Alabama Brides Index S -- Part 2

Below is the

Smi -- Sky
* Alma Lucile SMITH - Charlie Watson STINSON on May 17, 1947 Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Annie Elizabeth SMITH - John A. Cooper STINSON on 31 May 1867, Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Ara SMITH married Benjamin Elza CADDELL on 12 Jan 1913, Bibb Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Bertha SMITH - Joe NELSON - Jul 10, 1914 - Cullman Co., AL
* Catherine Ann SMITH and David E. (Edward) M.(Marion) SMITH, 3-29-1855, Chambers Co., AL, by John A. Hurst,(MG), at the residence of her father. Thomas H. Smith, (LS)---(from Marriage Records 1833-1866, Vol. I, page 213, Book 5, Chambers Co. AL) <[email protected]>
* Clary Ann SMITH married Luke R. PETERS - 25 July 1850, Tallapoosa Co. AL. <[email protected]>
* Cleo Veronica SMITH married Jesse George TURLEY on 11/20/1927, Cleburne Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Dicie A. SMITH married Evan SMITH on 19 Jan 1902 in Marshall County Alabama. Bride b 4 July 1882, parents William L. SMITH and Nancy A. CORBIN <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth SMITH to William A. BAGGETT 30 SEP 1879 Escambia Co., AL
* Elizabeth SMITH married to John STORY on 23 Sept 1840 in Lauderdale co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Eliza Jane SMITH - William WALKER - 30 Dec 1849 - Calhoun Co., AL
* Emeline M. SMITH to Samual M. V. LITTLE 1861 Coosa Co. AL. <[email protected]>
* Eula Pauline SMITH m. Robert McKINNON, 4-4-1909, Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Harriet E. SMITH married Jonathan A. THACKER on 20 June 1878 in Marshall County Alabama <[email protected]>
* Jessie Mae SMITH m. C. E. BASS, 7-21-1918, Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Kessiar SMITH married William TEAL Jan 15,1850 Barbour Co AL.<Ban C 36@ AOL.Com >
* Lanora L.SMITH married Frank SMITH on 2 April 1901 in Marshall County Alabama. Bride b April 1879, parents Jerry C. SMITH and Rhoda THACKER <[email protected]>
* M. A. SMITH married S.V. BELL in Walker Co, Al. 11/21/1878 <[email protected]>
* Mahala SMITH - John SISK- 1 Dec 1867 - Jackson Co. - pg. 556
* Margaret E. SMITH m James ARRINGTON 08/14/1867, <[email protected]>
* Martha E. SMITH m. David HUNTER on Mar 17, 1853 in St.Clair Co, Al. Martha's parents were Zion and Sarah SMITH of S.C. <[email protected]>
* Margaret Lorene SMITH to Lowell Patrick MCDIVITT, 5 November 1865, Perry Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Martha SMITH to John W. GARETT, Coosa County, Sept 11, 1851, wit: J. M. Butler, O.M.G. <[email protected]>
* Martha Nancy SMITH to James Henry HORTON on 9 Sep 1883 Bibb Co., AL (H-111) <[email protected]>
* Mary Mable (Mae) SMITH to Leroy HUDDLESTON April 05, 1929 Talladega County<[email protected]>
* Mary SMITH - Ira HARRIS - on 8 Apr 1900 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mary SMITH married L. I. BRYARS on 04 Oct 1816 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Mary Catharine SMITH married James Wilson NICOL on 11/3/1934, Walker Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary Eler SMITH married Willam Green RIDDLE, Jr. - 7 Nov 1852 in Talladega County, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Mary J. SMITH married to William Washington BRADLY 11Feb 1847 Perry Co., AL, (LDS microfilm #1290271) <[email protected]>
* Mary J. SMITH - John L. PHILLIPS - 2-05-1885 Father-Joseph Phillips (?) Bond-John Smith, Ceremony by J.T. Smith, Blount Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mary Jane SMITH mar. C.P.(Carney Patterson) RIDLEY 29 Sep 1895 in Jackson County <[email protected]>
* Mary M. SMITH to Archibald T. MUNROE (Monroe), Talladega County, January 18, 1849, signed by Daniel Carmichael - J.P. Source: Copies of Marriage Certificates from Talladega County Courthouse <[email protected]>
* Mattie Ellen SMITH to Frank Columbus HADDER 17 Mar 1913 Jefferson Co AL<[email protected]>
* Mattie Lee SMITH married Ephraim Issac Farmer THRASH on 12/07/1906, Clay Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Melvina SMITH married William George Thomas GARRETT -9/17/1871 in Talladega County, Ala. <[email protected]>
* Minnie Lee SMITH m. L.W. HELMS, 8-9-1906, Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mira SMITH married Loyd J. GRIFFIN 3-14-1915 by W S HARPER, JP, From Book E. Marriages 1908-1916 Conecuh Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Nancey Ann SMITH to Andrew ROSS, 3 Jan 1830, Lowndes Co., Ala. <[email protected]>
* Nancy SMITH married William BRAZIL in Walker Co, Al. 5/1/1879 [email protected]
* Nancy M. SMITH - Joseph L. PHILLIPS 6-22-1884 Fathers-Joseph Phillips, Samuel D. Smith - Ceremony by John Smith, Blount Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Odessie SMITH married Steve SMITH on 11 April !923 in Marshall County, Alabama. The parents of Steve Smith were Henry SMITH mother Rebecca Jane WINDSOR. The parents of Odessie Smith were Evans SMITH and Dicie SMITH <[email protected]>
* Rose SMITH and Isaac SMITH date of marriage unknown, Barbour Co. AL <[email protected]>
* Samantha SMITH married Wesley J. WORRELL on 1/15/1864, Bibb Co. AL <[email protected]>
* Sarah Ann SMITH m. George Washington REEVES 9 Sept. 1846 in Dale Co., Alabama.<[email protected]>
* Sarah Tervin SMITH married to Frank Albert ROBINSON 6/19/1942 , Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Susan Lizzie SMITH to John GARRETT , abt 1903 in Colbert County, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Texanna SMITH - George Leander STINSON, Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Tinnie E. SMITH - Joseph Thomas STINSON, Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Trudie Austell SMITH to Virgil Lee THOMASSON 30 Sept 1926 Jefferson Co AL< [email protected]>
* Wilma Iola SMITH to Julius Conrad FLECK 15 Apr 1938 St. Clair Co AL<[email protected]>
* Vera SMITHERMAN - A. L. HARRIS - on 14 Jul 1928 Pell City, AL <[email protected]>
* Annie E. SMOOT married Daniel Allen GOFF on April 28, 1857 in Tuscumbia, Franklin County, Ala. <[email protected]>
* Bettie Lee SMOOT m. Minor Lyle KIRBY, Morgan Co., AL. July 8, 1922 <[email protected]>
* Fannie SMYLEY - Willis GUNTER - 3 Jan 1893 - Lowndes Co. <[email protected]>
* Elsie Leona SNELL married Lillard Thomas BROOKS on 23 Jan 1916 in Blount County, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Delphia Ann SNIDER to Benjamin JOHNSON 2 Jan 1860 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Reba SNOW - E. O. HARRIS - on 25 Feb 1930 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Agnes SNYDER married Joseph WHEELER on 19 Oct 1821 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Risit SNYDER married Andre EMILY on 15 Mar 1825 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Vancie Lee SONS, b: October 22, 1924 d: June 18, 1988, married William Harold LENTZ, Son of Schylar Clark Lentz and Ruth Ann McWhorter, b: May 15, 1922, d: October 4, 1979, on December 14, 1941 in Morgan County, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Frances Elizabeth SORTER married David N. BUCHANAN on 14 Nov 1873 in Marshall Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Amelia SOUCHET married John Thomas BROWN on 19 Mar 1825 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Emily Henretta SOUTH m. George Washington WILLIAMSON 18 Jan 1883 Fayette Co. AL (At the Moores Bridge Baptist Church.) <[email protected]>
* F. J. SOUTH to J. W. G. WINN on 04 Jan 1871, Fayette Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Lurancy SOUTH - William Stridear COPELAND - 18 Jan 1866 - Blount Co., AL
* Patsy SOWELL married William M. GRIFFIN 7-29-1911 by A A Easley, MG, From Book E. Marriages 1908-1916 Conecuh Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Samuella SPAIN married James BARNET on Jan 1894 in Florence, Alabama, <[email protected]>
* LeeAnna SPARKS married B. DAVIS 1/18/1903, Winston Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary SPARKS m. Thomas NEWMAN Sept. 11, 1824 in Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Henny SPEAGLE married George COUCH 12/4/1831, Morgan Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Margaret B. SPEAGLE married Nicholas LARIMORE on March 12, 1830 in Morgan County, AL <[email protected]>
* Trannie SPEAKS and Prentiss ORR -1911, Morgan Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mariah SPEAR - James P. FULLER -30 Nov 1848 - Montgomery Co. - pg. 468, by W. C. Fuller, J.P.
* Arley SPEARS to James JOHNSON 30 Dec 1859 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Ellen P. SPEARS - Emrys C. HARRIS - on12 DEc 1916 Pell City, St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Winfred SPEEGLE married William P. CALVERT 3/8/1891, Cullman Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Adaline SPEIGHTS- Lum DAVIS- Jul. 30,1887, Sumpter Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Caroline SPENCER, married Pleasant William WHITTEN on 15 Oct. 1845 in Chambers County, Ala. <[email protected]>
* Laura J. SPOON to J. H. BERRY 12 SEP 1890 Escambia Co., AL
* Alice SPOONER married Ben CRABTREE 1-14-1876 in Mobile, AL <[email protected]>
* Eliza SPOONER married Hezekiah RESTER 11-7-1879 in Mobile, AL. <[email protected]>
* Sarah Catherine SPOONER married Jesse COWART 4-19-1894 in Mobile, AL <[email protected]>
* Ella Melissa SPRADLEY married Joseph Johnston RUSHING on 8 Sep 1897 in Ansley, Pike Co., AL by J. M. Loflin, M. G. His parents were John Eager Howard RUSHING and Eliza Jane JENERETT. Her parents were Stephen Anderson SPRADLEY and Avarilla Cathrine CASTELLAW. <[email protected]>
* Jeffalonia SPRADLEY & John Wofford FORD, 16 Jan 1868, Oxford, Calhoun Co., AL, <[email protected]>
* Mary A. SPRINGFIELD married W. F. BROWN in Walker Co, Al. 7/20/1881 <[email protected]>
* Amanda STABLER married James Wesley STACY on December 5, 1879 in Monroe CO, AL. <[email protected]>
* Allie Augusta STACEY married George W. COBB in 1903 in Monroe CO, AL. <[email protected]>
* Allie Fanny STACEY married Lawrence WIGGINS on May 31, 1918 in Monroe Co, Al <[email protected]>
* Alma Luvenia STACEY married Clarence Wade HOGG on June 6, 1933 at the Methodist Parsonage, Monroe County, AL. <[email protected]>
* Lula D. STACEY married Weldon COBB on August 19, 1905 in Monroe Co, Al. <[email protected]>
* Margaret Gussie STACEY married Hugh COBB on January 16, 1903 in Monroe County, Al. <[email protected]>
* Martha Ann STACEY married William CARNLINE on January 9, 1857 at the home of George Washington Stacey. By R.D. Thompson, J. P. G.W. Stacey security <[email protected]>
* Mary Jane STACEY married James Wesley JOHNSON on November 2, 1907 in Monroe Co. Al. <[email protected]> * Tamar Amanda STACEY married Byron MCLAURIN on March 7, 1931 in Monroe Co, Al. <[email protected]>
* Tabitha Ann STACY married Isaac J. CADDELL on 25 Aug 1853, Bibb Co., AL <[email protected]>
* M. J. STACIE to James M. BREWTON 18 DEC 1884 Escambia Co., AL
* C. H. STAMPS married John LOCKE 28 Oct 1877 Butler County Alabama (MARRIAGE INDEX, page 10,117 on microfiche found at LSD Library 1993, in Bakersfield, California). <[email protected]>
* Susie STAMPS married Jessie STARKE 12 Jan 18888 Georgiana, Butler County, Alabama. (MARRIAGE INDEX, page 10,117 on microfiche found at LSD Library 1993, in Bakersfield, California). <[email protected]>
* Lydia Margaret STANALAND married John Hamilton REEVES on March 8, 1842 in Pike County,AL <[email protected]>
* Diana Marie STANLEY married Jerry Wayne COLLINS Jr. on July 23. 1991 in Limestone County <[email protected]>
* Martha F. STANLEY married Alfred Felix MCCLESKEY on 7 March 1878 in Mulberry Grove, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Telitha STANLEY to Pinckney VAUGHN 6-26-1830 Wilcox Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mittie [Nettie] STANSELL married Joseph TUBB, 10 Nov 1890, Cullman Co., AL; <[email protected]>
* Martha STAPLES married Charles WEATHERFORD (III) on 12/28/1861, Monroe Co., AL with McDuff Mann as security and R. Y. Reaves as Pastor
* Ellen Ethel STAPLETON m. Benjamin F. WHIDBY (1st marriage for him) - 21 June 1893 - Baldwin Co. AL <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STARLING married Claiborne HILL on 89/2/1834? in Talladega Co., AL.
* Mary Ann STATON married Abner TAYLOR on 2/19/1869, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary STATON to Wheeler CARUTHERS 20 Jan 1870 Blount County, AL <[email protected]>
* Nancy Mariah ST. CLAIR, d/o Caleb Browning St. Clair and Harriet Palmer, married Asa Madison HOLLAND, s/o John Holland and Rhoda Davis, on February 15, 1866 in Jackson County, AL <[email protected]>
* Martha STEED m James E. ARRINGTON 1868, <[email protected]>
* Emil STEEL married Andre VALLE on 17 May 1825 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Susan STEERS married George HAYS on 16 Dec 1823 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Barbara STEINER married John M. JUKERS on March 15, 1866 - Mobile <[email protected]>
* Seleta STELL married John FRANKLIN ca. 1837 Pickens, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Charity Ann STEWART and John SANFORD, date of marriage unknown county, Barbour Co. Ala. <[email protected]>
* Jeneshua Emma STRICKLAND married John Rufus SANFORD in Fayette County,Alabama March 1, 1874 (1866-1878 Marriage Book Page 436) <[email protected]>
* Carolina STINER married Adam HUPELEVANDER on May 6, 1866 - Mobile <[email protected]>
* Catherine Frances STEINER married Charles NELSON on Dec. 22, 1901 - Mobile <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STEINER married Myer UHFELDERS on Nov. 13, 1854 - Bulter
* Mary A. STEINER married Frank SMITH on March 10, 1863 - Mobile <[email protected]>
* Sarah L. STIEFEL - John Franklin BROWN 18 Nov 1886 DeKalb Co AL <[email protected]>
* Maggie Donie STEPHENS married Wesley Alexander SMITH on 3 September 1911 in Randolph County, AL. She was daughter of George Washungton STEPHENS and Delilah Ellen STEPHENS. He was son of John Marcus Clarke SMITH and Ameritta Victoria NOLEN. <[email protected]>
* Manerva STEPHENS married Turner R. BENTLEY 3/9/1854, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary Florence STEPHENS married William T. CADDELL on 19 Nov 1905, Blount Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Nelda Lela STEPHENS married William Paul CADDELL SR on 21 Jan 1931, Birmingham, Jefferson, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Sarah E. STEPHENS m Francis M. ARRINGTON , 06/14/1854, <[email protected]>
* Serena STEPHENS married Zacheus Powell KIMBROUGH 4 Nov1857, Coosa Co AL <[email protected]>
* Anna STEPHENSON married C.T. MARTIN Sep 10 1872 <[email protected]>
* Minnie Lee STEPHENSON married Wilson H. SPEAR on Sept 5, 1891 (county ?), AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary J. STEVENSON married Samuel J. CALVERT 3/28/1878, Cullman Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Irena STEWARD - James GAINES - 10 Aug, 1851 - Calhoun Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Bessie Lee STEWART marrried George Daniel BYARS on November 23, 1905 in Lawrence County, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Claracy (Susie Clerson Clementine) STEWART married Lucius BECK on 10 October, 1880 in Marshall County, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth L. STEWART married Almon SANDERSON on 9/28/1843; license secured in Hayneville 9/18/1843; ceremony by Theodore Sayre, Minister of the Gospel <[email protected]>
* Esther Tabitha STEWART married Albert Causton BURKE in August, 1921 or 1922 in Huntsville, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Mary Ann STEWART -Benjamin GUNTER - Nov 25 1856 - Blount Co., by John R. Gamble, Macon Gunter sec. [[email protected]]
* Minnie STEWART mar. William RIDLEY 11 Jul 1928 in Cherokee County <[email protected]>
* M.C. STEWART - L.T. HARRIS - (mrs) on18 Aug 1931St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Sarah A.STEWART to J. T. HARVILLE, 29 Apr 1897, Baldwin Co., Ala. <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STIGGINS married Charles WEATHERFORD Jr. in the Creek Nation, late 18th century?
* Fannie S. STIGGINS married F. S. BONDURANT on 12-15-1880 at James Stiggins' to with J. B. Stiggins as security and Elder C. E. James officating, Monroe Co., AL.
* Mary STIGGINS married William WEATHERFORD in 1817 in maybe Monroe Co., AL
* Mildred L. STIGGINS married John McCALL on 09-18-1866 to at Joseph Stiggins' with Jenne Cloud as security and George Watson officiating, Monroe Co., AL.
* Nancy A. STIGGINS married Francis W. MILES on 3-31-1848 to with George Holman as security, Monroe Co., AL.
* Willie D. STIGGINS married Charles E. McCANTS on 3-25-1876 at Joseph Stiggins' with A. J. Colman officiating, Monroe Co., AL.
* Sue E. STINE - John WALKER - 1853 - Calhoun Co.
* Bessie STINSON married Brunner RUE, Georgiana, AL (1905-1907 Butler County Marriage Record-Colored BooK, page 539) <[email protected]>
* Bessie STINSON married Will TILLMON, (1905-1907 Butler County Marriage Records-Colored page 539). <[email protected]>
* Emma STINSON, daughter of Martin and Mary (May) Stinson, married Richard HARKNESS, (1905-1907 Butler County Marriage Records-Colored page 510) <[email protected]>
* Nancy STINSON - John E. HARRIS, Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Nancy STINSON - Horace D. HARRISON, Butler Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Texanna STINSON married Willie BURKETT (1912-1921 Butler County Marriage Records-White) <[email protected]>
* Irene STINSON marrried Ila HALL (1912-1921 Butler County Marriage Records-White) <[email protected]>
* Maude STINSON married Fred BLACKMON (1912-1921 Butler County Marriage Records-White) <[email protected]>
* Marcia STODDER married William AUSTIN on 25 Nov 1824 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Elizabeth Judith STOKES married Henry Charles FARROW, son of Benjamin Farrow and Caroline Steitz of London, England, on 27 Oct 1853 in Trinity Church, Mobile County Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Martha A. Louiza STOKES married James Alexander FLETCHER on 20 Jan 1875 in Etowah County Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Edna STONE married John H. TRUSS on 13 Jan 1913 by Rev. W. L. Boyd, Talladega Co., AL, License issued 12 Jan 1913, Marriage Record N, p. 252. <[email protected]>
* Lalladge STONE married Phillip H. BARNETT on 1 Jun 1913 in Talladega Co., AL, License issued 31 May 1913, Marriage Record N, p. 252. <[email protected]>
* Lillian Gertrude STONE married Frank HEATH on 2 Jan 1912 by J. J. Johnson, Clergyman, Talladega Co., AL, License issued 1 Jan 1912, Marriage Record 1910, N, p. 225. <[email protected]>
* Mary STONE to Wesley WINN on 17 Apr 1868, in Perry Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Sarah Elizabeth STOREY or STORY married George S. CARMICHAEL on 27 Dec 1854 in Cleburn, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Dollie STOVALL to John J. LEEMON 27th December 1887. E.M. Russell, Judge of Probate. Morgan County, Alabama. Copy of actual marriage license. <[email protected]>
* Mary Ann STOVALL to Thomas M. CARUTHERS 13 Feb 1832 Morgan County, AL <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STOVER and Archie ORR-1934, Morgan Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mary STOVER and Bennie ORR -1931, Morgan Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Bivie Caroline STREET to Eusry Herschel HARRELL Etowah Co. April 16, 1932 <[email protected]>
* Wilma Lois STREET to Lonnie Luther FORD Etowah Co. Jan. 16, 1927 <[email protected]>
* Bell STRICKLIN married Ned E. FREEMAN on 31 October 1908 in Cullman Co., AL. Bell was only 19 years old so her mother, Martha STRICKLIN had to give permission <[email protected]>
* Jeneshua Emma STRICKLAND married John Rufus SANFORD in Fayette County, Alabama March 1, 1874 (1866-1878 Marriage Book Page 436) <[email protected]>
* Mary Malissa STRICKLAND married M. C. OSBORNE/OSBORN/OSBURN in Fayette County, Alabama October 4, 1866 (1866-1878 Marriage Book Page 35) <[email protected]>
* Mattie STRICKLAND m. J. B. GRANTHAM (Joel Benjamin) on 21 Nov. 1901 in Henry Co., AL at Elias Strickland's. They were m. by Rev. J. J. White. <[email protected]>
* Verdie Mae STRICKLAND married James Andrew IVEY on Jan 14, 1912 In Cullman Co AL. <[email protected]>
* Joicy BURKHALTER STRINGER married Thomas R. NALLS 1/9/1859, Coosa Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mary Ann STRINGFELLOW married Silas PIERCE on 7/10/1839 in Mobile County, Alabama <[email protected]>
* Rebecca STRIPLIN & Jeptha Washington MORGAN 31 Jul 1834 Benton Co., Ala <[email protected]>
* Hannah L. STRONG married John B. ROSS on 30 May 1825 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Overy STRONG - Will NELSON - Jul 19, 1914 - Cullman Co., AL
* Mary J. STROPP - John L. JONES - 11/23/1865 - Blount Co., AL - pg. 433, by W.G. Byars, JP
* Sarah D. STUART md. Thomas SIMMONS 8/16/1819, Lawrence County, AL <[email protected]>
* Louisa Caroline STUBBS married John Andrew BYARS on January 6, 1867, in Trussville, Jefferson County, Alabama. <[email protected]>
* Martha Emma STUCKEY m. Marion MONK, 1-23-1867, Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Lou Tencey Lutiney STUCKEY m. John William SMITH, 1-15-1865, Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mattie STUDDARD - Fred HARRIS - on 4 Sep 1900 Ashville, St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Ida STUTTINGS and G. W. MOBBS-12 Feb 1893-Cherokee Co- <[email protected]>
* Charlott STRANGE-Jerre DAVIS - Jan. 20,1870, Sumpter Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Emma Palestine STREET to Owen Jackson FREEMAN Jan. 1902 Etowah County, AL <[email protected]>
* Roxie Augusta (Gustie) STREET married Robert Jesse SHEW in Turkeytown, Etowah Co. on Dec.23, 1897 <[email protected]>
* Ruth Maybelle STREET to Ernest ANDERSON April 19, 1925 Etowah County, AL <[email protected]>
* Lillie Faye STRONG married James William EVANS on 16 Aug 1908 at Providence Baptist Church in Creswell, Shelby Co, Al by Ref. John Gilbert. Parents of bride: Hiram M. Strong & Nora Lee Craddock <[email protected]>
* Mera G. STUART and John Wade WALKER married December 24, 1899, Clay Co., AL. Martha E. Stewart signed permission for her daughter to get married (Mera was 17 yrs. old). <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STURDIVANT to Benjamin H.C. GASAWAY 13, Dec 1854 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth STURDIVANT to Joel HANCOCK 1 Jan 1824 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Julia W. STURDIVANT to Erving JOHNSON 9 Dec 1862 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Matilda STURDIVANT to Joseph BROWN 17, Jan 1839 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Malvina STURDIVANT to John Wesley SAVAGE 23 Apr 1855 Tuscaloosa Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Elizabeth SULLINS married Henry TAYLOR on 3/28/1867, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Eva SULLENS married Fletcher WILSON on 10/29/1891, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Laura Ann SULLINS married James A. BLAKELY 11/14/1878, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Nancy SULLINS married William H. CORBIN 3/16/1865, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Victoria SULLINS married James T.R. CAMPBELL 12/28/1876, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Phoebe A. SULLINS married Elisha M. COX 7/2/1868, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Susan SULLINS married Sion HONEA on 3/1/1866, Blount Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Mourning J. SUMBERLIN m. Aaron HINSON m. on 4/7/1857 in Wilcox Co., AL. <[email protected]>
* Charity SUMMERLIN married Henry SAUNDERS 18 Mar 1860, Autauga Co AL <[email protected]><[email protected]>
* Eliza "Liza" J. SUMMERLIN married Major A. MORRISON,1875, Clay Co AL <[email protected]>
* Love Ann SUMMERLIN married Andrew J. HUNTER 20 MAR1856, Autauga Co <[email protected]>
* Lucinda SUMERLIN married Lorenzo SHERMAN 12 Oct1835, Sumter Co AL <[email protected]>
* Mary Jane SUMMERLIN married Greenbell GOULSON 6 Mar1835 Sumter Co AL <[email protected]>
* Nancy Jane SUMMERLIN m. Marion Dees CRENSHAW, Mobile Co., AL,.May 22, 1884 <[email protected]>
* Sarah J. SUMMERLIN married Lewis C. PETERS 12 Dec1850, Tallapoosa Co AL <[email protected]>
* Sarah J. SUMMERLIN married Lewis C. PETERS - 12 Dec. 1850, Tallapoosa Co. AL. <[email protected]>
* Mollie SUMMERS to Thomas WYNN on 30 Jun 1899, Jackson Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* M. G. SUMMERS to W. H. CARPENTER on Aug. 4, 1878, in Clay Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Ann SURTELL married Littleton LECATT on 19 Jul 1813 in Mobile County, Alabama
* Sarah SUTTLE married John Arthur CADDELL on 25 Feb 1830, Bibb Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Permelia Ann SUTTON m. John HURT on 2 Jan 1858, Pike Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Slvy SYKES married Heywood KIDD, Feb 8, 1872 in Sanford County now Lamar County <[email protected]>
* Cornelia SWAIN m March SEAY 02/24/1872, in Barbour Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Carrie SWAN - George HARRIS - on 30 Mar 1916 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Margaretta Rebecca SWAN to Ruben William DIAL 6 Mar 1870 in Blount Co. <[email protected]>
* Sarah A. SWAN married Thomas J. AKINS in Walker Co, Al. 4/24/1879 <[email protected]>
* Sarah E. SWANNER m Lorenzo E. ALLUMS 02/24/1860, <[email protected]>
* Pearl M. SWEAT married Frederick Norman BUSCHMANN in Montgomery, AL 12/16/1906. <[email protected]>
* Rebeca SWEAT - John HARRIS - on 4 Aug 1871 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Mary SWEETEN to Thomas WYNN on 08 Oct, 1820, in Perry Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Nancy SWESTEN to Thos. WYNN on 08 Oct 1820, Perry Co, AL. <[email protected]>
* Sally SWENNY - James HARRIS - on 5 Aug 1822 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Emma SWIFT and Herbert CARTWRIGHT - Morgan County, Alabama Jan 28, 1903 <[email protected]>
* Emiline SWINT - David F. WRIGHT - 16 Jun 1859 - Montgomery Co. - pg. 625, by Charles Oliver, J.P.
* Belle Anner SWORDS to Vassie Wesley MCWHORTER Nov. 22, 1914, Guntersville, Ala, Marshall County Witnessed by: Miss ? E. Westbrooks & Grover C. Greggs Parents of Belle Anner Swords: Emeline ROMINE and Ervin SWORDS. Parents of Vassie Wesley MCWHORTER: Nimrod Porter MCWHORTER and Sarah Caroline McWhorter. Caroline was a 6th cousin to Porter. <[email protected]>
* S M. E. SYEWART - L.T. HARRIS - on 12 July 1833 St. Clair, Co., AL <[email protected]>
* Elvy SYKES marries Haywood KIDD Feb 8th 1872 in (Sanford) Lamar Co. Alabama <[email protected]>

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