Is she a descendant of the Wyatt/Brookes family from medieval
times? Is she, possibly, the daughter of George & Susanna
R. (Baynham) Wyatt & granddaughter of Rev. Hawte Wyatt? Or
was she descended from Thomas, son of Richard?
We know that Thomas & Susanna were the ancestors of President
Truman, through their daughter, Elizabeth, who married Josiah
Here's what we know about Susanna (Wyatt) Brookes Virgett Meadoes/Meadows Davis:
Essex Co., VA
Will of Susanna Davis, 1699
Deed and Will Book 10, page 65, Essex Co. VA:
Will of Susanna Davis of Essex County, Va. IN THE NAME OF GOD
AMEN, I Susanna Davis being sick and weake yet of
perfect sense and memory do make, constitute, and appoint this
to be my Last Will and Testament, revoaking all other
Will or Wills by me formerly made Either Verball or otherwise.
Imprimis: I give my Soule into the hands of Almighty God that
gave it my body to ye Grave decently to be interred with such
Christian buryall as time and place will afford. As to my Worldly
Welth I give in manner as followeth -
Item - I give unto my Sonne Job Virgitt twelve pence. My feather
bed in the outer room with ye boulster rugg & one blankett
I give unto my Sonne Thomas Meadoes and the Table and three chaires
in the outer Roome. Likewise to my daughter Elizabeth Ship I do
give my Warming pan my boy and my trunk & all my weareing
cloathes & all the rest of my Estate both Goods & Chattels
within dores and without that apperteyneth unto me I give to my
Sonne William Davis and further my Will is that my Sonne Thomas
Meadoes be Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament
as Witness my hand and Seale this fifteenth of Febr. 1699
_________ Susanna Davis (Seal)
Teste: William Gannocke his mark |
ye Wittnesses hereto in Essex County Court ye 30th of Febr 1700 & truely recorded Wm Short his mark |
Teste Francis Mereweater Cl. Cur.Essex |
Essex Co. Deeds & Wills 1701-1703
An Inventory of the Estate of the WIDDOW DAVIS taken & appraised
this 25th day of March 1701 in Obedience to an
Ordr. of Essex Court beareing date the 11th day of Febry. by us
ye Subscribers
3 Cowes and one yearling, 1 Servant girle, 1 pott hookes, 1 old
frying pans, one old gridiron, a pr. old tongs, a skellet and
skimmer, a parsell of old lumber, table and an couch, 4 glass
bottles and p:cell of earthenware, a p:cell of old lumber, chest,
2 bedsteads, 1 feather bed & furniture, 1 pr. pott racks,
1 pale and bed tick, 1 canviss bed tick.
Total 6750
Sworne to in Essex County Court ye 10th dy of April
deced & truely recorded Test FRANCIS MERIWETHER, CL CUR
Susanna Wyatt married 1st Thomas Brook(e)s, 2nd Job Virgett, 3rd John Meador/Meadoes/, & 4th William Davis. She had one child by each husband. She was widowed all four times. She was born about 1649/51 in York Co. and died sometime between February 1699 & February 1700. She married, about 1666, Thomas Brookes.
We now know that the Susannah, (supposedly Wyatt) who married
Solomon Day & John Davis, was the daughter of Daniel Metheny.
York County, Virginia Records 1659-1662, by Weisiger III (1989)
It is ordered that Thomas BROOKES, who, in right of the relict
of William
Hawkins, dec'd's late wife, also dec'd, possesses the late Hawkins',
estate, pay the Churchwardens of York Parish 1500 lbs tob. of
his crop
for purchasing for the parish's use, a flagon, according to Hawkin's
last will.
(What was Thomas' relationship to Hawkins' wife?)
Difference between Henry Webb, plt., and William Porter, deft.
referred to next court at plaintiff's suit, his witnesses being
and depositions of Thomas BROOKES and Gload Gallant are to be
before Maj. James Goodwin. Webb and Porter refer the difference
between them to arbitration by Mr. John Aduston and Mr. Thomas
Mitchell on 12th Inst.
Thomas Smith, servant of Thomas BROOKES, having this day complained
of his master, and hath no just cause of complaint, it is ordered
that the sheriff give him 10 gripes on his bared back, and Constable
Edward Baptist convey him to his master, and William Ball and
Ayliffe to deliver him to Baptist.
10 June 1661
Jury sitting upon body of Walter Catford, who for want of Grace
a grindstone and rope and tied it about his middle and cross his
thighs and most barbarously went and drowned himself contrary
to law
of King and this country, and is found guilty of his own death.
Signed: Edward Molson, foreman, Edward Palmer, Thomas BROOKES,
Adjuston, Tho. Wardley, Thomas Wills, Thomas Hall, James Williams,
Porter, Maurice Prosser, Thomas Cosby, Argold Blackston.
Jury sworn by me, Henry Gooch
Said Walter Catford was a servant of Maj. Thomas Beale at time
of death.
Oct. 1661
It appearing to the court that Nicholas Smith, servant to Thomas
BROOKES, ran away several times, for 3 months and 20 days, it
ordered he double his time of service.
Inventory of William Hughes, taken at house of dec'd, 20 &
21 Feb.
1661. Lists: cattle; servants: 1 negro girl 5 years old, William
Barton, 2 yrs. to serve; John Clarke, 3 yrs. to serve; George
a new hand with 5 years to serve; Thomas Arnupp, a new hand with
yrs. to serve; Mary Shelly, a new hand with 5 yrs. to serve; Thomas
Collins, a youth with 2 years to serve; John Lambert, 3 yrs. to
serve; William Cuerton, a youth with 4 years to serve; Alice
Richardson, 1 year to serve. Also 1 mare and 1 foal
Lists contents of: Inner Room, The Hall, The Kitchen, The New
Quarter, the Little Buttery. Also list hogs. Lists: debts to Thomas
Tronell for goods of William Huges, Gload Gallant, Thomas BROOKES,
bill from Mrs. Miller
Teste: Hen. Gooch, Tho. Mitchell, Mary (M) Hughes
Paid by me, Edward Mosse, for use of Richard Stephens in time
he was
my servant: To William Pecke, 100 lbs tob.; To Mr. George Light,
To Mr. Peteet for a purge, 100; for pr. shoestrings, 3; for a
peniston coat, 60; for his leavy of corn, 155; 2 pales, 50; paid
money, £ 0/2/6; 2 glasses & 1/2 pipe, 240; for dowles
shirt, 50; to
Thomas BROOKES, 20. Total 813 lbs tob.
Accounts of debts paid by Thomas Long from Thomas Hudson's
mentions: Thomas Stames, John Humphrey, Mr. Ballard, Thomas BROOKES,
Roger Radford, Thomas Harwood, Capt. William Hay, Edward Myles,
of Wiliam Hudson, orphan's cattle.
Sworn 10 Sept. 166s Tho. Long
Whereas there is a difference depending between Ralph Simkin
dividing of a certain tract of land, this certifies that at request
of Richard Simkin and consent of John Fisher, from the east side
the valley near the horse path and extending to land of marked
to plantations of Ralph Simkin and John Fisher, to land of George
WYATT and George Lake, to now dwelling of Ralph Simkin to edge
plantation, which division is for dividing clear ground and
plantation; and it is agreed that land that lies on land of Capt.
Pott is Ralph Simkin's with is part adjoining, and other part
north side belongs to John Fisher. 20 Dec. 1650
per me Abraham Moone
I, George WYATT, have sold to Ralph Elkins, 1 black cow.
24 Nov. 1659 George Wyatt, Suzanna (RB) Wyatt
Wit: Thomas Kirke, John (IM) Meadows
I, Ralph Elkin, acknowledge that at last court I did highly
abuse and
slander Mr. James Bray, in saying that in the difference between
and George WYAT, he was attorney for both parties. I am heartily
sorry and beg forgiveness. 21 Dec. 1661
Ralph (his mark) Elkin
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. III, by Nell Marion Nugent
Wyatt that may or may not be related:
Richard WYAT, 760 acs. K. & Q. Co; on NE side of Mattepony
River; beg. on S. side of a br. of
Aquintanocco Sw; to line of Lt. Col. Robert Abtail; 25 Oct. 1704,
p. 610. Granted John Cosby,
5 Jan. 1656, deserted and now granted by order &c. Trans.
of 16 pers.*
George Lovell, & his son John, & his daughter Sarah
Lovell, 1120 acs., New Kent Co; near
Chicahominy Sw., 26 Apr. 1704, p. 604. Beg. at land taken by John
Guntin (Gunting), now
Mr. Landsdale's; adj. Wm. Owen; & John Dickinson; on W br.
of Alder Swamp; to Henry
WYATT; on Goodly Hole Sw; & along Mr. David Crafford's line.
Granted Charles Lovell
& Andrew Davis, 21 Oct. 1687, deserted & now granted &c.
Trans of 23 pers.* Note: Paid
William Byrd, Esqr., Auditor for 22 rights.
Richard WYATT, of K. & Q. Co; 285 acs. (N. L.), Chas. City
Co; on S. side of Chickahomine
Sw; beg. on N. side of a slash incompassing Long Island in line
of Col. Edward Hill; on Beaver-dam
slash; 16 Aug. 1715, p. 247. Imp. of 6 pers: Chr.Hix, Anne Tanner,
Anne Woolley, Anne Cooke,
George Wright, Eliza. Duson.
Patent Book 2, Page 161
George WIATT (Wyatt), 250 acs. James City Co., Oct. 4, 1645, Page
54. At the Middle Plantation,
N. by E. along the Palisadoes & land of George Lake, S. by
W. towards head of Archers Hope Cr.
Due said Wyatt as followeth: 100 acs. purchsed by Thomas Lucas
& Tho. Gregorie of Capt. Popeley
Feb. 1, 1641, by them sold to Thomas Heath, by him assigned to
sd. Wyatt & George Lake, &
400 acs. purchsed by sd. Wiatt & Lake of Capt. Popley Apr.
12, 1642, then equally divided between
them, and the sd. 250 also due for trans. of 5 pers.*
Nicholas Wattkins, 150 acs. James City Co., Oct. 5, 1645, Page
55. Lyeing upon the head of Archers
Hope Cr., adj. George WYATT & land formerly belong to Capt.
Francis Potts. 100 acs. purchased from
Capt. Richard Popley July 13, 1642 & 30 acs. for trans. of
2 per.*
Capt Richard Popeley to Nicholas Wattkins, 100 acs. upon the
Middle Plantation,. Consideration:
875 Lbs. Tobacco. Page 55. Witness: Thomas Heath.
George Lake, 250 acs. York Co., Oct. 4, 1645, Page 56. At the
Middle Plantation, along the
Pallisadoes adj. land formerly belonging to Capt. Richard Popeley,
S. by W. towards Archer
Hope Cr. (Same as Wiatt above).
Capt. Richard Popeley, of VA., Gent., to Thomas Gregory &
Tho. Lucas, Planters, of Va., one
plantation called by the name of the Middle House. Feb. 1. 1641.
Page 58. Witness: John Shepard.
Thomas Gregory & Thomas Lucas assignment to Thomas Heath
of the above bill of sale. Aug.
19, 1642. Page 59.
Thomas Heath assignment unto George Lake & George WYATT,
Jan. 29, 1643. Witness: Richard
Popeley. Page 59.
Mr. William Davis, 500 acs. James Citty Co., June 2, 1646,
Page 51. Lyeing betwixt the horse path
and the head of Archers Hope Cr., S. S. W. upon an older devident
purchsed of Capt. Pott, N. N. W.
upon George Lake & George WYATT. Due by surrender of patent,
dated 28 June 1639, the rights
being taken out of the same to make good this patent.
Capt. Richard Popeley of VA., Gent., sale to George Lake &
George WYATT of Va., coopers,
400 acs. Yorke Co., adj. the Midle House (above) W. upon Richard
Watkins, & W. upon the
Pallisadoes, etc. Apr. 12, 1642, Page 59. Witnesses: Thomas Heath
& John Earle.
Patent Book No. 2, Pt. II
Richard Wyatt, 250 acs. in Mockjack Bay, butting upon the narrow
of Ware River, bounded on the
W. by Cow Cr. Aug. 15, 1642, Page 869. Due for his own per. adv.
thrice & trans. of 2 per:
Gertrude Bedell & Ralph Taylor.
Richard Wyatt, 500 acs. in Mockjack Bay, Aug. 20, 1645, Page
154. Upon the Eastermost side of
Ware River, and running to Cow Cr. Trans. of 10 pers.: John Bandwick,
Silvanas Ricraft, Thomas
Wilmot, Samuell Sures, Ann Griffen, Morcas Morgrave, Hen. Brightmon,
Mary Wilkinson, Lydia
Berry, (The 4 last names are yt due sd. Wyatt, which are assigned
to Richd. Diminge).
Patent Book No. 5
Thomas Wyatt, 500 acs. in Mockjack bay; 9 May 1666, p. 497, (608).
250 acs. on Eastermost side
of Ware Riv., beg. nere a little poynt (of) Oyster shell, running
N. &c; & 250 acs. abutting upon
the narrow of Ware Riv. &c, unto Cow Cr. &c. Granted to
Richard Wyatt, dec'd, 20 Aug. 1645 &
now due sd. Thomas, his son & heire.
Quit Rents of Virginia, 1704, Surnames, Y-Z,
Wyatt, Richard - King and Queen Co. - 1843 acres
Wyatt, Richard - Essex Co. & John Pettus, tax due - 800 acres