Transcribed and Contributed by Tom Busby
Great Great Grandson of V. W. Sargent, Company F.
Keokuk Iowa
Aug 12th/64
Dear Parents
I once more ?????? write a few lines to you. To inform you of my health and whareabouts. My health is good. I feal as well now as I ever did in my life. Am at Keokuk in the hospital. Came here night before last. I wrote to you and told you that I was going to devenport and then wrote agan and told you that I thought I would not go atoll and all at once they took a notion to send me to Keokuk and here I am. That is the way it goes. A soldier don't know one day whare he will be sent the next but I am satisfied with the change. I found several boys from my regt was here. Dan Seward is here to. One fellow from my company name W McLain, a real good fellow. He says I can get a furlough I hant said anny thing about it to the dockter yet. I am going to ask him once and if he don't let me have it he has got to give me transportation to my regt. I aint going to humble myself before anny dockter or officer to get a few days furlough. I cant get only 20 days anny how. I have got only one year longer to serve and I believe I can wate untill then although I would like to go home on your acount now that I have gave you some hopes that I was coming home and I should have ben home long before this if the dockter at Jeff Bcks had took anny interest in my getting a furlough but I think that I will get one yet. Time will tell. Write as soon as you get this.
From Your son
V.W. Sargent
Direct to Keokuk Iowa third st. Hospital 4th ward.