- "Crouchback," Edmund, 1st Earl of Lancaster to (?), Elizabeth?
- (?), Elizabeth? to (?), Mary
- (?), Mary to (?), Ædina
- (?), Ælfgifu to al-Qurayshi, Taym
- al-Qurayshi, Wahab ibn 'Abd Manaf to ap Glywys, Sawyl
- ap Griffith Maelor, Madoc to Asinius, Caius Quadratus
- Asnurez, Asura to Banu Qasi, N. N. bint Mutarrif ibn Lope
- Barand, Janice to bint al-Sa'igh, Salma
- bint Khuazimah, Zainab ummu al-Masakin to Brooke, William, K.G., 10th Lord Cobham
- Brookshire, Margaret J. to Chandler, Willliam of Roxbury
- Chanell, Elizabeth to Conover, Mary Ann
- Conover, Mary Ann to d' Anjou, Yolande
- d' Anthenaise, Guillaume (seigneur) to d'Anjou, Maurice
- d'Anjou, Roscille to de Badlesmere, William
- de Baile, Catharyn to de Bertram, William, II, 4th Lord Mitford
- de Berwick, Gilbert, of Berwick Basset, Keeper of the Royal Forests to de Braose, Philip
- de Braose, Philip, 2nd Baron Bramber to de Castilla, Urraca Alfonsa (reina de Castilla y León)
- de Castille, Eléonore to de Coggeshall, William (Sir) of Codham Hall
- de Coimbra, Isabel to de Estoteville, Robert, Baron of Cottingham
- de Everingham, Adam to de Gascogne, Sancha
- de Gatinais, (?) to de Hunstanton, Ralph
- de Huntingdon, Ada to de Lorraine, Thierry II (duc de Lorraine)
- de Los, Laurette to de Montdoubleau, Marguerite, dame de Montdoubleau,
- de Monteacuto, Drogo to de Navarra, rey Sancho VII Sánchez "el Fuerte"
- de Navarre, Blanche to de Poitiers, St. Emmeram (évêque de Poitiers)
- de Poitou, Adélaïde to de Salins, Wandelmodis
- de Salisbury, Havoise to de Thiern, Wandelmode
- de Thornton, Margery to de Vaux, Robert (Lord of Gillesland)
- de Vavasour, Robert to Demaree, Sarah
- Demarest, Antje to des Francs, Ildegonde
- des Francs, Ingonde to di Ventimiglia, Elene
- di Vento, N. N. to Díaz, Urraca Paterna de Castilla
- d’Angiò, Beatrice, Principessa di Sicilia to fitz John, William
- fitz Maldred, Gospatrick to Foster, Thomas Henry
- Fourneys, Joan to Griffith, John Esq.
- Griggs, Jane to Harbour, John Jr.
- Harcourt, Robert to Hollingshead, Walter Lemington
- Hollinshead, Abigail to in the Gatinais, Geoffrey (Count)
- in the Hamalant, Eberhard I (Count) to Kerrich, William of Saxsted
- Kerry, Richard John, diplomat, lawyer, and writer to Lawrence, Wallace Gardner (Professor)
- Lawter, Anne to Luff, John
- Lumley, Lord (1st) to mac Imchada, Labraid
- mac Indrechtaich, Ailill to Magyar, Kulchug
- Magyar, Könyves Kálmán, Király Magyarország, to McCannon, Ann
- McCloud, Jessie to Neville, Richard "the Kingmaker", Earl of Warwick and Salisbury,
- Nevius, Sarah to o Gwynedd, Idwal "the Roebuck"
- o Gwynedd, Idwal ap Meuric (Brenin Gwynedd) to of Anjou, Richard I (Count)
- of Annandale, Lord Robert IV to of Avignon, Raimond (Dean)
- of Axholme, John to of Brienne, Count Raoul III
- of Brimsfield, Sir John Giffard to of Byzantium, Emperor Alexius II
- of Byzantium, Emperor Alexius III to of Clermont, Viscount Robert II
- of Clermont-Auvergne, Artemia ([) ] to of Dreux, John de Montfort
- of Dublin, Amlaíb Ceannchairech mac Gothfraidh to of Egypt, Necho I, King of Memphis and Sais,
- of Egypt, Necho II, Pharaoh of Egypt, to of France, King Louis IV
- of France, King Louis IX to of Greek Myth, Ladon (the River God)
- of Greek Myth, Laomedon (King of Troy) to of Illyria, Sabbatius
- of Illyricum, Daia to of Kartli, King P'arsman I
- of Kartli, King P'arsman II to of Lombardy, Manfredo
- of London, Aubrey (Sheriff) to of Montpellier, Lord William VIII
- of Montreuil, Count Enguerrand to of Norway, Magnus VI, King of Norway,
- of Norway, Malahue to of Poland, Swinislawa
- of Polotsk, (Prince) to of Rus, Vasily III Ivanovich, Grand Prince of Moscovy,
- of Rus, Vladimir to of Shrewsbury, Earl, Talbot, 1st
- of Shropshire, Adeliza to of the Alans, Flavius Ardabur
- of the Ampurias, Ermengarde to of the Huns, Zultan
- of the Iceni, Prasutagus to of the Tectosages, Dytilaos, Tetrarch of the Tectosages,
- of the Thuringians, Amalafridas to of Venice, Odile
- of Ventadour, Ebles II to Orontid, Zariadris, King of Sophene,
- Orr, Henry to Phokas, Sophia
- Piast, (Królewna Polska) to Pérez, Sancho
- Queener, Andrew J. to Rudderow, Sarah
- Ruddich, Jane to Sawyer, William of Newbury
- Saxby, Margaret to Sidonius, Gaïus Sollius Modestus, Apollinaris, bishop of Clermont
- Sigtryggsson, Agnar (King of Vestfold) to Smock, Garret
- Smock, Garret to Smock, Samuel V.
- Smock, Sarah to Stewart, Cassie
- Stewart, Catherine Ann to Sánchez, Velasquita de Pamplona
- Síl Fiachra Cassán, Colga mac Loite (taoiseach Airghiall) to the Armenian, Thatoul
- the Azdite, 'Abdallah to Theodosia, Serena
- Theodosius, Flavius Arcadius Augustus, imperator, to Uí Chennselaig, Éogan Cáech mac Nath Í
- Uí Conchobair, Mór ingen Taidg (rígan Érenn) to Uí Éremóin, Demal mac Rechtada Rigdeirg
- Uí Éremóin, Demri mac Bresail to Van Deventer, Sarah
- Van Doren, Aletta to Verclocken, Susanna
- Verwey, Annetje to von Bayern, Wolfgang (Bischof von Regensburg)
- von Bayern?, Liusindis to von Flandern, Robert I "der Friese" (Graf von Flandern)
- von Flandern-Dampierre, Margarete to von Lahngau, Udo II (Graf im Nieder-Lahngau)
- von Lambach, Arnold II, Markgraf von der Karantanischen Mark, to von Querfurt, Mathilda, Gräfin von Walbeck
- von Rameru, Manasse Calva Asina to von Supplinburg, Lothar II, Kaiser der Römisches Reich
- von Susa, Irmgard to Wallace, Samantha Jane
- Wallcott, Katherine to Windsor, George VI, King of Great Britain,
- Wingfield, Elizabeth to Úlfsson, Bjørn