Index of Utah Cemeteries

We need your Feedback

Please submit your burial information

This research belongs to the membership of The Beatty Project 2000. You may not use this information for gain or profit without the written approval of the owner.

You should not consider this information as fact or use it as primary source material unless it shows proven sources. We hope you will use this material to guide your research.

We invite updates and corrections to any of this information. When submitting, please include as much information about your source as possible so that we can share it with others.

Address questions, problems, additions, corrections or suggestions on how to improve this archive to Jack Beaty(L2) at [email protected]



Cemetery Name

First Beatty Burial

Salt Lake Sandy Sandy City Cemetery 2006
Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake City Cemetery 1864
Salt Lake  Salt Lake Mount Olivet Cemetery 1913
Uintah Vernal Vernal City Cemetery 1901

Copyright Notice

Last update: December 13, 2013