs.

Lawrence Co. AL Court Document (typed complete copy from June Ricketts 6/1992 with permission to share; originals at Lawrence Co. AL archives)
      Final Record, Circuit Court March Term 1840, Book V, pg.593-596: 20 Aug. 1839; Thomas Ashford vs. William Duncan, #3392 VS. That heretofore at a Circuit Court for Lawrence Co. AL on 3rd Monday in March 1840, the suit of Thomas Ashford plaintiff vs. William Duncan defendant was tried, Effort for Attachment. William Duncan owed Thomas Ashford $810.58; that defendant resides out of the State of AL so the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, and thereby the affiant (Thomas Ashford) will probably loose the debt or have to sue for it in another state; Ashford prays for an attachment against the estate of the said Duncan.
            Attachment Bond by Thomas Ashford, 20 Aug. 1839, security Wm. A. Sellers (/s/ Wm. H. Sellers) and Paul J. Watkins, for $1621.16 to be paid said William Duncan, for prosecution of the suit.
            Summons to sheriff to attach such estate of William Duncan if to be found in your County, /s/ 20 Aug. 1839.
            Return by Sheriff, attached lots 273, 274, 268, 267, 269, 270, 271 and 272 in Town of Courtland.
            Complaint by Thomas Ashford that William Duncan pay him $810.58, on the several promissory notes, one for $945.80 dated 6 Sept. 1837 (security James M. Parsall) payable 25% on 6 June 1838, 27-1/2% on 6 June 1839, balance 6 June 1840, with interest on the whole; that on 8 June 1839, the note was regularly protested for non payment; that Ashford paid the bank the money that Duncan owed, and now asks reimbursement.
            Judgement, Sept. 1839, that plaintiff recover $850.73 and costs from the defendant.


"AL State Militia 1820-1865" alphabetical card file in AL State Archives, Clyde - D (FHL film 1,462,799; mostly in alphabetic order, Dunkin cards found later in file)
      Dunkin, Shadrick, Ensign, 8th Regt., Lawrence; Com. April 3, 1824; Removed. Authority: Military Register, State Militia, 1820-32. (MAD: 1840 Gibson Co. IN census)

Texas War with Mexico 1835-1836, AL service men (FHL film 1,462,788 item 2) (MAD: Red Rovers formed Courtland, Lawrence Co. AL)
      Capt. Jack Shackelford's Red Rovers, Private J.W. Duncan. From a photostat copy of the 'Flag of the Union' 4th Col., July 23, 1836. Tuscaloosa, AL.
      Capt. Jack Shackelford's Red Rovers, Private J.W. Duncan. Served from June 19, 1835, to Feb. 29, 1836. Entitled to Land Grant. Certificate of Jas. V.A. Hinds, Com. of Deeds &c for Texas, Huntsville, AL, March 5, 1857. (MAD: see Franklin Co. TX and Rowan Co. NC)

AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
      MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
      Dunkin, Richard K., 3rd Corp., Co.E, 16th AL Inf. Enlistment Aug. 19, 1861, age 38. Authority: Muster in roll, Courtland [Lawrence Co.], AL, Aug. 19, 1861. (MAD: see ?? Pike or Marion Co. AL)

AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
      MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
      DUNCAN, D.L., Blount Co. AL, Private, Co.B, 48th AL. Report 8 Sept. 1913, name of D.L. Duncan not found on rolls of Co.B, 48th Reg. AL Inf. CSA, May 1863 to Oct. 31, 1864 (several of these letters). Letter 27 Sept. 1913, Bangor, AL, from D.L. Duncan enclosing affidavit of Eli Frost. Affidavit 29 Sept. 1913 by William (X) Tidwell who also served in Capt. Graves Co., organized at Blountsville in 1863, part of Stuart's Battallion, Roddy's Command. Affidavit 24 April 1915, Blount Co. AL, D.L. Duncan, born Guinette Co. GA, over age 70; witness E.M. Cox, acquainted 50 years; 26 May 1916, D.L. Duncan desires to be transferred to Jefferson Co. Affidavit 26 May 1916, Lawrence Co. AL. Application 3 June 1904, D.L. Duncan, resides Blount Co. AL, enlisted as soldier in Co.B, 48th Reg., 29 July 1863 at Blountsville, AL, discharged 20 July 1865, now age 59, P.O. Bangor, AL, wit. E.B. Scott, J.P. Calwell.

HISTORIES before 1923

1921 "History of AL and Dictionary of AL Biography" by Thomas M. Owen, Vol.III (pages 516-519 from Donna Little 8/1982; 4 vols. on FHL fiche 6,048,243 to 6,048,246)
      DUNCAN, L. ALEXANDER, publisher, civil postmaster, city treasurer & city clerk of Meridian [Lauderdale Co.] MS, was born February 16, 1829, in New York City; son of William and Louise Augusta (Gardner) Duncan, the former a native of Glasgow, Scotland, who removed to Canada and later located in New York City, removed to Courtland [Lawrence Co. AL] in 1830, where he taught schools; took charge of Athens female academy, 1836-38, and opened a school for girls in Grenada, Miss.; became a merchant in 1840; grandson of Alexander and Mary (McFarlan) Duncan, of Scotland, who migrated to New York City about 1808, and of Hiram Gardner, a native of Carlisle, PA, who located in New York City, .... Mr. Duncan received his elementary education in Courtland and Athens, AL, and in Grenada, MS, and attended the Collegiate school in NY City which he left in 1846, a few months before graduation. He was a clerk in his father's store in Grenada, 1846-47, and during the latter year entered book & printing business in New Orleans, LA, where he was a joint publisher with his brother, Rev. Dr. Cecil Duncan, of the "Southern Baptist Chronicle" until 1850; he was a publisher in that city of the "New Orleans Baptist Chronicle" 1852-55, also issued a number of pamphlets; civil postmaster of Meridian, MS, 1863-64; city treasurer 1868, and city clerk from 1871 to present; Democrat, Mason and Baptist. married Jan. 21, 1856, in New Orleans, to Annie Battalie, dau. of Edward Conyers and Martha Turbeville (Battaile) Payne, who lived in Hayfield, VA, and later in Winchester, KY, granddau. of Hay Battalie of Hayfield, VA; res. Meridian, MS.

1907 "MS, Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons; Arranged in Cyclopedic Form" planned & edited by Rowland, pub. by Southern Hist. Publ. Assn.; vol.1 A-K, vol.2 L-Z, vol.3 includes index & portraits, contemporary biography; vol.4 includes portrait, suppl. volume comprising sketches of representative MS'ans for whom special portraits have been executed on steel (FHL fiche 6,051,432 to 6,051,435; FHL book 976.2 H2m)
      Vol.III, pg.218 and Vol.4, pg.91-92: L. Alexander Duncan, pioneer citizen of Meridian [Lauderdale Co. MS], native of New York City, born Feb. 16, 1829. Son of William and Louisa A. (Gardner) Duncan, the former born in the City of Glasgow, Scotland, the latter in the City of New York where their marriage was solemnized. The parents of William Duncan came to America when he was a boy, he was reared and educated in New York City where he lived until 1830, then to AL, in 1838 he took up his abode in Grenada, MS, taught in the female colleges in Courtland (Lawrence Co.) and Athens, AL, and also in Grenada, MS. Later he was in the general merchandise business, finally located in the City of New Orleans, where he conducted a book store for a number of years, and died in 1863 while on a business trip to New York. His wife died in 1847 in Grenada, MS, and he married again in 1848 to Mrs. Kate Easly of Middleton, MS, who died in 1892 at Meridian leaving no children. Of the children of his first marriage, only one, the subject of this review, is still living.
            L. Alexander Duncan completed his education in New York City, worked for his father in the New Orleans book store, then worked for a newspaper which ceased publication in 1850. In the Civil War, he was mustered into Confederate service in the regiment of Home Guards in New Orleans, and was discharged in the early part of 1862, then he came to Meridian, MS, in 1863, and in 1878 located in Memphis, TN, in 1879 returned to Meridian. On Jan. 21, 1856, he married Miss Annie B. Payne, daughter of Edward C. Payne of New Orleans, LA; she died 1893. (6,051,434 and 6,051,435, MAD's extract; the sketch about the town of Meridian, county seat of Lauderdale Co., in Vol.II, contained no reference to a Duncan)


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