Philicia (?)
b. circa 1132
Her married name was Neville. Philicia (?) was born circa 1132 at Raby With Keverstone, County Durham, England.1 She married Gilbert de Nevill, son of Geoffrey de Neville of Walcot, circa 1138 at Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England.1
Family | Gilbert de Nevill b. circa 1115, d. 1169 |
Child |
- [S245] LDS.
Emma Fossard
b. circa 1112
Emma Fossard|b. c 1112|p58.htm#i7007|Robert Fossard|b. c 1068\nd. 1135|p364.htm#i12102|Osceria (?)|b. c 1078|p100.htm#i12103|Nigel Fossard|b. c 1040|p100.htm#i12104||||||||||
Father | Robert Fossard1 b. circa 1068, d. 1135 |
Mother | Osceria (?)1 b. circa 1078 |
Emma Fossard was born circa 1112 at Hutton-Mulgrave, Yorkshire, England.1 She was the daughter of Robert Fossard and Osceria (?).1 Emma Fossard married Bertram de Bulmer, son of Aschetil de Bulmer, before 1144.
Family | Bertram de Bulmer b. circa 1100, d. 1166 |
Child |
- [S245] LDS.
N. N. a mistress of Eustace IV
b. circa 1130
N. N. a mistress of Eustace IV was born circa 1130. She associated with comte de Boulogne Eustace IV de Blois, son of Étienne, roi d' Angleterre and Matilda de Boulogne, after February 1140.
Family | comte de Boulogne Eustace IV de Blois b. circa 1127, d. 16 August 1153 |
Child |
Eudon I de Porhoët
b. circa 1070?
Eudon I de Porhoët|b. c 1070?|p58.htm#i7011|||||||||||||||||||
Eudon I de Porhoët was born circa 1070?. He married Anne de León.
Family | Anne de León b. circa 1080? |
Child |
Anne de León1
b. circa 1080?
Anne de León was born circa 1080?. She married Eudon I de Porhoët.
Family | Eudon I de Porhoët b. circa 1070? |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., Line 39.26.
unknown mistress of Henry I
Unknown mistress of Henry I associated with Henri I "Beauclerc", roi d' Angleterre, son of Guillaume I "le Conquérant", roi d' Angleterre and Queen of England Mathilda van Vlaanderen; Mistress.
Family | Henri I "Beauclerc", roi d' Angleterre b. 1070, d. 1 December 1135 |
Children |
Walter de Belmeis
b. circa 1080
Walter de Belmeis was born circa 1080 at Harrington, North Hampshire, England.
Family | |
Child |
Saher I de Quency1
b. circa 1098?
Saher I de Quency was from Cuinchy at Pas-de-Calais, Normandy.1 He was tenant, at the time of the Northants Survey, of Anselm de Chocques at Long Buckley, England.1 Also called Saier.1 He was born circa 1098?. He married Maud de St. Liz, daughter of Simon de St. Liz I, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon and Maud of Huntingdon, circa 1135; Her 2nd.1
Family | Maud de St. Liz b. circa 1096, d. 1140 |
Children |
Hugh II de Grentesmesnil of Hinkley1
b. circa 1092
Hugh II de Grentesmesnil of Hinkley|b. c 1092|p58.htm#i7019|Ivo de Grentesmesnil, Sheriff of Leicester|b. c 1062?|p219.htm#i24822|Filia de Gant|b. c 1072?|p219.htm#i24823|Hugh I., seigneur de Grandmesnil|b. c 1040\nd. 22 Feb 1098|p355.htm#i7112|Alice de Beaumont|d. 1087|p352.htm#i24824|Gislebert I. de Gand, seigneur de Folquingham|b. c 1040\nd. bt 1088 - 1100|p352.htm#i18750|Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle||p175.htm#i19685|
Father | Ivo de Grentesmesnil, Sheriff of Leicester2 b. circa 1062? |
Mother | Filia de Gant2 b. circa 1072? |
Hugh II de Grentesmesnil of Hinkley was born circa 1092 at Hinkley, Lancashire, England. He was the son of Ivo de Grentesmesnil, Sheriff of Leicester and Filia de Gant.2
Family | |
Child |
Gunnild MacCrinan1,2
b. 1104
Gunnild MacCrinan|b. 1104|p58.htm#i7022|Waltheof fitz Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar|b. b 1084\nd. 1138|p365.htm#i7939|Sigrid (?)|b. c 1075|p62.htm#i7940|Gospatrick I. f. G., Earl of Dunbar|b. c 1065|p159.htm#i17950||||||||||
Father | Waltheof fitz Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar3 b. before 1084, d. 1138 |
Mother | Sigrid (?) b. circa 1075 |
Her married name was of Scotland. Gunnild MacCrinan was born in 1104 at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland.2 She was the daughter of Waltheof fitz Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar and Sigrid (?).3 Gunnild MacCrinan married Uhtred of Galloway, son of Fergus, Lord of Galloway and Elizabeth de Normandie, circa 1150 at Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland.3
Family | Uhtred of Galloway b. 1100, d. 22 September 1174 |
Children |
Ragnhildis Ólafsdóttir1
b. circa 1117
Ragnhildis Ólafsdóttir|b. c 1117|p58.htm#i7026|Oláfr II Bitling Godfredsson, King of Man|b. b 1095\nd. 1153|p369.htm#i14488|Ingibiorg Hakonsdóttir|b. c 1095|p124.htm#i14489|Godfred I. C., King of Dublin and Man|d. 1095|p354.htm#i15027||||Hákon P., Orknøyjarl|b. c 1075\nd. 1126?|p362.htm#i14941|Helga M.||p214.htm#i24166|
Father | Oláfr II Bitling Godfredsson, King of Man2 b. before 1095, d. 1153 |
Mother | Ingibiorg Hakonsdóttir2 b. circa 1095 |
Ragnhildis Ólafsdóttir was born circa 1117 at Isle of Man. She was the daughter of Oláfr II Bitling Godfredsson, King of Man and Ingibiorg Hakonsdóttir.2 Ragnhildis Ólafsdóttir married Somerled mac Gillebride, King of the Isles, son of Gillebride mac Gille Adomnan, in 1140; His 2nd. What Somerled could not gain by force of arms against the Norwegians, he attempted to aquire by marriage to the daughter of Olaf the Red.3,2
Family | Somerled mac Gillebride, King of the Isles b. circa 1113, d. 1164 |
Children |
- [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Harald, King of Dublin, 87.
- [S1624] Brice" (e-mail address) "Clagett, Somerled's mother-in-law in "Somerled's mother-in-law," newsgroup message 2004-09-28 09:09:25 PST.
- [S298] HRH Prince Michael of Albany, Albany, pg. 47.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VIII:143.
- [S311], online, Founding of the Clans and the Kings of the Isles.
Bernard Balliol
b. circa 1075
Bernard Balliol was born circa 1075 at Piquigny, France.
Family | |
Child |
Arnald de Montgomery1
b. circa 1035
Arnald de Montgomery|b. c 1035|p58.htm#i7029|Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury|b. 1005\nd. 1094|p353.htm#i4643|Mabille de Bellême, comtesse d'Alençon|b. c 1005\nd. b 5 Dec 1082|p351.htm#i4644|seigneur de Montgommery Hugues de Montgomery|b. c 950|p64.htm#i8447|Josseline de Beaumont|b. c 955|p64.htm#i8446|Guillaume II "Talvas", comte d'Alençon|b. c 980\nd. 1070|p348.htm#i4645|Hildeburge (?)|b. 995|p44.htm#i4646|
Father | Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury2 b. 1005, d. 1094 |
Mother | Mabille de Bellême, comtesse d'Alençon1 b. circa 1005, d. before 5 December 1082 |
Charts | Descendants of Charlemage |
Arnald de Montgomery was born circa 1035. He was the son of Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury and Mabille de Bellême, comtesse d'Alençon.2,1 Arnald de Montgomery by conquest obtained that part of South Wales now called Pembrokeshire, and, building a castle there, appears to have been sometime entitled Earl of Pembroke, as his brother was of Lancaster, before 1085.2 He married Lafracota Ó Brien, daughter of Muirchertach, Ard-rí na h'Éireann and Dubchoblaig ingen Diarmait, circa 1085.2 Arnald de Montgomery was a witness where Gerald fitz Walter, Constable of Pembroke Castle constable, under Arnulf de Montgomery, of his castle of Pembroke at England.3 Arnald de Montgomery was a witness where Gerald fitz Walter, Constable of Pembroke Castle went to Ireland to demand for Arnulf the daughter of King Murrough in marriage in 1100.4 Arnald de Montgomery was deprived of his lands and exiled by King Henry I in 1102.4
Family | Lafracota Ó Brien b. 1076 |
Child |
Lafracota Ó Brien1,2
b. 1076
Lafracota Ó Brien|b. 1076|p58.htm#i7030|Muirchertach, Ard-rí na h'Éireann|d. 1119|p360.htm#i14109|Dubchoblaig ingen Diarmait|b. c 1038\nd. 1098|p355.htm#i14110|Tairrdelbach M., Ard-rí na h'Éireann|b. 1009\nd. 1086|p351.htm#i12579|Derbforgaill ingen Taidg|b. 1008\nd. 1098|p355.htm#i14111|Diarmat mac Taidg|b. c 1008\nd. 1065|p346.htm#i15039||||
Father | Muirchertach, Ard-rí na h'Éireann3 d. 1119 |
Mother | Dubchoblaig ingen Diarmait4 b. circa 1038, d. 1098 |
Lafracota Ó Brien was born in 1076.1,2 She was the daughter of Muirchertach, Ard-rí na h'Éireann and Dubchoblaig ingen Diarmait.3,4 Lafracota Ó Brien married Arnald de Montgomery, son of Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury and Mabille de Bellême, comtesse d'Alençon, circa 1085.1
Family | Arnald de Montgomery b. circa 1035 |
Child |
Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmoreland
b. 1406
Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmoreland|b. 1406|p58.htm#i7202|Sir John Neville|b. 1387\nd. 1420|p428.htm#i7201||||Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmoreland|b. c 1364\nd. 21 Oct 1425|p429.htm#i4566|Margaret de Stafford|b. c 1365\nd. 1396|p425.htm#i7200|||||||
Father | Sir John Neville b. 1387, d. 1420 |
Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmoreland was born in 1406. He was the son of Sir John Neville. 2nd Earl of Westmoreland in 1420. Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmoreland succeeded his grandfather to Westmoreland in 1425.
Ralph fitz Randolph, Lord of Middleham1
b. circa 1218
Ralph fitz Randolph, Lord of Middleham|b. c 1218|p58.htm#i7045|Ralph fitz Robert, Lord of Middleham|b. c 1180|p57.htm#i6880|Mary Bigod|b. c 1184|p57.htm#i6881|Robert Taillebois||p173.htm#i19443|Helewise de Glanville|b. c 1160?|p168.htm#i19442|Roger le Bigod the Surety, Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk|b. c 1150\nd. 1220|p387.htm#i6921|Countess Ida de Tosny|b. c 1155|p57.htm#i6922|
Father | Ralph fitz Robert, Lord of Middleham b. circa 1180 |
Mother | Mary Bigod b. circa 1184 |

Family | Anastasia Percy b. circa 1216 |
Children |
- [S693] TH.D. Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: MC 5th ed., pg. 171.
- [S484] Peter Townend, B:P, 105th, pg. 10-11 - Abergavenny.
- [S1194] Douglas Richardson (e-mail address), Countess Ida Bigod - A Search for Answers in "Countess Ida Bigod," newsgroup message 2002-04-06 13:07:36 PST.
- [S1194] Douglas Richardson (e-mail address), Countess Ida Bigod - A Search for Answers in "Countess Ida Bigod," newsgroup message 2002-04-06 13:07:36 PST, about 1218.
- [S682] D.S.O. Lt.-Col. W. H. Turton, Turton, pg. 118.
- [S1403] Armoriaux, online, Rôle d'armes Glover, 142. Ralph FitzRandolph (Rauf le Fitz Randolf).
- [S576] Jr. Aileen Lewers Langston and J. Orton Buck, Pedigrees of Charlemagne Descendants, Vol II, Chapter LXXII - Wright-Townsend-Bowman-Rosenmiller, pg. 316.
Anastasia Percy
b. circa 1216
Anastasia Percy|b. c 1216|p58.htm#i7046|William de Percy|b. c 1193\nd. 1245|p394.htm#i6677|Joan de Briwere|b. c 1190|p57.htm#i6883|Henry de Percy|b. c 1159\nd. 1198|p381.htm#i6685|Isabel de Brus|b. c 1150\nd. a 1230|p389.htm#i6686|Lord William de Briwere|b. c 1145\nd. 1226|p388.htm#i6761|Beatrice de Valle|b. c 1149\nd. bt 24 Mar 1216 - 1217|p385.htm#i6762|
Father | William de Percy b. circa 1193, d. 1245 |
Mother | Joan de Briwere b. circa 1190 |
Anastasia Percy was born circa 1216 at Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1 She was the daughter of William de Percy and Joan de Briwere. Anastasia Percy married Ralph fitz Randolph, Lord of Middleham, son of Ralph fitz Robert, Lord of Middleham and Mary Bigod, before 1244.2
Family | Ralph fitz Randolph, Lord of Middleham b. circa 1218 |
Children |
Alice of Durham
b. circa 1070?
Alice of Durham|b. c 1070?|p58.htm#i7056|Bishop of Durham Walcher of Durham|b. c 1040?\nd. 14 May 1080|p350.htm#i8479||||||||||||||||
Father | Bishop of Durham Walcher of Durham b. circa 1040?, d. 14 May 1080 |
Alice of Durham was born circa 1070? At Raby, County Durham, England. She was the daughter of Bishop of Durham Walcher of Durham. Alice of Durham married Dolfin fitz Uhtred, son of Uhtred fitz Maldred, before 1135.
Family | Dolfin fitz Uhtred b. between 1100 and 1110, d. circa 1136 |
Child |
Thomas Philp1
b. 26 September 1779
Thomas Philp|b. 26 Sep 1779|p58.htm#i7064|William Philp|b. 8 Nov 1752|p135.htm#i15695|Janet Millar|b. c 1754|p135.htm#i15696|Thomas Philp|b. 12 Sep 1708|p136.htm#i15777|Janet Buchannan|b. 6 Nov 1708|p136.htm#i15780|Robert? Millar|b. c 1724|p136.htm#i15778|Janet? (?)|b. c 1729|p136.htm#i15779|
Father | William Philp2 b. 8 November 1752 |
Mother | Janet Millar2 b. circa 1754 |
Thomas Philp was christened on 26 September 1779 at Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland; If William and Janet Millar are parents.3 He was the son of William Philp and Janet Millar.2 Thomas Philp lived circa 1800 at Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland; "Dunfermline is a royal burgh, the most important town in the scale of manufactures in the county. From its elevated position it commands a prospect over 14 different counties."4
In 1801, Thomas Philp appeared on the census at Fife, Scotland, Details provided: Should appear in this census.
He was was a Tobacconist to ( M Jherk?) in 1803 at Dunfermline Parish, Fifeshire, Scotland. He married Janet Hamilton, daughter of John Hamilton and Elizabeth Ireland, on 13 November 1803 at Parish Church, Dunfermline, County Fife, Scotland; The register reads: "13th (Nov 1803) Thomas Philp Tobacconist to (?M. Jherk?) and Janet Hamilton both in this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage, and being regularly proclaimed and no objections made they were married." This from the Proclomation of Banns and Marriages dated 13 Nov 1803 of the Dunfermline Parish in the County of Fife.5,6 Thomas Philp was Tobacco Spinner (a maker of cigars) between 1804 and 1815 at Pleasance (Street?), St. Cuthbert's Parish, Edinburgh, County of Midlothian, Scotland.7,8,9,10
In 1801, Thomas Philp appeared on the census at Fife, Scotland, Details provided: Should appear in this census.
He was was a Tobacconist to ( M Jherk?) in 1803 at Dunfermline Parish, Fifeshire, Scotland. He married Janet Hamilton, daughter of John Hamilton and Elizabeth Ireland, on 13 November 1803 at Parish Church, Dunfermline, County Fife, Scotland; The register reads: "13th (Nov 1803) Thomas Philp Tobacconist to (?M. Jherk?) and Janet Hamilton both in this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage, and being regularly proclaimed and no objections made they were married." This from the Proclomation of Banns and Marriages dated 13 Nov 1803 of the Dunfermline Parish in the County of Fife.5,6 Thomas Philp was Tobacco Spinner (a maker of cigars) between 1804 and 1815 at Pleasance (Street?), St. Cuthbert's Parish, Edinburgh, County of Midlothian, Scotland.7,8,9,10
Family | Janet Hamilton b. 9 April 1778 |
Children |
- [S22] Scots Origins (published).
- [S22] Scots Origins (published), C, M, 26 SEP 1779, PHILP THOMAS, PHILP WILLIAM, MILLAR JANET, DUNFERMLINE, FIFE, WILLIAM PHILP/JANET MILLAR FR2031 - date is good, naming pattern holds out for father, and same parish as Janet - likely to be my parents..
- [S368] ., Slater's Directory.
- [S22] Scots Origins (published), Given under seal from the General Register Office, New Register House, 24 Mar 1999, # 9576.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # M100121, dates: 1750-1819, source call # 0102194 (Old Parochial Registers, 1561-1854, Church of Scotland, Parish Church of Dunfermline), type: film, printout call # 6900809.
- [S413] ., OPR Baptism Record: Philip, Elizabeth: "Tobacco Spinner Pleasance", 15 Mar 2000, Scots Origins.
- [S414] ., OPR Baptism Record: Philip, William: "Tobacco Spinner on the Pleasince", 15 Mar 2000, Scots Origins.
- [S415] ., OPR Baptism Record: Philp, John: "Tobacconist", 24 Mar 1999, Scots Origins.
- [S416] ., OPR Baptism Record: Philip, Andrew: "Tobacconist", 10 Feb 2000, Scots Origins.
- [S22] Scots Origins (published), Given under seal from the General Register Office, New Register House, 24 Mar 1999, # 9577.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # 7508621 source call # 0935378 (Patron Sheets, 1960-1991), sheet: 95, type: film.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # 7508621 source call # 0935378 (Patron Sheets, 1960-1991), sheet: 96, type: film.
Janet Hamilton
b. 9 April 1778
Janet Hamilton|b. 9 Apr 1778|p58.htm#i7065|John Hamilton|b. 27 Oct 1751|p135.htm#i15693|Elizabeth Ireland|b. 2 Jan 1757|p135.htm#i15694|N. N. Hamilton|b. c 1720|p177.htm#i19851||||Peter Ireland|b. 7 Aug 1715|p135.htm#i15697|Janet Dewar|b. c 1724|p135.htm#i15698|
Father | John Hamilton1 b. 27 October 1751 |
Mother | Elizabeth Ireland1 b. 2 January 1757 |
Janet Hamilton was christened on 9 April 1778 at Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland.2,3,4 She was the daughter of John Hamilton and Elizabeth Ireland.1 Janet Hamilton married Thomas Philp, son of William Philp and Janet Millar, on 13 November 1803 at Parish Church, Dunfermline, County Fife, Scotland; The register reads: "13th (Nov 1803) Thomas Philp Tobacconist to (?M. Jherk?) and Janet Hamilton both in this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage, and being regularly proclaimed and no objections made they were married." This from the Proclomation of Banns and Marriages dated 13 Nov 1803 of the Dunfermline Parish in the County of Fife.5,6
Family | Thomas Philp b. 26 September 1779 |
Children |
- [S22] Scots Origins (published), C F 9 APR 1778 HAMILTON JANET HAMILTON JOHN IRELAND BETTY DUNFERMLINE FIFE JOHN HAMILTON/BETTY IRELAND FR2002 - date is good, naming pattern holds out, and same parish as Thomas - very likely to be my parents..
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # C119496, dates 1771-1784, source call # 1040103, type: film, printout call # 6900808.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # 7406517, source call # 0934352, sheet #19 - Father: John HAMILTON, Mother: Betty GRELAND.
- [S22] Scots Origins (published), Given under seal from the General Register Office, New Register House, 24 Mar 1999, # 9576.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # M100121, dates: 1750-1819, source call # 0102194 (Old Parochial Registers, 1561-1854, Church of Scotland, Parish Church of Dunfermline), type: film, printout call # 6900809.
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # 7508621 source call # 0935378 (Patron Sheets, 1960-1991), sheet: 95, type: film.
- [S22] Scots Origins (published).
- [S229] International Genealogical Index (IGI), batch # 7508621 source call # 0935378 (Patron Sheets, 1960-1991), sheet: 96, type: film.
Beatrice de Ghisnes
b. circa 1040
Beatrice de Ghisnes was probably from a Cotentin family.1 She was born circa 1040. She married Aubrey de Vere I before 1062.2
Family | Aubrey de Vere I b. circa 1037, d. circa 1112 |
Children |
Margaret de Roucy1
b. circa 1037
Margaret de Roucy|b. c 1037|p58.htm#i7070|Hilduin IV, comte de Montdidier|b. 1010\nd. 1063|p346.htm#i5683|Alix, comtesse de Roucy|b. 1014\nd. 1062|p346.htm#i5684|Hilduin I., comte de Montdidier|b. c 980\nd. c 1063|p346.htm#i11429||||Ebles I., comte de Reims & de Roucy|b. c 985\nd. 11 May 1033|p338.htm#i7073|Beatrix de Hainaut|b. c 997\nd. a 1035|p339.htm#i7074|
Father | Hilduin IV, comte de Montdidier2 b. 1010, d. 1063 |
Mother | Alix, comtesse de Roucy2 b. 1014, d. 1062 |
Margaret de Roucy was born circa 1037. She was the daughter of Hilduin IV, comte de Montdidier and Alix, comtesse de Roucy.2 Margaret de Roucy married Hugues I, comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis, son of Renaud I, comte de Clermont, circa 1055.3
Family | Hugues I, comte de Clermont en Beauvaisis b. circa 1035, d. circa 1101 |
Children |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 246-23.
- [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:45.
- [S467] GdRdF, online, Roucy.
- [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., VI:58.
- [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., V:507.
Rohesia Giffard1
b. circa 1047
Rohesia Giffard|b. c 1047|p58.htm#i7081|Walter I Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham|b. c 1047\nd. a 1086|p351.htm#i12247|Ermengarde Fleitel|b. c 1027|p60.htm#i7347|Walter Giffard, seigneur de Longueville|b. c 1002\nd. c 1085|p351.htm#i7082||||Gerard Flaitel|b. c 997|p101.htm#i12246||||
Father | Walter I Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham2,3 b. circa 1047, d. after 1086 |
Mother | Ermengarde Fleitel2,3 b. circa 1027 |
Rohesia Giffard was born circa 1047. She was the daughter of Walter I Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham and Ermengarde Fleitel.2,3 Rohesia Giffard married Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England, son of Gilbert I, comte d' Eu & de Brionne, before 1065.4,2
Family | Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England b. 1035, d. before January 1090 |
Children |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 184-2.
- [S1032] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday People, pg. 456.
- [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., II:480.
- [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 400.
- [S682] D.S.O. Lt.-Col. W. H. Turton, Turton, pg. 82.
Geoffroi, comte d' Eu et de Brionne
b. circa 980
Geoffroi, comte d' Eu et de Brionne|b. c 980|p58.htm#i7084|Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen|b. 933\nd. 21 Nov 996|p331.htm#i5197|N. N. , a mistress of Richard I of Normandy|b. c 961|p105.htm#i12877|Guillaume "Longue-Épée", Princeps Nortmannorum|b. s 892\nd. 17 Dec 942|p320.htm#i5199|"Sprota"|b. c 910|p45.htm#i5200|||||||
Father | Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen1,2,3 b. 933, d. 21 November 996 |
Mother | N. N. , a mistress of Richard I of Normandy2 b. circa 961 |
Charts | Descendants of Charlemage |
Geoffroi, comte d' Eu et de Brionne was the natural son of Richard I of Normandy.1,4 He was born circa 980. He was the son of Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen and N. N. , a mistress of Richard I of Normandy.1,2,3
Family | |
Children |
- [S603] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms Sir Bernard Burke, B:xP, pg. 118.
- [S1043] Henry Project, online, Richard I "Sans Peur".
- [S1345] Anselme de Sainte-Marie (augustin déchaussé), Pere Anselme's Histoire, 3rd Ed., II:480.
- [S693] TH.D. Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: MC 5th ed., 157-1.
- [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Geoffrey, Count of Eu, 85.
Richard FitzRichard de Clare
b. after 1066
Richard FitzRichard de Clare|b. a 1066|p58.htm#i7086|Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England|b. 1035\nd. b Jan 1090|p352.htm#i7080|Rohesia Giffard|b. c 1047|p58.htm#i7081|Gilbert I., comte d' Eu & de Brionne|b. c 1012\nd. 1040|p340.htm#i7083||||Walter I. Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham|b. c 1047\nd. a 1086|p351.htm#i12247|Ermengarde Fleitel|b. c 1027|p60.htm#i7347|
Father | Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England b. 1035, d. before January 1090 |
Mother | Rohesia Giffard b. circa 1047 |
Richard FitzRichard de Clare was born after 1066. He was the son of Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England and Rohesia Giffard. Richard FitzRichard de Clare was a monk at Bec.1
- [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
N. N. de Clare
b. after 1066
N. N. de Clare|b. a 1066|p58.htm#i7089|Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England|b. 1035\nd. b Jan 1090|p352.htm#i7080|Rohesia Giffard|b. c 1047|p58.htm#i7081|Gilbert I., comte d' Eu & de Brionne|b. c 1012\nd. 1040|p340.htm#i7083||||Walter I. Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham|b. c 1047\nd. a 1086|p351.htm#i12247|Ermengarde Fleitel|b. c 1027|p60.htm#i7347|
Father | Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England b. 1035, d. before January 1090 |
Mother | Rohesia Giffard b. circa 1047 |
N. N. de Clare was born after 1066. She was the daughter of Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England and Rohesia Giffard. N. N. de Clare married Walter Tyrol circa 1086.
Family | Walter Tyrol b. circa 1066 |
Walter Tyrol
b. circa 1066
Walter Tyrol was born circa 1066. He married N. N. de Clare, daughter of Richard fitz Gilbert, Justiciar of England and Rohesia Giffard, circa 1086. Walter Tyrol witnessed the death of Guillaume II "le Roux", roi d' Angleterre on 2 August 1100 at England; He was killed while hunting in the New Forest, like his brother Richard, and nephew Henry, before him. Some say he was murdered by Walter Tyrol.1,2,3 Walter Tyrol possibly murdered William, son of William the Conqueror, on 2 August 1100.
Family | N. N. de Clare b. after 1066 |
Robert fitz Walter de Cheney
b. circa 1110
Also called Robert fitz Walter. Robert fitz Walter de Cheney was born circa 1110. He married Sibyl (?) before 1136.
Family | Sibyl (?) b. circa 1113 |
Child |
Sibyl (?)
b. circa 1113
Sibyl (?) was born circa 1113. She married Robert fitz Walter de Cheney before 1136.
Family | Robert fitz Walter de Cheney b. circa 1110 |
Child |
Petronille (?)
b. circa 1135
Petronille (?) was born circa 1135. She married Robert fitz Piers circa 1155; Her 1st.1 Petronille (?) married Eustace de Baliol, son of Bernard II de Balliol, Lord of Bywell and Agnes de Picquigny, circa 1160; Her 2nd (widow).1
Family 1 | Robert fitz Piers b. circa 1130 |
Family 2 | Eustace de Baliol b. circa 1135, d. 1210 |
Child |
- [S603] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms Sir Bernard Burke, B:xP, pg. 21.
Cecily de Fontaine
b. circa 1160
Cecily de Fontaine|b. c 1160|p58.htm#i7098|Aleaume de Fontaines|b. c 1130?|p179.htm#i20093|N. N. de St. Valéry|b. c 1135|p179.htm#i20094|||||||Bernard I. de St. Valéry|b. c 1117\nd. 1190|p378.htm#i9299||||
Father | Aleaume de Fontaines1 b. circa 1130? |
Mother | N. N. de St. Valéry1 b. circa 1135 |
Cecily de Fontaine was born circa 1160. She was the daughter of Aleaume de Fontaines and N. N. de St. Valéry.1 Cecily de Fontaine married Hugh de Baliol, Baron of Biwell, son of Eustace de Baliol and Petronille (?), before 1182.
Family | Hugh de Baliol, Baron of Biwell b. circa 1162 |
Children |
- [S674] Family Trees, A&E Family Forest.
Archbishop of Rouen Mauger de Normandie1
b. circa 1006
Archbishop of Rouen Mauger de Normandie|b. c 1006|p58.htm#i21026|Richard II "le Bon", duc de Normandie|b. 962\nd. 28 Aug 1026|p337.htm#i5195|Poppa de Envermeu|b. c 980|p6.htm#i8262|Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen|b. 933\nd. 21 Nov 996|p331.htm#i5197|Gunnor de Crepon|b. 936\nd. 1031|p338.htm#i5196|||||||
Father | Richard II "le Bon", duc de Normandie1 b. 962, d. 28 August 1026 |
Mother | Poppa de Envermeu1 b. circa 980 |
Charts | Descendants of Charlemage |
Archbishop of Rouen Mauger de Normandie was born circa 1006. He was the son of Richard II "le Bon", duc de Normandie and Poppa de Envermeu.1 Archbishop of Rouen at Normandy in 1037.2
- [S881] Todd A. Farmerie (e-mail address), Re: Alice of Normandy in "taf Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-25 22:05:48 PST
. - [S735] Peter Townend, B:P, 103rd, pg. xciii.
Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin1
b. circa 1015
Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin|b. c 1015|p58.htm#i7107|Anschitil de Bayeaux|b. c 990\nd. a 1031|p338.htm#i7108||||||||||||||||
Father | Anschitil de Bayeaux1 b. circa 990, d. after 1031 |
Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin was born circa 1015.1 He was the son of Anschitil de Bayeaux.1 Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin married Alix de Normandie, daughter of Richard III, duc de Normandie and N. N. , a mistress of Richard III of Normandy, before 1040.1,2 Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin was fought at the Battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1047.
Family | Alix de Normandie b. circa 1022 |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 132A-24.
- [S879] Kevin Miller (e-mail address), RE: Alice of Normandy in "Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-22 22:33:12 PST.
Alix de Normandie1
b. circa 1022
Alix de Normandie|b. c 1022|p58.htm#i7109|Richard III, duc de Normandie|b. c 997\nd. 6 Aug 1027|p337.htm#i7110|N. N. , a mistress of Richard III of Normandy|b. c 1000|p56.htm#i21024|Richard II "le Bon", duc de Normandie|b. 962\nd. 28 Aug 1026|p337.htm#i5195|Judith de Bretagne|b. 982\nd. 1017|p335.htm#i5194|||||||
Father | Richard III, duc de Normandie b. circa 997, d. 6 August 1027 |
Mother | N. N. , a mistress of Richard III of Normandy2 b. circa 1000 |
Alix de Normandie was shown as the illegitimate daughter, by unknown mistress, of Richard III in Weis' Ancestral Roots, 7th Edition. She was appears in the ES as an unnamed, illegitimate daughter of Richard III who married NN Vicomte de Bayeux.3
She was the daughter, by concubine, of Richard III.4 She was not shown as a daughter of Richard III in the pedigree of the Dukes of Normandy in ES 2:79 (new series).5 She was born circa 1022.1 She was the daughter of Richard III, duc de Normandie and N. N. , a mistress of Richard III of Normandy.2 Alix de Normandie married Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin, son of Anschitil de Bayeaux, before 1040.1,2
She was the daughter, by concubine, of Richard III.4 She was not shown as a daughter of Richard III in the pedigree of the Dukes of Normandy in ES 2:79 (new series).5 She was born circa 1022.1 She was the daughter of Richard III, duc de Normandie and N. N. , a mistress of Richard III of Normandy.2 Alix de Normandie married Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin, son of Anschitil de Bayeaux, before 1040.1,2
Family | Ranulph I, Vicomte du Bessin b. circa 1015 |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 132A-24.
- [S879] Kevin Miller (e-mail address), RE: Alice of Normandy in "Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-22 22:33:12 PST.
- [S880] Leo van de Pas (e-mail address), Re: Alice of Normandy in "Pas Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-25 18:26:04 PST, per ES Volume II tafel 79.
- [S881] Todd A. Farmerie (e-mail address), Re: Alice of Normandy in "taf Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-25 22:05:48 PST
. - [S878] Gryphon801 (e-mail address), Alice of Normandy in "Gryphon Re: Alice of Normandy," newsgroup message 2001-03-22 10:34:09 PST.
Avice de Rumelli1
b. 1115?
Avice de Rumelli|b. 1115?|p58.htm#i14643|William le Meschines of Egremont, Lord of Copeland|b. c 1089\nd. bt 1130 - 1135|p363.htm#i7015|Cecilia de Rumelio|b. c 1090?\nd. bt 1151 - 1155|p368.htm#i7016|Ranulph I., vicomte de Bayeaux|b. c 1042\nd. 1128/29|p363.htm#i6821|Margaret d' Avranches|b. c 1046\nd. c 1136|p364.htm#i6822|Robert f. R. de Rumelio, Lord of Skipton and Harewood|d. c 1096|p354.htm#i20828||||
Father | William le Meschines of Egremont, Lord of Copeland b. circa 1089, d. between 1130 and 1135 |
Mother | Cecilia de Rumelio b. circa 1090?, d. between 1151 and 1155 |
Avice de Rumelli was daughter and co-heir of William le Meschin of Skipton and Cecily de Rumilly.2 She was born in 1115?. She was the daughter of William le Meschines of Egremont, Lord of Copeland and Cecilia de Rumelio. Avice de Rumelli married William de Curcy II, son of William de Curcy I.1,2 Avice de Rumelli was co-heir circa 1135.1
Family | William de Curcy II d. circa 1130 |
Child |
Emma of Hereford1
b. circa 1050
Emma of Hereford|b. c 1050|p58.htm#i7115|William FitzOsbern, seigner de Bréteuil, Earl of Hereford|b. c 1025\nd. 20 Feb 1070/71|p348.htm#i7116|Adelise de Tosny|b. c 1025?|p167.htm#i18674|Osbern de Bolebec|b. c 950|p60.htm#i7344|Wevia de Crepon|b. c 950|p60.htm#i7345|seigneur de Tosni et Conches Roger de Tosny I|b. c 990\nd. 1038/39|p340.htm#i18675|Godeheut (?)||p221.htm#i25412|
Father | William FitzOsbern, seigner de Bréteuil, Earl of Hereford b. circa 1025, d. 20 February 1070/71 |
Mother | Adelise de Tosny b. circa 1025? |
Emma of Hereford was born circa 1050. She was the daughter of William FitzOsbern, seigner de Bréteuil, Earl of Hereford and Adelise de Tosny. Emma of Hereford married 1st Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk Ralph de Gaël, son of Ralph "the Staller" of Norfolk and N. N. of Brittany, in 1075 at spring or summer, Exning, Suffolk, England; His 2nd.2,3
Family | 1st Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk Ralph de Gaël b. circa 1040, d. 1099 |
Child |
Eleanore de Braose1
b. before 1230
Eleanore de Braose|b. b 1230|p58.htm#i7118|William de Braose, 6th Baron of Brecknock|b. 1204\nd. 2 May 1230|p389.htm#i6697|Eva Marshall|b. 1206\nd. 27 Apr 1245|p394.htm#i7031|Reginald de Braose, 5th Baron of Brecknock|b. c 1180\nd. 1228|p389.htm#i6721|Grace de Briwere|b. c 1186\nd. 1223|p388.htm#i6722|William "the Elder" Marshall, 4th Earl of Pembroke|b. c 1146\nd. 16 Mar 1219|p386.htm#i6707|Isabel, suo jure Countess of Pembroke|b. 1172\nd. 1220|p387.htm#i6708|
Father | William de Braose, 6th Baron of Brecknock2 b. 1204, d. 2 May 1230 |
Mother | Eva Marshall2 b. 1206, d. 27 April 1245 |
Eleanore de Braose was born before 1230. She was the daughter of William de Braose, 6th Baron of Brecknock and Eva Marshall.2 Eleanore de Braose married Humphrey de Bohun Knt., son of Humphrey de Bohun, 6th Earl of Hereford, 7th Earl of Essex, and Constable of England and Maud d' Eu; His 1st.2
Family | Humphrey de Bohun Knt. b. circa 1231, d. 27 October 1265 |
Children |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 68-29.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:462.
- [S1446] Douglas Richardson, "Bohun-Verdun information," e-mail to Robert Brian Stewart P. E., Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:48 PM.
John Wesley Smock1
b. 28 July 1837
John Wesley Smock|b. 28 Jul 1837|p58.htm#i7157|Jacob Smock|b. 21 Jan 1815\nd. 26 Jan 1898|p485.htm#i2315|Frances Ann Colley|b. 14 Jan 1815|p17.htm#i2316|Samuel V. Smock|b. 7 Oct 1776\nd. 5 Jul 1833|p474.htm#i2313|Rachel Ryker|b. 19 Jun 1773\nd. 28 Oct 1861|p478.htm#i2314|||||||
Father | Jacob Smock b. 21 January 1815, d. 26 January 1898 |
Mother | Frances Ann Colley b. 14 January 1815 |
John Wesley Smock was born on 28 July 1837 at Indiana. He was the son of Jacob Smock and Frances Ann Colley.
- [S212] Sue Dugan, "Descendants of Smock & Colley," e-mail to Robert Stewart, 16 Feb 99.
Samuel Edmund Smock1
b. 31 January 1839
Samuel Edmund Smock|b. 31 Jan 1839|p58.htm#i7158|Jacob Smock|b. 21 Jan 1815\nd. 26 Jan 1898|p485.htm#i2315|Frances Ann Colley|b. 14 Jan 1815|p17.htm#i2316|Samuel V. Smock|b. 7 Oct 1776\nd. 5 Jul 1833|p474.htm#i2313|Rachel Ryker|b. 19 Jun 1773\nd. 28 Oct 1861|p478.htm#i2314|||||||
Father | Jacob Smock1 b. 21 January 1815, d. 26 January 1898 |
Mother | Frances Ann Colley1 b. 14 January 1815 |
Samuel Edmund Smock was born on 31 January 1839 at Indiana.1 He was the son of Jacob Smock and Frances Ann Colley.1
- [S212] Sue Dugan, "Descendants of Smock & Colley," e-mail to Robert Stewart, 16 Feb 99.
Alix d' Eu1
b. before 1183
Alix d' Eu|b. b 1183|p58.htm#i7124|Henri, comte d' Eu|b. c 1165\nd. 11 Mar 1183|p376.htm#i8108|Maud de Warenne|b. a 1165\nd. c 1212|p384.htm#i8109|Jean, comte d' Eu|b. c 1130\nd. 26 Jun 1170|p373.htm#i8112|Alicia de Albini, Comitissa de Auco|b. a 1138\nd. 11 Sep 1188|p378.htm#i8111|Hamelin, 5th Earl of Surrey jure uxoris|b. c 1130\nd. 7 May 1202|p382.htm#i6705|Isabelle de Varennes|b. c 1137\nd. c 13 Jul 1199?|p381.htm#i6706|
Father | Henri, comte d' Eu2 b. circa 1165, d. 11 March 1183 |
Mother | Maud de Warenne2 b. after 1165, d. circa 1212 |
Alix d' Eu was born before 1183. She was the daughter of Henri, comte d' Eu and Maud de Warenne.2 Alix d' Eu married Raoul I de Lusignan, comte d'Eu, son of Hugues, sire de Lusignan and Ala (?), in 1194; His 1st.3,4
Family | Raoul I de Lusignan, comte d'Eu b. circa 1169?, d. 1 May 1219 |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 123-28.
- [S1446] Douglas Richardson, "Bohun-Verdun information," e-mail to Robert Brian Stewart P. E., Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:48 PM.
- [S1265], online, de Lusignan 1.
- [S467] GdRdF, online, Sully.
Henry II de Bohun
b. 1200
Henry II de Bohun|b. 1200|p58.htm#i7129|Henry de Bohun, 5th Earl of Hereford, Constable of England|b. 1176\nd. 1 Jun 1220|p387.htm#i7125|Maud (de Mandeville), Countess of Hereford and Essex|b. c 1180\nd. 27 Aug 1236|p391.htm#i7126|Humphrey I. de Bohun|b. c 1150\nd. 1182|p376.htm#i7130|Margaret de Huntingdon|b. 1140\nd. 1201|p381.htm#i7131|Geoffrey fitz Piers, 4th Earl of Essex|b. c 1162\nd. 2 Oct 1213|p384.htm#i6873|Beatrice de Sai|b. c 1160\nd. 1197|p380.htm#i7128|
Father | Henry de Bohun, 5th Earl of Hereford, Constable of England b. 1176, d. 1 June 1220 |
Mother | Maud (de Mandeville), Countess of Hereford and Essex b. circa 1180, d. 27 August 1236 |
Henry II de Bohun was born in 1200. He was the son of Henry de Bohun, 5th Earl of Hereford, Constable of England and Maud (de Mandeville), Countess of Hereford and Essex.
Sibyl de Neufmarché1,2
Sibyl de Neufmarché||p58.htm#i7135|Bernard de Neufmarché , Lord of Brecknock|b. c 1065\nd. 1125|p361.htm#i7142|Nesta of Hereford|b. c 1080|p58.htm#i7141|Geoffrey de Neufmarché|b. c 1040|p58.htm#i7143|Ada of Hugleville|b. c 1042|p58.htm#i7144|Osbern fitz Richard|b. c 1053\nd. a 1100|p355.htm#i7148|Nesta verch Gruffyd|b. bt 1055 - 1057|p58.htm#i7147|
Father | Bernard de Neufmarché , Lord of Brecknock3,4 b. circa 1065, d. 1125 |
Mother | Nesta of Hereford3 b. circa 1080 |
Sibyl de Neufmarché was the daughter of Bernard de Neufmarché , Lord of Brecknock and Nesta of Hereford.3,4 Sibyl de Neufmarché was sole heiress of Bernard de Newmarch.5,6 She was born in 1106?. She married Miles of Gloucester, Earl of Hereford, and Constable of England, son of Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres and Bertha uxor Walteri de Gloecestria, April or May, 1121.7,5 Sibyl de Neufmarché was buried in the Chapterhouse of Llanthony Priory, Gloucester, England.8
Family | Miles of Gloucester, Earl of Hereford, and Constable of England b. circa 1100, d. 24 December 1143 |
Children |
- [S211] Pat Patterson's Page, online
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 237-4, 177-4, 193-4.
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 177-3.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:452.
- [S1137] De Bohon, online
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 480.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:451-452.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:454.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:454-455.
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:456.
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 237-5.
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 479.
Humphrey I "the Bearded", seigneur de Bohon1,2
b. circa 1020
Humphrey I "the Bearded", seigneur de Bohon|b. c 1020|p58.htm#i7139|Richard de Mary||p18.htm#i24774|Billeheude (?)||p21.htm#i24775|||||||||||||
Father | Richard de Mary3 |
Mother | Billeheude (?)3 |
Humphrey I "the Bearded", seigneur de Bohon was designated in Old English books as Humfridus cum Barba or Humphrey with the Beard as his beard distinguished him from other Norman knights of the period because they habitually shaved.3 He was mentioned in the Domesday Book as a champion and defender of the throne, and as lord of Taterford in Norfolk.3 Also called Humphrey I "the Old" de Bohon.3 He was born circa 1020. He was the son of Richard de Mary and Billeheude (?).3 Humphrey I "the Bearded", seigneur de Bohon was a knight and a rich and noble man circa 1060.3 He granted the priory he founded, St. Georges de Bohon, to the abbey of St. Martin of Marmoutier circa 1060.3 Humphrey tells us "With the inspiration of God and the patronage of lord earl William for the relief of my soul, and those of the late Richard of Mary, my father, and of the late Billeheude, my the octave of the Pentecost before the venerable father Geoffrey, bishop of Coutances... I protect the abbey of St. Martin, the servants Arnouf, Heribert, and Roger, and the other people whose names are inscribed here."3 He was with William, Duke of Normandy, at the Hogue de Biville, along with Roger de Montgomery and William, son of Osbern in 1062.3 He gave a garden from his fief (holdings) in Puchay to the nuns of St. Amand in Rouen for the repose of his soul and those of his three wives when one of his daughters became religious before 1066.3 He was married three times, with two daughters already having entered the convent, and with sons Robert and Richard old enough to assume their inheritance, before 1066.3 He was mainly known as a companion of William the Conqueror at the conquest of England and as the founder of the Bohon priory in 1066.3 He bequeathed the monastery of St. Leger in Preaux a convent that his second daughter entered after 1066.3 He may have accompanied William the Conqueror to England, but is not recorded in the records as having fought at Hastings on 14 October 1066.4 He rendered justice with the monks at the Heauville priory against Bertram de Bricquebec, viscount of Cotentin, who had levied unfair taxes on his people, with the act of Cherbourg circa 1076 at Normandy, France.3 Lord of Taterford at Norfolk, England, circa 1084.3
Family | |
Child |
- [S211] Pat Patterson's Page, online
- [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
- [S1137] De Bohon, online
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, XII/1, App. L, pg. 47-48 - does not say he did.
Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres1
b. circa 1070?
Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres|b. c 1070?|p58.htm#i7140|Sheriff of Gloucester Roger de Pîtres|d. b 1086|p351.htm#i24086|Adeline (?)||p236.htm#i27015|||||||||||||
Father | Sheriff of Gloucester Roger de Pîtres1 d. before 1086 |
Mother | Adeline (?)2 |
Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres was the father of Miles of Gloucester, Earl of Hereford, and Constable of England; grandson of Roger de Pitres, contemporary of William the Conqueror and sheriff of Gloucester, and the son of Walter (Gautier), constable of Henry I.3 Constable of England.3 Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres was born circa 1070?. He was the son of Sheriff of Gloucester Roger de Pîtres and Adeline (?).1,2 Hereditary Sheriff of Gloucester at England in 1095.1,4 Sheriff of Gloucester Walter fitz Roger de Pîtres married Bertha uxor Walteri de Gloecestria.5
Family | Bertha uxor Walteri de Gloecestria |
Children |
- [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, VI:451.
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 481.
- [S1137] De Bohon, online
- [S1032] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday People, pg. 181 (under Durand de Glouuecestre).
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 479.
- [S1278] K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, pg. 480.
Nesta of Hereford1
b. circa 1080
Nesta of Hereford|b. c 1080|p58.htm#i7141|Osbern fitz Richard|b. c 1053\nd. a 1100|p355.htm#i7148|Nesta verch Gruffyd|b. bt 1055 - 1057|p58.htm#i7147|Richard F. of Hereford|b. c 1030\nd. 1067|p347.htm#i7149|N. N. de Essex||p101.htm#i24820|Gruffyd a. L., Brenin Cymru|b. 1011\nd. 5 Aug 1063|p346.htm#i7150|Ealdgyth of Mercia|b. c 1045|p59.htm#i7151|
Father | Osbern fitz Richard2 b. circa 1053, d. after 1100 |
Mother | Nesta verch Gruffyd2 b. between 1055 and 1057 |
Nesta of Hereford was born circa 1080.1 She was the daughter of Osbern fitz Richard and Nesta verch Gruffyd.2 Nesta of Hereford married Bernard de Neufmarché , Lord of Brecknock, son of Geoffrey de Neufmarché and Ada of Hugleville, before 1104.1
Family | Bernard de Neufmarché , Lord of Brecknock b. circa 1065, d. 1125 |
Child |
Geoffrey de Neufmarché
b. circa 1040
Geoffrey de Neufmarché was born circa 1040. He married Ada of Hugleville, daughter of Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville and Papia de Normandie, before 1065.
Family | Ada of Hugleville b. circa 1042 |
Child |
Ada of Hugleville
b. circa 1042
Ada of Hugleville|b. c 1042|p58.htm#i7144|Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville|b. c 995|p58.htm#i7145|Papia de Normandie|b. b 996|p58.htm#i7146|||||||Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen|b. 933\nd. 21 Nov 996|p331.htm#i5197||||
Father | Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville b. circa 995 |
Mother | Papia de Normandie b. before 996 |
Charts | Descendants of Charlemage |
Ada of Hugleville was born circa 1042. She was the daughter of Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville and Papia de Normandie. Ada of Hugleville married Geoffrey de Neufmarché before 1065.
Family | Geoffrey de Neufmarché b. circa 1040 |
Child |
Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville
b. circa 995
Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville was born circa 995. He married Papia de Normandie, daughter of Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen, circa 1022.
Family | Papia de Normandie b. before 996 |
Child |
Papia de Normandie
b. before 996
Papia de Normandie|b. b 996|p58.htm#i7146|Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen|b. 933\nd. 21 Nov 996|p331.htm#i5197||||Guillaume "Longue-Épée", Princeps Nortmannorum|b. s 892\nd. 17 Dec 942|p320.htm#i5199|"Sprota"|b. c 910|p45.htm#i5200|||||||
Father | Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen1 b. 933, d. 21 November 996 |
Charts | Descendants of Charlemage |
Papia de Normandie was born before 996. She was the daughter of Richard I "Sans Peur", Leader of the Normans of Rouen.1 Papia de Normandie married Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville circa 1022.
Family | Richard FitzGulbert of Hugleville b. circa 995 |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 177-3.
Nesta verch Gruffyd1
b. between 1055 and 1057
Nesta verch Gruffyd|b. bt 1055 - 1057|p58.htm#i7147|Gruffyd ap Llywelyn, Brenin Cymru|b. 1011\nd. 5 Aug 1063|p346.htm#i7150|Ealdgyth of Mercia|b. c 1045|p59.htm#i7151|Llywelyn a. S., King of Gwynedd and Deheubarth|b. c 980\nd. 1023|p336.htm#i7152|Angharad v. M. o Deheubarth|b. 982|p59.htm#i7153|Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia|b. a 1030\nd. a 1062|p346.htm#i7950|Ælfgifu of the Seven Boroughs|b. 1013?|p210.htm#i23658|
Father | Gruffyd ap Llywelyn, Brenin Cymru2,3 b. 1011, d. 5 August 1063 |
Mother | Ealdgyth of Mercia4 b. circa 1045 |
Also called of Gwynedd. Nesta verch Gruffyd was born circa 1031. Her 1st.5 She married Fleance (of Stewart Myth), son of Banquo (of Stewart Myth) and Muldivana, before 1045; "... which gives even more cause for doubt."5,3 Nesta verch Gruffyd was born between 1055 and 1057.1,6 She was the daughter of Gruffyd ap Llywelyn, Brenin Cymru and Ealdgyth of Mercia.2,3,4 Nesta verch Gruffyd married Brenin Gwynedd Trahaern ap Caradoc o Arwystli, son of Caradog o Arwystli and N. N. verch Gwerystan o Powys, before 1070; Regarded as a "late invention."3 Nesta verch Gruffyd married Osbern fitz Richard, son of Richard FitzScrob of Hereford and N. N. de Essex, before 1080; A real marriage.1,3
Family 1 | Fleance (of Stewart Myth) b. 1020 |
Child |
Family 2 | Osbern fitz Richard b. circa 1053, d. after 1100 |
Child |
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 177-2.
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 177-2, 176-2.
- [S483] Stewart Baldwin, Llywelyn ap Iorwerth's ancestors in "Baldwin-Llywelyn," listserve message Dec 1998.
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 176A-4.
- [S298] HRH Prince Michael of Albany, Albany, pg. 45 per the fact that Nesta was daughter of Prince Griffith, son of King Llewelyn..
- [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 176-1.
- [S298] HRH Prince Michael of Albany, Albany, pg. 46.