Dennis Quigley 12 Iowa Records
27th Iowa Top Banner

The military cards of Dennis C. Quigley, Company D, 12th Iowa
were submitted by David Yost, GGG Nephew

These are the military cards in connection with Dennis C. Quigley's service with the 12th Regiment, Iowa Volunteers. Note that he was transferred from the 27th on July 17, 1865.

Q / 12 / Iowa

Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on Returns as Follows:

July 1865 Tran July 17/65
Selma, Ala, Transfed
by S.O. 113 Ex. 8 in
accordance with Orders
from War Dept. from
27 Iowa Inf given at
Hd. Qrs 16 A. C. Mont-
gomery Ala July 17/65
Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith
Comdg. Assigned to Co. by Regt Orders No. 8
July 17/65

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on
Company Descriptive Book
of the organization named above


Age 21 years; height 5 feet 9 1/2 inches
Complexion Dark
Eyes: Hazle; Hair Dark
Where born: Edwards Co., Ill
Occupation: Farmer


When: Jan 17, 1865
Where: Waerloo, Ia
By whom: Capt. Curtis; term 1 y'rs.
Remarks: Mustered Jan 17/65
Waterloo, IA, Capt. Curtis

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

For July & Aug. 1865
Present or absent: Present
Stoppage, $____/100 for ____________
Due Gov't, $_____/100 for __________

Remarks: Recruit by transfer
from Co. "D" 27 Iowa Inf.
Tranferred to Reg from 27 Iowa Inf in Compliance with S.O. 111,
Hd Qrs. 16 A.C. dated Montgomery
Ala, July 17, 1865.

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

For July & Aug. 1865
Present or absent: _________________
Stoppage, $____/100 for ____________
Due Gov't, $_____/100 for __________

Remarks: Gain by tranfer
Transferred from 27 Iowa
Inf Vol to 12 Iowa Inf.
Regt Vol in compliance
with S. O. 111 (Ex 8) dated
Hdqrs 16 A.C. Montgomery, Ala
July 15/65 by order of
Maj. Gen A. J. Smith
J. B. Comstock, A.A.G.

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

For Sept & Oct. 1865
Present or absent: Present
Stoppage, $____/100 for ____________
Due Gov't, $_____/100 for __________

Remarks: Recruit

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on a

Detachment Muster Roll

For dated Oct 21, 1865
Station: Talladega, Ala
Present or absent: Present
Stoppage, $____/100 for ____________
Due Gov't, $_____/100 for __________

Remarks: Transfered from
27 Iowa Inf in
compliance with
SO No. 111 Hdqrs
16 A.C. July 15, 1865

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

For Nov. & Dec. 1865
Present or absent: Present
Stoppage, $____/100 for ____________
Due Gov't, $_____/100 for __________

Remarks: Recruit

Q / 12 / Iowa
Dennis C. Quigley

Pvt, Co. D., 12 Reg't Iowa Infantry

Appears on a Co. Muster-Roll, Dated

Memphis, Tenn. Jan 20, 1866

Muster-out Date: Jan 20, 1866

Last Paid to: June 30, 1865

Clothing account:

Last settled:__,186_; drawn since $__/100
Due soldier $__/100; due U.S. $31.06
Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $_

Due U.S. for arms, equipments & c., retained $6.00
Bounty paid: 33.00; due $67.00

Remarks: Recruit. Exp. term
of services Jan 17/66