Town Minutes of Troy, Montgomery County, NC Pages 130-134

Town Minutes of Troy, Montgomery County, NC Pages 130-134

Surnames Mentioned In Record Are:


Troy, N. C. Town Monthly Minutes

Page 130

Troy, N. C., July 1st, 1912

The board of Commissioners for the town of Troy met in regular session date above written the following members being present:

C. J. Poole, Mayor

R. T. Poole} Commissioner

J. C. Hurley} Commissioner

Dr. J. A. Siske} Commissioner

Z. F. Cranford, Marshall

Ordered, That the moving picture and vaudeville show be permitted to show in town of Troy during this week for $10.00.

Ordered that, the town of Troy pay to the County of Montgomery $3.50 being town’s pro rata part for labor and cement walk.

Ordered that, Marshall Z. F. Cranford be allowed claim of $ 76.25 for his services as Marshall for 61 days (May and June) at $1.25 per day.

There being no further business, the board adjourned.

J. C. Hurley, Secy. & Treas.

Page 131

Troy, N. C. Aug. 5th, 1912

The board of Commissioners for the town of Troy met in regular session day and date above written, the following members being present:

C. J. Poole, Mayor

R. T. Poole} Commissioner

J. C. Hurley} Commissioner

Dr. J. A. Siske} Commissioner

Z. F. Cranford, Marshall

The following resolutions were adopted: “Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our number, Commissioner J. W. Benson, and whereas this council keenly feels the loss of his presence and advice in its deliberations, therefore be it resolved.

1st. That we the council of the town of Troy have in humble submission to the will of Him who doth all things well.

2nd. That we thank God for his goodly character and example.

3rd. That we extend to the bereaved family our tenderest sympathy.

4th. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family and that a copy be spread upon the minutes of the town Council.


C. J. Poole, Mayor

Dr. J. A. Siske} Commissioner

R. T. Poole} Commissioner

J. C. Hurley} Commissioner

H. T. Balton was nominated and unanimously elected Commissioner of town of Troy to fill vacancy caused by death of J. W. Benson.

Ordered by the board that Carolina Portland Cement Co. be paid $50.00 for 100 bags of cement, ordered under direction of board.

Ordered by the board that Marshall Z. F. Cranford be allowed claim of $38.75 for his services as Marshall month of July 1912, 31 days at $1.25 per day.

Ordered by the board that A. P. Warner be allowed claims of $4.90 for drayage for town of Troy.

Mrs. Fry, released by Co. Commissioner $250.00, authorized same releases.

There being no further business the board adjourned.

J. C. Hurley, Secy.

Page 132

Troy, N. C., Sept. 2, 1912

The Commissioners for the town of Troy met in regular session day and date above written the following members being present.

C. J. Poole, Mayor

R. T. Poole} Commissioner

Dr. J. A. Siske} Commissioner

H. T. Balton} Commissioner

Z. F. Cranford, Marshall

H. T. Balton, being duly sword in as per oath of office herewith, the board proceeded to business:

“I, H. T. Balton, solemnly swear that I will well and truly execute the duties of the office of town Commissioner of the town of Troy according to the law and to the best of my skill and ability; and I do further solemnly and sincerely swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina and to the constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be established for the government thereof; and I will endeavor to support maintain and defend the constitution of said State not inconsistent of the constitution of the United States to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me God.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of September 1912.

C. J. Poole, Mayor

Signed: H. T. Balton

Page 133

It was ordered by the board that Monroe Broadway be released of School tax on $200.00 assessed valuation of property as released by board of County Commissioners.

It was ordered by the board that, the Mayor make out tax books (receipts) for Town of Troy and Troy Graded School for year 1912. It was ordered by the board that a tax of 25 cents on the $100.00 assessed valuation of property and 75 cents on each taxable poll be and is levied for the year 1912, instead of 20 cents on the $100.00 assessed valuation of property and 60 cents on each taxable poll as heretofore. And, that the tax levy for 1912 be and remain as heretofore levied namely 30 cents on the $100.00 assessed valuation of property and 90 cents on each taxable poll for school purposes.

It was ordered by the board that Marshall Z. F. Cranford be released on collection of $_____ for school and $_______ for town as tax levy in year 1911 on account of errors and releases on property and persons outside the bounds of town and school districts, the same having been carefully investigated and calculated by the Mayor.

There being no further business, the board adjourned.

J. C. Hurley, Secy. & Treas.

Page 134

Troy, N. C., Oct. 5th, 1912

The board of Commissioners for the town of Troy met in called session on 5th day of October 1912, the following members present:

C. J. Poole, Mayor

J. C. Hurley} Commissioner

H. T. Balton} Commissioner

R. T. Poole} Commissioner

Z. F. Cranford, Marshall

Ordered by the board that W. M. Poole be released of $3.82 School tax as per receipt for year 1911, since he resides outside school bounds.

Ordered by the board that J. R. Blair be released of Town poll tax for year 1911 in the sum of 60 cents.

Ordered by the board that A. P. Warner be allowed claim for drayage as per statements, $305.00

Ordered by the board that Marshall Z. F. Cranford be allowed claim for 59 days service as Marshall, months of August & September, at $1.25 per day, $7.27

It was ordered by the board that Mayor C. J. Poole be reimbursed $4.35 for tax books and that he be paid $20.00 for making up same into Town and School receipts year 1912.

There being no further business the board adjourned.

J. C. Hurley, Sec.

Transcribed by Cathy Cranford-Ailstock.

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