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Queries are alphabetized by primary surname of interest.
Some queries have been gleaned from the site Guestbooks so they won't
rotate out (as Guestbook entries do eventually).
BARKS Margaret M. Harris 20 Sep 1998
Littleton H. BARKS was born, I believe, in 1805, in Early County, Georgia. In 1836, he married Obedience NEEL, his second marriage. He was found in the 1840 census, there. Family tradition has it that he was Creek Indian, but so far I have not been able to establish that or his parentage. If you have any information regarding this individual, please let me know. He later went with his family to Coffee County, AL, then on to Walton County, FL. Thanks.
BARNARD or BARNETT Tanis Thorne (from Guestbook)
I am eager to learn more about a family called the BARNARD (corrupted to BARNETT). Timothy BARNARD, a Scot? trader working for Leslie, Panton married a Yuchi woman and had a number of children (and perhaps others by black or Indian women). A grandson Tom, married a black woman Hannah and had a son Siah. Siah had a union with a woman of the CONNER (Kinnaird?) family, and from this came the subject of my personal interest, Jackson BARNETT. If you have any information on the genealogy of this family, I would love to know. I can also share more details of what I have been able to gather. Basically, it seems that both the CONNERs and the BARNETTs were mixed-bloods, who owned black slaves. It is difficult to sort out family relationships, as former slaves took the BARNETT name. Yet in some instances, "BARNETTs" such as Siah were born of unions with free or slave black women, who may have had mixed Indian and African blood.
BARNES Robert Barnes or Robert Barnes
My gggrandfather traded with the Indians and had a grist mill and married an Indian woman. Who, what tribe, when???Any Infomation?
My grandfather was Jordan Adolphus BARNES whose ancestor lived in So. Ga and Alabama. He married to Correne SALMON(S).
BASS [email protected] (from Guestbook)
I am researching my g-grandmother Etta (Norris) BASS she married my g-grandfather Davis BASS in Randolph Co.AL I am told that she was a full blooded Creek I only met her once before she died. any suggestions on how To trace this line will be appreciated.
All of my life, I have been told that my ancesters were Creek Indians from Georgia. However, I was unable to find even one of our Surnames in you research. Any info or Guidance you could provide in my research would be greatly appreciated. I have hit a large brick wall while searching for my BOHANNON, WHITE and FLOYD relatives. These two families intermarried a great deal and I wonder if I will ever get my history correct.
My Grandfather, Sidney Frank FLOYD married Lizzie Mae WHITE around 1920, noone is certain of the date. My grandmothers' parents were George and Alice (BOHANNON) WHITE. I can find no records of my Great-Grandparents anywhere. My brother and I went to Telfair County, where my mother and aunt were born but found nothing beyond my grandparents.
BOWDOIN or BOWDEN Helon 21 Sep 1998
I am trying to trace the BOWDOIN (BOWDEN) line in my family. An old family tale has it that William BOWDOIN brought a band of Creek Indians from NE Georgia about 1822 to Ft. Toulouse, near Wetumpka, Alabama, for bounty. Upon being given the bounty, he spent it on land in the Autauga area where he lived until 1870 when he died. I have been to the Alabama State Archives and the Linn Henley Library in Birmingham searching for information that would confirm this tale. Do you know if any of this could be true??? Thank you.
BRASHEARS Richard A. Arnaud (from Guestbook)
I am a decandent of Jesse BRASHEARS and Elizabeth PRATHER the parents of Samuel BRASHEARS and Zadock BRASHEARS who married Rachel DURANT. I have researched the BRASHEARSs for the past twenty-five years trying to tie Jesse into the other BRASHEARS.
Homepage URL:
BRASHEARS / DURANT Marilyn Solomon (from Guestbook)
My 4th ggrandfather was Alexander BRASHEARS, son of Rachel Durant and Samuel BRASHEARS. I did not know I was even connected to them until about a year ago. I am so happy to see your information on you site. This is great. I live in Oklahoma now and had no idea until just recently that some ofmy ancestors were probably part of the Indian removal to Oklahoma.
BROWN Daryl Brown
Searching for info on Frances Riley BROWN roll#3392 census card # 1048 Tribal enrollment 1890, Hickory Ground page # 124
Also looking for info on her husband Elijah BROWN non-citizen She and her children Pete, Joe, Lucinda and Charlie shown at Krebs Indian Territory post office.
This is all I have been able to find, would like to go back further if possible. Have most information from then on. Any help is appreciated
CALLER / McGREW Sue Moore 22 Nov 1998
I am a descendent of John CALLER, brother to James CALLER (CALLIER) of Burnt Corn infamy and also John McGREW (whose son Flood McGREW went with the Indian proctor Gaines to Pushmahata's Choctaw gathering to convince them not to unite with the Creeks). If you have any information on these men or their families, I would appreciate any references you might be able to direct me to. I love the history of the era as much or more than the genealogy.
John McGREW has a rather unique position in history as being the only individual the Choctaws sold land to-1500 acres in old Washington Co.- on the Tombigbee, just a couple of miles above what is Old St. Stephens. He had been kind to them during a famine. He arrived in the area in the late 1770's and was a neighbor and friend to many of the people mentioned here. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I need some help my ancestor John Millage CANADAY (b. 1778 died in the 1860's) married Missouri POWELL b. 1793 died 1840s. She was Creek John Millage CANADAY arrived from Ireland (orpossibly born in NC or GA). I do not know their children's names, except they had a son or possibly their grandson Francis Marion CANADA who married Margaret ABLATION and had fourteen children: Thomas, Fulton, George, Ziepha (Zilphia), Sharon, John, Frank, Polly, Etta, Bolen, Zess, Lottie, Hardy, Aaron.
Missouri 's mother Polly MONIAC COPINGER was Creek Indian married to William POWELL. Polly and William also had a son who was Osceola.
Any information on any of these people would be greatly appreciated.
On John CANADAY's tombstone there is an Indian name Ossio Yahaltla. Does anyone know what this means????
CHAVERS or CHAVIS Pamela C. Johnson 31 Oct 1998
My husband was a descendant of Andrew Jackson CHAVERS and information handed down in the family indicate that he was a Creek Indian and that his surname is variously CHAVERS or CHAVIS. My husbands genealogy is at home page and then click on Terry Johnson. I would like information to prove or disprove this. Andrew Jackson CHAVERS was supposed to have been a son of William CHAVERS.
A genealogy cousin says she is a member of a South Carolina Cherokee tribe because of this name, but other research shows they were Creek
CHILDRESS James Clemons Childress 10 Nov 1998
My great great grandfather Robert CHILDRESS was in Frys Company in the 1835 removal. I have most of the records on his family forward but none back. He married Delilah unknown who may have been a Native American.
COLE / LUZADDER Teresa Heflin (from Guestbook)
I am looking for info on a Sarah COLE, supposedly the daughter of a Creek Indian chief who married a Jewish man by the last name of LUZADDER. I happened to be studying a maternal part of my family tree and discovered I was related to the LUZADDERs, one of which married Sarah COLE. I am very interested in not only tracing my ancestors but understanding their ways of life.
DABBS Charles R. Stephenson 10 Nov 1998
My Great Grandmother Frances Virginia DABBS was born Dec. 8, 1870 in Tallapoosa County, AL. I have a number of photos of her and she is most definitely of Indian descent. It has been passed down through the family that she was of Creek descent, though this has never been proven. Her father's name is Samuel DABBS.
On Sept. 14, 1891, Frances married Wyath Clayton PARRISH. Frances died June 9, 1957 in Huntsville, Texas. Thanks for your efforts.
DEVERAUX / TARVIN Shiela B. Irwin (from Guestbook)
Have a Creek ancestor (Francis DEVERAUX / mother Nancy TARVIN ) who I am researching.
DOUGLAS Earleen W. Sizemore 29 Nov 1998
Looking for my ggrandfather Daniel DOUGLAS of FL (b. 1849 FL -- 1941 AL census) His wife Rebecca Elizabeth BOGGS, an Indian. She lived around Blountstown, FL. They are living together in 1870-1890 Calhoun Co., FL. Sometime later they moved to Covington Co., FL -- no other DOUGLAS living near them. Looking for his parents. Can you help? Thank you.
DOWNS / HAWKINS / LAWSHE John Lawshe 13 Nov 1998
I am a gggg grandson of Indian Agent Benjamin HAWKINS. His ancestry is well known. It's the ancestry of his wife, Lavinia DOWNS, which remains a mystery. Family history says she was Indian or part Indian. However, Benjamin had spoken against whites marrying Indians. To complicate matters, it was a deathbed marriage to legitamize the children. He then forgot to die and lived several more years. Did Ben go against his own advice?
Does anyone have any info. on the DOWNS of Georgia?
My ggg grandfather, Lewis LAWSHE, who was one of Jackson's soldiers, married their daughter, Cherokee HAWKINS.
DURANT Woodrow Wallace (from Guestbook and personal correspondence)
I have researched the McGILLIVRAY, DURANT, WEATHERFORD,TATE families since 1978 and would be glad to assist your project in any way possible. I am not writing a book or having any reasons for not publishing the family records that I have on my computer or in my files. My hope is that we can retain the data our research has given us for coming generations. I'm possibly the best source of information on the descendants of Sophia (McGillivray) DURANT. I descend from Rachel DURANT, daughter of Sophia and have contact with avid researchers of the Sophia and Lachlan DURANT lines.
ENGLISH / TATE / DRIESBACK Lewis Denton (from Guestbook)
My late wifes mother was a ENGLISH, Grandaughter of Walter Rilegh ENGLISH from Little river Al. who are connected to David TATE through the DRIESBACK Family. I am doing family history on this line.
FLEET FAWN, Wind Clan Aberian Crosby (from Guestbook)
I found a book called "Massacre at Fort Mims" and traced family back to Fleet Fawn of the Family of the Wind -any suggestions on finding where and how they lived? thank you
FRANKLIN / SIZEMORE [email protected]
Thomas Jefferson FRANKLIN was my great great grandfather on my mother's side. He married Elizabeth SIZEMORE ca1800. They were both born in South Carolina ca1780's. Supposed to have migrated from Richland County, South Carolina ca1811 to Monroe County, Alabama (Mississippi Territory). Thomas FRANKLIN was in 1816 census of Monroe County, Alabama (Mississippi Territory). Their oldest child (?) Martin FRANKLIN was born South Carolina ca1802 and is my great grandfat er. He died in Conecuh County or Escambia County ca1868. His son Wiley FRANKLIN was the first Sheriff of Escambia County, Alabama. Another son, James Martin FRANKLIN, is my grandfather and he was born ca1845 in Alabama. Would appreciate hearing from you.
GEORGE Julia L. Catlett (from Guestbook)
I am looking for evidence that Hugh GEORGE married into the Creek Tribe. He was my gg-grandfather.
I don't know much about Native American Genealogy. My husbands family were from NE Arkansas, mainly Clay, Randolph and Lawrence counties. I would not even persue this line except for the fact that his mother told her they were Creek, Osage, and Cherokee. I have checked all the Cherokee lists, and have found nothing. The names I am searching for are HARKNESS / DODSON / BLOODWORTH or BLEDSOE / WHITE. Can any one help.
HARTLEY DArleen 05 Oct 1998
I'm looking for Indian ancestry for my (step) dad, Joseph H. HARTLEY. HARTLEY seems to be the name of his paternal grandmother, which she passed to her children. We don't have her first name. The trail ends almost before we get to her. She is said to be part American Indian, probably of a tribe in the Alabama area. His father's half sister was a Sullivan, a post mistress in Milrey, Alabama or some other small town around there. It's possible that the same man fathered the "HARTLEY" children. My dad says he is part Irish and English. No French surprisingly for that part of the south.
My dad's father was Joseph Harold HARTLEY. Have not come up with any birth certificate yet. He lived in Mississippi / Alabama near stateline right around his marriage and subsequently. We have his later history, after his marriage and birth of his own childrenwith the exception of info on his parents. No first name on his mother, not really sure of her last name. Family history has her as 1/2 Indian. Whenever the younger generation asked about Joseph Harold's mother and father, my dad's older sister said "that's best left alone", so we have only a few bits to piece the puzzle together. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Seeking HIGHTOWER cousins. My gggrandparents James A. HIGHTOWER and Nancy HUMPHREY lived in Monroe Co., AL. At least two of their children married into Creek mixed families. I am from their son Richard "Dick" HIGHTOWER and his wife Kate TERVIN of Walton Co., FL; they lived in Freeport, Walton Co., FL. Two siblings of Dick Hightower married Creeks.
I should like to know more of James and his family -- who were his parents??
Who were Nancy HUMPHREY's parents?? I found a n marriage record for Isabella HUMPHREY in Monroe County; one of Nancy's grandchildren was also named Isabella. I found a Joseph HUMPHREY in the BLM records with land in Monroe Co., AL. Is he (or rather, surely he is) connected to Nancy?
What I do know is on the HIGHTOWER pages of this site.
My GGGG Grandfather, William Barney HUGHES married Sarah EADES, daughter of John EADES in 1784-1786 in Columbia Ga, I was told that John EADES died in the Creek War, he was Creek. William and Sarah"s 1st. son was John Eades HUGHES. He died in the Creek war and left no decendents. William Barney HUGHES was a Creek and also was in the Creek war. He als lost a son in law in the war, I do not know his name. If you are interested in all the desendants of Sarah EADES, please let me know.
GIBSON or GIPSON Diane Courtney DeVille
I am looking for Michael GIPSON and his father Samuel. My great grandfather was Silas GIPSON (he spelled his name with a P), the son of Michael. I am trying to find the names of Michael's brothers. What I always believed was that Bart GIBSON and Samuel GIBSON were brothers. Samuel GIBSON was my ggg grandfather and Michael's father. Do you have any information as to who Bart's brothers were? (I do not know the names of Michael's brothers or sisters. I do know that he was also called "Mac".)
Michael GIPSON, my great great grandfather was living in Santa Rosa County in 1850 according to the census. His father's name was Samuel and I believe he was from S.C. Michael was married at least three times. My great grandfather, Silas GIBSON was his son by a Nancy McDUFFIE. He had several sets of children.
Michael GIBSON lived with one of his wives in Santa Rosa County, Florida in 1850. He was living in Escambia County, Alabama in 1880. Both Michael and Gid GIBSON were living in Escambia County Alabama in the 1870 and 1880's.
I know my great grandparents were Creek, but I have been unable to link them with Gideon. Gideon GIBSON's daughter, Susie, ( she was born in the 1880's) said she and my mother were cousins. She never married. She had a brother named Wade and they lived together at one time in Bluff Springs, Florida where we lived. That was in the late 1950's. My mother and I went to see her a few years ago in Poarch, but she had suffered a stroke and was not able to speak with us. But I know she knew who my mother was.
ILEY Beau Bowen updated!
I am in search of Mrs Richard ILEY, b. ca 1772, Burke Co, GA (Creek Indian); d. ca 1810, Burke Co, GA; married Richard ILEY, ca 1789. Richard IHLEY b. ca 1771 is the son of Michael IHLEY, who arrived as a boy with his family aboard the Loyal Judith, Jan 1746. It's not proved yet, but looking likely. (IHLEY, ISLEY, ILLY, IHLE, EHLE, ILEY, etc)
They had four children:
William ILEY, b. ca 1790
Cynthia ILEY, b. ca 1791
John ILEY, b. ca 1796
Barbara ILEY, b. ca 1810
I would like to know her name and clan affiliation. I suspect but do not know that she was descended from the Yamacraw town on the Savannah River.
Now the interesting thing is, the Salzburger Colony was close knit and kept good records. Michael falls out of their records after his indentureship. Michael wound up owning 1100 acres and several slaves in northern Georgia; the Salzburgers opposed slavery.
But... checking my records, I see Richard was supposed to have been born in Laurens County. Well, today, I checked out Laurens county... it didn't exist in 1771. In fact, it was Creek Territory. It wasn't ceded until 1803, and several counties were formed over the next several years. Richard was presumably living in Burke County by the time Laurens Co was formed.
So... what happened? Did Michael move south and live among the Creeks? Possibly he even took a Creek wife. If Michael had a Creek wife, and they had children, then that would explain something else I've recently learned.
I have been checking into Florida sources, and have been told that there are a lot of Creek Indians living in northern Florida with the surname of ILEY. I am following up on that lead.
Richard then, may have been a mixed blood, who logically enough took a local Creek girl as his wife. He later moved north to Burke County, Franklin County, and other northeastern GA areas.
This sojourn in Creek Territory and the adoption of a Creek lifestyle, would not have sat well with the Lutheran Salzburgers, hence explaining the disconnection between the Salzburg community and the discontinuity of the records.
This is all theoretical right now, with no proofs, so I would greatly appreciate it if anybody who has any info on Richard ILEY and his wives and children could kindly share with me. I would really appreciate any info at all to give me a firmer fix on his birth date and place, and his marriage dates and places.
I would also greatly appreciate hearing from any Creek Indian genealogists and historians, and any Creek Indians named ILEY.
JETER / FOWLER [email protected]
Looking for information On "Ransom JETER" (Christian name) "Blackhawk" (Indian Name) He is the father of Elizabeth JETER FOWLER (who was born around 1876 near River Falls, Alabama) I found a Ransom JETER buried in Rockdale Baptist Church Cemetery in Crenshaw Co. He was born 4/25/1823 and died 6/22/1907, but I don't know if this is the one who I am kin too. Ransom JETER supposedly fought in Battle of Ft. Mims???
Note: Elizabeth JETER married a James L. FOWLER who was the son of Mary BOLINGAME (her christian name) Mary was also a Creek Indian.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Note: Elizabeth JETER FOWLER died in Columbus, GA in 1939
My gg-grandmother KEY was, according to family legend, a Creek Indian. Although I have been doing genealogical research on other branches of the family for years, I don't have a clue how to search for records on her. My gg-grandfather supposedly "went down the river" (Tallapoosa) and brought her back home with him -- in the 1860s.
KIRBY / MADDOX Barbara McClanahan 29 Nov 1998
I am looking for George Washington KIRBY, believed to have been Cherokee (maybe, Creek???), who married Caroline MADDOX in 1850, place unknown. KIRBY was born in 1824 in Alabama, county unknown. Have found a family of MADDOXes with a Caroline in Fayette Co. Thanks for any help.
LANDRUM / BROWN / ASHWORTH / HUNT / ROGERS Kathryn Slatten-DeMarco 03 Nov 1998
My LANDRUM line had a fort in the vicinity (called LANDRUM's Fort) which is mentioned in "Colonial Mobile". There is other fascinating accounts of the Battle of Ft Mims there also.
One of my ancestors, Robert BROWN, fought at the Battle of Burnt Corn and he gave an account of the situation in his bounty land grant application.
Some of my surnames who were there before and after the battle of Ft Mims were: ASHWORTH, BROWN, HUNT, ROGERS, LANDRUM
LANIER / HART / RIGDON Nathan Chessher 21 Sep 1998
I am a member of the Florida Tribe of Eastern Creek Indians. I have several ancestors who were in the Baldwin County Ala. area before and after Ft. Mims ----
Lewis LANIER b 1802 in NC was one, his daughter Sophia A. LANIER b. 1834 Muscogee Co., Ga. married my ggrandfather Elijah MORGAN, b. 1829. Lewis LANIER lived at Battle Wharf near Stockton Ala. As you know, that is very near Ft Mims. He lived there in the 1850's and 60's His first wife was Polly. When Polly died he married Sarah C. from Mississippi. I feel there is Indian blood in this family because they had Indian features.
Also there was a HART family killed in the fort. We are descended from Reuben HART b. 1780 NC married to Nancy RIGDON. There was a Martin RIGDON who escaped from the fort. We think there might be a connection, Reuben HART was first known to be in west Conecuh Co Ala. in 1815 The HARTs in the fort could be his father and mother.
Note: this query also on the Fort Mims Queries page.
Does the name LENNARD or LEONARD mean anything to anyone. I am looking for relatives of Sallie / Sally Lennard, b. GA abt. 1860. Sallie is said to be all or part Nat. Am. Some family members say "Cherokee". My research suggests that Creek is more probable. Marriage records for Sallie are found in Bullock / Macon Co., AL, but she could have come from elsewhere in AL. She married Olin SPEED and had relatives in the Pensacola, FL area. Any assistance will be appreciated.
MARTIN / COTTON Gary Clark 21 Nov 1998
I am trying to help one of my cousins find information concerning my Mother's family. They were MARTINs and descedants from an Indian tribe of Southeastern Alabama. We don't know if they were Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw. I am hoping you may have come across the names in your research.
One of our Great Great Grandfathers was A.W. COTTON, born 1812
in Georgia.
Our Great Great Grandmother Dorinda COTTON, born 1812 in Georgia.
Our Great Grandmother was their daughter, Nancy J. (COTTON) MARTIN,
born 1842 in Alabama. She and our Great Grandfather, (first name
unknown) MARTIN were married around 1870 in Alabama. We are
not sure both were Indian but are almost sure Nancy COTTON was. Their
children were:
Lee MARTIN, born in Dale Co. Alabama in 1871
wife Callie (NOLIN) MARTIN, 1871
William E. MARTIN, 1900
Fred MARTIN, 1903
Eva MARTIN, 1905
Otha MARTIN, 1909
Minnie MARTIN, 1911
Thomas MARTIN, born in Dale Co. Alabama in 1874
wife Annie E. (BASS) MARTIN, 1886
Flossie Elvira MARTIN, 1886--married Tobe S. RETHERFORD in
Samuel D. MARTIN, born in Texas, 1878 (Our Grandfather)
wife Minnie Lee (SHIELDS) MARTIN
Our Great Grandfather MARTIN and wife Nancy J. (COTTON) and two children moved to Texas between 1874 and 1878, our Grandfather Samuel was born there. He sent his wife and children back to Alabama between 1878 and 1880 because wife and children were listed on the 1880 Census in Dale Co. Al. This was the last accounts of him. We have checked as much as possible in Texas to no avail.
We are Anne trying to find out is what was our Great Grandfather's first name, parents, brothers and sisters.
If you have come accros any of this information in your research, please E-mail me. Thanks.
McDONALD Kari Bennett 29 Nov 1998
I am searching my roots. My great great grandfather was Professor George A. McDONALD born 1827 died 1907. I have received a couple of payments from the government, but I do not know my roll number. I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks.
MCGHEE Phyllis Weed
I'm looking for any information on the MCGHEE Family. My great grandfather's name was David MCGHEE and his nephew was Calvin MCGHEE. Calvin MCGHEE was the one responsible for having the Poarch Band of Creek Indians federally reconized in Atmore Alabama. I would appreciate any information that you may have. Thank You.
My ggrandmother was Elizabeth McGEE, married to James L. LOTT. She was born in 1850, married in 1865 in Miss. Her mother was Suckey McGEEHE, on the 1832 Eastern Creek census as living at HIckory Ground town. I know William LOTT, his son Thomas LOTT (married to Lena YAHOLA), and many LOTTs and McGHEEs who were relatives of mine lived in the Creek Nation. William LOTT was on the Old Settlers of the Creek Nation. Seeking information on the McGEE family and the LOTTs.
McGREW / CALLER Barbara Ferrell 12 Dec 1998
I am working on the early Tombigbee area families who were living
in the area during the Creek Wars:
McGREW (Col. William & his father, John McGrew)
CALLER, (John & James)
McQUEEN Tim Floate (from Guestbook)
My wife Diane (Parker) is a decendent of Prudence McQUEEN. We are trying to find out if she is related to the McQUEENs who are Creek. Prudence was born 2/17/1798 and married Richard GALLAVANT in 1820. Lived near Andalusia, AL.
MONIAC Barbara Howe (from Guestbook)
My great-great grandmother was supposed to be Creek indian. I think her last name was MONIAC. My maiden name is Lomax.I am trying to trace my indian family history
Looking for any information on Elizabeth MONIAC who married Adam HOLLINGER. Their son was William Adam HOLLINGER. She was the daughter of a Chief Samuel MONIAC.
PARRISH / NORRIS / FULLER? / JOHNSTON Candi Hunt 31 Oct 1998
I was told as a child that I was part Indian on My grandmother [mothers side] Sallie JOHNSTON - Geddie-Hicks side. Then in 1982 my father said you know we are Indian. I was not thinking and did not ask which Tribe. I started my family research and we have been in what is now Elmore Co (Coosa - Elmore- Autuaga counties of Alabama area) since early 1800 so are we Creek? Cherokee? I wish I knew. In the in the 1880 census there is a 5 year old Willy JOHNSON in my ggrandmothers household. listed mu. My ggrandmother has changed her name here to Mary FULLER she is Polly PARRISH on the 1870 census. Looking for clues tomy own hertiage
PERKINS Dale Snider (from Guestbook)
I have been trying to locate a lost relative of mine. His name was William PERKINS. He married a woman by the name of Sarah WICKERSHAM. They had at least one child that I am aware of; her name was Louise PERKINS born on December 19, 1900. I would like to find any information on him that I could. I have been told that he was a Creek Indian. Thank You.
PHILLIPS Cody Phillips
Zachariah PHILLIPS Jr., my gggrandfather was born in 1810 at Little River, Baldwin County, Alabama and died in 1877. Little River is just north of Fort Mims. His burial site can be found just inside Monroe County at the Little River Baptist Church Cemetery. His wife, Elizabeth is buried next to him. Zachariah was part Creek Indian. Zachariah's father, Zachariah PHILLIPS Sr., is mentioned in a book detailing the events prior to and during the raid against the Creeks at Burnt Corn. According to the book, Zachariah PHILLIPS Sr. was elected (or selected by his group) to be a Major and led the Little River militia, along with militia groups from other areas, in the Battle of Burnt Corn. If anyone has any other information concerning Zachariah Jr. or Sr., their origins and family history, I would be happy to hear from them.
POSEY David Morgan (from Guestbook)
My ancestors, Benjamin and Eliza (Berryhill) POSEY, are listed as a white or mixed-blood head of an Indian family in the 1832 Census of Creeks, near present-day Fredonia, Chambers County, Alabama
I first discovered this info in the book "The Reason for the Tears: A History of Chambers County, Alabama, by Bobby L Lindsay, with assistance from Ruth Crump, the historian of Chambers County.
Homepage URL:
ROUNDTREE / BATES Melissa Emerson (from Guestbook)
I am looking for my ggg-grandmother who was supposedly a member of the Creek Nation. Her son was born 1858 in Pike Co. AL. The only name that I have for her is ROUNDTREE, my ggg-grandfather supposedly took their son in 1859 and settled in AR, leaving her behind. ggg- grandfather's surname was BATES. Thanks for such an informative site.
RUSSELL Cynthia M. Dagnal-Myron 29 Nov 1998
My family is descended from what was once called Black Creeks, who lived among the Nation before removal. The only link I have to that history is my great- grandfather, Fleming RUSSELL, who appears only on the federal 1880 census. When I try to read other rolls and census material, I find myself mystified. But family history has it we were part of the Creek War and much more...
I know records are scarce, but can you tell me where to begin, perhaps? I do have a couple of books on the subject of Africans with Indian ancestry, but I'm wondering if there's more since I last researched...
Finding Fleming RUSSELL on that federal census did us absolutely no good, because he was married to an African American woman and working as a share cropper among other African Americans, hence, he's listed as "colored." Because we were never "removed," and because of the mixed heritage, we apparently just blended into the African communities, and the story of our association with the Creeks was, perhaps wisely at THAT time, kept quiet.
I didn't hear about it until I married a Hopi artist. One of our elderly aunts had my mother call me just before our daughter was born. She wanted my husband's family to know that my side of the family had Indian blood, as she put it. When I asked her what Nation, I expected the usual Cherokee princess story. And if she'd said that, I would've graciously thanked her and let it go.
But she declared, with great pride, "We are Black Creek. Your great- grandfather, Fleming--that's the one you should look up." That wasn't the usual response. And needless to say, I decided to follow up at once.
But, like those now vindicated African descendants of Jefferson, up 'til now, all we've had is stories. I believe them, but haven't found that missing "link" yet. Perhaps you can help!
SIZEMORE Evelyn Sizemore Leslie
According to documents on this site, online Arthur SIZEMORE was a half-breed. Our family records only indicate he came from Wales. Does anyone have any info to share on Arthur? Who was his father, did his father marry a Creek woman and if so, who was she? The early information we have on the SIZEMOREs is sketchy. One source indicates the first SIZEMORE in America was a William SIZEMORE who settled in Virginia in 1626.
Also, we cannot find what became of William SIZEMORE, son of Absolum SIZEMORE and Susannah STIGGINS. My family line continues from this William SIZEMORE. He married Epsey R. HANDLEY. We cannot find information on where or when he died. Some family members think he may have gone to Arkansas or Oklahoma, leaving his family behind in Alabama.
SMITH Margaret Shaw 20 Oct 1998
John SMITH born 1871 or his parents which I do not know I have been told he was Creek and have not linked it yet. Thank You
STEDHAM / BRADY Jean Gillmore
My g g grandfather Edward STEDHAM, son of Moses STEDHAM and bro to Jesse STEDHAM, married an Ellen L. BRADY in Mobile Ala., 17 Mar 1859. I have been told Ellen was full-blood. I have not been able to find this lady's family anywhere in the history of Mobile and Ft. Mims. I haven't found her on census lists prior to her marriage. Have you seen any Brady names in anything you have run across regarding Mobile area. The only thing I can find is Irish BRADY families. I did find an Annette BRADY b. 1835 to Joseph and Elizabeth Bryant BRADY of Ala. and S.C. My Ellen BRADY was born Aug 1839 and she and James. B. STEADHAM were married in Baldwin county Mar 17, 1859. Can you help? Thanks in advance
THOMPSON / MILLER Carol Saint November 11, 1998
I am looking for either Nancy THOMPSON who married (4/24/1868 in Chickasaw county Mississippi) Charles Flem T. Miller or Mr. Miller. They resided in Chickasaw County Mississippi. One of these people was full blooded Native American.
Nancy Ann THOMPSON (TOMPKIN) born 9/10/1849 in Chickasaw county Mississippi and died 6/15/1933 in Houlka, Chickasaw county, Mississippi.
Charles Fleming T. MILLER born 1/11/1839 in Alabama and died September 1896.
I found a Nancy THOMPSON listed on the Dawes Final Rolls as full blooded Creek. I'm not sure if the native I am looking for was Creek or Choctaw. I would appreciate any help you can give in this matter.
Can you please help me?
WARD Emmett Cox 11 Nov 1998
My ancestor Elizabeth English WARD was a Creek Indian who was reared by an English family in SE AL. Several of her descendents including James Early MILLER of Fort Walton Beach FL received compensation. How can I find their applications? Thanks
My Alabama / Georgia names are: STUBBS, CARSON, WARD, PERRYMAN, and WINSLETT. My names that intermarried with Creeks are WARD,WINSLETT and PERRYMAN. I also have an interest in McGILLIVRAY.
Note: Joan is a major contributor to this site and her family stories are featured on the Some Creek Families & Friends portion.
WATSON James Watson 7 Nov 1998
I am searching for my ggg grandfather Daniel G. WATSON born 1811 in Alabama. He first shows up in the Creek indian census of 1832 in Eufala town, Alabama as head of household. It is said he was to move to Oklahoma between 1838 and 1840 during the Trail of Tears. Daniel left his two kids in Alabama with his cousin Auther WATSON in Wilcox Co., Alabama. Daniel is said to have married a second time in Oklahoma and had a second family. I do not have any info since he moved to Oklahoma. any info you could provide would be very helpful. Thanks.
I'm descended from William WEATHERFORD and his third wife, Mary STIGGINS. WEATHERFORD was a successful planter after the Creek War. My gg grandmother, Mary Levitia WEATHERFORD, was born in 1823. She married Doctor William Forbes HOWELL on 4/11/1842. After the division of her father's estate in 1850, they moved to Natchitoches Parish, LA. They had eight children, with such interesting names at Bonaparte, Marot and Theodicia.
Levitia died in 1859, and is buried in an old cemetery near Pleasant Hill, LA. I will be happy to share data on this HOWELL family. I do need more info on the parents of Doctor HOWELL, William H. HOWELL and Lucy M. WILLIAMSON, who are believed to have had seven children in all. They were early Alabama residents.
WEATHERSBY or WEATHERSBEE Kathryn Slatten-DeMarco 03 Nov 1998
I have this family Washington Co., LA lineage:
Marriage record:
James HUNT, Married 27 February 1812 at McIntosh Bluff, Washington
Co., Alabama, to Elisabeth WEATHERBY (married by: Daniel John
Seeking information on Mary WILLIAMS who was my father's mother and part indian. We assumed that it would be Creek as they were prevalent in that area of Georgia. She was born in 1877 and died December 9, 1918, in Harris County, Georgia. Her father was Zachariah WILLIAMS born around 1850. His wife was Susan PATTERSON. Zachariah's father was believed to be Jesse H.WILLIAMS born around 1813 and his wife was named Sara.
Mary married John Thomas MORGAN on November 15, 1893. She had siblings - George, Ola, and Jesse Lee.
I have a copy of the death certificate for Mary WILLIAMS. I also have a picture and she looks very much of Indian decent. I have copies of census records from the National Archives showing the family.
I would appreciate any information you locate concerning additional information on family and origins. Columbus, Georgia, is just on the border of Alabama. Although, I have reason to believe that the father, Jesse, was born in South Carolina. Zachariah WILLIAMS could have also been born in South Carolina.
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