War of 1812 Pension Sumaries
- National Archives, M313, Index to War of 1812
Pension Application Files, 102 rolls. Pension Card Abstracts (shows all the Beatty names) L005: (33 pages). Beatty, George, SGT Capt Walker�s Co PA Mil, Aug 29, 1814 � Dec 3, 1814, 1852 1855 Harrisburg Dauphin Co PA, died March 10, 1862, Harrisburg PA Widow: Catherine Shrom, 1st wife Eliza White, 2nd wife Sarah Smith Shrom; marriage Sept 21, 1830, Harrisburg PA (wife�s name not given,); 1878, 1879, 1887 Harrisburg PA Excerpts: "She (Catherine) further states that the following is a full description of her said husband at the time of his enlistment, viz: aged 33 years; born in County of Down, Ireland, By trade watchmaker, black hair, dark hazel eyes." Also: "He married his first wife May 1815 by name Eliza White, who died Sept. 10th 1817; married his second wife May 21st 1820 Sarah Smith Shrom, who died Aug. 25th 1828." [Married Catherine Shrom Sept. 21, 1830, ME Church, Rev E. Reed] L062: Widow: Margaret Milford, married Nov. 16, 1807, Pendleton, District, SC, 1850, 1855 Chambers Co Ala., 1871, Chambers Co., (PO Chambers C. H.) Ala.; died Aug. 8, 1876 or 1877. Excerpts: "Her husband was drafted in Abbeville district South Carolina on or about the 10th day of December AD 1813...She was married to the said James Beaty in Pendleton District, South Carolina on the 16th day of November AD 1807 by one James Crowder a Minister of the Gospel, of which no public or private record exists, and that her name before her marriage was Margaret Milford..." In further deposition by Philip P. Milford: "the deponent saw them [Margaret and James Beaty] married in Pendleton District South Carolina in the year 1808" Several other Beaty witnesses: Francis, Robert A., and John Beaty. Beatty, Hamilton, Pvt Capt John Williamson�s Co PA Mil, Oct 2, 1812 � Apr 2, 1813; 1851, 1855 Westmoreland Co PA, died July 10, 1871 Beatty Station PA; note that soldier's discharge certificate is filed in the brief, as well as a canceled Land Warrant. Widow: Sarah Anderson, married Sept. 11, 1817, Westmoreland Co, PA; 1878 Westmoreland Co (PO Beatty) COPIED Excerpts: ...the following full description of her husband at the time of his enlistment, viz: "age 27, farmer, born in Adams Co Penn., about 5 ft 9 in.--Black hair --gray eyes complection -light....she was married to the said Hamilton Beatty in the township of Unity in the county of Westmoreland and in the state of Penn, on the 11 day of Sep AD 1817, by one Geo Smith, Esq., who was a Justice of the Peace and that her name before her said marriage was Sarah Anderson. also--John Anderson, Martha Caldwell, Hetty Furry(?) were witnesses to the marriage (of which there is no public record), John Beatty signs several forms. THERE IS A COPY OF FAMILY RECORD OF HAMILTON BEATTY DECEASED IN THIS FILE--John Beatty Jr. swears that it was taken out of the Family Bible (dated 1818) and that it was in his father's handwriting. It Lists birth of 6 children, marriage to Sarah, three deaths. This is a beautiful file with an original Bounty Land Warrant (wonderful document that would scan well) and an original Discharge slip of Hamilton from the War of 1812. Beaty, James (also Beatie), Pvt. Capt. James Shelton�s Co., Va. Mil., Sept. 13, 1813 � March 10, 1814; Died May 26, 1847, Washington Co., Va.; soldier�s certificate of discharge in brief. Widow: Elizabeth McQuown; married Oct. 14, 1830, Washington Co., Va.; 1850, 1855, Washington Co. Va.; 1878, Washington Co., (PO Lodi) Va.; died Dec. 11, 1887. File contains a signed statement from the minister that married them, Alex McEwen (a Presbyterian). There is a deposition signed by John Beaty and Ann O (C?) Beaty. Beaty, David K. (also Beatty), Pvt Capt James Lowry�s Co NC Mil; Feb. 17, 1815 � March 12, 1815; 1855 Cherokee CO NC, 1873, Morganton Loudon Co Tenn.; died Apr. 10, 1875 Loudon Co Tenn.; Widow's pension certificate in the brief. Widow: Isabella B. Washum, married March 16, 1817, Haywoods Co NC; 1878 Morganton Tenn., died Nov. 11, 1889, Morganton, Tenn. Excerpts: "My husband name was David Canady Beaty but he jinerly signed his name D. K." 1855: "D. K. Beaty, aged sixty-three years a resident of Cherokee County in the State of North Carolina...he volunteered at Asheville North Carolina on or about August 1814." 1879: Court of Loudon County, Tenn."Personally appeared...Isabella Beaty and brought with her the Family Bible. Printed by Mathew Carey at Philadelphia in the year 1805, said Bible contains the records of Marriage births & deaths of the family of David K. Beaty Dec'd. Said records show that David K. and Isabella were married on the 16th day of March 1817. She further states that she has wrote to the clk of Haywood County NC to know if there are any records in his office of there Marriage and can get no answer..." "...the following have been the places of the residence of herself and her husband since the discharge from the Army, viz: near Asheville, NC, Waynesville NC, Mt Uno (now Cleveland) GA, near Murphy NC and Morganton Tenn." Beatty, James S., Pvt., Capt. Maston�s Co., Va. Mil, Aug. 26, 1814 � Nov. 24, 1814; 1850, Franklin Co Ohio, 1855 (faint writing?) Pickaway Co. Ohio; 1871 Pickawaway Co., PO Harrisburg, Franklin Co., Ohio. Widow: Elizabeth Stump, married 1841, Franklin Co., Ohio. The soldier's name is James St. Clair Beatty who "has resided in the neighborhood of of Harrisburg for forty years past...said Beatty is now a resident of Darby Township in Pickaway County ohio (16 Dec 1872)" He was drafted in Frederick Co. Virginia on or about the 1st day of September 1814; discharged at Baltimore MD or Washington DC; served at Baltimore MD. L002 Widow: Martha Westmoreland, married Apr. 28, 1814 Overton Co., Tenn.; 1877, 1878, Casey Co., (PO Liberty) Ky. This file is over 60 pages long! The highlights are so many that I will let L2 share them with you. But I will share something funny I noticed on the original document. In two places on the document "The Children Age by William I. Beaty" there are notations that the document should be returned! At least a copy is on its way home to Fentress County, Tennessee. The children listed (their birth and death dates are also listed): Andrew Jackson, Thomas K. Haris, Elisebeth, William C., Sarah, Anne, Agnes, George Washington, Jane, Dellery Frances, Marten Van Buren, John Marion, Emeline; wife Martha's birthdate is also given (1798) plus State which I am having trouble reading and date of marriage. At the bottom of the page there is the name of David Beaty, Thomas K. Beaty's name appears three times as well as John M.--I don't know what the significance of these bottom names are. I did see somewhere in this vast file that Andrew Jackson was living in Indiana. This is a document worth scanning--you can bring a laptop computer and approved scanner into the research room (without their cases). There are several letters concerning the document. From Martha "I knew he had a record of births and deaths & marriages and I thought the same was lost until ...My daughter Jane the only child living with me in hunting over her her fathers papers in an old box found the record of births and just has forwarded to you in his handwriting can be proven by all our neighbors" William enlisted at Monroe, Overland County. One note about Southern files--proof of loyalty to the Union Army was required. Beaty, John, Pvt., Capt. Philip Kiser�s Co., Ohio Mil., Pvt. Capt. Abner Barrett�s Co., Ohio Mil.; Sept. 19, 1812 � Oct. 19, 1812 and Jan. 1, 1813 � Feb. 21, 1813; 1853, Champaign Co., Ohio, 1855, Westville, Champaign Co., Ohio; died July 19, 1864, Champaign Co., Ohio; �It is alleged that the soldier served as a substitute for William Beaty who served in Capt. Abner Barrett�s Co., Ohio Mil., From Aug. 21, 1812, to Jan. 1, 1813.� Widow: Elizabeth Baker; married Apr. 29, 1819, Champaign Co., Ohio; 1878, Champaign Co. (PO Saint Paris), Ohio, died about 1881. COPIED (36 pages) Excerpts:Elizabeth is 80 in 1878, she and her husband have always resided in Jackson Township, Champaign Co Ohio. John Beaty served as a substitute for William Beaty and under his name. William was drafted at Urbana Ohio in 1814. The following is as good a description as she can give of her husband when she first got acquainted with him. viz: height about 5 feet 8 inches weight about 140 lbs, red hair, blue eyes and light complexion, born in Virginia." Married at Mad River Township, Champaign County, Ohio in May 1819 maiden name Baker. Statement of Marriage in Bible: John Thomas (Minister of the Gospel) married John and Elizabeth on April 29th 1819. John A. Beaty, 48 yo declares that this is a true copy from the family Bible of his father and mother. "that more than 35 years since he saw one Nathan Darnall Jr. transcribe the said family Record from the old bible to the one they now have in custody." Mary Weaver was an eye witness to the marriage of John and Elizabeth she is now 79 years old. Marriage took place at the residence of her father, Peter Baker, now deceased. She also attended the burial of John Beaty who died July 19, 1864. Peter Baker, brother to Elizabeth, also was present at the marriage--states John was buried in the Thomas Cemetery and he was also an eyewitness to the burial. Statement in 1853 application for bounty land by John Beaty "that he volunteered on or about the first of January 1813 as a substitute for his brother William Beaty..." There is a statement from the Treasury department validating the claim of substitute service. Wm Beaty served remainder of 6 months. It also looks like a Miles C. Beatty served from 9 Aug to 9 Sept 1813. William Beaty lives in Henderson County, Illinois in 1855. William also claims John as brother and states he served 4 months and John 2 months. L204: Widow: Margaret Boyd, marriage Sept. 29, 1825, residence: 1855, Randolph Co., Ill, 1878, Randolph Co., (PO. Preston), Ill., died about 1883, Preston, Ill. COPIED (26 pages) Excerpts: John V. Boyd and Charles Beatty were near neighbors in 1856. Charles Beaty and John Beaty attended Andrew's funeral in January 1852. Margaret is 48 in 1855 and resides in Randolph Co, Illinois. Andrew volunteered in Randolph Co, Illinois in July 1814. Andrew and Margaret Boyd were married on Sept. 29, 1825 by Archibald Thompson a Justice of the Peace in Randolph Co. Ill. There is no public or private record of this marriage. Andrew Batey was 58 years old in January 1851 and applied for Bounty Land. John M. Beaty is a witness on a Power of Attorney in 1878. Margaret and Andrew lived near Preston Illinois following his discharge. They both had only been married one time. A letter sent from the Pension office in 1885 was returned with the following note: "Margaret Beattie named above is dead, died about two & a half years ago but don't know the exact date. Her family do not get their mail here now. You can get the date by writing to John Beattie son of Margaret Beattie deceased address Baldwin Ill, J S. Bratney P. M." Beatty, Matthew, Pvt., Capt. Atkinson�s Co., Pa. Mil., Jan. 1, 1814 � Feb. 7, 1814; 1851, 1855, Mercer Co., Pa.; died Sept. 14, 1860, Sheakleyville, Pa. Widow: Rebecca Dunn; married Jan. 23, 1823, Fairfield, Crawford Co., Pa; Excerpts---Matthew is 55 years old in 1851 and a resident of Sheakleyville, PA. he was drafted at Meadville in Dec 1813. Matthew died Sept. 14, 1860. Richard Custard remembered the marriage of Matthew and Rebecca Dunn, he remembered his parents talking about the wedding. He lived at that time in Fairfield Township, Crawford County PA about one mile distant from Matthew Beaty and Rebecca Dunn. John Beatty was present at the marriage of Matthew Beatty and Rebecca Dunn, at the house of Alexander Dunn, father of Rebecca on 23 Jan. 1823 in the town of Fairfield, Crawford Co. Rebecca describes Andrew at the time of his enlistment: "Sandy hair, complexion light, eyes blue, height about 5 feet 10 inches, born in Cumberland Co Pa, 1796." She states he was drafted at Fairfield Township. L179/190: Widow: Jane T. Russell, 1st wife Mary Pance; married June 27, 1833, Warren Co., Ill., 1878, Oquawka, Henderson Co., Ill.; died about 1896. COPIED Excerpts: widow Jane T. russell Beaty states "she was never previously married but her was married to Mary Pence who died in Sept. 1831...Her husband resided in Ohio Indiana until 1829 when he came to Illinois and then lived in Warren and Henderson Counties, State of Illinois. Nathan H. Jamison became acquainted with William Beaty in Spring of 1831. "Have seen his first wife Mary Beaty who died in the fall of AD 1831. William Beaty remarried the claimant in June AD 1833." Spencer T. Record gives a similar account. Original Marriage license in file (Warren Co, Ill) William Beatty wrote a letter in 1856 describing his service at length and stating "I was relieved by my brother, John Batey." Beaty, William (or Beatty), Pvt. Capt. Jonathan Grable�s Co., Pa. Mil., Oct 12, 1812 � Apr. 18, 1813; 1850, 1855, Harrison Co., Ohio; 1871, Harrison co., (PO Means), Ohio; died about 1876; Discharge certificate in brief. COPIED William Beatty was drafted in Washington Co PA in Sep 1812. He is 81 years old in March 1871 and lives near Menas, P. O. Harrison Co., Ohio. This has a letter in the file written in 1939 by Emma Beatty Machesney of Fairfield, Ohio asking for a War of 1812 record for William Beatty date of birth Aug. 22, 1793 died Aug. 24, 1876. She states "His second wife, from whom I am descended was Mary Fulton born 1800, no month or date given. Died Sept. 10th 1864. Both are buried at or near Cadiz, Ohio." Beatty, James; Pvt., Capt. James Cochran�s Co., Pa. Mil., July 19, 1813 � Aug. 11, 1813 and Jan. 1, 1814 � Feb. 8, 1814; 1851, 1855, Crawford Co., Pa., 1871, Meadville, Crawford Co., Pa.; died Oct. 14, 1872, Mercer Co. Pa.; soldiers discharge certificate in brief. Widow: Elizabeth Smock, married Aug. 23, 1821, Fairfield, Crawford Co., Pa.; 1878, Sheakleyville, Mercer Co., Pa. COPIED Excerpts: Elizabeth Beatty is 80 in 1878, a resident of Sheakleyville PA. She states that James was drafted at Fairfield Township in 1814. Describes husband: Sandy hair, light complexion, eyes gray, height about 5 feet 7 inches, Born in Ireland. She was married to James at Fairfield, Crawford Co PA 23 Aug 1821 and her maiden name was Smock. Since her husband's discharge they have lived in Crawford and Mercer Counties PA. Richard Custard and Elizabeth Beatty appear as witnesses. James Beatty died 14 Oct 1872 at Sandy Creek Township, Mercer Co, PA. John Smock, 84 years old in 1878 was present at the wedding of James Beatty to Elizabeth Smock, which occurred in Fairfield Township, at her father, Leonard Smock's residence. Annie Loper was also present at this marriage and she is 77. In 1866 Samuel Beatty, citizen of Vernon Township, and states that James Beatty served as private in Capt James Cock's Co. *Beatie, James G., Pvt. Capt. Samuel Tate�s Co., Ky. Mil., Aug. 23, 1813 � Dec. 22, 1813; 1851, 1855, Saline Co., Mo. 1872, Elmwood, Saline Co., Mo.; soldier's dischg. Certf. in brief. Widow: Elizabeth __; married Dec. 29, 1813, Pulaski Co., KY. COPIED Extracts: W. L. Beatie is a witness in 1873 (also signature of L. Wm. Beatie). James Beatie is 60 years old in 1851 and a resident of Saline Co Mo. He volunteered at Somerset Pulaski Co KY in 1813. There is a lot of confusion concerning the unit he served in but eventually an original discharge notice is found stating that he served in Samuel Tate's Co. James states he married Elizabeth Beatie at Pulaski Co KY on Dec 29, 1813. John Lynch and C. J. Miller appear as witnesses for James, all of Saline County MO. *Beatty, John; alleged Pvt, Capt. Poe PA Mil; as substitute for James Beatty; SO 30374, WO 44473. This is all that is on this card. This is quite a lengthy file (95 pages) even though the pension request was rejected. There is a lot of testimony by children and nephews. Highlights: Mary A. Beatty testifies about recollections of her father discussing his War of 1812 service. Maria Butler also gives testimony about her father. John Beatty died on July 8, 1878. John Beaty applies for pension before his death and states he was drafted at Chambersburg PA, 1814. Mrs Rosanna Norton states that she is the sister of Christiana Beatty and that she saw her sister Christiana Powell marry John Beatty on Feb 22, 1820 at McVeytown PA. Jonathan Beatty, 66, resident of Jackson Township, County of Stark, Ohio, that he had heard John Beatty state he had served as a substitute for his brother James Beatty. He has also heard James Beatty (his father) state the same. George Beatty, another son of James also gives deposition. Newspaper clipping about this case, October 31, 1888, "Valley Spirit" In 1876 John Beaty states that he has resided in Stark Co Ohio for 52 years. Beatty,William; Capt Aaron Harts Co. Ky Militia Widow: Beatty, Lydia; WO 10692; this is all that is on this card. This is a short file (13 pages) Highlights: Lydia Beatty is 80 in 1874, a resident of Grayson Co KY, Big Clefty PO. She lives with her son, A. D. Beatty.She is the widow of John Fulkerson. Isaac and Jacob Pirtle state that after the death of Lydia's first husband, John Fulkerson she remarried William Beatty who died the 22 day of Feb 1854. They saw Lydia Shaw marry John Fulkerson in Hardin Co Ky on the 21 day of March, 1811. Her first husband died in Grayson Co, KY in 1817 and she married William Beatty in Grayson Co, KY on Aug 10, 1820. There is a copy of the marriage register for her first marriage. *Beattie, Robert, Capt Joseph McKinneys Co PA Mil, SO #8957, 2 Bounty Land numbers�this is all that is on this card. This file does not contain a pension application. Robert enlisted in Cumberland Co PA in 1814. In 1851 he lives in Mansfield, Richland Co. Ohio and is 58 years old. Beatty, John (also Beatey & Beaty); Pvt., Capt. Henry Evans PA Mil. (alleged; WO 19724). This is all that is on this card. John's widow is Polly, she is 78 in 1878 and a resident of Slipperyrock Township (also given as Mercer), Butler Co, PA. her maiden name was Polly Pisor and she was married June 7, 1820 at her father's house (Jacob Pisor) in Butler Co. Her husband died at Mercer Township, Butler CO PA May 1870. Samuel Barnes, 86 in 1879 and living in Slippery Rock Township, Butler CO PA, is a witness stating that he he saw John Beatty mustering in Henry Evans Co when he was in the service and that John has lived 1/2 mile from him since the date of his discharge. Elizabeth Wetzell,, 78 in 1878, states that she saw John and Polly married. that they raised a family of 11 children. Eliza Ann McFate, formerly Eliza Ann Beaty, 53 in 1878 sates that she is the third child of John and Polly Beaty "according to the family record which record is in her Custody there being two older children dead the following is correct coppey of the entries in the family Bible said Bible is dated in the year 1825" Catherine Beaty born Jany 29, 1821 Ebeneazar Beaty Augt 2 1823 Eliza Ann Beaty Jany 24 1825 Allice July 26 1826 Lydia June 6, 1828 Polly September 29 1830 Peggy J July 8 1832 Harriet June 2 1836 Nancey May 11, 1839 Almira July 4 1841 Mary July 27 1844 Lydia Logan, formerly Lydia Beaty aged 50 in 1878 states that she is the fifith child of John and Polly. Thomas Beaty, Mercer Township, Butler Co, aged 44 years says that he was at the house of John Beaty on the night that he died "and himself set up with John Beaty" and he further states that he went over home for his father and while he was gone for his father John Beaty died...he helped to lay John Beaty out..." The following files are missing at the National Archives. I requested both of these files twice and got the following comment: There is an index entry for this soldier which appears correct, however the file does not appear to be in our custody. It may have been removed from the files without documentation prior to transfer to the National Archives more than 50 years ago. Beatty, James, Sgt Capt. Littlejohn; US Lt. Dragoons file # 10088; �Death or disability�, Bundle # 52; can # 47. (the format of this card is different) Beatty, Thomas, Pvt., Capt. George W. Ball�s Co., Va. Mil., Aug. 23, 1814 � Sept. 8, 1814; 1822, Harrison Co., Ohio, 1835, Brooks Co., Va. (now W. Va.); died Jan. 13, 1871, Harlem Springs, Ohio; original Deed of property in Charlestown W. Va. made by soldier & wife in 1822, in brief. |