Descendants of Peter Anderson



Generation No. 1


        1.  Peter3 Anderson  (Northern Virginia2, Colonial Virginia1) was born 1713, and died Bef. June 15, 1787 in Winchester, Virginia.


Notes for Peter Anderson:

In-Law Family - ANDERSON


Christina Wysor, daughter of Adam and Elizabeth Beck Weiser, married Jacob Anderson in Frederick County, VA. Currently, about all we know about Jacob's past is found in his Revolutionary War pension file, where we obtain his birth date of July 5, 1758. Existing documents with his signature show he signed his name in German script, suggesting a German heritage. Also, he seemed to sign his name as "Jacob Endersen", although anyone who has ever seen old German script knows that the writing can be open to several interpretations. Jacob Anderson is found in a 1782 tax list for Frederick County, VA, with a household of three people (Jacob, his wife Christina, and oldest son George). Listed immediately before Jacob are Adam Anderson with a household of 7 and Peter Anderson with a household of 3. My gut feeling is that these three people, enumerated consecutively on the tax list, are probably related. The existing diary of Rev. Christian Streit, the first Lutheran minister stationed in Winchester, shows that on June 15, 1787, Peter Anderson, aged 74 years and nearly 6 months, was buried. I believe that Peter was probably Jacob's father and Adam was on older brother. This was about all I found looking specifically for Anderson. However, a valuable rule of thumb in genealogy is "Study the neighbors!". Enumerated immediately after the three Andersons on the 1782 tax list is John Haymaker with a household of 8. This is John Haymaker and wife Magdalena Leim, who were married in 1762 in Lancaster Co., PA. John is widely believed to be the son of Johann Hubrech Hammacher who immigrated in 1740 on the ship Samuel and Elizabeth. Among the other passengers on the Samuel and Elizabeth listed on the captain's list is "Peter Anders, age 22" On Sept. 30, 1740 passengers who arrived on the Samuel and Elizabeth signed an oath at the courthouse in Philadelphia. Among the signatures is "Johan Peder Enders". Many of the passengers on the Samuel and Elizabeth were from the Westerwald area of Hessen-Nassau. Annette Kunselman Burgert and Henry Z. Jones Jr. have published a book entitled "Westerwald to America, Some 18th Century Germany Immigrants" which details information they located on many Westerwald immigrants. Included in the book is Johann Peter Enders from Mündersbach, baptized at Höchstenbach on Sept. 28, 1716, the son of Jacob "Enners" and Anna Maria Piter. Johann Peter married Elsa (Elisabeth) Maria Luckenbach, daughter of Gerhard Luckenbach, on June 13, 1736. One child is found in the baptismal records in Germany:

1) Johann Henrich Enders, baptized Jan. 19, 1738. Sponsors were Joh. Matthias Theiss, Joh. Henr. Luckenbach, and Anna Cath. daughter of the late Henr. Becker.

Peter and his young family immigrated on the Samuel and Elizabeth in 1740. Burgert and Jones located them in York Co., PA, where, on May 16, 1752, as "Peter Enders" he signed a deed between "Peter Enderson" of York Co., yeoman, and Philip Grist of the same place for land in Paradise Twp. (York Co. deed book B, pp. 111 & 112). The private pastoral record of Rev. Jacob Lischy, a Reformed Minister in York Co. lists the following four baptismal records of children of Peter and Elisabeth "Endersen":

2) Catharina Endersen, bapt March 26, 1749. Sponsors were Gerhardt Luckenbach and Anna Catharina.

3) Maria Catharina Endersen, bapt. Sept. 17, 1752. Sponsors were Conrad Amma and Maria Elisabeth.

4) Eva Endersen, bapt. July 6, 1755. Sponsors were Christoff Heschgel and Eva.

5) Jacob Endersen, bapt. Feb. 6, 1757. Sponsors were Heinrich Luckenbach and Elisabeth.

This is all the information that Burgert and Jones included in their book. They detail many families more than this, indicating that this is indeed all the information they could find on the family in PA. Does this indicate these Enders/Endersens left PA? Is this Peter Enders/Endersen the same Peter Anderson who appears in Winchester, VA, living near John Haymaker (the Hammacher family is also discussed in Burgert and Jones' book)? Admittedly, the birth date for Peter Enders given by Burgert and Jones doesn't match the calculated date obtained from Rev. Streit's diary for Peter Anderson, and Jacob Endersen's baptismal date doesn't match the birth date indicated in Jacob Anderson's pension file. However, I've seen discrepancies like this before. Some other things to consider:

·       The eleven year gap between Johann Henrich's birth in Germany in 1738 and Catharina's birth in York Co., PA in 1749 indicates we are missing the birth records of some children. Is one of these missing children Adam Anderson of Winchester, VA? There is an indication of an Adam Enderson in the PA family. Rev. Lischy's records show that on April 5, 1761, Adam Enderson was one of the sponsors for the baptism of Joh. Adam Luckenbach, son of Heinrich and Anna Elisabeth Luckenbach. If Adam was 18-20 at the time he served as sponsor, that would have made him born around 1741-43. This fits in the gap.

·       Is it possible that the Johann Henrich Enders born in Germany in 1738 is the Henry Anderson who is listed in Frederick Co., VA court records as married to Margaret, widow of Christopher Aldred (Christoph Altrith), by 1769? As a widow, this Margaret later married for a third time to John Reynolds.

My gut feeling (for what it's worth) says that this Peter Enders from Mündersbach is the Peter Anderson who lived in Winchester, VA and was the father of Jacob Anderson who married Christina Wysor. Much remains to be done.




Children of Peter Anderson are:

+      2                 i.    Jacob4 Anderson, born July 05, 1758.

        3                ii.    Adam Anderson, born Bet. 1741 - 1743.



Generation No. 2


        2.  Jacob4 Anderson (Peter3, Northern Virginia2, Colonial Virginia1) was born July 05, 1758.  He married Christina Wysor. 


Child of Jacob Anderson and Christina Wysor is:

        4                 i.    George5 Anderson, born Bef. 1782.