Larry R Loveland <[email protected]> would like to make contact with anyone who has information on or photographs of Lovelands who may have participated in the Civil War.
He also has a copy of a book by Arthur Clark Nichols which updates the Loveland Genealogy to around 1985.
Michael Demkowicz <[email protected]> is the grandson of Nellie Ellen Loveland. Her father was Charles Loveland b. 1876 son of Henry E Loveland.
Henry E Loveland was born April 2, 1853 in Glastonbury, CT. He married Mary Elizabeth Hills August 20, 1862. He was a sargent in the 20th Infantry Company C Conn Vol. and died February 23, 1911 in Hartford, CT.
David thinks his mother might be Hope (Stevens) because they are listed together on the 1850 census, Henry was age 15, Hope age 65. In the Loveland Genealogy, Vol 2, page 73 it says Horace also married Hope Stevens and had a son Henry E.
David notes that in the 'Master Pedigry' submitted by Bill Harris and others Horace Loveland (#177) doesn't show any of this information and wonders whether others have drawn a different conclusion.
Kathy Garthia <[email protected]> is looking for information on Austin H. Loveland. He was married to Ellen S. Edwards in 1844 in Nauvoo, IL. Who were his parents? Did he have a sister Martha that married Thomas Edwards in Putnam Co. IL? His wife Ellen had at least two brothers Thomas Edwards and Francis Edwards. They are all together on the 1850 Census for Henry Co. IL.
Elizabeth Crosby Simpson <[email protected]> is looking for information on her 5th great-grandmother, Clenianza (or Clemenza?) LOVELAND, d. August 2, 1883 in Cromwell CT; s/o Anson FOWLER, dob Nov 7, 1805, d. September 2, 1868, also resided Cromwell CT. This is the main FOWLER line that goes back to Reginaldus le FOWLER in the 14th cent. Thanks for any leads anyone can give me!
Connie Loveland Morrow <[email protected]> would like to know how to obtain a copy of the Loveland Genealogy. She has the descent of Francis Harvey Loveland (p.275, Vol 1, Loveland Genealogy).
The descent of Malachi Loveland sought. Details of Andrus, born 1773 and grandson Artimus.
Please email Debbi Smith Zorach <[email protected]> who believes that her great-grandmother Jenny Loveland is Malachi's great-grand-daughter.
Connections sought for Avis Loveland who married James Hoisington probably at or near Farmington, Hartford, CT. (James Hoisington b.2-Jan-1757).
Please email: Harriette Jensen <[email protected]
Information wanted on Lucinda Dewella LOVELAND b.about 1825 d.about 1863 in Adams Co, OH, m.Abner COOPER. She was from Virginia.
Please e-mail: Charles Cooper. <[email protected]>
1) Another page at this site summarises what is currently known about the Norwich family and its connections with the Connecticut Lovelands of the 1650s. It would be most helpful to discover details of the movements of John Loveland (the younger) between the end of his apprenticeship in 1606 and his death sometime before 1647. Did this man marry Elizabeth Busfield in 1631? Where are the details of his/their children born between 1631 and 1646? Baptisms for Jane, John, Thomas and Mary, would be welcome confirmation (or otherwise) of our theories.
2) On the same page a very tenuous hypothesis has been offered as to how the Norwich family might connect with later generations in London, descendents of which may well be around today. Did Jeremy marry? Are there any details to be found about his family, if any? Where did Miss Farrow discover that a son Edward was his son and heir? Can a connection be made with William Loveland who married Eleanor Bilson 2-Jun-1741 at St Benet Pauls Wharf, London, the ancestor of Richard Loveland Loveland whose letters appear in the Loveland Genealogy? (Further details of this family can be found in The Loveland Coat of Arms, also at this site.)
3) At present we can offer no hypothesis as to where the Norwich family may have lived before coming to that City. Help on this point would be much appeciated.
4) Some of the material presented at this site is the work of a professional researcher Miss M A Farrow who was working in the early 1930s for an American client called Paddock. The Farrow papers are held in the Library of the DAR in Washington, DC. It appears that Mr Paddock was a decendant of a Captain Paddock who married Mary Loveland, a co-heiress mentioned in the Will of John Loveland, proved 1641. Our guess is that this Mary was the only child of William Loveland who died in 1623. We would very much like to hear from anyone who has further information on this research.
Please e-mail any information on these topics to John Howard <[email protected]
Doug Murphy
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Last modified: Sunday, 18-Apr-1999 23:59:15 MDT