The following additional references have been provided by Marion & Tony Burke and Pat Flowers <[email protected]>. They should be read in conjuction with the page Pre-1700 References to Loveland in New England, also at this site.
These items come either from the book The Great Migration Begins or from an article by Gale Ion Harris published in the January 1997 issue of The American Genealogist, "John and Mary (Hart) Greet of Westfield, Massachusetts, Southold, Long Island, and Wethersfield, Connecticut - With notes on the Family of Edmund1 Hart and on Charity2 Hart, Wife of Thomas2 Loveland of Glastonbury, Connecticut" pp. 42-48.
(e-mail from Pat Flowers to John Howard)
"The Great Migration Begins Vol 2, pp 866-869 has an entry for Edmund Hart::
. Charity Hart "b. say 1646 m. by 1677 Thomas Loveland...research of Gale Ion Harris, forthcoming in TAG". Entry for Edmund Hart says origin unknown, migrated 1632 to Dorchester, rem to Weymouth 1636 and Westfield 1664. Wife unidentified; she died Weymouth 20 August 1659; they had 9 children. There's a quote about Edmund's death [shortly before] from Hampshire County Probate records v. 1, p. 147: "30 September 1672 Edmund Hart of Westfield dying suddenly this sennight past inquiry was made by a jury of 12 men concerning his death who found it to be by the immediate hand of God in thunder & lightning as they conceive; their verdict is on file. And the said Edmun Hart dying intestate...""
A quote from the January 1997 TAG article, p. 44, by Gale Ion Harris:
It seems to have escaped prior notice that a sixth sister, Charity Hart, had married Thomas2 Loveland, son of the "widow Lovenam" of Wethersfield (modern Glastonbury), the other administrator of Elisha Hart's estate in 1683. On 20 May 1678, Thomas Loveland "of Wethersfield," for twenty bushels of wheat, sold to John Root of Westfield land "which fell to him the said Loveman {sic} by the decease of Edmund Hart formerly of the said Westfield." The deed recites that the land was Loveland's "proper right by his present wife Charity daughter to the said Edmund Hart Deceased and whatever was willed and ordered by Springfield Court to be the portion of my Said wife out of his Fathers estate." Witnesses John Chester Jr. and Steven Chester were Wethersfield men. Thomas and Charity "Loveman" both signed by marks.
In the footnote to the above passage, Harris notes that Jacobus and Waterman conclude their account of the Loveland descendants in Hale, House and Related Families with the remark, "While most of the Glaastonbury families are difficult, the Loveland family is terrifically difficult."
The following references are from an e-mail from Marion Burke.
Please note that some of these are already noted elsewhere at this site,
but are nevertheless included here for the convenience of the reader..
The 6th of Septembr, 1649 Sam: Gardiner plt, for himselfe, Thomas Edwards and the Widdow Louenam, contra Thomas Osmore defendt, in an action of trespass, to the dammage of 4L.
Dec: 23 1657 Wethersfield Lovenan Tho : 16 years old Tho Edwards' wife's son.
Mar. 2 1659 Lovenan Tho: 17y. Loverans. Mary, 19 yrs., dau of Thos. Edwards wife of Hockanum.
1663. Court of Election held at Hartford,
May 12, 1670. Propownded freeman of Wethersfield. Thomas Loveman.
John Louelands estate Novembr 7th, 1670.
Debts Thomas Loueland 00:11:00. Debts to the estate Thomas Loueland
Granted unto Mr. Richd Treat, Mr. Jno Hollister, Richd Smith, Thomas Edwards, John Waddams, Saml Hale Junr., Caleb Bemiamin, & Thomas Loveland four score acres of land a peice to begin at the lower side of Mr. Richd Treats farme & soe to goe downward or southward, & to run three miles eastward from the highway by the great river side, and the sd partys are to cast lots for their land, such land is to them in consideration of the fifty acre lots that were given on this side at the west end of Wethersfield bounds.
March 9 day 1673/4 Land belonging unto Thomas loueland his heirs & assignes for euer lying in weathersfield on conecticut Riuer which was granted unto him by the Towne one pece lying on the east side of conecticut Riuer con fore score acres more or less the ends abuts against a high way by the said Riuer side west and lands not diuided east the sids against the lands latly granted unto Mr. Richard Treat north and lands not diuided south. By a deed dated the same day this land was sold to Thomas Edwards.
Wethersfield town meeting Feb. 29, 1675 chosen fence viewer for the east side of river.
Hartford town meeting Dec. 1681. Tho. Loueman was chosen fence viewer for east side of great river.
6 December 1683: The inventory of the estate of Elisha Heart was exhibited in court & oath made that there was a true presentment made to the appraizers & this court grant administration upon the estate to Edward Neale & Thomas Loveland, & the court distributes the estate to sayd Hearts eight sisters to each an equal portion.
Hartford town meeting Dec. 27, 1686. Tho. Loueman chocen suruayer for Hocanum.
An Account of the Debts of Connecticutt Collony in the Year 1693. To Thomas Loveland 00"13"0.
Glastonbury town meeting Dec. 29, 1697 Tho. Loveland Senr. took freemans oath.
Joseph Long of Middletown for valuble consideration in hand by Thomas Loveland senr. of Glastonbury assigned deed. ( Deed was for 2 acres, fortie rods in length by eight rods in breadth, bounded by highway on west, on William Wickham east, on Ephraim Goodrich south, and on William Wickham North.) 23 Janry 1699/1700 Wit: John Hamlin Samuwel Hall Signed Joseph Long
Thomas Loveland of Glastonbury for a certain piece of land with housing and
timber with 5 acres, bounded upon highway west, John Hubbard east and south,
and Ephraim Goodrich north sold to John Gains 2 acres abutting on highway
west, William Wickham east and north, and Ephraim Goodrich South with dwelling
house. 13 Feb. 1700. Thomas X(his mark) Loveland Wit: Joseph Smith
Eleazar Kimberly
John Gains deed to Thomas Loveland dated the same day. Wit:
William Wickham Eleazar Kimberly
Henry Gozin of Glassenbury was required to a appear in court to answer
about ownership of land to the north of Thomas Loveland. That land was
purchased by by the proprietors of Wethersfield from the indians in 1673.
Dated Aug. 12th 1701 The same land was then laid out to the heirs of Hugh
Wells Deceased.
Thomas Loveland of Glastonbury for natural love to son John Loveland of Glastonbury 5 acres with dwelling house. Bounded on highway west, on John Hubbard south and east, and Ephrain Goodrich North. Thomas Loveland has use of house and land for life. 2 April 1707. Thomas T(his mark) Loveland Wit: John Kilbourn Thomas Kimberly Acknowledged Nov. 8,1700 [?]
1700 to 1712 Thomas Loveland Senor Detter for many blacksmith services and Thomas Loveland Credit many hides tanned. The account went from just Thomas to Thomas & John to almost all John. One of the last entries Nov. 1710 making an iron box for your father Williams. Although not stated this refers to John Lovelands father-in-law [the father of Keziah Williams - dl].
Glastonbury town meeting Jan. 27, 1713/4 Thomas Loveland granted 100 acres. This was granted to Inhabitants, and householders in this Town when this Town first became a body Politick. At the same meeting voted to grant six thousand more acres of the undivided land to the present inhabitants according to their Lists of Estates for the year 1713. Thomas Loveland appears on the list of inhabitants granted the land.
Glastonbury List of polls & Estates given to the listers 1713 Tho. Loveland 18:00
April 27th, 1714. 100 acres laid out to Thomas Loveland which was granted by the town of Glastonbury at their meeting Jan. 1713/14 as he was a householder. From Hartford and Glastonbury line and uses many natural land marks and also mentions land of Richard Fox.
1712-1714 John & Thomas Loveland Detter blacksmith serveces plus to making spikes mentioned many times an example to two pounds of spiks. Contra credit to tanning many times. Reconed with John Loveland.
Mar. 15th 1715/16 Land laid out to Thomas Dickenson 226 acres and to Thomas Loveland Junr. 36 acres. Granted to them by Glastonbury Jan. 27, 1713/14 and is their respective proportions by list that year vis.: 1713. This was laid out in one section and had natural boundries.
Thomas Loveland of Glastonbury for natural love to grandson Thomas Loveland who dwells with me and my two sons Robert Loveland and John Loveland 100 acres in a place called Great Swamp granted to me ( As I was a householder ) by the Inhabitants. Bounded on Hartford north, Richard Fox south, and common east and west. 10 Sept. 1716 Wit: Aaron Cook Thomas Morley The mark of Thomas + Loveland
List of freeman in Glastonbury June 24, 1718. Tho. Loveland.
Robert Loveland of Glastonbury for 13 pounds to Samuel Risley 25 acres in a place called Great Swamp bounded east and west on common, north on land of Thomas Loveland the third , and south partly on Samuel Risley partly on Richard Keeney. 28 July 1719.
Glastonbury town meeting Dec. 23, 1723. There being in the four Eastermost
miles of land in the town of Gastonbury, more than Six thousand acres not yet
Granted nor laid out, therefore this town, do by their vote give and grant
Six Thousand Acres of Said Lands not Yet Laid, unto the Inhabitants of Said
Glastonbury who are hereunto named to them, their heirs and Assigns forever
-to be divided to then respectivily according to their this present Year
Anno Dom 1723: vizt.
Name Number
Tho. Loveland Junr 106
Thomas Loveland, Senr. 46
List of Estates of the Inhabitants of Glastonbury.
Thomas Loveland Junr. 24:00
Thomas Loveland Senr. 24:00
Thomas Loveland Senr. of Glastonbury for ten pounds to Jonathan Hale 36 acres in tract called 5 mile. Bounded eastward on undivided land, westward upon said Hales land, northward upon David Hubbard, and southward upon undivided land 38 rods broad and 158 rods long. 4 Jan. 1723/24 Wit: David Goodrich Sarah Goodrich Thomas Loveland his mark
7 Sept. 1725: Elisha Loveman of Glastonbury a minor about 16 years of age
appeared before this court and chose Capt. Thomas Welles of Glastonbury to be
his guardian. This court appoint David Hollister of Glastonbury to be guardian
to Mary Loveman age 11, Benjn Loveman age 9, and Elizabeth 2 years of age.
Children of Thomas Loveman Junr.
This court do appoint Thomas Loveman son of the afore mentioned Thomas
Loveman to be Guardian to his brother Joseph Loveman age 13 and his sister
Sarah 4 years of age.
Lands of Thomas Loveland on 29 March 1729 at request of Thomas Loveland did survey + layout to him 28 4/5 acres in tract called 5 miles being the said Lovelands fathers proportion of the six thousand acres. Granted by town at their meeting Dec. 23, 1723.
Lands of Thomas Loveland on 17 Dec. 1736 Lands laydout to Thomas Loveland 28 acres being the said Thomas Lovelands proportion of the 6000 acres granted by the town at their meeting Dec. 23, 1723.
References cited by Marion Burke:
Glastonbury Town Record Vol.1 Pg.32,105,106,193,194,and 197
Glastonbury Deeds Vol.2 Pg. 6-10,65,119,171,209.
[ibid] Vol.3 Pg 29,
Hartford Town Record Vol.1 Pg.193.
Wethersfield T.R. Pg. 129 & 146
Wethersfield Deeds Vol. 2 Pg. 252 1/2 & 264
Probate Vol. X Pg. 100
A Perticular courte in Hartford
Ct. Archives Court Papers Vol 1 Pg. 104 & 105.Finance & Currency Ser. 1. Vol. 1 Pg. 13a.
Colonial Records of Connecticut 1665-1677 Pg. 132Some of the records come from Winthrops Journal and some from Benjamin Talcotts Account Book.
Doug Murphy
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Last modified: Sunday, 18-Apr-1999 23:59:06 MDT