History of Buchanan County, Iowa 1842 to 1881
Transcribed by Tommy Joe Fulton and Peggy Hoehne
page 181
[Extract from a letter written by C. H. L., correspondent of the Guardian with the Twenty-seventh regiment, under date of December 26, 1862. ]
Since I wrote last company C has had cause to mourn. One of its best men, and one of the truest soldiers in the army has died. William H. Lender is no more. He died Tuesday, of typhoid fever, after a sickness of but a few days. His loss is deeply felt by the company and by all with whom he was acquainted. He was buried with military honors, his own company, and soldiers from others, following his remains to the grave. Our excellent chaplain, in an unostentatious way, made a brief but feeling discourse at the grave, and offered a prayer. We then returned to camp, leaving William, the noble-hearted, resting in his warrior grave, on the mound shaded by the old oak and chestnut trees. "Soldier rest, thy warfare's o'er."