[S32] The Jerusalem Chronology of the Israelite Monarchies, Table of Dates for the Kingdoms of Judah and North Israel, online http://members.tripod.com/~lifsha/history/index.html. Hereinafter cited as Jerusalem Chronology of the Israelite Monarchies.
[S122] Dr. George Tsambourakis (e-mail address), Magyars, Bulgarians and others of interest. Byz. marriages with Serbs in "Byzantine marriages with Serbs, Magyars, Bulgarians and others of interest.", newsgroup message to soc.genealogy.medieval, 1999/12/07. Hereinafter cited as Byzantine Marriages.
[S230] Daisy More (the Persians) and John Bowman (Imperial Greece) Empires: Their Rise and Fall - Aegean Rivals, Aegean Rivals (Boston, Massachusetts: Boston Publishing Company, Inc., 1986). Hereinafter cited as Empires: Aegean Rivals.
[S279] Robert Henry Charles (1855-1931), The Book of Jubilees, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913). Hereinafter cited as Jubilees.
[S280] David M. Rohl, Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest (201 East 50th Street, New York, NY: Crown Publishers Inc., 1995). Hereinafter cited as Pharaohs and Kings.
[S282] ., 1769 Oxford Apocrypha (.: Cambridge University Press, .). Hereinafter cited as Apocrypha.
[S283] Michael Wood, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (Companion to the BBC series) (London, England: BBC Books, 1997). Hereinafter cited as In the Footsteps of Alexander.
[S290] Bill Cooper, After the Flood (.: ., .). Hereinafter cited as After the Flood.
[S450] Joaquin Veríssimo Serrão História de Portugal, Volume 1 (1080-1415) (.: Editorial Verbo, Dec 1979). Hereinafter cited as História de Portugal.
[S512] H. J. Chaytor, A History of Aragon and Catalonia (.: Methuan Publishing Ltd., 1933). Hereinafter cited as Chaytor, H. J..
[S625] Database of Medieval Jewish Names, online http://www.yucs.org. Hereinafter cited as Medieval Jewish Names.
[S626] Avraham Even-Shoshan, Ha-Milon He-Chadash (Jerusalem: Kiryat Sefer Ltd., 1985). Hereinafter cited as Ha-Milon He-Chadash.
[S628] Jacob Neusner, Talmudic Judaism in Sasanian Babylonia: Essays and Studies (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1969). Hereinafter cited as Judaism in Babylonia.
[S631] 'Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions (New York: Baha'i Publishing Committee, 1930). Hereinafter cited as Some Answered Questions.
[S632] Indiana Works Progress Administration, compiler, INDEX TO MARRIAGE RECORD GREENE CO INDIANA, 1821-1920 LACKING 1828-1832 Volume II, Letters G to M WPA (.: ., 1939). Hereinafter cited as Greene County Marriages.
[S648] Rev. Carlton Staples, "Early Mendon and King Philip's War" (unpublished manuscript, Mendon Historical Society, 1898). Hereinafter cited as "Staples".
[S651] Joy Law, Fleur de Lys, The Kings and Queens of France (90 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3PT: Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 1976). Hereinafter cited as Law, J..
[S668] Richard, Jr. Schermerhorn, "An Early Colonial Manuscript and Biographical Notes Thereon", NYGBR Vol. 58 (July 1917). Hereinafter cited as "Early Colonial Manuscript".
[S831] Edwin A. Charlton, "New Hampshire As It Is," in Part II: A Gazetteer of New Hampshire, George Ticknor, editor. (Claremont, NH: Tracy and Sanford Publishers, 1855). Hereinafter cited as "New Hampshire As It Is".
[S904] Matthew George Easton (1823-1894), Easton's Bible Dictionary (.: ., 1897). Hereinafter cited as Easton's.
[S905] Roswell D. Hitchcock, Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, from "Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible" (.: ., 1869). Hereinafter cited as Hitchcock's.
[S906] D. D. Rev. C. I. Scofield, Scofield Notes on the Bible (.: ., 1917). Hereinafter cited as Scofield.
[S907] Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible (.: ., 1706). Hereinafter cited as Henry's.
[S920] ., "Babylonian Exilarchs Tree," e-mail message from e-mail address (.) to Robert Brian Stewart (91), Thursday, May 17, 2001 6:27 PM. Hereinafter cited as "Babylonian Exilarchs Tree".
[S990] Todd A. Farmerie (e-mail address), Muslim/Christian descents in Early-Medieval Spain in "Muslim/Christian descents in Early-Medieval Spain", newsgroup message to soc.genealogy.medieval, 2001-06-16 16:51:50 PST. Printout dated read 17 June 2001. Hereinafter cited as Muslim/Christian descents.
[S1018] Andrew Collins, "Egyptians in Britain", Earthquest News Vol. 4, No. 3 (Autumn 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Egyptians in Britain".
[S1125] Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (New York: ., 1909-1913). Hereinafter cited as LEJEWS.
[S1126] ?, "Essays on Chronology" (Online Bible Module, ?, ?). Hereinafter cited as "Essays".
[S1129] King of Moab (late 9th century BCE) honoree: Mesha, The Mesha Stele, a.k.a. The Moabite Stone, K. C. Hanson (Adapted from Albright 1969:320-21), translator (http://www.stolaf.edu/people/kchanson/mesha.html, K. C. Hanson, Last Modified: 23 January 2000). Hereinafter cited as Mesha Stele .
[S1134] ?, Life of St. Theodora of Arta, ., Alice-Mary Talbot, translator (., ., .). Hereinafter cited as St. Theodora.
[S1226] Héraldique européenne, online www.heraldique-europeenne.org. Hereinafter cited as Héraldique européenne.
[S1228] The coins and history of asia, online www.grifterrec.com. Hereinafter cited as coins and history.
[S1232] Charles F. Horne, editor, The Karnamik-I-Ardashir, or The Records of Ardashir (From The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East) (New York: Parke, Austin, & Lipscomb, 1917). Hereinafter cited as Karnamik-I-Ardashir.
[S1311] King James I, James I (The Conqueror) King of Aragon: Chronicle (Cambridge, Ontario: In parentheses Publications, Catalan Series, 2000). Hereinafter cited as Chronicle of James I.
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.com\index.htm. Hereinafter cited as Theoi Project.
[S1381] Nathaniel L. Taylor, "Saint William, King David, and Makhir: A Controversial Medieval Descent", The American Genealogist 72 (1997). Hereinafter cited as "Saint William & Makhir".
[S1578] Ian S. R. Mladjov, "Reconsidering Agatha, Wife of Eadward the Exile", The Plantagenet Connection Summer/Winter (2003). Hereinafter cited as "Reconsidering Agatha".