Appendix D. Errata - Recollections of An Old Soldier - the Life of Captain David Perry (1741-1826)

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Revolutionary soldier by A. Chappel


Appendix D.
to the Alden & Polyanthos Editions
compiled by Denise G. Jones through a meticulous comparison of the 1822 & the Alden* and Polyanthos* editions.
[ To order a hard copy of Recollections click here. ]

N.B.  This is a selection. The word (or words) in brackets are present in the original 1822 edition, but missing in the Alden (and therefore Polyanthos) edition* unless otherwise indicated. Changes of less importance are not noted.  Page numbers given refer to the Polyanthos edition.  (All parentheses are mine.)  

”jump”  top

p. 6, bottom �In consequence of this event, my father broke up housekeeping, [and put out his children].  
    (It was common practice for a suddenly widowed parent to, in effect, put his or her children up for adoption�by relatives or close friends where possible. David Perry does not state with whom his brother Sylvanus went to live.)

p. 7, top �I was placed with Mr. David Walker, in Dighton, Mass.[, to learn the trade of tanner and shoe-maker].
    (This is the only place he mentions learning the tanner's trade as an apprentice, as well as the shoemaker's, and explains the references to tanning on p. 58.)

”jump”  top

p. 16, top ...I returned to [my master, and went to work at my trade.]  
    (Text in brackets is from the 1822 edition and has been replaced in the 1912 & 1971 editions by "Mr. David Walker's in Dighton, Mass.")

p. 21, bottom �but their little children scampered into the brush, and could not be got sight of again, any more than so many [young] partridges.

p. 32, top �cannon balls stove holes through the buildings in many places, [and a great number drove the stones part way out,] and remained in the walls.

”jump”  top

p. 34 top �[much] resistance�  
    (Much has been replaced by must in the 1912 & 1971 editions.)

p. 36, bottom �the French and Indians were quite [peaceable]�  
    (Peaceable has been replaced by peaceful in the 1912 & 1971 editions; however, peaceable is the more correct term.)

p. 38, top �fifty of us shipped aboard a large British [Snow]�  
    (Scow replaces Snow in this edition; either a misprint or intended correction; each is a type of ship. However, snow is undoubtedly the ship meant, since snows were in the region in 1760, whereas scows did not exist as such until 1775.)

”jump”  top

p. 41, top �he would ever and anon apply to their [noses, and finding, by the pain it gave] them, that some signs of life remained�

p. 43, middle � we lay behind the rocks, [so that they could do us no harm. It was a fair day. I walked out alone from behind the rocks,] and saw the men in the fort about firing a cannon in the direction in which I stood.

p. 58, bottom �proposed to take me into partnership with him, so that [we] could carry on the business on a large scale.  
    (We has been replaced in the 1912 & 1971 editions by he. There would be no understandable reason for a partnership unless both were to partake of its anticipated advantages.)

”jump”  top

p. 60 bottom �some [small] skirmishes�  
    (Small has been replaced by little in the 1912 & 1971 editions.)

p. 61, bottom �Gen. Washington expected their next object would be New- York, and marched all his [troops immediately for that city. He] went by land, and arrived there before the enemy did by water�

p. 64, top �As there is history [extant] giving account of the principal events�  
    (Extant has been replaced by extent in the 1912 & 1971 editions; however, extant is the correct term.)


Errata = Lat., plural of erratum, an "error" (e.g., in printing or writing); hence, errata, a list of errors.  

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