Some Other Families 23
Adam Hollinger and Eliza ? and Marie Francoise
Lefleur and Marie Joseph Juzan and (?)
William Hollinger and Levetia Hettie Colbert
Adam Hollinger and Rubine Innerarity
Levetia Hollinger and Isaac Gilbert House
See the transcriptions
of the original marriage and
birth records of the Hollinger family.

Many thanks to Allen
Powell for his wonderful contributions.
Contact him if you have ties to the Hollingers.
Adam Hollinger
LifeNotes: He was of Irish birth (per marriage records -- Immaculate
Conception Church of Mobile). A well-known Indian countryman.
Thought to have served in the Revolutionary War.
Named in a 1786 Spanish land grant. He was names as age 46 and shown
as unmarried in the 1787 Spanish census for the Tensaw District.
He lived among the Creek Indians and operated a river crossing, Hollingers
Ferry. He established the flat boat ferry on the Tombigbee
River in 1797 -- this ferry was the only crossing between Fort
Stoddert and Fort Mims.
Owned a large tract of land on Cut Off Island, and the land stayed
in the family for a very long time.
From "Early Washington County", by Robert V. Haynes::
" In June 18-- Sargeant announced his patronage decisions. As justices
of the county courts he named James Fair, John Johnson, John Chastang,
John Caller, Joseph Thompson, and Flood McGrew; he selected
John Pierce to be county coroner; David Mims, treasurer;
Samuel McCarkle; prothonotary to the Court of Common Pleas, clerk
to the Court of General Quarter Sessions, and County Recorder; and James
Fair, judge of probate. To the coveted post of sheriff, Wilson Carman
was appointed as a reward for loyal servies. The officers of the county
militia were Adam Hollenger and Joseph Stiggins, captains;
Flood McGrew and William Pierce, lieutenants and Daniel
Johnson and John Lindar, ensigns." Note: the Sargeant
was Governor Sargeant.
About 1797 Adam and some of his friends took
Jacob Townshen prisoner and killed him. Read
Benjamin Hawkins' account.
See the deed of
gift of slaves to his children 1808
Born: about 1741 according to census and referred to as Irish
in his Catholic marriage record (or ca 1853 Ireland per other
2nd-Married: 8/12/1788, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile,
British Territory, West Florida. See
the transcription of the original record.
3rd-Married: 4/11/1792, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile,
AL See the transcription
of the original record.
Died: 1809-1810, buried at his summer home in Mount Vernon. Will
dated 4/9/1808; see the text.
1st- Elizabeth "Eliza" Moniac
LifeNotes: she may have been a wife, may have not. She was Creek.
Born: Married: Died:
Their children were:
- William Randon Hollinger. See his
page. Baptized 3/4/1789 at the home of Samuel Mims and said
to be "son of Adam Hollinger and an Indian". See the transcription of the original
record. Married Levetia Hettie Colbert. Their son: Jefferson
Hollinger (m. 1st-Elizabeth Franklin in Pensacola; m.
2nd- Elizabeth Harris, daughter of John Harris and Levecia
Marie Francoise Lefleur
LifeNotes: Was of French-Choctaw blood
Born: 10/27/1769, St. Emanuel St., Mobile Parish, Mobile, AL
Married: 8/12/1788, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile, British
Territory, West Florida
Died: 7/12/1789, Hollinger's Isle, Mobile, Spanish Territory
Parents: Jean Baptiste LeFlore (Lefleur) and Marie Girard
Their children were:
- Mary Hollinger. Married Reuben Dyer. Their children were:
Margaret Dyer (m. 1st- ? Powell; m. 2nd-David Tate as
his 3rd wife), Patty Dyer (m. John Weatherford). Died after
1830, Mobile, Mobile County, AL.
3rd- Marie Josephine Juzan
LifeNotes: She was of Kaskaskia Illini blood. Native of Mobile,
resident in the United States at the Tombecbe.
Their home was on Dog River Island, which was known as Hollinger's
Island and Nanna Hubba Island. William Hollinger was six
years old at the time of his fathers second marriage and from that point
on, he didn't live with his father, even though they remained on good terms.
W. David Tait took William into his home.
Born: 1766 Mobile, AL
Married: 4/11/1792, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile, AL,
Spanish Territory. See the transcription
of the original record.
Died: 1836, buried Church Street Cemetery, Mobile, AL
Parents: Pierre Juzan and Catherine Parnell
Note: some information below from a July, 1981 article
in the Baldwin County Historical Society Quarterly, in a reprint
of the text of a letter by James Fleetwood Foster to a Hollinger
decendant Mrs. Raphael Semmes.
Their children were:
- Alexandre Hollinger, born on 1/27/1793, Mobile, AL,
baptized 20 February 1793, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile.
See the transcription of the original
record. Married 1st-Sally Carson, " the Belle Of the
Bigbee" and daughter of Col. Joseph Carson. Their children
were: Gilbert Russell Hollinger (m. Shannon Bates), Margaret
Hollinger (m. James Foster), (note: according to an article
in the Baldwin County Historical Society Quarterly, Sally died while
the children were infants and the children were taken in, and raised
by Rubena Hollinger, wife of Adam). Married 2nd-Tabitha
Moore of Claiborne, Monroe Co., Alabama. Their children were:
(Dr.) John Hollinger (m. Swepsol Robson; d. 1853, Pascagoula,
MS, of yellow fever), Barbara Hollinger (m. Gilbert C. Russell,
Jr.). Alexandre fought in the War of 1812. He was wounded
in the The Battle of Burnt Corn.
- Elizabeth Hollinger, born on 5/29/1794, baptized 6/15/1794.
See the transcription of the original
- Caroline or Carlotte Cantina Hollinger. Proven by baptism 3/29/1796,p.59a
Baptism Book 2 (1781-1828), Carlota Cantina Hollinger, daughter
of Adam and Maria Juzan Hollinger. Married Zenon Orso, Sr.
Their son: Zeno Orso, Jr., (baptized 25 Dec 1813 --pg.137, Bpt.
Bk 2, Cathederal) who married Mary Culp or Cupp on 12 Sept 1836).
Thanks to Shiela Nobles for this
- Margaret Hollinger, born on 3/22/1798, baptized 11/17/1798,
Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile. See
the transcription of the original record. Married in 1815 to Colonel
Gilbert Christian Russell, an officer under General Andrew Jackson
in the War of 1812. Their children were: G. C. Russell, Jr.
(m. Barbara Hollinger, daughter of Alexandre Hollinger and
Tabitha Moore), G. W. Russell (m. Swepsol Robson,
widow of Dr. John Hollinger), Mary Russell (A. H. Janett), Eveline
Russell (m. 2st- ? Peck; m. 2nd- ? Van Buren), Ann
Russell (m. Fred Malone), Alabama Russell (m. John
D. Fowler, brother of Emma Fowler), Rubina Russell (m.
Edward Livingston).
- Adam Cornelius Hollinger, born 6/4/1800, baptized 1/25/1801,
Immaculate Conception parish church of Mobile; see the transcription of the original record.
See his page. Married 1st- Rubina Innerarity
(note: according to an article in the Baldwin County Historical
Society Quarterly, Rubena was "the most beautiful woman in all
the States"). Their children were: Marie Louise Hollinger (b.
ca1823, see the transcription
of the original record of the baptism; m. Felix Senac),
Cornelia Hollinger (m. 1st-Harry Hunter; m. 2nd-W. C.
Gaynor), Margaret Hollinger (m. W. F. Cleveland), Cecil
Hollinger (m. John Cleveland), Lola Hollinger (m. Capt.
Dave Watters), Octavia Hollinger (m. 1st- ? Tillman;
m. 2nd-Benjamin Smoot). Married 2nd- Robson of
Greensboro, AL. Adam was called the pioneer of the lumber and timber
trade in Mobile. Had a large saw mill on the Dog River.
He owned about 200 slaves. Was hit hard financially due to overextension
in 1837 and suffered finacilaly for the next 10 years.
- Louise Sarah Hollinger, born 8/25/1802, Bellmont Place,
baptized 11/29/1804, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile.
See the transcription of the original
record. Married on 6/20/1820 to George Washington Owen. George
later became mayor of Mobile and a Congressman
from the First District. Their children were: R. B. Owen
(m. Miss ? Stollenbeck), Louisa Owen (m. George Gray),
Susan Owen (m. 1st-W. H. Barney; m. 2nd - G. W. Harris),
Kate Owen (m. Capt. Ham Johnston), Georgia Owen (m. 1st-George
Hogan; m. 2nd- Ben W. Johnston), Alexena Owen (m. Charles
E. Vincent), Adah Owen (m. ? Bronson), Rubina Owen
(m. Capt. R. B. Snodgrass), Ann Owen (m. E. C. Rowan).
Louise and George are both buried Church Street Cemetery,
Mobile, AL
- Son. Accidentally killed as an infant.
to Some Creek Families & Friends
William Hollinger
LifeNotes: William Hollinger was six years old at the time of
his fathers second marriage and from that point on, he didn't live with
his father, even though they remained on good terms. W. David Tait took
William into his home and the boy grew to manhood amongst the Tates.
147. William Hollinger
On 4 March 1789, I, the undersigned Pastor of Mobile, baptized solemnly
in Samuel Mims' house, William, about 7 years old, Mestizo,
son of Adam Hollinger and an Indian. Godparents are Joseph
Thompson and Madame Mims.
Rev. Miguel Lampost
William Randall Hollinger escaaped the Ft. Mims Massacre;
he and the Steadham brothers got out by cutting a hole in the wall.
Is this William the one who escaped or was it his son??
William Hollinger was a guide, spy and interpreter
for the US Army during the War of 1812. And he serve as an
Indian guide for Gen. Andrew Jackson during the Creek War.
See his application for bounty land
See his deed of gift to his
daughter Levetia.
Appearing 23 October1850
Wm. Hollinger age 64 M. Farmer $7, 000 Ala
Hetty age 50 F C Ala
Elick age 34 M. C. Stock keeper Ala
David age 22 M. C Ala
Wm. Randall age 17 M. C Ala
Vicey House age 24 F Ala
Mary J. age 4 F Ala
Wm. A. age 2 Ala
James Langman age 63 M. Ditcher Engand
Nathaniel J. Murphy age 30 M. Overseer Ala
Note: the Vicey House and the 2 children listed below
her are Levetia Hollinger House, William's daughter and her 2 children.
Born: in 1786, baptized 3/4/1789 at the home of Samuel Mims and
said to be "son of Adam Hollinger and an Indian".
See the transcription of the original
record; Married: between 1820-5; Died: 5/1860 Monroe Co., AL
(cause of death: gradual paralysis). See
his will
Parents: Adam Hollinger and Eliza ?, an Indian woman
Children of William and unknown mate:
- Son. William had at least one child
outside his marriage. Allen Powell
shares this and you may draw your own conclusions: George Stuart
was son of Sam Stuart and Nancy Marlow. George said
his mother's Indian blood came through the Marlow and Hollinger
families. George's grandmother was Jennie Marlow.
- Jefferson Hollinger,
born about 1810. Married in Escambia Co., FL, 1838 to 1st- Elizabeth
Franklin, daughter of Thomas
Jefferson Franklin and Elizabeth "Betsy" Sizemore. Married 2nd-Elizabeth Harris, widow of George
Sizemore, in Monore Co., AL, on 11/11/1852, James O'Neill
as surety, N. A. Agee officiating. Their child: Adam Hollinger
(b. 1856, Alabama; m. 1st- Mary Evans Cartwright, daughter
of Evans Cartwright and Mary Hadley; m. 2nd- Elizabeth
Lomax, daughter of Sydney Lomax and Matilda Moniac-- Matilda
being daughter of Alexander Dixon Moniac and Elizabeth Ehlert
or Elliot).
- Alexander "Elick" C. Hollinger, born about 1816. Shown as Stock keeper,
Ala on 1850 census. Married to Caroline
Gaston, in Monroe Co., AL, on 12/26/1850, W. R. Agee,
surety, N. A. Agee, J. P.. In 1857, Caroline left Alexander
and divorced him, claiming he was a drunkard and had "promiscuous
intercourse with Indian, white and negro women".
Levitce Hettie Colbert
Born: 1790; Married: between 1820-5; Died: 4/1860, Monroe Co., AL
Parents: William Colbert and Celia Sizemore
Their children were:
- Levetia "Vicey" Hollinger, born about 1826. Married
Isaac Gilbert House or Hass (b. Binghamton, NY) in Monroe Co., AL on 12/17/1844,
with Green Brown as surety (source: Monroe and Conceuh County,
Alabama Marriages if 1833-1880, Dr. Lucy Wiggins Colson and Dr. Robert
Ellis Colson, Southern Hist. Press). Their
children were: Mary Jane House (b. ca 1846, Claiborne, Monroe Co. AL; listed in 1850 census in William Hollinger's
household with his mother and sister and as age 4; Application #3358;
m. James Alexander Hightower, Jr., see their Hightower page); William Alexander House (born
1848 AL; listed in 1850 census in William Hollinger's household
with his mother and sister and as age 2; m. Martha Elizabeth
Lambert). Isaac Gilbert Hous disappeared
while on a trip taking cotton to gin in Claiborne.
It is reported Gilbert had another family elsewhere. Levetia
later remarried. She received a deed of gift -- slaves and cattle --
from her father in 1846; see
the text of the deed.
- David Hollinger, born about 1828; was
living with his parents as of 1850; d. 1860 of hydra thorax.
- Mary Hollinger, born ca 1846 AL. Married
1st- John Mitchell on 11/29/1836, Monroe Co., AL with William
Hollinger as surety, Daniel M. Wright, J. P. (source:
Monroe and Conceuh County, Alabama Marriages if 1833-1880, Dr. Lucy Wiggins
Colson and Dr. Robert Ellis Colson, Southern Hist. Press). Married
2nd-?? O'Neil. Mary Hollinger is buried in Daphne, AL.
- William Randon Hollinger, Jr., born 8/21/1833.
Fought in Civil War. Married on 28 Aug 1861, at office of judge,
Monroe Co., AL to Josephine Sizemore, Franklin Taylor,
surety, M. McGorvay, Judge. Josephine was daughter of George
Sizemore and Elizabeth Harris -- and thus step-daughter of William's
half-brother Jefferson Hollinger; marriage entry in Colson book
indicates Josephine was underage and required consent to marry.
William Randon Hollinger died 12/26/1903, buried Daphne, AL.
to Some Creek Families & Friends
Adam Hollinger
LifeNotes: Adam was called the pioneer of the lumber and timber
trade in Mobile. Had a large saw mill on the Dog River.
He owned about 200 slaves. Was hit hard financially due to overextension
in 1837 and suffered finacilaly for the next 10 years.
Born: 1/27/1793, Mobile, AL, baptized 2/20/1793, Immaculate
Conception Church of Mobile
Parents: Adam Hollinger, and Marie Joseph Juzan
Rubine Innerarity
Born: Married: Died:
Their children were:
- Marie Louise Hollinger, born on 24 February 1823, baptized on
21 May 1823, Immaculate Conception Church of Mobile. See the transcription of the original
record. Married Felix Senac.
- Cornelia Hollinger. Married 1st-Harry Hunter. Married
2nd-W. C. Gaynor
- Margaret Hollinger. Married W. F. Cleveland
- Cecil Hollinger. Married John Cleveland
- Lola Hollinger. Married. Capt. Dave Watters
- Octavia Hollinger. Married 1st- ? Tillman. Married 2nd-Benjamin
2nd wife ? Robson of Greensboro, AL
to Some Creek Families & Friends
Levetia Hollinger
LifeNotes: listed in 1850 census in William
Hollinger's household with her 2 children. After her husband disappeared,
Levetia went to live in the home of her father. She later
remarried. She received a deed of gift -- slaves and cattle -- from her
father in 1846; see the
text of the deed.
Born: about 1826; Married in Monroe Co.,
AL on 12/17/1844; Died
Parents: William Hollinger and Levetica Hettie Colbert
Isaac Gilbert House
LifeNotes: Isaac Gilbert House disappeared while on a trip taking cotton to gin
in Claiborne. It is reported Gilbert had another family elsewhere.
Born: Binghamton, NY; Married: in Monroe Co., AL on 12/17/1844; Died:
Their children were:
- Mary Jane House,
born ca 1846, Claiborne, Monroe Co. AL.
Listed in 1850 census in William Hollinger's household with his
mother and sister and as age 4; Application #3358. Married James Alfred Hightower, Jr., see his Hightower page, son
of James A. Hightower, Sr. and Nancy Humphrey. Their
children were: Isabella L. Hightower (b. 9/22/1870, Perdue Hill,
Monroe Co., AL), Verdilia M. Hightower (b. 12/7/1873), James
A. Hightower, Jr. (b. 11/13/1877), Mary Jane Hightower (b. 2/17/1881),
William Hollinger Hightower (b. 1/1/1884; m. Mae White and
they had a child, Levice Pearl Hightower, b. 9 Nov. 1918 in Uriah,
Monroe Co., AL), Earnest E. Hightower (7/6/1886), Gustave
S. Hightower (b. 11/22/1888). (Source: Eastern Creek Indian Claim Applications
in 1907)
- William Alexander House, born 1848 AL;
listed in 1850 census in William Hollinger's household with his
mother and sister and as age 2. Married Martha Elizabeth Lambert.
to Some Creek Families & Friends