Beatty Discussion List
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  What is it?

It's a "list-serve" email discussion group for members of The Beatty Project 2000.
Pete Beatty  ([email protected]) is the Administrator of our discussion group. You can join the email list just like you do other RootsWeb email list: For the digest version, send a message to: [email protected] and put the word SUBSCRIBE in the body and NOTHING else. For the regular version: send to [email protected] and put the word SUBSCRIBE in the body and NOTHING else.

  How to join...

When you join the Beatty Project 2000, you are automatically added to the email discussion list. Here are the rules and how to join.

The Beatty Project 2000 Membership Requirements And Policies:

  1. Individuals must submit their Beatty lineage. This requirement has greatly increased our Beatty database which increases the probability of making connections for members. We have this "give-to-get" requirement simply because some would never take the time to submit their information in the process of having queries answered.
  2. All information submitted to 2000 remains the property of the submitter.
  3. Applicants must agree not to share or transmit BEATTY PROJECT 2000 information [other than their own] to non-members. Reasons for this include (a) the information is the property of others, (b) we have agreements with some sources to share their information ONLY within our organization, and (c) basic philosophy that each of us should contribute to 2000 in order to receive the information/work of others.
  4. Members are encouraged to contribute additional information/research time when possible. The U.S. Census Project is being possible only because some members are devoting many hours to reviewing microfilms, recording information, organizing it, etc.
  5. Applicants must submit their legal name, address, and telephone number. With our growing membership of individuals not on-line we be mailing some documents in the future. Address and telephone numbers are held confidential. Members receive only other members' names and eMail addresses.
  6. The Beatty Project 2000 charges no fees. Members off-line pay only mailing costs and printing costs of materials received. No other fees are currently charged or anticipated for members.
  Procedures For Membership Processing
  1. Send your statement that you agree to abide by the above polices.
  2. Send your Beatty lineage information. Preferably a GEDCOM file formatted for IBM and Family Tree Maker. If it is a small file (under 1.44 Megabytes) you can send the actual FTM file as an attachment to an email message. If neither of these options are viable...then you can send the information in a MSWord file attached to your email message. If that doesn't work then you can type the information into an email message.
  3. Email (1) and (2) to: Mike Allen at [email protected].


Last update: September 01, 2016