Descendants of James Elam and Alice Shirecliffe of Yorkshire, England - aqwc05 - Generated by Ancestral Quest

Descendants of James Elam


Elizabeth (Mary)

1Earl H. Elam.

34. Elizabeth Elam

1Letter from Jim Grizzle dated 8 Jan 2000. James Grizzle
620 Watson Branch Drive
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 599-4307.

John Grissel

1Letter from Jim Grizzle dated 8 Jan 2000. James Grizzle
620 Watson Branch Drive
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 599-4307.

2Letter from Jim Grizzle dated 8 Jan 2000.

3Letter from Jim Grizzle dated 8 Jan 2000.

70. Seth Ward

1Pauline Pierce.

2Pauline Pierce.

44. John Elam

1Earl H. Elam.

2Charlotte Rowden ([email protected]).

95. Alexander Elam

1Earl H. Elam.