St Mary's 3
DUMFRIES TOWN  -- Churches and Graveyards
High Cemetery St. Michael's Old St. Michael's New St. Mary's Troqueer Holy Cross Calside
St Mary's Church and Graveyard
This beautifully sculpted angel marks the burial enclosure of William Johnston and his wife Phillis Smith
There is virtually nothing remaining of this inscription.
A close-up reveals some of the inscription.
Fortunately this inscription was recoded
sometime in the 1970s.  It reads thus:
Sacred to the Memory of
Thomas Francis DICKIE, youngest and
 last surviving son of Thomas DICKIE
Also Francis, who died in infancy
The said Thomas DICKIE
who died in June 1866
 in his [--] year
Also Agnes JARDINE his wife
 who died 16th June 1866 
aged 59 years

Erected as a small tribute of affection
by his brother in law David CRAIG, Kirkcudbright
Some of the less ostentatious monuments remain clear and legable a century and more later.
Some monuments were once painted to highlight their inscription.
The inscription at the bottom is a much more recent addition.
Sacred to the Memory of
John JARDINE, spirit merchant
 in Dumfries, who died 11th September 1855
 aged 64 years
Also Isabella JARDINE his wife,
who died 25th September 1871 aged 62 years
Also Jane JARDINE, daughter of the above,
born 13th May 1846, died 21st December 1878
Also the above Alexander Jamieson, solicitor,
Wellington, New Zealand,
late of Thornhill,
who died at Wellington
 February 1900 aged 50 years
Also their son
Robert JARDINE, solicitor,
65 Irish Street, Dumfries,
who died there 21st March 1917 
aged 68 years
Flaking paint on this monument makes this detailed
Grierson family inscription very difficult to read.
The full Inscription reads thus:
Sacred to the Memory of
William GRIERSON Esq. of Bardennoch, late Lieut. Colonel of the Dumfries, Roxburgh and Selkirk Militia, and second son of the late Sir Robert GRIERSON of Lagbar and the Lady Margaret GRIERSON, who died at Dumfries 30th November 1865 aged 87 years
And also of Jane BEATTIE his beloved wife, who died at Edinburgh 12th April 1853 aged 52 years

And also Thomas Beattie GRIERSON, Lieut. in her Majestys 8th Kings Regiment, their only son, who died at Umballa, East Indies, 4th September 1857 aged 30 years

"His death was occasioned by fever and ague brought on by some months of over exertion and constant exposure to climate during the monsoon at the protracted siege of Delhi where he eminantly distinguished himself by his gallant bearing in many a hard fought action under the walls of that city and in comemoration of which his brother officers caused a monument to be erected over his grave"

Also of John Henry GORDON, eldest son of Mr and the Lady Isabella GORDON, and son in law of the above Lieut. Colonel GRIERSON, who died 14th February 1902

Matt. 24. 44
This addition inscription has ben added to the face of the plinth
Also of Margaret Elizabeth GRIERSON or GORDON, widow of the above John Henry GORDON and daughter of the above Colonel William GRIERSON, who died at Florence 26th March 1918
Sacred to the Memory of
Major Hamilton MAXWELL,
second son of Sir William MAXWELL
  of Monreith, Baronet, who died at
  Friars Carse 14th of December 1850
in the 64th year of his age
Mary GRIERSON his wife,
 daughter of Sir Robert GRIERSON, Baronet of Lagg,
who died at Huntly Lodge 3rd December
 1871 aged 83 years

In hopes of a glorious resurrection
 this monument  was erected by his eldest son
Capt. W. R. MAXWELL of the Royal Marines
Sacred to the Memory of
spouse of James HENDERSON,
merchant in Dumfries,
who died 29th December 1840 aged 28 years
Also of Helen REID, spouse to
William NICHOLSON, chairmaker, 
who died 11th February 1847 aged 67 years
Also the above James HENDERSON,
who died 22nd August 1848
aged 32 years

Also the above William NICHOLSON,
who died on 13th May 1859 in his 80th year
He was Provost when water was brought to Dumfries

Also Jane NICHOLSON, daughter of the above,
who died 22nd September 1888 aged 63 years
Also Margaret NICHOLSON,
widow of the late Robert BLOUNT,
Inland Revenue, and daughter of the above
 William NICHOLSON, who died at Loreburn Park
 20th December 1892, advanced in years.
St Mary's Church and Graveyard