Winder Surname DNA Project: Goals

Winder Surname Project: Goals

DNA tests by Family Tree DNA

In his book, "Winders of America", written in 1902, R. Winder Johnson describes three immigrant Winder families. These families lived on the east coast, and branches pushed to the frontier as soon as it was opened. The paper trail of that time is vague and incomplete, and it impossible to sort the families out. So we propose to

  • Get DNA samples from each of the known lines of immigrant Winders
  • Get DNA samples from each "brick wall" line and compare to the known lines, to find out who belongs to whom.
  • Get DNA from as many Winder lines in the UK as possible, to determine any connection between the known immigrant lines.

The three families mentioned by Johnson, all from England, are:

We also know of other immigrants: And then there are some "brick wall" Winders that came out of nowhere:
  • Thomas Winder (1814-1862), first found in Ohio in 1847
  • Clement Winders (1790- ), first found in Virginia in 1820
  • William Winder, husband of Adah Bradford, first found in Bucks Co, PA in 1790
  • James and William Winder ( -1844), of McMinn Co, Tennessee, both died in 1844
  • Etc.!
  • We clearly need a lot more participants, but we will get there eventually!

    If you have / want further information, please contact the project administrators

    Note: The administrators of this project are volunteer genealogists and are not paid by Family Tree DNA.

    Finally: Please do not copy any of this material without our permission. We have quoted fellow researchers liberally, with their permission, and only they have the right to publish their material. For more about copyrights, see Copyright Discussion.