Land Evidence- Exeter, R.I.
To all people to whom these present shal1 come, I,
Francis Hopkins of Exeter in the County of King's County in the Colony of Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations in New England, ye yeoman sends greetings. Know ye that I, the said
Francis Hopkins for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred pounds current money
of said Colony of the old tener to me in hand before the ensealing hereof well and truly
paid by Paskeo Austin, Junr. of the town, county and Colony. The receipt whereof I do
hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid and thereof
and of every part and parcel thereof do exonerate, acquit and discharge him, the said
Paskeo Austin, his heirs and executors and administrators forever ~ these present have
given, granted, bargained, sold, alined, enfeiffed, conveyed and confirmed by these
present do freely, fully and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, aline, enfeiffe,
convey and confirm unto him the said Paskeo Austin his heirs and assignes forever~ one
certain tract or parcel of land situated laying and being in Exeter aforesaid and
containing by estimation five acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows, viz.
easterly on land of Benjamin Willcox, southerly on a highway, westerly on land of Ebenezer
Cahoon and northerly on land of Henry Spencer. Together with dwelling house thereon
standing with other buildings, fences, orchard, ways, water course rights, profits,
improvements and appurtanences to the same belonging or appertaining. To have and to hold
the said granted and bargained, with anpurtanances and commodities to the same belonging
or in anywise appurtaining to him he said Paskeo Austin his heirs and assignes forever. To
him and those only proper use benefit and behoof forever. And I, the said Francis Hopkins
for myself' and my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant, promise and grant to
and with the same Paskeo Austin his heirs and assignes that at and before the ensealing
hereof' I am the true and lawfull owner of the above bargained premises and am lawfully
seized and possessed of the same in my own proper right as a good perfect and absolute
estate of inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good rightful power and lawful
authority to grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm the said bargained permises in
manner aforesaid. And that the said Paskeo Austin his heirs and assignes shall and may
from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue these presents do
lawfully, peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the said dmise and margained premises
with the appurtances free and clear and freely and clearly Q-cquitted, exonerated and
discharged from all and all manner of former or other rights, grants, bargains, mortgages,
will, estates, judgments, executions or encumberances of what name or nature soever that
might in-any-manner or degree obstruct or make void this deed. Furthermore, I, the said
Francis Hopkins, for myself my heirs, exectors and administrators do engage the above
premises to him the said Paskoe Austin, his heirs and assignes against the lawful claims
or demand of any person or persons whatsoever forever, to warrant and defend by those
present; and Mary Hopkins, the wife of said Francis Hopkins do thereby present for the
consideration above freely and willingly give, yeild, etc. all her right of dower and
power of thirds in the above demand and every part thereof unto him, the said Paskeo
Austin, heirs and assignes forever. In Witness whereof we have herunto set our hand and
seal the sixteenth day of December in the thirty-second year of His Majesty's reign,
George the Second, King of Great Britain ,Anno Que Domini, l758.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
Tn the presence of His
Benjamin Slocum Francis X Hopkins
Benoni Hall Mark
Gideon Austin's King's County (to wit)
Isaac Austin Mary Hopkins
Benoni Hall, Justice of Peace
Copied by Martha R. McPartland, Librarian at East
Greenwich, R. I., who
states that "Francis bought this land from Benjamin
Lawton in 1756"...
and comments on the large sum for which Francis sold this
Submitted by Laura Flebbe
[email protected]