Winder Wonderland DNA Project William WINDER [12275]
WINDER, Moses [11324]
(1760-After 1852)
Clarinda [7864]
(Abt 1781-After 1852)
WINDER, William [12275]


Family Links

WINDER, William [12275] 1 2

  • Born: 1796, , , North Carolina, USA 3
  • Died: 1844-1847, , McMinn, Tennessee, USA at age 48 2 3

bullet  General Notes:

Joseph's father was one of two brothers, either born to William or James Winder and Magaret. William and James were brothers who were in BLount and Mcminn Counties, Tennessee. Both of them died between 1844-1847.

Most likely, William is the father. Magaret, or Martha, or Peggy was his mother. She was alive in 1880 listed in censes from Hamiliton Co., Ill. She was from Virginia.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. census: federal, 1830, , McMinn, Tennessee, USA. males: 1 1826-1830 William
1 1821-1825 James
1 1811-1820 Moses jr
1 1751-1760 Moses
1 1816-1820 Sarah
1 1781-1790 Clarinda

2. census: federal, 1840, , McMinn, Tennessee, USA. 3
1 male 10-14 yrs (1826-1830) William
1 male 15-19 yrs (1821-1825) James
1 male 20-29 yrs (1811-1820) Moses jr
1 male 80-89 yrs (1751-1760) Moses
1 female 20-29 yrs (1811-1820) Sarah
1 female 50-59 yrs (1781-1790) Clarinda



1 Terry Ann Harris (

2 Family Tree (Downloaded May 2000).

3 Terry Ann Harris (, Aug 2001.

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