Company C Notes
27th Iowa Top Banner

Notes for the men of Company C, 27th Iowa.

This information is a compilation of information that I have found. I have not attempted to verify any of it. But if I find a discrepancy between sources, I have noted it. All information in this section should be validated with further research. Corrections are welcome.

I use various sources. I start with the Pension Records Index to see if I can determine the spouse's name. Then I check Census records, and Family Trees on If I can determine what county/state he was in, I check the USGENWEB site for that particular county. I also use Find A Grave and Iowa Gravestones Photo Project websites. Last I do a general search of the internet.

Abbott, Hiram He was born Dec. 15 1831 in Indiana. He was the son of Isaac Abbott (Feb. 22, 1805 - May 4, 1872) and Elizabeth Faulkner (May 29, 1809 - 1854). Hiram Abbott married Cathrine Rowland on Nov 5, 1857 in Indiana (Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001). He married Sarah A. Wilkins on August 19, 1874 in Stern County, Minnesota (Minnesota, County Marriages, 1860-1949) ). The image below was found here.

Hiram Abbot1850 Census: Sparta, Dearborn County, Indiana. Isaac Abbott (age 45, millwright, born New Hampshire), Betsy Abbott (age 42, born NY), Hiram Abbott (age 20, born NY), Martha Abbott (age 18, born NY), Samuel C. Abbott (age 16, born NY), Lewis C. Abbott (age 14, born NY), William M. Abbott (age 12, born NY), John A. Abbott (age 10, born NY), Lydia A. Abbott (age 9, born NY), Isaac M. Abbott (age 7, born NY), Rebecca J. Abbott (age 5, born NY), Marilla M. Abbott (age 1, born NY) and Elizabeth C. Abbott (age 3, born NY).

1860 Census in Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Hiram Abbott, (age 29, born Indiana), Catharine Abbott (age 26, born New Jersey), and Elisabeth Abbott (age 1, born Iowa).

1870 Census in Forest Prairie, Meeker County, Minnesota: Hiram Abbott, (age 38, farmer), Catherine Abbott (age 37), Elizabeth (age 12) and Annie G (age 3).

According to family trees Catherine Abbott died Oct. 9, 1870. The 1900 census shows that Hiram and Sarah were married about 1875.

1880 Census in Forest Prairie, Meeker County, Minnesota; Hiram Abbott, (age 49), wife Sarah A (age 48), and daughter Annie Abbott (age 13).

1890 Veterans Census in Morrisville, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: Hiram Abbott, Private, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. enlisted Aug 14, 1862, discharged August 14, 1865, served 3 years. Post Office was Brainerd.

1900 Census in Brainerd Ward 5, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: Hiram Abbott, (born Dec. 1830, age 69, married 25 years), wife Sarah A. (born March 1831, age 69, married 25 years, 3 children born, 3 still living.)

1910 Census in Township 135, Crow Wing County, Minnesota: William R. Mills, (age 57, married 1 time for 38 years), his wife Emma (age 53, married 1 time for 38 years, 9 children, 7 still living), Father-In-Law Hiram Abbott, age 79, married 2 times, current marriage 35 years), Mother-in-Law Sarah Abbott (age 79, married 2 times, current marriage 35 years, 3 children 1 still living).

Hiram Abott died April 2, 1912 (Pension Index Record, United States Veterans Administration Payment Cards) and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minnesota,

His widow Sarah A. Abbott filed for a pension on May 3, 1912.

Minnesota Grand Army of the Republic Membership Records, Levi Whitney Post No. 29: Losses During the Term from All Causes: Hiram Abbott, Rank: Private, Co. C. Reg't: 27th Iowa Inft. Cause: Death, Date: June 1912. (The June 1912 appears to be the date that it was recorded. The same month and year was used for the other soldier that died.)

Hiram Abbott, 309 South Quince street, aged about 77, died of paralysis at his home. The deceased was a member of the local Grand Army post and the funeral is expected to be held under Grand Army auspices. For the last two years or more the deceased was totally blind, but the old soldier always preserved his cheerful demeanor and enjoyed the friendship of many people. The funeral will be held at two o'clock Thursday afternoon from the residence and at 2:30 from the Presbyterian church, Rev. W. J. Lowrie officiating. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the family in its bereavement.

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, April 3, 1912
Page 3, Colunn 4

Hiram Abbott was born December 15, 1831 in Ripley County, Ind. He enlisted in the 32nd Iowa Infantry in Aug. 1862, and served until the close of the war. He come to Minnesota in 1867 and took up a homestead claim in Meeker County. His wife died in a few years, leaving him and two little daughters to mourn her loss. He was converted and became a member of the Church of God of Minnesota 30 years ago and has continued a faithful member until death.

He died April 2nd, 1912, aged 81 years, three months and 18 days. He leaves to mourn his loss two daughters, Mr. J. Nelson and Mrs. B. Samuelson, both of this city; four brothers and three sisters, besides a host of friends.

His brothers were S. C. Abbott, Park Rapids, Minn.; Wm. Abbott, of Ashland, Oregon; J. A. Abbott, Chicago, Ill., and I. U. Abbott, of Paynesville, Minn. His sisters were Mrs. Martha Beers, Attica, Ind.; Mrs. Lizzie Hanscom, Ashland, Oregon; Mrs. Ella Spaulding, Watkins, Minn.

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, April 11, 1912
Page 3, column 4

This is very strange. I am not 100% certain I have the obituary for the correct Hiram Abbott. There are a several discrepancies.

  1. The 1890 census and Pension Index records indicate that Hiram Abbot of the 27th Iowa was in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minnesota.

  2. Pension Index Record, The United States Veteran Administration Payment Cards, Cemetery Records and Tombstone all say he died April 2, 1912.

  3. From Pension records, Sarah was his widow and filed for a pension after he died.

  4. HOWEVER, the obituary does not mention a widow and only says he is survived by his two daughters and brothers and sisters. Note that the names of the brothers and sisters match names found in the 1850 census. The obituary also says he was in the 32nd Iowa. I checked the 32nd Iowa Rosters and did not find a Hiram Abbott/Abott listed.

  5. I then checked the 1910 Census Records and there are TWO Hiram Abbotts listed in Crow Wing County, Minnesota:

    (1) Township 135, Crow Wing, Minnesota dated May 2 and 3, 1910: Hiram Abbott (born about 1831 in Indiana, Parents born in New Hampshire and New York - note that the place of birth for his parents matches other census records including the 1850 census. Under Income: Own Income. Under Blind: It was smudged too badly to determine what it said, but the index does say BLIND) and Sarah Abbott. Hiram and Sarah are listed as father-in-law and mother-in-law living with Emma Mills and her husband William R. Mills.

    (2) Brainerd City, Crow Wing County, Minn. dated April 22, 1910: Hiram Abbott (born about 1831 in Indiana, widowed, father-in-law, both parents born in Indiana, Under Occupation: "None", Under Blind: B) living with Anna G. Samuelson and her husband Bernard A. Samuelson. Based on the obituary saying he was survived by his daughter Mrs. B. Samuelson, it appears to indicate that it was the second Hiram Abbott that died on April 2, 1912.

  6. BUT, I did not find any other census records where there were two Hiram Abbotts together. So IF this is not a massive mistake and two Hiram Abbots have been combined into one, then I can think of one scenario where the Hiram Abbotts listed in 1910 could be the same person. Maybe he was listed twice on the 1910 census. IF there was some sort of tension between his two daughters and their stepmother, maybe she was not included in the obituary (or was accidentally left off). Possibly Emma Mills was not included in the obituary because she is Sarah's daughter but not Hiram's (The census record does say Sarah had been married 2 times and was the mother of 3 children -- and Emma apparently was born well before Hiram and Sarah were married). Depending on the family dynamics (or WHO provided the information), it might also explain "widowed" when he was staying with the Samuelson's.

Please note that item 6 is simply speculation on my part, and there could be other factors that have not been considered. So if you are interested in this family, I would definitely recommend some further investigation to be certain that there are not two Hiram Abbotts that have somehow over the years been combined into one. It would not be the first time that I have found that to happen as I have researched the men of the 27th Iowa.

Allen, Emery Stanford He was born Nov. 16, 1840 in Florence, Oneida County, New York. He was the son of Japhet Chapin Allen and Chloe Stanford. He married Saphrona Webster on May 8, 1868.

1850 Census in Amboy, Oswego, New York: Japeth C. Allen (age 39), Chloe Allen (age 37), Arty (age 13), Marsena (age 11), Emory S (age 9), Dency S. (age 7), Rachael (age 5), Eunice (age 4) and Rhodella (Age 2).

1860 Census in Alton, Buchanan, Iowa: Japhet C. Allen (age 49), Chloe (age 46), Emery S. (age 19), Deney (age 17), Rachel (age 15), Rodelle (age 12), Japhet C. (age 10), Edwin (age 8), Martha (age 5).

1870 Census in Fairbank, Buchanan, Iowa: Emery S. Allen (age 30), Sophrona B. (age 21), Mary E. (age 9/12 - born Dec. 1869) and Edwin Allen (age 17 -- I'm sure this is his brother although the 1870 census does not identify relationships.)

1880 Census in Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Emery S. Allen (age 39), wife Sophronia (age 31), Daughter Mary E. (age 10), Daughter Arminda C. (age 9), Son Marsena (age 7), Son George W. (age 5), Son Earle E (age 2) and Son Edmund H. (age 1).

1885 Iowa State Census in Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Emery S. Allen (age 44) Sophronia (age 36), Ella M (age 15), Arminde E. (age 13), Marsena (age 12), George W. (age 10) Earl E. (age 8), Eddie (age 6), Garfield (age 4), Truman (age 0).

1900 Census in Fairbank, Buchanan, Iowa: Emory Allen, (Born Nov. 1840, age 59, married for 32 years), Wife Sophronia (born Feb 1848, age 52, married 32 years, 9 children, 8 still living), Son George W. (age 25), son Earl (age 22), son Edmund (age 21), Son J. Garfield (age 18), son Floyd (age 15), and daughter Ida B., (age 11).

1905 Iowa State Census in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Emery S. Allen (326 Newell Street), George Allen and Ida Allen at the same address

1907 Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, Fall River, South Dakota

MILITARY HISTORY: Time and Place of Enlistment: Aug 12, 1862, Independence, Iowa. Rank: Pri: Company and Regiment: C, 27th Iowa Inf. Time and Place of Discharge: May 11, 1865, Davenport, Iowa. Cause of Discharge: Disability. Kind and Degree: Bronchitis, Piles. When and Where Contracted: March 1, 1905, Waterloo, Iowa. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Where born: Florenceville, NY; Age: 66; Height: 5'9"; Complexion: Fair; Color of Hair: Gray; Can read and write; Religion: Prot; Occupation: Farmer; Residence subsequent to Discharge: Waterloo, Iowa; Single; Name and address of Nearest Relative: Mrs. W. R. Crawford, Waterloo, Iowa. HOME HISTORY: Rate of Pension: $10.00; Date of Admission: Adm B.M.S. June 25, 1907; Date of Discharge: Discharged Hon. Juy 10, 1907. Cause of Discharge: His request. Pension Certificate: 278.072.

Emery S. Allen died Feb. 26, 1909 (Pension Index Record) and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.


E. S. Allen passed away last evening at soldiers home

Body will be brought to Waterloo this morning for burial – – was 69 years of age

Taps sounded for an old veteran of the Civil War at Marshalltown last night when E. F. Allen of Waterloo and an inmate of the soldiers home joined the great silent Army of the dead.

Mr. Allen had been at the soldiers home for about three months and had resided in Waterloo for seven years previous to that time. He'd been suffering from abscess of the lungs and death came as a welcome relief to him. He was 69 years of age and was a member of the 27th Iowa volunteers.

The body will be brought to Waterloo this morning and interment will take place at Littleton.

He is survived by three children residing in Waterloo: Mrs. W. R. Crawford, of Maple Street; Floyd Allen, of Maple Street, and Earl Allen, residing on the west side.

Waterloo Times Tribune, February 27, 1909

Emery S Allen, 68 years old, a member of the soldiers home at Marshalltown, from Waterloo, died at the home hospital of abscess of the lungs. Mr. Allen was a veteran of Company C, Twenty Seventh Iowa infantry and enlisted in 1862 at Independence. He was discharged at Davenport in 1866. A daughter, Mrs. W. R. Crawford and a son Floyd Allen live at Waterloo. The body was sent to Waterloo for interment.

The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Tuesday, March 2, 1909

Old Soldier Called

Emery S. Allen, a veteran of the Civil War passed away yesterday at the old soldiers home at Marshalltown after a lingering illness from abscess of the lungs. He has been at the home for three months, having lived here at 326 Newell Street for seven years, prior to going there. He conducted a feed store on East Fifth street for years until his health failed.

E. S. Allen was born in Florence, New York November 16, 1840. He moved with his parents to Vermillion, Illinois in 1853, later moving to Fairbank, Iowa. He served his country for three years and nine months with Company C 27th Iowa infantry in the Civil War. He was married May 8, 1869 to Sophronia B Webster, who survives him. To this union were born nine children, eight of whom are living. A daughter, Mrs. Robert Heals died in 1898. The others are, Mrs. L. E. Goodwin, Lincoln, Nebraska; Martin Allen, St. Louis, Missouri: George W Allen, Great Falls, Montana: Earl Allen, Big Springs, Texas: E. H. Allen, Fort Dodge: J. J. Allen, Fairbank; and F. W. Allen and Mrs. W. R. Crawford of the city. A brother and two sisters are also living. Some of the children were at his bedside during the last hour.

Remains were brought here this morning, and interment will be at Littleton, Iowa on Sunday at 2:00 PM

Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier, March 2, 1909

Emery S. Allen whose home had been near Triumph almost his entire life after 1856, died at the soldiers home at Marshalltown on Friday, February 26, 1909, of abscess of the lungs, having grown worse soon after his entrance into the home and failing steadily, during the three months of his stay in the institution. Previous to going to the home, he resided at Waterloo for about seven years. Deceased was born in Florence, New York, November 16, 1840, and at the time of his death was age 68 years 3 months, 10 days. In 1853, he came with his parents, Japhet and Chloe Allen to Vermillion Illinois, and about 1856, the family came to Littleton, residing north of the village for a time, then located near Triumph. For three years and nine months Emery served his country having enlisted in Company C 27th Iowa infantry. An older brother, Marcena, was a member of Company C 9th Iowa infantry, and died while in the service in May 1863. Deceased was united in marriage May 8, 1869 to Miss Sophronia Webster who survives. Nine children were born eight of whom are living, a daughter Mrs. Robert Heales, dying in 1898 is buried in the Littleton Cemetery. Those surviving are Mrs. S. E. Goodwin, of Lincoln Nebraska; Marcena Allen of St. Louis, Missouri, better known here as Mart: George W. Allen of Great Falls, Montana: Earl of Big Springs, Texas: E. Herbert of Fort Dodge: Garfield J. Allen of Fairbanks: Floyd W Allen of Waterloo: Mrs. Ida Crawford of Waterloo. The children who were near enough to come and be with him when he passed away were Herbert, Garfield, Floyd and Mrs. W. R. Crawford and husband. One brother Edwin Allen of Hazelton survives, also two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Stanford of New York and Mrs. Mattie Webster of Los Annmos, Colorado. The remains being taken to Fairbank, where the members of the G. A. R. took charge and accompanied the friends to the burial place in the Littleton Cemetery, where they conducted the last services. They were comrades Bothwell, Betts, Chase, Leahey, Smith, Sayles and flag bearer Munger. This was in accordance with the express wishes of the deceased. Children and veteran comrades carried out all wishes so far as possible. The many friends who held Mr. Allen in esteem, throughout this section has seen with regret his failing health for a number of years. He was familiar with all the privations incidental to pioneer life and during hours when he was at the soldiers home among strangers how often the thought must have come to his mind of the faithful mother who never failed to place a light in an upper window of the prairie home, that might safely guide himself and brother home over the unfenced, snow-covered prairies, when some meeting at the little red schoolhouse, now Triumph, held them during the evening hours.

The Waterloo reporter, Thursday, March 4, 1909

His widow Sophronia B. Allen filed for a pension on July 19, 1909.

Anderson, Eli He was born April 9, 1837 in Indiana. He was the son of David Anderson and Lucinda Oglesbee. He married Nancy Ellen Rinehart on April 24, 1859 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Jacob Rinehart and Rachel Hoffman. Her brother Preston Rinehart also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1860 Census in Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli Anderson, (age 22), Nancy E. Anderson, (age 19), and Elmira Anderson (age 4 months).

1870 Census in Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli Anderson (age 32), Ellen Anderson (age 29), Mina (age 10), May (age 8), David A. (age 4), Nellie M (age 2), Frank (age 1), There was also a John T. Anderson (age 29) in the household.

1880 Census in Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli Anderson, (age 42), N. E. Anderson (age 37), Mina B. (age 20), Ella M (age 18), David A (age 15), Nellie (age 12), Frank (age 9) and Ada (age 7).

List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883. 1812 to 1883. State of Iowa: Eli Anderson, Post Office: Winthrop, Cause for which pensioned: loss rt. eye, impaired sight of left eye. Monthly Rate: $8.00.

1885 Iowa State Census in Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli Anderson, (age 46), Nancy (age 42), David (age 19), Nellie (age 17), Frank (age 14) and Ada (age 12).

Eli Anderson died March 17, 1887 and is buried in Fleming/Fremont Cemetery, Winthrop, Buchanan County, Iowa.

His widow Nancy E. Anderson filed for a pension on Apr. 18, 1887.

Nancy (Rinehart) Anderson died June 19, 1894,

Andrews, Richard He was born about 1845 in Massachusetts. He was the son of Mathew Andrews and Margaret Welch. His sister, Mary Andrews, married Lorin Carpenter who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census in Lunenburg, Worcester, Massachusetts: Mathew Andrews (age 39), Margaret Andrews (age 33), Mary (age 7), Richard (age 5), William (age 4). Charles W. Hollis (age 13) and Sophia Tyler (age 62) were also in the household.

1860 Census in Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Margaret Andrews, (age 42), Mary Andrews (age 17), Richard Andrews (age 15), Wm Andrews (age 13), Louis Andrews (age 8) and Emma Andrews (age 5).

State of Iowa
Buchanan County
Nov. 23, 1865

Richard H. Andrews filed for a pension and stated: He is age 31 and a resident of Madison Township in the County of Buchanan and State of Iowa. He enlisted in the service of the United States on the 12th day of August 1862 as a Private in Company C, commanded by Captain Henry V. Sill in the 27th Regiment of Iowa Volunteers. He was honorably discharged at Clayton, Iowa on the 8th day of August 1865.

That while in the service and in the line of his duty at Montgomery in the State of Alabama about the 10th day of July 1865, he contracted fever and ague and chronic diarrhea which diseases were induced by exposure, bad diet & bad climate, that said disease still continues to affect him and has constantly from that date to the present; that he is now totally disabled from procuring subsistence by manual labor and is now confined to his bed and has been since the middle of September. That since leaving said service this applicant has resided at Madison Twp, and his occupation has been farming though unable to labor.

Richard Andrews died March 3, 1866 and is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

His mother Margaret Andrews filed for a pension on March 16, 1866. Information from the pension file is extracted below:

March 1866
State of Iowa
Buchanan County

Margaret Andrews, a resident of Madison Township, Buchanan County, age 48 stated that:

She is the widow of Matthew Andrews and mother of Richard H. Andrews who was a private in Company C commanded by Captain Noble in the 27th Regiment of Iowa and who died at home in Iowa on or about the 3rd day of March 1866 and the cause of his death was chronic diarrhea contracted while in the service of the United States.

She referred to his application "now pending" No 96965 for pension.

She was married to Matthew Andrews on the 12th day of July 1842 at Boston, Massachusetts by "name forgotten" a Minister of the Gospel.

She had six children: Mary, Richard Henry (now dead), William, Matthew (now dead), Lewis, & Emma of which all are over sixteen except Lewis born April 9th 1853 & Emma born March 4th 1855.

* Witnesses Lorin D. Carpenter and Mary A. Carpenter testified on her behalf:

The soldier left neither widow nor minor child surviving and was son of claimant.

The husband of claimant died July 22, 1857 at Buffalo Grove, Buchanan County, Iowa.

The claimant owns 40 acres of land partly improved worth about $400 which is her only support.

Her son Richard H. Andrews contributed toward her support for about five years before entering the service, that he worked out by the month a part of the time and with his wages furnished food & clothing for claimant. That he also worked on the farm and by the product of said land contributed toward her support; that her principal and main dependence was on said son to work and improve said land and make a living for herself and family, that she has not the means to improve and cultivate said land when it to be one; that the amount of his contributions prior to enlistment was about $50 or $60 per year. That while in the service the son sent home in all $160.

(*NOTE: Mary A. Carpenter was the daughter of Margaret Andrews (and sister of Richard Andrews). Lorin Carpenter (her husband) also served in Company C, 27th Iowa).

A marriage record in the pension file shows that on December 5, 1866, John Clements, aged 66 and Margaret Andrews, age 48 were married in Buchanan County, Iowa by the Hon. H. Barton, County Judge.

John Clements died January 28, 1877 in Christian County, Illinois. He left no property (per statement by his daughter Sarah C. Silkes).

On July 9, 1891 A. D. Eaton, recorder of Strawberry Point, Clayton County, Iowa declared that: Mrs. Margarette Clements owns a small house and lot; that said property is assessed at one hundred dollars; that as far as he knows it is the only property owned by said Clements. That said property, in his judgment, would not sell for more than three hundred dollars; that he has known said Clements for about fifteen years. She was without other means of support other than her own manual labor and the assistance of those not legally bound for her support.

On Jan 18, 1895 it was reported that: Margaret Andrews, now Clements, mother of Richard H. Andrews P. C. 27th Iowa Inf. who was a pensioner on the rolls of this agency, under certificate No. 147871, and who was last paid $12.00 to Jan 4, 1895 has been dropped because of death - died Jan 7, 1895 at Strawberry Point, Iowa.

Bailey, Henry M. He was born April 11, 1840 in Vermont. He is probably the son of Cyrus and Hattie Bailey. He married Delocia Nagle on Oct. 2, 1867 in Hardin County, Iowa (1855- 1869 Marriages Hardin County, Iowa). She is most likely the daughter of John and Delocia Nagle.

1850 census, McHenry County Illinois Cyrus Bailey (age 35, farmer, born Vermont), Hetty Bailey (age 42, born Vermont) and Henry Bailey (age 10, born Vermont). This family was indexed as BRILEY

1856 Iowa State Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus Bailey (age 42, born VT.), Mahetable Bailey (age 48, born VT), Henry Bailey (age 16, born VT).

1860 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus Bailey (age 45), Hattie (age 50), Henry (age 20) and Susan Newton (age 12).

1870 Census: Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Henry Bailey (age 30), Delocia Bailey (age 21), Lulea Bailey (age 1), Cyrus Bailey (age 55) and Hettie Bailey (age 62).

1880 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Henry Bailey (age 40, farmer, born Vermont), wife Delosia Bailey (age 31, born Iowa), son Arthur Bailey (age 7, born Iowa), son Oren Bailey (age 4, born Iowa) and daughter Grace Bailey (age 1, born Iowa).

1885 Iowa State Census: Arlington, Fayette County, Iowa: Henry M. Bailey (Township 92, Range 7, Section 28, Madison Street, age 44, General Merchandise, born Vermont), Delocia B. Bailey (age 35, born Clayton County, Iowa), Arthur L. Bailey (age 11, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Oren E. Bailey (age 8, born Buchanan County, Iowa) and Bula B. Bailey (age 0, born Fayette County, Iowa).

1900 Census, Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa: Henry M. Bailey (born April 1840, age 60, married 32 years, Merchant) wife Delosia Bailey (born Dec. 1873, age 51, married 32 years, 6 children, 4 still living), Arthur S. Bailey (age 26), Orean E Bailey (age 24), Beulah B. Bailey (age 15) and S. Maude Bailey (age 10).

1910 Census, Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa: Henry M. Bailey (age 70, married 1 time for 43 years), Delosia D Bailey (age 61, married 1 time for 43 years, 6 children born, 2 still living), Beulah B Bailey (age 25), Maude S Bailey (age 20). (Note: according to his obituary, the "2 still living" must be a census error).

1915 Iowa State Census, Fayette, Fayette county, Iowa: H. M. Bailey, age 75, Occupation: none. extent of education: Common 10, College 1.Birth Place: Vermont, Own his own home, no encumbrance, value $1,400. Church Affiliation: Methodist. Father's birthplace, not know, mother's birthplace Vermont. Can read and write. Years in Iowa: 59.

Delocia Nagle Bailey (born 1849) died Nov. 24, 1917 and is buried in Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa, Lot 333.

1920 Census, Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa: James Roscoe Linson (age 30), wife Beulah B. Linson (age 35), daughter Delocia Linson (age 5), son Hubert C. Linson (age 0/12), father Henry M. Bailey (age 79, widowed, born Vermont)

Henry M. Bailey died April 3, 1921 and is buried in Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Fayette County Iowa. Record Notes: Co. C. 27th Iowa. Inf. Lot 333. WPA Records


H. M. Bailey Passed Away Sunday At Advanced Age; Funeral Was Held Tuesday.

Henry M. Bailey died Sunday, April 3, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. R. Linson, after having been confined to the house for several weeks. Mr. Bailey was born April 11, 1840, at Hyde Park, Lamont County, Vermont. He went with his parents to McHenry County, Illinois in 1846, and to Buchanan County, Iowa, ten years later. He enlisted in the service of his country and was a member of Company C, 27th Regiment Iowa Volunteers during three years of the Civil War.

He was married to Delocia B. Nagel, October 2, 1867, and to them were born six children – – four girls and two boys. Two of the girls died in childhood. Those remaining to mourn his departure are A. L. Bailey of New York, O. E. Bailey of Chamberlain, South Dakota, Mrs. J. R. Linson and Mrs. R. A. Strayer of Fayette. The wife died October 24, 1917.

Mr. Bailey and his family moved to Fayette a number of years ago, the children growing to young manhood and womanhood here. At one time Mr. Bailey and his son O. E. were engaged in the grocery business here. The decedent was a man of firm convictions but nevertheless genial and friendly with all. He was an ardent member of the G. A. R., and rarely missed being in attendance with that body at any function requiring its presence.

The funeral was held at the home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. L. Alexander. Interment was in Grandview Cemetery.

Fayette County Leader, April 7, 1921

Baker, Edward P. He was born Oct. 31. 1833 in New York. He is the son of Davis Baker and Hannah Church. He married Leora A. Parker. She was the daughter of Samuel and Emeline Parker.

1860 census, Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Samuel Parker (age 52), Emeline Parker (age 39), Edward P. Baker (age 26), Leora A. Baker (age 18), Amelia Parker (age 17) and Ada Parker (age 14). Note: from the 1860 census I suspected that Leora's maiden name was Parker. I backed up to the 1850 census and I did find Leora A Parker in Eaton, Madison County, New York, with family Samuel Parker (age 43), Emeline Parker (age 35), Leora A. Parker (age 9), Amelia A. Parker (age 7), Cornelia A. Parker (age 4), Elias Parker (age 2).

1870 census in Palermo, Grundy County, Iowa: Edward Baker, (age 36, Attorney at Law, born New Hampshire), Leo Baker, (age 28, female), Blanche Baker (age 7), Florence Baker (age 4), Helen Baker (age 2).

Capt. E. P. Baker of Grundy County called in and swapped paragraphs with us. We note that the Atlas has him in grooming for Congress in this district, and as he is a sharp, well-informed man with sturdy legs, he'll make a splendid run. He has a good record as a soldier, having enlisted as a private in the 27th Iowa infantry, and his mustering out as Capt. shows a kind of service which commanded the attention of his superiors and brought promotion. He is now clerk of the courts of his County.

Waterloo Courier, July 4, 1872

1880 Mortality Census (persons who died during the year before May 31, 1880) in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Edward P. Baker, Male, White, married, born New Hampshire, about 1834, age 46, Lawyer, month of death April, cause of death: Valvuler disease of heart, Census year 1880, Census Location: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Edward P. Baker died April 25, 1880 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Washington Twp, (part of Independence), Buchanan, Iowa, with notation Add. 1, Lot 400.

His widow Leora filed for a pension on June 18, 1880.

1880 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Leora A. Baker, (age 38, occupation: Boarding House), daughter Blanch S. (age 17), daughter Hellen A. (age 12), daughter Clara H. (age 8), son Walter D. (age 6) and Daughter May E. (age 5), There were also several boarders in the household.

Frank D. Jackson successfully ran for Governor in 1893. Prior to his election there were numerous newspaper articles about him being "disbarred" due to pension fraud. Mrs. Baker was one of the examples. There were actually several articles that covered the same example. I only used the following two examples:

Another Damaging Case

Mount Vernon, September 30 – – the victims of Frank D Jackson's illegal contracts and extortions charges in pension cases are by no means to be found only in Independence. Mount Vernon has a lady citizen, one of the most respected women in the place, who had an experience with Jackson that was anything but satisfactory to her, and its details now arise to meet Jackson and give additional and positive proof that he is unworthy of the votes of the good people in Iowa.

The lady in question is Mrs. Leora Baker, whose husband was Capt. Edward Baker of Independence, and a member of the 27th Iowa infantry. Capt. Baker died about 1880, and a few years later Mrs. Baker moved to this place for the purpose of having the advantages of the college for her children. She is one of that numerous class of people who have high ideals of life and who are so desirous of giving to their children that priceless gift, a liberal education, that they leave the home of a lifetime and its sacred associations, to come within reach of Cornell, that their children may have its benefits and at the same time have restraints and blessings of a home. That is why Mrs. Baker is now a residence of this place.

Learning that Mrs. Baker had employed Frank D Jackson to act as her attorney in securing a pension, a Gazette representative called upon her last evening and asked for the facts in relation there in. Mrs. Baker is a bright, intelligent lady and knows exactly what occurred when she was dealing with Jackson. She talked freely about the affair and to the reporter she told the following story;

Charged Mrs. Baker 15 percent

"Soon after my husband's death, I think it was in the spring of 1880, I called upon Mr. Poor, County Treasurer, who was a friend of my husband, and advised with him as to getting my pension. He suggested that I should go to Mr. Jackson, and he said that he could probably get it quicker for me, because his father was an officer in Washington and used his influence to get Jackson's papers passed without waiting the usual time. I called upon Mr. Jackson and he took my case. He said his fee would be 15 percent. I had no written contract with him, but remember very distinctly about his charge, for I soon afterwards learned that it was an illegal fee. I did not know when I made the contract with him that he was charging me too much. Soon after taking the case Mr. Jackson left Independence and went to Greene. I then employed Holman and Newman to look after my case. They got my pension allowed and charged me $10. I heard that Jackson was silenced by the department soon after he went to Greene for charging illegal fees. After my pension was allowed Mr. Jackson wrote to my brother-in-law and asked him to use his influence to have me pay his fees. I did not do so because I did not think I was legally or morally bound to carry out an illegal contract. The first payment on my pension was $1600."

There is not a person in Mount Vernon or Independence who knows Mrs. Baker, but who will believe every word of the above. It is a straightforward, consistent statement of undeniable facts. Mrs. Baker had not read a word published about Jackson in similar cases. She had never heard the particulars of any other case of such nature, only a general rumor at the time of such cases for which she heard that he had been silenced. Yet her statement of her dealings with Jackson corresponds in all respects in that of others. He simply charged her an exorbitant fee, 24 times more than the law permitted him to charge.

The Cedar Rapids Weekly Gazette, Thursday, October 19, 1893

But there is not a case which the people of Independence who know the lady are more incensed at than any of the pension extortions which Jackson was guilty of, and that was the case of Mrs. Leora Baker, who lived in Independence in 1880. She is now a resident of Mount Vernon, where she is educating her children at Cornell University. Her husband was Capt. E. P. Baker of the 27th Iowa infantry. Upon his death Mrs. Baker was entitled to a pension upon the mere statement of Mrs. Baker, with proof of his death. It was one of those cases which required really the services of no attorney at all. County Treasurer, Jim Poor, of Independence, who was one of Jackson's young cronies, induced Mrs. Baker to employ Jackson as her attorney. Jackson extracted her promise to pay 15 percent of whatever she got. This is another case where Jackson was disbarred before he had got the lady her pension. When Jackson was disbarred, Capt. Holman of independence took up her case and pushed it through without the slightest effort. All he had to do was forward proof of her marriage, proof of her husband's death, and proof of the fact that she never remarried. It did not take two hours time to prepare all these papers, yet Jackson had imposed upon the lady, under the suggestion that it would involve months of labor, a contract by which she had to pay him 15 percent of whatever she recovered as a first payment. As the lady received $1600 as a first payment, Mr. Jackson, had he not been disbarred would have received $240. The defenders of Jackson's rotten record studiously concealed the damaging charges contained in such cases as those of Mrs. Bloden, John Price and Mrs. Baker. He lied to Ellis and cast reflections upon the pension department, for which he was disbarred, but in the other cases he took advantage of their lack of knowledge of law – – a knowledge that they were paying him to use to their advantage – – and caused them to enter into contracts by which he would have defrauded them out of large sums of money. Any person who will take the trouble to go to Independence will find the above statement to be absolutely true. They will also discover they are only samples of Jackson's general method of doing business.

Davenport Daily Leader, November 1, 1893

Leora A Baker (born 15 Aug 1841 NY) died 25 Nov 1907, Iowa. She is buried Oakland Cemetery (same lot as Edward P. Baker).

According to the Pension Index Records Edward P. Baker served with Company C., 27th Iowa; Company A, 2nd Alabama Colored Infantry and Co. K, U.S.C.H.A.

I made contact with a descendant of Edward Baker's sister (Henrietta) who says their parents were Davis Baker (b. 1791 NH - d. 1842 New Hampshire) and Hannah Church (b. 1794 NH- d. 1843 New Hampshire). She said Edward Baker was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa. Since the children were rather young when their parents died, most of the children went in different directions. They were originally from Campton, Grafton, NH. Edward's brother, Elihu, married Leora's sister, Adeline, and lived in South Carolina. One sister remained in Campton, NH, another was in Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa by 1856, a brother lived in Washington, D C, another in Massachusetts, brother Henry and sister Henrietta to Ventura, CA. Henrietta is part of her husband's direct line.

Barnes, James He was born about 1846 in England.

List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Living in Iowa in 1885. Under 27th Iowa: Name James Barnes, Rank: Private, Company C, Present Post-Office Address: Dubuque

1910 Census: Linn, Marshall County, Iowa, Iowa Soldiers Home: James Barnes (age 64, single, born England, immigrated 1848, naturalized.

1915 Iowa State Census: Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa; James Barnes, age 70, single, county Marshall, Town Marshalltown, Occupation Labor, can read, Birth Place: England, Military Service: Civil War, Infantry, State Iowa, Regiment 12, Company C., Remarks: Soldier's Home

1920 Census: Linn, Marshall County, Iowa, Iowa Soldiers Home: James Barnes (age 74, widowed, immigrated 1849, naturalized, born in England

James Barnes died May 19, 1920 at Marshalltown, Iowa. (Pension Records). He is buried in Iowa Veterans Home Cemetery, Plot: Section S, Row 8, Grave 12, Marshalltown, Marshall County. Iowa.

Barnes, Job He was born about 1846 in England. (Tombstone says 1843). He married Mary Ann Reed on Nov. 14, 1867 at Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934) She was the daughter of John Reed (Oct 17, 1815 - Nov 19, 1894) and Phoebe Eldridge (Aug. 27, 1826 - May 29, 1876).

1870 Census, Dubuque Ward 3, Dubuque County, Iowa: Joseph Barnes (age 25, R. R. Machinist, born England), Mary Barnes (age 22, born England). Living next door to them were John Reed (age 55, born England), Phebe Reed (age 45, born England), Martha Reed (age 17, born Illinois), Alexander Reed (age 13, born Iowa) and Margaret Reed (age 10, born Iowa). William Reed (age 23, born England and Mary Reed (age 19, born Michigan) were living on the other side of John and Phebe Reed).

1880 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa: Job Barnes (age 34, engineer, born England), wife Mary Barnes (age 31, born England), daughter Nettie Barnes (age 7, born Iowa), daughter Juliette (age 4, born Iowa), daughter Phoebe Barnes (age 1, born Iowa).

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Living in Iowa, 27th Iowa: Job Barnes, Private, Co. C, Dubuque

1885 Iowa State Census Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa: Job Barnes (421 Locust, age 39, Engineer born England), Mary A. Barnes, (age 36, born England), Nettie M. Barnes (age 11, born Dubuque), Juliette Barnes (age 8, born Dubuque), Kellie Barnes (age 6, born Dubuque), Alexander Barnes (age 4, born Dubuque

1900 Census: Julien, Dubuque, Iowa: Job Barnes (born Apr. 1846, age 54, married 31 years, born England), wife Mary A. Barnes (born Sept. 1855, age 44, married 31 years, 9 children born, 5 still living, born England), daughter Julia (born May 1876, age 24, born Iowa) son Allie Barnes (born Jan. 1881, age 19, born Iowa), son Walter Barnes (born Sept. 1886, age 13, born Iowa).

1910 Census: Dubuque Ward 2, Dubuque, Iowa: Job Barnes (age 65, married 1 time for 42 years, born England, immigrated 1856, naturalized, engineer), Mary Barnes (age 61, married 1 time for 42 years, 9 children born, 4 still living, born England), son Alexander Barnes (age 28, married 1 time for 2 years), daughter-in-law Myrtle Barnes (age 25, married 1 time for 2 years, 0 children born), son-in-law William Smith (age 42, married 1 time 17 years, born Iowa), daughter Nettie Smith (age 35, married 1 time 17 years, 0 children born.)

1915 Iowa State Census: Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa: Job Barnes (age 76, married, County Dubuque, Town Dubuque: Retired, Extent of Education: 2 common, can read and write, birthplace England, Military Service: Civil War, Regiment: 27 Iowa, Company C., Church Affiliation: Episcopalian. Fathers birthplace: England. Mother's birthplace: England. Years in US 64, Years in Iowa 56, Naturalized.

1920 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa: Job Barnes (age 75, immigrated 1855, naturalized born England), wife Mary A. Barnes (age 71, immigrated 1851, naturalized, born England), daughter Nettie B. Smith (age 47, born Iowa), son-in-law William J. Smith (age 51, born Iowa).

1925 Iowa State Census: Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa: Jacob Barnes (age 80, father's name James Barnes, mother's name Unknown), Wife Mary Barnes, (age 75, fathers name John Reed, mother's name Juby Eldgude), son-in-law William Smith (age 55) and daughter Nettie B. Smith (age 31).

Mary A. (Reed) Barnes died Nov. 1926 in Dubuque Iowa. She buried in Linwood Cemetery, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa.

1930 Census: Julien, Dubuque, Iowa: Job Barnes (age 85, widowed, born England immigrated 1850, naturalized), son-in-law William J. Smith (age 60) and daughter Nettie Smith (age 55).

Job Barnes died July 5, 1935 in Dubuque, Iowa and is buried in Linwood Cemetery, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa.

G. H. Jakway received word of the death of Job Barnes at his home in Dubuque, Thursday at 9:30 o'clock at the age of 92 years. Mr. Barnes is one of the last two survivors of this company and one of the oldest veterans in Dubuque. The only other survivor of "C" company is G. H. Jakway of Lamont. The two veterans of the Civil War were close friends and often visited together. Mr. Jakway's health did not permit his attending the funeral which was held Saturday morning at the Hoffman mortuary. Burial was made in Linwood Cemetery, Dubuque.

Oelwein Dailey Register, July 8, 1935

Beaman, George W. He was born about 1835 in Ohio. He was the son of Dexter Beaman (1805 - 1899) and Sempta. (I found some information online that said his mother was Emily Bushnell, but the marriage date and census records show that is very unlikely). He married Louisa Briggs.

There is information on that says George Washington Beaman (that served with the 27th Iowa), was the son of the Zachariah Beaman and Catherine Randall. He was born on Feb. 13, 1838 in Indiana and died June 1, 1922 in Iowa. There were some things that did not add up for me with regard to this information. (including the fact that I could find no evidence that this George W. Beaman or his parents had ever been in Buchanan County, Iowa -- and all the census records for them said he was born in Indiana - instead of Ohio). I continued to research and this is what I found:

1850 Census, Oregon, Ogle County, Illinois: Dexter Beaman (age 39, farmer, born VT), Sempta Beaman (age 34, born VT), Mary A. Beaman (age 14,born NY), George W. Beaman (age 13, born Ohio), Hellen C. Beaman (age 8, born Illinois), Julia L Beaman (age 5, born Illinois) and Charles F. Beaman (age 1, born Illinois).

1860 Census, Iowa, Buchanan County, Iowa: Dexter Beeman (age 47, Hotel Keeper), Emily Beeman (age 25), Julia Beeman (age 15), Chas. Beeman (age 11) and Henry Beeman (age 1). There is no George listed with them.

On the 1862 County tax roll, Dexter Beaman is listed as a Retail Dealer in Liquor and Hotel 4th Class in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

George W. Beaman died April 15th, 1867 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

(Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans: George W. Beaman, Pvt, Co C, 27th Regt. Iowa Inft. Cemetery: Independence at Independence Buchanan County, Iowa. Date of Death: April 15, 1867.

As I continued to research. I found a family on the 1880 Census and 1885 Iowa State Census in Independence, Buchanan County: I wondered if this could be the widow and children of George Beaman.

1880 Census: Independence County, Iowa: Wm. Householder (age 40), Louiza Householder (age 41), Azelia Beman (age 20), Addie Beman (age 19), Geo. W. Beaman (age 16), Maude Householder (age 6).

1885 Iowa State Census: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. Householder (age 45, painter, born Ohio) Louisa Householder (age 46, born NY), Leta Beaman (age 24, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Addie Beaman (age 22, born Buchanan County, Iowa), George Beaman (age 21, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Maude Householder (age 10, born Buchanan County, Iowa), and Lemuel Householder (age 80, born MD.)

Then on the 1925 Iowa State Census, I found the information below. It shows that George Beaman born about 1865 was the son of George Beaman and Louisa Briggs.

1925 Iowa State Census: Anamosa, Jones County, Iowa: George Beaman, Father's name: George Beaman, born Iowa. Mother: Louisa Briggs, born New York. Parents married in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

The marriage records for Addie Beaman and George W. Beaman also show their parents as George Beaman and Louisa Briggs.

I then searched the internet for William Householder and Louisa Beaman and found this information:

Illinois Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900


Next, I found this website that lists the descendants of Joseph Beaman which lists Dexter and his son George Washington Beaman:

It contains this information about Dexter and George Washington Beaman:

Beaman, Dexter b. 5 Sep. 1810, Bennington, lived in NY, Ohio, DeKalb Co. Ill, then by 1850, Oregon, Ogle Co., Ill. He was in Wis. or Iowa in 1858, and in Independence, Buchanan Co., Iowa in 1860, but back in Ill from 1869 to his death, in 1899.

m1. ?, b.c.1810,

m2. Senpta?, b. 1816,

m3. Eliza A., b. Oct. 1833, Mass.

children of first wife:

(1).dau., name unknown, b. ca. 1830.

children of second wife (perhaps incomplete):

(2) Mary, b. 1836, NY.
(3) George Washington, b. 1837, Oh.
(4) Hellen C., b. 1842, Ill.
(5) Julia L., b. 1845, Ill.
(6) Charles F., b. 1849, Ill.

children of third wife:

(7) Henry, b. 1859, Iowa. He was a tinner living with his brother Charles in Chicago in 1880.
(8) Theodore H., b. Dec. 1862, Iowa.
(9) Orville Spencer, b. Mar. 1866, Iowa.
(10)Minnie, b. 1869, Ill.
(11)four children, names unknown.

George Washington Beaman, b. 1837, Oh. He m. Louisa, b. 1839, NY, and in 1862 enlisted in the 27th Iowa Infantry, serving until Aug. 1865. He died ca. 1869, and his widow remarried to William Householder. She was in Independence, Iowa in 1880, and by 1900 was with son George in Anamosa, Jones Co., Iowa. children:

(1) son, b. 6 Jul. 1860
(2) Azelia, b. 1861
(3) Addie, b. 1862
(4) George Washington, b. Apr. 1864, Iowa.
(5) child, died before 1880.

This is the last piece of information that I found. I am convinced that George W. Beaman that served with the 27th Iowa was the son of Dexter Beaman, not Zachariah Beaman.

Louisa (Briggs, Beaman) Householder (born 1838) died in 1924. She is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Beith, Robert He was born about 1842 in Scotland. He was the son of Thomas Bieth (1817 - Apr 3, 1882) and Jean Russell (Feb. 11, 1820 - Mar. 31, 1913). (Note: maiden name found on Find A Grave.)

1850 Census: St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois: Thomas Bieth (age 33, mason, born Ireland), Jan Bieth (age 30, born Ireland), Robert Bieth (age 9, born Ireland), Hannah Bieth (age 8, born Ireland), John Bieth (age 6, born Ill.), Margaret Bieth (age 6, born Ill), Mary P. Bieth (age 4, born Ill.) and Thomas Bieth (age 2, born Ill.). This family was indexed as BIRTH.

1856 Iowa State Census: Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Thomas Beith (age 40, born Scotland, farmer), Jane Beith (age 36, born Scotland), Robert Beith (age 15, born Scotland), Hanah Beith (age 13, born Scotland), John Beith (age 12, born Ill, ), Margaret Beith (age 12, born Ill), Mary J. Beith (age 10, born Ill), Thomas Beith (age 8, born Ill), Agnes Ann Beith (age 6, born Ill.), George A. Beith (age 3, born Ill.). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 2 years.

1860 Census: Bryon, Buchanan County, Iowa: Thos Beith (age 45, farmer, born Scotland), Jane Beith (age 39, born Scotland), Robert Beith (age 19, born Scotland), Hannah Beith Age 17, born Scotland), John Beith (age 15, born Ill, Margaret Beith (age 15, born Ill), Mary J. Beith (age 13, born Ill), Thos. Beith (age 11, born Ill). Agnes Beith (age 9, born Ill), Geo Beith (age 7, born Ill), Chas Beith (age 4, born Ill.)

Robert Beith died of disease June 17, 1864, Cairo, Ill.

1870 Census: Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa; Thomas Beith (age 55, farmer, born Scotland), Jane Beith (age 51, born Scotland), George Beith (age 17, born Illinois) and Charles Beith (age 14, born Iowa).

Thomas Beith died Apr. 3, 1882 and is buried in Byron Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Robert Beith's mother (Jean Beith) filed for a pension on Feb. 9, 1891 in Nebraska.

Jean Beith died Mar. 31, 1913 and is buried in Byron Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Bouck, Warren. He was the son of Bernhard Bouck (Sep. 17, 1801 - Nov. 10, 1864) and Clarana Cogswell. He married Elizabeth Susan (Tittle Briggs) on Jan. 27, 1861 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of John Tittle and Susan Bowder. After the death of John Tittle, Susan (Bowder) Tittle married 2nd Arthur Orrin Briggs (thus the Tittle Briggs as Elizabeth's maiden name).

1850 Census: Elida, Winnebago, Illinois: Barney Bouke (age 52, born NY), Clarina Bouke (age 48, born NY), John Bouke (age 27, born NY), Mary A. Bouke (age 21, born Ohio), George Bouke (age 20, born Ohio), Anna Bouke (age 16, born Ohio), Betsey Bouke (age 14, born Ohio), Warren Bouke (age 11,born Illinois), Matilda Bouke (age 8, born Illinois), Sarah Bouke (age 6, born Illinois), Lyman Bouke (age 4, born Illinois), and William Bouke (age 2, born Illinois).

1856 Iowa State Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Barney Bouck (age 56, born NY0, Clarana Bouck (age 49, born NY) and Warren Bouck (age 17, born Illinois). They had been in the state of Iowa for 4 years.

1860 Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Barney Bouck (age 59, farmer, born NY), Clarana Bouck (age 54, born NY), Warren Bouck (age 22, laborer, born Illinois), Sarah Jane Bouck (age 17, born Illinois), Lyman F. Bouck (age 15, born Illinois), Wm. C. Bouck (age 13, born Illinois) and Clarissa L. Bouck (age 9, born Illinois).

Warren Bouck died March 16, 1864 and is buried in Memphis National Cemetery , Memphis, Tenn. Section A, Site 1857.

After he died, his widow Elizabeth married John S. Coates, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

Brady, John He was born May 25, 1825 in Olcott, New York. He married Mary Ann Knox on March 21, 1859 at Dixon Illinois.  She may have been the daughter of Eli G. Knox and Sarah/Sally Perkins. If so, then her sister Adalaide Knox married Stephen Muchmore, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1860 Census, McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois E. G. Knox (age 54, farmer, born NY), Sarah Knox (age 50, born ME), Mary Knox (age 26, born NY), Emily Knox (age 20, born NY), Harriette Knox (age 18, born NY), Adalaide Knox (age 10, born NY), Eliza Knox (age 11, born NY), Melvin Knox (age 3, born Illinois) and John Brady (age 36, farm laborer, born NY). (Note the last name is faint and debatable. has it indexed as Bendy. But I think this could be him with his wife's family. ALTHOUGH, they reportedly married in 1859. So why would she be listed as Knox instead of Brady??).

Gary Brady had provided additional information regarding John Brady. One of the things he told me was "He died in the Mt. Auburn area at the home of his deceased wife's sister Emily and her husband John F. White." Emily Knox, daughter of Eli and Sarah Knox did marry John Franklin White on Oct. 5, 1875 in Tama County, Iowa. She had previously been married to Wellington Towne. The marriage record is for Emily M. Town and John F. White. So I feel fairly certain that this is the right Knox family and that Mary Ann Knox married to John Brady and Adalaide Knox married to Stephen Muchmore are sisters.

1870 Census: Harrison, Benton county, Iowa: John Brady (age 48, farmer, born New York), Mary Brady (age 42, born New York), Melvina Brady (age 15, female, born New York), (Note: the 1900 census says Mary had 1 child. I know that Melvin was their son. Is this him misidentified as a female??)

1880 Census: Fairfield, Harland, Nebraska: John Brady (age 55, farmer, born New York), wife Mary A. Brady (age 46, born New York) and adopted son Henry Brady (age 8, born Iowa), Living next door were: Melvin G. Brady (age 25, farmer, born Illinois), wife Nellie E. Brady (age 18) and son Alva L. Brady (age 4/12, born Nov, born Nebraska).

1900 Census: Cedar, Benton County, Iowa: John Brady (born May 1825, age 75, married 41 years, born New York), wife Mary A. Brady (born Aug. 1833, age 66, married 41 years, 1 child born, 0 still living, born New York), grandson Alva Brady (born Nov. 1879, age 20, born Nebraska).

Mary Ann (Knox) Brady (born August 10, 1833), died Nov. 23, 1900. She is buried Brandon Cemetery, Brandon, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Submitted by: Gary Brady


November 24, 1900, Vinton Eagle, Friday, November 30, 1900, Mt. Auburn: At Alma, Neb., Saturday, November 24, 1900, occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Brady, aged 67, after a lingering illness. Some time ago she and her husband went to Nebraska for the benefit of her health but grew rapidly worse until the end came. Her remains were brought here last Monday. Funeral services were held in the M.E. church at Brandon Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Carns, of Cedar Rapids.


December 5, 1900, Conservative, Wednesday, Brandon: Mrs. Mary Brady, a former Brandon resident, who later moved to Mt. Auburn., died Saturday, November 23, 1900, at the home of her daughter-in-law in Alma, Nebraska, where she went with her husband last fall, in hopes that a change of climate might be beneficial to her health, but during the past few weeks she failed very rapidly.  Mary Ann Knox was born at Olcott, New York, August 10, 1833.  She was married to John Brady, March 19, 1859.  She became a Christian in 1863 and united with the M.E. church at Brandon and was a faithful member at the time of her death.  A husband and three sisters survive to mourn her death.  The funeral services were conducted in the M.E. church at Brandon, Wednesday at 11 o'clock a.m., Rev. Carns of Cedar Rapids, officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in the Brandon cemetery.  The bereaved have the sympathy of all in their affliction.

December 6, 1900, Bulletin Journal, Thursday, Brandon:  Mrs. John Brady, an aged lady, who had lived at Mt. Auburn, was buried in the Brandon cemetery Wednesday.  The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Carnes of the Free Methodist Church.  Mrs. Brady was favorably known in Brandon, and she was for many years a resident of this place.  She leaves a husband, besides many friends to mourn her death.

John Brady died Oct. 28, 1903 and is buried in Brandon Cemetery, Brandon, Buchanan County, Iowa.

October 30, 1903, Vinton Eagle, Friday Morning, Mt. Auburn news: Captain John Brady suffered a stroke of paralysis last Monday morning, from the effects of which he has not regained consciousness.

November 6, 1903, Vinton Eagle, Friday morning:


Death Removes an Old Settler of Buchanan County. Mt. Auburn News:

John Brady died October 28, 1903. He was born May 52 (says 52), 1825, at Olcott, New York. When quite young his father moved to Niogra, Canada, where he lived until he was thirteen or fourteen years of age, when he left home and joined a whaling vessel upon which he made several trips to Alaskan waters. He afterwards joined the British navy, during which time he visited India, China, and all eastern ports. After serving several years in the British navy he joined the U.S. Navy and served for several years after which he joined a vessel engaged in the merchant marine in which he visited nearly of port of consequence in the world. He spent over twenty years upon the ocean, being shipwrecked several times after an absence of over twenty years he returned to Niogra, remaining there but a short time. He removed to Illinois and soon thereafter was married to Mary A. Knox at Dixon, March 21, 1859. In 1861 he moved to Buchanan County, and in 1862 he enlisted in Independence and served until honorably discharged on account of the condition of his eyes. About twenty years ago he was converted and joined the Free Methodist church, of which church he was a member at the time of his death. Interment was at Brandon.

November 10, 1903, Vinton Eagle, Tuesday, Mt. Auburn:

John Brady, who suffered a stroke of paralysis last week, died last Wednesday, October 28, 1903, at the home of J. F. White.

November 10, 1903, Vinton Eagle, Tuesday: Mt. Auburn. Hon. Curtwright and wife, of Waterloo, attended the funeral of their Uncle Capt. John Brady, last Friday.

Submitted by Gary Brady

NOTE: John Brady was born at the very same town as his future wife, Olcott, Nigara Co., NY. It seems likely he was acquainted with the Knox family there. If time frames in this obituary are reasonably correct it would figure that John Brady left home at age 12-14 around 1838-39 and spent the next twenty years at sea. He, therefore, will not likely be found on either the 1840 census or the 1850 census in the U.S. Born in 1825 and moving to Canada while "quite young" probably takes the family out of the U.S. for the 1830 census as well. The obituary does not name his parents or mention any siblings. The Knox family is found in Niagara Co., NY, in 1840, by but 1850 have located in McHenry Co., IL. For John Brady to have married Mary Ann Knox in Illinois in 1859 would mean he probably headed there shortly after returning from sea. Twenty years at sea works about to returning c 1858-1859. Did he learn upon his return from many years at sea that his childhood sweetheart had accompanied her family to McHenry Co., IL, and go in search of her?

Brant, Philander Allen He was born Feb 22, 1843 in Ohio. He was the son of William Brant (1800 - 1849) and Anna Caroline Wells (Apr. 4, 1798 - Apr. 23, 1887). He married Alice Victoria Durham on July 31, 1871 (Bk 3 pg 385 Buchanan Co. IA). She was the daughter of Justice A. Durham (Jan. 26,1810 - May 20, 1879) and Clarissa Wellman (June 8, 1813 - Nov. 3, 1857). Her brother Jesse Levi Durham also served with Company C, 27th Iowa. Philander Allen Brant's brother Gilbert Brant also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

Allen Brant

This image was found here.

1850 Census in Porter, Porter County, Indiana: Ann Brant (age 49), Sarah (age 16), Jabez (age 13), Gilbert (age 11) and Philander (age 7)

1856 Iowa State Census in Alton, Buchanan County Iowa: Anna Brant (age 50, Widowed) Jaby (age 18), Gilbert P. (age 16), Philander A. (age 13).

1860 census in Alton, Buchanan, Iowa:: Anna Brant (age 60), Allen P. Brant (age 18), Jaby Brant (age 21), and Gilbert P. Brant (age 19).

1870 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Allen Brant (age 25, farmer, born Ohio), Anna Brant (age 70, born Maryland)


1880 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Allen Brant (age 36, farming, born Ohio), wife Alice Brant (age 25, born Iowa), son Milan Brant (age 13, born Iowa), son Clarence E. Brant (age 5, born Iowa), daughter Carrie Brant (age 8, born Iowa), son Ira Brant (age 9/12, born Sept., Born Iowa). and mother in law Anna Wellman (age 80, born Maryland). ((Note: the census record clearly says "mother-in-law", but I believe this was his mother. I found this information in family trees about her: Anna Caroline Wells was married to John Jones (9-19-1819) until his death then married William Brant (8-11-1832). When he died she married Obed Wellman (8-2-1860). She had one child, Alva Jones, by John Jones. She had 4 children by William Brant).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Allen P. Brant (Section 90, Range 10, Township 9, NE SE, age 41, farming, born Ohio) Alice V Brant (age 30), Clarence E. Brant (age 10), Carrie E. Brant (age 7), Herbert A. Brant (age 3), Hilbert A Brant (age 0), Annie Wellman (age 86), Milan W. Brant (age 17), Allen P. Brant (age 19), and Ella H. Brant (age 13) (NOTE, the last three children are the children of Allen's brother Jabez).

1900 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Allen Brant (born Feb. 1843, age 57, married 27 years, born Ohio, farmer), wife Alice Brant (born Sept. 1854, age 45, married 27 years, 5 children born 4 still living, born Iowa), and son Hilbert Brant (born Nov. 1885, age 15, born Iowa.)

1910 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Allen Brant (age 67, married 1 time for 38 years, born Ohio) wife Alice Brant (age 56, married 1 time for 38 years, born Iowa).

Philander Allen Brant died Mar. 3, 1911 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Mr. Allen Brant, a well known citizen, of Fairbank, passed away last Friday at his home after a short illness of about a week. He leaaves a wife, children and many relatives to mourn his death. His funeral was held Monday of this week at the F. B. Church.

Oelwein Daily Register, March 8, 1911br> Page 2, Column 2

His widow Alice V. Brant filed for a pension on Apr. 5, 1911 in Iowa.

Alice V. (Durham) Brant died Apr. 29, 1926 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Philander Allen Brant Photo submitted by John Brant.

This information was subsequently supplied by John Brant, grandson of Allen P. Brant and Mary Alice Betts:

I am a relative of Allen Brant of the 27th Iowa Volunteers, I thought I would help clear up a few things for you. His birth name is Philander Allen Brant,

Allen Phylander Brant, was my grandfather and was married to Mary Alice Betts. Their connection is as follows.

William Brant--Philander Allen Brant

William Brant-Jabez Brant-Allen Phylander Brant

Allen married Alice V. DURHAM on 3 Jul 1871 in Independence, Buchanan, Iowa. (Alice V. DURHAM was born in Sep 1854 in , Buchanan, Iowa, died in 1926 and was buried in 1926 in Fairbank Cem., Fairbank, Buchanan, Iowa.)

Children of Philander Allen Brant and Alice Victoria Durham

  1. Clarence Elmer Brant b: 29 Jul 1874
  2. Carrie Mabel Brant b: 2 Apr 1877
  3. Ira Leroy Brant b: 9 Sep 1879
  4. Herbert Wesley Brant b: 25 Sep 1881
  5. Hilbert Burton Brant b: 20 Nov 1884

Brant, Gilbert Pell He was born February 24, 1839 in Ohio. He was the son of William Brant and Anna Caroline Wells. He married Phoebe S. Miller on July 15, 1860. His brother Philander Allen Brant also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Porter, Porter County, Indiana: Ann Brant (age 49), Sarah (age 16), Jabez (age 13), Gilbert (age 11) and Philander (age 7)

1856 Iowa State Census, Alton, Buchanan County Iowa: Anna Brant (age 50, Widowed) Jaby (age 18), Gilbert P. (age 16), Philander A. (age 13).

1860 census, Alton, Buchanan, Iowa: Anna Brant (age 60), Allen P. Brant (age 18), Jaby Brant (age 21), and Gilbert P. Brant (age 19).

1870 Census, Fairbanks, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gilbert P. Brant (age 28, farm laborer), Phebe L. (age 25), Sylvia F. (age 3) and Clara A (age 1). (Indexed as Brunt in

1880 Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gilbert P. Brant (age 41, farmer), wife Phebe (age 36), daughter Sylvia (age 13), daughter Clara (age 11), son Leroy (age 8), daughter Elma (age 6), daughter Alta (age 2).

1890 Veteran's Census, Newport, Rock County, Nebraska: Gilbert P. Brant, Private, Co. C, 27 Iowa Inft. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, Discharged Aug 8, 1865, served 2 years, 11 months and 26 days. Post Office Address: Newport, Rock County, Nebraska. Disability Incurred: Rupture in left leg, pyles, Rheumatism, diarrhea.

G. P. Brandt and wife, of Newport, Nebraska, arrived here Tuesday noon to attend the 27th Iowa reunion, he having been a member of that Regiment. They will be guests of the L. A. Daily and R. N. White families while here.

Oelwein Register, August 18, 1892

1910 Census, Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington: G. P. Brant (age 76, married 1 time for 49 years), Wife Phoebe L. (age 66, married 1 time for 49 years, 11 children born, 8 still living).

Gilbert P. Brant died May 8, 1919 and is buried in Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington.

His widow Phebe L. Brant filed for a pension on June 16, 1919 in Washington.

Children listed in family trees on Sylvia, Clara, Perry, Delbert, Alma, Mable, Maude, Alta, Ezra, Mary M. and Nettie.

Bray, Oliver He was born in 1823 in Vermont.

1850 Census, Geneva, Ashtabula, Ohio: James H. Bray (age 63), Marinda P. Bray (age 58) Asa M. Bray (age 29), Oliver Bray (age 27), Harvey Bray (age 22) and Betsey Ann Bray (age 19)

1856 Iowa State Census, Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Marinda Bray (age 63), A. M. Bray (age 34), Oliver Bray (age 32) and Harvey Bray (age 27).

1860 census, Byron, Buchanan County Iowa: Miranda B. Bray (age 68), Harvey Bray (age 31), Asa Bray (age 39) and Oliver Bray (age 36).

1870 Census, Benona, Oceana County, Michigan: Oliver Bray (age 47), Betsy Bray (age 38), Franklin Bray (age 12), Cornelia Bray (age 10), Adda Bray (age 8), Marshal Bray (age 6), and Asa W. Bray (age 49).

Note: I would not assume from the 1870 census record that Betsey is his wife. Unfortunately the 1850 and 1870 census do not show relationships, so I cannot determine for sure whether she was his wife or another relationship. But I suspect she is his sister. Find a Grave lists a Betsey Ann Bray Meyers - in the same cemetery plot as Oliver, Asa and Harvey. I looked for Betsey Meyers in 1860 and found this family in Liberty, Buchanan County, Iowa: Peter Meyers, age 34, Betsey A. Meyers (age 29, born Ohio), Martin L. (age 4), Franklin M. (age 2), Ellen C. (age 6 months) and a Mary Baker (age 10). Note that the ages of Franklin and Ellen C (Cornelia?) match the two oldest children's ages in the 1870 census. I think this is Oliver's married sister. Of course, there could be other explanations also (including the Betsey in 1850 and the Betsy in 1870 are two different people). But I do note that in the 1880 census, Oliver is listed as single (not divorced or widowed).

1880 Census, Benona, Oceana County, Michigan: Oliver Bray, (age 56, single), his brother Asa W. Bray (age 59, single)

He filed for a pension on June 11, 1887 in Michigan.

1890 Veteran's Census. Benona, Oceana County, Michigan: Oliver Bray, Musician, Company C, 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Aug 15, 1862, Discharged August 6, 1865, served 2 years, 11 months, 20 days. Post Office Address: Benona, Michigan. Disability incurred: Rheumatism

Oliver Bray died March 15, 1893 and is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Shelby, Oceana County, Michigan (source Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans).

Historical Collections by Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society has the same date of death as well as the death of his brother Asa just a few days later (March 24, 1893).

Note: Find a Grave for Benona Township Cemetery lists an Oliver Bray died March 16, 1893, (age 21). It also lists an Oliver Bray with no dates. A note says: On the same stone as Asa, Harvey, Oliver Bray and Betsey Ann Bray Meyers.

Find a Grave also lists Asa Bray, died March 21, 1893, (age 23). I suspect someone had a hard time reading the information on the tombstone.

Mount Hope and Benona Township cemeteries appear to be two different cemeteries, but I only found one Oliver and Asa Bray in Benona in 1880.

I can't explain the discrepancy between the Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans and the Find a Grave website.

Brisbin, Daniel Lee He was born August 10, 1843 In Kane County, Illinois. He was the son of John Brisbin and Philanda Tayler.

Daniel Brisbin 1856 Iowa State Census, Jackson, Linn County, Iowa: John Brisbin (age 52), Philinda Brisbin (age 46), George (age 40), Philander (age 15), Daniel E (age 13), John (age 7)

1860 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa John Brisbin (age 57), Philanda Brisbin (age 50), Geo. Brisbin (age 24), Philanda Brisbin (age 19), Danl E. Brisbin (age 16), John Brisbin (age 4). (Note: has this family indexed as Birsbin)

He married Samantha Palmer on Dec. 24, 1868 in Marion, Linn County, Iowa, They apparently had one daughter, Minnie J. Samantha died in 1879.

He married Marion M. Wonch Hawkins Winters on March 12, 1879 in Spirit Lake, Dickinson County, Iowa.. Children listed in various family trees for Daniel and Marion include: Edgar, Lee, Ray Arthur, Pearl, Milton Smith and Walter E. Hawkins

1885 Iowa State Census: Milford, Dickinson County, Iowa: Daniel Brisbin (Township 98, Range 36, Section 18, Lot 2, Block 7 South Milford, age 39, machinist, born Ill), Marion Brisbin (age 32, born Michigan), Edgar Brisbin (age 6, born Iowa), Lee Brisbin (age ?, born Iowa) and Ray Brisbin (age 1, born Iowa) (there was something stamped over the ages of the children and it very difficult to tell what the ages were.(

Daniel Brisbin filed for a pension in Iowa on Nov 18, 1884

1900 Census: High Lake, Emmet County, Iowa: Daniel Brisbin (born Aug. 1841, age 58, married 21 years, born New York), wife Marian Brisbin (born July 1862, age 37, married 21 years, 5 children born 4 still living, born Me), son Andrew Brisbin (born Nov. 1880, age 19, born Iowa), son Ray Brisbin (born Mar. 1884, age 16, born Iowa), daughter Perle Brisbin (born Dec. 1887, age 12, born Iowa) and son Milton Brisbin (born Apr. 1889, age 11, born Iowa).

1900 Census, Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin the National Home for Disabled Soldiers: Daniel L. Brisbin, white, male, born Aug. 1844, age 55, married 25 years, born Illinois, Can read, write and speak English. Occupation: Orderly Restraint Ward. Months not employed: 0. He was the only one that had an occupation on that page.

He was in the U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers In Milwaukee, Minnesota: Name Daniel L. Brisbin, MILITARY HISTORY: Enlisted August 12, 1862 in Buffalo Grove, Iowa. Rank Private. Company C, 27 Iowa Inf. Discharged June 20, 1865 in Davenport, Iowa. Cause of Discharge: Disability. Kind and Degree of Disability: Chronic Diarrhea. When and Where Contracted: Year 1865 in service. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Born Illinois, age 54, height: 5.9, complexion: Dark, color of hair and eyes were left blank, can read and write. Religion: Preb., Occupation: Farmer, Residence Subsequent to Discharge: Spooner, Washburn Co, Wisconsin., married. Name and address of nearest relative: Wife, Mrs. Marian Brisbin- Wallingford Iowa. HOME HISTORY: Admit New on Dec. 1, 1899. Date of Discharge: April 1, 1909, Readmit Feb. 11, 1910. Discharged June 14, 1910. Readmit Aug. 27, 1910, discharged Apr. 10, 1918.

1905 Wisconsin State Census, in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. He was listed as an Inmate (I am assuming in the Soldiers Home, but it was not really identified as that): Daniel L. Brisbin, Inmate, White, male, age 59, married, born Illinois.

1910 Census, Malibu, Los Angeles, California: (again, I am assuming in the Soldiers Home): Daniel L. Brisbin, Inmate, male white, age 65, divorced, born Illinois

He was in the U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Sawtelle, Los Angeles California. The Military History and Domestic History were pretty much identical to that above except for the Disabilities When Admitted to the Home: chronic diarrhea, alternating with constipation and producing piles. The Home History shows a couple of more admits and discharges.

Daniel L. Brisbin died July 5, 1919 at the Soldiers Home in California. Cause of death was Diabetes. He is buried in Los Angeles National Cemetery, Section 38, Row I, Site 6.

Brown, Eli C. He was born about 1833 in Indiana. He was the son of Thomas H. Brown and Phenia Perkins. He married Catie McGowan on July 3, 1859 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was probably the daughter of Robert and Mary McGowan. In 1850 there was a large McGowan Family in Bellmont, Franklin County, New York, that included a 12 year old Catherine McGowan. It also included David McGowan. I am pretty sure he is the David McGowan that served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Union, Montgomery County, Indiana Thomas H. Brown (age 39), Phenia Brown (age 38), Eli Brown (age 17), Ira Brown (age 15) and Edwin Brown (age 3).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli C. Brown, (age 27), Katie M. Brown (age 21). They were married within the year. (Note: in 1860 Thomas H. Brown, Phenia Brown, Edwin Brown and Harriet E Brown (age 3, born Iowa) were also living in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa).

1870 Census, Sullivan, Ashland, Ohio: Eli C. Brown (age 37), Katie Brown (age 31) and Hattie Brown (age 14, born Ohio).

Eli Brown filed for a pension on January 5, 1878.

1880 Census, Jesup, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli C. Brown (age 47, grocer), wife Catie M. Brown (age 40).

1885 Iowa State Census, Jesup, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli C. Brown (age 52, born Indiana). Catie M. Brown (age 45, born New York)

1900 Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli C. Brown (born Oct. 1832, age 62, married for 41 years), wife Catherine (born May 1839, age 61, married 41 years, 0 children), Aggie D. Brown, niece (born Mar. 1885, age 15).

Catherine M. (McGowan) Brown died February 7, 1908. She is buried in Cedar Crest Cemetery, Add 1, Lot #693, Jesup, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Mrs. E. C. Brown, Well Known Newspaper Correspondent, Deceased.

Mrs. E. C. Brown Passes Away

Jesup, Iowa, February 12th – – (special) – – Mrs. E. C. Brown, who before her marriage was Catherine M. McGowan, was born April 11, 1839 in Malone, New York, and departed this life at Jesup, Iowa, February 7, 1908, aged 86 years, 10 months and 28 days. In 1858 she removed with the family to Brandon, Iowa. She was united in marriage with E. C. Brown. During the war Mr. Brown was in the service from 1861–5 with the 27th Regiment, Iowa volunteers, Mrs. Brown serving as matron of the government hospital in Dubuque. In 1865 the couple moved to Ohio, where they resided for 15 years. In 1880 they came to Jessup, which place has been their home ever since.

Mrs Brown was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She and her husband joined by letter in 1881. Her first profession of faith was made in the Free Will Baptist Church in Shady Grove in 1860. Mrs. Brown was also a useful and honored member of the following organizations, the Rebekahs, the Women's Relief Corps, and the Eastern Star.

She was chaplain of the last named order since its organization.

The funeral was held from the residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There was a large attendance, the church being filled to its utmost capacity. It was one of the largest funerals ever held in Jesup. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, the casket being completely banked with flowers. Among them was a beautiful floral design of a harp, given by the Rebekah Lodge.

Mrs. Brown was of a cheerful and loving disposition, always having a pleasant word for all. She leaves to mourn her loss a kind and loving husband, and one daughter, Miss Agnes, who is a teacher of music and Latin in the high school at Keota, Iowa; also a brother, Alex McGowan, and niece, Mrs. Irv Kemmerer of Independence, also a niece at Dowes, Iowa.

Those present from out of town at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kemmerer, and family of Independence, Mrs. Will McGowan and Harry Marx of Chicago.

Mrs. Brown was of a literary turn of mind, being correspondent for many years of local newspapers and magazines.

She had been correspondent of the Bulletin–Journal of Independence for many years.

Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier, February 14, 1908

1910 census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eli C. Brown (age 77, widowed).

Eli C. Brown of Jesup, Burchanan County, Iowa, married Eliza J. Peak (nee Stephens) on August 6, 1910. He was aged 78, born Indiana, third marriage. His parents were Thomas Brown and Pheniah Perkins. Eliza was aged 73, born New York. Her parents were Jeremiah Stephens and Elizabeth Sharp. (Return of Marriages in the County of Buchanan for the Year ending June 30, 1911).

Eli C. Brown died July 4, 1915 at Cleveland, Ohio (pension index records).

Death of Eli Brown

Mr. Eli Cooper Brown, who had been living in Medina the past year at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Will Overholt, died Sunday morning July 4. The body was immediately shipped to Jessup, Indiana*, his former home, where he had spent the greater portion of his long life. He was 82 years old and had been a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for 67 years. The body was accompanied to Jessup by Mrs. Overholt and the deceased's daughter, Mrs. Hattie Chatfield.

Medina Sentinel, Friday, Jul 09, 1915, Medina, OH, Vol: 31, Page: 2

* I feel pretty certain that this should have been Jessup, IOWA. I cannot find anything that says so, but I would suspect that he was also buried in Cedar Crest Cemetery, Jesup, Buchanan County, Iowa

I suspect that Eli was married prior to the marriage to Catherine McGowan. On the 1900 census, Catherine said she had 0 children. In Eli's obit, it says that Hattie was his daughter. She was also listed on the 1860 Census (with his parents) and the 1870 census with Eli and Catie. She was apparently born before they were married. The marriage to Elizabeth Peak in 1910 says it was his third marriage, which appears to confirm a marriage before Catie.

Burris, William Bidwell He was born August 31, 1837 in Ohio. He was the son of James Burris (Aug. 28, 1800 - Feb. 12, 1873) and Susannah Bunting (May 17, 1809 - Apr. 3, 1889). His sister Jane Anne Burris married James H. Laughlin, who served in Company H, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census: Riley, Putnam, Ohio: James Burris (age 49, laborer, born PA), Susan Burriss (age 41, born PA), Samuel Burriss (age 16, born Ohio), James Burriss (age 15, born Ohio), William Burriss (age 13, born Ohio), Margaret A. Burriss (age 11, born Ohio), Jane Ann Burriss (age 9, born Ohio), Thomas Burriss (age 6, born Ohio), Electa Burriss (age 3, born Ohio), Clarissa Burris (age 3, born Ohio) and Elizabeth Burriss (age 1, born Ohio).

1856 Iowa State Census: Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa: James Burris (age 55, born PA), Susannah Burris (age 45, born PA), Amelia Burris (age 23, born Ohio), James Burris (age 20, born Ohio), Wm. Burris (age 19, born Ohio) Margaret A. Burris (age 17, born Ohio), Jane Ann Burris (age 15, born Ohio), Thomas W. Burris (age 11, born Ohio), Electa Burris (age 9, born Ohio), Clarissa Burris (age 9, born Ohio), Elizabeth Burris (age 6, born Ohio), and Amanda Burris (age 5, born Ohio). They had been in the state of Iowa for 0 years.

William Burris died July 2, 1863 in Memphis Tennessee.

His mother Susanna Burris filed for a pension on Apr. 3. 1886 in Iowa.

James, Susanna and several of William's sisters are buried in Spring Creek Chapel Cemetery at La Porte City, Black Hawk County, Iowa. I could not determine where William was buried.

Butler, Michael He was born July 6, 1836 in Ireland, He married Eliza Ellen Vandevender. She was the daughter of Caleb Vandervender and Katherine Piper (The Biographical Record of Webster County, Iowa, page 566).

1860 Census, Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa. He was listed with a family named Hicks: Michael Butler (age 24).

1870 Census: Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa: Michael Butler (age 36, farmer, born Ireland), Eliza Butler (age 39, born Ohio), John W. Butler (age 9, born Iowa), Mary E. Butler (age 3, born Iowa), and Charles M. Butler (age 2, born Iowa).

1880 Census, in Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa: Michael Butler (age 44), wife Eliza (age 46), John W. (age 18), Mary E. (age 13) and Josephine (age 9).

1885 Iowa State Census, Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa: Michael Butler (age 49), Eliza (age 48) and Josephine (age 13).

Michael Butler died Mar. 12, 1889 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Lot 11, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Iowa Cemetery Records: Name: Michael Butler, Death Date: Mar. 12, 1889, Page #65. Birth Date: July 6, 1836. Cemetery: Oakwood, Town: Washington: Level Info: Buchanan County Burial Records.

His widow Eliza filed for a pension on July 14, 1890.

The 1925 Iowa Census for Josephine (Butler) Anderson lists her parents as Michael Butler and Eliza Vandevender.

1925 Iowa State Census for John Butler also list Michael Butler and Eliza Vandevender as his parents.

Eliza Jane Vandevender (born Nov. 12, 1833), died May 5, 1896. She is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Lot 11, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Canfield, Theron Pearl He was born in 1836 in Ohio. He was the son of Asahel Canfield and Sylvia M. Holcomb. (FamilySearch IGI says Asahel m. 3 June, 1832, Ashtabula Co., OH, Sylvia M. Holcomb.

1850 Census, Ashtabula Co., Ohio: Asahel Canfield, (age 44, carpenter), Sylvia M. Canfield (age 38), Ruey Ann (age 18), Luther F. (age 17), Theron P. (age 15), Susan C (age 11), Charlotte A (age 9), Francis M. (age 7), Mortimer M. (age 4) and Unnamed (age 0).

1860 Census, Farmington, Oakland Co. Michigan: Michael Marlatt (age 56), Polly Marlatt (age 53), Orciy (age 16), Emma (age 13), Esther (age 6), Theron B. Canfield (age 25, farm laborer), Martha J. Canfield (age 17), Lucinda A Davis (age 47).

1870 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Theron Camfield (age 35, carpenter), Roxay Holcomb (age 32), and Iola Holcomb (age 7).

1880 Census, Grant, O'Brien County, Iowa: William Holden (age 34), wife Flora (age 24), daughter Alla A (age 3), son Charles (age 1), Perl Camfield (age 44, bachelor).

1890 Veterans Census, Artesian, Sanborn County, South Dakota: Pearl P. Canfield: Private Co. C. 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Jan 4, 1864, discharged on Jan 26, 1866, served 2 years and 22 days. Post Office Address: Artesian, Sanborn Co., S. Dak. Disability Incurred: Chronic diarrhea.

He filed for a pension on May 19, 1892 in South Dakota.

Additional information was found on the internet, that I cannot verify with census records: He married Azalia Cady. Azalia CADY, b. 15 July 1855, Vinland, Winnebago, WI. Died: August 13, 1887 in Artesian, Sanborn county, South Dakota. Funeral was at the M.E. Church. Rev. H. N. Smith officiated

Azalia was first married to Eugene Underhill and they had three children, Maude, David, and Isaac. Azalia and Theron had two daughters, Blanch (born about 1885) who married James Lambson and Amy (born about 1887) married Lloyd McCall and they both moved to Nebraska. In 1930, Omaha, NE, the census database has Lloyd H. & Amy B. McCALL, both b. ca. 1887; also, LAMBSON: Blanche D., 1885; Catherine M., 1912; Richard E., 1914; Dean, 1917; & Eugene, 1919

Theron P. Canfield patented under the Homestead Act in Miner County, (South Dakota, Twp. 106 - 58, Sec. 20 SW (a couple of miles east of Sanborn County.) Issue date was 3/2/1889 for 160 acres. Authority was May 20, 1862 Homestead Entry Original (12 Stat. 392). Document Number: 7042. BLM serial Number : SDMTAA113748.

Theron P. Canfield died Oct. 8, 1894 and is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery at Artesian, Sanborn County, South Dakota.

Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans: T. P. Canfield, Private Co. C, 27th Regiment Iowa Infy., Cemetery at Artesian, South Dakota. Date of Death: Oct. 8, 1894. Headstone supply by Vt. Marble Co, Proctor Vt.

Carpenter, Lorin D. He was born about 1835 in New York. He was the son of Bradford Carpenter (Sept. 30, 1807 - Jul 23, 1881) and Laura Jane Jones (1807 - bef. 1880) He married Mary Andrews on Sept. 11, 1865 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the daughter of Matthew Andrews and Margaret Welch. Her brother, Richard Andrews (who died during the Civil War) also served in Company C.

1850 Census in Trenton, Oneida County, New York: Bradford Carpenter (age 43), Jane L. (age 43), Lorin D. (age 15), Sarah B (age 13), Charles W (age 10) and Mary (age 5).

1880 Census in Brush Creek, Fayette County, Iowa: Loren Carpenter (age 45, machinist), wife Mary (age 37), son Charles (age 13), daughter Carrie (age 13), son Arthur J. (age 8), son George G. (age 2) and father Bradford Carpenter (age 73)

1885 Iowa State Census in Arlington, Fayette County, Iowa: Loren D. Carpenter, (Fairfield Street, Age 49, manufacturer, born New York), Mary Carpenter (age 41, born Mass.), Carrie B (age 18), Charles R. (age 18), Arthur J. (age 13).

Lorin D. Carpenter died Feb. 19, 1887 and is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

His widow Mary Carpenter filed for a pension on May 7, 1891.

1900 Census, Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa: Mary Carpenter (born Apr, 1843, age 57, widowed, 4 children born 3 still living, born Mass, father born Ireland, mother born Maine), Son-In-Law Alfred Whitney, age 43, Landlord), daughter Carrie B. Whitney (born Sept. 1856, age 33, married for 2 years.) There was also a Kate Smith (age 17) and May Andrews (age 16), in the household as lodgers.

The 1925 Iowa state census shows the names of the parents, so I searched for Lorin and Mary's children. (I was looking specifically to determine Mary's maiden name). I found an A. J. Carpenter (age 53, father L. E. Carpenter (born New York) and Mary Andrews (born Mass. age 81, married in Iowa). I strongly suspect this is Arthur J.

I also found a Mary Carpenter in Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa. (age 84 father Mathew Andrews (born Ireland) and mother Margeatt Welch (born Maine). With the information on the 1900 census, I am sure this is the same Mary that was married to Lorin Carpenter.

Carpenter Surname and burials, Fayette County, Iowa:

Surname: Carpenter
First/Middle: Mary
Maiden: Andrews
Spouse: Carpenter Lorin C 1835/NY-1887/Fay.Co.IA.
Birth: 24 Apr 1843
Death/Burial: 14 Jun 1927
Cemetery: Grandview
City/Township: Fayette
Notes: Burial 1490. Sec C, lot 319, Charles R. owner. Husb Lorin buried Madison Cem, add 1, lot 134, Buchanan Co. IA. Ch; Charles R, Carrie, Arthur J, Geo S.

Descendants of Stephen Carpenter

1 CARPENTER, Stephen b: 19 Mar 1770 in Pownal, Bennington. Co. VT d: 1855 in Richford, Franklin Co. VT Note 1: 22 Apr 2010 carpenter line last reviewed; Barry Zbornik Hannibal MO [email protected]

.. +HEATH, Philanda b: 09 Apr 1779 in Richford, Franklin. Co. VT d: 22 May 1824 in Richford, Franklin. Co. VT

2 CARPENTER, Bradford James b: 30 Sep 1807 in Richford, Franklin. Co. VT d: 23 Jul 1881 Burial: Madison Cem, add 1, lot 134, Buchanan Co. IA. Note 11: 1880 Census; with son Lorin, Brush Creek (Arlington), Fay. Co. IA
... +JONES, Laura L. b: 1807 in Vermont d: Bef. 1880 Burial: Madison Cem, add 1, lot 134, Buchanan Co .IA.

3 CARPENTER, Lorin D. b: 1835 in Trenton Falls, NY d: Feb 1887 in Brush Creek (Arlington), Fay. Co. IA Burial: Madison Cem, add 1, lot 134, Buchanan Co . IA. Note 6: Bet. 28 Aug 1862 - 15 Jun 1865 Civil War, 27th IA Vol Inf; enlisted from Buchanan Co .IA. Note 8: 1870 Census; single carpenter, Buffalo Grove Twp, Buchanan Co .IA Note 10: 1877 Moved to Brush Creek (Arlington), Fairfield Twp, Fay. Co. Ia. Note 11: Bet. 1877 - 1887 Operated foundry & machine shop in Brush Creek. Note 14: 1880 Census; foundry, machine shop, Brush Creek (Arlington), Fay. Co. IA.
.... +ANDREWS, Mary b: 24 Apr 1843 in Boston, MA d: 14 Jun 1927 in Fayette, Fay .Co IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec C, lot 319, burial #1490, Fayette, IA. Father: Matthew ANDREWS Mother: Margaret WELCH Note 8: 1888 Moved to Fayette after death of Lorin. Note 12: 1920 Census; alone, King .St, Fayette, Fay. Co. IA.

Coats, John S. He was born January 2, 1834 in Independence, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Susan Tittle Briggs on Apr. 6, 1866 in Black Hawk County, Iowa. The Bride was listed as Elizabeth Bouck. She was married previously to Warren Bouck (who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.) She was the daughter of John Tittle and Susan Bowder. After the death of John Tittle, Susan (Bowder) Tittle married 2nd Arthur Orrin Briggs (thus the Tittle Briggs as Elizabeth's maiden name).

[Diane Madruga Family.FBK.GED]

John S. Coats (spelled Coates) is found as early in Jefferson Twp as 1860 when he is a 26 year old laborer living in the Martin F. Boon household. He served in the same unit as Warren Bouck. It would appear that when he came home, he soon wed Warren Bouck's young widow as they had their first child in 1867 who was 3 on the 1870 census. Military records indicate that John Coats relocated to Storm Lake in Northwestern Iowa by the time of the 1886 military census. Graves registration burial records state he settled at Sheldon, O'Brien County, also in northwestern Iowa, in 1901 and belonged to the GAR post there.

It seems likely he would have remarried after his wife Lizzie Bowder Bouck Coats died in 1877 at the young age of 30. Known children would be the daughter Minnie who was 3 in 1870 and a son Frank born in 1868 who died at the age of 10 months and was buried in the Brandon cemetery as was his mother in 1877. It appears that John Coats left the Brandon area after the death of his young wife and child. Military records say he has children, Wilbur, William and Minnie. Wilbur and William could have been born to John and Lizzie Coats between the 1870 census and her death in 1877, or they may be children of a later union.

Born January 2, 1844, at Independence Ind. Married to Lizzie Briggs; children: Wilbur, William, Minnie. Enlisted August 21, 1862, Company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry. Promoted to wagoner December 8, 1862; discharged August 8. 1865, at Clinton, Iowa. Settled in county February 26, 1901, at Sheldon. Died November 8, 1905, Sheldon. Member Christian Church, Mckenzie Post, No. 72, G. A. R.

1860 Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Martin F. Boone (age 43, farmer, born Ohio), Eleanor Boone (age 31, born KY), Danl M. Boone (age 12), Sarah E. Boone (age 10), Hanna A. Boone (age 1) and John Coates, (age 26, farm laborer, born Indiana)

1870 Census: Jefferson Tw. Buchanan County, Iowa, John S. Coats (age 36, farmer, born Indiana), Lizzie Coats (age 24, born Illinois) and Minnie J. Coats (age 3, born Iowa).

Elizabeth Susan (Tittle Briggs) Coates (born Mar. 28, 1846), died Jan. 17, 1877. She is buried in Brandon Cemetery, Brandon Iowa.

1880 Census: Silver Twp. Cherokee County, Iowa: John S. Coates (age 45, widowed, farmer, born Indiana), daughter Minnie I. Coats (age 12, born Iowa), son Wilbert E. Coats (age 9, born Iowa), William O. Coats (age 3, born Iowa), father in law Oren Briggs (age 83, shoemaker, born Mass) and mother-in-law Susan Briggs (age 58, born Penn).

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Living in Iowa: 27th Iowa: John S Coates, Private, Co. C, Present Post Office Address: Storm Lake

1885 Iowa State Census: Grant Twp., Buena Vista, Iowa: John S. Coats, (Township 91, Range 36, Section 34, N W, age 48, widowed, farmer, born Indiana), Minnie I. Coats (age 17, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Wilbert S. Coats (age 14, born Buchanan County, Iowa) and William O. Coats (age 7, born Buchanan County, Iowa).

Mr. John S. Coats, an old comrade of Company C, 27th Iowa, a former resident of Brandon, Iowa, was in the city on Wednesday. If Mr. Charles Clark, of Company C, 32nd Ohio, is a member of Robert Anderson post or any of the members of said post know his address they will confer a favor by sending it to Mr. Coats at Brandon. Mr. Coats lives at Canton, South Dakota, but will spend another month visiting in and around Brandon.

Waterloo Courier, March 25, 1896

John Coats married Emma Jessie Tatman on Jan. 3, 1900 in Storm Lake, Buena Vista, Iowa.

1900 Census: Sheldon, O'Brien County, Iowa; John Coats (born June 1834, age 65, married 12 years), wife Emma J. Coats (born Mar. 1850, age 50, married 12 years, 5 children born 3 still living, born Pennsylvania). (Note it would appear to me that based on this census, the marriage date above is incorrect. The source for the marriage date was Buena Vista County Marriage Records. I'm guessing that someone made a typo somewhere along the line).

John S. Coates died Nov. 8, 1905 and is buried in East Lawn Cemetery, Sheldon, O'Brien County, Iowa -- Co C .27 IA Vol Inf. GAR Post 72

His widow Emma J. Coates filed for a pension on May 28, 1906 in Iowa.

Children of John S. Coates and Elizabeth Ann (Tittle) Briggs

  1. Minnie I. Coats b: ABT. 1868 in Buchanan County, Iowa
  2. Frank E. Coats b: 22 OCT 1868 in Buchanan County, Iowa
  3. Wilbert Ernest Coats b: ABT. 1871 in Buchanan County, Iowa
  4. William O. Coats b: ABT. 1876 in Buchanan County, Iowa

Crandall, Kneedham Northrup He was born Oct. 14, 1840 in New York. He was the son of Oliver Chase Crandall and Polly Northrup. He married Ellen J. Russell. She was the daughter of George D. Russell and Elizabeth Ann Dudley.

1850 census, Conewango, Cattaraugus County, New York: Oliver Crandal (age 54), Polly Crandal (age 42), James Crandall (age 17), Harry Crandall (age 14), Needam Crandall (age 11).

1860 Census, Glenwood, Winneshiek County, Iowa: Polly Crandell (age 53), Harvey Crandell (age 24), Kneedham Crandell (age 20), John Beals (age 29), Sarah A. Beals (age 31), Adelbert Beals (age10) and Herbert Beals (age 2).

1870 Census, Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: C. (?) Crandal (age 31, farmer, born New York), Ellen (age 23), Nellie (age 5), Willy (age 3), George (age 9/12). (Note, I am not sure why C, but this is clearly the same family as the one on the 1880 census. ejj).

1880 Census, Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: Kneedham Crandal (age 40), wife Ellen (age 33), daughter Nellie (age 15), son William (age 12), son Lucius (age 9), daughter Georgeanna (age 6), daughter Pearl (age 4),

1885 Nebraska State Census: Silver Creek, Dixon County Nebraska: Father K. N. Crandall (age 44, farmer, born New York), Mother E. Crandall (age 37, born New York), Son William Crandall (age 17, born Iowa), son Lucis Crandall (age 13, born Nebraska), daughter Georgianan Crandall (age 11, born Nebraska), daughter Pearlie Crandall (age 9, born Iowa), daughter Mamie Crandall (age 1, born Nebraska).

Kneedham Crandall filed for a pension on June 13, 1887 in Nebraska.

1890 Veterans Census, Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: Kneedham Crandall, Private, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted 12 Aug, 1862. Discharge 11 Feb, 1863, served 6 months and 30 days. Post Office Address was Ponca, Neb., Dixon County. Disability incurred: Chronic Diarrhea and Rheumatism.

1900 Census, Silver Creek, Dixon, Nebraska: Kneeham Crandall, (born Oct. 1840, age 59, married 30 years), wife Ellen J. (Born Feb. 1853, age 47), married 30 years, 7 children, 6 still living). daughter Pearl, (born March 1878, age 22, born in Iowa), daughter Mamie (born Jan 1885, age 15, born in Neb.)

1910 Census, Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: Kneedham Crandall (age 68, married 1 time for 46 years), wife Ellen J. (age 63, married 1 time for 46 years, 6 children, 6 still living), daughter Pearl E. Polkinghorn (age 34, widowed, 2 children born, 2 still living), daughter Mamie Crandall (age 26, single), granddaughter Erta E. Polkinghorn (age 6), grandson Charles E. Polkinghorn (age 4).

Needham Crandall died Sept. 28, 1912 and is buried in Ponca Cemetery, Ponca, Dixon County, Nebraska.

His widow Ellen J. Crandall filed for a pension on Feb. 29, 1913.

Ellen J. Kneedham (born Feb. 25, 1847 in New York) died Dec. 1, 1928. She is buried in Ponca Cemetery, Ponca, Dixon County, Nebraska).

Dawson, John Luther He was born Nov. 18, 1845 in Bardney, Shire of Lincoln, England. He was the son of Benjamin Dawson and Dinah Dixon. He married Jennie E. Adams. His brother in law, George Hilling also served with the 27th Iowa in Co. C. (He was married to John's sister Elizabeth). There is an autobiography that can be purchased here

John Luther Dawson John Luther Dawson. Photo submitted by Larry Atkinson

1850 Census; Southington, Trumbull County, Ohio: Benjamin Dawson (age 36, tailor, born England), Dinah Dawson (age 34, born England), Elizabeth Dawson (age 13, born England), John Dawson (age 5, born England), and Mary Dawson (age 3, born England).

1860 Census: Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Benjamin Dawson (age 45, farmer, born England), Dinah Dawson (age 43, born England), Elizabeth Conger (age 23, born England), Ella Conger (age 2, born Iowa), and John Dawson (age 13, born England).

1870 Census: Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: John Dawson (age 24, preacher, born England), Jennie Dawson (age 22, born Illinois), Annie L. Dawson (age 3/12, born Iowa).

1880 Census: Fredericksburg, Chickasaw County, Iowa; John Dawson (age 34, clergyman, born England), wife Jennie E. Dawson (age 27, born Illinois), daughter Annie L. Dawson (age 10, born Iowa), daughter Mary L. Dawson (age 8, born Iowa), daughter Nellie A. Dawson, age 5, born Iowa) and son William E. Dawson (age 3,born Iowa).

1885 Nebraska State Census:, Kirkwood Precinct, Brown County, Nebraska: J. L. Dawson (age 38, minister, born England), wife Jennie E. Dawson (age 36, born Illinois), daughter Lulu Dawson (age 15, born Iowa), daughter Lottie Dawson (age 13, born Iowa), daughter Nellie Dawson (age 10, born Iowa) and son Willie Dawson (age 8, born Iowa).

John L. Dawson filed for a pension on July 14, 1890 in Nebraska.

1890 Veterans Census, Medicine Creek and Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska: John L. Dawson Formerly John Dawson, Private. Co. C. 12 Iowa Infy, Enlisted Jan 18, 1864, Discharged Jan 20, 1866 Served 2 years and 2 days. Post Office Address: Cambridge, Furnas Co., Neb. Remarks: Transferred from Co. C. 27 Iowa Vol Inf. during service

1900 Census: Walnut, Payne County, Oklahoma: John L. Dawson (born Nov. 1845, age 54, married 31 years, born England, farmer), wife Jennie E. Dawson (born March 1847, age 53, married 31 years, 6 children born, 6 still living, born Illinois), daughter Mary Lottie Dawson (born Feb. 1872, age 28, born Iowa), daughter Nellie Amy Dawson (born Dec. 1874, age 25, born Iowa), daughter Grace D. Dawson (born May 1886, age 14, born Nebraska) and son Thomas B. Dawson (born Aug. 1890, age 9, born Nebraska).

1910 Census: Cass, Texas County, Missouri: John L. Dawson (age 64, married 1 time for 44 years, born England, immigrated 1849, naturalized, farmer, general farm), Jennie E. Dawson (age 62, married 1 time for 44 years, 6 children born, 6 still living, born Illinois) and Daughter Lottie Dawson, (age 36, divorced, 0 children born, born Iowa)

Jennie E. (Adams) Dawson died Nov. 1918.

1920 Census: Wessington Springs, Jerauld, South Dakota: John L. Dawson (age 75, widowed, born England, immigrated 1870? minister)

John L. Dawson died Nov. 12, 1922 at Jerauld, South Dakota. (pension index record). He is buried at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Plot: S 1/2 183 2nd Add, Wessington, Jerauld County, South Dakota

Durham, Jesse Levi He was born May 27, 1843 in New York. He was the son of Justus A. Durham (Jan. 26,1810 - May 20, 1879) and Clarissa Wellman (June 8, 1813 - Nov. 3, 1857). He married Fanny E. Johnson on Nov. 13, 1866 in Black Hawk County, Iowa (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934). His sister Alice Victoria Durham married Philander Allen Brant, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1856 Iowa State Census: Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Justus A. Durham (age 46, born Vermont), Clarissa Durham (age 42, born Vermont), Cornelius Durham (age 15, born NY), Jesse Levi Durham (age 13, born NY), Alford A. Durham (age 2 (?) born NY), Thomas B. Durham (age 5, born Wis.), and Alice Victoria Durham (age 1, born Iowa).

Clarissa Durham died Nov. 3, 1857.

Justus Durham remarried to Minerva Miller on Dec. 17, 1857 (I would verify those dates, that's pretty soon after the death of his first wife!)

1860 Census; Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa; Justus A. Durham (age 50, farmer, born Vermont) Minerva Durham (age 40, born NY), Jesse L. Durham (age 17, born NY), Phebe Miller (age 16, born Indiana), Jane Miller (age 14, born Indiana), Alfred A Durham (age 14, born NY), Thos. B. Durham (age 10, born Wid.), Alice Durham (age 6, born Iowa) and Sylvester Miller (age 7, born Ind). (The Miller children were from Minerva's first marriage).

Jesse Levi Durham was with the 9th Iowa Infantry first. After he was discharged, he enlisted with the 27th Iowa. 9th Iowa Infantry Roster: Durham, Levi, Age 18. Residence Independence, nativity New York. Enlisted Sept. 22, 1861. Mustered Sept. 24, 1861. Discharged for disability June 18, 1862, Pacific, Mo

1880 Census: Franklin, Bremer County, Iowa: Levi Durham (age 37, farmer, born NY), Fanny E. Durham (age 35, born Penn), son John W. Durham (age 11, born Iowa) and daughter Eva L. Durham (age 10, born Iowa).

1885 Iowa State Census; Warren, Bremer County, Iowa: Jessie L. Durham (Township 92, Range 13, Section 11, SW SE, (age 41, farming, born New York), Fanny E. Durham (age 39, born Pennsylvania), John W. Durham (age 17, born Blackhawk County, Iowa), Eva Durham (age 15, born Blackhawk County).

1890 Veterans Census: Perry and Arena, Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota: Jesse L. Durham, Private, Co. C. 27 Ia Inf, (Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, discharged Mar. 18, 1863, length of service: 7 months, 10 days) AND Private, Co. H, 9 IA Inf (enlisted Aug. 15, 1861, discharged Jan. 18, 1862, length of service 5 months, 5 days), Post Office Madison, Minn., Disability Incurred; Disease caused by injury. Discharged by Special Order.

Jesse Levi Durham died March 30, 1893 in Bellingham, Lac Qui Parle, Minnesota. Note: the Minnesota Historical Socieity has a Veteran's Grave Index which lists his date of death as March 30, 1893. I found several family trees that stated he died March 3, 1893 in Bellingham, Lac Qui Parle, Minnesota and said that he committed suicide with a revolver shot to the forehead. The March 3 date may be an error. His tombstone has March 30 also. He is buried in Bellingham Cemetery, Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota.

His widow Fanny E. Durham filed for a pension on Aug. 22, 1893 in Minnesota.

1900 Census: Perry, Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota; Fanny E. Durham (born Sept. 1846, age 53, widowed, 1 child born (?), 1 still living, born Pennsylvania), son John W. Durham (born Aug. 1867, age 32, born Iowa), and boarder Mary R. Mayberry (born Nov. 1876, age 23, born Minnesota).

Fanny E. Durham, died Sept. 30, 1928 (United States Veterans Administration Payment Card)

Fary, Enoch R. He was born about 1844 in Ohio. He was the son of Simon Fary and Margaret Eyler.

1850 Census, Henry County, Illinois: Simon Ferry (age 50, born Mass), Margaret Ferry (age 45), born NY), Margaret (age 15, born NY), James (Zanes, Zenas?) Ferry (age 24, born NY), Mary (age 19, Born NY), Wallace Ferry (age 13, born NY), Edwin (age 10, born Ohio), Jesse (age 8), born Ohio), Enoch (age 8, born Illinois), and George (age 5, born Illinois)

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Simeon Farry (age 60, born Mass). Margaret Farry (age 59, born NY), Wallace B. Farry (age 23, born NY ), Edwin E. R. Farry (age 23, born Ohio), Marion J. L. Farry (age 19, born Ohio), Enoch R. Farry (age 17, born Ill.), George W. Farry (age 15, born Ill.).

Enoch Fary filed for a pension on Dec. 19, 1863.

Enoch Fary died March 29, 1864 and is buried in Brandon Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Fary, Zenas R. He was born Nov. 1826 in New York. He was the son of Simon Fary and Margaret Eyler. He married Emily Andras.

1850 Census, Henry County, Illinois: Simon Ferry (age 50, born Mass), Margaret Ferry (age 45), born NY), Margaret (age 15, born NY), James (Zanes, Zenas?) Ferry (age 24, born NY), Mary (age 19, Born NY), Wallace Ferry (age 13, born NY), Edwin (age 10, born Ohio), Jesse (age 8), born Ohio), Enoch (age 8, born Illinois), and George (age 5, born Illinois)

1870 Census, in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Renas Fary, (age 43, farmer), Emily (age 32), Vina (age 14), Salina (age 11) and Edwin (age 9).

1880 Census, in Washington, Buchanan County: Zenas R. Ferry (age 53,), wife Emily M. Ferry (age 43), daughter Sallena (age 21) and daughter Alma E. (age 6).

1885 Iowa State Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Zenas Ferry (Township 88, Range 9, Section 4, SW NW, age 65, farmer, born Mass.), Emily Ferry (age 47, born NY), Selina Ferry (age 25, teacher, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Edwin Ferry (age 24, laborer, born Buchanan County, Iowa) and Alma Ferry (age 11, born Buchanan County, Iowa

Zenas R. Fary filed for a pension on Nov. 4, 1891 in California.

1896 California Voter Registers: Voter Number: 90, Name: Ferry, Zenas Rice, Occupation: Farmer, age: 68, Height: 5 feet 4 1/2 inches, Light Complexion, Gray Eyes, Red Hair, Born Massachusetts, Residence: Soldiers' Home, Date of Registration: June 8, 1896, Able to Read and Write.

1900 Census: Tacoma Ward 3, Pierce County, Washington: Malvina Robison (born May 1856, age 44, widowed, 3 children born, 2 still living), son James E. Robison (born Dec. 1880, age 19, born Iowa), daughter Edna M. Robison born Apr. 1884, age 16, born Iowa) and father Zenas R. Fary (born Nov. 1826, age 73, widowed, born Massachusetts).

He was in the U.S. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (Pacific Branch) at Sawtelle, Los Angeles County, California: MILIATARY HISOTRY: Time and Place of Enlistment: August 1st 1862 Independence, Iowa. Private Company C 27 Iowa Inf. Time and Place of Discharge: Aug. 8, 1865, Clinton, Iowa. Cause of Discharge: End of war. Kind and Degree of Disability: old age & chr. Rheu. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Where Born: Mass. age: 66 height 5.5, complexion light, color of eyes and hair left blank, can read and write, Religion: Prot. Occupation Farmer. Residence Subsequent to Discharge: Los Angeles CA: Married or Single: Widowed. Name and address of nearest relative: Mrs. Vina Roberson, Tacoma, State of Washington. HOME HISTORY: Rate of Pension: 8, date of Admission: May 12, 1893. Date of Discharge: Jan. 21, 1903, Cause of Discharge: O. R.

Zenas R. Fary died June 15, 1903 in Tacoma, Pierce County Washington, age 76 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery (GAR Plot) Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.

Submitted by
Chad Schneider

June 15, 1903

Zenas Rice Ferry

The death of Zenas Rice Ferry occurred yesterday morning at one of the city hospitals. He was born in 1827 in Massachusetts and came to Tacoma about three and a half years ago, having made his home with his daughter, Mrs. V. M. Robinson, at 1019 1/2 South M Street. He leaves besides Mrs. Robinson, a son, E. Ferry, living at 1308 1/2 C. Street, and a daughter Mrs. Charles L. King, of Independence, IA. He was a member of the G. A. R. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the undertaker's chapel on St. Helens Avenue. Interment will be made in the G.A.R. plot in Oakwood Cemetery.

June 17, 1903

Funeral of Zenas R. Fary

The funeral of Zenas Rice Fary, a veteran of the Civil War, was held yesterday at 2 o'clock under the auspices of the G.A R. Rev. Harry Hudson preached the funeral sermon. The remains were laid to rest in the Tacoma Cemetery.

Fisher, Joel, He was the son of George Fisher and Lucina Stocker. (her maiden name was found on Find a Grave.) He married first Esther A. Riley on July 26, 1860 in Buchanan County, Iowa.(Iowa, Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996)

Joel and Ester Fisher Photo of Joel Fisher and his wife Ester was submitted by Sara Hayes Sommer

There is a fairly complex message on regarding the mother and family of Joel Fisher:

1850 census, Palmyra, Lenawee, Michigan: George Fisher (age 36, laborer, born NY), Lucina Fisher (age 26, born NY), Joel Fisher (age 10, born NY), Phebe Fisher (age 7, born NY), Mary Fisher (age 4, born NY), and Charles Fisher (age 1, born Mich.).

1856 Iowa State Census ,Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucina Robeson (age 32, born NY), Joel Fisher (age 15, born NY), Phebe (age 13, born NY) Mary (age 11), Charles (age 7, born Michigan) and Lucina A. Robeson (age 0, born Iowa). The last child's first name was very difficult to read. I'm pretty sure the first letter was an L and appeared to have a middle initial A. The last name was clearly Robeson.

Joel Fisher and Family

This photo was submitted by Joe Fisher III. He said: "Attached is a photo, ca. 1870, of my great great grandfather, Joel Fisher, his wife Esther Ann, nee Riley, and their children at the time. They were married in Buchanan Co., Iowa, 27 July 1860.

I was privileged to grow up in the same household with their son, Frank Leslie Fisher, pictured on his mother's lap, Frank died in 1954. Esther died in 1893 and Joel in 1905. The child pictured on Joel's lap is daughter, Lena, who died in 1887. All are buried in the Hico, Texas, cemetery. The young boy in the back is presumed to be John Fisher, who is listed in the 1870 US Census. No other records of his life are known.

My great grandfather, Frank, recounted that his father, Joel, had cut off part of his toes chopping firewood while the 27th was in Mississippi. This is confirmed by an entry for Joel in the US Census of 1890, Special Schedule of Veterans. He apparently had difficulty marching, and so was assigned to prison guard duty afterward."

1860 Census, in Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucinda Robinson (age 35, born NY), Joel Fisher (age 19, laborer, born NY), Phebe Fisher (age 16, born NY), Mary Fisher (age 13, born NY), Chas Fisher (age 11, born Mich.) and Elvira Fisher (age 4, born Iowa). ( I would assume Elvira is the child that was age 0 on the 1856 census - the name on the 1856 census was very light and very difficult to read - but clearly the last name was Robeson)

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joel Fisher (age 29, farmer, born NY), Esther A. Fisher (age 31, born Ohio), John Fisher (age 9, born Iowa), Lena G (age 4, born Iowa), Frank L. (age 1, born Iowa).

Joel Fisher filed for a pension on Feb. 1, 1879

1880 census, Platte, Union County, Iowa: Joel Fisher (age 39, farmer, born NY), Ester A. (age 42, born Ohio), Lena G. (age 14, born Iowa), Frank L. (age 11, farmer laborer, born Iowa) and George R. (age 3, born Iowa).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joel Fisher (age 44, married, farmer, Township 90, Range 10, Section 27), Ester A. (age 45), Lena G. (age 19), Frank L. (age 16), Charles R. (age 7), Wesley C. (age 4).

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Living in Iowa: 27th Iowa: Joel Fisher, Private, Co. C, Post Office Address Littleton.

1890 Veterans Census, Precincts 8 and 3, Hamilton County, Texas: Joel Fisher, Private, Co C., 27 Iowa Vol Inf. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Discharged Aug 18, 1865. Served 3 years and 2 days. Post Office Address: Hico, Texas. Disability Incurred: shot in Thigh. Remarks: contracted disease.

Esther A. (Riley) Fisher (born May, 19, 1838), died February 21, 1893 in Texas. She is buried in Hico Cemetery, Hico, Hamilton Co., Texas.

Joel married second Eliza M. Hardeman.

1900 Census, La Clede, Fayette County, Illinois: Joel Fisher (born Dec. 1840, age 59, Married for 5 years, born NY, farm laborer), Eliza M. (born Aug. 1861, age 38, married 5 years, 1 child born, 1 still living, born Texas), Wesley, (son, age 19, born Sept. 1880 in Iowa), Edward (son, born April 1896, age 4, born Texas), Sadie Healy (daughter, born Feb 1899, age 11, born Texas) and Sackett Healy (daughter, born July 1890, age 9, born Texas). (I noted a couple of things about this record:. Clearly the date of birth for Sadie Healy is wrong. It clearly showed 1899, but at age 11 in 1900, it should have been 1889. Also I am wondering about the last two daughters. I would assume they belonged to Elizabeth from a prior marriage. However, she says she is the mother of 1 child. So who are these two girls? ejj)

Update June 2017: I received an email from Janet Broussard that said this: Under the name Joel Fisher, you mentioned his first marriage, then his second to Eliza Hardeman Healey, who had two daughters, Sadie and Sackett from a previous marriage. Her first husband was Clarence Sackett Healey with whom she had the two girls. Sackett is my grandmother. Eliza died in the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918.

Joel Fisher died Oct. 5, 1905 at Sayre, Oklahoma (pension index records). Sayre is in Beckham County, Oklahoma. He is buried in Hico Cemetery, Hico, Hamilton County, Texas.


5 Oct 1905, Erick Newspaper, Erick, Beckham Co, OK):

Joel Fisher Dead. Roy Fisher, manager of the Team Gin Co., was called today to Sayre, where his father, Joel Fisher died this afternoon. His remains will be shipped to Hico, Texas, for interment. He was paralyzed a year or two ago and he never had recovered from that and it is presumed that he had another stroke which resulted in his death today.

6 Oct 1905, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK:

Joel Fisher Dies. Mr. Joel Fisher, father of Frank, Roy and Wesley Fisher, died at the home of Frank Fisher in this city Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Mr. Fisher was 66 years old, and had been in feeble health for some time. The remains were sent today to Hico, Texas, for burial, which was his old home. The Masonic order, of which he was a member, escorted the body to the train.

12 Oct 1905, Sayre Headlight, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK:

Resolution of Condolence.

Whereas, Joel Fisher departed this life Oct. 5, 1905. The loved and loving husband, father, friend, died where the evening almost touches the night and while the shadows were falling toward the east. Taking his burden for a pillow he lay down and fell into that dreamless sleep which kisses down his eyelids still.

Therefore be it resolved that Sayre Chapter 42 extend their deepest sympathies to our bereaved brothers and sisters who mourn the loss of a father, and be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes and made a matter of record, also that a copy be sent to some newspaper for publication.

Committee: B. S. Andrews; Ida M. Andrews; Bertha McAnerny.

I found his family on the 1910 census, in Granite Ward, Greer County, Oklahoma: Eliza Fisher (age 49, widow, born Texas, 3 children born, 3 living), Edward Fisher (son, age 14), daughter Sadie E. Healy (age 21, born Texas) and daughter Sackett C. Healy, (age 19, born Texas). (From this record, I have concluded that the 1900 census information regarding the number of children is wrong).

His widow Elisa M. Fisher filed for a pension for a minor on July 27, 1906, and filed for a widows pension on Sept. 23, 1916 in Oklahoma.

I had looked for the cemetery information for Joel Fisher in Oklahoma (before I knew he was buried in Texas). I did not find him, but I did find these in Granite City Cemetery, Greer County, Oklahoma: (Fisher, Edward C., 1896-1933, Row 9), (Fisher, Eliza M.,1862-1918, Row 9) and (Fisher, Sadie E., 1889-1910, Row 9)

Fredenburg, Franklin B. He was born about 1844 in New York. He was the son of John and Emeline Fredenburg.

1850 Census, Le Ray, Jefferson County, New York: John Fredenburg (age 36, carpenter, born NY), Benj. F. Fredenburg (age 6, born NY), Emeline Fredenburg (age 32, born NY), Philinda Fredenburg (age 13, born NY), Minerva Fredenburg (age 8, born NY), Mary Fredenburg (age 5, born NY) and Martha Fredenburg (age 1, born NY).

1860 Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Theodore Dodge (age 32, carpenter, born NY), Philinda Dodge (age 23, born NY), Franklin Fredenburg (age 17, born NY), Martha Fredenburg (age 11, born NY), Caroline Dodge (age 5, born Canada) and Ira Dodge (age 1, born Iowa).

Franklin Fredenburg died from Chronic Diarrhea on Oct. 18, 1863, in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 89.

His mother Emeline Fredenburg filed for a pension on May 21, 1864. The information below is from her pension record:

Emeline Fredenburg filed for a pension in May 1864. She was 47 years old and a resident of Buchanan County.

She was the widow of John Fredenburg and the mother of Franklin B. Fredenburg, who died at the hospital on the 17th day of October 1863 of chronic diarrhea or quick consumption.

He was her only son and she wholly depended on him for her support. He was unmarried and left no child or children. He enlisted when a minor and that she gave her consent to his enlisting.

She has one child named Martha Fredenburg, who is fifteen years of age. Her other two children Mary Fredenburg and Philinda are over sixteen years of age. Martha Fredenburg resides with her.

Her husband John Fredenburg died at Leroy, Jefferson County, New York on February 19, 1854.

I, Henry D. Sill, Capt. Co. C, 27th Regt. Iowa Inf. on honor, certify that Franklin B. Fredenburg, was a private of my Co. C 27th Regt. Iowa Inf. Vols, and died in General Hospital, Little Rock Arkansas, October 18th, 1863. While the command was moving from Moscow, Tennessee, in the Month of August 1863 to Little Rock Arkansas, the said Franklin B. Fredenburg above mentioned was severely attacked with Diarrhea while in the line of duty and gradually failed until the Regt. arrived at Little Rock Ark. Sept. 10, 1863. Which then his disease took a more aggravated form. He was sent to the General Hospital at Little Rock Ark. Oct 10th 1863, and then died as above stated. In my opinion his disease was contracted in consequence of hardship and exposure and in having to use impure water.

My knowledge of the above facts is obtained from the following source: Being with the Co. during his sickness, thereby having an opportunity of visiting him daily and knowing of his condition whilst sick up to the time of his death. Until this sickness which terminated his life he enjoyed good health.


Henry D. Sill, Capt. Co. C
27th Regt Iowa Inf. Vols.

Family Record of Deaths:

Caroline Fredenburg died Feb. 21, 1844
John Fredenburg died Feb. 19, 1854
Jennet S. Dodge died Sept. 21, 1863.

Emeline Fredenburg died April 26, 1874. She is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Add 1, Lot 40, Perry Township, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Frink, George He was born Jan. 1836 in New York. He was the son of Thomas and Mary Frink. He married Elizabeth D. Murphy on Nov. 12, 1867 in Buchanan County, Iowa (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was probably the daughter of Jeremiah Murphy and Clarissa Ann Viele. George Frink's brother John S. Frink served in Company H, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census in Harrison, Winnebago, Illinois: Thomas Frink (age 57, farmer, born Mass.), Mary Frink (age 52, born Mass), George Frink (age 16, born New York). Living next door was Leroy Frink (age 22, farmer, born NY), with a family.

1856 Iowa State Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Thomas Frinke (age 64, born Mass., farmer), Mary Frinke (age 58, born Mass), George Frinke (age 22, born NY, farmer), and Noah Wilson (age 61, born NJ. M.D.). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 5 years.

1860 Census in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Thomas Frink (age 69, farmer, born Mass.), Mary Frink (age 62, born Mass.), George Frink (age 25, born NY), Leroy Frink (age 32, born NY) and James Rice (age 23, born NY.).

1870 Census in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: George Frink (age 36, farmer, born New York), Elizabeth Frink (age 30, born Illinois), Mary Frink (age 72, born Massachusetts) and George Fary (age 24, born Ill.).

George Frink filed for a pension on Feb. 21, 1880.

1880 Census in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: George Frink, (age 46, farmer, born New York), wife Elizabeth Frink (age 39,born Illinois), Mother Mary Frink (age 81, born Massachusetts).

1885 Iowa State Census in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: George Frink (age 49), Elizabeth Frink (age 44).

1900 Census in Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: George Frink, (age 64, born Jan 1836, married 32 years, born New York, Capitalist), wife Elizabeth Frink (age 54, born June 1840, married 32 years, 0 children, born Ill).

George Frink died March 27, 1902 and is buried in Brandon Cemetery, Jefferson Twp, Buchanan County, Iowa, Add 1, Lot 81, Member of the GAR.


Passes Away at Independence Yesterday Forenoon

Yesterday at 11:30 in the morning occurred the death George Frink at Independence, where he had lived his since his removal from Jefferson Township. Deceased was well known by the pioneers of Black Hawk County. Of his life the Bulletin – Journal says:

"George Frink was born in Hanover, New York, January 1835. When he was five years old his parents moved to Winnebago County, Illinois, and stayed on a farm near Rockford. Here he received his education. His lifelong occupation has been that of a farmer. In the summer of 1851 his folks moved to Jefferson Township, this County, where his father entered over 3000 acres of land. When he was 21 he took a quarter section, where was situated Frink's Grove, also notice as Sunny Side. This farm he occupied until about two years ago, when he retired from active labor, and removed to the city. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, 27th Iowa infantry, and served until the close of the war. He was at Pleasant Hill, Nashville, Blakely, etc. On November 12, 1867, he was married to Elizabeth Murphy, of Sunny Side. For a number of years he held the position of postmaster at Sunny Side."

Mr. Frank was in his usual good health on Tuesday morning and was seen on Main Street. Upon his return, after resting a while he went out into the yard, and was soon after seen by Mrs. Frink laying upon the ground. He was stricken with apoplexy, and from the first his condition was known to be hopeless.

Waterloo Daily Courier, March 28, 1902

His widow Elizabeth D. Frink filed for a pension on July 7, 1902 in Iowa.

Frizelle, Electus Litchfield He was born Nov. 29, 1832 in Licking County, Ohio. He was the son of Erasmus Frizell / Frizelle & Sarah Sawyer. He married Emily "Emma" Hackett on April. 29, 1859 at New Woodstock, Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY. Research was submitted by Michael Frizell

Electus Frizell and EmmaElectus and Emma Frizzel, Submitted by Michael Frizzel

Electus Litchfield Frizelle, (246)

b. 29 Nov. 1832, Licking County, Ohio

d. 10 Sept. 1907, Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, almost 75 years of age interment Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada, Missouri. head stone reads " E. L. Frizell, Co. "C", 27th. Inf.(He left no Will), (location: 800 S. Washington St at Barr St., Nevada, Missouri)

married 2 Apr. 1859, New Woodstock, Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY; Emily " Emma" Hackett, m. record, Delphi, Onondaga Co., NY

occupation: Carpenter & Wagon Maker. He was an outstanding carpenter, several of the homes he constructed in Independence, & Rippey, Greene Co., Iowa & Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri Iowa are still standing today (2005)

1832-1834 : Lived in Ohio from 1832-1834, with his parents Erasmus / Sarah Frizelle

1840: US Federal Census, Cazenovia, New York: Frizzle, Erasmus: 1 male 5-10 ( Electus) , 1 male 30-40; 3 females under 5, (Eliza Ann, Elizabeth, Elzina), 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40

1850: United States Federal Census, Cazenovia [New Woodstock ], Madison Co., NY: Frizelle, Erasmus, age 49 years, Farmer, b. NY; Sarah, wife, age 40, b. Penn.; Electus, son, age 17, b. Ohio; Eliza Ann, age 15, b. NY; Elizabeth, age 14, b. NY; Elzina , age 10, b. NY; Erasmus B., age 8, b. NY; Emily, S., age 6, b. NY; Ellen E., age 4, b. NY; one other person living in household, John Goodale [relationship Cousin ? ]

Electus Frizelle Photo Submitted by Michael Frizell

1860, July 18, Census, Pompay, Onondaga Co., NY,: Frizelle, Electus, age 26, Master Carpenter, value of real Estate 400, personal 100, place of b. NY; Emma, wife, age 21, b. NY; Clark, son, age 1 year b. NY Note: John & Polly Hackett, Emily's parents are living next door and Charles Sheldon Emily's uncle

1861: Electus, his wife and his fathers family [Erasmus Frizelle] all removed to Independence, Buchanan Co., Iowa.

1862, August 26: Electus & Erasmus Frizelle are listed as privates in Captain Millers company. The company was at first designated as Company "C" but this name was given to Captain Nobleʼs company and the former Company "C" became Company "H". Both companies were in the twenty-seventh Iowa infantry. They were ordered by governor Kirkwood to rendezvous at Camp Franklin, Dubuque, August 26, 1862, and were mustered into the service of the United States by Capt. George S. pierce, united States Army, on October 3, 1862, under proclamation of the president of the United States, bearing date July 2, 1862 as company "C & H " of the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry. (History of Buchanan County)

1862: Distinguished Service : "Certificate of Military Service, Iowa State Archives.": Electus Litchfield Frizelle; private, 27th Infantry Regiment, Company "C" Iowa. Enlisted for three years service on 15 Aug. 1862, by Joseph D. Noble at Independence, Buchanan Co. Iowa. Residing at Independence, Buchanan County Iowa, Native of Cazenovia, Madison County, New York. Mustered into the military service of the United States, Army of the Tennessee on the 28th. day of August 1862 by Captain George S. Pierce at Dubuque, Iowa, age 29 years. Discharged for disability 14 Feb. 1863. Mound City, Illinois

 27th. Infantry Regimental History while Electus served: This regiment was organized in the summer of 1862 and was mustered in Oct. 3. A week later it reported to Maj. - Gen. Pope, commanding the department of the Northwest, to take part in the campaign against the Indians, who were waging war against the settlers of Minnesota. Upon reaching St. Paul it went into quarters at Fort Snelling, and soon after Col. Gilbert accompanied by six companies of the regiment, proceeded to Mille Lac, to superintend the payment of the annuity to the tribe at the point. In the meantime Maj. Howard had been ordered to report at Cairo, IL., with the remaining four companies and had departed for that place. Col. Gilbert receiving similar orders on his return from Mille Lac and move at once. The regiment went into camp at Memphis but soon moved on the expedition into central Mississippi, marched to the Tallahatchie River, and was assigned to the duty of guarding the Mississippi Central railway between that point and the town of Waterford. In Dec. A small band of cavalry made a dash on the regimental hospital, captured 11 men and hurried them across the county 15 miles, when, finding them unable to proceed, the officer in command paroled them and turned them loose. Battles at Holly Springs, MS: 11 Oct. 1862; 25 Nov. 1862; battle fought at Waterford, MS 20 Dec. 1862; battle fought at Tallahatchie River, TN on 21 Dec. 1862.

1862 / 1864 : Town Lot Records, Independence, Iowa, Electus & Emily Frizelle, property purchased :

April 25, 1862, page 41, book 18, Warranty Deed filed, purchased 1/4 of lot 8 , $ 12

Sept. 11, 1862, page 71, book 18, Warranty Deed filed, purchased (unreadable) eights of lot 8, block 56, $ 25

Aug. 11, 1862, page 7, book 18, Warranty Deed filed, purchased lot 8, block 56, $ 80

April 18,1864, page 227, book 18, Warranty Deed filed, purchased lot 6, block 3, $ 150 ?

1863, Feb. 14 : Electus discharged from the Army at U. S. Genl. Hosp. Mound City, Ill. He joined the Independence, Iowa National Guard ( Home Guard)

The National Archives, Cert. No. 642751, Pensioner : Emma, widow of veteran E. L. Frizelle, can no. 53108, bundle no. 16. : Army of the United States, Certificate of disability for discharge Electus L. Frizelle, private of Captain Joseph D. Nobleʼs Company, C of the 27th Regiment of the United States volunteers, was enlisted by Captain Joseph D. Noble, of the 27 Regiment of Iowa Inf. at Independence, Iowa on the 15th. Day of August 1862, to serve 3 years; he was born in Cazenovia, in the state of New York, is 29 years of age, 5 feet 7 1/4 inches high, dark complexion, blue eyes, brown hair and by occupation when enlisted a carpenter. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty 60 days. " Says that he fell through a barn floor, fifteen years ago, and injured his right knee, and that he was troubled in walking for several years, but that it had not hurt for three years prior to enlistment. Says that his right knee began to pain him and swell the 15th. Of October 1862 and that he was then laid up with it and that he has not performed any duty whatever since then. He has been in this hospital since November 20, 1862" Station, Mound City, Ill. date Feb. 14th. 1863. I certify that I have examined the said Electus L. Frizelle, (private) of Captain J. D. Nobleʼs Co., and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of: " Synovites of the Knee ??, which has existed for four months. I do not think he will be capable of performing the duties of a solider for six Months to come."

Charles Boyd, A. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. ; Discharged this 14 day of Feb. 1863 at U. S. Genl. Hosp. Mound City, Ill.

1883 Rippey, Greene Co., Iowa: Electus is listed as one of the eight charter members of the Rippey Lodge, No. 466, I. O. O. F. The lodge was organized June 23, 1883 with eight charter members. E. L. Frizelle was one of the officers as " V. G. ". In 1884 the lodge built its hall, a commodious two-story structure, 22 x 60 feet in size. ( ref. Past and present of Greene County, page 194, published 1907.)

1864: " History of Buchanan County, Iowa": By special Executive Order from Abraham Lincoln thanking the Independence, Iowa volunteers for service, dated 1 Oct. 1864, " Captain C. F. Herrick's Company; list of offices, 2nd. Sergeant, E L. Frizelle". Note: * Captain Millerʼs Co. Later Captain Nobleʼs Co. Electus L and Erasmus B. Frizelle, privates; Captain C. F. Herrick Co (home guard), Independence, (officers) Sergeant E. L. Frizelle. [note: Erasmus Burt Frizelle, brother of Electus]

1865: Town Lot Records, Independence, Iowa, Electus & Emily Frizelle property sold: March 10, 1865, page 413, book 18, Warranty Deed, sold lot 8, block 56, $ 200; Sept. 23, 1865, page 18, book E, School fund mortgage record, sold lot 6, block 3, $84

1870 July : United states Federal Census: Independence City, Buchanan Co., Iowa: Frizelle, Electus, 35, carpenter, b. NY: Emily, 31, b. NY; Mary 9, b. Iowa; Nellie 6, b. Iowa; Owen 4, b. Iowa; Frances 2, b. Iowa.

1870 - 1879: Electus removed his family to the town of Rippy, Greene Co., Iowa

1879: * Greene County, Iowa, Land records, Town lot Deed Book "E" page no. 278 , 14 Feb. 1879, W. H. Cartwright & wife M. B. to Emily Frizelle of Greene Co. For $50.00, lot 4, block 29, Rippey, 13 Feb. 1880, Emily Frizelle & husband E. L. of Greene Co., sell to John Hackett of Onondaga Co., NY lot no. 4, block 29, Rippey . Note E. L. and Emma owned the property one year , then sold it to Emma's father.

1880 June : United States Federal Census, Town of Rippey, Green Co. Iowa: Frizelle, Electus 48, carpenter, b. Ohio, father b. NY, mother b. Penn., Emily 41, b. NY, father b. England, mother b. NY ; Mary 18, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio; mother b. NY; Nellie 26, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; John Owen 14, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; Frances 11, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; Arthur W. 9, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; William 5, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; George 3, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY; Howard W. 1, b. Iowa, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY

1883 June (Greene Co., Iowa, past & present. Pub. 1907): list of officers of 100-F lodge in Rippey, Iowa Electus l. Frizelle, Vice G.

1884 - 1885, p. 838 : Iowa, Business Directory: Frizelle, E. L. Carpenter ( Rippie)

1885 Jan., Iowa State Census: Town of Rippie, Green Co., Iowa: Frizelle, Electus, 52, carpenter, b. Ohio; Emma 45, b. NY; Nellie 20, b. Buchanan Co. ; Owen (John Owen) 19, b. Buchanan Co. ; Frances 16, Buchanan Co.; Arthur 13, b. Buchanan Co; William 10, b. Buchanan Co.; Burt 8, b. Greene Co.; Howard 6, b. Greene Co.; James 4, b. Greene Co.; Earl 2, b. Greene Co.

1885 Oct. 8 : Electus removed most of his family to Missouri, Nevada city directory : Residence E. L Frizelle Res. 3208 East 16th. Street

1890: Lang and Youngs Directory of the city of Nevada p. 53: Frizelle, E. L. Churn Manufacture, 216 N. Commercial St. Res.

1890, 21 March: Declaration for original Invalid Pension: " He is now greatly disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries received in the service of the United States and he therefore makes this declaration of being placed on the pension roll", hereby appoints: William T. Walker, of Wellington, Kansas his true and lawful attorney. Appeared: A. P. Woolery, residing at Nevada, Mo. And Theodro Schmitz residing at Nevada, Mo. Saw claimant sign his name (or mark his mark).

1890, 22 Oct: Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions: The War Dept. is requested to furnish an official statement of the record of service together with full medical history.

1890, 25 Oct. : War Dept. Record and Pension Div. Returned to the Commissioner of Pensions by authority of the Secretary of War; F. C. Ainsworth, Commissioner of Pensions

1891, 12 Feb: General affidavit, witness P. J. Shipler aged 34 years resident of Nevada, Mo. " I do testify that I have been acquainted with E. L. Frizelle since 83 and have known Frizelle to be disabled in hip and knee so that he was disabled from work the most of his time and has not done only about half off a mans work from that time up to the present time and is not at the present able to do a man's work that is a days work and is part of the time are not able to work."; P.T. Shipler, Affluent. Note: P. T. Shipler is Electusʼs son- in- law, he is married to Mary E. " Minnie" Frizelle

1891, 12 Feb: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by the within-named P. J. Shipler ; Thomas Gilbert, NR

1891,17 March: Declaration for invalid pension: Electus L. Frizelle aged 58 years declares that he is the identical Electus L. Frizelle who was enrolled on the 15th. Day of Aug. 1862, private, Co. C, 27th. Iowa Inf. Vol. Discharged at Cairo, Ill. On the 14th. Day of July 1863. That he is entirely unable to earn a support by manual labor. That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits". John B. Harris, his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim and receive a fee. Also personally appeared Thomas Waldron and P. J. Shipler, say they were present and saw Electus L. Frizelle sign his name. That they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, he is the identical person he represents.

1898, 4 May: Dept. Of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, DC.: Forward to the pension agent for next quarterly payment.: are you married ? Yes, Emily Frizelle (Hackett); when, were and by whom married ? 2nd. April 1856 at Cazenovia, New York, M. E. preacher, don't remember name.; what record of marriage exists ? I recorded it in Morrisville, NY; Were you previously married ? Was married but once.; Have you any children ? Mary, b. 8th. 1861, John Owen, b. Dec. 23, 1865; Francis, b. 1865; Arthur, b. Sept 10, 1874, Eill, b. June 23, 1874; George B., b. Sept 14, 1876; Howard L., b. May 23, 1978; James, b. 14 May 1880; Earl Lewis , b. May 10, 1883., Electus L. Frizelle.

1900: United States Federal Census, Ward 5 Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, (East Nevada)- Center Township,( Wooter Street) Frizelle, Electus Head of household, male born Nov. 1832, age 67, married 45 years, born Ohio, father born NY, mother born PA. ; Emily, wife, b. May 1839, age 61 years, born NY, mother b. NY, father b. England. George B., son, born Sept. 1876, age 23 years, single, born Iowa, Carpenter ; Howard, L. , son, b. May 1879, age 21 years, b. Iowa, paper hanger; James G. , son b. May 1881, age 19 years, single, b. Iowa, day labor.

1901: Wallin Shaffer & Co., Vernon Co. Directory: Frizell, Electus L , carpenter (wife Emma), 916 E. Wooter 1st.

1901: Wallin Shaffer and Co., Vernon Co. Directory:, E. L. & Son, Carpenter, 127 N. Commercial St.

1903-04: Owen Jennings Nevada City Directory : Frizzelle, Electus, wf. Emma, Carpenter, 916 Wooter 1st. . Res.

1905: Prewitt-Dunham Directory Co., Nevada, Mo. : Frizelle, Electus (E. L. Frizelle & Son), 911 E. Wooter 1st.

1906: Real Estate Tax List, Center Township, Vernon County, Missouri, based on ownership of property on June 1, 1906 Record copied from the original tax book.

1907: Obit, Nevada, Mo., 10 Sept. 1907

Death of E. L. Frizell:

E. L. Frizell, an old and highly respected resident of this city, died Tuesday evening at his home in the east part of the city, his death being due to a stroke of paralysis suffered during the recent reunion at Lake Park. The deceased was almost seventy five years of age and was a veteran of the Civil War, being in the Union Army. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Frizell is survived by a devoted wife and nine children, all of whom were at his bedside when his death occurred. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. Cosper at the Austin Chapel Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, interment Deepwood.

Spouse: Emma " Emily " Hackett

b 29 May 1839, Delphi, (now Delphi Falls, Onondaga Co.) New York, Note: middle name may be Elizabeth??

d. 17 May 1920, Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, aged 80 years; interment, Deepwood Cemetery, no head Stone

daughter of  John Hackett and  Polly Sheldon

1907, 21 Sept.: Declaration for widows pension: Emma Frizelle, aged 69 years a resident of Nevada, County of Vernon, State of Missouri, makes the following declaration for the of being placed on the pension roll of the United States. Widow of Electus L. Frizelle, served at least 90 days during the War of the Rebellion, Honorably discharged, Married name Emma Hackett to said soldier. J. B. Caralle & Co. Pension Attorneys, her true and lawful attorneys; also personally appeared, Pascal Thropp and G. W. Phillips residing at Nevada, Mo. Acquaintance with her of 15 years and 10 years respectively that she is the identical person she represents herself to be.; Thomas Gilbert, Notary Public.

1907, 14 Oct.: Claimantʼs affidavit declares as follows: That she is or was the lawful wife of the said Electus L Frizelle. Had life insurance on his life to the amount of $80.00 in the Prudential Life Ins. Co. Of Newark, NJ payable to Howard L. Frizelle (son). He left no Will.; Thomas Gilbert, Notary public.

1908, 12 March : Pension claim: Frizelle widow of Electus L. Frizelle, Elizabeth Ransier, age 71 years, resident of Independence in the County of Buchanan, state of Iowa declares relation to the case as follows: " I have known the above name claimant Emma Frizelle from the time she was 12 or 13 years of age and before she became of marriageable age": Elizabeth S. Ranasier.; Charles Ransier, Notary Public Note Charles Ransier is the nephew of Emma Frizelle

1908, 2 April: , Pension claim: Elizabeth Ransier, declares in relation to named claimant Emma Frizelle since 1855 at which time she married to Electus L. Frizelle. Her maiden name was Emma Hackett. The said claimant lived together continuously as husband and wife until his death, Sept. 10, 1907.: Charles Ransier, Notary Public

1908, 4 April: General affidavit, State of Tenn., County of Knox, In The matter of pension claim of Emma Frizelle, widow., E. B. Frizelle , age 66 years a resident of Knoxville in the County of Knox, State of Tenn. Declares in relation to known claimant Emma Frizelle since 1855.: E. B. Frizelle, 132 Washington St., Knoxville, Tenn.

1908, 23 April: accrued pension, Western Division, Certificate no. 731262 board of review approved for admission pay to widow.; V. M. Tucker, reviewer, J. H. Bell, reviewer

1910: United states Federal Census, Ward 5, Nevada, Vernon Co., Missouri Census: Emma Frizelle, age 72 widowed, own income.

1913: Hoffman Directory , Frizelle, Emma, Mrs. Res. 918 E. Wooter 1st.

1920: Nevada, Vernon Co., Missouri census: Emma Frizelle, age 80, father born England; mother born . NY

1920: Obit Nevada, Mo. 15 May 1920:

Death of Mrs. Frizelle: Emily Hackett was born in Delphi, NY., May 29, 1839, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Shipler, May 15, 1920, aged 80 years 11 months and 14 days. She was married at Delphi, NY. To Electus Frizelle, to which union 11 children were born , 8 of whom survive her. In 1859 Mr. and Mrs. Frizelle came west into Iowa and at a later date removed to Missouri. Mrs Frizelle became a Christian in early life and united with the Methodist Church of which she remained a faithful member until death. Her serving children are Mrs. Minnie Shipler, Nevada, Missouri, Howard Frizelle, Kansas City, Arthur and Burt Frizelle of Rippey, Iowa, John, Owen, Earl, and James Frizelle of Nevada, Missouri, and Mrs. Franklin Barnhold of Washington. Funeral services were held at the First Methodist Church Monday afternoon at 2 p. m., conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Edger P. Reed and interment is in Deepwood.

1920, 11 Aug. : to the chief, Finance Division: The pensioner died May 15, 1920 and said check has been cancelled. You are hereby notified that check # 7065090 for $90.50 dated 4 Aug. 1920 in favor of Emma Frizelle has been returned to this office by the postmaster with the information that the pensioner died May 15, 1920.; Guy O. Taylor, disbursing clerk

1920, 15 Sept: pensioner dropped, Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions : The Commissioner of Pensions, I Have the honor to report that the name of pensioner, Emma Frizelle, who was last paid $25.00, May 4, 1920 has been dropped from the roll because of death, May 15, 1920; chief, finance division

Children of Electus Litchfield Frizelle, (246) & Emma Hackett were:

  1. Clark Frizelle, (454) b. 1860, d. 1860
  2. Mary " Minnie" Frizelle, (455) b. 8 July 1861, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa, d. Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington; spouse, Philip T. Shipler of Rippey, Greene County, Iowa, married, 18 Nov. 1883, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa
  3. Nellie R. Frizelle, (456) b. 1863, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; d. 1894, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 31 Years; spouse, Frank F. Simpson ; married 1892, [1893 ? ] Chicago, Illinois ? , no issue; 1892 June 24: Chicago Daily Tribune: the County Clerk issued permits to wed to The following couples yesterday. Parties living in Chicago were no other place of residence given. " Frank F. Simpson Cleveland, Nellie R. Frizelle, Des Moines."
  4. John Owen Frizell / Frizelle (457) b. 23 Dec. 1865, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; married 1st. 1882, Minnie B., b. 1866, Missouri, father b. Ohio; Mother b. Indiana. married 2nd. 22 Mar. 1913, Leavenworth, KS., Lena Eliza Megenity, b. 18 Feb. 1862, Leadville, Co. daughter of Alford Megenity and Mary Eliza Starr
  5. Frances ( Frankie) Frizelle, (458) b. Feb. 1867, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; d. 19 Dec. 1957 Bremerton, Washington, Interment Ivy Green Cemetery, Bremerton, Washington.
  6. Arthur Woodruff Frizelle, (459) b. 8 Sep. 1871, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; d. May 1949, Rippey Greene Co., Iowa, aged 78 years; interment Rippey Cemetery, block 12, lot 39; m 1st. spouse, 1 Nov. 1911, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa Nellie Myrtle Littell. m. 2nd. spouse abt. 1940, Rippey Greene County, Iowa, Minnie Cynthia
  7. William Hill Frizelle, (460) b. 23 Jun. 1874, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; d. 22 Mar. 1908. Kansas City, Mo. aged 34 years, was killed while working on bridge construction for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Interment Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada, Vernon Co., Mo. spouse, Isabel Nora Smith, b. Nebraska, d.1950 Mo.; interment: Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada, Missouri
  8. George Burt Frizelle, (461) b. 14 Spt. 1876, Jefferson, Greene County, Iowa; spouse, Sarah
  9. Howard Lafayette Frizell / Frizelle, (462) b. 23 May 1879, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa; Military records show 1881 as birth date, not correct as 1880 US Census has him listed as b. 1879. d. 1939, Long Beach, Orange County, California, aged 60 years; spouse, Pearl Harrington, married, 18 Aug. 1906, Nevada, Mo.
  10. James Garfield Frizell / Frizelle, (463) b. 14 May 1881, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa; d. 1940, Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, aged 59 years. Married, Isabel Bird, 27 Jun. 1904, Nevada, Vernon Co., Mo., b. 1 Feb. 1887, Mc Cook, Willow Co., Nebraska, daughter of Nait Reed and Alice; Isabel, occupation laundry at home. James occ. poultry house foreman; address 1933.
  11. Earl Lewis Frizell / Frizelle b. 10 May 1833, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa, Greene Co. Births book no. 1; d. 9 Jun. 1959, Nevada, Vernon Co, Mo, aged 76 years, interment; Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada, Mo. 1st. spouse, * Jennie Annis Knight, daughter of Cornelius Henry Knight and Mary Ellen Graham, m. 7 Dec. 1907 Rich Hill, Bates County, Missouri, Methodist; 2nd. spouse, Minnie May Shrewsbury-Sanderson, b. 4 Jan. 1902, daughter of Harry Sanderson

Frizelle, Erasmus Burt He was born 31 Dec. 1841, New Woodstock, Cazenovia, Madison County, New York. He was the son of Erasmus Frizelle / Frizell & Sarah Sawyer. He married Margaret Sexton Teller on Feb. 2, 1869 in Anoka, Minnesota. The marriage was performed in the Church of God, by Rev. Tuttle. Research was submitted by Michael Frizell

Erasmus Burt Frizelle, (249)

b. 31 Dec. 1841, New Woodstock, Cazenovia, Madison County, New York

d. 29 Oct. 1929, City and County of Denver, Colorado, aged 98 years, Fritzsimons General Hospital, interment, Sterling Cemetery, Rice County, Kansas

m 1st. 2 Feb. 1869, Margaret Sexton Teller, City and County of Anoka, Minnesota, Church of God by Rev. Tuttle

m. 2nd abt. 1841, Clara C. Owen, Mrs; she d. before 1935, she was the wife of a Confederate Soldier (note I did not note this initially, but the second marriage date has to be incorrect, ejj)

occupation. Carpenter, Wheel-Wright, Wagon Maker

1850: United States Federal Census, Cazenovia [New Woodstock ], Madison Co., NY, page 107, roll m 432-526: Frizelle, Erasmus, age 49 years, Farmer, b. NY; Sarah, wife, age 40, b. Penn.; Electus, son, age 17, b. Ohio; Eliza Ann, age 15, b. NY; Elizabeth, age 14, b. NY; Elzina , age 10, b. NY; Erasmus B., age 8, b. NY; Emily, S., age 6, b. NY; Ellen E., age 4, b. NY; one other person living in household, John Goodale [relationship ? unknown]

1860: United States Federal Census, Cazenovia, [ New Woodstock] Madison Co., NY: Frizell, Erasmus , age 59, b. 1800, NY; Sarah S., wife, age 50, b. 1809, Pennsylvania; Erasmus B. son, age 18, b. 1841. NY; Ella W, dau., age 11, b. 1848, NY; Ensign H. age 9, b. 1850, NY.

1862: " Distinguished Service" Erasmus Frizelle served in the Civil War, private Company C, Iowa 27th. Regiment of Iowa Infantry volunteers was enlisted for a three year term of service on the 6th. Day of August, by Joseph D. Noble at Independence, Iowa, was mustered into the military service of the United States on the 28th. Day of August 1862, by captain George S. Pierce at Dubuque, Iowa. The records show that Private Erasmus B. Frizelle was a native of Cazenovia, Madison County New York and was residing at independence, Buchanan County, Iowa at the time of enlistment. The 27th. Infantry was involved in the Meridian Expedition marching deep into Mississippi. Private Erasmus B. Frizelle was mustered out of the service August 8, 1865 at Clinton, Iowa. The records further show that said solder when enlisted was 20 years of age had blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, was 5 feet 6 3/4 inches in height, and by occupation a farmer.

1870: United State Federal Census: Buchanan Co. Independence, Iowa, Ward 70 : Frizelle, Erasmus, 28; Margaret 19, Carrie 3 mo.

1870's: Article from the " Jefferson Bee" , " New Rippey was A Busy Town in the 1870's": Busy Livery Stable: The wagon maker, E. B. Frizelle, was beginning to feel the pinch of manufactured wagons by then, the homemade product passing out of the picture. Horses were still important, of course, and the livery stable run by Amos Cooper did a thriving business, it being said that L. F. Lofstedt owned the only top buggy in the county.

1880: 15 Jan: Land records, Greene Co. Iowa, Book E, Page no. 582, W. H. Cartwright sell to E. B. Frizelle of Greene Co. For $75.00, lot no. 2, block 14, Rippey

1881: 19 Aug. Land records, Greene Co. Iowa, Book G, Page no. 269, F. E. & Dorta Hartman of Greene Co., sell to E. B. Frizelle of Greene Co. For $100.00, S of lot no. 1, block 14 Rippey.

1885: Iowa State Census, Washington, Greene Co.: Frizell, Erasmus, age 44, b. NY; Margaret S., 35, Carrie 15, b. Buchanan Co.; Dora 12, b. Buchanan Co; Ira 8, b. Muscatine Co.; Benj. 4, b. Greene Co; Mina 2, b. Greene Co.

1886,7 Jan.: Grand Army of the Republic, Post no. 185, records, Rippey, Iowa: Erasmus B. Frizelle, wagon maker joined post no. 185 on Oct. 16, 1886 and Trans. Out on Jan. 7, 1888, on other info. Given.

1887, 26 April: Land records, Greene Co. Iowa, Book H, Page no. 457, Margaret S. & E. B. Frizelle of Greene Co. Sell to J. L. Lyon of Greene Co., fro $ 125.00, lots no. 3 & 4, block 17, Rippey

1891: Residence Ellsworth, Kansas; Proof of Kinship of Margaret Sexton Teller ( Frizelle) to Anneke Jans or Anneke Bogardus completed

1900: United States Federal Census: Sterling Twp., Rice Co., Kansas, Roll T 623, p. 11 B: Frizell, Erasmus, Head, b. Dec. 1841, Widower, b. NY, father b. PA., mother b. Iowa, Carpenter; Dora, L., b. May 1872, single, b. Iowa, Keeping house; Ira, S., son, b. July 1877 single, Farm Labor; Benjamin, son, b. May 1880, single, b. Iowa, at school; Minie, dau., b. Oct. 1882, single, b. Iowa; Guy, son, b. May 1886, son, b. Iowa; Zuie, dau., b. May 1887, single, b. Neb; Bessie, E., dau., b. Jan. 1892, single, b. Kansas.

1904 August 1: Residence: Cooley, Oklahoma. (Ref. Request for Record of Service, E. B. Frizelle)

1912, May 30: Residence: Florence Co. of Los Angeles, State of California

1915, April, 5: Residence: 1122-53 St. Oakland, Cal.

1926, 3 March : Unscrupulous lawyers and others solicited money from various persons (descendants of Anneke Jans Bogardus) throughout the country in an effort to persuade them there was a chance to recover something from the Trinity Church in New York City. Erasmus and Margaret Frizelle (Teller). One of three separate groups laying claim to the property of the Trinity Church (NYC) that was given grants by royal charter from King William III). The court stated since there had not been any claim for five generations and since the possession of the property of Trinity Church was so clear the property remained Trinity Church.: * Ref. Lineage : 1926 vol. 2 no. 3 March 1926 New York, NY "The Chancery Record": A monthly journal devoted to genealogical and Chancery matters.: Descendants of Anneke Jans Bogardus

1929: Residence: 2088 Washington street, Denver, Colorado (ref. US Veterans Bureau, report of flag furnished from stock for the burial of Erasmus Frizelle & application for Reimbursement requested by Bessie A. Allen, for expenses paid in the last sickness of E. B. Frizelle. (room and board, home remedies and caring for bed ridden patient. Her address was 1518 E. 37 th. Ave, Denver, Colorado)

More notes E. B. Frizelle at end of family group sheet.

Spouse: Margaret Sexton Teller:, b. 7 Nov. 1850, Near Lancaster, Keokuk County, Iowa; d. 15 Mar. 1900, age 50 years; father, Edwin Sexton Teller & Aly J. "Ella" Henderson ( family record of lineage found on FTM and "Teller Family")

date ? Greene Co., Iowa land records, book F, page no. 582 W. H. & M. B. Cartwright of Des Moines, Co., Iowa, sell to Margaret S. Frizelle of Greene Co, Iowa for $100.00, lots noʼs. 3 & 4, Block 17, Rippey

Children of Erasmus Burt Frizelle (249) Margaret Sexton Teller:

  1. Carrie Etta Frizelle, (956) b. 23 Feb. 1870, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa; d. 19 Sept. 1921, Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, Aged 51 Years; spouse, David Bryant Strong, married, 16 Feb. 1890, Oberlin, Decatur County, Kansas
  2. Caroline Frizelle, (957) b. 23 Feb. 1870, d. at Birth Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa
  3. Dora Lulu Frizelle, (958) b. 09 May 1872, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa
  4. Ira Stankey Frizelle, (959) b. 10 July. 1877, City and County of Mescaline, Iowa; d. 1 May 1936, Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, aged 59 years; m. Bessie, b. abt. 1882, Indiana
  5. Benjamin Henderson Frizelle,(960) b. 30 May 1880, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa; d. 2 Mar. 1960, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, aged 80 years; Interment; White Chapel Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas; spouse, Sarah Francis Huff; occ, Bricklayer
  6. Mina Eunice Frizelle, (961) b. 26 Oct. 1882, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa; d. 12 Oct. 1954, San Leandro, Alameda County, California, aged 72 years; Interment Oakland, Alameda County, California, Methodist-Quaker; spouse, George Washington Lousignout, married, 27 Jan. 1900, Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, Methodist; motherʼs name, Sheldon
  7. Guy Otto Frizelle. (962) b. 20 May 1885, Rippey, Greene County, Iowa; d. 6 May 1938, The Presidio of San Francisco; Last known address 1 Lincoln Blvd., Presidio of San Francisco, California, 94129, (??) (This address is the address of the National Cemetery ); Interment: 9 May 1938, San Francisco National Cemetery, Section E sight 1703; Guy Otto was a US Army Veteran, Rank pvt. Medical Department
  8. Zuie Aly Frizelle, (963) b. 30 May 1887, Rippey Greene County, Iowa; d. 9 Feb. 1911, Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, aged 24 years; m. 1906, Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, Arthur Riley Battershell
  9. Bessie Ann Frizelle, (964) b. 15 Jan. 1892, City and County of Ellsworth, Kansas; Spouse, Weise

Erasmus Burt Frizelle, Private, Co. "C", Iowa Infantry, *Company muster rolls, ** Hospital muster rolls:

1862: Oct. 3 to Dec. 31, present. Battles Fought: Holly Springs, MS. On 11 Oct. 1862 & 25 Nov. 1862; fought on 20 Dec. 1862 at Watertown, MS & on 21 Dec. 1862 at Tallahatchie River, TN.

1863 Jan. & Feb. present

1863 March & April Present, Absent, sick in hospital, Jackson, Tenn. Since March 19, 1863

Erasmus Frizzle in present column, March 18, 1863, last paid Feb. 28, 63 U. S.A. General Hosp., Jackson, Tenn. special muster roll April 15, 63, absent, sick in hosp., Jackson, Tenn.

May through Aug. present co. Muster rolls

Absent as convalescent at Memphis, Tenn., Since Aug. 24, 63, returned to Co., June 17, 64, appears on hospital muster roll, Keokuk, Iowa Nov. & Dec. , 1863, attached to hosp. Dec. 17, 1863, as patient, last paid Oct 31, 1863. Bounty paid $25.00; due $ 75.00.

Nov. & Dec. Present, Hosp. Muster rolls, Harvey U. S. A. General Hosp., Madison, Wis., sent to Gen. Hosp. (US), Keokuk, Iowa.

Jan. through Feb. present Hosp. Muster rolls

1864 May through June 1865 present co. Muster Rolls. Fought in the battles: 18 May 1864 at dead Oaks, LA; 18 May 1864 at Old Oaks, LA.; 18 May 1864 at Yellow Bayou, LA.

1865, Erasmus B. Frizell, private., co. C, 27 reg. Iowa Inf. Appears on co. Muster rolls Clinton, Iowa Inf. 8 Aug 1865, Muster out date Aug. 8, 1865, last paid Feb. 28, clothing account, due soldier $ 3.76 bounty paid $ 25,00, due $ 75.00 Remarks; To be deducted for one gun and accouterments, $ 6.00

Erasmus Burt Frizelle: The National Archives, Soldiers Certificates , # 704010, veteran Erasmus B. Frizell, rank Pvt., service Co. C 27, Iowa Inf., can # 14845, bundle # 37

Declaration for original pension, state of Nebraska, Co. of Brown, court record.

1888: 21 Feb., Personally appeared before me clerk of the district. A court of record within and for the county and state aforesaid Erasmus B. Frizelle, aged 46 years a resident of Newport. (Town). County of Brown, state of Nebraska. Being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Erasmus B, Frizelle on or about the 6th. Day of Aug. 1862 as pvt. In co., "C" of the 27th. Regiment of Iowa Inf. Commanded by Henry F. Hill and was discharged at Clinton, Iowa on or about the 8th. Day of Aug. 1865 by reason of close of war. That his personal description is as follows, age 46, height 5 feet 6 inches, complexion light, hair brown, eyes blue. That while in member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of duty at Jackson, Tenn. On or about the day of Jan. 1863, he contracted rheumatism from exposure. Same place March 1863 he contracted biliousness from exposure, Madison, Wisc., Dec.1863 he contacted heart disease from exposure, Keokuk,. Iowa June 1864 he contacted lung disease from exposure. That he was treated in hospitals as follows. Hosp. Jackson, Tenn., Madison Wisc. and Keokuk, Iowa. That he is not employed in the military since 8 Aug. 1865 his occupation has been that of a carpenter, when enrolled a farmer. He hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation George E. Lemon, of Washington, DC. His true and lawful attorney. Also personally appeared Joseph Peters residing at Newport, Neb. And John Reynolds residing at Newport, Neb.

1888: April 20 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions:

I have the honor to request that you furnish from the records of the War Dept. A full report as to the service, disability, and hospital treatment of Erasmus B. Frizelle.

Name: Erasmus B. Frizell, rank P, Co. C, reg. 27 Iowa, date March 1863, record G. H. Jackson, Tenn.

Name: Erasmus B. Frizzell, rank P, Co. C, reg. 27 Iowa, date 27 Oct. 1863, record G. H. Madison, Wis.

Name Erasmus B. Frizelle, rank P, Co. C, reg. 27 Iowa, date 17 Dec. 1863, G. H. Keokuk, Iowa

This transcript from the records on file in this office embodies all the information which has been found on a search. Surgeon Generalʼs Office, 26 April 1888.

1888: 22 May, War Dept., Adjutant Generalʼs office

Erasmus B. Frizelle is on roll dated 31 Oct. 1862, present to 28 Feb. 1863, March and April 63 absent, sick at Jackson Tenn. Since March 19-63, May & June 63 present July & Aug. 63 absent at Memphis since Aug. 24 63. Same to April 30-64, May & June 65 present same to June. Muster out with Co. At Clinton Iowa, 8 Aug. 1865.

1890: 28 July declaration for original invalid pension, State of Kansas county of Decatur

Erasmus B. Frizelle is suffering from rheumatism and heart disease. George E. Lemon of Washington DC his true and lawful attorney also personally appear, W. U. Coahraue, residing at Jennings, Kansas and John shields, residing at Jennings, Kansas say that they were present and saw Erasmus B. Frizelle the claimant sign his name

1891: 1 Aug. he hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation O. E. Howe, Windfield, KS. His true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. His post office address is Ellsworth, Ellsworth County, State of Kansas.

Also personally appeared two witnesses who can write, Owen Q. Comwell P.O. Ellsworth, County of Ellsworth, state of Kansas. And Daniel Fike P.O. Ellsworth, County of Ellsworth, State of Kansas. Have known him for the last 2 years, and his occupation is that of a carpenter.

1891: 1 Aug., Declaration for invalid Army, state of Kansas, County of Ellsworth, Erasmus B. Frizelle personally appeared before me Olin Thormburgh, clerk of the district court. : Erasmus B. Frizelle age 49 years contacted chromic diarrhea alternated with constipation and resulting disease of stomach, bowels and rectum. Also contracted scurvy and resulting disease of mouth and loss of teeth caused by using unclean water and improper diet. Also contacted piles. Claimant since leaving the service has resided in the State of Iowa, Kansas and 1 & 1/2 years Nebraska, and his occupation is wheel wright.

1896,: 19 August Department of the interior, requesting a full military and medical history , claim # 704.010

1896: 21 Aug. Commissioner of Pensions Regimental return Jan. 63 dose not report him absent, co, morning report June 1, 64 shows him returned to Co., reg. Hosp. Record shows him March 15, 16, 17, 63 Nov. 11, 63 sent to Gen. Hosp., Nov. 20 the records of this office show on further evidence of disability. R. C. Drum, adjutant General

1896: 21 Aug Record and Pension Office respectfully returned to the commissioner of pensions the Regtl. Hosp Records show him treated Nov. 11 to 20 62 & Mar. 15 to 17 and report of May 22, 1888 has been amended accordingly.

1896: 14 Dec., H. C. Hemenway, being duly sworn in answer to the request of the commissioner of pensions.

1898: 14 May, Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions agent for next quarterly payment

Erasmus B. Frizelle, Sterling, Rice Co., Kansas are you married, yes, Margaret S. Frizelle ( Margaret S. Teller). When were you married and by whom married , 2 Feb. 1869, Anoka, Minn; were you previously married, No. Children Carrie E. 23 Feb. 1870, Dora Le 9 May 1872, Ira S. 10 July 1877, Benjamin H. 25 Nay 1880, Mina E. 26 Oct. 1982, Guy O. 20 May 1885, Zuie Aly 30 May 1887, Bessie H. 15 Jan 1892.

1912 : 30 May Declaration for Pension: State of California, County of Los Angeles. Erasmus B. Frizelle, age 70 years, a resident of Florence Co. of Los Angeles, State of California; John W. Morris of Washington DC his true and lawful attorney also personally appeared, James M. Graham, residing at Florence and Amanda Schumanus, residing at Los Angeles, California. Were present and saw the claimant sign to the foregoing application. Civil war Division, Dept. Of the Inferior; 6 Feb 1913, soldiers age at enlistment, 20 years, commissioner of pensions

1915: 5 April, Dept. of the Interior, address change in Disbursing office, from 1167 55th. 1st. to 1122-53 St. Oakland, Cal. Now living with 2nd. Wife her name was Mrs. C.C. Owen, a wife of a Confederate Soldier and a harness maker and wife of Hary Owen. 2nd. Clara C. Frizelle.

1929: 26 Aug, Declaration for Pension: State of Colorado, County of Denver, Erasmus B. Frizelle, aged 87 years, b. 31 Dec. 1841, Madison Co, NY. Since leaving service he has lived at, Ellsworth, Kansas, Sterling Kansas, Wichita Kansas, Cooley Oklahoma, Buckley California, Denver Colorado and his occupation has been that of a carpenter. He requires the regular personal aid and attendance of another person and has required aid since Aug. 19228 on account of the following, Old age , mentality low, nearly blind, has ben unable to dress oneself for a year, unable to walk and needs assistance, has needed a guardian for nearly two years, unable to write and read and we haft to feed him now.

Mrs. M.E. Louis Gnont, Ford Kansas , Mrs. Bessi Yahvah, 2088 Washington St., Denver, Co

1929: 30 Oct, US Veterans Bureau, report of Flag furnished from stock to be used in the burial of Frizelle Erasmus, who served in the Civil War. Cost of flag at this section was $3.25, David Y. Chase, regional supply officer; Application for reimbursement, state of Colorado, co. Of Denver

1935: 5 Oct., Bessie A. Allen personally appeared, age 42 years, a resident of Denver, Colorado makes the following declaration for expenses paid in the last sickness and burial of Erasmus Frizelle, who died 29 Oct. 1929 at Fritzsimons G.H., Denver, Co. And was buried in Sterling, Ks. Burial expenses taken care of by Govt. Board and room, home remedies and caring for ridden patient, $ 50.00, has not been paid. Mrs Bessie Allen, 1518 E. 37 Ave. Denver, Co. Also appeared ??? Hayden, 2141 Downing, Denver, Co. Carl Frederick Ronquist, 1446 Galapago St., Denver Co.

Fuller, George H. He was born Aug. 13, 1841 in Stowe, Vermont. He was the son of Archippus Fuller and Esther Sartle. He married D. Adelaide Boomer on Jan. 3, 1873. She was the daughter of Albert Boomer (Oct. 3, 1823 - April 16, 1899) and Charlotte A. Brownell (Feb. 8, 1827 - May 15, 1888). Albert Boomer was the Assistant Surgeon of the 27th Iowa.

~ source: History of Delaware County, Iowa and its People, Illustrated, Volume II. The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1914, Chicago. Page 434-438. Call Number 977.7385 H2m; LDS microfilm #934937.

~transcribed and contributed by Constance Diamond for Delaware County IAGenWeb

Dr. George H. Fuller was one of the most universally known and loved men in Delhi and was connected with many different phases of activity, giving unstintingly of his best wherever he saw that his labor was needed in the community. He was not only a physician of the old school, a man who thought first of the good he might do, but he was a public official who discharged with the utmost conscientiousness the duties of his position and he was as well a devoted worker in the Methodist Episcopal church. In addition to these services in time of peace, he gave his strength and risked his life foe the Union at the time of the Civil war, serving his country for over three years at the front.

The Doctor was born in Stowe, Vermont, August 13, 1841, a son of Archippus and Esther (Sartle) Fuller. The family moved from place to place in the east, living for a time in Massachusetts, but in 1856 they came to Iowa. At that time the state was a pioneer region and there was no railroad west of Dubuque. The family came by hack from that city to Coffins Grove, Delaware county, where a sister of the Doctor was living. The mother passed away in Buchanan county, Iowa in 1862. The father survived until 1888, when his demise occurred in Tarkio, Missouri. Both are buried at Independence, Iowa.

Doctor Fuller was the eighth in order of birth in a family of ten children. In the spring of 1857 he received an invitation from an uncle, Rasselas Sartle, of Quincy, Illinois, to make his home with him, and accepting he found not only a pleasant home but opportunities for schooling beyond anything he had previously enjoyed and he eagerly availed himself of them. He subsequently worked as bookkeeper and timekeeper in his uncle's foundry and was later a clerk in the offices of the Quincy & Chicago Railroad. In 1861 he returned to the family at Independence at the earnest request of his mother, who was then in poor health. For five years he taught school nine miles from Independence and some idea of the primitive conditions of the state at that time may be gained from the fact that the school was conducted in the kitchen of the man who was chiefly interested in having it started.

In 1862, in response to President Lincoln's call for additional troops, Dr. Fuller enlisted at Independence in Company C, Twenty seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry. His first active service was in Minnesota in the operations against the Chippewa Indians, but in November the command was ordered south to cooperate with Grant and Sherman. In January, 1863, the Doctor was appointed clerk at brigadier headquarters and later was made hospital steward. His courage and ability won him still further promotion and he became second lieutenant in the Eighty seventh Regiment of the United States Colored Infantry. He was in command of his regiment for much of the time after his appointment until he was mustered out of service at New Orleans in 1865, having served for three years and five months.

From New Orleans he went by way of the ocean to New York and from there to his old home in New England, but subsequently returned to Iowa and in the fall of that year began the study of medicine at Epworth under Dr. Sanborn, who had been surgeon in Dr. Fuller's regiment. He subsequently went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he took the first year of his medical course, after which he returned to Delhi and pursued his studies with Dr. Albert Boomer. Later he completed his course at the Chicago Medical College, receiving his degree from that institution in 1869. He returned to Delhi and he and Dr. Boomer practiced in partnership for a number of years. He later practiced at Webster City and afterward was government physician at the Crow Indian reservation in Montana and at Fort Hall Indian agency in Idaho for four years or until 1877, when he returned to Delhi, where he lived during the remainder of his life. He had an extensive practice which made heavy demands upon his time and energy but he was one who never sought to spare himself and went as a matter of course wherever he was needed, wherever he might be of assistance, without considering whether or not he was tired and in need of rest. He considered a doctor a professional man whose privilege it was to serve, and material gain was always secondary to unselfish consideration of the needs of others. He was a man of wide reading and kept informed as to the latest discoveries in the field of medical science. He was himself a valued contributor to a number of medical journals and was a member and frequently an officer of the Delaware County Medical Association, being secretary for four years in addition to holding other positions therein.

On the 3d of January, 1873, Dr. Fuller was married to Miss D. Adelaide Boomer who passed away in 1897. Her father was Dr. Boomer, a partner of Dr. Fuller. The latter's second marriage was with Miss Laura B. Smith, a daughter of Mortimer and Charlotte (Reynoldson) Smith, who came to Delaware county in 1867. They lived two miles south of Delhi and the father carried on farming. He passed away in May, 1904. The mother survives and makes her home in Delhi. Dr. and Mrs. Fuller had one son, Albert, who was born September 28, 1903.

The Doctor was a republican and for twenty five years served as a member of the school board, proving an intelligent and sincere friend of the schools and doing much to make them better. While pursuing his medical studies he taught for some time and was from December, 1869, to June, 1871, principal of the Delhi school. He was very successful as a teacher, finding it congenial work, and the intimate knowledge of the problems of teaching and of administration of schools was a great value to him later in life, when as a member of the school board he had a voice in the control of the town educational system. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and served for many years as superintendent of its Sunday school, while from 1868 until his death he was trustee and steward, with the exception of four years which he spent in Montana and Idaho. His religion was a vital force and found expression in his everyday life, which was unselfish to a degree that is very unusual. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and enjoyed greatly the association with his old army comrades. He was marked by a strong sense of justice and of fairness and was always quick to see the other man's side of the question as well as his own and although a man of remarkable soundness of judgment he was always reluctant to press his views upon anyone. Those who knew him intimately realized his genuine worth and ability and regarded him all the more highly for his modesty and respected him for his innate dignity and his quiet self control. He demanded from himself the best and highest but for the failings of others he had boundless charity, and the memory of his life is one that will not soon fade from the minds of those who knew him and it is one that will ever lead to high ideals of manhood and a true appreciation of the possibilities for good.

1850 Census: Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont: Archibas Fuller (age 52, carpenter, born VT), Esther Fuller (age 44, born VT), Eliza A. Fuller (age 23, born VT), George H. Fuller (age 9, born VT), Osker M. Fuller (age 7, born VT), Susan M. Fuller (age 4, born VT), and Sarah Fuller (age 74, born Mass.).

1860 Census: Quincy Ward 3, Adams County, Illinois: Roselas Sartle (age 45, Master Machinist, born VT), Josephine T. Sartle (age 19, born Illinois), Josiah L. Putnam (age 29, blacksmith), Lois C. Putman (age 28, born Vt), Edith Sartle (age 82, born VT), George H. Fuller (age 18, college student, born VT).

1870 Census Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa: Cyrus Smith (age 53, Sheriff), Eliza Smith (age 44), George H. Fuller (age 27, Physician, born VT).

1880 Census: Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa: George H Fuller (age 38, doctor, born VT), wife D. A. Fuller (age 33, born Illinois).

1885 Iowa State Census, Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa: George H. Fuller (Lot 9, age 43, physician, born VT), D. Adelaide Fuller (age 37, born Illinois) and Adam Holm (age 44, minister).

Adelaide (Boomer) Fuller died in 1897.

1900 Census: Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa: George H. Fuller (born Aug. 1841, age 58, married 0 years, born VT, Physician (medical), wife Laura B. Fuller (born Nov. 1866, age 33, married 0 years, 0 children born, born Illinois).

George Fuller died Jan. 31, 1908 (pension Index Record) and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa

A Pension was filed for a minor on Apr. 24, 1908.

1910 Census: Delhi, Delaware County, Iowa: Laura B. Fuller, (age 43, widowed, 2 children born, 1 still living, born Illinois), son Albert Fuller (age 6, born Iowa).

His widow Laura B. Fuller filed for a pension on Sept. 21, 1916.

Gates, Jonathan F. He was born Nov. 13, 1838 in Marietta, Ohio. He married Mary F. Eaton. She was the daughter of Edmund L. Eaton and Ruth W. Buffum. I do note that the biography below says he married Mary J. Burrington. The 1910 census says she was married twice. Burrington must have been her married name. I did find a marriage record for Mary J. Eaton and Vernon E. Burrington on Apr. 26, 1864 in Delaware, Delaware County, Iowa. Information on Find a Grave says: "Jonathan F. Gates was originally buried in the Eugene Pioneer Cemetery but his body was moved to Portland to rest beside his wife, the former Mary Eaton".

Rock Grove Township
Transcribed by Bonnie Stickney
Source: History of Floyd County, Iowa, 1882
Jonathan F. Gates page 961

Jonathan F. Gates, attorney, Nora Springs, was born near Marietta, Ohio, Nov 13, 1838. He went with his parents to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1843, and in 1847 to Fond du Lac County, Wis. In 1861 he went to Independence, Ia., and from there direct to what is now Springfield, D. T., and helped lay out the town; returned to Independence in 1861. In August 1862, he enlisted in Company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, and was discharged Feb 16, 1863, on account of disability. His education was limited till after the war, when he went to Lenox Collegiate Institute, Hopkinton, Ia., during 1866 and 1867. He then read law and was admitted to the bar in March, 1875. He practiced in Independence a short time; served five years as Deputy Sheriff of Buchanan County, Ia., before he was admitted to the bar. He came to Nora Springs in the fall of 1875, where he is engaged in the practice of law, collecting, notary public, real estate and general agent. He was married April 10, 1869, to Mary J. Burrington. They have one adopted child - Edna, born April 14, 1873. He is a member of the I.O.O.F.

1850 Census: Oakfield, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin: Allen Corkins (age 36, farmer, born VT), Clarissa Corkins (age 38, born VT), Drusilla Corkins (age 3, born Wisconsin), and Jonathan Gates (age 11, born Ohio). Is he living with another family, or is this his mother and a stepfather?

1870 Census: Independence Ward 1, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jonathan Gates (age 32, Dep. Sheriff, born Ohio), Mary Gates (age 23, born NY).

1880 Census: Nora Springs, Floyd County, Iowa: Jonathan F. Gates (age 41, lawyer, born Ohio), wife Mary J. Gates (age 33, born New York), and daughter Edna Gates (age 7, born Iowa).

1890 Veterans Census: Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska: Jonathan F. Gates, Corporal, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, discharged Feb. 16, 1863, length of service: six months, 1 day. Post Office Address: Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska. Disability Incurred: Partial Paralysis of right arm.

1885 Nebraska State Census: Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska: J. F. Gates (age 46, lawyer, born Ohio), wife M. J. Gates (age 38, born NY), daughter Edna Gates (age 12, born Iowa).

1900 Census: Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska: Jonathan F. Gates (born Nov. 1831, age 61, married 31 years, born Ohio, Attorney at Law), wife Mary J. Gates (born Dec. 1847, age 52, married 31 years, 0 children born, 0 still living, born NY), adopted daughter Helen I. Gates (born Jan. 1890, age 10, born Iowa).

1910 Census, Eugene Ward 1, Lane County, Oregon: Jonathan Gates (age 71, married 1 time for 41 years, born Ohio, Insurance Agent - old line), wife Mary Gates (age 62, married 2 times, currently for 41 years, 2 children born, 2 still living, born New York).

1920 Census: Eugene Ward 1, Lane County, Oregon: Jonathan F. Gates (age 81, born Ohio, retired Lawyer), wife Mary J. Gates (age 72, born New York).

Jonathan F. Gates died Dec. 15, 1922 at Portland Oregon (Pension Index Record). He is buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, 11801 SE Scott Blvd, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Grave #8. GAR Post 7 Oregon

His widow Mary J. Gates filed for a pension on Jan. 29, 1923.

Mary J. Gates died in 1925 and is buried in Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.

Gillam, Ezekiel Darling He was born Feb. 23, 1846 in Marshall County, Indiana. He was the son of Martin Gillam (b, Mar, 9, 1814, d. Jan, 12, 1879.) and Sarah Darling (1818 - 1901) He married Calphirma Catherine Andrews before 1870. She was the daughter of Dan and Susan Andrews.

1878 Biographies of Polk Township, Benton County, Iowa

Transcribed by Carleton Ealy,

GILLMAN, E. D., farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Brandon; born in Indiana in 1847; came to Benton Co. in 1873; has 320 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Married Calphurnia Andrews in 1867; she was born in Indiana in 1849; they have four children -- Sarah O., Martin L., Lillie E. and Adelbert C. Independent in politics. School Director in Independent District. Enlisted in the 27th Iowa V.I. in 1864; was taken sick at Nashville, and was in hospital until mustered out in 1865.

1850 census Spring Grove, Green County, Wisconsin: Martin Gillam (age 35), Sarah Gillam (age 32), Margaret (age 12), William C (age 10), Elizabeth (age 8), Amanda J (age 6), Ezekiel D. (age 4) and Prudence (age 1).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Martin Gillam (age 45), Sarah Gillam (age 47), Margaret Gillam (age 22), William Gillam (age 20), Amanda I Gillam (age 16), Ezekial Gillam (age 14), Malvina Gillam (age 9), Nancy E. Gillam (age 7), Isaac W. Gillam (age 7), Martin A. Gillam (age 4), James P. Gillam (age 1).

1870 Census, in Jefferson, Buchanan County Iowa: Ezekiel D. Gillam (age 24), farmer, Calfina (age 21), Sarah O, (age 3), Martin (age 1) and an Elizabeth Andrews (age 17, born Indiana) --(I always start at the most recent Census and work backwards. This census made me consider the possibility that Calphernia's maiden name was Andrews. When I checked the 1860 census, I found living in Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: John Strickler (age 56), Susan Strickler (age 42, born Pennsylvania), Lucy Andrews (age 14, born Ohio), Calphenia Andrews (age 11, born Indiana) Leah Strickler (age 11), James Andrews (age 9, born Indiana), Elizabeth Andrews (age 7, born Indiana)and Wm. Strickler (Age 7/12) If I were to guess I would think this is her mother remarried and a blended family.)

1880 Census, Polk, Benton County, Iowa: E. D. Gillam (age 33), wife Calphencia Gillam (age 31), Sara (age 13), Martin (age 11), Lilly (age 8), Delbert (age 6).

He filed for a pension on Feb. 25, 1894 in Iowa.

1900 Census, Township 2, Pennington, South Dakota: Calphernia Gillam (age 62, born Nov. 1845, married 34 years, 6 children born, 2 still living), Granddaughter Alice M. Bosim (age 8, born July 1891 in South Dakota). I did not find Ezekiel)

1910 Census, Rapid Ward 1, Pennington, South Dakota: Ezekil D. Gillam (age 64, married 44 years), wife Calphernia (age 61, married 44 years, 6 children born, 2 still living), Granddaughter Alice Basem (age 18, born South Dakota).

U.S. National Home for Disabled Veterans, Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, Fall River, South Dakota: MILITARY HISTORY: Enlisted Oct. 17, 1864, Private, Co. C, 12th Iowa Inf. trf from Co. C. 27th Iowa Inf. Discharged: Oct 28, 1865, Montgomery Alabama. Cause of Discharge: end of Service. Disabilities when admitted to the Home: Paraplegia, lower extremities with incontinence of bowel and bladder. Myocardial insufficiency. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Born Indiana, age 71, height 5'6", complexion Fair, color of eyes: blue, Color of Hair: Gray, can read and write. Religion: Prot., Occupation: Farmer. Residence subsequent to Discharge: Rapid City, South Dakota, married. Name and Address of nearest relative: Calphurnia Gillam, Rapid City, So. Dak. wife. HOME HISTORY: Rate of Pension: $20.00, Date of Admission: Ad. BMS 8-1-18. Date of Death: Jan. 24, 1918. Cause of Death: Cerebral apoplexy. REMARKS: Location of grave and Remarks: Remains shipped to Rapid City, S. Dak. Jan 26, 1918.

Ezekiel D. Gillam died Jan. 24, 1918 in Hot Springs, Fall River County, South Dakota and is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.

His widow Calphernia Gilliam filed for a pension on March 19, 1918 in South Dakota.

She died Dec, 1930 and is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.. Also in this cemetery is Ebner Lavern Gillam (son of Ezekiel & Calphurnia) b. 1886, d. 1996). Lawrence Earl (another son) b. 1883, d. 1896. Daughter Lillie E. Basim Gillam (b. Feb. 13, 1872, d. Nov. 6, 1892) and son Martin L. Gillam (b. Apr. 5, 1869, d. Apr. 1, 1892). They apparently all have the same headstone.

Glass, James C. He was born August 26, 1826 in Scotland.

1850 Census in Derby, New Haven, Connecticut: James Glass (age 23, cabinet maker, born Scotland) and Jennete Glass (age 24, born Scotland).

1856 Iowa State Census in Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: James C. Glass (age 28, farmer, born Scotland), Jennet Glass (age 29, born Scotland), Catharine Glass (no age)

1860 Census in Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: James C. Glass (age 34, cabinet maker, born Scotland), Jeanette Glass (age 39, born Scotland), Kate Glass (age 3, born Iowa) and Henrietta Glass (age 1, born Iowa).

W. G. Donnan (former Lieutenant in Company H, 27th Iowa) was running for Congress. There were many men of the 27th Iowa that was opposed to him being elected. This is one of the affidavits against him.

Affidavit of a Soldier Concerning W. G. Donnan

I, J. C. Glass, being duly sworn, do dispose and say I was a private in Company C, 27th Regiment Iowa volunteers, and that in the month of December, 1862, W. G. Donnan then being a Lieut. in the 27th Regiment, Iowa volunteers, stationed at Ft. Pickering, Memphis, Tennessee, with the sick man of said Regiment and while the Regiment was on the march, did to my knowledge take cartridges belonging to said Regiment left with him to turn over to the ordnance department, and separate the balls from the powder and did then take the powder in the city, and I was informed and verily believe did then sell them to the citizens of Memphis.

At the same time many of the soldiers left in his charge at said Ft. Pickering were suffering for clothing, shoes, etc., and the said Lieut. Donnan although frequently asked, absolutely refused to draw anything for them or us, or do anything to help relieve our suffering, although it was winter and very cold weather, and although there was nothing required of him but to sign a requisition and see that the said clothing and shoes were distributed to the men. I further state that there were some dried fruit and some flour left by the Regiment, and Lieut. Donnan did order the commissary to not distribute them to the sick man, but kept them for himself and other officers.

James C. Glass, of Independence, Iowa

I certify that the foregoing was signed in my presence by the same James C. Glass and was sworn to before me by him, this 27th day of September 1867.

James Jamison, Notary Public

For additional evidence of the above anyone can refer to Lieut. Hemenway, Cedar Falls; W H. Vanderbilt, Buffalo Grove; Henry Bailey, of Madison Township, and George H Spragg of Hazleton Township, Buchanan County Iowa.

Dubuque Herald, Friday morning, October 4, 1867

Note there are a couple of letters (written in 1863) by Lt. Donnan (defending the commanders) and Edward P. Baker (defending the men of the 27th) that seem to address a similar issue. ejj

1870 Census in Independence Ward 2, Buchanan County, Iowa: James C. Glass (age 44, cabinet maker, born Scotland), Janette Glass (age 46, born Scotland), Catherine Glass (age 14, born Iowa), and Ettie Glass (age 12, born Iowa).

1880 Census in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: James C. Glass (age 54, cabinet maker, born Iowa), wife Janet Glass(age 56, born Scotland), daughter Kate Glass (age 22, born Iowa).

James C. Glass died Sept. 13, 1881 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Washington Twp, Buchanan County, Iowa Add 1, lot 265.

His widow Janet Glass filed for a pension on Nov. 3, 1881.

1885 Iowa State Census: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Janette Glass (age 60, widowed, born Scotland), Catherine Glass (age 29, born Buchanan County, Iowa).

Janet Glass, (born Feb. 13, 1824, died Aug 13, 1912) is also buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Add 1, lot 265.

The 1900 census showed that Jennette Glass was the mother of 4 children with 1 still living. Cemetery listing shows three other Glass burials. The first one (Margaret) was never on a census record, but since she is the only other one in the same cemetery, she is most likely their child. The last two were listed in census records.

  1. Margaret Glass, born June 26, 1852, died Aug. 11, 1854
  2. Catherine C. Glass, born Apr. 29, 1856, died Apr. 19, 1930
  3. Etta B/Henrietta Glass, born July 9, 1858, died Dec. 6, 1877.

Green, Albert Mortimer  He was born in 1832 in Rutland County, Vermont. He married Mary Emmaline Buchanan on Nov. 5, 1866 in Gosport, Indiana. She was the daughter of William Shelton Buchanan (Aug. 15, 1818 - July 1, 1891). and Nancy Hudson (April 23, 1823 - Dec. 28, 1893). Marriage source: Indiana Marriage Collection 1800-1941

Albert M. Green Mary E. Green

Albert M. Green

Mary Emmaline (Buchanan) Green

I found the photos on this family tree on for Albert Mortimer Green.

1850 Census. Castleton, Rutland, Vermont: Albert Green, (age 24, Carpenter, born Vermont). He was listed with a lot of other people in what looked like a boarding house or an inn. The person at the beginning of the list was an innkeeper.

1870 Census, Wayne, Owen County, Indiana: Albert N. Green, (age 35, farmer), Mary E. Green (age 22), Arthur O. Green (age 3).

Albert M. Green filed for a pension on Dec. 29, 1879.

1880 Census, Martinsville, Morgan County, Indiana: Albert M. Green, (age 46, carpenter), wife Mary E. Green (age 34), son Arthur O. Green (age 13), son Robert M. Green (age 9), and daughter Bony Blanch Green born July 1879, 11 months old).

Albert M. Green died April 11, 1895 in Assumption, Illinois. and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Assumption, Christian County, Illinois.

His widow Mary E. Green filed for a pension on Feb. 27, 1896.

Mary E. Green was on the 1910 and 1920 Census with her daughter Blanch (Reid) and family in Alva, Woods County, Oklahoma. She died in 1923 in Alva, Oklahoma.

Green, Harry J. He was born April 17, 1844 in England. He married Mary P. Willson

1880 Census: Dixon, Sumner County, Kansas: Harry Green (age 36, farmer, born England), wife Mary Green (age 26, born Missouri), daughter Barbry L. Green (age 5, born Kansas), and son Harry M. Green (age 1, born Kansas).

1895 Kansas State Census: Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas: H. J. Green (age 50, born England, from Iowa to Kansas, laborer, Honorably Discharged from the Volunteer Military Service of the United States, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf.), M. J. Green (age 41, born Wisconsin), Lula Green (age 20, born Kansas), H. Green (age 16, born Kansas), B. Green (age 14, born Kansas), Ira Green (age 10, born Kansas), Annie Green (age 6, born Kansas) and A. Green (age 1, born Kansas).

1900 Census: Lawrence Ward 2, Douglas County, Kansas: Harry J. Green (born Apr 1844, age 56, married 30 years, born England, laborer), wife Mary P. Green (born Apr 1844, age 46, married 30 years, 10 children born, 6 still living, born Missouri), son Harry M. Green (born Jan. 1879 age 21, born Kansas), son Bert E. Green (born Oct. 1881, age 18, born Kansas), daughter Iva H. Green (born Feb. 1885, age 15, born Kansas), daughter Annie E. Green (born Oct. 1888, age 11, born Kansas) and daughter Elsie M. Green (born Mar. 1894, age 6, born Kansas).

1905 Kansas State Census: Lawrence Ward 2, Douglas County, Kansas: H. J. Green (age 60, born England, from Canada to Kansas, janitor). Mary P. Green (age 50, born MO) Harry M. (age 26, born Kansas) Bert H Green (age 24, born Kansas), Ida Green (age 20, born Kansas), Anna Green (age 16, born Kansas), Elsie Green (age 16, born Kansas)

1910 Census: Lawrence Ward 2, Douglas County, Kansas: Harry J. Green (age 66, married 1 time for 45 years, born England, Janitor), wife Mary P. Green (age 56, married 1 time for 45 years, 10 children born, 6 still living, born Missouri), daughter Elsie M. Green (age 16, born Kansas), granddaughter Phyllis Logan (age 4, born Kansas).

1915 Kansas State Census: Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas: H. J. Green, (age 71, born England, from Iowa to Kansas, janitor, Honorably discharged from the Military Service of the United States, State: Iowa, Co. C, Regiment 17, Inf.), Mary Green (age 61, born Missouri), Philice Logan (age 9, born Kansas), Geo. Houk (age 22) and Elsie Houk (age 21).

1920 Census: Portland, Multnomah, Oregon: Harry Green (age 75, immigrated 1856, born England, laborer, ship yards), wife Mary Green (age 65, born Missouri).

1925 Kansas State Census: Wakarusa, Douglas County, Kansas: H. J. Green (age 81, born England, from Iowa to Kansas), Mary Green (age 71, from Missouri to Kansas),

1930 Census: Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, Illinois Street: Harry J. Green (age 85, born England), wife Mary P. Green (age 75, born Missouri)

Harry Green died Mar. 14, 1937 in Douglas County, Kansas. He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Section 13, Lot 147, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas.

His pension index record shows service with Company C, 27th Iowa Inf., Company I, 12 Iowa Inf. and Company H, 19 Kansas Cav. His tombstone shows Company H, 19 Kansas Cav. (Note: I believe the reference to Co. I, 12th Iowa is an error. Harvey J. Green of Co. E, did transfer to Company I, 12th Iowa. They have the same initials, so I think someone marked his card in error.)

There is a good website for the 19th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Harry Green is listed as a Corporal in Company H.

The 19th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
Organized October 20, 1868
Mustered out April 18, 1869

In the spring of 1868 Indian depredations were renewed, and in June the Cheyennes made a raid into the State as far as Council Grove. In August a raid was made on the settlers of the Solomon and Saline valleys; men, women and children were murdered, and other fearful atrocities committed. In September Governor Crawford called into the State's service five companies of cavalry, to be organized from the militia, for service on the frontier. These companies furnished their own horses, but were supplied with ordnance equipment and subsisted by the general government. These companies were immediately organized and at the post of duty. Their presence along the border of the western settlements was salutary, and but few depredations were committed while the sturdy frontiersmen remained in the field. In October General Sheridan, whose energetic presentation of the matter seems to have awakened the officials at the War Department, received instruction from the Secretary of War to raise a regiment of Kansas volunteer troops for six months' service. On October 9 he made his request to Governor Crawford; on October 10 the governor issued his proclamation, and ten days later the Nineteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry was mustered into the service of the United States. Governor Crawford resigned, and took the command of the regiment in person. The regiment served under General Sheridan while he conducted the energetic campaign of the winter of 1868 and 1869. No severe fighting resulted, but the Indians were given no rest. The winter was very severe; violent storms were frequent and the snow deep, and the hardships endured by the troops were terrible. The Nineteenth Kansas was mustered out at Fort Hays on the 18th day of April, 1869.

(Source: Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1901-'02, Topeka: W.Y. Morgan, State Printer (1902) p. 226. Transcribed by Staff Sergeant Bryce Benedict, 102d Military History Detachment, Kansas Army National Guard)

Mary P. Green (born Apr. 17, 1854), died Feb. 17, 1942 and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Section 13, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas.

Hale, Byron C. He was born Oct. 15, 1824 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Mason Hale and Almira King. Byron Hale married Hannah C. White on Feb. 1, 1851 in Boone Co., Il. She was the daughter of Robert Reynolds White (Sept. 26, 1795 - Oct. 21, 1870) and Charity Burkholder (Oct. 4, 1801 - Nov. 17, 1860). Her brother Robert Newton White also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Boone, Boone County, Illinois: Mason Hale, (age 49), Almira Hale (age 44), Byron Hale (age 26), Susan Hale (age 17), Albert R. Hale (age 16), Chas Hale (age 14), John Hale (age 10) Fidelia Hale (age 9), Alice Hale (age 7). A William Hamilton, age 20, was also in the household.

1856 Iowa State Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Byron C. Hale (age 31, married, in the state of Iowa for 4 years, born Pennsylvania) and Hannah C. Hale, (age 28, married, in the state for 4 years, born Canada).

1860 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Byron C. Hale (age 35, sheriff), Hannah C. Hale (age 32), Ellen A. Taylor (age 3).(There was a note on find a grave that she was the adopted daughter of B. C. and H. C. Hale. She died April 12, 1856 and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa).

Hannah C. Hale died April 10, 1864 and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Perry Township, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Buchanan, Iowa History: Eighth sheriff was Byron Hale; term commenced January 1, 1860, expired January 1, 1862. 1881 History of Buchanan County, Iowa

Byron Hale member Co. C 27th Iowa INF Civil War. Lived in Independence and Littleton Iowa. He had a sawmill in Littleton Iowa, Buchanan County, Perry TWP.

He married Martha (Little) Mosher on May 28, 1866 in Buchanan County, Iowa. ( Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the widow of Carr W. Mosher, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa and died Jan 24, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn. She was the daughter of Moses Little (Nov. 23, 1815 - Dec. 7, 1856) and Sarah C. Cook (July 26, 1818-Oct. 11, 1891).

1870 Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Byron C. Hall (Hale), (age 45, miller), Martha L. Hall (age 31), Gertrude J. Hall (age 1), and Emogene Melius (age 11).

1880 Census, Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Byron C. Hale, (age 55, miller), wife Martha L. Hale (age 37), daughter Gertie J. Hale (age 11). There were also a couple of boarders in the household.

Byron Hale filed for a pension on July 15,1890 in Iowa.

1885 Iowa State Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Byron C. Hale, (age 60, keeping Hotel), Martha Hale (age 45) and Gurtrude Hale (age 15).

1900 Census, in Jefferson, Fayette, Iowa: Lambert B. Moffett (age 34), wife Gertrude Moffett (age 30, born Aug, 1869, married 8 years, no children), Father-in-law Byron C. Hale, (born Oct, 1824, age 75, married 34 years), mother-in-law Martha L. Hale, (born Sept. 1839, age 60, married 34 years, 1 child). Post Office Box was Oelwein, Fayette County, Iowa.

Byron C. Hale died June 15, 1900. He is buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Road to Glory Lot 38, Oelwein, Fayette County, Iowa. The Iowa Civil War Soldier Burials Records say he is buried at Oakdale Cemetery, Oelwein, Fayette Iowa. (NOTE: A Cemetery Listing for Littleton Cemetery, Perry Township, Buchanan County says he is buried there (as is his first wife Hannah C. Hale). The WPA 1930's Graves Registration Survey has him listed at both Cemeteries. Possibly one of them is a memorial.

Bryon C. Hale was born October 15th, 1824 in Bradford County, Penn. In 1843 he came with his father's family to Boone County, Ill, locating on Bonus Prairie near Belvidere. While living there he spent some two years working in the pineries of Wisconsin at Stevens Point where his oldest sister still resides.

On February 1st 1851 he was united in marriage to Hannah C. White sister of R. N. White, of Oelwein. Desiring to make their home farther west they came to Iowa. Arriving at Independence, Buchanan County, on Christmas Day, 1851, and for more than y (sic) years, he was closely identified with the interest of that county, In 1858 he was elected sheriff, which office he filled until August 1862, when he resigned in response to his country's call and enlisted in Co. C, 27th Iowa Infantry, where he remained until the close of the war. His wife died in April 1864 during his absence. After his return from the war he brought an interest in the Littleton Mill. In May 1866 he married Mrs. Martha Mosler making his home in Littleton until November 1894. In March of that year he suffered a severe paralytic stroke and from that time was practically helpless, gradually failing physically and mentally until his release came June 15, 1900. Since 1894 he and his wife have made their home with their only daughter Mrs. L. B. Moffett. His wife and daughter, five sisters and one brother still survive to mourn his loss. One sister, Mrs. Lane of Waterloo, two of her sons and two daughters, also came a cousin from Guthrie Center were present at his funeral which was held at the Presbyterian church of this place June 18, Rev. Conybeare, the pastor, assisted by Rev. Stark of the Christian church and Rev. Byer of Anamosa, conduction the services. The G. A. R. Post and W. R. C. attended in a body and the concluding services at the cemetery were conducted by the Post. Mr. Hale was a good man finding in early life the pearl of great price and for more than fifty years has lived a consistent Christian life, having always in mind the Christian motto "Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you."

Mr. E. Little, bother of Mrs. Hale, also J. E. Clark esq, a cousin from Independence and their wives attended the funeral of B. C. Hale. Mr. and Mrs. D . B. Sanford from Independence and N. D. Vaneman and wife from Hazleton, and Mr. and Mrs. J .C. Stephenson from Littleton.

The Oelwein Register, Wednesday, June 29, 1900.

This obituary was posted on Find a Grave on a memorial at the Oakdale Cemetery.

I did a bit of research on Rev. Conybeare to see if I could determine what county he was in. He was Samuel Conybeare and clergyman in Jefferson, Fayette County, Iowa on the 1900 Census. Since Bryon Hale's daughter lived in Fayette County, I would tend to think he is buried in Fayette County and not in Buchanan County, where his first wife is buried.

His widow Martha. L. Hale filed for a widows pension on August 18, 1900 in Iowa.

Martha Hale was on the 1910 Census in Seattle Ward 3, King County, Washington with her daughter Gertrude and son-in-law Lambert B. Moffett. She was age 70 and widowed. Gertrude and Lambert Moffett had been married 18 years and had no children.

Martha Hale died February 19, 1913 in Seattle Washington. She is buried in Wright Crematory and Columbarium, Seattle, King County, Washington.

Passing of Mrs. Martha Hale.

The End Came at the Home of Her Daughter in Seattle, Wash. Feb. 19.

A wire received by friends in the city announces the death of Mrs. Martha Hale at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. B. Moffet, in Seattle, Washington, Wednesday, February 19, at 8 A. M. She had been in her usual health till afflicted with la grippe which terminated in pneumonia. She was a resident of Oelwein for a number of years prior to her removal to the coast a few years ago and is well remembered by her friends here.

The last services occur Friday, February 21, at 4 p. m.

Hale, William B. He was born about 1836 in Ohio. He was the son of Samuel and Sarah Hale. He married Louisa M. Davies about 1857.

1856 Iowa State Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Wm. B. Hale (age 26, born NY, merchant), L. N. Hale (age 20, Milliner, born NY), Thomas Hale age 15, born NY).

William B. Hale died April 19, 1868 and is buried in Fremont Cemetery, Plot L64, Tripoli, Bremer County, Iowa

Iowa Civil War Soldier Burial Records: William B. Hale, Private, IA 27 Inf. C, born 1832 in Ohio, died April 19, 1868 in Tripoli, Bremer County, Iowa.

His Widow L. M. Hale filed for a pension on April, 19, 1871.

1870 Census, Ottawa Ward 4, Franklin, Kansas Louisa Hale (age 32, milliner, born New York), Alice Hale (age 11, born Iowa), and Otis Hale (age 4, born Iowa).

Louisa Hale died Jan. 2, 1927 in Dallas County, Texas.

Hemenway, Herman Caswell He was born April 1, 1834 in Potsdam, New York. He was the son of Vashni Hemenway and Eliza Goodnow. He married Lannie G. Schermerhorn on Oct. 15, 1868 in Cedar Falls. His brother Samuel W. Hemenway served in Company B, 27th Iowa.

Herman Caswell Hemenway HEMENWAY, Herman Caswell one of the leading lawyers and republicans of eastern Iowa and a resident of Cedar Falls, was born in Potsdam, New York, April 1, 1834. He is the son of Vashni Hemenway and Eliza Goodnow Hemenway, who were married in 1824. Vashni Hemenway was born November 24, 1788, at Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. He removed to Shoreham, Vermont, in 1792 and to Potsdam, New York, about 1816. In 1850 he came west and settled in Freeport, Illinois, removing to Lansing, Iowa in 1868, and died in Cedar Falls, August 18. 1878. He was a lineal descendant of Ralph Hemenway, who was married to Elizabeth Hewes in Roxbury, Massachusetts July 5, 1634. His wife was born in Boston. Massachusetts, in 1801, and her ancestors were among the early settlers of Massachusetts. She died in Freeport, Illinois on December 8, 1862. Both parents were teachers in early life, and subsequently farmers by occupation.

Herman C. Hemenway received a good common school education and was employed as a teacher for several terms. He began his legal studies in Freeport, Illinois, in 1858 and was admitted to the practice of law in Illinois in 1860. The next year he removed to Independence, Iowa, and in 1862 enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry and served three years. Upon his discharge from the army he moved to Cedar Falls and has since resided there, where he has been continuously and actively engaged in the practice of law. He served as a member of the General Assembly from Blackhawk County for ten years, being a member of both House and Senate, and has held several minor local offices. He was married in Cedar Falls October 15, 1868, to Lanie G. Schermerhorn, a native of Seneca County, New York. He has always been a republican and an active and prominent factor in the affairs of his party. He belongs to the G. A. R. and several other civic societies.

(Biographies and Portraits of the Progressive Men in Iowa. By Benjamin F. Gue.

Herman C. Hemenway (History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century).

HERMAN C. HEMENWAY, one of the prominent lawyers and Republicans of Northern Iowa, is a native of the State of New York, having been born at Potsdam, April 1, 1834. He acquired a good education and taught school several years. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and began to practice at Freeport, Illinois, in 1860. The next spring he removed to Iowa, locating at Independence, enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Volunteer Infantry and served three years in the Civil War. At the close of his term of enlistment he settled at Cedar Falls where he resumed the practice of law. In 1875 he was elected Representative in the Sixteenth General Assembly, and in 1877 he was elected to the Senate, serving in that body in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth General Assemblies.

1850 Census Pewaukee, Waukesha County, Wisconsin: Vashur Hemenway (age 62), Eliza Hemenway (age 49), Asa G. Hemenway (age 24), Marilla Hemenway, H. H. Hemenway (age 19), H. C. Hemenway (age 16), Huldah E. Hemenway (age 14), and Samuel W. Hemenway (age 11).

1860 Census in Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois: Herman Hemenway (age 25, Lawyer).

1870 Census in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Herman C. Hemenway, (age 36, Lawyer)

1880 Census in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa: H. C. Hemenway, (age 46, lawyer), wife Loraine G. Hemenway (age 32), Aubrey Florence (age 18, boarder).

1900 Census in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Herman C. Hemenway (age 66, born April 1834, lawyer, married for 32 years), Lanie G. wife, (born Aug, 1847, age 52, married 32 years, no children.), Lucy S. Loyce, niece (born April 1884, age 16).

Wins in Warm Contest at Cedar Falls Last Evening
Receive 439 votes to 348 for Norman N. Harris
Vote Was the Largest Ever Gotten out the Primaries

For Mayor, H.C. Hemenway
For city solicitor, W.H. Merner
For Treas., H. W. Johnson
For Assessor, Lanfear Knapp

Cedar Falls, March 6 – – (special) – – the foregoing is the result of one of the liveliest and most exciting primaries ever held in the city. All day yesterday every available livery rig in the city was employed to bring the citizens to the polling places, and excitement ran at a high pitch. The principal contest was between the two candidates for mayor to succeed the present incumbent, L. O. Robinson, who declared his intention some time ago of not desiring to stand for reelection because of the demands on his time of his business interests. The candidates were attorney H. C. Hemenway and N. H. Harris of the Harris and Cole Brothers Manufacturing concern. The contest, after fashion, was a renewal of the fight here several months ago between those who favored the gas franchise and those who opposed it. Mr. Hemenway led the fight at the time against the franchise, and because of his effective services the opposing forces to the granting of the franchise stood in solid phalanx at his back. Mr. Harris on the other hand, was supported largely by those who were favorable to the franchise. "The Log Cabin Club" also was interested in the candidacy of Mr. Harris, so it is said. And those who have come to look upon this club as a sort of local boss, were strenuous in their opposition to the man whom they believed to be standing in with the members of the club.

As an example of the unsurpassed interest in election it is necessary only to call attention to the unexpected votes polled at the primaries. The total votes cast was 811 as against 451 at the city election of 1902 and 627 at the city election in 1901.


Following is an account of the votes credited the gentleman who entered the strenuous race for mayor:

For mayor – –

H. C. Hemenway, 430
N. H. Harris, 348
Hemenway's majority, 91


A better qualified man for the position of mayor could not have been selected. Mr. Hemenway is a man of deep convictions and fights in the open and always fairly. One good thing about him is you know where to find him and he never deserts his guns.

An able attorney, a man who has always had the better interest of Cedar Falls at heart, one of the ablest state senators the county has ever had, Mr. Hemenway will make an enviable record in the mayor's chair.

He was born at Potsdam, New York, April 1, 1834. In 1850 he moved with his parents to Stephenson County Illinois, and was educated in the private and public schools of Freeport. For a short time he taught school. In 1858 he began the study of law with Meacham and Bailey, at Freeport, remaining with the firm for some time. In 1860 he was admitted to the bar and moving to Independence opened a law office at that place in June 1861, where he practiced until 1862. Then he enlisted in the service of his country being commissioned a second Lieut. in Company C, 27th Iowa infantry, being mustered into the service in October of that year. The Regiment to which he belonged served as a detachment of the Sixteenth Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee. He was discharged with his Regiment in August 1865, having served faithfully and gallantly throughout most of the bloody strife. He then returned to Independence, where he spent the winter recruiting his health. Early in the year of 1866 he came to Cedar Falls and has been a highly respected residence of this place since. In May of 1867 he formed a law partnership with J. B. Powers, now of Dubuque. This partnership existed until 1873. Sometime later he became associated with A. D. Poke and G. H. Thorpe, and in 1884 he formed a partnership with Alfred Grundy.

Mr. Hemenway was married in 1868 to Miss Lanie G. Schermerhorn of this city. He has served one term in the house, Iowa general assembly, and two terms, 10 years, as Senator, his nomination being accorded him by acclamation. While representing Black Hawk in the legislature he worked honestly and faithfully and unceasingly for his constituents. He has also served as city attorney of Cedar Falls for about 10 years. He stands high in the legal profession of the state, is widely known as a counselor of superior knowledge and has a clear sense of truth and justice and the courage of his convictions at all times. For years he has been a director of the public schools and was for a time a member of the Board of Trustees of Iowa State Normal school.

Waterloo Courier, Friday, March 6, 1903

He filed for a pension on Nov. 25, 1904 in Iowa.

1910 Census in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Hemenway, Herman (age 71, married 1 time for 42 years, lawyer.). wife Lannie Hemenway, (age 62, married 1 time for 42 years).

Lanie G. (Schermerhorn) Hemenway died Jan. 22, 1916 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

1920 census in Cedar Falls, Ward 2. Black Hawk County, Iowa: Herman C. Hemenway (age 85, widowed) Lucy S. Royce, grand-niece (age 35)

Herman C. Hemenway died January 27, 1922 (Pension Index Records). He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Cedar Falls Township, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

Funeral of H. C. Hemenway, 87, Will Be Sunday: Was Officer in the Civil War

Cedar Falls, January 27 – – Herman C. Hemenway, 87, dean of Black Hawk County bar, Civil War veteran and resident of this place for 55 years, died at his home here at 3:30 AM today after an illness of two weeks. The funeral will be conducted at 2:30 PM Sunday at First Congregational Church, the pastor, Rev. A. B. McLeod, officiating. Interment will be in Greenwood.

The birthplace of Mr. Hemenway was Potsdam, New York, from which place his parents Vashni and Eliza Hemenway, moved to Stephenson County Illinois in 1850. His education was received from union and private schools of Freeport and after finishing his studies he taught school for time.

Admitted to the Bar in 1860

In 1858 he began to read law with Meacham and Bailey, Freeport. He was admitted to the bar in June 1860, and opened an office in Independence a year later, practicing his profession in that town until August 1862 when he enlisted in the union army, receiving a commission as second lieutenant in Company C, 27th Iowa infantry. He was mustered into service October 3 and served until discharged with the Regiment August 1865. During the period of his enlistment he was never confined to hospital nor absent on furlough.

The Regiment to which he belonged served as a detachment of 16th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee. He took part in the battles of Little Rock, Nashville, Mobile and the Red River expedition.

Returns to Independence

After his discharge he returned to Independence, where he remained until early in 1866 when he opened an office in Cedar Falls. In May 1867, he formed a partnership with J. B. Powers, which existed until 1873. Sometime later he became associated with A. D. Polk and George H. Thorpe. In 1884 he joined Alfred Grundy in the practice of law.

He was married in 1868 to Miss Lanie G. Schermerhorn of the city. She died January 22, 1913. They had no children, but through their joint efforts or by Mr. Hemenway's individual generosity since the death of his wife, about 15 young men and women were financed, wholly or in part, in order that they might attend college. Mr. Hemenway retired from practice during 1913.

Served in Iowa Assembly

Mr. Hemenway served one term in Iowa assembly as a representative and two as senator. He also served 10 years as city attorney is Cedar Falls, was on the city library board for a time and during the 18 months following the organization of Iowa State Teachers College, then a normal school, served as director.

He was a member of Masonic orders and of James Brownell post, Grand Army of the Republic.

The Evening Courier and Reporter, Waterloo Iowa, Friday, January 27, 1922


Schools, Churches and Numerous Relatives, Remembered by Cedar Falls Lawyer

Numerous small bequest to relatives, to religious institutions and to schools were left in the will of Herman C Hemenway, for 50 years a lawyer at Cedar Falls and former state senator from this district. Apparently no kin, either near or remote, was left unremembered.

There is no indication of the size of the estate, as the inventory has not been filed, but it comprises real estate and personal property.

Samuel W. Hemenway, a nephew, and August Critzman, Butler County, an old friend, are named executors, without bond.

Mr. and Mrs. Hemenway had no children but had educated, wholly or in part, 14 boys and girls.

Property Confided to Niece

The property in the home at Cedar Falls is given to the care and possession of a niece Jesse F. Royce, and a grandniece, Lucy Royce, for distribution as they deem right among Mr. Hemenway's relatives and friends. Mrs. Royce and daughter are to take for themselves any articles that they wish. "I trust these persons to do the fair thing because they have been in the family of myself and my deceased wife and will best appreciate what most nearly represents and expresses our wishes in this respect," the testator says. For this service they are to be given $100 each.

Four months after the probate of the will the house is to be turned over to Martha Hemenway, widow of testator's brother, Samuel L. Hemenway, and her daughters. The remaining real estate is to be sold.

"Memorial Gifts for Wife"

Legacies totaling $650 shall be paid to Jesse T. Royce and Lucy Royce for distribution "as memorial gifts for my deceased wife, to provide for each some suitable article to be kept in remembrance of her friendly regard for them." The legatees under this paragraph are Dwight Hemenway, Friedly F. Worth Hemenway, Percival Samuel Hemenway and Hazel Lorraine Royce.

$100 each are bequeathed to Genette Marilla Willson, Martha Marilla White, Emily Marilla Hemenway, Marjorie Marilla Royce, Jennie Marilla White, Jennie Emeline Williams and Charles H. Schermerhorn, the latter a brother of Mrs. Hemenway.

Testator bequeathed to the children of C. H. Schermerhorn, except Bion and Clarence, the same sum – – $100. It is explained that Bion and Clarence have received loans and this indebtedness is discharged.

To Herman, Samuel and Julia Hemenway, the testator gives up enough money to pay out shares of building and loan stock when he subscribed for them: he also gives each $50.

Bequest to Schools, Churches.

$100 each is given to each of the other nephews and nieces.

To the Tuskegee college and Alabama, Piney Woods school at Braxton Mississippi, and the school in Mississippi of which S. R. Hunter's principal, $5 each.

To the Christian church, the Episcopal Church and the Danish Baptist Church, Cedar Falls, $200 each.

"I give to Viola Williams $500 to be paid to Sarah A. Curtis, to be used in her education so that she may be qualified to teach in schools of her own race in the South" reads one paragraph. The same conditions are described in a bequest of $150 to Julia Murray to be paid for educating Emma Murray.

To Anna A. Tegart, Ella Hatch, Jessie Wood, Mrs. Edna Mills, formerly Edna Starks, Pearl Burdick and Anna Norton now Hesser, $50 each.

Mr. Hemenway gives lots 5 and 6, Cameron's second addition, Cedar Falls, to the children's Playground Association. He asked that the suit he started to fight a special assessment be prosecuted vigorously.

To Helen M Goodenow, a cousin; to a daughter of an uncle, Leyman Goodnow; to Clare, wife of a nephew, Robert Hemenway, $1000 each. To the children of the latter $100 each is given.

To Anna, wife of a nephew (no other name,) $500.

The note signed by Robert Hemenway is to be canceled and the maker is to receive $500.

To Rev. J. E. Snowden, if living, and to his widow, if he is dead, $100.

To Walden Bacon, $1000.

Missionary Society Favored

The will was made December 9, 1914. A codicil, made April 26, 1920, gives $500 to women's missionary society of the Congressional church at Cedar Falls.

The residuary legatees are Genette M. Wilson, Laura J. Williams and Martha M. White, nieces and Lucy Royce, grandniece, and each is to receive $3000. If the estate is not large enough to pay these residuary legatees, the request under $500 are to shrink proportionately.

The Evening Courier and Reporter, Waterloo, Iowa, Monday, February 6, 1922


At a special meeting of Black Hawk County Bar Association in the courthouse this afternoon, tribute was paid to the memory of H. C. Hemenway, who died recently in Cedar Falls, and who was for 56 years a member of the county bar. J. C. Murtagh, President, presided at the meeting.

Resolutions in honor of Mr. Hemenway were adopted as follows:

Whereas, the dispensation of an all-wise providence has removed from our midst Herman C. Hemenway, who for a period of more than 56 years was a prominent and honored member of the Black Hawk County bar: and

Whereas, during that long period of service, Mr. Hemenway impressed himself indelibly on his community, country and state as a man of the highest probity, strictest integrity and distinguished ability; and

Whereas in the practice of his profession Mr. Hemenway was imbued with the loftiest ideals of the offices and duties of a lawyer in the necessity for public service: and

Whereas, our brother attorney consistently followed these ideals in the sacrifice of his time, means, energies and ambitions for the sake of the public good: be it

Resolved. That the Bar Association of Black Hawk County does hereby extol the lofty character and noble virtues of our honored member, now deceased:

That we emulate his high ideals and his fearless and unselfish support of right principles, his honesty and integrity of character, his scorn of all that was base and mean in the social and political life: be it further

Resolved. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our association and that copies thereof be mailed to the immediate relatives and personal representatives of the deceased.

Respectfully submitted,

Le Claire Martix, Chairman
Charles E Pickett
John W. Arbuckle, committee

The Evening Courier and Reporter, Waterloo, Iowa, Monday, March 6, 1922.

Letters from Herman C. Hemenway

Hicks, Gilbert L. He was born August 18, 1831 in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont. He was the son of Henry Blodgett Hicks (Nov. 11, 1807 - Feb. 18, 1892) and Huldah Evarts (1808 - 1891). He was married to Harriet Augusta Hoyt on Jan 26th, 1854 by Rev. William Danbury at Silver Creek, Allegan Co., MI)

Transcribed by Lorna Ayala

Pension, Census, and Death Record information submitted by Joan Hicks
More information about this family can be found here.

Name: Gilbert Leman Huisted Hicks
Birth: 18 AUG 1831 in Swanton, Franklin, VT
Death: 17 JUN 1911 in Alanson, Littlefield Twp, Emmet Co, MI
Buried: Littlefield/Alanson Cemetery - Sec. 4 on Valley Road, Emmett County, MI

Gilbert was a Civil War Veteran - He enlisted on August 14, 1862 at Independence, Iowa and was subsequently mustered in Company C, 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. At the time of enlistment he was described as 5' 3 1/2", light complexion, with blue eyes and brown hair, born in the State of Vermont on August 18, 1831 and a farmer. He participated in all the battles of that Regiment during the three years of service and was honorably discharged at Clinton, Iowa on August 8, 1865.

On the 27th of May 1872 he applied for an Civil War Invalid Pension, making the following declaration:

On or about the 15th of December, 1862 at Jackson, Tennessee he was detailed to do picket duty during wet and unpleasant weather. A snow storm prevailed nearly all the time during the 24 hours during which time he contracted a severe cold, producing a chronic rheumatism in the back and groin, which was afterwards communicated to the eyes. That during the residue of his service he had a recurrence of said difficulty, but at that time not severe enough to disable him from doing duty. That since his discharge from the service aforesaid, he has had frequent recurrences of said rheumatism of the back which is invariably succeeded by an attack ? the eyes, the same usually beginning in October, Nov, or December, and continues until the following June, during which time he is ? totally disabled from doing any kind of labor, but sometimes labors at a great disadvantage and at the expense of great suffering and inconvenience being a poor man he is compelled to labor for his support - no alternative but public support being left.

He made further declarations as required in later years from Emmet Co, MI. That of May 30, 1898 gives details of his marriage (Answer to inquiry on May 30th 1898: Married to Harriet Augusta Hoyt on Jan 26th, 1854 by Rev. William Danbury at Silver Creek, Allegan Co., MI) and lists his living children on that date: Mrs Anna Robe, 40, b March 6; Geo H. Hicks, 37, b Oct. 26; and Gilbert L. Hicks, Jr, b March 8.

He was awarded Civil War Pension Certificate # 308322 - complete copy in files.

1850 Census - MI, Kalamazoo Co., Richland - he is listed with his parents as Gilbert, age 19, b VT.

1860 Census - IA, Buchanan Co., Sumner Twp., Independence, Roll M653_313, p, 2-3 - Gilbert L., 28, b VT, farmer; Augusta, 27, b VT; Ida, 5, b MI; Harvey, 3, b MI; Ann, 2, b MI (sic).

1870 Census - MI, Kalamazoo Co., Cooper Twp, Schoolcraft, Roll M593_680, p. 73 - (spelled and indexed as Hix) Gilbert. 35, b NY, farmer; Augusta, 31, b NY; Ann, 14 b MI; Ida, 12, b MI; Gilbert, 7, b MI. (This entry is wrong as to ages and states of birth. About the only thing of value in it is that it confirms their location back in MI.)

1880 Census - MI, Emmet Co., Littlefield Twp., Alanson, Roll T9_578, ed 63, p 4003 - Gilbert L., 48, b VT, parents b VT, farmer; Augusta, wife, 47. b VT, parents b VT, Gilbert, son, 17, b MI.

1900 Census Alanson, Emmet County, Michigan - living with son, Gilbert, Jr,.

1910 Census, Little field Twp., Emmet County, Michigan - living with son, Gilbert, Jr.

Death Certificate gives his date of death as June 17, 1911- cause heart trouble. He is buried in Littlefield/Alanson Cemetery, Valley Rd., Emmet Co., MI (Page: Emmet Co, MI # 350)

The author of the overall manuscript on the family line was Henry Gordon Hicks 1877-1949, a nephew of Gilbert L. H. Hicks, Sr. It started with the parents of Gilbert and tried to cover all their descendants. Then it also covered collateral lines and attempted to find more on the ancestry. That was what Vicki rescued and eventually sent to me. The bio on Gilbert was written by his son, Gilbert, Jr. on Jan 27th, 1932 as part of the overall project

Gilbert Leman Huisted Hicks Sr.

Since it was the plan for each family to furnish their own family history, we submit herewith a full report of Gilbert L. H. Hicks, Sr. and Descendants as furnished by his youngest son Gilbert L. H. Hicks, Jr., Alanson, Emmett County, Mich.

Gilbert Leman Huisted Hicks, Sr. was the second child and second son born to Henry B. Hicks and Huldah M. Everetts. His birth occurred at Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont, August 18th 1831. He removed with his parents when four years of age to Allegan, Michigan in 1836. Although schools were not what they are today, and it was necessary to work for a living, yet he managed to get a very good common school education; being a naturally fine scholar and especially strong in mathematics. In 1853, he was married to Harriet Augusta Hoyt, whose parents were also Vermonteers; to this union were born six children: Ida, Harvey, Anna, George H., Eugene, and Gilbert L. H., Jr. At this time (January 27th 1932) only the last mentioned is living. Harvey having died at eight years of age from appendicitis or what at that time was called inflammation of the bowels for which very little help was available, for such a thing as operations was not then thought of. Eugene died at about ten weeks of age of pneumonia. Ida M. (Mrs. Joseph Smith) died at 26 years of age when her son Joseph Jr. was born January (sic February) 15th 1881. Anna (wife of Theodore M. Robe) died April 13th 1932, from the effects of the flu after much suffering. George H. was accidentally killed being run over by a truck when hurrying to his work in Ionia, Michigan, January 10th 1927. Gilbert L. H. Sr. moved to Independence, Iowa in 1857. I think at which time they had the two older children Ida M. and Harvey; Anna, George H., and Eugene were born in Iowa and Gilbert L H Jr in Springbrook, Michigan, the old family home after the family returned from Iowa.

Gilbert L H Hicks, Sr., enlisted in the war of the rebellion in 1862, in the 27th Iowa Infantry, Company C, and served until the close of the war. After having been in every engagement his regiment was in during the whole three years, he was never wounded, although bullets passed through his trousers and hat and tore out some of his whiskers. Although not wounded, he contracted rheumatic sore eyes, both of which troubled him more or less all the remainder of his life, in spite of which he was a very hard worker and strong. His good wife, Harriet Augusta, was a very cheerful person and well liked by all that knew her. She was always very contented in her home in the North Land, which new country life seemed to agree with her.

When Gilbert L. H. Sr. came home from the war he soon bought a farm in Cooper Township, this farm was just over the Richland-Cooper township line, and adjoined the Henry B. Hicks farm. He sold his farm in 1877 and the family removed to Alanson, Emmett County, Michigan. Alanson at that time was known only as Hinman Post Office. The railroad then ran only as far north as Petosky and the family had to move all their supplies by hired team over 14 miles of new road though dense forests and pole across the rivers at Alanson on a pontoon bridge, then carry the goods on our backs two miles to our new home in the woods. We carried the lumber for the floor of one part of our log house that two miles on our backs and well do I remember how those 6 inch by 16 foot boards would spring and flop as we walked over the rough ground, but we soon got used to such work. As we had to carry all our provisions and goods home from Petosky and such heavy goods as stoves etc. It took all day to go and come with our loads. Here now we run back and forth in an hour with our cars.

I, Gilbert L. H. Jr., have carried as much as my own weight which was 75 pounds at that time, although only 14 years of age. We had no horses at all for several years, when finally my sister, Ida and her husband, Joseph B. Smith, brought a team of horses with him. Our first team was a steer and a heifer both being two years old. I broke and drove team myself, and did the first plowing I did in this country with that team, we used oxen later and finally graduated to horses.

Before we came to this new country, I had had but very little schooling and there was no school here for two years or more, so I studied at home and finally managed to go to a district school two or three short terms. When there was a shortage of teachers in our county, I taught a few terms after which I attended the Petosky High School a few months and then taught some more until finally I got married Nancy J. Kipp of Conway, Mich., another Emmett County teacher, and we have had plenty to do since without teaching, although we both enjoyed teaching.

Six children have been born to Nancy and I. Clinton, our first baby we lost in infancy. Pearl Williams has been a successful salesman for many years and is now in Chicago. Earl C., who owns and lives on the home farm. Grace L. Flood a teacher in the city schools of Tampa, Florida. Fern M. Anderson, a trained nurse who lives in Detroit, and June E. Campbell of Iron Mountain, Mich. Our two boys were the best help we ever had on the farm, and our girls all held teachers certificates. We feel justly proud of our children and their success in life. We have ten grand children and five great grand children. We are now living across the road from our old home where we commenced our married life, having sold the place to Earl C. We are comfortably situated and very contented, but we expect are long to go to our permanent home beyond the grave, where we hope to be joined later on by all our children, as we have always tried to raise them that way.

Gilbert L. H. Hicks, Alanson, Michigan

Since the above was written, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks celebrated their 50th golden wedding anniversary at their old home August 25, 1938, with about 100 guests present including their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. This date also being Mrs. Hick's 75th birthday.

Henry Gordon Hicks
Transcribed and typed by Lorna J. Ayala, gr. gr. gr. granddaughter of Henry B. Hicks.

Father: Henry Blodgett Hicks b: 11 NOV 1807 in Swanton, Franklin, VT
Mother: Huldah Evarts b: 27 MAR 1808 in Swanton, VT
Marriage: Harriet Augusta Hoyt b: 10 AUG 1832 in New Haven, VT
Married: 26 MAR 1853 in MI


  1. Ida May Hicks b: 4 DEC 1854 in Springbrook, Richland Twp, Kalamazoo Co., MI
  2. Harvey Hicks b: 1856 in Springbrook, Richland Twp, Kalamazoo, MI
  3. Anna Hicks b: 4 MAR 1858 in Strawberry Point, IA
  4. George Hoyt Hicks b: 26 OCT 1861 in Strawberry Point, IA
  5. Eugene Hicks b: 1862 in Strawberry Point, IA
  6. Gilbert L. H. Hicks, Jr. b: 8 MAR 1863 in Springbrook, Richland Twp, Kalamazoo, MI

Hilling, George W. He was born May 1834 in Ohio. He was the son of William Hilling (1804 - July 1849) and Pleasant (1800 - ?). He married first Elizabeth Dawson. He married second Ellen M. Kimball on June 24, 1865 in Kane County, Illinois.

1850 Census, Winfield, Dupage, Illinois: Pleasant Hilling (age 50), George Hilling (age 16), Pleasant Hilling (age 12), Jonathan Hilling (age 13), Anderson Hilling (age 9), Adeline Healey (age 29), Ellen Healey (age 4) and Jenevieve Healey (age 2).

1860 Census: Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Pleasant Hilling, (age 60), George Hilling (age 24) and Anderson Hilling (age 18).

He married first Elizabeth Dawson (source: autobiography of John Luther Dawson (also of Company C): (1) "Elizabeth died in Buchanan County in 1861 while I was attending college at Mt. Vernon. She was about 29 years of age and had married her second husband. He had just gone as a solder in the Union Army. His name was George Hilling." (2) My sister Elizabeth died about New Years, 1862. Her husband George Hilling was down south in the Union Army. Neither of us ever saw her again." and (3) We recruits were allowed to go to any regiment we chose. I went into Company C 27 Iowa Volunteers Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 16th Army Corps. My brother-in-law George W. Hilling, was in the company." This book can be ordered at

George W. Hilling married Ellen M. Kimball on June 24, 1865 in Kane County, Illinois (Source (Illinois Marriages, 1851-1900)

1870 Census, Winfield, Dupage, Illinois: Samuel Kimball (age 57), Cynthia Kimball (age 60), George Hillings (age 36), Ellen Hillings (age 31), and Irving Hillings (age 1).

1880 Census, West Side, Crawford County, Iowa: G. W. Hilling, (age 46, farmer), wife, Ellen M. Hilling, (age 41), son Irvin H. Hilling (age 11) and daughter Hattie S. Hilling (age 9).

1900 Census, Proviso, Cook County, Illinois; George Hilling (born May 1834, age 66, married for 30 years, driller RR Car Shop). wife Ellen (born March 1848, age 62, married 30 years, 2 children born, 1 living) (Note Ellen's year of birth is off by 10 years. The census clearly say March 1848 But if she were 62 years old in 1900, her year of birth should be 1838, which matches other information about this family).

George W. Hilling died Oct. 24, 1908 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Council Bluffs Pottawattamie, Iowa. Comments: enlisted 12, Aug 1862 age 28 res Buchanan severely wounded 08 Apr 1865 Blakely AL m.o. 27 May 1865 Greenville LA: wife Ellen M. (1838-1924) (source: Iowa Civil War Soldier Burial Records).

His widow Ellen M. Hilling, filed for a pension on Nov. 6, 1908 in Iowa.

Ellen M. Hilling (born May 14, 1838) died May 22, 1924 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.

Hoffman, Abner B. He was born in 1841 in Indiana. He was the son of Peter and Hannah Hoffman

1850 Census, Perry, Clinton, County, Indiana: Peter Hoffman, (Age 52), Hannah Hoffman (age 52), Julian Hoffman (age17), Absalom Hoffman (age 13) and Abner Hoffman, (age 10).

1856 Iowa State Census: Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Peter Hoffman (age 59, born Kentucky, farmer), Hannah Hoffman (age 59, born Virginia), Absolom Hoffman (age 17, born Indiana), and Abner Hoffman (age 16, born Indiana). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 2 years.

1860 Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Peter Hofman (age 63), Hannah Hofman (age 63) and Abner Hoffman (age 20).

Abner B. Hoffman died Nov. 17, 1864 and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Perry Township, Buchanan County, Iowa, Add 1, Lot 45. Tombstone says Abner D. Hoffman -- all other sources have B as the middle initial. I don't know which one is correct.

His mother Hannah Hoffman filed for a pension on Dec. 14, 1882.

Hook, Mathias He was born March 22, 1843 in Ohio. (per tombstone - 1900 census said March 1844).

1870 Census, Salamanca, Cherokee County, Kansas: Matthias Hook (Flook), (age 27) and Maria E. Hook (Flook) (age 21).

1880 Census, Salamanca, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathias Hook (age 37, farmer), Emily Hook (age 31), Annie M. Hook (age 8), Clara E. Hook (age 6), Minnie M. Hook (age 1) and adopted son Charles E. Clark (age 6).

He filed for a pension in Kansas on Mar. 14, 1883.

1885 Kansas State Census: Shawnee, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathas Hook (age 48, farmer, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, Military Record: Honorably Discharged from the volunteer military service of the United States, State: Iowa, Company C, 27th Iowa,), Emma Hook (age 36, born Illinois), Annie Hook, (age 13, born Kansas), Clara Hook (age 10, born Kansas) and Minnie Hook (age 6, born Kansas). This family was indexed as Hack.

1900 Census in Salamanca, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathias Hook (born March 1844, age 56, married 30 years, farmer) wife Emily E (born Feb 1849, age 51), daughter Clara Wim (age 25) and daughter Minnie M. Lasway (age 21).

Emily E Hooks (born Feb 22, 1849), died July 22, 1900 and is buried in Columbus City Cemetery, Columbus, Cherokee County, Kansas.

1904 History of Cherokee County, Kansas: LIST OF THE EX-UNION SOLDIERS OF THE COUNTY: Hook, Matthias,--Priv., Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf., Columbus, Kan.

March 1, 1905 Kansas State Census: Columbus, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathias Hook (age 62, born Ohio, to Kansas from Iowa, farmer, Military Record: Honorably Discharged from the volunteer military service of the United States, State: Iowa, Company C, 27th Iowa).

1910 Census in Crawford, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathias Hook (age 67, married 3 times, currently for 5 years), wife Jennie Hook (age 66, married 3 times, currently for 5 years, 8 children born, 5 still living)

Nancy Jenny Hooks (born 1843), died Dec. 11, 1912 and is buried in Columbus City Cemetery, Columbus, Cherokee County, Kansas.

1915 Kansas State Census: Crawford, Cherokee County, Kansas: Matthias Hook (age 72, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas).

1925 Kansas State Census Collection: Columbus, Cherokee County, Kansas: Mathias Hook (age 81, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas,), wife Lydia Hook (age 56, born Indiana, from Indiana to Kansas), son Walter Benge (age 25, born MO), wife Ruth Benge (age 22, born Kansas), son Charley Moats (age 20, born MO), wife Verna Moats (age 17, born Alabama.)

Mathias Hook died Sept. 8, 1928 and is buried in Columbus City Cemetery, Columbus, Cherokee County, Kansas.

Jackson, Joseph F. He was born about 1836 in Ohio. He was the son of Andrew Jackson and Caroline Applegate. He married Sarah Zinn on Nov. 19, 1860. (Iowa Marriages, 1909- 1992) She was the daughter of Philip Zinn and Barbara Styer.

1850 Census, Buckheart, Fulton, Illinois: Andrew Jackson, (age 36), Caroline Jackson (age 40), Eliza A. Jackson (age 14), Joseph Jackson (age 13), Mary M. Jackson (age 10), Sarah J. Jackson (age 7), Daniel Jackson (age 5), John M. Jackson (age 1).

1856 Iowa State Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Caroline Jackson (age 44), Eliza Ann Jackson (age 20), Joseph Jackson (age 19), Mary Jackson (age 15), Sarah Jackson (age 13), Daniel Jackson (age 10), John S. Jackson (age 7) and Thomas Jackson (age 3).

1860 census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Andrew Jackson (age 45), Caroline Jackson (age 50), Joseph Jackson (age 22), Mary M. Jackson (age 19), Daniel Jackson (age 14), John Jackson (age 10), and Thomas Jackson (age 7).

1870 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joseph F. Jackson (age 33, farmer), Sarah J. Jackson (age 28), George B. Jackson (age 8).

Joseph F. Jackson filed for a pension on June 17, 1880.

1880 Census, Williams, Calhoun, Iowa: Joseph F. Jackson, (age 41), wife Sarah Jackson (age 38), son George B. Jackson (age 18), niece Cora Jackson (age 12) and nephew Willie Jackson (age 6 months, born in January). His younger brother John Jackson and family were living next to him.

1885 Dakota Territory Census, Morton County, Dakota: Sarah J. Jackson (age 46), George B. Jackson (age 23), Cora Jackson (age 17) and Williard Jackson (age 6)

His widow Sarah J. Jackson filed for a pension on Jan. 26, 1887 in Dakota.

1890 Veterans Census, Morton, Morton County, North Dakota: Sarah J. Jackson, widow of Joseph F. Jackson: Sergeant, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant: Co. C 27 Iowa Infy. Enlisted August 1862, Discharged August 8, 1865, served 3 years. Post Office Address: Glen-Ullin, North Dakota. Disability incurred: Lung complaint caused by measles while in service. Also difficulty in the head causing dizziness brought on while in the service. Remarks: This soldier has been dead seven years.

From the information on the 1890 Veterans Census I concluded that he died around 1883. I can not determine if he died in Iowa (where they were in 1880), or if he died in North Dakota.

Jakway, Gustavus H. He was born Jan 25, 1846 in Belvidere, Boone County Illinois. He was the son of George Augustus Jakway (Oct 7, 1819 - Mar. 18, 1891) and Nancy Matilda Preble/Trebble. He married first Mary L. Freeman on Nov. 15, 1868 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934). He married second Mary Ida Ward on July 21, 1887 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the daughter of Lorenzo Ward and Clarinda Hewitt.

GH Jakway 1856 Iowa State Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Geo. A. Jakway (age 36), Nancy M. Jakway (age 33), Gustavus (age 10), Nancy M. (age 8), Charles (age 6), Mary (age 4), Emma (age 2), Charles H. Jakway (age 27), Onias Preble (age 44), Lavina Preble (age 39), Isaac R. Preble (age 26)

1860 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: George A. Jakeway (age 39), Nancy M. (age 32), Gustavus (age 14), Nancy M. (age 11), Charles (age 9), Mary (age 9), Eunice (age 5), Abran T. (age 4)

1870 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustavus Jakeway (age 24), Mary Jakeway (age 22), George Jakeway (age 8/12, born in October)

1880 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustavus Jakway (age 34), Mary Jakway (age 32), George Jakway (age 11), Alfred Jakway (age 9), Albert Jakway (age 9), Martin Krough (age 14). (his brother Charles and family were next door).

Gustavus Jakway filed for a pension on Jan. 7, 1880.

1885 Iowa State Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustavus H. Jakway (age 39), Mary L. Jakway (age 37), George E. (age 15), Alfred E (age 13), Albert E (age 13), Mahala Vanderbelt (age 50).

Mary L. (Freeman) Jakway died May 31, 1885 and is buried in Madison Cemetery, Madison Twp, Buchanan County, add 1, lot 127. (Cemetery Records)

Gustavus Jakway married Mary Ida Ward on July 21, 1887.

1900 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustave H. Jakway (born Jan, 1846, age 54, married 13 years), wife Mary I. Jakway (born May 1856, age 44, married 13 years, 1 child born, 1 living), son George Jakway (born Oct, 1870, age 29, day laborer), son Harry, (born Apr. 1885, age 15), son Ralph (born April 1893, age 7),

Mr. Jakway, an old civil war veteran, a member of Co. C 27th and 12 Iowa, V. V. I., has been here about a week as agent for threshing machines. Messrs. Zilmer, Wascol and Pleggonkuhl and Hermence, each purchased one.

The Oelwein Register, Wednesday, August 8, 1900

1910 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustave H. Jakway (age 64, married 2 times, currently for 22 years, salesman (?), 9 months not employed), wife Mary I. Jakway (age 53, married 1 time currently for 22 years, 1 child born, 1 still living), Son Ralph R. Jakway (age 16), Alford E. Jakway (age 40, divorced, laborer - odd jobs), son Albert E Jakway (age 40, widowed, stone mason)

1915 Iowa State Census, Lamont, Buchanan County, Iowa: G. H. Jakway, white, married, can read and write, years in Iowa: 62, County, Buchanan, P. O. Lamont, retired farmer, Education: 4 years common, 2 years grammar, 1 year high school, 1 year college, Born Illinois. Military Service: Civil War, Infantry, State Iowa, Regiment 27, Company C., father's birthplace: Vermont. Mother's birthplace: Vermont.

1920 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gus H. Jakway (age 73, retired), wife Mary I. Jakway (age 62), son Albert E. Jakway (age 48) and son Alfred E. Jakway (age 48). (Note: has his first name indexed as Geo.)

1925 Iowa State Census, Lamont, Buchanan County, Iowa: (Note this census shows parents names, including mother's maiden name): Gustavus H. Jakway, (age 79, married, father George A. Jakway; mother: Matilda Preble), wife Mary I. Jakway (age 69, married, father: Lorenzo R. Ward, mother: Clarinda Hewitt), son Alfred E. Jakway (age 53, single, father: Gustavus H. Jakway; Mother: Mary I. Ward.) (Note: per online family trees and the obituaries below, the mother of Alfred should have been Mary Freeman, not Mary Ward).

Mr. G. H. Jakway and wife entertained Mr. Joseph Barnes of Dubuque Thursday. Mr. Jakway and Mr. Barnes were "buddies" in company C, 27th Iowa, during the Civil War. Two other members, James G. Warren of Riverside California and James E. Jewel of Fort Morgan Colorado are the only remaining members of Co. C, 27th Regiment.

Oelwein Dailey Register May 16th 1928

1930 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Gustavus H. Jakeway, (does not live on farm, age 84, married, age 22 at first marriage, occupation: Justice of the Peace, was in Civil War.) Wife Mary Jakeway (age 73, age 31 at first marriage). There was also an Alice Eddy in the household (age 72). I could not read the relationship.

Submitted by Sharyl Ferrall


Lamont, Ia. - G.H. Jakway, one of the few remaining veterans of the Civil war in this vicinity, recently celebrated his 86th birthday anniversary. Mr. Jakway was the first white child born in Belvidere, Ill. In 1853 he came to Buchanan county with his father. It required three days to cross the Mississippi river at East Dubuque, the Jakeways driving a herd of 3,000 sheep from Illinois to Iowa.

Mr. Jakway grew to manhood on the farm three miles west of here and in 1862 enlisted in the service of the army. He served until the end of the war. He is the only member of Company C, 27th Iowa, living in Buchanan county.

When he returned from the war, Mr. Jakway took up farming about a mile from Lamont. He was married to Miss Mary L. Freeman, who died in 1885. Later he was married to Miss Mary Ward of Lamont.

Mr. Jakway is justice of the peace here, an office he has held for several years. On the occasion of the anniversary, members of the O.S. Fowler W.R.C. and their husbands ... [the column ends here and if it resumed elsewhere in the paper, I could not find it]

~Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa,
Sunday morning edition, February 7, 1932
The photo (above) accompanied the article.
~Transcribed by S. Ferrall, November 2014

G. H. Jakway, Early Settler of Lamont and Civil War Veteran Mark's 88th Birthday

Lamont, Iowa – – the eighty eighth birthday of G. H. Jakway was celebrated in his home Thursday with his wife and son, Harry and family of Humboldt. He was born in Belvidere, Illinois, January 25, 1846, and was the first white child be born there. Mr. Jakway moved with his parents to Iowa June 5, 1853, and settled at what was known as Buffalo Grove, four miles west of Lamont. He enlisted with Co. C, 27th Iowa division, and served three years and two months in the Civil War. He is one of four living members of that company. C. H. Lingenfelter and Mr. Jakway are the only living members of the Oliver Fowler Post, G. A. R.

Mr. Jakway and family moved to Lamont in 1895. He has served as justice of peace for many years. Mr. Jakway is active for one of his age and enjoys games of croquette and horseshoes in the summer.

Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo Iowa, Friday, January 26, 1934

Gustavus H. Jakway died April 26, 1936. He is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa (Comments: add 1, lot 127, Co. C 27th IA Inf. Vol. Mary L. and Ralph R buried on this lot.) His parents George A. Jakway (Oct. 7, 1819 - March 18, 1891) and Matilda (Apr. 21, 1822 - Dec. 7, 1862) are buried in this cemetery also.

Obituary – – Gustavus H. Jakway

The bugle call has sounded and the last surviving Civil War veteran of this community has answered the last roll call. Gustavus H. Jakway, eldest son of George and Matilda Jakway, early pioneers who came to Buffalo Grove, Iowa in 1853 and to Lamont in 1895, was born January 25, 1846 in Belvidere Illinois, and passed away at his home in Lamont early Sunday morning, April 26, 1936 at the age of 90 years. He was the first white child born in Belvidere. When a young man at the age of 18 years he answered his country's call and joined Co. C, 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry and he served faithfully until his discharge from the Army three years later. He was the last of the Civil War veterans of this company in the County. Mr. Jakway was twice married, his first wife being Miss Mary Freeman who died May 31, 1885 leaving four sons George, Al and Alf and Harry. He then was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ward in 1887 and she has been his faithful helpmate and companion during his remaining years. One son, Ralph was born to them, who died in young manhood. Mr. Jakway had the true patriotic spirit and it was always pleasing to his friends to hear him relate his war experiences. Each decoration day until the last few years Mr. Jakway was given charge of the programs and the decoration of the graves. Mr. Jakway was active in civic affairs, being postmaster for a time and also served for many years as justice of the peace and acted in this capacity until his death. He was ever interested in the welfare of the community, also the individual, and acted as peacemaker in the justice court. Mr. Jakway was instrumental, with the help of the community, to have a monument, containing the names of the soldiers from Buchanan County erected in the city park. Two years ago, he compiled the names of Buchanan County war veterans, giving the date of their enlistment also bearing the picture of Mr. Jakway and his deceased comrade Joseph Barnes of Dubuque. One roster has been placed in the Memorial Hall In Independence and one was presented to the Lamont High School. This is the lasting tribute to his memory. Surviving are his widow and two sons George of Alexander, North Dakota, and Harry of Humboldt, Iowa; a brother A. T. Jakway and sister Emma of Oelwein, a half-sister Mrs. Martha Schofield of Strawberry Point, several grandchildren and many other relatives. Five brothers and two sisters preceded him in death, Frank and Fred, Charles, Eddie and Walter, and Mrs. Marie Titus and Mrs. Mary Spent. Military funeral services in charge of the American Legion were held from the Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Paul Pease of Greeley, former pastor and friend of the family and the local pastor Rev. Schepple. The casket bearers were H. E. Tyrrell, O. C. Gladwin, A. J. Emmert, Elliott Wayne, Frank Halley and Charles Dopp. Interment was made in the family lot in Madison Cemetery.

Oelwein Dailey Register, Oelwein, Fayette County Iowa, Tuesday, May 5, 1936

Mary Ida (Ward) Jakway (born May 3, 1856) died Nov. 11, 1951. She is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.


LAMONT (Special)-- Mrs. Mary Ida Jakway died on Nov. 11, 1951 at the Kane Rest Home in Humboldt, Ia., at the age of 95 years, six months and eight days.

Mrs. Jakway was the last surviving member of the family of seven children of Lorenzo and Clarinda Hewitt Ward, a pioneer family of Lamont. She was born May 3, 1856, at Lamont, then known as Ward's Corner. Her early years were spent on the Ward family estate and Mary carried her share of family responsibility working in true pioneer fashion. She attended country school as opportunity afforded.

With the exception of a year spent in North Dakota in the early 1900's and the last four years when she lived in Humboldt with her son Harry Jakway, Mrs. Jakway lived her entire life in Lamont. In 1877 she married G. H. Jakway of Lamont and devoted her married life to raising his four motherless sons.

She had one son of her own, Ralph, who preceded her in death at the age of 17 years. She was a lifelong member of the Methodist church at Lamont and was very active in all church activities. She was vitally interested in all civic affairs and was instrumental in the organization of the WRC in Lamont, serving as president of the group at various times.

She leaves two stepsons, George Jakway of Williston, N. D., Harry Jakway of Humboldt. There are also three granddaughters and four great-grandchildren.

(The Oelwein Daily Register, Nov. 26, 1951, page 3)

Several generations of Gustavus M. Jakway's genealogy can be found here.

Jewell, James Esom He was born Oct. 19, 1847 in Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio. He was the son of Aaron Wiley Jewel and Susannah Peck. He married first Mahala E. Rozell on Mar. 6, 1871. She was the daughter of Hiram Rozell and Mary Dole. He married second Mary S. Jewel on Nov. 30, 1919.

James E. JewellGrand Army of the Republic

James E. Jewel, Commander-in-Chief 1930 / 1931

James E. Jewel was born in Germantown, Ohio, October 19, 1847, and died at his home in Fort Morgan, Colorado, November 8, 1939, aged 92 years.

He migrated with his parents to Iowa in 1854, receiving his early education in the rural schools. Mr. Jewel enlisted with the Union Army in Company C, 27th Iowa Infantry, October 27, 1864, just past 17 years old. He served as color guard all the time he was in the Army, and was honorably discharged November 17, 1864.

Mr. Jewel entered the University of Iowa to obtain his law degree, graduating in 1877, and practiced law at Independence, Iowa, until 1901, when he came to Colorado, and was interested in farming and stock raising in addition to his law practice.

He joined the Grand Army of the Republic in 1878, serving in many offices with credit to himself and to the organization. In 1921 Mr. Jewel was elected Department Commander of Colorado and Wyoming. He served as Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief in 1928 and Commander-in-Chief In 1930. A loyal soldier of the Union cause, a Christian gentleman, a loving husband and father, he was broad in his thinking and built his own creed which contained the things that were essential and vital. A natural leader, his counsel was always listened to with respect by his associations.

On March 6, 1871, Mr. Jewel was united in marriage to Mahala E. Rozell. Four children were born, all of whom, with their mother, had preceded him in death. On November 30, 1919, Mr. Jewel was united in marriage to Mary S. Jewel, who with 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren remain to mourn and cherish his memory. Burial took place in Arlington Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

E.H. Cowan,
Joshua C. Pearce

Source: Journal of the 74th National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, Springfield, Illinois, September 8-13, 1940.

Photograph and Information submitted by:
George G. Kane
February 2002

James Jewell James E. Jewel -- There are many points of interest in the life record of James E. Jewel, a well known attorney at law of Fort Morgan, a prominent breeder of registered Holstein cattle in Morgan county, a veteran of the Civil war whose loyalty to his country was not only manifest on southern battlefields but has also been evidenced in his attitude toward public questions throughout his life. Ohio claims him as a native son, his birth having occurred in Montgomery county on the 19th of October, 1847, his parents being Aaron W. and Susanna (Peck) Jewel, who were natives of Miami and of Montgomery county, Ohio, respectively. The father was of Welsh lineage, while the mother was of German descent. Aaron W. Jewel was a carpenter by trade and followed that pursuit until he reached the age of thirty-five years, when he turned his attention to farming and also took up the practice of law in Iowa. He removed to that state in 1854, settling at Brandon, in Buchanan county. It was after his removal to the west that he studied law. He also entered land there and developed and improved a farm, devoting his remaining days to its further cultivation. In his law practice his clientage connected him with most of the important cases that came up in the southern part of the county. He died upon the old homestead in March, 1886, and is survived by his widow, who now resides at Vinton, Iowa, at the notable old age of ninety-three years. In the family were nine children, eight of whom are living.'

James E. Jewel was reared and educated in Buchanan county, Iowa. His early school privileges were very limited, being confined to about six months' attendance at a district school. After he had attained his majority, however, he continued his studies, working his way through an academy and through Western College, while still later he attended Cornell College at Mount Vernon, Iowa. He took up the study of law in the State University at Iowa City and was graduated there with the class of 1877. Locating for practice at Independence. Iowa, he followed his profession at that place from 1877 until 1900, when he removed to Chicago, where he continued until September, 1901. At that date he became a resident of Fort Morgan, Colorado, where he engaged in farming and in stock raising and also in the buying of wool and sheep. He purchased eight hundred acres of land under the Morgan ditch and at that time was the largest landowner under the ditch and the largest owner of water rights. With characteristic energy he began the development and improvement of his ranch property and his labors soon wrought a marked transformation in the appearance of the place. In 1908 he opened a law office and has since actively and successfully followed his profession. He has ever prepared his cases with great thoroughness and care and has displayed marked ability in presenting his cause to the courts. In 1910 he sold his land under the Morgan ditch, which he had purchased at from twenty to twenty-five dollars per acre, for one hundred and twenty-five dollars per acre. In 1913 he bought one hundred and sixty acres under the Bijou ditch and has improved it at a cost of ten thousand dollars. It is now stocked with pure bred Holstein cattle and Berkshire hogs and is the best improved farm in northeastern Colorado, lacking in none of the accessories and conveniences found upon the model farms of the twentieth century. He also makes a business of feeding cattle during the winter months. In 1908 he lost twenty thousand dollars in feeding sheep, but undeterred by this he has continued his efforts and his success has placed him among the foremost stock raisers of his section of the state. His property interests also include a fine modern residence at No. 123 East Platte avenue, in Fort Morgan, which he erected at a cost of ten thousand dollars.

On the 5th of March, 1871, Mr. Jewel was married to Miss Mahala Roszell, a daughter of Hiram and Mary (Dole) Roszell, who were natives of Kentucky. The father was of French ancestry and devoted his life to farming. In early manhood he removed to Indiana and in 1848 went to Benton county, Iowa, where he carried on farming throughout his remaining days, his death occurring in 1883, while his wife passed away in 1880. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jewel were four children. Fred B., born June 25, 1872, was engaged in the hotel business in Missouri and in the fall of 1918 expected to take charge of and operate his father's farm, but on his way from Missouri by automobile he and his wife were stricken with the influenza, and died at Marshall, Missouri. Jed Lake, born August 26, 1875, is engaged in the laundry and newspaper business in Chicago and is said to have the finest laundry in the United States. Ray W?, born January 3, 1883, is engaged in the wholesale oil and gas business at Pueblo, Colorado. Helen M., born March 11, 1891, is at home.

Mr. Jewel has a most interesting military record, for on the 27th of October, 1864, when he was a youth of but seventeen years, he enlisted at Dubuque, Iowa, as a member of Company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, with which command he was engaged in active duty until transferred to Company C of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, which regiment had reenlisted. He then served until the close of the war and was. mustered out with a most creditable military record on the 18th of December, 1865, at Mobile, Alabama. He was engaged in the two days' fight at Nashville, Tennessee, under General Thomas, was also in the siege of Mobile and took part in the siege and capture of Spanish Fort and of Fort Blakely, the latter being captured after General Lee's surrender.

Mr. Jewel is a stockholder and the president of the board of directors of the Farmers Union Cooperative Creamery Company of Fort Morgan and is a stockholder in the Farmers Union Elevator & Mercantile Company. He likewise belongs to the Farmers Union and fraternally is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and with the Grand Army of the Republic. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and he is allied with the more progressive wing of the organization. He has voted for every republican since President Grant was a candidate for office in 1868. His religious faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church and he has been identified therewith since reaching the age of nineteen', or for fifty-one years. He is supporting a student in a preparatory school in China. Throughout his entire life his aid has ever been given on the side of progress and improvement and his persistent purpose has enabled him to accomplish excellent results not only for the advancement of his individual interests but for the benefit of the public fortune and welfare. Those who know him, and he has a wide acquaintance, esteem him as a man of genuine worth.

History of Colorado, Volume 4, page 46. edited by Wilbur Fiske Stone.

1850 Census, German, Montgomery County, Ohio: Aaron Jewell (age 25, carpenter), Susannah Jewell (age 24), Mary J. Jewell, (age 4), James Jewell (age 2), John Jewell (age 0), Catherine Hamilton (age 9).

1856 Iowa State Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Aaron W. Jewell (age 33, born Ohio, Merchant), Susana Jewel (age 31, born Ohio), Mary Jewell (age 10, born Ohio), James E. Jewell (age 8, born Ohio), John W. Jewell (age 4, born Ohio) and Estley Jewell (age 2, born Ohio). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 2 years.

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Aaron W. Jewell (age 36), Susanna Jewell (age 34), Mary J. Jewell (age 14), James E. Jewell (age 12), John W. Jewell (age 10), Phebee M. Jewell (age 8), Hannah E. Jewell (age 6), George F. Jewell (age 3), and Chas A. Jewell (age 1).

1870 Census, College, Linn County, Iowa: Listed with many other as "Students at Weslyn College, Western, Iowa": James E. Jewell, age 21.

1880 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: James E. Jewell (age 31, lawyer, born Ohio), wife Mahala Jewell (age 26, born Iowa), son Fred Jewell (age 8, born Iowa), son Jed L. Jewell (age 4, born Iowa). There were two boarders living with them: John Kirk (age 25), and Clara Dewey (age 20).

1885 Iowa State Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: James E. Jewel (age 37, Real Estate, born Ohio), Mahala (age 31, born Iowa), Fred (age 12, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Jed (age 10, born Buchanan County, Iowa), and Ray (age 3, born Buchanan County, Iowa).

James Jewell filed for a pension on Sept. 23, 1890 in Iowa.

1900 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: James E. Jewel, (born Oct. 1846, age 53, married 29 years, Lawyer, born Ohio), wife Mahala (Born Feb 1854, age 46, married 29 years, 4 children born, 4 still living, born Iowa), son Ray (born Jan 1882, age 18, born Iowa), daughter Tillie, (born Dec. 1875, age 24, born Iowa), Daughter Helen, (born March 1890, age 10, born Iowa) -- (Note, this does not match the 1880 and 1885 census. There was no daughter on either. Also, if you count the three boys in 1885 and the two girls in 1900, Mahala should be the mother of 5. Is one of them not their biological child? Tillie is single, so she is most likely not a daughter in law. But given her age and the fact that she did not appear on the two earlier census records, I would assume that, if any of them were not their biological child, it would be her. (His biography also mentions only 4 children). ejj

1910 Census, Fort Morgan, Morgan County, Colorado: James E. Jewell, (age 63, married 49 years, Lawyer), wife Mahala E (age 56, married 49 years, 4 children born, 4 still living), Daughter Helen M. (age 20, born Iowa). (Married 49 years is not a typo, but I believe the years married is off by 10 years. They said 29 years in 1900 - so in 1910 it should have been 39 years. If they had been married 49 years, Mahala would have married at age 7).

1930 Census, Fort Morgan, Morgan County, Colorado: James E. Jewel (age 82, married age 23 at first marriage, Lawyer, own office, Veteran, Yes Civil War) Wife Mary S., age 61, first married at age 51), servant Agnes M. Bowen (age 64).


Former Ohioan Elected; Encampment Nears Close

Cincinnati, Ohio, August 28 – – James E Jewell, born on an Ohio farm in 1847, and now a lawyer, stock breeder, and farmer at Fort Morgan, Colorado, stands tonight where General Ulysses S Grant stood in 1865 – – at the head of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Union veterans of the Civil War elected Jewell commander–in–chief as their 64th encampment drew to a close today. He succeeded Edwin J. Foster of Worchester, Massachusetts. His election occurred on the first ballot when Kansas switched from its favorite son, Harding Merrill of Wichita, and Illinois followed suit.

Born Near Dayton

The new commander was born on a farm 14 miles west if Germantown, Ohio, near Dayton and his family immigrated to Iowa when he was six. He enlisted in the 27th Iowa infantry at the age 17 and fought at the battle of Nashville and Fort Blakely.

The veterans spent the afternoon at an amusement park, their labors ended while their six allied organizations continue to hold business meetings elect officers.

Tomorrow encampment will end with a pilgrimage up the Ohio River to Point Pleasant, Ohio, birthplace of General Grant. The former president's grandson, Lt. Col. Ulysses S Grant 3rd will be guest of honor and officer of the day.

The Sandusky Register, Friday, August 29, 1930

Note, there were many MANY newspaper articles about this, but they said essentially the same thing. I chose the Ohio newspaper because he was from Ohio.


65th Meeting Will Be Held in Des Moines Next Week

Commander Advocates Increased Pension for Vet Widows

Sentries today were being posted and grounds were being policed in anticipation of the annual Grand Army of the Republic encampment which begin here Sunday.

Preparations were going forward to take care of the 12,000 visitors–-"welcome" banners have been in place for two days, window displays are featuring Civil War settings, and park benches are being placed along downtown streets for the veterans.

In the vanguard of early arrivals was Charles R. Wallace, 83 of Elmira, New York. He was only 16 when he enlisted, and today is one of the youngest veterans. He is blind, but he made the trip here alone. "I have attended two other G. A. R. Encampments here and feel that I know the town by heart" he explained.

Arrangements are being made for square dances with old fiddlers supplying music for each afternoon and evening of the five-day convention.

This encampment will begin Sunday morning with special services in Des Moines churches. The Federated Patriotic Societies will have a meeting in the afternoon and a banquet in the evening. Judge F. F. Faville of the Iowa Supreme Court will preside at a Memorial and patriotic service Sunday evening.

James E. Jewel of Fort Morgan, Colorado, commander-in-chief of the G. A. R. has already arrived. He said that "there may not be so many of us as there once were, but we still have a lot of enthusiasm." The robust commander was born in Germantown Ohio 84 years ago and moved to Iowa with his family at the age of seven. He enlisted in the 27th Iowa infantry at the age of 17, and saw service under General George H. Thomas.

Regarding plans of the G. A. R., Commander Jewell said: "We plan to ask Congress to put all of our Widows on a $50 per month pension, but many of them get that already, so it won't be much extra expense. Most of veterans themselves are pretty well satisfied with their allowance of $75-$100 and I won't think we will ever ask for more."

Carroll Daily Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Saturday, September 12, 1931

Grown up

Fort Morgan, Colorado – – the way James E Jewell, past national commander of the G. A. R. tells about it, he didn't exactly prevaricate when he enlisted for the Civil War. He was 17 but he told the recruiting officer "I'm over 18." He had stuck a slip of paper with the numerals "18" scribbled on it in each shoe.

Gettysburg Time, June 13, 1939

James E. Jewel died Nov. 8, 1939 at Fort Morgan, Colorado. He is buried in Arlington Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

Past National Head of G. A. R. Dies at Morgan

Fort Morgan, November 8 – – James E. Jewel, one time national commander of the G. A. R., died last night at his home in Fort Morgan. He was 92 years of age.

Jewell came to Fort Morgan in 1901 and engaged in the practice of law until he was 90. He was elected commander of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1930.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Fort Morgan.

Greeley Daily Tribune, November 8, 1939

Jewett, David He was born Nov. 18, 1840 in Vermont. He was the son of Nelson Jewett and Mary Delia Jones.

1850 Census, Portland, Chautauqua County, New York: A. N. Jewit (age 41, farmer, born VT), Mary B. (age 40, born NY), Loisa M. (age 19, born VT), Eunice (age 17, born VT), Caroline (age 13, born VT), David (age 10, born VT), Elizabeth T (age 5, born VT) and Laura E (age 1, born VT).

1860 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County Iowa: Nelson Jewett (age 51, born Vermont), Mary Jewett (age 50, born New York), Eunice Jewett (age 27, born Vermont), David Jewett (age 20, born Vermont), Elisabeth Jewett (age 15, born Vermont), Laura Jewett (age 11, born Vermont), Loren Carpenter (age 25), George Jewett (age 19), Horatio N. Angel (age 29).

David Jewett died Jul 2, 1863, from dysentery and is buried in Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section A, Site 1765.

Johnston, David Francis He was born in 1832 in Canada. He was the son of William Johnston (Nov. 1, 1811 - Sept. 20, 1893) and Mary Ann Jones (Nov. 30, 1808 - Sept. 28, 1885). Both parents died in North Dakota. He married Hepzibah Anna Joyce (Apr. 14, 1834 - Apr. 21, 1887). She was the daughter of James Joyce (1812 - Feb. 22, 1899) and Caroline Tyler.

1860 Census, South Fork, Delaware County, Iowa; D. F. Johnston (age 27, born Canada) Hepsey Johnston (age 26), James C. Johnston (age 3), William Johnston (age 1).

James F. Johnston filed for a pension on July 21, 1863.

1870 Census Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: David Johnson (age 36, sewing machine agent, born Nova Scotia), Hepsible Johnson (age 35), Curtis Johnson (age 12), Mary Johnson (age 9), Francis Johnson (age 5), John Johnson (age 3), Anna Johnson (age 7/12).

1880 Census: District 16, Lincoln, Buena Vista County, Iowa: Curtis J. Johnston (age 22), mother Hepzibah Johnston (age 46, married), brother Willie J. Johnston (age 20), Matilda Henderson (age 17, servant), brother John W. Johnston (age 13) and sister Jennie Johnston (age 8). (Note this census record looked a little odd to me. The Johnston's were the first family on the first page. It started with family 61, on page 9 and it was the first page of the census record. Did the page that David would have been on, get skipped??)

The paragraph below was in a biography for R. C. Riekelfs on the Buena Vista County Website. His daughter married the son of David F. Johnston:

3. Friedericki Johanna,1862, Pekin, IL- January 1932, Curtis, NE. She was married by Rev. Charles Tramm, German Methodist pastor, to William Jesse Johnston, son of David and Hephzihah, nee Joyce (he from Canada and she from Brunswick, England, and his father, a disabled veteran, served with the Co. C, 27th. IA. Infantry), on 12 March 1881, by Rev. E. W. Hanke of the German Methodist Church. They moved to Curtis NE. They had five children: Katie May, Friedrick Wilhelm, David Francis, Robert Zidon, Bonita Maud.

1885 Iowa State Census: Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa: David Johnston (age 53) Hephzibah Johnston (age 51), Frank Johnston (age 20), Annie Johnston (age 15), Jane Johnston (age 13).

In 1900 I found a David F. Johnson in a Missouri Federal Soldier's Home. In 1910 I found a David S. Johnston in the Iowa Soldiers' Home in Linn, Marshall County, Iowa. I don't have proof that it is him, but in both census years, the age, and place of birth fit. He was listed as widowed on both census years. I did not find any other census records that fit. Given that he was a veteran, I think it is highly likely that it is him.

David F. Johnston died June 29, 1911 and is buried in Storm Lake Cemetery, Buena Vista County, Iowa.

Iowa Civil War Soldier Burial Records: David F. Johnson, IA 27 Inf C, born New Brunswick Canada, died June 29, 1911 and is buried in Storm Lake Cemetery, Buena Vista, IA. (note: Find a Grave also initially said Johnson. After the tombstone photo was posted showing the name Johnston, I requested a correction. It has been changed to Johnston.)

Kelsey, Eastman Alvin He was born Apr. 15, 1832 in Washington New York. (Note: Find A Grave Records says born 1832 and the 1900 Census says April 1832. That seems to be more consistent with the information on the other census records. Source: Iowa Civil War Soldier Burial Records says he was born April 15, 1822. That is not consistent with other information that I found and is most like a typo). He was probably the son of Robert and Betsey Kelsey. He married Helen S. Marsh on Jan. 1, 1856 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.   His brother John Kelsey also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Bloomfield, Walworth, Wisconsin: Robert Kelsey (age 64), Betsey Kelsey (age 50), John Kelsey (age 20) and Eastman Kelsey (age 18).

1860 Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Eastman Kelsey (age 27, farmer, born NY), Helen Kelsey (age 23, born NY), Isabel Kelsey (age 3, born Wis.), Jno Kelsey (age 1, born Wis.), Jno Kelsey (age 30, born NY) and Elizabeth Kelsey (age 67, born NY). (Note: this family was indexed with the last name of Eastman instead of Kelsey. I have notified

1870 Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Eastman A. Kelsey (age 38, farmer), Helen S. (age 33), Isabel L. (age 13), John W. (age 11), George H. (age 9), Edwin (age 2) and Charles B (age 7/12).

Eastman Kelsey filed for a pension on Mar. 7 1876.

1880 Census, Frederika, Bremer, Iowa: Eastman Kelsey (age 48, farmer), Wife, Helen S. (age 42), son John W. (age 21), son George A. (age 19), son Edwin L. (age 12), son Charles (age 10), Daughter Ella M. (age 3)

List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883, Bremer County, Iowa No. of Certificate: 150,960; Name: of Pensioner: Kelsey, Eastman A. Post; Office Address: Tripoli; Cause for which pensioned: dis. eyes; Monthly Rate: 8.00; Date of Original Allowance: Feb. 1878.

According to the cemetery information for Fremont Cemetery (on Find A Grave) Helen S. Kelsey (born Sept. 18, 1847), died April 19, 1899.

1900 Census, Fremont, Bremer, Iowa: Eastman Kelsey (born April 1832, age 69, widowed, married 43 years), Son John W. (born Feb. 1859, age 41, single), daughter Nellie M. (born Sept 1879, age 22, single).

1910 Census, Tripoli, Bremer County Iowa: Eastman Kelsey (age 78, widowed), son John (age 51, single), Daughter Nellie M. (age 33, Single)

Eastman A. Kelsey died July 17, 1913. He is buried in Fremont Township Cemetery, Tripoli, Bremer, Iowa. Comments: enl. IA 27 Inf C 29 Dec. 1863 age 31. res Bremer Co. trans IA 12 Inf C 29 Dec 1863 age 31 res Fremont; m.o. Jan 20 1866 Memphis TN. (Source Iowa Civil War Soldiers Burial Records.)

Kelsey, John W. He was born about 1830 in New York. He was most likely the son of Robert and Betsey Kelsey (and brother of Eastman A. Kelsey, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa Infantry). He married Henrietta Wright on Dec. 7, 1862 in Fairbanks, Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of William A. Wright and Ann M. Clark. Her brothers Charles H. Wright and Robert T. Wright also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census. Bloomfield, Walworth, Wisconsin: Robert Kelsey (age 64), Betsey Kelsey (age 50), John Kelsey (age 20) and Eastman Kelsey (age 18).

1860 Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Eastman Kelsey (age 27, farmer, born NY), Helen Kelsey (age 23, born NY), Isabel Kelsey (age 3, born Wis.), Jno Kelsey (age 1, born Wis.), Jno Kelsey (age 30, born NY) and Elizabeth Kelsey (age 67, born NY). (Note: this family was indexed with the last name of Eastman instead of Kelsey. I have notified

John W. Kelsey died May 13, 1865 in Montgomery Alabama, and is buried in Marietta National Cemetery, Marietta, Georgia.

His widow Nettie E. Kelsey filed for a pension on Oct. 10, 1865. Information from her pension record is extracted below

Nettie Z. Kelsey made a statement on Sept. 21, 1865 in Buchanan County, Iowa.

She was 20 years old.

She resides in Fremont in the county of Brewer (sic), Iowa. (the county should probably be Buchanan)

She is the widow of John W. Kelsey who was a private in Company C, 27th Regiment of Iowa Volunteers.

He mustered into the military service of the United States on the 29th day of December, 1863. And he died at Montgomery, Alabama on May 13, 1865 from Typhoid fever and chronic diarrhea.

She was married to John W. Kelsey on Dec. 7, 1862 at Fairbanks, Iowa by Wm. Sampson, a minister of the gospel.

Her name before her marriage was Nettie Z. Wright.

At the time of his death, her husband left no child or children.

William A. Wright was a witness to the pension application.

License issued Dec. 3, 1862
John W. Kelsey and Hennrietta Wright

This certifies that on the seventh day of Dec. A.D. 1862, I, Wm. Sampson, a minister of the gospel, united John W. Kelsey, aged 32 years and Nettie Z Wright, aged 18 years, in the Holy bonds of Matrimony.

Witness my hand at Fairbanks, this 7th day of Dec, 1862
Wm. Sampson

I suspect that he is a brother to Eastman Kelsey above. In 1850 there is a family with Eastman and John that would be the right age to fit these two. In 1860 Eastman is with his known wife, and John and mother Elizabeth are living with them.  John and Eastman Kelsey joined Company C, 27th Iowa on the same day (over a year after the unit was created.)

King, Martin T. He was born Mar. 12, 1839 in Jefferson, Wilna County, NY. He was the son of Shepard King and Ortha Stoddard. He married Sarah Jane Davis on Aug. 21, 1862 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the daughter of Reuben T. Davis (Jan 29, 1804 - Feb. 7, 1897) and Sarah Jane Fuller (Jan. 8, 1809 - Oct. 16, 1886).

1850 Census: Wilna, Jefferson County, New York: Shepard King (age 54, Farmer, born Vermont), Orathy King (age 51, born Mass), Silas R. King (age 13, born NY), Martin King (age 11, born NY and Mary J. King (age 8, b born NY). This family was indexed as Hing.

1856 Iowa State Census, Delaware, Delaware County, Iowa: Shepard King, (age 60, farmer, born Vermont), Ortha King (age 56, born Mass.), Silas King (age 19, born NY), Martin King (age 17, born NY), and Mary Jane King (age 15, born NY). The family had been in the state of Iowa less then 1 year.

1860 Census, Delaware, Delaware County, Iowa: James Rose (age 32, born Ohio), Calista A. Rose (age 27, born Michigan) and Martin King (age 22, born New York. (Note, per online family trees, Calista Rose is the sister of Martin's wife Sarah).

1875 Kansas State Census, Hollenberg, Washington County, Kansas M. T. King (age 35, born New York, from Iowa to Kansas), Sarah J. King (age 33, born Ind.), Adda L. King (age 6, born Iowa), Henrietta King (age 3, born Kansas) Young King (age 1/12, female, born Kansas).

1885 Kansas State Census, Highland, Washington County, Kansas M. T. King (age 44, born New York, farming from Iowa to Kansas), Sarah King (age 50, born Ind.), Addie King (age 16), Henrietta King (age 12,), Ellen King (age 10), Classa King (age 4). T. M. King (age 1 m, female)

1910 Census: Nowata Ward 1, Nowata County, Oklahoma: Martin T. King, (age 69, divorced, born New York, own income), brother Silas King (age 73, widowed).

Sarah Jane (Davis) King (born June 21, 1845), died April 6, 1916 in Nowata, Nowata County, OK. She is buried in Nowata Memorial Cemetery, Nowata, Nowata County, OK. She shares a headstone with her son Martin M. King.

Martin T. King died February 15, 1918 and is buried in Nowata Memorial Park Cemetery, Nowata, Nowata County, Oklahoma.

Children of Martin T. King and Sarah Jane Davis

  1. Addie L. King, born 1869 in Illinois
  2. Henrietta King, born 1872 in Kansas
  3. Ellen King, born 1875 in Kansas
  4. Rose Matilda King, born Aug. 27, 1878 in Buffalo, Grove, Scott county, IA., died August 16, 1881 in Hollenberg, Washington County, Kansas
  5. Classa King, born Sept. 1, 1881 in Buffalo Grove, Scott County, IA, died Sept. 1, 1897.
  6. T. M. King, born Jan. 1885.
  7. Martin Marion King , born Aug. 28, 1885 in Buffalo Grove, Scott Co., IA. d. Mar. 21, 1900 in Nowata, Nowata County, OK.

King, Willard H. He was born 5 AUG 1831 in Edenburg, Saratoga, New York. He was son of Shepherd King and Ortha Stoddard. He married Jerusha A. Armstrong on April 2, 1854 in Jefferson County, New York. She was the daughter of William John Armstrong (Dec. 14, 1801 - 1885) and Myriah S. Smith (1807 - 1885).

1860 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Willard King, (age 28), Jerusha King (age 24), Wm King (age 5), Susan King (age 3) and Frank King (age 1).

His Widow Jerusha A. King field for a pension on Aug. 15. 1864. She filed for a minor on Jan. 16, 1869. J. A. Fuller was the guardian. Information from her pension record is extracted below:

On July 25, 1866 she stated that:

She was the widow of Willard H. King, a private in Company C, 27th Regiment of Iowa Volunteers. He died at Memphis, Tennessee on the 5th day of July 1864 of disease of the brain.

Children under sixteen years of age surviving him are: William O. King, born January 14, 1855, Susan King, born Sept. 26, 1856 and Frank King, born April 30, 1859.

She was married to Willard H. King on April 2, 1854 by A. H. W. Cooks, a minister of the Gospel at Antioch, NY.

Her name before her marriage was Jerusha A. Armstrong.

She resides at Champion, Jefferson County, New York.

Jerusha A. King married Norman J. Fuller on February 3, 1867.

The two family sketches below were on the Jefferson, New York website.

William H. King enlisted in Co. C, 27th Regt. Iowa Vols., October 3, 1862. He was severely wounded in the battle of Shiloh, and died in hospital a few days after from the effects of his wounds. He was also in the service in Minnesota, when the Indians were so troublesome there. He married Jerusha Armstrong, of Wilna, by whom he had three children, namely: Susan M., of Carthage; Frank E., deceased; and William O., of Champion. William O. married first, Elva E., daughter of E.J. Pennock, and by her had two children, William H. and Elva E., both of whom are deceased. He married, second, Adelia E. Forsythe, of whom he has a son, Frank W.

Norman J. Fuller, son of Jacob, was born July 26, 1830. In 1867 he married Mrs. Jerusha A. King, daughter of William J. Armstrong, of Wilna, and located in this town on the farm of 300 acres on road 11 now owned by him. Mrs. Fuller had three children by her first husband, Willard King, namely: William O., who resides in this town; Susan M., who resides with her stepfather; and Frank E., who died in Carthage leaving a widow and one son. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller had three children, namely: Alfred N., a clerk for O. S. Levis, of Carthage; and Ella S. and Emma J., who reside with their father in Carthage. Mrs. Fuller died February 18, 1872.

(Note I found a family tree that listed her as the daughter of William John Armstrong (born Dec. 15, 1801 in Norwich Twp. Windsor, Vermont) and Myriah S. Smith (born 1807 In Norwich Twp. Windsor, Vermont) In 1850 she was with her parents and siblings in Wilna, Jefferson County.

I also found this note attached to a family tree. GAR VET Co C. 27 Regt. IOWA Vol. died in Service Fn in Wilna, NY bd. Wilna, NY Injured in Battle of Shiloh, Pittsburg Landing April 1862. s/o Shepherd King b. 4/12 1796 Wilmington Windsor, VT d. 1869 Harrison, MO & Ortha Stoddard b. 1798 d. 1874 Washington, KS.

In the account above, I note a several discrepancies in information that I have for Willard H. King that joined the 27th Iowa. These discrepancies make me wonder if information hasn't been combined for two different Willard/William Kings??

  1. Unless he was in another unit before he joined the 27th Iowa, he could not have been in the Battle of Shiloh. The Battle of Shiloh was April 6-7, 1862. Willard H. King enlisted with the 27th Iowa on Aug. 12, 1862. (several months after the Battle of Shiloh -- the 27th Iowa was not involved in this battle).
  2. Even if he were in another unit and joined the 27th Iowa after Shiloh, it says "he died in hospital a few days after from the effects of his wounds" The 27th Iowa roster and pension records says he died July 5, 1864 of disease.
  3. The information says he is buried in Wilna, Jefferson County, NY. The Roll of Honor for the 27th Iowa says he was buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 334. I have the least trouble with this one. It is possible he was moved after the war. However, I do note that Find a Grave has a Williard H. King buried in Memphis National Cemetery, Shelby County, Memphis, Tenn. Plot 2032. Date of death is July 5, 1864. (Note: Memphis National Cemetery was originally known as "Mississippi River National Cemetery". The tombstone is inscribed W. H. King, Iowa.
  4. Based on the pension record, I believe the family information is correct. But there is no way that he died from wounds in the Battle of Shiloh. (and I am not totally convinced that he is buried in Wilna, Jefferson County, NY). My best guess would be that another William/Willard King died after the battle of Shiloh, and someone has combined his information with the information for Willard H. King that served with the 27th Iowa.

King, William S. He was born about 1839 in New York. He married Louisa Arvilla Eddy on Dec 11, 1859 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was probably the daughter of Myron Eddy (1807 - Dec. 11, 1866) and Louisa French. Levi Henry Eddy and Nelson William Eddy both served in Company H, 27th Iowa and were the sons of Mryon and Louisa (French) Eddy. There is a 9 year old Arvilla Eddy (born New York) listed with them on the 1850 census.

1880 Census: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. S. King (age 40, teamster, born New York), wife Arvilla King (age 39, born New York), daughter Lucinda King (age 17, born Iowa), daughter Sarah E. King (age 11, born Iowa), son Albert N. King (age 9, born Iowa) and son William J. King (age 4, born Iowa)

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa, 27th Iowa: Wm. S. King, Private, Co. C. Post Office Address: Independence.

1885 Iowa State Census: Independence Buchanan County, Iowa; William S. King (Jefferson Street, Age 45, born New York), Louisa A. King (age 44, born New York), Albert Neles King (age 13, born Fayette County, Iowa) and Benjamin I, King (age 1, born Buchanan County, Iowa.)

1910 Census: Linn, Marshall County, Iowa: Iowa Soldiers Home: William S. King, Age 70, married 2 times currently for 4 years, born New York. (dated April 20, 1910)

1910 Census: Marshalltown Ward 2, Marshall, Iowa William S. King S. King, (age 70, married 2 times, currently for 4 years, born New York), wife Mary A. King (age 76, married 2 times, currently for 4 years, 2 children born, 2 still living, born Ohio). (Note this appears to be a second listing for William, dated April 22, 1910)

William S. King died Sept. 17. 1914 at Marshalltown, Iowa (pension index record). He is buried in Iowa Veterans Home Cemetery, Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa: Plot Section C, Row 31, Grave 14.

1915 Iowa State Census. Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa: William S. King (age 76, widowed, County: Marshall, Township: Marshalltown. Occupation: Laborer, can read and write, Birthplace: New York, Military Service: Civil War, Infantry, State Iowa, Regiment 27, Company C. Remarks: Soldier's Home.

I find this interesting. The source for the date of death is the Pension Index Records and yet, he is clearly on the state census in 1915--or was there some provision for counting the deceased for the next years census?

Louisa Arvilla (Eddy) King died June 10, 1923 and is buried in Wilson Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Lashbrook, Edgar He was born about 1845 in Illinois. He was the son of Richard and Betsy Lashbrook. He married his cousin Sarah (Sadie) Lashbrook. She was the daughter of Moses Lashbrook (1834 - Jan 11, 1909) and Christina Lush (1843 - Oct. 19, 1896)

1850 Census, Hartland, McHenry County, Illinois. Richard Lashbrook (age 28, innkeeper, born England), Betsy Lashbrook (age 27, born NY), William Lashbrook (age 7, born NY), Royal Lashbrook (age 5, born NY), Fanny Lashbrook (age 3, born Ill.), Emery Lashbrook (age 2, born Ill) and Edgar Lashbrook (age 10/12, born Ill.)

1860 Census: Marengo McHenry, Illinois: Richard Lashbrook (age 37, day laborer born England), Betsy Lashbrook (age 36, born NY), Wm Lashbrook (age 17, born NY), Royal Lashbrook (age 15, born NY), Fanny Lashbrook, (age 13, born Ill), Emma Lashbrook (age 12, born Ill), Edgar Lashbrook (age 10, born Ill.), Emigene Lashbrook (age 9, born Ill.) Eliza Lashbrook (age 5, born Ill), Annie Lashbrook (age 3, born Ill), Infant Male Lashbrook (age 1, born Ill), Infant Female Lashbrook (age 1, born Ill).

1870 Census: Waverly Ward 1, Bremer County, Iowa: Betsy Lashbrook (age 45, born New York), William Lashbrook (age 27, born New York), Nellie Lashbrook (age 15, born Ill.), Carry Lashbrook (age 13, born Ill), Galina Lashbrook (age 11, born Illinois), Galinus Lashbrook (age 11,born Illinois and Ed Lashbrook (age 20, born Illinois, Dragman).

Edgar Lashbrook filed for a pension on June 1, 1878, application 256045, Certificate 215806.

1880 Census: Alma, Harlan, Nebraska: Edger Lashbrook (age 30, farmer, born Ill, father born NY, mother born Canada), wife Sarah Lashbrook (age 23, born Illinois), son Richard Lashbrook (age 2, born Illinois), and daughter Mertle Lashbrook (age 10/12, born Nebraska).

List of Pensioners on the Roll, Jan. 1, 1883, Vols. 1-5. List of Pensioners California, San Mateo County: No. of Certificate: 215806. Name of Pensioner: Lashbrook, Edgar. Post-Office Address: Scarsville. Cause for which pensioned: Injury to abdomen. monthly rate: $4.00. date of original allowance: July, 1882.

1900 Census: Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho: Edgar Lashbrook (born Aug. 1849, age 50, married 22 years, born Illinois, timber contractor), wife Sarah E. Lashbrook (born Dec. 1850, age 49, married 22 years, 8 children born, 4 still living, born Illinois), son John Lashbrook (born Oct. 1881, age 19, born Colorado)

Query: Sadie, born 1858, died 1910 or after. First married her cousin Edgar Lashbrook. Had 8 children with Edgar, 4 of whom survived to adulthood. They spent a lot of time out west, but in 1900 we find Sadie and two of her children, in the household of her father Moses in KC MO. Sadie marries a Harry Watson in KC MO in 1903, and is found on the 1910 census with him in KC Kansas. No further record is found for Sadie. Looking for death data and any descendants.

1900 Census: Kansas City Ward 11, Jackson County, Missouri: Moses Lashbrook (born Nov. 1830, age 69, widowed, born New York), son Herbert Lashbrook (born May 1874, age 26, born Nebraska), daughter Blanche Lashbrook (born June 1882, age 17, born Nebraska), daughter Sadie Lashbrook (born Dec. 1858, age 41, born Illinois), grandson Harry Lashbook (born Oct. 1886, age 13, born Idaho), grandson George Lashbrook (born Oct, 1889, age 10, born Idaho). (what doesn't fit between the two 1900 census records is her age and year of birth. That could be accounted for by whoever gave the information. The Kansas City record is consistent with other information. Edgar's obituary mentions son Harry).

1910 Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington:: Edgar Lashbrook, (age 66, single, born Illinois, farm)

Kern County Marriage Records (California): Certificate #. 467, Date 09/11/1917 Groom: Edgar Lashbrook, Bride: Catherine Broderick (Mrs. Catherine Morris).

1920 Census: Piru, Ventura County, California: Edgar Lashbrook (age 75, born Illinois), wife Katherine Lashbrook (age 50, born Ireland, immigrated 1903) and brother George Lashbrook (age 60, divorced, born Illinois).

Index to Obituary Notes from Ventura County Newspapers:: Names of Deceased: Edgar Lashbrook, DOD: May 1, 1929 Place of Death: Piru, CA Age/DOB: 79 Spouse/Family: Harry (son) Published, May 2, 1929, Code: 12

Fillmore California Obituary Index 1916 - 1996: Surname, Given: Lashbrook Edgar. Date of Death 30 Apr. 1929, Place of Death: Piru, Date-Newspaper 2 & 9 May 1929 - American

Fillmore California Obituary Index 1916 - 1996: Surname, Given: Lashbrook Edgar. Date of Death May 1929, Place of Death: Piru, (Civil War Veteran) Date-Newspaper 2 & 9 May 1929 - American

Edgar Lashbrook died May 1, 1929 in Piru, California. (pension index records). He is buried in Ivy Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Ventura, Ventura County, California.

Catherine (Broderick) Lashbrook (born Jan. 2, 1865), died Aug. 24, 1955. She is buried in Ivy Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Ventura, Ventura County, CA. There is nothing on the Pension Index Record that shows that she filed for a pension. But according to information on Find a Grave, she collected a pension from Edgar's Civil War service until she died.

Laton, John R. He was born about 1830 in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was the son of Thomas Laton and Kezia McKean. He married Ann Augusta Wilber on Nov. 18, 1856 at Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin. (Wisconsin Marriages 1836-1930). They had one child William Wilbur Laton, born Sept. 10, 1859 in Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa.

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan county, Iowa: John R. Layton (age 30, farmer, born NY), Augusta Layton (age 24), and Willie Layton (age 8/12).

John R. Laton filed for a pension in 1866. He died Aug. 18, 1866 in Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa. (source: Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans: John R. Laton, Pvt, Co. C, Reg 27 Iowa Inf. Cemetery: Village. City or Town, Littleton: County and State: Buchanan, Iowa. Died: Aug. 18, 1866. Headstone supplied by Wm Mansen, contract dated Jan. 21, 1883).

After John Laton died, his wife Augusta married Henry F. Sill , Captain of Company C 27th Iowa. She (Augusta Laton Sill) filed for a widows pension on Jan. 12, 1869. She filed for a pension for a minor on July 30, 1869. H. F. Sill was the guardian.

Augusta (Laton) Sill died Oct. 16, 1897 and is buried in Littleton Cemetery Add. 1, Lot 101, Buchanan County, Iowa. She is buried with Henry Sill.

Littlejohn, Abraham He was born August 18, 1833 in Ohio. He was possibly the son of James Littlejohn and Julia Baylor. He married Ellen Cain on Sept. 6, 1855 in Columbus Ohio.

Abraham and James Littlejohn Abraham Littlejohn Family 

The photos above were submitted by Randy Littlejohn. On the left is brothers Abraham and James Littlejohn. On the right is the family of Abraham Littlejohn.

NOTE: I found the information below in a family tree online that contained an Abraham Littlejohn, born 1833 in Ohio. It appears to me that it could be the right family. If so, the information would be about his brother James with limited information regarding his parents.

Throughout the greater part of his life James Littlejohn resided in California, and for about fifty years was a resident of Sutter County, where he established a wide circle of friends and became a large landowner, owning at one time over 500 acres of fine land. He came to the county without means, and for several years was obliged to work for others in order to secure the capital necessary for starting out alone. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, October 15, 1835, being a son of James and Julia (Baylor) Littlejohn, natives of the same State as himself. His father learned the shoemakers trade, which he followed until his death, at about twenty-four years of age. Soon after he died, his widow moved to Indiana with her sister and brother-in-law; and there she died, leaving her two sons, Abraham and James, to the care of her sister. At the time of his father's death, James was only seven months old; and when his mother died, he was but two and a half years old. From that time he made his home with his aunt, moving with her family to Fulton County, Ill., in 1844, and thence accompanying them to Bremer County, Iowa, in 1855. At the age of twenty-one he returned to Columbus, Ohio, where his grandmother gave him $190, this being the only money he had ever received other than from his own labors. With his brother he returned to Iowa; and for a year he was employed as a clerk in a grocery at Dubuque, and later on a farm.

In the spring of 1859, Mr. Littlejohn left Iowa with ox teams and followed the overland trail across the plains to California via Salt Lake and the Humboldt River route. Arriving in Sutter County, he worked on a ranch and at teaming for several years and then bought a squatter's claim in the Slough district. When the land came into the market, he purchased it from the government, and there he remained from 1862 to 1879. During the latter year he purchased 160 acres of the James Gray homestead; and here he erected a house, barns and other buildings needed for the storage of grain and shelter of stock. In all of his labors he had the cooperation and counsel of his wife, who was Helen D. Butler, a native of Ohio, born near Cleveland in 1847. They were the parents of nine children, as follows: Charles Edward, of Manteca; Julia E., the wife of D. D. Greene, of Yuba City; James Abraham and Howard G., ranchers in the Barry district; William P., living in Oregon; George W., of Yuba City; Lottie, the wife of V. W. Cooley, a prominent rancher of Sutter County; and Laura, now the wife of John Cope, and Chester, both living in this vicinity. There are twenty-six grandchildren and three great grandchildren in the family circle.

Mr. Littlejohn passed away on December 8, 1908. He was a stanch Republican in politics. Fraternally, he belonged to Enterprise Lodge No.70, F.&A.M., at Yuba City, and with his wife was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Since his death his widow continues to manage the ranch business. Recently she subdivided the home place, retaining thirteen acres and the residence; and there are now in the tract three families who have built fine homes and have developed orchards. Mrs. Littlejohn is the eldest daughter of a family of five children born to Ed and Charlotta (Baker) Butler, natives of Ireland and Ohio, respectively. Ed Butler crossed the plains to California in 1852 and engaged in mining with considerable success. He returned to Ohio and brought his family to California in 1859, and located on a ranch ten miles southwest of Yuba City, where he bought 320 acres and farmed to grain. Later he removed to Yuba City and conducted the Sutter Hotel. He passed away in 1893, while his wife survived him until August 18, 1913, aged eighty-six years. Mrs. Littlejohn is a charter member of the Eastern Star at Yuba City.

Sourced from the History of Yuba and Sutter Counties, Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, 1924 p. 742-747

I also found this post on the Littlejohn Genforum: My great, great grandfather is Abraham Littlejohn who was born in Columbus, Ohio, August 18, 1833. He spent his younger days in Ohio and then traveled to Independence as one of the early settlers in 1857, two years before the Illinois Central railroad was built into town. Abraham was in the Union army during the Civil war, the Twenty-seventh Iowa infantry. Abraham and his wife, Ellen Cain Littlejohn, were the parents of seven children, two of whom died in infancy. A daughter, Ida, James Otis (my Great-grandfather), Frank, Spencer, Indiana, William C. and Miss Harriet. Abraham died at 92 in 1925.

Abraham Littlejohn 1860 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abraham Littlejohn (age 24), Ellen Littlejohn (age 21), Jas. O. Littlejohn (age 3) and Harriet Littlejohn (age 1).

1870 Census, Independence Ward 4, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abraham Littlejohn (age 36), Ellen Littlejohn (age 26), James Littlejohn (age 13), Harriet Littlejohn (age 11), Ida Littlejohn (age 9) and Frank Littlejohn (age 1).

1880 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abram Littlejohn (age 44, boot and shoe dealer), wife, Hellen Littlejohn (age 39), son James O. Littlejohn (age 22), daughter Hattie Littlejohn (age 21), daughter Ida M. Littlejohn (age 18), son Franklin Littlejohn (age 11), son William C. Littlejohn (age 9) and son Abraham L. Littlejohn (age 3).

Abraham Littlejohn filed for a pension on Jan. 30, 1883 in Iowa.

1900 Census, Independence City, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abraham A. Littlejohn (born Aug. 1832, age 67, married 44 years), Ellen Littlejohn (born Oct. 1837, age 64, married 44 years, number of children born was unclear, children still living 5), Harriet E. Littlejohn (born April, 1859, age 41), Ida M. Littlejohn (born July 1860, age 39), and William Charles Littlejohn (born July, 1869, age 30).


Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohn of Independence Pass Fiftieth Milestone

Independence, September 6––Special: the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. Littlejohn was celebrated today. A family dinner marked the event. Mrs. Littlejohn is 68 years of age and Mr. Littlejohn is 72. Neither look their age. Their marriage occurred in Columbus, Ohio, September 6, 1855. The following year they removed to this city which has since been their home. Mr. Littlejohn was a member the 27th Iowa and served three years in the Civil War. He was a prominent shoe dealer until a few years ago when he retired in favor of his son. He is now an ardent fishermen and consequently a philosopher. Three sons and two daughters are living. He is a staunch Republican and has frequently been elected councilman.

Waterloo Daily Reporter, Waterloo, Iowa, Wednesday, September 6, 1905.

1910 Census, Independence Ward 5, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abraham Littlejohn (age 75, married 55 years), wife, Ellen Littlejohn (age 72, married 55 years, 5 children, 5 still living.), daughter Ida Littlejohn (age 48).

1915 Iowa State Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: A. Littlejohn, age 81, County Buchanan, Town or Township: Independence. Occupation: Retired, Extent of Education: Common 8, can read and write, years in U. S. 81, years in Iowa: 60. Birthplace, Ohio, Owns his own home or farm. Value of farm or Home: 3000.00. Military Service: Civil War, Infantry, State: Iowa, Regiment 27, Company C,

1920 Census, Independence Ward 5, Buchanan County, Iowa: Abraham Littlejohn (age 86), Ellen Littlejohn (age 82), Harriet Littlejohn (age 59) and Ida Littlejohn (age 57)

Independence Man Observes 90th Birthday Saturday

Independence, Iowa, August 22 – – Abraham Littlejohn celebrated his 90th birthday Saturday. A small company of G. A. R. comrades joined him for cards, fishing and dinner. Mr. Littlejohn settled here in 1856 and lived in this town until he enlisted in Co. C 27th Iowa infantry, with which he served through the conflict. After his discharge he returned to Independence and was one of the first veterans to become a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. In the early 90s, he retired from the boot and shoe business in which he had been engaged for 25 years.

The Evening Courier and Reporter, Waterloo, Iowa, Aug. 22, 1923.

Abraham Littlejohn died Jan. 23, 1925 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Washington Twp, Buchanan County, Comments: Add 1, lot 438, Co. C. 27th IA Inf., GAR member, Ellen, Harriet E & Ida M. buried on this lot. (WPA - Works Projects Administration 1930's Graves Registration Survey).

Abraham Littlejohn, Pioneer of Buchanan, Dies at Independence

Independence, Iowa, January 24––Abraham Littlejohn, Civil War veteran and a resident of this place from its early days, died at his home Friday morning. He had been in usual health and had risen early that morning retiring for rest at 9 o'clock as was his custom. His death was discovered when the housekeeper went to call him about 11 o'clock.

Mr. Littlejohn was born in Columbus Ohio, on August 17, 1833 leaving that place in 1856 for Independence. He procured employment with John Wiley, who was engaged in boot and shoe making soon after his arrival here. After several years in that shop, he engaged in the business independently, closing his shop to enlist as a private in Co. C, 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was in all campaigns about Vicksburg and took part in several other movements. After his discharge he returned to Independence, conducting his shoe business until a few years ago, when he retired and was succeeded by his son William C.

He was married in Columbus Ohio on September 20, 1855 to Miss Ellen Cain. Mrs. Littlejohn and two daughters, Harriet and Ida, died a few years ago and a son died in childhood. Surviving are the son here and two others James, California and Frank, Spencer Indiana.

Waterloo Evening Courier, Saturday, January 24, 1925.

Lueder, William Henry He was born Feb. 25, 1833 in Newport Twp. Luzern, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Christian Friedrich Lueder and Hannah Lutsey/Lutzey. He married Frances Victoria Line on Oct. 18, 1856 in Nanticoke, Luzerne, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Abram Line and Fannie Espy.

1850 Census, Hanover, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania: Christian Leuder (age 40), Hannah (age 37), William H. (age 17), Mary A (age 15), Augustus B (age 13), Sarah (age 10), Martha (age 6), George W. (age 4), and Anning (age 1, male), (Note has this family indexed as LEADER.)

1860 Census, Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm H. Leuder (age 27, farmer), Frances V. Leuder (age 22). (Note has this family indexed as LEADER.)

Family trees on line show that they (William H. Lueder and Frances Line) had a daughter Fannie Hannah Lueder born April 10, 1862.

William H. Lueder, died Dec, 23, 1862, Tallahatchie River, Tenn, of typhoid pneumonia.

His widow Frances V. Lueder filed for a pension on March 31, 1863. She married second Dr. Adrian A. Lape and had two daughters (Vienna and Mary). She filed for a minor on Feb. 23, 1871. F. V. Lape was the guardian.

McGowan, David He was born about 1843 in New York. He is probably the son of Robert and Mary McGowan. His sister, Catherine M. McGowan, married Eli C. Brown, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

Note the information here, seems to be correct, but I can't verify for sure that it is the right David McGowan. He was the only one I found born in New York in 1843: After I found that Catherine M. McGowan (in the same family) married Eli C. Brown, I am even more certain that this is correct. Note also that Catherine's obituary mentions a brother Alexander McGowan. This family does include a brother named Alexander.

1850 Census, Belmont, Franklin County, New York: Robert McGowan (age 56, farmer, born Ireland), Mary McGowan (age 45, born Ireland), James (age 25, born NY), Michael (age 23, born NY), Nancy (age 20, born NY), Margaret (age 18, born NY), Robert (age 17, born NY), Eliza (age 15, born NY), Alexander (age 14, born NY), Catharine (age 12, born NY), John (age 9, born NY), David (age 7, born NY), William (age 4, born NY), Mary (age 2, born NY).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa Mary McGowan (age 50, born Canada), Alexr McGowan (age 23, born NY), David McGowan (age 17, born NY), Wm McGowan (age 14, born NY) and Mary McGowan (age 11, born NY).

David McGowan died of wounds received in action Feb. 22, 1864, near Holly Springs, Miss.

Main, Lewis Avery He was born Dec. 10, 1832 in Lenox, Madison County, New York. He was the son of Avery Main (Aug. 29, 1806 - Apr. 18, 1892) and Laura Ann Baldwin (Nov.12, 1816 - May 24, 1984). He married Fannie Lucretia Loomis on Dec. 10, 1856 in Nelson, Madison County, New York. She was the daughter of Lewis T. and Mary Ann Loomis.

Note that this biography is for the son of Lewis A. Main with information pertaining to Lewis Main.

Lewis P. Main

Among the able representatives of the legal profession now practicing at the bar of Cedar Rapids is Lewis P. Main, whose office is in Room No. 2, Union block. He is a native of this state, born in Independence September 1, 1862, and is a son of Lewis A. and Fanny (Loomis) Main, both of whom were natives of Madison county, New York, and descendants of good old New England families, the latter tracing her ancestry back to Elder Brewster and Governor William Bradford, of the Plymouth colony. She died in Independence, Iowa, in 1899, at the age of sixty-seven years. In early life the father was a merchant. During the Civil war he enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and served as corporal of Company C until the close of the war. He was in active service for three years, and after the cessation of hostilities was employed as chief clerk of the purchasing commissary of the department of the Gulf for eighteen months. On the expiration of that time he returned to Iowa, and soon afterward was elected treasurer of Buchanan county, which office he most creditably filled for six years. He then turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, owning and occupying a valuable farm near Independence, which he purchased upon his return from the army. He has always been a stanch supporter of the Republican party since voting for John C. Fremont in 1856. He was educated in the Madison University at Hamilton, New York, and is a very well informed man, who has a large circle of friends and is held in high regard by all who know him. His children are Helen, at home; Lewis P., our subject; Willis, a farmer of Buchanan county; and Maurice and Merton, who conduct the home farm.

Lewis P. Main received his elementary education in the public schools of Independence and was graduated from the high school at that place in 1879. The following year he entered the freshman class of Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, where he pursued the classical course for four years, graduating in 1884 with the degrees of A. B. and A. M. in course, and then took up the study of law in the office of Woodward & Cook, of Independence, Iowa, and later continued his studies along that line with Charles I. Vail, of Blairstown. While at the latter place he also served as assistant superintendent of the Iowa Seminary for two years.

In 1888 Mr. Main was admitted to practice before the supreme court of Iowa, and the same year opened an office in Shelton, Buffalo county, Nebraska, where he engaged in practice for two years. He then removed to Kearney, Nebraska, and during the nine years spent at that place became one of its most successful and prominent lawyers, as well as one of its leading citizens. He built up a large practice in the local, supreme and federal courts and found a wide field for his labors in that locality. He argued about fifty cases in the supreme court during his residence in Nebraska, and met with marked success both professionally and financially, becoming owner of some valuable property in Kearney, which he still has in his possession.

Mr. Main was married, in 1887, to Miss Edith Borst, who was born in Wisconsin, but was then living in Independence, Iowa. They have one daughter, Grace H., born in 1893. While a resident of Kearney, Nebraska, he was prominently identified with the Republican party, and as an orator he took a very active part in campaign work, besides serving as a delegate to the state conventions and as secretary of the county central committee. He never sought political honors, though offices were several times tendered him, and he served as president of the school board in Kearney. He was also quite active and prominent in literary circles. In 1896 he was a delegate from Nebraska to the Presbyterian General Assembly at Saratoga, New York, and for ten years was a member of the board of trustees of Hastings College. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Kearney, and was quite active in lodge matters.

Having always had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in Cedar Rapids, he removed to this city in 1899, and has been engaged in successful practice here ever since. Being a man of recognized ability, and having already won a prominent place in his profession, he has already built up a fair practice, which is constantly increasing. He now holds membership in the First Presbyterian church of Cedar Rapids, the Masonic fraternity, Linden Camp, No. 145, M. W. A., of which he is now venerable consul. He is what the world terms a self-made man for his success is due entirely to his own well-directed efforts, his close attention to business and his natural ability in his chosen calling.

Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa
Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901.
Submitted by Dick Barton

1850 Census, Preston, Chenango, New York: Avery Maine (age 44), Laura A. (age 34), Lewis (age 17), Marcus (age 15), John (age 14), Susan (age 8), Helen (age 4), Ruby Baldwin (age 77) and Cordelia Holding (age 16)

1860 Census, Nelson, Madison County, New York: Lewis A. Main (age 27, farmer), Fanny L. Maine (age 27), Helen A. Maine (age 6/12)

1870 Census, Independence Ward 3, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lewis A. Main (age 37), Fannie L. Main (age 37). Hellen A. (age 10), Lewis P. (age 7), Willis E. (age 2)

1880 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lewis A. Main (age 47, farmer), wife Fannie (age 47), son Lewis P. (age 17), daughter Hellen (age 20), son Willis E. (age 10), son Maurice A. (age 9), son Merton L. (age 5), Mother-in-law Mary A. Baldwin (age 69, widow)

1885 Iowa State Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lewis A. Main (age 52, farmer), Fannie L. (age 52), Hellen A (age 25), Willis (age 16), Maurice (age 14), Merton L. (age 10), Mary A. Baldwin (age 73, widow)

Lewis A. Main filed for a pension on Jan. 27, 1896 in Iowa.

Fannie Lucretia (Loomis) Main (born Feb. 14, 1833, in Cazenovia, Madison County, New York) died Nov. 20, 1899. She is buried in Oakwood Cemetery (Add 1, lot 356) Washington Twp, Buchanan County, Iowa.

1900 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: L. A. Main (born Dec. 1832, age 67, widowed, farmer), Daughter Hellen Main, born Dec. 1859, age 40), son Maurice Main (born Oct. 1870, age 29), son Merton Main (born Nov. 1874, age 25).

1910 Census, Cedar Rapids, Precinct 2, Linn County, Iowa: Lewis A. Main, (age 77, widowed), daughter Helen A. (age 50), granddaughter Grace H. Main (age 16, born Nebraska).

1915 Iowa State Census, Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa: Card No. C-133, Lewis A. Main, County, Lynn, P. O. 1547 Bar, Town Cedar Rapids, Occupation Retired, white male widowed, can read and write, Total extent of Education: Common 4, Birth Place: New York. Owns home or farm, no encumbrances, value of farm or home: $4000.00. Military Service: Civil war, Infantry, State: Iowa, Regiment: 27, Company: C, Church Affiliation: Baptist, Father's Birthplace: Connecticut, Mother's Birthplace, New York. Years in Iowa: 54.

1920 Census, Cedar Rapids Ward 2, Linn County, Iowa: Lewis A. Main, (age 87, widowed), daughter Helen A. (age 60), son Merton A (age 45), Granddaughter Grace H. Main (age 26).

Lewis Avery Main died Nov. 29, 1924. He is buried in Oakwood Cemetery (Add 1, lot 356, Co C 27th IA Inf, GAR Member) Washington Twp, Buchanan County, Iowa.

1925 Iowa State Census shows parents names. Helen A. Main and Merton L. Main, both listed their parents as L. A. Main and Fannie Loomis.

Children of Lewis Avery Main and Fannie Lucretia Loomis:

  1. Helen Augusta was born 26 Dec 1859
  2. Lewis Palmer was born 1 Sep 1862
  3. Willis Elderkin was born 31 Jul 1868.
  4. Maurice Avery was born 15 Oct 1870
  5. Merton Loomis was born 4 Nov 1874

Marsh, Edwin L. He was born about 1826 in New York. He married Mary McFadden.

1860 Census, Geneva, Walworth, Wisconsin: Edwin Marsh (age 34, born NY), Mary A. Marsh (31, born NY), Charles V (age 9, born Wisconsin), Alice E (age 7, born Wisconsin), Helen E (age 5, born Wisconsin), Willie (age 1, born Wisconsin)

Edwin L. Marsh died May 10, 1864 and is buried in Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section A, Site 1956.

His widow Mary A. Marsh filed for a pension on Mar. 24, 1865. Mary A Draper (guardian) filed for a minor on July 28, 1978.

1880 Census, Richland, Delaware County, Iowa: Mary A, Draper (age 52, born NY), son William Marsh (age 21, born Wisconsin), son Edwin (age 16, born Iowa), granddaughter Valone Malone (age 2)

1885 Iowa State Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Mary A. Marsh (age 56, born New York), William Marsh (age 26, born Wisconsin), Edwin Marsh (age 20, born Delaware County, Iowa), Nellie Marsh (age 6, born Clayton county, Iowa).

The 1925 Iowa State Census shows parents names. I searched for anyone with father named Edwin Marsh and mother named Mary. I found W. E. Marsh in Sumner, Bremer County, Iowa, age 65, born about 1860 in Wisconsin. He listed his parents as Edwin L. Marsh and Mary Ann McFadden.

Marriage records found on for Charles Victor Marsh and Wilfred E. Marsh both show their parents as Edwin Marsh and Mary McFadden.

Martin, Charles I. He was born Nov 23, 1841 in La Porte, LaPorte County, Illinois. He was the son of Asa T. Martin and Harriet Branch. He married Sarah Augusta Oberdiear on May 23, 1870. Sarah was the daughter of Levi Oberdiear and Sarah Fish.

1850 Census, Byron, McHenry, Illinois: Asa T. Martin (age 30, born NY), Harriet (age 25, born Vermont), Charles I. (age 8, born Indiana) Sydney (age 7, born Ill.), Emma (age 5, born Ill.), Mary J (age 3, born Ill.), Asa T (age 1, born Ill).

1860 Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Asa F. Martin (age 42, born NY), Harriet A (age 39, born VT), Chas I. (age 18, Ind.), Emma (age 15, born Ill), Mary (age 13, born Ill.), Asa F. (age 11, born Ill), Ella (age 9, born Ill.) Census was taken Wednesday, July 18, 1860)

1870 Census, Fremont, Bremer County, Iowa: Asa L. Martin (age 51, born NY), Harriet Martin (age 49, born Vermont), Chas I. Martin (age 28, born Indiana), Augusta Martin (age 18, born Indiana), Mary J. Martin (age 24, born Indiana), Asa L. Martin (age 21, born Indiana), Hattie Martin (age 10, born Indiana), Ella F. Martin (age 19, born Illinois)

1880 Census, Fremont, Bremer County, Iowa: C. I. Martin (age 38, born Indiana), wife Sarah A (age 28, born Illinois), son Levie (age 9), daughter Ema (age 5). (note: Ancestry has him indexed as C. F. Martin).

Charles I. Martin filed for a pension on June 30, 1884

1900 Census, Plainfield Town, Bremer County, Iowa: Charles Martin (Born Nov, 1841, age 58, married for 30 years), wife Sarah A (born Oct. 1851, age 48, married 30 years, 2 children born, 2 living), daughter Emma K, (born Nov. 1874, age 25, Single)

1910 Census, Polk, Bremer County, Iowa: Charles I. Martin (age 68, married 1 time for 39 years. Born Indiana, wife Sarah A, Martin, age 58, married 1 time for 39 years, 2 children born, 2 still living)

1915 Iowa State Census, Polk, Bremer County, Iowa: C. I. Martin, County Bremer, P. O. Waverly, Township: Polk, retired, born Indiana, Military Service: Infantry, State Iowa, Regiment, 27, Company C. Father born New York, mother born Vermont., years in Iowa: 59.

Charles I. Martin died Nov. 14, 1917 and is buried in Horton Cemetery, Polk Township, Bremer County, Iowa (Civil War Vet, h/o Sarah & buried on same lot. (Note: Pension Index records says DOD Nov. 14, 1917.  The obituary also says that his date of death was Nov. 14.  -- Find a Grave says Nov. 17.  So the 17th is most likely a burial date.).

Charles I. Martin

At Horton is buried Charles I. Martin who was born at LaPorte, Ind. Nov. 23, 1841. His father was Asa T. Martin the man who founded the town of Tripoli, giving the name of his former home in New York State.

In 1842 the family moved to McHenry County, Illinois. and to Bremer County in 1855. Charles was the eldest of the 7 children of Asa T. and Harriet (Branch) Martin.

Enlisting in Co. 27, Ia. Inf. on Dec. 18, 1863, while at Cairo, Ill, he was taken with small pox and for many weeks after his recovery assisted other patients at the time of this epidemic. In July '64, he rejoined his regiment at Memphis taking part in Tupelo, Nashville and Ft. Blakely. Later he was transferred to Co. C. 12 Ia. Inf. and discharged Jan. 20, 1866. For a time after reaching home he lived at Martinsburg with the parents. On May 23, 1870 he married Sarah Oberdier, the older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Oberdier. Her father also served in the 8th Ia. Cav., but died and is buried in the State of Minn.

Of the two children of Charles Martin and wife, a son Levi, lives in N. Y. and a daughter, Mrs. Emma Beck resides in Waverly. It is she who is our only Spanish War nurse having served at Chickamauga and Anniston, Ala., during that war of 1898-99.

Uncle Charlie Martin died at Horton, Nov. 14, 1917. He and his good wife were held in high esteem and loved by children and grown ups alike in the community in which they lived.

Last Wednesday morning Charles I. Martin of Horton, passed away suddenly, his death being due to heart trouble, his age being 76 years. There was nothing to indicate that Mr. Martin was in a serious condition, tho of late he had complained of not feeling well. The day of his death he had gone to the store close to his home and after making some purchases he returned and without warning he passed away.

Mr. Martin is well known thru-out the county, being an active member of O'Brien's Post, G. A. R., of Tripoli, and at all celebrations and meetings of the veterans he was sure to be there. Several years ago the Woodmen of Horton built a hall which was placed under his charge. Many persons thot it would be a losing investment but by using good judgment and the giving of frequent entertainments, he put the place on a paying basis. He was a good man whom all who knew him respected.

He was born in Elkhart, Ind., Nov. 23, 1841, and when 14 years of age he moved with his parents to Iowa. With the outbreaks of the Civil war he enlisted and served with credit till the end of the conflict. He was married to Miss Sarah Berdier, of Horton, on May 23, 1870, and in 1885 the family moved to that place. Mr. Martin followed farming most of his life and gave up that occupation when his age began telling on him.

He is survived by his wife and two children, Levi Martin, of Saratoga, N. Y., and Miss Emma K. Martin, of Woodward, Iowa.

The funeral was conducted from the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Arthur Woods officiating and the burial services were under the direction of O'Brien Post, G.A.R. of Tripoli. There was a large attendance, several G. A. R. members from Waverly and other friends being present.

I found the obituaries on Find a Grave. They were together, but appear to be two different obituaries. There was no date or name of newspaper on them.

His widow Sarah A. Martin filed for a pension on Dec. 4, 1917.

11925 Iowa State Census. Sarah A. Martin was in Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa. She was age 73, widowed, She said her father was Levi Oberduar, born in Penn. Her mother was Sarah Fish, born New York. Her parents were married in Geneva, Wisconsin. Her daughter Emma was living with her. She said her parents were Charles I Martin and Sarah A. Oberduar.

Sarah Martin died Jan. 3, 1938 and is buried in Horton Cemetery, Polk Twp, Bremer County, Iowa (w/o Charles L & buried on same lot)

Obituary was found on Find a Grave

Funeral Services will Be Held Thursday Afternoon with Burial at Horton.

Mrs. Sarah A. Martin died at her home Monday night at 8 o'clock of complications incident to advanced age. Her funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at the Kulser funeral home at 2 o'clock. Rev. W. O. Ecklor will be in charge and burial will be in the Horton cemetery beside Mrs. Martin's husband Charles I. Martin, who died in Nov. 1917.

Mrs. Martin's death followed a gradual decline in heath. She had been bedfast since the latter part of November, Her health had, however, been unusually good in spite of her 86 years and this summer she and her daughter, Mrs. Emma K. Beck, had made a trip east to visit her son, Levi A. Martin, in Oneida, N. Y.

She was born in Cherry Valley, Ill, Oct. 14, 1851, the daughter of Sarah A. and Levi Oberdiear. Although she was the oldest of a family of four girls and two boys, she was the last to be taken in death.

When Sarah was in her fourteenth year she came to Horton, her mother moving the family here while Mr. Oberdiear was serving in the Civil War. She attended the Cherry Valley and Horton schools and May 23, 1870 she was married to Charles I. Martin, a Civil War veteran. The ceremony was read in Waverly by Rev. H. H. Burrington.

She and her husband began housekeeping on his farm one mile west and one-half mile south of Tripoli and it was there that their two children were born. The family left that farm after a number of years and moved to Kansas. After a short time they returned to Bremer County and later moving to the town of Horton. It was in Horton that Mr. Martin died.

After his death Mrs. Martin continued to live in Horton and later with her daughter Mrs. Emma K. Beck, on a farm near Horton. About four years ago she and Mrs. Beck came to Waverly and have lived at 316 Third Street N. W.

Mrs. Martin led a busy life, always finding time to help those who were in need, nursing those who were ill.

At the time of her death she had attained the age of 86 years, two months and 20 days. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs. Beck of Waverly, and her son Levi of Oneida, N. Y. The son will not be able to attend the funeral services.

Merrill, Reuben Gardner II. He was born Aug. 2, 1821 in Marcellino, Onondaga County, New York. He was the son of Reuben Gardener (Oct 23, 1785, - Jan 22 or Mar 2, 1878) and Mercy Ann Little. He married Prudence Randall on Oct. 18, 1840 at James Episcopal Church, Skanelateles, Onondaga County, New York

Information from the Iowa Rosters:

27th Iowa Infantry Co. C, Merrill, Reuben G. Age 40. Residence Hazleton, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Aug. 28, 1862. Discharged for disability July 14, 1863, Moscow, Tenn. See Company H, First Cavalry.

1st Iowa cavalry Co. H. Merrill, Reuben G. Sr. Age 41. Residence Buchanan County, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 24, 1864. Mustered Jan. 24. 1864. Died while on furlough Jan. 16, 1865, Hazelton, Iowa. See company C Twenty-seventh Infantry. (Note, his son Reuben G. Merrill III, enlisted with him on the same day).

Note: This is a biography for the son of Reuben G. Merrill and Prudence Randall

From History of Buchanan County, Iowa pg 346

R. G. Merrill Jr., was born in New York in 1848. In the spring of 1854 his father located in Hazleton township, where the family has since resided. His father died January 17, 1865. Mr. R. G. Merrill enlisted in company H, First Iowa cavalry, in 1864, at the age of sixteen, and served until he was discharged on account of the war being over, the business of the cavalry being principally skirmishing, they had a full share of that to do, which was almost of daily occurrence. He is glad to say that he was slightly wounded, just enough to give him a token of the war. After his return from army life he engaged in farming three years, since which time he has been in the well-boring business. Mr. Merrill was married in 1868 to Miss Cordelia Jackson, born in Canada in 1850. They have five children-Estella, age eleven; Annitta, age ten; Ralph, age eight; Gardner, age three; and Cordelia, born July 16, 1879. Mr. Merrill is one of the first settlers of this county, and one of its solid men today and one of the supporters of the Greenpack party.

1850 Census, Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York: Reuben G Merrill (age 28, cooper, born NY), Prudence Merrill (age 29, born NY), Cordelia Merrill (age 12, born NY), Mary Merrill (age 9, born NY), Cecelia Merrill (age 5, born NY), and Reuben Merrill (age 2, born NY).

1860 Census, Superior, Buchanan County, Iowa: Reuben G. Merrill (age 37, farmer, born NY), Prudence Merrill (age 38, born NY), Mary Merrill (age 18, born NY), Cecilia Merrill (age 15, born NY), Reuben G. Merrill (age 12, born NY), Eugene Merrill (age 9, born NY), Lyman Merrill (age 6, born PA), Wallace Merrill (age 4, born Iowa).

Reuben G. Merrill died January 16, 1865 and is buried in Fontana Cemetery, Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa.

There is a discrepancy in his date of death. Cemetery records and his tombstone says that he died Jan. 22, 1864 and is buried in Fontana Cemetery, Hazelton, Buchanan Co. Iowa.

Iowa Cemetery Records: Name: Gardner Merrill, death date: Jan 22, 1864, page #279, Birth Date, 1822, Cemetery: Hazelton. Town Hazelton. Level Info: Buchanan County Burial Records.

HOWEVER, his service with Co. H, 1st Iowa Cavalry, and widow's pension records indicates that the 1864 date is an error. The information from the pension record says he died "Jan 16, 1865 Hazelton, Buchanan Co, Ia while home on leave". (I can only speculate, but sometimes in January, it is hard to transition to a new year. Perhaps they accidentally put 1864, because that year had just ended.)

His widow Prudence Merrill filed for a pension on Apr. 4, 1865. It was filed under the Co. H. 1 1owa Cavalry. Information from her pension file is extracted below:

On March 16, 1865, she made a statement:

She was aged forty three years.

She was a resident of Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa.

She was the widow of Reuben G. Merrill who was a private in Company H, 1st Regiment Of Iowa Cavalry Volunteers.

Her husband was mustered into the military service on January 25, 1864 and he died at home on furlough in Buchanan County, Iowa on January 16th, 1865, by reason of disease, viz chronic diarrhea and pneumonia contracted while in the service of the United States.

She was married to Reuben G. Merrill on Oct. 18, 1840, Onondaga County, NY by one Clark, a minister of the gospel.

Her name before her marriage was Prudence Randall.

At the time of his death, her husband left surviving the following children who are under the age of 16: Clarence Abram Lincoln born August 4, 1860; Wallace Lavern born October 28, 1856; Lyman A., born February 6, 1853; Henry Eugene born June 23, 1850.

To Whom it May Concern

The bearer hereof, Reuben G. Merrill, Private of H Company of the 1st Regiment of Iowa Cavalry, aged 44 years, 5 feet 7 1/2 inches high, Dark complexion, Gray eyes, gray hair and by profession a farmer, born in the State of New York and enlisted at Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, on the 24th day of January, 1864 to serve for the period of three years, is hereby permitted to go to Hazleton, in the county of Buchanan, State of Iowa, he having received a FURLOUGH from the 22nd day of Dec. 1864 to the 22nd day of January, 1865. At which period he will rejoin his company or Regiment at Little Rock, Arkansas or wherever it may be, or be considered a deserter.

Subsistence has been furnished to said Reuben G. Merrill to the 22 day of December 1864 and pay to the 31st day of October 1864, both Inclusive.

Given under my hand at Little Rock, Ark., this 22 day of December, 1864.

E. A. Clark
Surgeon of Vols. in the ? Gen'l Hospital.

Written on the edge of the form: Transportation furnished to Independence 69 miles. 1.38 which amount will be charged to him upon his next payroll.

There is a statement in file by a fellow solider that said "He was in good health when he entered the service. That while in said service in line of duty at Little Rock, Ark, while encamped at said place performing camp duty picketing and such like, sometime in the month of August, 1864, he contracted chronic diarrhea. That he was about five months in the hospital at that place, while suffering from said disease. That he was then furloughed for that cause, and returned to his home in Buchanan Co., Iowa, where he remained till the day of his death January 15th 1865."

There is a statement by H. M. Corbin M.D.: "I was the attending physician on said soldier during his last illness. That he died at Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa on the 16th day of January 1865 while home on furlough of chronic diarrhea and affection of the lungs induced by same."

1870 Census, Hazleton, Buchanan County, Iowa Prudence Merrill (age 47, born NY), Reuben Merrill (age 21, born NY), Delia Merrill (age 19, born Upper Canada), Stella Merrill (age 1, born Iowa), Lyman Merrill (age 17, born Penn.,) Lavern Merrill (age 13, born Iowa) and Clarence Merrill (age 10, born Iowa.)

Prudence (Randall) Merrill was born Mar 9, 1821 Spafford, Onondago County, New York. She died Mar 9. 1893 Hazel Twp., Buchanan County, Iowa From Paralysis for 10 days. She is buried Fontana Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Iowa Cemetery Records: Name: Prudence Merrill, Death Date: Mar. 9, 1893, Page #281, Birth Date: 1821, Cemetery Hazelton, Town: Hazelton, Level Info: Buchanan County Burial Records.

Children of Reuben G. Merrill and Prudence Randall:

  1. Cordelia "Delia" Anner (Merrill) Vargason; b 1838 Upper Canada or Jun 14, 1839 Skaneateles, Onondaga County, New York; d Dec 21, 1898 Hazelton, Buchanan County, Ia
  2. Mary E (Merrill) Lawrence: Married William Lawrence; Mary's sister, Cecelia, married William's brother, Francis; Mary's brother, Clarence, married Williams's sister, Ida. 2 sisters and 1 brother married two brothers and a sister.
  3. Charles H Merrill; b Jan 6, 1843 Spafford, Onondaga County, New York d Feb 14, 1844 Spafford, Onondaga County, New York
  4. Cecelia Hannah (Merrill) Lawrence; b Sept 7, 1845 Niles, Onondaga County, New York, d Mar 27, 1867 Hazelton, Buchanan County, Iowa 21 years 6 months 20 days
  5. Reuben Gardner Merrill III; b. Mar 4, 1848 Harmony, Chautauqua County, NY d Dec 20, 1907 Iowa Soldiers Home, Marshalltown, Iowa
  6. Henry Eugene Merrill; b Jun 23, 1850 Sherman, New York d Nov 11, 1919 Hazelton, Buchanan County, Iowa
  7. Lyman Adrian Rosaldo Merrill; b Nov 6, 1853 Pittsfield, Warren County, Penn d Dec 14, 1915 Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa From Heart Trouble.
  8. Purity Merrill born and died Jun 14, 1855 Superior, Buchanan County, Iowa.
  9. Wallace Fremont Laverne Merrill; b Oct 28, 1856 Hazelton Township, Buchanan County, Iowa d May 5, 1931 Hazelton, Buchanan County, Iowa From Coronary Occlusion 74 years 7 months 7 days.
  10. Clarence Abram Lincoln Merrill, born August 4, 1860

Minton, William B. He was born about 1844 in Iowa. He was probably the son of William and Charlotte Minton

1850 Census: Buchanan County, Iowa; William Minton (age 52, farmer, born Ohio), Charlotte Milton (age 50, born KY), Francis Spring (male, age 24, born Ill), John Minton (age 14, born Iowa), Almirea Minton (age 10, born Iowa) and William Minton (age 7, born (Iowa)

1856 Iowa State Census: Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: William Minton (age 60, , born Ohio, farmer), Charlotte Minton (age 56, born Kentucky), John Minton (age 19, born Indiana) and William Minton (age 12, born Indiana), The family had been in the state of Iowa for 13 years.

1860 Census: Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: William Minton (age 65, farmer, born Ohio), Charlotte Minton (age 60, born Kentucky), and William Minton (age 16, born Iowa).

William B. Minton died Aug 10, 1863, Moscow, Tenn., of congestive chills.

Mosher, Carr W. He was born in 1833 in Columbia, New York. He was the son of Allen Mosher (1797 - Dec. 12, 1885) and Phebe Wilbur (1800-Nov. 20, 1883). He married Martha Little (Sept. 10, 1839 - Jan 4, 1913) on May 16, 1857 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Moses Little (Nov. 23, 1815 - Dec. 7, 1856) and Sarah C. Cook (July 26, 1818-Oct. 11, 1891).

Note Carr was a family name that went back many generations. There is more information on his family here:

1850 Census, Canaan, Columbia County, New York: Lester Reynolds (age 34, farmer, born New York), Anna Reynolds (age 31, born NY), Charles Reynolds (age 10, born NY), Nelson Reynolds (age 8, born NY), Carr Moshier (age 17, laborer, born New York). (Note Anna Reynolds was his sister.)

1860 Census - Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Carr W. Mosher (age 27), Martha L. (age 21).

Carr W. Mosher died Jan 24, 1863, in Memphis, Tenn.

His widow Martha Little Mosher married Byron C. Hale, also of Company C.

Martha (Little, Mosher), Hale died in 1913 and is buried in Wright Crematory and Columbarium, Seattle, King County, Washington.

Muchmore, Stephen Bryant He was born Jun 7, 1847 in Selma, Delaware County, Indiana. He was the son of Benjamin Parkhurst Muchmore (Feb. 2, 1827 - Sept. 11, 1881) and Elizabeth Jane Hardesty (Jan 21, 1828 - Mar. 10,1869). He married Adelaide Roselind Knox on Aug. 18, 1867 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Eli G. Knox and Sally Perkins. It was possibly her sister Mary Ann Knox who married John Brady, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

Stephen B. Muchmore, of Ovando, Powell County, is one of the prominent and successful ranchers of the Blackfoot valley who have found their profit in abandoning unremunerative pursuits for the more certain results of Montana ranching. He was born in Fayette county, Ind. in 1847. His parents were Dr. Benjamin P. and Elizabeth (Hardesty) Muchmore, the father a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. When fourteen years of age he came to Indiana with his parents. Here he studied medicine and practiced successfully until 1854, when he removed to Independence, Iowa, where for a number of years he continued the practice of his profession. During the Civil War he enlisted as surgeon in the Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, but was rejected on account of some pulmonary complaint. He died in Iowa. The mother of our subject was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was married in Indiana. She died in 1870. During his residence in Iowa Stephen B. Muchmore received a most excellent education. In 1868 he removed to Nebraska where for seven years he successfully taught school. It was in 1875 that he first came to Montana, locating in Deer Lodge County, and continued to reside there for many years, teaching school. Deciding to abandon the avocation of a pedagogue, he turned his attention to the more profitable business of ranching, and in 1895, in company with his three boys, he purchased a ranch three miles southwest of Ovando, where they now have 950 acres of splendid land devoted to hay, grain, stock, etc.

Mr. Muchmore was married to Miss Adelaide Knox, a native of Buffalo, N. Y. They have three children: Orville G., Albert F. and Guy W. Mr. Muchmore is a chairman of the board of school trustees for the Ovando district. In 1896 he was elected justice of the peace, but did not care to qualify for the office. Fraternally he is a Mason, and is well spoken of by all with whom he is acquainted.

Progressive Men of Montana (page 770).

Note: I found this a little odd. From this article it appears that Benjamin P. Muchmore enlisted in the 27th Iowa (I have found no other mention of him in the records that I have). In this biography, there is no mention of Stephen B. Muchmore having served with the 27th Iowa, (though he clearly did -- Rosters, pension records and 1890 Veterans Census all reflect Stephen B. Muchmore serving with the 27th Iowa.) ejj

He enlisted in Company C, 27th Infantry regiment Iowa. Enlisted as a Private on 22 October, 1864 at the age of 18. Mustered out of Company C. 12th Infantry regiment Iowa on 28 Oct. 1865 at Montgomery Al.

1850 Census, Columbia, Fayette County, Indiana Ben Muchmore (age 23, farmer, born Ohio), Elizabeth Muchmore (age 22, born Ohio), Joseph S. Muchmore (age 3, born Indiana), Mary Muchmore (age 1, born Indiana) and Oliver Muchmore (age 21, farmer, born Ohio). There was another Muchmore family living next to them: Family tree records show them to be the mother and siblings of Benjamin P. Muchmore (Elen. Muchmore (age 42), Francis Muchmore (age 18), Stephen Muchmore (age 19), Mary J. Muchmore (age 15) and William Muchmore (age 17).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa Benj. Muchmore (age 33, physician, born Ohio), Elizabeth J. Muchmore (age 32, born Ohio), Jos. B. Muchmore (age 12, born Indiana), Amanda F. Muchmore (age 10, born Indiana), Mary E. Muchmore (age 8, born Indiana) and Benj. F. Muchmore (age 5, born Iowa).

Note: I found Benjamin P. and Elizabeth J. Muchmore on both the 1850 and 1860 census records. But, there was no Stephen B listed either census year. Both census years included a Joseph that would be the right age. In 1850 he was listed as Joseph S. and in 1860 he was listed as Joseph B. There are any number of family trees online, but they do not mention Joseph. Are Stephen and Joseph the same person?? I did notice that his grandfather was named Stephen Joseph Muchmore.

Birth record of Ray B. Muchmore in Buchanan, Brandon, Iowa shows date of birth as Feb. 2, 1872- Date of death, 1874. Parents were Stephen Bryant Muchmore and Adelaide Roselind Knox.

1880 Census, Stanton, Stanton County, Nebraska: Ada Muchmore (age 34, married, born New York), son Orville Muchmore (age 9, born Iowa), son Albert F. Muchmore (age 4, born Nebraska), son Guy W. Muchmore (age 2, born Nebraska). Where was Stephen??

1890 Veteran's Census. Ovando, Deer Lodge, Montana: Stephen B. Muchmore: Private, Comp. C, Regiment: 27, State: Iowa Inf, Enlisted Oct, 1864, Discharged Nov, 1865, Served 1 year.

1900 Census, Lincoln Township, Deer Lodge, Montana: Stephen Muchmore (born June 1846, Age 53, married 28 years), wife Adelaide (born Apr. 1846, age 54, married 28 years, five children born, 3 still living), son Orvillle, (born Oct. 1870, age 29), son Albert (born Dec. 1876, age 23), son Guy (born Feb. 1878, age 22),

Stephen B. Muchmore filed for a pension on July 1, 1909 in Montana.

1910 Census, Monture, Powell County, Montana: Stephen B. Muchmore, age 62, married 1 time for 43 years, farmer), wife Adelaide R. age 62 years, married 1 time for 43 years, 5 children born, 3 still living.), Son Albert F., (age 34, widowed). Arvil G. Muchmore (age 39) with wife Virginia and 5 children were living next door.

1920 Census, Monture, Powell County, Montana: Stephen Muchmore, (age 72, retired), wife Adelade Muchmore (age 73).

Stephen Bryant Muchmore died Sept. 11, 1926 in Drummond, Granite County, Montana. He is buried in Ovando Cemetery, Ovando, Powell County, Montana.

Montana Death Index, 1860 - 2007: Name: Stephen Muchmore, age 79, Estimated Birth Year: 1847, Death Date: Sept. 11, 1926, Death County: Granite, Index Number: Gra 271. Source: Montana Office of Vital Statistics Adelaide Muchmore, born 1846, died in 1924. She is buried in Ovando Cemetery, Ovando, Powell County, Montana.

Children of Stephen B. Muchmore and Adelaide R. Knox.

  1. Effie Gertrude Muchmore, born July 9, 1868, died 1870.
  2. Orville Gilbert Muchmore, born Nov. 19, 1870, died Jan. 1, 1954
  3. Guy Wilbert Muchmore, born Feb. 2, 1872, died 1958.
  4. Roy B. Muchmore, born Feb.. 2, 1872, died 1874.
  5. Albert Francis Muchmore, born Dec. 25, 1875, died Mar. 1961.

Munger, Walter Street He was born about 1838 in New York. He was the son of David P. Munger and Louisa P. Bartlet. He married Mary Eleanor Preble On Sept. 14, 1856 in Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Benjamin Preble

1850 Census, Monroe, Ashtabula, Ohio: David P. Munger, (age 44, Carpenter, born New York), Louisa P. Munger (age 43, born Mass.), Alexander Munger (age 17), Benjamin F. Munger (age 15, Walter Munger (age 12) and Marietta Clark (age 10).

1856 Iowa State Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: David P. Munger (Age 48, Carpenter), Louisa Munger (age 46), Alexander V. R. Munger (age 22), Benjamin F. Munger (age 20) and Walter S. Munger (age 18).

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Walter S. Munger (age 22), Mary E. Munger (age 27), Wm H. Munger (age 2) and Byron S. Munger (age 1). Next door to this family is:

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa Post Office: Fairbanks: David P. Munger, (age 53, Carriage Maker, born New York), Louisa B. Munger, (age 52, born PA) Benjamin F., (age 24, farmer, born New York).

Walter S. Munger died of typhoid fever on Nov. 8, 1862. He is buried in Old Oakwood Cemetery, Anoka, Minnesota. Note: I also found information indicating that he was buried at Oran Cemetery, Oran, Fayette County, Iowa, Lot 41. Additional notes said that on the same lot was son Walter S. Jr. Died Jan 12, 1888 at Hanover SD, perished in a storm. (Source was WPA - Work Projects Administration 1930's Graves Registration Survey I found tombstone photos for both cemeteries. Probably one of the sites is a memorial site.

Walter H. Munger, of Company C, who was left at Anoka on the return march from the north, died at that place on the 8th of November. He received the kindest attention from the people of the little village, who took him to a private house, nursed him tenderly and turned out en masse to do honor to his remains.

"He was an honest, upright, truthful man, and no one has gone into the army from purer motives of patriotism, or a nobler sense of duty. When we last saw him at Dubuque, he was full of life, energy, and good feeling; but now, alas, he is in the silent tomb. May the sod press lightly upon his bosom." We insert this tribute written of him by a friend, because should any friend or relative glance at this it might perchance stimulate them to emulate his worthy example and too, it well serves as a tribute to all the brave fellows who sacrificed themselves for their country's cause.

History of Buchanan County and It's People, Volume 1, by Harry Church Chappell, Katharyn Chappell

I'm not quite sure what to make of this: Source: Headstones provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans: "Walter S. Munger, Private Co. C. 27th Regt, Iowa Inf. Cemetery at or near Anoka Minn. Date of Death: October 1, 1892." The date of death in this source is 30 years after the date of death reported in the roster (and confirmed by pension and census records). I'm assuming the date of death on this source is an error.

His widow Mary S. Munger filed for a pension on Dec. 30, 1862. Information from her pension file is extracted below:

In a statement dated Dec. 23, 1862, she said:

  • She was age 29 years.
  • She lived in Fairbanks, Buchanan County, Iowa.
  • Her maiden name was Mary E. Preble.
  • She married Walter S. Munger on Sept. 14, 1856, at the home of W. S. Clark in Buchanan County. W. S. Clark, Justice of the Peace performed the marriage.
  • Walter Munger died from typhoid fever on Nov 8, 1862 at Anoka, Minnesota.
  • She listed 4 children: William H . (age 5), Byron S. (age 4), Grovener (age 2), and Walter S. (age 2 months)

Children of Walter S. Munger and Mary E. Preble (per pension records):

  1. William H. Munger, born Oct. 24, 1857
  2. Byron S. Munger, born March. 18, 1859
  3. Grovener V. Munger, born Feb. 21, 1861
  4. Walter S. Munger, born Oct. 18, 1862.

A copy of the marriage certificate was in the pension record. License issued Sept. 10th 1856, Walter S. Munger & Mary E. Preble.

This certifies that on the fourteenth day of September A D 1856, I, William S. Clark, a Justice of the Peace united Walter S. Munger aged eighteen years, and Mary E. Preble aged twenty three years in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony.

Witness my hand at Alton this fourteenth day of September A D 1856

Williams S. Clark J. P.

Recorded Nov. 18th 1856

Little Rock Aransas Nov. 8, 63

I hereby certify that I am 1st Lieut. of Company "C" 27th Regt Iowa Volunteer Inf. That I was well acquainted with Walter S. Munger, that he was a member of my company, that he was enrolled on the 12th day of August 1862 and mustered into service on the 3rd day of October 1862, that he died of Typhoid Fever and that the same was contracted while in the service of the United States in the line of duty, that he was sound & healthy when he entered the service.

Henry F. Sill 1st Lieut.
Comdg. Co. C 27th Iowa Inf. Vols.

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Benjamin Preble (age 65), Mary E. Munger (age 37), William H. Munger (age 13), Bryon S. Munger (age 11), Grovner V. Munger (age 9), and Walter S. Munger (age 7).

1870 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan county, Iowa: David Munger (age 63), Louisa Munger, (age 62) and Antoinett Hitchins (age 13).

1880 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa Benjamin Preble, (age 75), daughter Mary E. Munger (age 47, widowed), grandson William H. Munger (age 22), grandson Grovener Munger (age 19), grandson Walter S. Munger (age 17).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Mary E. Munger (age 52), William H. Munger (age 27), and Walter S. Munger (age 22).

Mary E. Munger died Dec. 12, 1916.

Noble, Joseph D. He was born 13 Apr 1815 in Pennsylvania. He was the son of William Henry Tarvin Noble (1758 - Apr. 3, 1819) and Mary Elliott (1783 - ?). He married Agnes G. Gillespie.

Submitted by
Carl Hollister

5.JOSEPH D. NOBLE (WILLIAM HENRY TARVIN4, JOSEPH3, JOSEPH2, JOSEPH1) was born 13 Apr 1815, and died 03 Sep 1891 in Independence, Iowa.

Notes for JOSEPH D. NOBLE:

Joseph D. Noble of Independence, Ia. was in Co. C, 27th Inf. Ia. He was appointed Captain July 18, 1862, mustered in October 3, 1862, resigned January 20, 1864.

All that is known about J.D. Noble by this researcher is from two letters, in the possession of the great grandson of R. E. Noble, to the family of R. E. Noble, two years before the death of R. E. Noble and shortly after the death of R. E. Noble. J.D. Noble appears to have summered in Independence, Iowa and wintered in San Francisco, Ca. His address was 1810 Jessie Street. In 1888 he described himself as an invalid as a result of the Civil War. In a letter of Feb. 27, 1888 he says that receipt of a recent letter from either R. E. Noble or his wife was well received because he had lost track of their family. In a letter later in the same year, he gives the address of his attorney in Washington D. C. to R. E. Noble because he heard that R. E. Noble was having trouble with his disability claim with the Veterans Affairs Office.

The names of his daughters were obtained from the will of a cousin who bequeathed money to the children of Robert E. Noble and Joseph D. Noble.


Burial: Oakwood Cem. Independence, Ia.

Children of JOSEPH D. NOBLE are:


ii. ADA NOBLE (Source: Will of Sarah E. Aiken.), m. ? SWAN.

1860 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa: J. D. Noble (age 43, grain dealer, born Penn), Agnes G. Noble (age 35, born Penn), Frank Noble (age 17, born Penn), Mary A. Noble (age 13, born Illinois), Richard H. Noble (age 10, born Illinois), J. A. Gillepsi (age 30, born Illinois), Chas. Palmer (age 25, born Ill), Chas. Noble (age 10, born Ill), and M. Wilde (age 54, grain dealer, born Penn),

1870 Census: Independence Ward 1, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joseph D. Noble (age 51, grain dealer, born Penn.), Agnes G. Noble (age 43, born Penn), Charles Noble (age 16, clerk in store, born Illinois), Eleanor Noble (age 9, born Iowa) and Ada Noble (age 4, born Iowa).

1880 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Agnes G. Noble (age 53, married, born Penn), daughter Nellie G. Noble (age 19, teacher, born Iowa), daughter Ada Noble (age 14, born Iowa), sister Jennie Gillispie (age 46, single, born Pennsylvania). (note a single sister with the last name Gillispie)

1880 Census: San Francisco, San Francisco County, California: Joseph D. Noble (age 65, single, lodger, clerk, born Pennsylvania). He appeared to be living in a boarding house of some sort.

1885 Iowa State Census: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Agnes Noble (age 59, single, born Penn), Ada Noble (age 19), Richard G. Swan (age 24), Eleanor Swan (age 24) and Charles R. Swan (age 1).

Joseph D. Noble died Sept. 3, 1891 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa

Agnes Graham (Gillespie) Noble died Aug. 4, 1892. She was widowed. Spouse's name: Joseph D. Noble. She is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, Deaths and Burials, 1850-1950).

1925 Iowa State Census: I searched for someone with parents Joseph Noble and Agnes. I found Elenor Swan, father Joseph Noble, born Penn. Mother no first name Gilespie, born Penn. (this lead me to the other research items with her last name of Gillespie).

Marriage record for Eleanor Grace Noble (married Richard Swan Nov. 23, 1882), showed her parents names as Joseph D. Noble and Agnes G. Gillespie. (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934.)

Marriage Record for Ada Noble (married Richard Swan Aug. 14, 1926), show her parents names Joseph Dick Noble and Agnes Graham Gillespie. (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934.)

Nourse, Joel D. He was born about 1820 in New Hampshire. He was the son of Luther Nourse and Lucy Davis. He married Lucia Bassett on Aug. 26, 1846 in Pittsford, Rutland County, VT. She was the daughter of Arba Bassett and Roxcellana Maynard.

Luther Nourse, son of Ebenezer, was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., July 16, 1787, married Lucy Davis, of that town, in 1812, and resided on the home farm with his parents until 1825, when he removed to Albany Vt. He afterwards removed to Canada, and from thence, in 1835, to Pittsford. He resided some time in the Nixon house, from which he removed to the Wright farm, a little south of Lewis White's, and in 1850, he and his son Joel bought the place now owned by Jeduthan Thomas. A few years later Joel sold his share of the property to his brother William, who married and resided there with his father till 1863, when they sold the place. After residing two years at Mill Village, and one at Center Rutland, they removed to Fairhaven, where the father died in 1868.

Joel Nourse, son of Luther, married Lucia Bassett, August 26, 1846. After residing some time with his father, he removed to Chittenden where he remained a few years, and then moved to the State of Wisconsin. Lucia M. Bassett, daughter of Arba and Roxcellana (Maynard) Bassett, was born 3 Sep 1829 in Vermont. She died 23 Jul 1922. She married Joel Nourse on 26 Aug 1846 in Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont by the Rev. Levi Smith.

Source: History of the Town of Pittsford Vt. With Biographical Sketches and Family Records

1850 Census, Chittenden, Rutland, Vermont: Joel Nurse (age 29), Lucia Nurse (age 21), Clarence V. Nurse (age 2).

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joel Nourse (age 39, born New Hampshire), Lucia M. Nourse (age 30, born Vermont), Clarence Nourse (age 12, born Vermont), Mary A. Nourse (age 6, born Vermont), Geo Bassett (age 21, born Vermont).

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa, Iowa: Joel Nourse (age 48), Lucia M. Nourse (age 40), Vernon Nourse (age 22), Mary Alice Nourse (age 16), Frank Nourse (age 2).

Joel D. Nourse died Oct. 26, 1878 and is buried in Oran Cemetery, Oran, Fayette County, Iowa.

1880 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucia Nourse (age 50, widowed) son Frank Nourse (age 12), daughter Annie (age 8).

I searched the 1925 Iowa State Census for anyone with parents named Joel and Lucia. I found Alice Walker, in Osceola County, age 70 born about 1855, parents names were Joel Nourse and Lucia Bassett ( has it indexed as Bussell), husband was O. W. Walker

Children of Joel D. Nourse and Lucia Bassett:

  1. Clarence Vernon Nourse - born 23 Jan 1848, died 18 Jan 1918, married Nettie Bowdish on 12 May 1874. They had Ruby, born 13 Nov 1875, died about 1877. He married (2) Helen Walker Wallis.
  2. Albert Arby Nourse - born 5 Jul 1852, died 15 Nov 1853.
  3. Mary Alice Nourse - born 12 Mar 1854, died 23 Dec 1925, married Orville Walker on 20 Nov 1870.
  4. Frank E. Nourse - born 18 Jul 1867, died 9 May 1956, married Ella Mae Preble on 27 Apr 1892. They had Albert Carl Nourse, born 22 Apr 1899, married Dorothea on 22 May 1922.
  5. Annie Amelia Nourse - born 27 May 1872, died 29 Jul 1949, married Edwin E. Dean on 7 Oct 1889.

Ober, Elijah S. He was born about 1829 in Massachusetts. He was the son of Elijah P. Ober and Susanna Richardson. He married Rebecca G. Jackson on July 3, 1852 in Middleborough, Plymouth Mass. (Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910). Pension application says July 5, 1852.

1856 Iowa State Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: E. S. Ober (age 26, born Mass., blacksmith), Rebecca G. Ober (age 26, born Mass.), Lodomea E. Ober (age 0, born Illinois). They had been in the State of Iowa for less than a year.

1860 Census, Frederika, Bremer County, Iowa: Elijah S. Ober (age 31, born Mass.), Rebecca G. Ober (age 31, born Mass.), Lodema E. Ober (age 4, born Ill.), Nelson Ober (age 2, born Iowa), Lucinda Ober (age 2/12, born Iowa.)

Elijah S. Ober died April 9, 1864 at Helena Arkansas, of chronic bronchitis.

His widow Rebecca G. Ober filed for a pension on Aug. 26, 1864.

1865 Massachusetts State Census, Shutesbury, Franklin, Massachusetts Rebecca G. Ober (age 35, widowed, born Middleborough, Massachusetts), Lodema L. Ober (age 9, born Harvard, Illinois), Nelson Ober (age 5, born Tripoli, Iowa), Lucinda Ober (age 5, born Tripoli, Iowa) and Elijah S. Ober (age 9 months, born Tripoli, Iowa). Living next door to them was Elijah's parents: Elijah P. Ober (age 63, born Townseld, Vt, farmer), Susannah L. Obert (age 61, born Shutesbury) and Henry Ober (age 22, born Montaque), (The state census was found on

There are two marriages listed on Elijah S Ober married Helena C. Richter on May 30, 1889; Lucinda Ober married Robert B. Barnes on Sept. 14, 1898. Plus one death: Nelson Ober, born 1859, died Jan. 21, 1888. These are all listed in Massachusetts. And all list their parents as Elijah S. Ober and Rebecca G. Ober. It appears that his family moved back to Massachusetts after his death.

I could not find them on the 1870 or 1880 census. Rebecca G. Jackson Obert died Oct. 1, 1898 in Middleboror, Taunton, Massachusetts. She was age 69 and widowed. Spouse: Elijah Ober. (Massachusetts, Deaths 1841-1915)

On the 1910 Census in Middleboro, Plymouth, Massachusetts, I found an Elijah S. Ober (age 46, married one time for 22 years, born Iowa), wife Helena C. Ober (age 43, married 22 years, 0 children born) and sister Evelyn L Ober (age 54, born Iowa.) This could be Lodema E. Ober that was age 4 on the 1860 census with her brother Elijah.

Orput, Rezin He was born Dec. 15, 1836 in Ohio. He was probably the son of James B. and Mary Orput. He married Martha C. Abbott. She was the daughter of William Abbott and Phoebe Buzan. (Her maiden name and parents names were found on her online death certificate found here.

1850 Census, Monroe, Licking County, Ohio: James B. Orput (age 57), Mary Orput (age 54), Relephe Orput (age 24), Aryenetta Orput (age 19), John Orput (age 15), Reason Orput (age 13). (I don't know for sure that this is the correct family. But the child named Reason is the right age and I can see where phonetically Reason and Rezin could sound alike. If I were a descendant I would at least consider looking into this family. I also note that on the 1900 census Rezin Orput has a son named James B.

1856 Iowa State Census, Spring, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jas B. Orput (age 63) Mary Orput (age 59), A. Orput (age 25), J. C. Orput (age 21), R. Orput (age 9), Riliphe Faur (age 31), and Jas C. Faur (age 39)

1860 Census, Liberty, Buchanan County, Iowa: James B. Opart (age 66), Mary Opart (age 62), John C. Opart (age 24), Jeanette Opart (age 27), Rezin Opart (age 23) Benton Monroe (age 3) I am certain this is the same family that was in Licking county, Ohio in 1850.

Illinois Marriages - 1851 - 1900: Name Rezin Orput, Gender: Male, Spouse Name: Mrs. Martha C. Martin, Marriage Date: July 7, 1872, Marriage County: Christian, Comments: This record can be found at the County Court Records, film #0987611.

1875 Kansas State Census, Summit, Cloud County, Kansas: Rezin Orput (Age 38), M. Orput (age 26), G. E. Orput (female, age 2), W. M. Orput (female, age 1)

He filed for a pension on Jun 7, 1879.

1880 Census, Summit, Cloud County, Kansas: Rezin Orput (age 43, born Ohio), wife Martha C. Orput (age 32, born Illinois), daughter Grace E. Orput (age 7, born Illinois), daughter Winifred M. Orput (age 6, born Kansas), daughter Nettie E. Orput (age 4, born Kansas), and daughter Anna E. Orput (age 1, born Kansas)

1889 Kansas City, Missouri City Directory: Rezin Orput, Location: r east side Agnes 1st s of Howard; Occupation: Carpenter, State MO.

1885 Kansas State Census, Jamestown, Cloud County, Kansas R. Orput (age 48, carpenter, born Ohio, from Illinois to Kansas, Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Military Service of the United States; State: Iowa Company C, Regiment: 27; Infantry), M. C. Orput (age 37, born Illinois), Grace E. Orput (age 11, born Illinois), W. M. Orput (age 10, born Kansas), N. E. Orput (age 8, born Kansas), M. H. Orput (age 6, born Kansas) and Jas. B. Orput (age 1, born Kansas).

1889-1891 Kansas City Missouri City Directory: Rezin Orput, location: r Wabash avenue near 20th, occupation: carpenter, State MO

1890 Veterans Census, Gallatin, Clay County, Missouri: Rezin Orput, Private, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, discharged Aug. 8, 1865, served 2 years, 11 month, and 24 days. Post Office: Linden, Clay County, Mo

1900 Census, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri: Rezin Orput (Born Dec. 1836, age 63, married 28 years, born Ohio), wife Martha C. Orput (born May 1848, age 52, married 28 years, 6 children 4 still living, Born Illinois), daughter Annie E Orput (born July 1878, age 21, born Kansas), daughter Mary H. Orput (born Jan 1882, age 18, born Kansas), son James B Orput (born Mar. 1884, age 16, born Kansas.) ( has him indexed as Regin Orfrut)

1910 Census, Liberty Ward 4, Clay County, Missouri: Rezin Orput (age 73, married 1 time for 38 years, born Ohio), wife Martha Orput, (age 61, Married 1 time for 38 years, born Illinois, 6 children born, 4 still living), daughter Ethel Orput (age 29, born Kansas), and daughter Mary Orput (age 27, born Kansas).

Martha C. (Abbott) Orput (born May 15, 1848), died July 4, 1912 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri.

Registers, Leavenworth, U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866 - 1938: Rezin Orput,

MILIARY HISTORY: Time and Place of each Enlistment: Aug. 14, 1862, Independence Ia. Rank: Private, Company C, 27th IA Inf.. Discharged Aug. 8, 1865, Clinton Iowa. Cause of Discharge: End of War. Disabilities when admitted to the Home: End of War. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Where born: Ohio, Age 76, Height: 5-8, complexion: fair, color of eyes: blue; color of hair, gray; Can read and Write; Religion: Prot; Occupation: Carpenter, Residence subsequent to Discharge: Kansas City, Mo., Married or Single? widower. Name and address of nearest relative: dau Miss. Ethel Orput, 3016 Wabash, Kansas City, Mo. HOME HISTORY: Rate of Pension: 20, Date of Admission: ad Mch 17-13 W Br., date of death: Mch 29, 1913: cause of death: mental insufficiency. GENERAL REMARKS: Papers 1 admission paper, 1 army discharge, pension certificate 301401. Location of Grave and remarks: Died at Hospital. Body shipped to Liberty, Mo for burial. Personal Appraised at 5.35. sold 90 cents.

Rezin Orput died March 29, 1913 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Block 14, Lot 2, Row 0, Space 2, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri.

Parish, Gilbert Rose He was born April 10, 1842 in Western Pennsylvania. He was the son of William John Parish (Mar. 7, 1816 - 1874) and Johanna Rose (Aug. 1, 1812 - after 1880). He married Margaret A. Gipe on Sept. 18, 1865 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa County Marriages 1838-1934) She was the daughter of William Gipe (Feb. 17, 1816 - between 1885-1895) and Mariah E. Miller (Sept. 30, 1814 - Between 1870 and 1880)

1850 Census, Rutland, Barry County, Michigan, William Parish (age 34, farmer, 300, born England), Johanna Parish, (age 39, born NY), George Parish, (age 10, born Ohio), Gilbert Parish (age 9, born Ohio), William Parish (age 7, born Ohio), John Parish (age 3, born Michigan), Thomas Parish (age 3/12, born Michigan).

1860 Census, Summer Township, Buchanan County, Iowa Wm. J. Parish (age 44, farmer, born England), Joanna Parish (age 49, born NY), George R. Parish (age 20, farmer, born Ohio), Gilbert R. Parish (age 18, farmer, born Penn), Wm Henry Parish (age 16, farmer, born Ohio), Jno M. Parish (age 13, born Mich), Thos R. Parish (age 11, born Mich.), Joseph W. Parish (age 8, born Mich), Laura M. Parish (age 5, born Mich.)

1870 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa Gilbert Parrish (age 27, farmer, born Pennsylvania), Margaret Parrish (age 28, born Pennsylvania), Jane Parrish (age 7, born Iowa), Anson Parrish (age 3, born Iowa), Byron Parrish (age 9/12, born Iowa in Sept.), and John Parrish (age 23, farm laborer, born Michigan)

1880 Census, Prairie Dog, Harlan, Nebraska, Gilbert R. Parish, (age 38, married, farmer, born Ohio), wife Margaret A. Parish (age 39, married, keeping house, born Ohio), Anson Parish (age 12, son, at school, born Iowa.), Parish, Biron (son, at school, born Iowa), Harlan Parish (age 8, son, at school, born Neb.), Vern Parish (age 4, son, at school, born Neb.), Jed Parish (age 2, son, born Neb.), Note: this family lived between the families of Garret A. Gipe and George W. Gipe (Margaret's brothers).

1885 Nebraska State Census, Prairie Dog, Harlan County, Nebraska: G. R. Parish (age 43, farmer, born Pennsylvania), wife Margaret Parish (age 44, born Pennsylvania), son Arnold Parish (age 17, born Iowa), son Byron Parish (age 15, born Iowa), daughter Sem Parish (age 10, born Nebraska), son Jed Parish (age 7, born Nebraska) and son Lee Parish (age 4, born Nebraska). (Note for the 10 year old, the census record clearly said daughter. But it appears to me that this should be Vern Parish born 1875).

1890 Veterans Census, Prairie Dog, Harlan County, Nebraska: Gilbert R. Parish, Private, Co. C, 27 Iowa Inf., Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Discharged Aug. 8, 1865. Post Office Address: Alma, Harlan Co. Nebraska: Disability Incurred: Bullet wound in breast.

1900 Census, Prairie Dog, Harlan, Nebraska, Gilbert R. Parish, (born Apr, 1842, age 58, married 38 years, born Pennsylvania), wife Margaret A. Parish (born Mar. 1841, age 59, married 38 years, 9 children, 6 living, born Pennsylvania), son Lea Parish (born Sept. 1880, age 19, born Nebraska). Living next door was Harlan Parish (born Oct, 1871, age 28, married 4 years, born Nebraska), wife Lucy Parish (born Nov, 1879, age 20, married 4 years, 1 child, 1 living, born Nebraska) and daughter Lillie M. Parish (born Nov., 1898, age 1, born Nebraska)

Gilbert R. Parish died March 17, 1903 in Index, Whatcom County, Washington. He is buried in Lynden Cemetery, Whatcom Co., Washington


Gilbert Rose Parish was born in Pennsylvania April 10, 1842 died at Index, Washington, March 17, at 9:50 a.m.. 1903, being sixty one years of age.

He served three years as a private soldier in the Civil War in Company C, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Iowa Volunteers. He moved with his parents from Pennsylvania to Ohio, thence to Michigan and later to Iowa. Here in August 1865 he was married to Margaret Ann Gipe and in 1871 he moved with his wife and three children to Nebraska where he took up a homestead which has been his permanent home ever since, thus he has spent the greater part of his life in a frontier country. He has always taken an active part in politics from a Republican standpoint, being one of the organizers and first treasurer of Harlan County, always working for the best interest of the county and people concerned.

To Mr. and Mrs. Parish were born nine children of which six are still living, Jane Elizabeth at Elm Creek, Nebraska, Byron at Goodland, Kansas, Harlan and Lee at Alma, Nebraska and Vern and Jed who reside here. Amon, the oldest boy died at Lander, Wyoming in March 1895, leaving a wife and two sons, Lloyd Anson and Everett, all of whom reside near Lynden. Deceased also leaves twenty-one grand-children and four great-grandchildren. He was a patriotic Citizen, a kind father and a loving husband.

(additional article on April 2, 1903)

Death came to Mr. Parish while on the Northern Pacific train near Index, while on his way to his old home in Nebraska. He had been out in this part of the country for the benefit of his health and with his wife was returning to the old home when he died. After consultation with the county sheriff the remains were returned to Snohomish for the coroner's inquest. Death was declared to be due to heart disease. Physicians have stated his ailment to be traced to a gunshot wound in the breast, received in battle. The body being embalmed, Mrs. Parish returned with same to Whatcom on Wednesday evening train. There the body remained until Saturday March 21, when it was conveyed to the Lynden cemetery, where the funeral services took place at 11 a.m. under the auspices of G.A.R. post of Lynden. (From The Pacific Pilot, March 26 and April 2, 1903).

Children of Gilbert Rose Parish and Margaret Gipe:

  1. Infant 1 Parish b: BEF 1863
  2. Infant 2 Parish b: BEF 1863
  3. (Jennie) E. Parish b: 22 FEB 1863
  4. Anson Parish b: 21 JUL 1867 in Alma, Nebraska
  5. Byron Parish b: 6 SEP 1869
  6. Harlan Parish b: 19 OCT 1871 in Harlan County, Nebraska
  7. Verne Parish b: 22 AUG 1875 in Nebraska
  8. Jed (Jeddediah) Quincy Parish b: 13 FEB 1877 in Iowa
  9. Lee Parish b: 14 AUG 1881 in Alma, Harlan County, Nebraska

I did not find any explanation about 3 children born before their marriage date. Was one of them previously married?

Patterson, Samuel W. He was born July 1841 in Ohio. He was probably the son of Hugh and Mary Patterson. He married Sarah (1875 & 1880 Census). He married Lucinda (1900 Census, 1910 Census says Louie. Based on the number of years married, Lucinda and Louie appear to be the same person). I could not determine who his third wife was (per the 1910 census).

1850 Census, Wayne, Adams County, Ohio: Hugh Patterson (age 69, born Ireland), Mary Patterson (age 48, born Ohio), Robert (age 19), Hugh (age 16), Martha (age 13), Samuel (age 9), Thomas (age 9), Mary (age 6), Ambrose (age 4), and Rache (age 1) (Note: I am pretty sure this is the correct Samuel Patterson. On all census records he reports father born Ireland, mother born Ohio. In 1875, H. Patterson, Mary and Ambrose Patterson were next door to S. W. Patterson in Jackson County, Kansas. In 1880 in Jackson County, Kansas, there was an Ambrose Patterson just a couple of houses away from Samuel Patterson).

1860 Census, Franklin, Bremer County, Iowa: Hugh Patterson (age 63, born Ireland), Marry Patterson (age 54, born Ohio), Samuel Patterson (age 19, born Ohio), Thomas Patterson (age 17), Mary Patterson (age 15), Ambrose Patterson (age 11), and R. A. Patterson (Female, age 10).

1875 Kansas State Census, Cedar, Jackson County, Kansas: S. W. Patterson (age 34, merchant, born Ohio), S. J. (age 31, born Ohio), M. J. (female, age 7, born Iowa), W. H. (male, age 6, born Iowa). Next door to this family was H. Patterson (age 78, born Ireland), Mary (age 68, born Ohio) and Ambrose (age 25, born Ohio). This family was from Iowa. Two houses over from them was T. Patterson and family. This is clearly the family that was first in Ohio, and then Iowa.

1880 Census, Tippinsville, Jackson County, Kansas: Samuel W. Patterson, (age 38, born Ohio, Dry Goods and Groceries), wife Sarah J. Patterson (age 35, born Ohio), daughter Mattie (age 12, born Iowa), son William (age 10, born Iowa).

He filed for a pension on Dec. 2, 1881 in Kansas.

1885 Kansas State Census, Cedar, Jackson County, Kansas: Samuel W. Patterson (age 43, widowed, merchant, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, honorably discharged from the Volunteer military service of the United States: Yes. State: Iowa. Company C, 27 Regiment Infantry.), Mattie J. Patterson (age 16, born Iowa), and W. H. Patterson (male, age 15, born Iowa).

1890 Veterans Census, Nelson, Nuckolls County, Nebraska: Samuel W. Patterson, Recruit, Company C, 27 Ia Vol. Enlisted Jan 4, 1864, Discharged Jan 20, 1866, served 2 years, 16 days. Post Office Address: Nelson, Neb., Nuckolls County, Disability Incurred: Diarrhea. Remarks: Receives Pension.

1900 Census, Dallas Ward 12, Dallas Texas: Lucinda Patterson (born Dec. 1861, age 38, married 14 years, 5 children born, 3 still living, born Illinois), father James M. Hays (born Sept. 1840, age 59, widowed, born Illinois), daughter Grace R. Patterson (born Sept. 1888, age 11, born Kansas, daughter Lucille, born June 1899, age 11/12 born Texas, son Robert, born June 1897, age 2, born Texas), husband Samuel W. Patterson, born July 1841, age 58, married 14 years, born Ohio, minister).

1910 Census, Mound, Effingham, Illinois: Sam'l W. Patterson: (age 68, married 3 times, born Ohio, Clergyman, Presbyterian), wife Louie A. Patterson (age 48, married 1 time for 24 years, 5 children born, 2 still living, born Illinois), Daughter Loucile, age 10, born Texas).

Samuel W. Patterson died Feb. 13, 1919 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warsaw, Kosciusko County, Indiana.

His widow Louie A. Patterson filed for a pension on Feb. 20, 1919 in Indiana.

1920 Census, Washington, Logan County, Ohio: J. C. Culp (age 34), wife Grace Culp (age 31), son Charles T. Culp (age 5), Mother in Law Louie Patterson (age 58, widowed), sister-in-law Lucile Patterson (age 20).

1930 Census, Warsaw City, Kosciusko County, Indiana: Louie A. (age 68 and widowed) daughter Grace R. Culp (age 41 and widowed) and grandson Charles L. Culp (age 16, born Ohio).

Louie A. Patterson died in 1936 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warsaw, Kosciusko County, Indiana.

Pelley, Samuel Vincent He was born Feb. 12, 1844 in Canada. He was the son of Stephen Pelley (Nov. 22, 1807 - May 15, 1886) and Elnora Vincent (Dec. 28, 1809-April 16, 1881), He married Lydia Clark on January 23, 1873. She was the daughter of George Clark.

1850 Census, Harrison, Winnebago County, Illinois: Stephen Pelley, (age 46, born England, Leonora (age 32, born England), William (age 17), Mary A. (age 15), John (age 13), George (age 11), Sarah (age 9), Samuel (age 6), and Joseph (age 3) All the children were born in Canada.

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Stephen Pelly (age 55, farmer, born England), Norah Pelly (age 50), John Pelly (age 23), George Pelly (age 21), Sarah Pelly (age 18), Sam'l Pelly (age 16) and Joseph Pelly (age 14).

1870 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Stephen Pelley (age 63, born England), Elnora (age 60, born England), Samuel V. (age 26, farmer, born Upper Canada), Sarah (age 29, born Upper Canada), Joseph (age 24, born Upper Canada).

1880 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Samuel V. Pelley (age 36, farmer, born Canada), wife Lydia (age 28), Daughter Viola (age 4), Son George S. (age 3), and daughter Dessa I. (Born Oct. age 7/12.) Living next door to them were: Joseph Pelley (age 34), father Stephen Pelley (age 72,), mother Elnora (age 70), and sister Sarah (age 38.)

Elnora Pelley died April 16, 1881 and is buried in Spring Creek Cemetery, Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

1885 Iowa State Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: S. V. Pelley (age 40), Lydia (age 32), Viola A. (age 9), George S (age 7), Dessie A (age 5). Next door to them was Stephen Pelley (age 77, widowed), Joseph Pelley (age 38), and Sarah Pelley (age 44).

Stephen Pelley died May 15, 1886 and is buried in Spring Creek Cemetery, Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

Lydia (Clark) Pelley (born Feb. 3, 1852 - died Jan. 31, 1895) is buried in Spring Creek Cemetery, Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa,

1900 Census, La Porte, Black Hawk, Iowa: Samuel V. Pelley (born Feb. 1844, age 56, widowed, born Canada, immigrated 1856, in the United States 44 years, Naturalized, Retired Farmer.), daughter Viola Pelley (born Dec. 1875, age 24).

1910 Census, Big Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Samuel Pelley (age 67, widowed).

1915 Iowa State Census, La Porte City, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Samuel V. Pelley, age 71, retired farmer, widowed, Extent of Education: Common 3, Birthplace: Canada, owns his own home, value of home: 2500, Military: Civil War, Infantry, State: Iowa, Regiment 27, Company C. Church Affiliation: ? Methodist, can read and write, Naturalized, Years in U.S. 67. Years in Iowa 67, Father's birthplace: England, Mother's birthplace: England.

1920 Census: Waterloo Ward 1, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Hugh Granahan (age 53, married, born Pennsylvania), wife Viola Granahan (age 44, married, born Iowa), son Robert V. Granahan (age 10, born Iowa), father-in-law Samuel V. Pelley (age 75, widowed, born Canada).

Samuel Vincent Pelley died Jan 23, 1922 and is buried in Spring Creek Cemetery, Spring Creek, Black Hawk County, Iowa.

Samuel Pelley, Veteran, is Dead.

Pioneer of Iowa and Old Resident of La Porte City Passes Late Yesterday

Samuel Vincent Pelley, a veteran of the Civil war and a pioneer of Buchanan county, where he settled in the late fifties, died at 3:05 pm, yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Hugh McGranahan, 409 Wellington street, after an illness of 11 weeks, during all of which time he was bedfast. He was the last survivor of a family of seven children.

Mr. Pelley went to Savannah, Mo., early in November to have a cancer removed from the breast. An abscess and infection developed in the right arm.


A prayer service will be at the McGranahan home at 11:30 am. Thursday, conducted by Dr. R. F. Hurlbert, and the funeral services will be at the Methodist Episcopal church at LaPorte City at 1 pm. Interment will be in the Spring Creek Cemetery, where many of the pioneers of that community are buried--the Clarks, the Dennys, the Pelleys, the Tennants, the Teeters and others.

Samuel V. Pelley was born Feb. 12 1844 in Canada. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pelley, moved to Buchanan County on raw prairie three miles and a half northwest of Brandon. The first home was a log cabin. Timber was easily procured from the native forests along Spring Creek. Those who wanted more pretentious homes in those early days hauled the lumber from Dubuque.


Before he had reached his interest birthday Mr. Pelley enlisted for service in the Civil War. He became a member of Co. C Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, of which William Refsnider of Waterloo was also a member. Mr. Pelley served his country for three years in the capacity of a soldier, in common with his comrades he suffered many privations on southern battlefields.


Mr. Pelley on Jan. 23, 1873, was married to Miss Lydia Clark, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Spring Creek township. She was a sister of J. A. Clark and Mrs. W. M. Robe, Waterloo, Thurman Clark, LaPorte City and W.L. Clark Clarkston Washington. Mrs. Pelley died Jan. 31, 1895. A few years later Mr. Pelley and a daughter moved to La Porte City and the latter place has been considered his home ever since. He was a member of the LaPorte City post of the Grand Army of the Republic. Veterans of the Civil War from there and from Waterloo visited him during his illness.

Three children survive: Mrs. McGranahan. George S. Pelley, living on the homestead, and Mrs. William Benson. 2002 Mulberry street. Waterloo. Ten grand children and one great grandchild also survive.

The Evening Courier and Reporter, Waterloo, Iowa
Tuesday, January 24, 1922

Progress Review, La Porte City, Black Hawk County, Iowa, Thursday Afternoon, January 26, 1922.

Well Known Veteran Dead

S. V. Pelley Long Time Resident of this City Dies at Home of Daughter in Waterloo.

S. V. Pelley, a Civil War veteran and resident of La Porte City for a long time, passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Hugh McGranahan, in Waterloo, Monday afternoon at three o'clock. Mr. Pelley had not been well for several years and within the past year had suffered several severe illnesses. Early in the winter he went to a sanitarium in Savannah, Mo, to be treated for cancer of the breast. He submitted to an operation but after the removal of the malignant growth an abscess and infection developed in his right arm. His daughter, Mrs. McGranahan and his son-in-law William Benson, were called to his bedside and removed him from Savannah to Waterloo, where he remained in the home of the former until death relieved him from his suffering.

Samuel Vincent Pelley was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pelley and was born February 12, 1884 in Canada. While he was still a small boy his parents moved to Buchanan County and settled on a farm three and one-half miles northwest of Brandon. They were among the pioneers in that section, their farm being raw prairie land and their home a log cabin.

Mr. Pelley enlisted for service in the Civil War when he was but seventeen years old and served for three years in Company C, Twenty-Seventh Iowa Infantry. Following the close of his service he returned to his home near Brandon and again engaged in farming.

On Jan. 23, 1873, Mr. Pelley was married to Miss Lydia Clark, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and a sister of T. K, Clark of this place. They established their home in Buchanan County and lived there until the death of Mrs. Pelley Jan. 31, 1895. Mr. Pelley then came to La Porte City and purchased a home in the east part of town. His daughter kept house for him until her marriage to Mr. McGrananhan of Waterloo, and since then he has lived alone the greater part of the time. He was a member of the Local G.A.R. Post and attended all the meetings as long s his health permitted. He was the last survivor of a family of seven children.

Mr. Pelley left three children, two daughters and one son, Mrs. Hugh McGranahan and Mrs. William Benson of Waterloo, and George S. Pelley, who lives on the old homestead in Buchanan County.

A short prayer service was held at the home of his daughter in Waterloo this morning at 11:30 o'clock and was conducted by Rev. R. F. Hurlburt, pastor of First Methodist Church. The remains were brought to La Porte City and the funeral was held in the Methodist church at 1:00 o'clock. Rev. D. W. Scott, assisted by Rev. E. E. Clements, officiating. Interment was made in the Spring Creek Cemetery.

Poor, James Arminius He was born Nov. 11, 1835 in Pawlett, Rutland County, Vermont. He was the son of David Poor and Julia Ann Wetherwax. He married Amelia Lucinda Herrick (born Jan 25, 1839 in Lima, Livingston County, New York) on April 30, 1859 in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

James A. Poor––Men of intelligence, force of character and business capacity need no factious introduction to public favor. They win that favor by their own merit, and by their merit they also hold it. It frequently happens that unworthy individuals are thrust into positions of prominence by fortune, and for a while they disport themselves in the cobweb of circumstance with marked elegance and much feigned superiority, but "time," which it is said "tries all things," soon robs them of their false glory and, shorn of their borrowed honors, they silently drop to the rear, where they take the place which in reality belongs to them.

There is no better test of genuine merit, of solid attainments, of positive superiority, then the ease and the steadiness with which a man sustains himself in a position of public trust and honor.

The subject of this brief biographical notice, James Arminius Poor, for 16 years past treasurer of Buchanan, County and for 21 years an employee in charge of important official trust connected with the same office, is one to whom the foregoing observations apply with special force and significance. He is now in point of service the oldest official in the County and, it need hardly be added, one of the most popular officers the county has ever had. Mr. Poor is also an old citizen of Buchanan County and an old soldier, belonging to those two classes of honored men, citizens and patriots, which all unhappily feel are too fast vanishing from the land subdued by their labors and saved by their valor. His biography, therefore, possesses a triple interest for this volume.

The ancestry of James A. Poor runs back into the early settled families of New England and New York. His father, David Poor, was a native of Vermont, and his mother, who bore the maiden name of Julia Ann Wetherwax, was a native of New York. These met in the latter state where they were married, and where they also passed their entire wedded lives. David Poor was three times married and was the father of seven children. He was a minister of the Methodist Church, and devoted all his years to the duties connected with his position. For five years, from 1855 to 1860, he was a resident of Buchanan County, this state and many of the older citizens of this County retain a most favorable remembrance of him and his valuable services in connection with the Ministry of the gospel while he resided here. He died in Washington County, New York, April 4, 1889, in the 86th year of his age having been born 1804. His wife, the mother of the subject of this notice, died many years ago while the family was yet together and residing in Saratoga Springs, New York.

Of the seven children born to Rev. David and Julia A. Poor, four were sons and three were daughters. All of them married and each became the head of the family. Two of the sons were ministers of the gospel and served with credit in the Union Army during the late war. The full list is as follows – – Elizabeth, who became the wife of W. A. Jones, and who died in 1868, in Independence, Buchanan County; Clarissa M., who became the wife of A. H. Fonda, and an old settler of Independence, and died in that place some years ago; Rev. William H., a minister of the Methodist Church, died at Newark, New Jersey, May 8, 1890; Wesley Clark, now residing in the town of Cambridge, Washington County, New York; James Arminius, whose name heads this notice; Rev. Wilbur Fisk, a minister of the Lutheran Church, residing in Montgomery County, New York, and Mary G., the wife of William Hemstreet, of Green Island, Troy County New York.

The fifth of these, James Armin is, the subject of this sketch, was born in the town of Pawlet, Vermont, November 11, 1836. He was reared mainly in the state of New York, spending his youth in different localities, according to the changes made in his parents place of residence by the conference of which his father was a member. He received the rudiments of a good English education, and quitting the parental roof at the age of 18, came West in 1854 and located in Buchanan County, taking up his residence in Independence on the 21st day of March, that year. Mr. Poor came West to better his fortunes, and he therefore came prepared to stay. Buchanan County did not present a very tempting field of labor, not to say enjoyment, for an Eastern bred-lad at that date. Society here then lacked many of the delicacies which have come to it with ripening years. At that time, life, even with those most advantageously situated, was reduced, in a large measure, to the ceaseless round of daily toil incident to the task of winning bread-and-butter enough to enable the settlers "to hold their own." With the determination of securing a foothold in his new home, and growing into a citizen of the County, worthy of whatever fortune might have in store for him, our subject resolutely set about to work, taking the first employment offered to him. For while he was engaged on the river, running a ferryboat, then he secured a clerkship in a dry goods store, and later went into the lumber business. In the meantime he married on April 30, 1859 taking to wife Miss Amelia L. Herrick, then of Buchanan County, Iowa, but who was a native of Yates County, New York. Mr. Poor was engaged in the lumber business with his brother-in-law, W. A. Jones, when the great Civil War came on, and his business was brought to an abrupt close, for the time, by his enlisting for the defense of the union August 15, 1862. He entered Company C, 27th Iowa infantry, and his Regiment going at once into service, he was out from the day of his enlistment till the close of the war. The 27th, it will be remembered, was one of Iowa's splendid regiments which covered a wide area and did excellent service, but which unfortunately did not have the opportunities to win the distinction that other regiments did. He began his service on the northern frontier, going as escort to a supply train, from Fort Snelling to Mille Lacs, in which service it was engaged for about six weeks. Taking it place then in November, 1862, as part of Sherman's Army, its chief operations were confined for the next 12 or 18 months to Tennessee and Mississippi. It was engaged in a number of minor expeditions in these states, and it performed Provost guard and picket duty to September, 1863, when it entered on the campaign into Arkansas, and participated in the taking of Little Rock. It was then on Sheridan's Meridian raid, and following that the Red River campaign under Banks, the Tupelo and Oxford expedition, the Battle at Nashville December 16 and 17, and finally the Mobile campaign, winding up with the siege and assault on Fort Blakely, the last contest, of any moment, of the war. Mr. Poor entered the service as a private. He was shortly afterwards appointed fourth Sgt., then promoted to first Sgt., and on June 14, 1864 to first Lieutenant. He shared the fortunes of the 27th from beginning of its service, until after it entered on the Mobile campaign. He was taken sick at Montgomery, Alabama and resigned with the view of returning home to recuperate, but his resignation was not accepted until after the surrender, so he practically served up to the close of the war.

The war over, he returned to Independence, and from 1865 to 1869 was with A. H. Fonda in the dry goods business. December 1, 1869, he received the appointment as deputy County Treas. Buchanan County, under L. A. Main, Treas., and entering the treasurer's office at that date he served as deputy until January, 1874, when having been elected treasurer during the preceding November, he took charge of the affairs of the office, and he has had charge of them since having been eight times reelected, serving now his 16th year. There may be counties in Iowa which have better treasurers than Buchanan County has, but it would probably be a very difficult matter to convince the people of Buchanan County that this is so. There is no need for us to encumber thought with language and attempting to tell the general public what Mr. Poor is, either in public or in private life. His 21 years service in the most responsible office in Buchanan County, speaks abundantly to the point as to what he is as an official, and no higher title could be conferred on any man in this land of untitled nobility, than the one given to him by all who know him, that of a perfect gentleman.

In politics Mr. Poor is a Republican, having cast his political fortunes with the great war party on its organization, and having steadily adhered to the teachings of that party since. Being an old soldier, he affiliates with his old comrades in the Grand Army of the Republic, and takes a lively interest in those matters relating to them. He is a member also a number of the popular fraternities, among them the Masonic, in which he has risen to the degree of Knight Templar, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Knights of Pythias.

Mr. Poor has a pleasant home, rendered doubly so by the interest he takes in all things pertaining to it. The domestic virtues largely preponderant in him, and under his own roof and by his own fireside he realizes the best phases and truest enjoyments of life. The lady who shares these joys with him is a daughter of one of Buchanan County's former well-known and highly respected citizen. Mrs. Poor was a young lady when her parents moved to Buchanan County. She has therefore passed a large share of her life in the home of her adoption, and there she has many friends whose society and friendship heightens the pleasures of her own household. Mr. and Mrs. Poor have a family of four children –– Elizabeth Rebecca, born June 9, 1866; Helen Louisa, born January 20, 1871; Mary Edna, May 20, 1875, and David William, August 20, 1877.

Biographical Souvenir of Delaware and Buchanan Counties, Iowa, 1890, page 681

1860 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. A. Jones (age 37), Elisabeth C. Jones (age 30), Ellen M. Jones (age 3), Amelia A. Jones (age 1), James Poor (age 24), David Poor (age 55, M. E. Clergyman), Julia A. Poor (age 49), and Mary Poor (age 16).

1870 Census, Independence Ward 4, Buchanan County, Iowa: James A. Poor (age 34, clerk in Co. Treas. Office), Amelia L. Poor (age 31), Elizabeth Poor (age 4) and Bell Boromrick (age 21, domestic servant). (note had them indexed as Porr.)

1880 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: James A. Poor (age 43, born Vermont, County Treasurer), wife Amelia L. Poor (age 41), daughter Libbie R. Poor (age 14), daughter Helen L. Poore (age 9), daughter Edna M. Poor (age 5), and son William D. Poor (age 2).

1885 Iowa State Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: James a. Poor (age 48, County Treasurer), Amelia (age 46), Elizabeth R. (age 18), Helen L. (age 13), Edna M. (age 9), and David Wm (age 7)

James A. Poor filed for a pension on July 10, 1891 in Iowa.

1900 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: James A. Poor (born Nov. 1836, age 63, married 41 years, born Vermont, County Treasurer), Wife Amelia L. (born Jan. 1837, age 61, married 41 years 4 children born, 3 still living), Son-in-law Charles A. Raffauf (born Dec. 1866, age 33, married 7 years), daughter Elizabeth R. Raffauf (born May 1866, age 33, married for 7 years, 1 child born, 1 still living), Grandson Charles B. Raffauf (born Sept. 1895, age 4), Daughter Edna M (born May 1875, age 25) and son William D, born Aug. 1877, age 22).

James A. Poor died Jan. 6, 1901 in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Biographical Sketch from the Independence Conservative

The Independence Conservative gives the following biographical sketch of James Poor, probably one of the best-known men in this part of the state:

James A. Poor passed away his home in this city at 6 o'clock Sunday morning. The announcement of Mr. Poor's demise will cause no surprise, as it has been known for weeks past that he was gradually failing, with no hope of recovery, but there will be general mourning that the genial spirit has flown, and the hearty voice which ever expressed so much goodwill is forever still. Probably no other man was ever so widely known among the residents of this County as Mr. Poor. Not only was he conspicuous because of his official position, but he possessed an acquaintance that enabled him to call by name nearly every property holder in the County, and it is a matter of general knowledge in this community that few men ever enjoyed firmer friendship among those with whom he dealt. He had to a marked degree the happy faculty of impressing upon all who met him a sense of his hearty goodwill, and was ever ready, at inconvenience to himself, to extend favors to those in need, without regard to any ultimate return. He was as open-handed as he was free-hearted and rarely refused a request made him in the guise of charity. He was a genial companion, the center of every circle in which he found himself, leading in social diversions and sought after because he was "good company." It is scarcely necessary to speak of his rare business qualifications, known to everyone who has had the occasion to transact business at the county treasury.

Mr. Poor's was a strong personality, as shown by his record is County Treasurer for over a quarter of a century. His hold on the voters of the county was a personal, rather than a political one. For 20 years past his individual popularity retained him in the county treasury, despite any and all combinations to encompass his defeat. He had become so completely identified with the business affairs of the county that the influence of his personality and business methods will be felt for many years to come. It would be difficult to state exactly the date of the first appearance of the stomach trouble which brought about his death. For several years past his intimate friends knew of his affliction, and realized that he was slowly but surely failing physically. The severe attacks with which he suffered at long intervals became more frequent, and kept him for days at a time from appearing at his office. Early last summer his condition became alarming, and from that time wholly interfered with his office duties. During all the months of illness he bore up with remarkable courage, and almost to the last insisted that he would soon be back at his desk, but fortitude was of no avail against disease. Complications of a dropsical nature set in and hastened the final summons.

James Arminius Poor was born in Pawlet, Vermont, November 11, 1836. He came to Independence in 1855 with his father, Rev. David Poor, one of the early pastors of the M. E. Church of the city. Here he engaged in mercantile pursuits until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he volunteered as a member of the 27th Iowa. He served in the Army over three years and was promoted to a lieutenancy for distinguished service. Returning from the Army he again engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1869 when he was appointed deputy treasurer. After serving four years as deputy he was elected treasurer in 1873, a position to which he was continuously reelected. He was one of, if not the oldest, officeholders in the state, in the years of service. He was united in marriage in this city, April 30, 1859 to Miss Amelia Herrick, who survives. To them four children were born: Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffauf of this city, Miss Edna and Will, at home, and Miss Helen, whose death occurred February 6, 1899.

The funeral services took place yesterday, conducted by Rev. W. C. McCurdy, of the M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. Shutt, of St. James Episcopal Church. After a brief service at the residence the body was taken at 9 AM to the M. E. Church were hundreds of friends and acquaintances gathered to see the remains. At 10:30 the funeral service was held after which the body was confined to earth in Oakwood Cemetery, with the burial service of the Masonic order, of which he had been a lifelong and faithful member.

The Blue Lodge, Aholiah chapter and Kenneth Commandery were present in almost full membership, as were also the G. A. R. Post, and many Masons from Manchester, Jesup, Hazelton, Rowley, and other places of Buchanan County. The church was crowded and many were unable to gain admission. The services were solemn, impressive and beautiful, both at church and grave.

Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier, January 11, 1901

His widow Amelia L. Poor filed for a pension on Feb. 9, 1901 in Iowa.

Amelia (Herrick) Poor died February 17, 1920 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.


Independence, Feb. 17--Mrs. Amelia Poor, 81 years old, an early pioneer, died this morning at her home in Chatham street at 10 o'clock. She had been in poor heath for several years.

She is survived by her daughters, Mrs. Libbie Raffauf, Mrs. Edna Schutt and one son William of Minneapolis. Mrs. Poor's husband, James Poor, preceded her in death several years ago. He was county treasurer about twenty-five years ago. P. J. Schutt, Mrs. Poor's son-in-law, died in Chicago last month.

Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, February 17, 1920

Children of James A. Poor and Amelia L. Herrick:

  1. Elizabeth R. born June 9, 1866 - 1946 (Independence Cemetery- Name: Raffauf)
  2. Helen L., born Jan 20, 1871 - Died Feb, 1899 (Independence Cemetery)
  3. Mary Edna, born May 20, 1875 - 1939 (Independence Cemetery)
  4. David William, born Aug 20, 1877

Postel, Joseph He was born October 1838 in Ohio. He was the son of Nehemiah Postel (1797 - 1867) and Sarah Rebecca Perdue (1802 - 1858). He married first Minerva E. Franklin on Dec. 25, 1871 in Dallas County, Iowa. He married second Ettie Bruner on April 10, 1881, in Dallas County, Iowa.

Joseph Postel (son of Nehemiah Postel and Sarah Rebecca Perdue) was born 02 Oct 1830 in Ohio, and died 18 Mar 1922 in Horton, Brown Co., KS. He married (1) Minerva Franklin on 25 Dec 1871. He married (2) Ettie Bruner on 10 May 1881 in Dallas Co., Iowa.

Information from a descendant of Joseph's:

Joseph enlisted in Civil War in Independence, serving as private in Co. C of 27th Iowa Reg. During the Battle of Nashville, he lost the hearing in one ear because of the heavy artillery fire. After the war, he hunted and trapped in Northern Iowa and Southern Wisconsin, then went with a buddy to Adell, Iowa, where they married sisters. When she died, he remarried, and after their first child, they moved to Sabetha Kansas, abt 1883. They then had 7 daughters, 3 of which died when little. Joe worked as a laborer and stone mason. In 1898, 2nd wife died, and left Joe to raise the kids. One daughter was "slow" and required special love throughout her lifetime. Joe died Mar. 18, 1922 at the home of his daughter, Jessie Gertrude.  He died of apoplexy.

Joseph Postel and Daughters

Joseph Postel and daughters.  Photo was found here

1850 Census: Clay, Tuscarawas County, Ohio: Nehemiah Pastel (age 51), Sarah Pastel (age 44), John (age 17), David (age 14), Joseph (age 10), Sarah (age 9), Harriet (age 7),

1856 Iowa State Census, Otter Creek, Linn County, Iowa: Nehemiah Postel (age 58, farmer, born MD), Sarah Postal (age 50, born Ohio), David Postal (age 18, born Ohio), Joseph Postel (age 16, born Ohio), Sarah (age 15, born Ohio), Harriet (age 13, born Ohio).  They had been in Iowa for 1 year.

1860 Census: Otter Creek, Linn County, Iowa: Nehemiah Postel (age 62), David Postel (age 24), Joseph Postel (age 21), Sarah (age 19), Harriet (age 17). John Postel and family lives next door.

1870 Census, Walnut, Dallas County, Iowa: George Briar (age 48), Elizabeth (age 35), Allagra (age 10), Paine (age 6), Byron (age 7/12) and Joseph Postle (age 28), farm laborer, born Ohio)

Iowa Marriages, 1851-1900: Name: Joseph Postel, Spouse: Minerva E. Franklin, Marriage Date: Dec. 25, 1871, County: Dallas, State: Iowa.

Minerva (Franklin) Postel died Jan 10 1879 in Dallas County, Iowa

1880 Census: Washington, Dallas, Iowa: Joseph Postle (age 39, widower), daughter, Mary Postle (age 7), son William O, (age 5), son Timothy (age 3), daughter Nella (age 1).

Iowa Marriages, 1851 - 1900: Name: Joseph Postel, Spouse Ettie Bruner, Marriage Date: April 10, 1881, County: Dallas, State: Iowa:

1885 Kansas State Census: Sabetha, Nemaha county, Kansas: Joseph Postel (age 45, to Kansas from Iowa, Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Service of the United States, State Iowa, Company C, Regiment 27, Inft.), Etta Postel, (age 24) M. E. Postel (age 12), W. O. Postel (age 10), Timothy Postel (age 8), Nellie Postel (age 6).

Joseph Postel filed for a pension on June 16, 1886.

1900 Census: Rock Creek, Nemaha County, Kansas: Joseph Postel (born Oct. 1839, age 60, widowed, born Ohio), daughter Jessie (born Apr. 1885, age 15, born Kansas), daughter Rosa (born July 1889, age 10, born Kansas), daughter Belle (born Sept. 1893, age 6, born Kansas), daughter Ollie (born Aug. 1895, age 4, born Kansas), and son Timothy (born Oct. 1876, age 23, born Iowa).

1910 Census: Sebetha Ward 1, Nemaha, Kansas: Joseph Postel (age 71, widowed), daughter Jessie G. (age 23), daughter Rosie (age 18), daughter Isabelle (age 16) and daughter Olive (age 14).

1915 Kansas State Census: Sabetha, Nemaha County, Kansas: Joseph Postel (age 75, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, retired, Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Service of the United States, State Iowa, Company C, Regiment 27, Inft.), Rosia Postel (age 22, born Kansas).

1920 Census: Horton Ward 4, Brown County, Kansas:: Hiram L. Graden (age 30), wife Jessie G. Graden (age 32), daughter Genieva M. (age 6), son Eugene L. (age 5), son Rex G. (age 3), father-in-law Joseph Postel (age 80, widowed) and sister-in-law Roze E. Postel (age 29).

Joseph Postel died March 18, 1922 at Horton, Kansas. (Pension Index Record). He is buried in Sabetha Cemetery, Sabetha, Nemaha County, Kansas.

Obituary was found here.

POSTEL--Joseph Postel was born in Guernsey Co., OH, on Oct. 2, 1839; and moved to Iowa when a small boy. He enlisted in the Union army on Aug. 14, 1862, in the 27th Iowa Regiment, and was discharged on Aug. 8, 1865. He was married to Miss Minerva E. Franklin, of Iowa, on Dec. 25, 1871. To this union there were four children born-- Mrs. Mary McNary, of Sabetha; William C. Postel, of Boulder, Wyo; Timothy E. Postel of Topeka, and Mrs. Nellie Lyon of Sabetha.

He was married a second time to Mrs. Etta Bruner, of Iowa on April 10, 1881, and to this union were born eight children, three of whom died in infancy. Those who remain are: Elijah Postel, of Monticello, Ark; Mrs. Jessie G. Graden, of Horton; Mrs. Isabelle B. Cody of Wetmore; Miss Rosie E. Postel of Horton, and Mrs. Olive C. (Hunter?), of Kansas City, MO. There are 24 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Mr. Postel was reared on a farm near Independence, IA., and when he returned from the army he followed trapping and hunting in the northern part of Iowa and the southern part of Wisconsin for several years, then lived on a farm near Adell, IA, where he was married, and came to Sabetha, Kans., in 1883, (several words cant read) He resided in and near Sabetha for (?) years and was one of the pioneers of this county and knew some of the (?) of pioneer life. He removed to Fairview in 1918 where he remained with his daughter, Mrs. H. A. McNary, for about a year. He then came to Horton to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. H. L. Graden, where he died Saturday, March 18, 1922, of apoplexy. He was converted and joined the Baptist church in middle life at Sabetha, and his last days were spent in full trust in his Savior. He said that he was only waiting for the summons, for he felt that he had served his time on the earth. He was a Bible student and was well versed in its teachings. The vision of his last days were the longings for the presence of Jesus to accompany him over the river of death. Another old soldier has responded to the bugle call that is calling these old veterans so rapidly into line, to march not in war, but to pass the great inspector of souls who is no respecter of persons, where he will receive his reward by the paymaster above and be given his place in the great beyond according to his preparations here.

Mr. Postel was well known in Horton, where he has made many friends. Was better known in and around Sabetha, where he spent the most active part of his life. The funeral was held at the home of his daughter Mrs. H. L. Graden, in Horton at 8:30 am. Wed. March 21, (?) the body was shipped to Sabetha where there was another service held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. McNary, and interment was made (unable to read).

A pension for a helpless child Rosia was filed on Feb. 13, 1929.

Proctor, George W. He was born August 10, 1845 in Springs Green, Sauk County, Wisconsin. He was the son of John Proctor and Julia Martin. George W. Proctor married Ruth Reese on Feb. 23 1867 in Ridgeway, Iowa County, Wisconsin. She was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah Reese. (Wisconsin Marriages, 1836- 1930)

1850 Census: Union, Rock County, Iowa: John Proctor (age 40, born Virginia), Julia Proctor (age 28, born Ohio), John Proctor Jr. (age 6), Geo W. Proctor (age 5), Harriet (age 3), Aaron (age 7/12) and Mary Proctor (age 11).

1860 Census: Spring Green, Sauk County, Wisconsin: John Proctor (age 59, born Virginia), Julia Proctor (age 32, born Virginia), John Proctor (age 16, born Wisconsin), George W Proctor (age 14, born Wisconsin), Harriet Proctor (age 12, born Wisconsin), Aaron Proctor (age 10, born Wisconsin) and Oswald Proctor (age 2, born Wisconsin).

George W. Proctor married Ruth Reese on Feb. 14, 1867 in Barn Ville, Wisconsin

1870 Census: Powhatan, Pocahontas, Iowa: George Proctor (age 24, born Wisconsin), Ruth Proctor (age 21, born Wales), Cora Proctor (age 10/12, born Iowa) Two families over was John Proctor (age 68, born Virginia), Julia (age 48, born Ohio), Aaron (age 21, born Wisconsin), Oswald (age 12, born Wisconsin), and Henry (age 6, born Wisconsin)

1880 Census: Swan Lake, Pocahontas County, Iowa: George W. Proctor (age 34), wife Ruth R. Proctor (age 32), daughter Cora A (age 10), daughter Julia S. (age 9), son John H. (age 7), daughter Clara A. (age 4), daughter Addie R. (age 2), brother Orville Proctor (age 22). Two families over are John Proctor (age 79, born Virginia), wife Julia E. (age 60, born Ohio), son Aaron A. (age 28, born Wisconsin), and son Henry E. (age 16, born Wisconsin).

1885 Iowa State Census: Swan Lake, Pocahontas County, Iowa, George W. Proctor (age 38, born WI, Township 92, Range 33, section 20, location NW SW, carpenter), Ruth R. (age 36), Cora A. (age 15), Julia s. (age 13), John H. (age 12), Clara A. (age 8) and Addie R. (age 6).

Ruth (Reese) Proctor, died Nov. 16, 1886 and is buried in Swan Lake Cemetery, Swan Lake, Pocahontas County, Iowa.

George W. Proctor (son of John Proctor and Julia Martin) married Mary L. Allchine (daughter of Aaron Smith and Mary Kurr) on Dec. 12, 1887, in Pocahontas County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934)

George W. Proctor filed for a pension on Nov. 24, 1891 in Iowa.

1900 Census: Gales Creek, Washington County, Iowa: Geo. W. Proctor (born Aug. 1846, age 53, married 12 year, born Wisconsin, father born Virginia, mother born Ohio, carpenter), wife Mary (born April 1860, age 40, born Iowa, married 12 years, 2 children born, 1 still living), son Dan M. (born April 1894, age 6, born Iowa).

1910 Census: Foley, Tillamook County, Oregon: John H. Proctor (age 37, married 13 years, born Wisconsin), Wife Nellie (age 29, married 13 years, 2 children born, 2 still living), son George C (age 11), son W. Harlod? (age 4), father George W. (age 63, divorced), Uncle Aaron (no age listed)

1920 Census: Burlington, Skagit County, Washington: John Proctor (age 74, born Wisconsin, father born Virginia, mother born Ohio) brother George Proctor (age 73, born Wisconsin, father born Virginia, mother born Ohio). In Carnahan, Tillamook County, Oregon were John H. Proctor (age 47), wife Nellie (age 39), son George C (age 21), son Henry H. (age 14) and son Donald C. (age 7).

George W. Proctor died May 11, 1926 in Tillamook County, Oregon. (Oregon Death Record, certificate 45) He is buried in the IOOF (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) Cemetery, Tillamook, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Rhinehart, Preston A. He was born about 1847 in Indiana. He was the son of Jacob C. Rinehart and Rachel Hoffman. His sister Nancy Ellen Rinehart married Eli Anderson, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census: Perry, Clinton, Indiana: Jacob C. Rinehart (age 30, born Ohio) Rachael Rinehart (age 30, born Ohio), Nancy E. (age 9, born Indiana), Preston A. (age 3, born Indiana), Mary E (age 9/12/, born Indiana ), Newton Clark (age 27, born Ohio).

1856 Iowa State Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: John Cameron, age 45, born Ohio), Rachel Cameron (age 36, born Ohio), Rosana Cameron (age 16, born Indiana), Nancy J. Cameron (age 14, born Indiana), Manerva Cameron (age 11, born Indiana), Nancy E. Rinehart (age 15, born Indiana), Preston A. Rinehart (age 9, born Indiana), Mary E. Rinehart (age 6, born Indiana), Julia A. Rinehart (age 4, born Indiana).

1860 Census: Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: John Cameron (age 49, farmer, born Ohio), Rachel Cameron (age 35, born Ohio), Allen Rhinehart (age 13, born Indiana), Mary A. Rhinehart (age 10, born Indiana), Julia A. Rhinehart (age 5, born Indiana), Annis Cameron (age 6, born Iowa), Wm. T. Cameron (age 1, born Iowa), John G. Cameron (age 20, farmer, born Indiana), Maria Cameron (age 18, born Indiana) and Robert Cameron (age 11/12, born Iowa). NOTE: had everyone below John and Rachel Cameron indexed as Rhinehart. When I looked at the actual census record, only Allen, Mary A. and Julia were listed as Rhinehart. The rest were Cameron. Based on the information below, I know this is the right family. I suspect that Allen Rhinehart is Preston A. Rhinehart.

Preston A. Rhinehart died June 23, 1864 and is buried in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Section 8, grave 115, St. Louis, MO.

His mother Rachel Cameron filed for a pension on Aug. 17, 1885 in Iowa.

Thank you for your kind response. I returned to your wonderful site to look at the photo of Preston's grave stone. I was struck by the irony of you just posting this picture this past week. I too just made a discovery about Preston this week.

While searching your site; I discovered Eli Anderson b 1832. He had married Nancy E. Rinehart. in 1859. Preston Rinehart and Nancy were brother and sister. Children of Jacob Rinehart and Rachel Hoffman Rinehart Cameron.

What I discovered this week was in locating Preston Rinehart application for pension he listed his mother Rachel Cameron. Her husband, Jacob Rinehart, died in 1852 leaving Rachel a widow with at least 3 children. Jacob's sister; Mary Rinehart had died in 1849 leaving her husband John Cameron, with several children. John then married Jacob's widow Rachel Hoffman Rinehart and the families merged.

I hope I sensibly explained that.

Thank you again for all the wonderful information.

Best Regards

Cindy Rinehart

Rice, John G. He was born Jan. 24, 1824 in New York. He married Melvina Davis On Feb. 17, 1845 in Winnebago County, Illinois.

1850 Census, Harrison, Winnebago County, Illinois John G. Rice, (age 26), Malvina Rice (age 23), Francis M. Rice (male, age 3/12).

1856 Iowa State Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: John G. Rice (age 30, born NY), Melvina Rice (age 28, born NY), Francis Rice (male, age 6, born Ill.), William Rice (age 4, born Iowa), James M. Rice (age 1, born Iowa), Leonard Cooley (age 70), Sidney Turnam (age 40 -this age could be 10), Alanson Turnam (age 14), and Edwin Champlin (age 26).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: John G. Rice (age 34, farmer, born NY), Malvina Rice (age 33, born NY), Francis M. Rice (male, age 10, born Ill.), Wm Allen Rice (age 7, born Iowa), Jas Monroe Rice (age 5, born Iowa), Chas Henry Rice (age 3, born Iowa) and George Rice (age 1, born Iowa).

1870 Census, Gage, Nebraska: John G. Rice (age 45, born NY), Malvina Rice (age 43, born NY), Francis Rice (age 20, born Ill.), William Rice (age 17, born Iowa), James Rice (age 15, born Iowa), Chas Rice (age 13, born Iowa), George Rice (age 11, born Iowa), Delilah Rice (age 9, born Iowa) and Clara J. Rice (age 3, born Nebraska).

1880 Census, Hebron, Thayer, Nebraska: John Rice (age 56), wife Melvina Rice (age 53), and son Charles Rice (age 23).

There is a discrepancy in his date of death:

Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans: John G. Rice, Pvt. Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. Cemetery Hebron at Hebron Nebraska. Date of Death Feb. 14, 1882.

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War has this information: John G. Rice, 27th Iowa (born Jan 24, 1824 - died Jan. 14, 1883) Buried: Hebron City Cemetery, Hebron, Thayer, Nebraska (note: birth Washington Co., New York, Widow Mevina)

His widow Melvina Rice filed for a pension on July 17, 1882 -- So the 1882 date of death is probably correct.

1890 Veterans Census, Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska: Melvina Rice, widow of John G. Rice, Private, Co. C. 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, discharged Aug. 8, 1865, Length of Service: 2 years, 11 months, 24 days. Post Office Address: Hebron, Nebraska Thayer Co., Disability Incurred: Breast Smashed.

1900 Census, Hebron, Thayer, Nebraska: Malvina Rice (born Dec. 1827 in New York, age 72, widowed) Son James M. Rice (age 46) and son Charles H. Rice (age 44)

Melvina Rice is also buried in Hebron City Cemetery, Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska.

Robinson, James E. He was born about 1840 in England.

1870 Census, Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joseph Slaughter, (age 32, born Ohio), Victorine (age 28, born Ohio), Mary Slaughter (age 9, born Illinois), John Slaughter (age 6, born Illinois), Joseph Slaughter (age 4, born Illinois), Margaret Slaughter (age 1, born Iowa) and James Robison (age 28, farm laborer, born England). Note that in 1885, there is an M. Slaughter living with James and Sarah. Is this him and is this a hint to her maiden name?

1885 South Dakota State Census, Sanborn County: James Robinson (age 49, head of family, farmer), wife Sarah Robinson (age 51, farmer, born Ohio), son Curtis Tully (age 30, born Iowa), boarder M. Slaughter (female, age 10, born Iowa). Based on the "sons" name of Curtis Tully, was Sarah previously married to a Tully?

Note: on Find a Grave, there is a James Robinson, born 1840, died Feb. 1886, buried in Mt. Pleasant, Artesian, Sanborn County, South Dakota. I am trying to determine if it is the correct James Robinson. Update: Ellen Bishop, who has his memorial on Find A Grave said: "I got the WPA paper for him -- it gives his birth date as Feb 28, 1888, he entered service 8/9/1862 in Winthrop IA and discharged 8/8/1865 at Clinton IA, information is from Military records in Des Moines IA, think this is your boy! Served in Inf Co C 7th IA, he had and has only a FH family Headstone."

Note by Elaine: The enlistment and discharge dates and places are correct. The birthdate is way off (he should have been born about 1840) and the unit says 7 instead of 27. I questioned this, so she is going to go back and look at it again. However, I do feel that this is the correct James Robinson.

UPDATE: After seeing the photo of his tombstone, I am convinced this is the right James E. Robinson. Born 1840 in England and died Feb, 27, 1886. I am certain that somehow the information that Ellen Bishop sent me (above) was misinterpreted by someone. The dates of enlistment/discharge match the roster. I think someone accidently put 7th Iowa instead of 27th Iowa. There is no James E. Robinson in Company C, 7th Iowa. Also, his widow is in Sanborn county in 1900.

His widow Sarah Robinson filed for a pension on January 28, 1887 in Dakota.

1900 Census, District 295, Diana, Sanborn County, South Dakota: Sarah Robinson (born Aug. 1833, age 66, widowed, married 49 years, 7 children born, 3 still living, born Ohio), G-Son-in-law Frank G. Yaw (born Aug. 1872, age 27, married 6/12, born Wisconsin, cattle buyer), G-daughter Minnie E. Yaw (born Sept 1875, born Iowa).

Romig, Henry H. He was born about 1843 in New York. He was the son of Isaac Romig and Elizabeth Young.

1860 Census: Richfield, Washington County, Wisconsin: Isaac Romig (age 46, farmer, born Pennsylvania), Elizabeth Romig (age 36, born New York), Henry (age 17, born New York), Harriet (age 15, born Wisconsin), May, (age 13, born Wisconsin), James (age 11, born Wisconsin), Malinda (age 6, born Wisconsin) and Clara (age 3, born Wisconsin).

Henry H. Romig died May 22, 1864 in Memphis. He is buried in Memphis National Cemetery, Section A, Site 1989, Memphis, Tenn.

1870 Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Isaac Romig (age 56, born Pennsylvania), Elizabeth Romig (age 46, born Pennsylvania), James M. (age 21, born Wisconsin), Melinda (age 16, born Wisconsin) and Clara M (age 13, born Wisconsin.

1880 Brandon, Buchanan County, Iowa: Isaac Romig (age 66, gardener), wife Elizabeth Romig (age 56), and daughter Clara Romig (age 23).

Iowa 1885 State Census - Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Isaac Romig (age 70), Elizabeth Romig (age 61),

Isaac Romig died May 5, 1889 in Buchanan County, Iowa.

The mother of Henry H. Romig, Elizabeth Romig filed for a pension on Dec. 24, 1891 in Iowa.

Elizabeth Romig died Jun 25, 1895 in Buchanan County, Iowa.

Russell, Joseph He was born June 6, 1839 in York, Livingston County, New York. (per family trees). He was the son of Amraphael R. Russell (May 6, 1810 - Sept. 13, 1880) and Matilda Blanchard (Aug. 6, 1815 - Sept. 11, 1844). He married first Sarah Anna Dunn in 1866.

Jospeh W. Russell and Sarah Anna Dunn had two children: Mary Russell, born May 5, 1868 and George Russell, born May 24, 1869. (Note Anna Dunn's full name of Sarah Anna Dunn came from the marriage record of Mary Russell). It appears from the Cemetery information below that Sarah Anna (Dunn) Russell died June 19, 1871 and is buried in Spangler Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

I found this information on WPA - Work Projects Administration 1930's Grave Registration Survey: Joseph W. Russell, died Aug. 11, 1865, buried Spangler Cemetery, Buffalo Township, County: Buchanan Co., Iowa. Record Notes: Lot 9, Civil War Vet, but there is no marker on the grave. I feel fairly certain this information is incorrect (at least the date of death). Pension index records show that he filed for a pension in 1879. The 1885 List of Iowa Soldiers shows that he was living in Buffalo, Buchanan County in 1885. His widow filed for a pension in 1898. He may be buried in Spangler Cemetery, but I feel certain he did not die in 1865.

According to the cemetery listing on the Buchanan USGENWEB site there are four Russells buried in Spangler Cemetery: Edith J. Russell died Nov. 20, 1863, age 1 year, 2 months, 23 days. George W. Russell died Sept. 20, 1867, age 8 m. 27 days. Sarah A. Russell died June 19, 1871, age 26 years, 4 months 17 days and Walter S. Russell died Dec. 4, 1867, age 1 year, 2 months 20 days.

Joseph Russell married Lida Black on Nov. 4, 1871 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County, Marriages, 1838-1934) Is this him?? There is no mention of her in his obituary, so this may be a different Joseph Russell.

Joseph Russell filed for a pension on July 11, 1879.

1880 Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joseph Russell (age 41, widowed, broom maker, born Ohio).

Joseph W. Russell married Martha A. Field on Jan. 1, 1882 in Buffalo Grove, Buchanan County, Iowa. His parents were Amraphel Russell and Matilda Blanchard. His marital status was listed as widower. Martha A. Field was the daughter of Leonard Field and Jane Plumita. (Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992)

1885 List of Iowa Soldiers, Sailors and Marines: 27th Iowa: Joseph W. Russell, Private, Co. C. Present Post Office: Buffalo Grove

1885 Iowa State Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Joseph W. Russell (township 40, Range 8, Section 1, NW SE, age 46, married, farmer, born New York), Martha Russell (age 34, married, born Delaware County, Iowa).

Martha A. Russell (born 1851) died Feb. 18, 1885. She is buried in Madison Cemetery, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa. Add 1, Lot 125. Inscription: Wife of J. W. Russell, aged 33y 8m 12d Also buried in Madison cemetery was Martha A. Russell, born 1885, Died Feb. 26, 1885. Inscription: aged 11 d, d/o J. W. and M. A. Russell.

J. W. Russell married Amy A. Stevenson on Nov. 23, 1885 in Fayette County, Iowa. He was aged 47. His father was listed as Comraphael Russell. Mother was Matilda Russell. Parents of Amy Stevenson was John Lewis and Fanny White. (Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992)

Joseph W. Russell died Feb. 19, 1898 in Oelwein, Fayette County, Iowa.

Joseph W Russell

Died, at his home in Oelwein, of Bright's disease, on Saturday, February 19, 1898 Mr. Joseph W. Russell, aged 58 years, 5 months, 13 days. Mr. Russell was born in New Haven, Huron County, Ohio in the year of 1839. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C 27th Iowa infantry, in which Regiment he served until April, 1864, when he was transferred to the Veteran Corps serving on the staff of Colonel E. B. Alexander. Mr. Russell participated in different engagements in which his Regiment was conspicuous – but never was wounded or taken prisoner, but suffered from the results of severe marching. In the year of 1866 Mr. Russell was married to Miss Anna Dunn, of St. Louis Missouri. After little more than five years of happy life together, and the birth of two children, Mrs. Russell was removed by death, at the age of 25 years. The children are Mrs. Mary Hammond, who lives in the western part of the state, and George W Russell, South Dakota. After a number of years Mr. Russell was married to Miss Martha Fields. But she too was taken from him in a few years. About the year of 1885 he married Miss Adeline Stephenson, who survives him together with two sisters: Mrs. H. H. Hayward, of Oregon, and Mrs. William Crofoot, of Aurora Iowa. He died a happy death with full faith and trust in his Redeemer. General services were held in the M. E. Church in Oelwein, Reverend A. C. Zabriskie officiating. Interment at the West Buffalo Cemetery, Tuesday, February 22, 1897 (sic).

The Oelwein Register, March 2, 1898, Oelwein, Iowa

Note: the paper did say he was buried Feb. 22, 1897, but that is obviously an error. The paper was dated March 2, 1898.

Note: the obituary called his last wife Adeline. Marriage and Pension Index Record says Amy.

Note: I could not find a "West Buffalo Cemetery". Since Spangler Cemetery (listed above) is in Buffalo Township, Buchanan County, I wonder if that is where he is buried. The obit does not say what county the Cemetery was in -- but Fayette and Buchanan Counties are neighboring counties.

His widow Amy Russell filed for a pension on March 27, 1898 in Iowa.

Sager, Benjamin Stratton He was born June 19, 1834 in Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois. He was the son of John Sager and Eliza Ann Stratton. He married Elizabeth True Wilson on Oct. 6, 1866 at Mackinaw, Tazewell County, Illinois. She was the daughter of Nathaniel Wilson and Mary Jane Roberts.

Benjamin S. Sager Elizabeth True (Wilson) Sager

Photos above of Benjamin Stratton Sager and Elizabeth True (Wilson) Sager, submitted by Ben K. Sager and Claudia M. Franklin

The following information was provided by Ben K. Sager, descendant:

Benjamin Sager Business Card My great-grandfather, Benjamin Stratton Sager, served in Company C, 27th Iowa Infantry Volunteers during the Civil War. This is a business card he used while residing in Metamora, Illinois, before moving to Nebraska. I have also attached a picture of Benjamin and his wife, Elizabeth True (Wilson) Sager. I have no knowledge of his activities while he served in the 27th other than family legend says he "carried the flag."

His parents, John and Eliza Ann (Stratton) Sager, who moved to Iowa from Illinois in the early 1850's, were residing in Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa, when Benjamin joined the 27th. John died 03 Nov 1864 and Eliza returned to Illinois to reside with her eldest daughter. Benjamin also returned to Illinois after the Civil War and in 1866, married his brother-in-law's sister, Elizabeth True (Wilson) Loomis, a widow with 2 daughters, Emma and Esther.

Benjamin and Elizabeth resided in her home town of Metamora, Woodford County, Illinois, until 1885, where they had five children. Edwin, (not "Edward" as shown in the 1880 and 1900 Census), Mary Elizabeth (Lizzy), George, Pearl and Josephine. In 1885, Benjamin along with his oldest son, 15 year old Edwin, (my grandfather) went to Colton, Cheyenne County, western Nebraska, to homestead. Then, in 1886, Benjamin returned to Illinois and moved his family, including his two step-daughters, to the Nebraska homestead.

On 22 April 1888, Benjamin apparently suffered a massive stroke while attending church and he died in about two and a half hours. Elizabeth remained on the farm for a few years before selling it to her son-in-law.

Benjamin's brother and three first cousins also served Iowa during the Civil War. Alanson W. Sager served in Company D, 1st Iowa Cavalry. He survived the war but unfortunately met his untimely demise in 1868 allegedly by Indians in the Indian Territory. Columbus Perry French served in Company H, 2nd Iowa Cavalry. He enlisted as a private and was a 2nd lieutenant at the end of the war. Jonathan Hulett French served in Company G, 7th Iowa Infantry. He died at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862. Simon Bolivar French served in Company F, 13th Iowa Infantry until 1862. He then served in Company I, 1st Tennessee Light Artillery. He was captured and died on 02 Jan 1865 in the Confederate prison camp at Danville, Virginia.

1850 Census: District 56, Woodford, Illinois: John Sager (age 48, born NY), Eliza (age 42, born NY), Benjamin (age 16, born Illinois), Ellen (age 12), Lanson (age 5)

1860 Census: Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Isaac Schenck (age 58, Millwright), Esther H. Schenck (age 57), Harriet Schenck (age 22), A.S. Mitts (age 36, Tailor), Laura A. Mitts (age 29), Mary Holmes (age 67), Benjamin S. Sager (age 25, born Illinois, painter), and Henry Minor (age 22, carpenter).

1870 Census: Metamora, Woodford County, Illinois: Benjamin Sager (age 36, House Painter, born Illinois), Elizabeth Sager (age 33), Ester Sager (age 9), Emma Sager (age 12).

1880 Census: Metamore, Woodford County, Illinois: Benn. Sager (age 46, painter), wife Elisabeth Sager (age 42), son Edward Sager (age 10), daughter Lissy Sager (age 6), son George Sager (age 4), daughter Pearl Sager (age 1) and step daughter Essy Loomis (age 19, born Ill.)

Benjamin Sager died April 22, 1888 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska - Lot 42, Section 6

His widow Elizabeth T. Sager filed a pension on June 9, 1888 in Nebraska.

1900 Census. Caglolton, Cheyenne County, Nebraska: Elizabeth T. Sager (born July 1832, age 62, widowed, 7 children born, 7 still living.) son Edward Sager (born July 1870, age 30, married 7 years), Son George Sager (born Apr. 1876, age 24, single), daughter Josephine E. (born June 1885, age 15).

Elizabeth T. Sager (born July 22, 1838 in Metamora, Woodford County, Illinois), died Nov. 11, 1911 in Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska.

Sanders, John W. He was born about 1841 in New York.

1860 Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jerry M. Chaffey (age 27, farmer, born NY), Isabelle Chaffey (age 22, born NY), Regaldo Whitlock (age 28, farmer, born NY), John Sanders (age 20, farm hand, born NY), and Bertha Madison (age 16, born Minnesota).

John W. Sanders, died Dec. 10, 1862, Cairo, Ill. of pneumonia.

Sill, Henry F. He was born August 27, 1835 in Livonia, Livingston County, New York. He was the son of Andrew Sill and Marina Woodruff. He married Augusta Ann (Wilbur) Laton May 1867 in Fairbanks Township, Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Henry Wilbur and Joanna Jones Porter. She was previously married to John R. Laton who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa. They had one son William Wilbur Laton, born Sept. 10, 1859. John Laton died in 1866.

Captain H. F. Sill was born in Livingston county, New York, in 1835. Came to Iowa in 1852, and preempted one hundred and twenty acres in Fairbank township. Returned to New York, came back to remain permanently in 1858, when he purchased forty acres more, and has since added to his farm. He owns now three hundred acres. In 1862 he enlisted in company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa infantry. When the company was organized he was chosen second lieutenant, and was chosen first lieutenant in a few days. In 1864 was chosen captain of the company; served his country in that capacity three years, when the war closed and he returned home. Was in such favor with his men that he bears the honored title still, and will while he lives. Captain Sill was married in 1867 to Mrs. Augusta Laton; have five children-two sons and three daughters-Henry M., aged thirteen; Anna M., aged twelve; Austin W., aged seven Minnie B., aged four; Myrtie A., aged two. The captain engages in the stock business along with his extensive farming. Has what he deserves-one of Buchanan's best farms and good homes.

(Source was not stated, but it was on page 329 ejj).

Capt. Henry F. Sill, the present auditor of Buchanan County and one of that county’s best representative citizens, is a native of Livingston county, N. Y., and a descendant of two ancient and respectable families of the “Empire State.” His parents were both born in New York and there always lived. The father, Andrew Sill, was physician and devoted his life to his profession. The mother, who bore the maiden name of Marina Woodruff, was a daughter of Solomon Woodruff, the first white settler in the town of Livonia, Livingston county. After long lives of activity and usefulness, Dr. Sill and wife died in their native state, the latter in Livonia, Livingston County, in 1877, in the sixty-ninth year of her age, and former in Ontario County, in 1879, in the seventy-first year of his age. Three children were the fruits of this union, all sons, the subject of this notice being the eldest. The other two are now living, also being practicing attorneys, the elder, Edward E., in Newark , N. J., and the younger, George W., in Detroit, Mich. It is worth mentioning also that these three sons were all volunteers in the Union army and each served his country faithfully in the great crisis thought which it passed from 1861 to ’65.

The subject of this notice, Henry F. , was brought up to the age of seventeen in his native place, where in 1852, he joined the great tide of immigration which in those years was steadily pouring through the forest of New York and Pennsylvania and spreading out over the broad prairies of the West. He came to Iowa that year, and after a tour of some weeks prospecting over the country, returned East, finished his education and, having attained his majority, came again to this state and located in Buchanan County in October, 1856. He was then unmarried and came West like hundreds of others in pursuit of his fortunes. Shortly after locating in the county he purchased a tract of land in Fairbank Township on which he settled and where he entered upon the bachelor life then common in the West. He was alternately engaged in farming pursuits and teaching district school in Buchanan and adjoining counties till the opening of the Civil war, when he entered the army in August, 1862, enlisting as private in Company C, Twenty-Seventh Iowa Infantry. He saw his first service in Northern Minnesota, his regiment being part of a detachment that was assigned as an escort to guard a paymaster and train from Fort Snelling to Mille Lacs. This accomplished, the regiment took its place as part of Sherman’s army in Tennessee and Mississippi. He was engaged in a number of minor expeditions, and performed provost guard and picket duties up to September, 1863. It then entered the campaign into Aransas, and participated in the taking of Little Rock, and following that, Sherman’s Meridian raid, and later, the Red River campaign under Banks, the Tupelo and Oxford expeditions, the battle at Nashville, December 16 and 17, and finally, the Mobile campaign, in which it engaged with honor in the siege and assault on Fort Blakely, being thus in the last engagement of any consequence of the war. Our subject was commissioned first lieutenant of his company in August, 1862, and was promoted to the captaincy of the company January, 1864. He shared the fortunes of the Twenty-seventh Iowa from the date of it organization, till the surrender, being mustered out at Clinton, this state, August 8, 1865. Whatever measure of praise the public is prepared to bestow on those who faithfully stood by the flag in those times of trial, Captain Sill must receive his share, for he faithfully did a soldier’s duty.

Returning to Buchanan County, he resumed farming on his place in Fairbank Township, taking up the peaceful pursuits of life as easily and following them as steadily and courageously as he had marched to the inspiring drum beats of war. In May, 1866, Captain Sill married, taking as a sharer of his after-fortunes, a young lady, then of Buchanan County, by the name of Miss Ann Augusta Wilber, daughter of Henry Wilber, an early settler of the county.

Captain Sill gave his undivided attention to his farm for a number of years after the close of the war. In the meantime, however, he began to be called into one minor official capacity and another, serving as a member of the county board of supervisors from his township, ad as township treasurer, until November 1887 when he was elected auditor of the county, taking charge of the office in January, 1888. He was re-elected to the same position in November, 1889, and is now holding his second term. He makes an efficient officer, and his administration of the affairs of his office has given the greatest satisfaction to all citizens regardless of party preferences. Captain Sill is a republican in politics, and has always been elected on the republican ticket, but he has many friends outside of his party whose friendship he has won and holds by his conscientious devotion to duty as a public servant, by the rectitude of his conduct, his enterprise and public spirit as a citizen, and by his affable, gentlemanly bearing towards all with whom he comes in contact.

Captain Sill has growing up around him a family of five children. With that wholesome belief in the purity of home life upon the farm and the advantages which such life gives in the training of the young, he continues to reside on the old home-place where he began his career as a bachelor farmer now nearly thirty-five years ago. The wife of his youth continues to abide with him, and in his absence from home, while in the discharge of his official duties, she directs the affairs of the farm with skill and rare good judgment, so that the private interest of the husband do not suffer, however exacting the duties of his office may prove. Mrs. Sill, now a lady in middle life, was only a girl when her parents moved to Buchanan County. She therefore knows something of life such as it was thirty years ago in what was then considered “The Far West.” Trained in a household where the inculcation of habits of industry and economy was considered of the first importance, she has easily developed into a housewife, eminently worthy of the one on whom her choice fell for a companion. Mrs. Sill was born in Ohio, but reared in New Hampshire and in this state. Her father was born in Vermont and her mother in New Hampshire, and moved west to Ohio at a comparatively early day, returning to New Hampshire, and coming thence to Iowa in 1856. Her mother died in Buchanan County some years ago, her father having made his home since in the daughter’s house.

If it be true that a man is often best known by the company he keeps, the opinion he holds concerning his fellow-men and the practical expression he gives to these opinions, it will be worth while recording in this connection that Captain Sill is, and has been for years, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and an enthusiastic supporter of every measure of relief for his old comrades, contributing also with his own means and by his personal exertions, when occasion demands, to the welfare of his old companions in arms, their widows and orphans. He is also a zealous Mason, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias, in each of which orders he takes much interest and bears with honor the part that falls to everyone worthy of the name of man and brother in these associations.

Socially, the captain and his family stand in the front rank.

Biographical Souvenir of the Counties of Delaware and Buchanan Iowa, page 520 - 522. Chicago: F. A. Battey & Company. 1890.

1850 Census, Livonia, Livingston County, New York: Andrew Sill, (age 45, physician, born New York), Maria Sill (age 40), Henry Sill (age 15), Ermin Sill (age 11), George Sill (age 7).

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County Henry Sill (age 24, teacher, born New York - he was listed with several other unrelated people). (Note I searched the 1860 census for anyone in Buchanan County, Iowa with the first name Henry born in New York. He was indexed as Henry Jill by, but I am pretty sure this is him. According to the information above he was permanently in Buchanan County as of 1858.)

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Henry F. Sill (age 34, farmer, born NY), Augusta Sill (age 34, born Ohio), Henry M. Sill (age 2), Anna M. Sill (age 1), Clara A. Sill (age 2/12), and William W. Lincoln (age 10). (NOTE: I believe the last name should be Laton, but it clearly is written Lincoln on the census ejj).

Henry Sill filed for a pension on June 17, 1880

1880 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Henry F. Sill (age 44, born NY, Farming) wife Augusta (age 44, born OH) son Henry (age 12 born IA) daughter Annie age 11, born IA), daughter Clara (age 10, born IA) son Austin age 6, born IA), daughter Minnie (age3 born IA) daughter Myrtie (age 1, born IA) Son Willie W. LATON (age 20 born IA).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Henry F Sill (township 90, Range 10, Section 22) SE SW, age 49, married, farmer), Augusta Sill (age 49), Henry M (age 17), Annie M. (age 15), Austin W (age 12), Minnie B (age 7) and Merta A. (age 6)

Augusta Sill died Oct. 16, 1897 and is buried in Littleton Cemetery Add. 1, Lot 101, Buchanan County, Iowa

1905 U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, City: Johnson City, County, Washington [Carter], State: Tennessee, Mountain Branch: Henry F. Sill, MILITARY HISTORY: Time and Place of Each Enlistment: Aug. 12, 1862, Rank: Capt/Lt., Company and Regiment: C, 27th Iowa Inf., Time and Place of Discharge: Aug. 8, 1865, Clinton, Iowa, Cause of Discharge: GO WD, Kind and Degree of Disability: heart, general disability, When and Where Contracted: July 1863, Mound, Tenn. DOMESTIC HISTORY: Where born: Livonia NY, age 69, height: 5.7 (this was a little hard to read). Complexion: fair, color eyes: brown, color of hair: brown, can read and write, Religion: Prot, Occupation: Farmer: Residence Subsequent to Discharge: Aitkin, Minn., widowed, Name and Address of nearest relative: Mrs. H.P. Baldwin, Aitkin, Minn. HOME HISTORY: Rate of Pension: 24, Date of Admission at Mt. B 6-2-05, Date of Discharge: 20-3-08, Cause of Discharge: OR.

1910 Census, Hebron, Aitkin, Minnesota: Henry F. Sill (age 75, widowed, born New York) (note: Harry and Minnie Baldwin (his daughter) with 3 children - Joyce, Della May and Olive -- were also in Aitkin County, Minnesota).

1920 Census, Independence Ward 2, Buchanan County, Iowa: Austin Sill (age 46), wife Edith S. Sill (age 36), Father Henry F. Sill (age 84, widowed),

1925 Iowa State Census, Jesup, Buchanan County, Iowa: Myrtle Baldwin (head, age 46, divorced, father H. F. Sill, born NY, mother Ann A. Wilbur, born Vermont), daughter Helen Buhl, age 25, married, father Ray Baldwin, mother Myrtle Sill), son Russel Baldwin (age 21, father Ray Baldwin, mother Myrtle Sill), son Kenneth Baldwin (age 17), son Kliford Baldwin (age 11), grand daughter Dorathy G. Buhl (age 2, father Jack Buhl, mother Hellen Baldwin), father H. F. Sill (age 89, father: Andrew Sill, Mother, Wodrof -no first name listed - Parents were married in New York), son in law Jack Buhl (age 39, father Peter Buhl, mother not listed.)

Henry F. Sill died Feb. 24, 1925 (pension index records) and is buried in Littleton Cemetery Add. 1, Lot 101, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Capt. Henry F. Still, Civil War Veteran, Is Dead at Jesup

Jesup, Iowa, February 25 – – Capt. Henry F. Sill, veteran of the Civil War, who died at the home of a daughter in Jesup yesterday morning after several weeks of illness, will be buried at Littleton Cemetery following services Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Sill was born in Livingston County, New York, in 1835, and resided there until he was 17 years old, when he came to Buchanan County and preempted 120 acres of land in Fairbank Township. He then returned to New York State but in 1858 settled in Buchanan County permanently, purchasing an additional 40 acres for his farm, on which he resided for many years.

He attempted to enlist at the outbreak of the Civil War, but was not accepted for service until 1862 when he was enrolled in Co. C, 27th Iowa infantry, of which he was chosen First Lieutenant. In 1864 he was made Captain. He returned to this county after the war had closed.

He was united in marriage to Mrs. Augustus Layton in 1867. She died several years ago. He is survived by several children.

Waterloo Evening Courier, Wednesday, February 25, 1925.

Smith, Cyrus Edward He was born Dec. 11, 1834 in Illinois. He was the son of Ashford Violet Smith (Dec. 25, 1809 - Oct. 3, 1880) and Hannah Farnum Peck (Jun 10, 1812 - Oct. 7 1889). Ashford Smith and Hannah Peck were married Feb. 16, 1832 in St. Claire, Illinois. Cyrus E. Smith married Nancy Pitts Jeffries on Feb. 12, 1857 in Delaware County, Iowa. (Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992) She was the daughter of Joseph Jeffries and Electa Garrett.

1850 Census, Farmers Creek, Jackson, Iowa: Ashford Smith (age 40, printer, born Ohio), Hanna Smith (age 39, born Conn.), Cyrus Smith (age 16, born Ill.), Eliza Bassett (age 15), Christian Jarrett (age 9). (Note this matches the information provided on the 1915 Census: In Iowa 69 years, so they would have been in Iowa by about 1846 - Father born Ohio, Mother born Conn.)

1856 Iowa State Census, South Fork, Delaware County, Iowa: Ashford Smith (age 47, married, 8 years in Iowa, born Ohio), Hannah F. Smith (age 45, married, 8 years in Iowa, born Conn.), Cyrus E Smith (age 22, in Iowa 8 years, born Ill.), John M. Smith (age 4, in Iowa 4 years, born Iowa)

1860 Census, South Fork, Delaware County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith (age 25, farmer, born Ill), Nancy P. Smith (age 24, born Tennessee), Harriet E. Smith (age 2) and Clara E. Smith (age 3/12).

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith, (age 35, farmer, born Ill.), Nancy P. Smith (age 34, born Tenn), Harriett E. Smith (age 12), Clara E. Smith (age 10), Anna M. Smith (age 2).

Cyrus E. Smith filed for a pension on Oct. 19, 1872.

1880 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith (age 45, carpenter, ill the day of enumeration: inflammation of eyes, born Ill.), wife Nancy P. (age 44, dressmaker), daughter Lettie (age 20, dressmaker), daughter Anna M. (age 12) and daughter Bertha (age 4).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith (age 55, retired farmer). Nancy J. (age 49), Anna M. (age 17), Bertha A (age 9).

Nancy J. Smith (born Jan. 19, 1836) died March 20, 1893 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa

1900 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith, (born Dec. 1834, age 65, widowed., disabled, born Ill, father born Ohio, mother born Conn.), daughter Bertha Smith (born Jan 1876, age 24),

1910 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: William F. Nichols (age 52, married 26 years), wife Clara E. (age 50), Son Fred R. (age 15), Father-in-Law Cyrus E. Smith (age 76, widowed, born Ill, father born Ohio, Mother born Connecticut. own income).

1915 Iowa State Census, Stacyville, Mitchell County, Iowa: Cyrus E. Smith, age 80, widowed, County, Mitchell, P. O. Stacyville, Occupation: Pensioner, Extent of Education: Common 3, Can read and write. Birth Place, Ill., Military service: Civil War, State Iowa, Regiment 27, Company C. Years in U.S. 80, Years in Iowa, 69, Father's Birthplace: Ohio, Mother's birthplace: Conn.

Cyrus E. Smith died Nov. 18, 1915 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa. Also note: His parents, wife and brother are all buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Another one of the old soldiers has answered the last roll call. C. E. Smith died at the home of his daughter Mrs. P. F. Young, Thursday morning, Nov. 18 at Stacyville, Iowa. The remains were brought to Fairbank Friday evening and the funeral services were held from the Baptist church, of which he was at one time a member, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Arthur Woods. Interment was by the side of his wife, who died in 1893. Mr. Smith was born in St. Claire County, Ill., Dec 11, 1834. When a young man 18 years of age, he removed to Iowa, and in the spring of 1858 came to Fairbank where he lived until 1901, then going to Jesup, where he resided until 1907, when he moved to Mitchell County and had resided there in the home of his daughter since. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving four years in Company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, and was in a number of the great battles of the war. At 20 years of age he was converted and had always lived an honest, upright Christian life. He leaves to mourn his death three daughters, Mrs. Harriett Thomas of Terril, Iowa, Mrs. Lettie Nichols of Lakeland, Florida, and Mrs. Bertha Young of Stacyville, Iowa.

Waterloo Evening Courier and Reporter, Tuesday, November 23, 1915

The 1925 Iowa State Census shows parents names. I searched for anyone have parents named Cyrus Smith and Nancy - I was looking specifically Nancy's maiden name: I found Bertha Young (age 49, born 1876, married to Patrick Young, father Cyrus Smith, born Illinois; Mother Nancy Jeffrees, born Tennessee). Living with the Young family was an Uncle Mason Smith, age 72, born Iowa His parents were listed as Ashford Smith, born Ohio and Hannah Peck - parents married in Illinois) This must be the John M. Smith that was age 4 in 1856.

Smith, Elliott V. He was born July 1844 in New York. He was the son of Martin Smith and Minerva Spaulding. He married Harriette Shatts on Sept. 3, 1872 in Genesee County, Michigan. (Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995) Note: Elliott's sister Martha was married to Nicholas Vaneman (Van Eman) (who also served with Company C, 27th Iowa.),

1850 Census, Le Ray, Jefferson County, New York: Martin Smith (age 34), Newcomb Smith (age 11), Elliott Smith (age 6), Wesley Smith (age 4), Alvinza Smith (age 2), Minerva (age 32), Martha (age 9), Louise (age 8), Martin (age 2/12), Lorin Savanah (age 17) and Waity Spaulding (age 62)

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Martin Smith (age 43), Minerva Smith (age 41), Louisa Smith (age 18), Elliott Smith (age 16), Wesley Smith (age 14), Alvinza Smith (age 12), Elmer Smith (age 10), Waity Smith (female, age 72)

1870 Census, Vienna, Genesee County, Michigan: Elliott V. Smith, (age 27, works in saw mill, born New York) - At first there was nothing to prove this is the right Elliott. But he was the only Elliott V born in NY that I could find. He was the right age and was also in Michigan on the 1880 Census. Then I found the statement below that his father Martin Smith died Sept. 14, 1870 in Genesee County, Michigan. I also discovered that his sister and brother-in-law Nicholas and Martha Vaneman were in Genesee County in 1870. So I am certain it is the correct Elliott V. Smith.

Elliott V. Smith filed for a pension in 1875.

1880 Census, Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan: Elliott V. Smith (age 35, R. R. agent, born New York.), wife Hattie Smith (age 35, born Ohio).

1900 Census, Highland, San Bernardino, California: Elliott V. Smith, born July 1844, age 55, married 18 years, born New York, orange grower), wife Hattie S. (born Oct 1844, age 54, married 18 years, 0 children born, 0 living, born Ohio)

1910 Census, Los Angeles Assembly, District 70, Los Angeles, CA Elliott V. Smith, (age 65, married 1 time for 38 years, born New York), wife Hattie S. Smith, age 65, married 1 time for 38 years, 2 children born, 0 still living, born Ohio)

Elliott V. Smith died June 27, 1911 and is buried in Los Angeles National (Sawtelle) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA - Row K, Section 73, Grave 2

His widow Hattie S. Smith, filed for a pension on Aug. 14, 1911.

Note: Elliott's sister Martha was married to Nicholas Vaneman (Van Eman) (also of Company C.), The following notes were found in a family tree for Minerva (Spaulding) Smith, mother of Elliott V. and Martha:

Minerva Spaulding is listed on the 1880 census for the State of Iowa, County of Buchanan, P. O. Fairbanks. Her son Alvinza, 30, is also listed and her son Elmer Martin, 29, his wife Mary, 25, and their daughter Louisa, age 2

Alvinza and his wife, Minnie Buell Smith, and Minerva Smith are buried in Lot 29 of the Littleton Cemetery in Littleton, Iowa. (this information was gotten by family members who visited the cemetery.) Minerva's daughter Martha Smith Van Eman and her husband Nicholas Van Eman are buried in West half block 56,and her daughter Louisa Smith Little and her husband Ebenezer Little are buried in block 1, lot 77.

On a document signed on Oct. 6, 1884, filed on June 29, 1885, the following signatures of eligible heirs to Minerva's estate appear: Louisa and Ebenezer Little, Martha and Nicholas Van Eman, Newcomb S. and Sarah J. Smith, Elliot V. and Hattie Smith, Wesley Charles and Mary Smith. In this document Minerva was signing over her property to Alvinza J. and Elmer Martin Smith for $1.00 and their agreement to care for her for the remainder of her life.

It is believed Minerva's mother lived with Minerva until she died at the age of 89. Waity (Vincent) Spaulding apparently lived with her daughter Minerva until she died. The Jefferson County, New York, census of July 18, 1850, Vol. 28-29 Le Ray, and the 1860 census for Buchanan County, Iowa, P. O. Fairbanks, show her living with Martin and Minerva Smith. The family was probably living in Michigan when the 1870 Iowa census was taken as Martin's death certificate shows the place of his death as Flushing, Genesee County, Michigan, and the date of death September 14, 1870.

Smith, Joel S. The Pension Index had him indexed as Smith, Joseph/Smith Joel S. (alias). He was most likely the son of Lee Smith and Amanda Bancroft. (See my notes below in the 1860 census). He married Laura L. Eddy on July 4, 1867 in Whiteside, Illinois (Illinois Marriage Index, 1860 - 1920). According to Find a Grave, she was the daughter of Nelson W. Eddy and Sarah Ackley Eddy. Nelson Eddy was the brother of Levi Eddy and served in Company H, 27th Iowa.

Joel S. Smith served with 3 different units. The first was Company C 27 Iowa Inf. The second was 13 U.S. Inf., The 3rd was C 3 U.S. Cav. He filed for a pension on Oct. 27, 1871 in Ill.

1860 Census, Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Levi H. Eddy (age 24, born New York), Maria Eddy (age 17, born New York), Joel Smith (age 14, born New York). (Note in 1900 Joseph and Laura had a niece named Elsie Eddy living with them. I was not sure which side of the family she was from. Then on the 1860 census I found Joel living with Levi and Maria Eddy. I did a quick check and found that Levi H. Eddy (company H, 27th Iowa), married Maria Smith. Their youngest child was Elsie. That indicates to me that Maria was Joel's sister. Maria Smith was the daughter of Lee Smith and Amanda Bancroft.) (Note: either Joel was older than 14 in 1860 or he was not 18 when he enlisted in 1862.

Enlistment with 27th Iowa Vol. Infantry: Residence Independence, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Aug. 28, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 8, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Enlistment with the 13th U.S. Inf: Joel S. Smith, Enlisted: When: Oct. 25, 1865, Where: Dubuque IA, By Whom: Captain Gates. Period 3 Years. Where Born State: New York., age 21, Occupation: Soldier. Eyes: Blue, Hair Light, Complexion: Light, Height: 5'7 1/2", Regiment: 13 Inf. Discharged Nov. 20, 1865, Disability at Jefferson Bks, MO, a Recruit.

Enlistment with 3rd Cav: Joel S. Smith: Enlisted: When Nov. 28, 1865. Where: St. Louis, MO, By Whom: Lt. Wilson. Period: 3 years, Where Born, NY; age 21, occupation Soldier; Eyes Blue, Hair light, complexion Fair; Height: 5'7, Regiment 3 Cav, Co. C, Des't'd Jany 29/66.

1870 Census, Montmorency, Whiteside, Illinois: J. Peter Jacoby, (age 38), Joseph Smith (age 23), Laura Smith (age 16), Mary Malford (age 15), William Malford (age 14), Malvin Hiner (age 18).

1880 Census, Albany, Whiteside County, Illinois: Joseph Smith (age 36, born New York, Lather), wife Laura L. Smith (age 24, born Michigan).

1900 Census, Albany, Whiteside County, Illinois: Joseph Smith, (born Sept. 1844, age 55, married 33 years, born New York.) wife Laura L. Smith (born April 1854, age 45, married 33 years, born Michigan). Niece Elsie A. Eddy (born Feb. 1882, age 18, born Iowa)

1910 Census, Albany, Whiteside County, Illinois: Joseph Smith, age 65, married 1 time for 43 years, born New York, wife, Laura Smith, (age 55, married 1 time for 43 years, born Michigan).

Joel S. Smith (Alias Joseph Smith), died Feb. 13, 1916 at Whiteside Co., Illinois (Pension Index Records). He is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Albany, Whiteside County, Illinois. (as Joseph Smith)

Joseph (Joel) Smith's widow Laura L. Smith filed for a pension on Feb. 18, 1916 in Ill.

Laura (Eddy) Smith died Feb. 9, 1923 and is also buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Albany, Whiteside County, Illinois.

Smith, Montraville Valencort He was born Nov. 26, 1845 in McHenry County, Illinois. He was the son of Lemuel Hawley Smith (July 30, 1823 - Sept. 10, 1901) and Mary Elizabeth Colby (May 23, 1826 - 1903). Both parents died in Hennepin County, Minnesota. He married Mary Whitney on Dec. 4, 1867 in Lafayette County, Missouri (Missouri Marriage Records 1805-2002). She was the daughter of John Whitney and Mary Harton/Horton/Haughton.

The photos of Montraville V. Smith below were found here

Montraville V. Smith 1856 Iowa State Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: L. H. Smith (age 32, born VT, yeoman), Mary M. Smith (age 30, born VT), Montraville Smith (age 10, born Ill), Nelly Smith (age 7, born Ill), Olive Smith (age 4, born Ill) and Herbert Smith (age 2, born Ill.). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 1 year.

1860 Census: Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lemuel Smith, age 36, farmer, born Vermont), Mary E. Smith (age 34, born Vermont), Montraville Smith (age 14), Nellie Smith Age 11, Olive Smith (female age 8), Herbert Smith (age 5), Caroline Smith (age 3), Albert Smith (age 1), Dan'l Roseberry (age 22) and Augusta Williams (age 14).

1870 Census Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Montraville Smith (age 25, born Illinois), Mary Smith (age 25, born Ireland), Oliver Smith (male, age 16, farm laborer, born Illinois) I think Oliver must be a relation other than son. He is too old to be their child.

1880 Census, Madison Buchanan County, Iowa: Montraville Smith (age 35, farmer, born Illinois) wife Mary (age 36), Son Hawley (age 9), son Harrison (age 8), Son Ernest (age 5), daughter Helen (age 2), daughter Elizabeth, (age 1), Brother Herbert, (age 25, born Illinois)

1885 Iowa State Census, Madison Buchanan County, Iowa: Montraville Smith (age 39, born Illinois), Mary Smith, (age 40, born Ireland), Hawley Smith (male, age 14, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Harry Smith (age 11, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Ernest, (age 9, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Helen Smith (age 7), Lizzie Smith (age 5), Katie (age 1) and Henry Smith (age 22, born Illinois)

Montraville V. Smith 1900 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Mott Smith (born Nov, 1846, age 54, married 33 years, born Illinois), wife Mary (born April 1846 (age 54, married 33 years, 7 children 7 still living, born Ireland, immigrated in 1849, in the US 51 years.), Son Harry (born May 1872, age 28), Daughter Lizzie (born April 1879, age 21), daughter Kate (born April 1883 (age 17), son Leslie (born Dec. 1886 , age 13).

Montraville Smith filed for a pension on Sept 7, 1901 In Iowa.

1910 Census, Wilcox, Trego County, Kansas: Montraville V. Smith, (age 65, married 1 time for 43 years, born Illinois), wife Mary (age 65, married one time for 43 years, 7 children born, 7 still living, born Ireland) Son Harry, (age 37, born Iowa), Son Ernest (age 35, born Iowa), daughter Kate (age 27, widowed, 2 children born, 2 still living), grandson Montie (age 4, born Kansas), granddaughter Mary, age 2, born Kansas)

Montraville Smith died June 19, 1916 in Trego Co., Kansas (Pension Index Record) and is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa. Iowa Cemetery Records has a date of death of June 16, 1916


Born November 26, 1845 – Died June 19, 1916
Last Services At Aurora Thursday

Montraville Smith was born in McHenry County, Illinois on November 26, 1845. While he was still a boy his parents moved to Buchanan County, Iowa. He was married on October 6, 1867 in Lafayette County, Missouri to Miss Mary Whitney and they traveled life's way together until now.

The home was established in Buchanan County, Iowa, near what was then the town of Buffalo and remained there until the year 1906 when they moved to Trego County, Kansas. Here they live since.

Seven children were born to them, all of whom remain with the faithful wife to mourn a good father and husband. They are: Hawley, Glidden, Iowa; Harry, Lansing, Kansas; Ernest, Ransom, Kansas; Helen, Firesteel, South Dakota; Doctor Elizabeth Kennedy, Oelwein, Iowa; Kate Swann, Ransom, Kansas; and Leslie J., Firesteel, South Dakota.

In the trying times of the sixties Mr. Smith enlisted for service of his country in the 27th Iowa Infantry. After about a year's service he was discharged for general disability. "He lived according to his light and rested his case with the Lord."

He passed away at his home in Kansas at 6 o'clock in the morning of June 19, 1916 at the age of 70 years, 6 months, 24 days.

The remains were brought back to Aurora, Iowa for burial. Here on Thursday morning, in the Methodist Church a large number of old friends and neighbors gathered, and the Rev. S. C. Bretnall, pastor of the church, conducted a funeral service and the body was laid to rest the Madison Cemetery.

The deceased was well known as an industrious man, a good neighbor and warm friend. He was a good businessman and had large acquaintance in the vicinity in which most of his life was spent and all who knew him speak well of him and their sympathies go out to the bereaved widow and children in their grief.

Oelwein Daily Register, June 24, 1916.

His widow Mary Smith filed for a pension on Sept. 25, 1916 in Kansas.

I searched the 1925 Iowa State Census for anyone with parents: father, last name Smith, born Illinois, mother first name Mary, born Ireland. I found Elizabeth S. Kennedy in Oelwein, Fayette County, Iowa: she was age 45, married to Leslie Kennedy. Father: Monte Smith, born Illinois. Mother: Mary Whitney, born Ireland.

Leslie Kennedy and Elizabeth Smith Kennedy had children on the 1925 census: Warie F (age 10), Ruth H (age 8). Bettie L. (age 5) Also living with them was Mary Smith, listed as mother-in-law: She was 78 years old, born in Ireland, father was John Whitney, born Ireland, mother was Maria Harton (or Horton), born Ireland.

Smith, Samuel Hastings He was born June 16, 1815 in Wilmington, Windham County, Vermont. He was the son of Ethan Smith and Ruth Alvord (Aug. 27, 1786 - Sept. 3, 1859). He married Jane Stone on Dec. 7, 1842 in Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York. She was the daughter of Oziel Stone (Apr. 15, 1776) - Feb. 11, 1831) and Abigail Bowen (October 31, 1780 - May 22, 1822)

1850 Census: Hinsdale, Cattaraugus County, New York: Samuel N. Smith (age 35, laborer, born VT), Jane Smith (age 38), Amsy Smith (age 6), Eliza Smith (age 4), Cordelia Smith (age 8/12) and Ruth Smith (age 66, born Mass.

1856 Iowa State Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Samuel H. Smith (age 42, born VT, Yeoman), Jane Smith (age 38, born NY), Amasa J. Smith (age 12, born NY), Rebecca E. Smith (age 10, born NY), Cordelia J. Smith (age 6, born NY), Lorentus Z Smith (age 4, born NY0, and Esther F. Smith (age 1, born NY). The family had been in the state of Iowa for less than a year.

1860 Census: Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Samuel H. Smith (age 43, farmer, born VT), Jane Smith age 42, born NY), Amasa J. Smith (age 16, born NY), Barbara E. Smith (age 14, born NY), Cordelia J. Smith (age 5, born NY), Esther F. Smith (age 6, born NY), Lorentus Z. Smith (age 8, born NY), Emily A. Smith (age 3, born Iowa).

1870 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Hasting Smith (age 55, farmer, born VT), Jane Smith (age 52, farmer, born New York), Ester Smith (age 15, born New York), Edgar Kenyon (age 22, farmer, born Vermont), Cordelia Kenyon (age 20, born New York) and Orlen Smith (age 5/12, Born Feb, born Iowa)

1880 Census: Sibley, Cloud County, Kansas: Samuel H. Smith (age 65, farmer, born Vermont), wife Jane Smith (age 64, born New York), son Judson E. Smith (age 36, farmer, born New York), and daughter Ester F. Smith (age 25, born New York).

1885 Kansas State Census, Clyde, Clay County, Kansas: Samuel H. Smith (age 70, ex farmer, born Vermont, From Iowa to Kansas, Honorably Discharged from the Volunteer Service of the United State, State Iowa, Company C, 27th Regiment, Inft. Vol.), Jane Smith (age 67, born New York), Esther Smith (age 30, born New York.).

Samuel H. Smith died Feb. 8, 1900 and is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas.

His widow Jane Smith filed for a pension on Mar. 3, 1900 in Kansas.

1900 Census: Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas: Jane Smith (born Sept. 1817, age 82, widowed, 6 children born, 6 still living, born New York), daughter Ester Smith (born Jan 1855, age 45, born New York.

Jane (Stone) Smith (born Sept. 29, 1817), died Sept. 21, 1906. She is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas.

Children of Samuel Hastings Smith and Jane Stone:

  1. Judson Amasa Smith, April 7, 1844-January 17, 1923;
  2. Eliza Barbra Smith-Vanderbilt, January 4, 1846-?;
  3. Cordelia Jane Smith-Kenyon, Feb 5, 1850-March 28, 1944;
  4. Lorentus Zalore Smith, April 20, 1852- Dec 20, 1929;
  5. Esther Freelove Smith-Cambell, Jan 1, 1855-October 7, 1928;
  6. Emily Agusta Smith-Pixley, October 6, 1856-November 21, 1932.

Spalding, Edward H. He was born August 23, 1842 in Maryland. He is most likely the son of William Spalding (born June 14, 1816, died Jan 10, 1862) and Ann Elizabeth White. They had children: Elizabeth born July 7, 1840: Edward H. Spalding born August 23, 1842, George Spalding born Feb 22, 1844. Alexander W. Spalding born Dec. 1845. Residence was Buchanan County, Iowa; Maria Spalding born 1850.

1850 Census: Baltimore, Maryland: William Spaulding (age 34, farmer, born Maryland), Ann Spaulding (age 34, born Maryland), Elizabeth Spaulding (age 11, born Maryland), Edward Spaulding (age 9, born Maryland,), George Spaulding (age 6, born Maryland), Alexander Spaulding (age 4, born Maryland) and Samuel Spalding (age 30, farmer, born Maryland).

1860 Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: William Spaulding (age 45, Grain Dealer, born Maryland), Anne E. Spaulding (age 45, born Maryland), Elizabeth B. Spaulding (age 20, born Maryland), Edward Spaulding (age 18, born Maryland), Maria Spaulding (age 10, born Maryland), Alex Spaulding (age 8, born Maryland) and George H. Spaulding (age 17, born Maryland).

1870 Census: Independence Ward 2, Buchanan County, Iowa: Anne E. Spaulding (age 54, born Maryland), Elizabeth Spaulding (age 26, seamstress, born Maryland), Edward H. Spaulding (age 28, day laborer, born Maryland), George Spaulding (age 26, clerk in Store, born Maryland), Ellen Spaulding (age 25, born Iowa), Mary H. Spaulding (age 1, born Iowa) and Maria Spaulding (age 19, seamstress, born Maryland).

The siblings listed above were clearly in Iowa in 1880: I searched on the 1880 census for anyone named Spalding born in Maryland. There were 4, The first 3 were in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa;

(1) Elizabeth Spalding (age 39, born Maryland). She was listed as Sister-in-Law in this family: R. N. Godson (age 33) wife Maria Godson (age 29, born Maryland), son John R. Godson (age 8), daughter Mary H. Godson (age 6).

(2) Geo H. Spalding (see him listed below. He was with his wife and family, and his widowed mother).

(3) Alexander W. Spalding (age 33, born Maryland), wife Emma (age 36), daughter Jennie B (age 6) and daughter Bessie (age 4).

(4) Hamilton Spalding (I highly suspect this is Edward (H)amilton?) was in Homer, Benton County, He was age 38, born in Maryland and widowed. He was a farm hand. I think this is further confirmed with the 1900 census record that lists Hamilton Spaulding as the brother of Maria Godson.

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in Iowa, 27th Iowa: E. H. Spalding, Private, Co. C, Cedar Rapids

Edward H. Spalding filed for a pension in Iowa on Sept. 1, 1890.

1900 Census: Cotton Plant, Marion County, Florida: Maria Godson (born June 1851, age 48, widowed, 1 child born, 1 still living), son Richard Godson (born June 1873 (age 27, born Iowa), brother Hamilton Spalding (born Aug. 1844, age 55, single born Maryland, farm laborer), niece Lena Spalding (born Jan. 1869, age 31, born Iowa), nephew Richard Spalding (born Feb. 1884, age 16, born Iowa), nephew Harrison Spalding (born March 1897, age 13, born Iowa), nephew Lenard Spalding (born Jan 1890, age 10, born Iowa), and Muslin Spalding (born April 1892, age 8, born Iowa). (Maria Godson is the married sister of George H. Spalding. I believe the children belonged to George H. Spalding. Brother Hamilton Spalding is single. I believe he is Edward H. Spalding. The other brothers are accounted for - and none of the brothers have an initial of H.)

Night Captain Spaulding of the police department yesterday received news of the death of his brother Edward H. Spaulding at Wildwood, Florida. The deceased was a member of Company C, Twenty-seventh Iowa volunteers, recruited at Independence.

The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Saturday, October 12, 1901

Spalding, George Hilary He was born Feb. 22, 1845 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the son of William Sower Spalding (June 14, 1816- Jan 1865) and Ann Elizabeth White (1816 - ?). He married Ellen Conway on Dec. 11, 1867 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Iowa, County, Marriages, 1838-1934).

George H. Spalding 1850 Census: Baltimore, Maryland: William Spaulding (age 34, farmer, born Maryland), Ann Spaulding (age 34, born Maryland), Elizabeth Spaulding (age 11, born Maryland), Edward Spaulding (age 9, born Maryland,), George Spaulding (age 6, born Maryland), Alexander Spaulding (age 4, born Maryland) and Samuel Spalding (age 30, farmer, born Maryland).

1860 Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: William Spaulding (age 45, Grain Dealer, born Maryland), Anne E. Spaulding (age 45, born Maryland), Elizabeth B. Spaulding (age 20, born Maryland), Edward Spaulding (age 18, born Maryland), Maria Spaulding (age 10, born Maryland), Alex Spaulding (age 8, born Maryland) and George H. Spaulding (age 17, born Maryland).

1870 Census: Independence Ward 2, Buchanan County, Iowa: Anne E. Spaulding (age 54, born Maryland), Elizabeth Spaulding (age 26, seamstress, born Maryland), Edward H. Spaulding (age 28, day laborer, born Maryland), George Spaulding (age 26, clerk in Store, born Maryland), Ellen Spaulding (age 25, born Iowa), Mary H. Spaulding (age 1, born Iowa) and Maria Spaulding (age 19, seamstress, born Maryland).

1880 Census: Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa: George H. Spalding (age 35, grocer, born Maryland), wife Ellen Spalding (age 31, born Iowa), daughter Mary H. Spalding (age 11, born Iowa), daughter Ann E. Spalding (age 10, born Iowa) and Mother Ann E. Spalding (age 64, widowed, born Maryland)

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in Iowa, 27th Iowa: G. H. Spalding, Private, Co. C, Cedar Rapids

George H. Spalding: filed for a pension on July 24, 1890.

George H. Spalding died Dec. 28, 1899 in Ocala, Marion County, Florida.

M. E. H. Godson, Gdn. Filed for a pension on Feb. 14, 1900 in Florida. (Note that his sister Maria's married name was Godson. I believe this is this her.

1900 Census: Cotton Plant, Marion County, Florida: Maria Godson (born June 1851, age 48, widowed, 1 child born, 1 still living), son Richard Godson (born June 1873 (age 27, born Iowa), brother Hamilton Spalding (born Aug. 1844, age 55, single born Maryland, farm laborer), niece Lena Spalding (born Jan. 1869, age 31, born Iowa), nephew Richard Spalding (born Feb. 1884, age 16, born Iowa), nephew Harrison Spalding (born March 1897, age 13, born Iowa), nephew Lenard Spalding (born Jan 1890, age 10, born Iowa), and Muslin Spalding (born April 1892, age 8, born Iowa). (Maria Godson is the married sister of George H. Spalding (see the 1880 census information in Edward H. Spalding above).. I believe the children belonged to George H. Spalding. Brother Hamilton Spalding is single. I believe he is Edward H. Spalding. The other brothers are accounted for - and none of the brothers have an initial of H.)

Children of George H. Spalding and Ellen Conway (Note: from the 1900 census, there appear to be more children for George Spalding -- unless part of the children belong to Edward).

  1. Mary Helena b. Jan 3, 1869,
  2. William J, born Aug 10, 1872,
  3. George, b. Mar 26, 1873 and
  4. Richard Basil born Feb. 2, 1885.

Spragg, Daniel Scott He was born Oct. 31, 1833 in Sussex, Kings, New Brunswick, Canada. He was the son of William H. Spragg (Mar. 17, 1804 - July 4, 1858) and Jane Burnett (Aug. 16, 1811 - Sept. 6, 1889). Daniel S. Spragg married Thankful Eliza Frankie Andrews on Nov. 19, 1865 in Buchanan County, Iowa (Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934).

1856 Iowa State Census, Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. Spragg (age 24), Rebecca J. Spragg (age 23), Wm Spragg (age 52), Jane Spragg (age 49), Daniel Spragg (age 19), Mary C. Spragg (age 15), Geo. Spragg (age 14), Amelia Spragg (age 12), Miriam Spragg (age 10), Abner Spragg (age 8), Sarah S. Spragg (age 6) and Christopher Spragg (age 3). Years in Iowa = 0.

1860 Census: Perry, Buchanan County, Iowa: D. Scott Spragg (age 26, farmer, born New Brunswick), Jane Spragg (age 48), Abner Spragg (age 14), Emma Spragg (age 11), and Christopher Spragg (age 7).

1870 Census, Perry Buchanan County, Iowa: Daniel E. Spragg (age 35, born New Brunswick), Frankie Spragg (age 29), Leona F. Spragg (age 1), Ida Bates (age 11), and Eddie Bates (age 8).

1880 Census: District 16, Fairfield, Buena Vista County, Iowa: Daniel S. Spragg (age 46, farmer, born New Brunswick), wife Eliza T. Spragg (age 38), daughter Leona T. Spragg (age 11), daughter Innis E. Spragg (age 7), son Ray S. Spragg (age 4), nephew Edward Bates (age 18).

1885 List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Living in Iowa: 27th Iowa; Daniel S. Spragg, Corporal, Company C, Present Post-Office Address: Marathon.

1885 Iowa State Census: Poland, Buena Vista County, Iowa: Daniel S. Spragg (age 50), Eliza T. Spragg (age 44), Leona F. Spragg (age 16), Inis C. Spragg (age 12), Ray S. Spragg (age 8), and Edward T. Fulford (age 16).

1900 Census: District 12, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, Iowa; Daniel S. Spragg (Born Oct 1835, age 64, married 34 years), wife Thankful E. (born Mar. 1845, age 55, married 34 years, 4 children born, 3 still living), son Ray Spragg (born Feb. 1876, age 24), Daughter Leonie Spragg (born Feb. 1869, age 31), and daughter Inez (born April 1874, age 26).

1910 Census, District 12, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, Iowa: Daniel S. Spragg (age 69, married 1 time for 44 years), wife Eliza Spragg (age 67, married 1 time for 44 years, 4 children born, 3 still living), daughter Leona F. Spragg (age 43).

Eliza T. Spragg, (born Mar. 19, 1842), died Jan 22, 1915, and is buried in Storm Lake Cemetery, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, Iowa.

1915 Iowa State Census: Storm Lake Buena Vista County, Iowa: Daniel Spragg (age 61, County Buena Vista, Town: Storm Lake Extent of Education: Common 10, Birth Place New Brunswick, Military Service; Civil War, Infantry, State Iowa, Regiment 27th, Company C., Church Affiliation: Methodist, married, can read and write, years in Iowa 61)

1920 Census: Storm Lake, Buena Vista, Iowa: D. S. Spraggue, age 86, widowed, immigrated 1855, naturalized in 1860, born Canada.

Daniel S. Spragg died Oct. 14, 1923 and is buried in Storm Lake Cemetery, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, Iowa.

Children of Daniel Scott Spragg and Thankful Eliza Frankie Andrews:

  1. Leona Fern Spragg b: March 24, 1867
  2. Inis Estelle Spragg b: April 9, 1872
  3. Ray Summer Spragg b: February 8, 1876

Spragg, Frederick He was born Feb. 8, 1829 in New Brunswick Canada. He was the son of William H. Spragg (Mar. 17, 1804 - July 4, 1858) and Jane Burnett (Aug. 16, 1811 - Sept. 6, 1889). He married Caroline Harding. She was the daughter of William Gilles Harding (1803 - August 15, 18651) and Elizabeth Fowler (1804 - ?)

1860 Census: Superior, Buchanan County, Iowa: Fredk Spragg (age 30), Caroline Spragg (age 29), Wm H. Spragg (age 5), Geo F. Spragg (age 2), John B. Spragg (age 5.12) and Isabella Harding (age 17)l

Frederick Spragg died May 19, 1863 and is buried in Oakland Cemetery, Janesville, Bremer County, Iowa.

Frederick Spragg of the Twenty-Seventh died in the regimental hospital at Jackson, Tennessee. His death was sudden and unexpected.

History of Buchanan County and It's People
By Harry Church Chappell, and Katharyn Joella Chappell

His widow Caroline E. Spragg filed for a pension on July 15, 1863. There was a pension filed for a minor on July 25, 1870. Caroline E. Orcutt was the Guardian.

Caroline Spragg married Levi Orcutt on Mar. 5, 1870 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934)

1870 Census: Mount Vernon, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Levi Orcutt (age 48), Caroline Orcutt (age 39), Hiram Orcutt (age 14), Edward Orcutt (age 9), William Sprague (age 15), Frederick Sprague (age 12), John Sprague (age 10), Charlotte Sprague (age 9) and Caroline Sprague (age 7).

Stevens, Lucian Benjamin He was born Nov 11, 1830 in Waterford, Caledonia Co, VT, Parents: Stevens, Mariah. He married Julia Rose Hill on Dec. 31, 1850 in Waterford, Caledonia Co., VT. She was the daughter of Walton Hill.

Lucian Stevens, was born in Vermont, November 1, 1830. In April 1853, he left Vermont for Connecticut, where he lived two years, working a machine shop in Meriden. From there he came to Buchanan County, arriving at Independence, April 23, 1855, where he lived twenty-five years, with the exception of the time he spent in the army. In April, 1867, he moved to his farm in Westburgh township, where he still resides. On New Year's Day, 1851, Mr. Stevens was married to Miss Julia Hill, of Waterford, Vermont. She was the daughter of Mr. Walton Hill, of the same place, and was eighteen years old at the time of their marriage. They have a family of nine children: Louisa M. W, born May 23, 1852, who is the wife of George Worth of Waterloo; Ellen J, March 8, 1854: Elletta A, January 20, 1856, who married Mr. Herman Messenger, of Independence; Sarah J., October 9, 1858, Alfred L. June 15, 1860, Emma M. February 27, 1862; Ada F, Sept 17, 1866; Armanella M., November 22, 1869; Seldom S., November 22, 1874.

Mr. Stevens was a soldier of the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry. Leaving a family of six children and wife dependent upon him for support, he went to the front and served his country three years, being mustered out as a corporal. He was with the regiment, and engaged in all the campaigns with which it was connected.

(Source: History of Buchanan County, Iowa, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches (page 387)

1850 Census, Waterford, Caledonia, Vermont: Mariah Stevens (age 46), Sarah Stevens (age 21), Lucien (age 19), Frank (age 17), Samuel (age 11). (I am not 100% certain this is correct. I got the information from Source: Family Data Collection - that Mariah was his mother. Also, Julia Hill was in Waterford, so it seems reasonable that this is the correct family).

1856 Iowa State Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucian Stevens (age 24, resided in the state of Iowa 1 years, born Vermont, Teamster), Julia Stevens (age 24), Louisa M., W. Stephens (age 4, born Vermont), Julia M. Stephens (age 4, born Conn.) Elletta A. Stephens (age 0, born Iowa).

1860 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucien Stevens (age 29, farmer, born VT), Julia Stevens (age 27, born VT), Louisa Stevens (age 8, born VT), Ellen Stevens (age 6, born Conn.), Aletta Stevens (age 4, born Iowa), and Sarah Stevens (age 2, born Iowa.).

1870 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucien Stevens (age 39), Julia Stevens (age 31), Louisa Stevens (age 18), Ellen Stevens (age 16), Ellette Stevens (age 14), Sarah Stevens (age 12), Alfred Stevens (age 10), Emma Stevens (age 7), Ada Stevens (age 4), and Ammella Stevens (age 9/12). (Note has him indexed as Suein Stevens and had Ada's age as 21)

1880 Census, Westbury, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucian B. Stevens (age 49, farmer, born VT), wife Julia Stevens (age 48, born VT), daughter Sarah Stevens (age 22, born Iowa. school teacher), son Alford Stevens (age 19, born Iowa), daughter Emma Stevens (age 18, born Iowa), daughter Adah Stevens, (age 14, born Iowa), daughter Nellie Stevens (age 10, born Iowa), son Seldon Stevens (age 6, born Iowa),

1885 Iowa State Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucian B. Stevens (age 54), Julia R. Stevens (age 52), Alford L. Stevens (age 24), Emma M. Stevens (age 22), Ada F. Stevens (age 18), Nelly M. Stevens (age 14) and Samuel Stevens (age 10)

Julia Stevens (born May 10, 1832), died January 24, 1899 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

1900 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Lucian B. Stevens, (born Nov. 1830, age 69, widowed, born Vermont), daughter Armanilla (born Nov. 1869, age 30, born Iowa).

Lucien Benjamin Stevens died Feb. 13, 1906 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

(Note the Iowa Civil War Soldier Burials say he was buried in Oakwood Cemetery in Bremer County, but he is listed in Buchanan County cemetery records and his tombstone photo is from Oakwood Cemetery, Buchanan County. )

Taylor, Sylvanus He was born April 18, 1845 in DeKalb, St. Lawrence County, New York. He was the son of Philander George Taylor (Jan 17, 1810 - Feb. 16, 1877) and Evaline F. Burnett (Oct. 29, 1814 - July 29, 1856). Sylvanus Taylor married Elizabeth Payne on July 4, 1867 in Buchanan County. Elizabeth was the daughter of Andrew Payne (1804 - Feb, 1874) and Abigail Peck (4 Dec 1810 -18 Nov 1888 ).

Philander G. Taylor was born Jan 17, 1810, Grand Island, Vt. Died Feb 18, 1877 at Plainfield, Ia. Married Eveline Burnette Oct 17, 1831 and she died July 29, 1856. Buried at Tomah, Wis. 1861 at the age of 51 years. Philander and two of his sons, William and Daniel, joined the 52nd Regt. Co. "C" of the Ill. Vol. Inf. of the Civil War. He was the father of 12 children, Phileman, George, Josiah, Charlotte, William, Daniel, Philinda (Polly), Sylvanus, Emaline, Eveline (twins), Harriett (Mrs. Hiram Scott), and Philander Lee. In later years, he lived with his daughter Harriett Scott. Burial was in the Willow Lawn Cemetery at Plainfield, Ia.

Philander George Taylor died 16 February 1877 at Plainfield, Iowa. Mr. Taylor was born 17 January 1810 in Grand Isle, Vermont. He was the son of Noah Taylor and Polly Hulet. Polly may have been the daughter of John Hulett. Noah was born about 1788 in Orange County, NY. Noah married Polly about 1809. Evaline F. Burnett on 27 October 1829, possibly at Rossie, St. Lawrence County, NY. After Evaline's death, Philander married Fannie Gibbs. The marriage to Fanny was of short duration. Philander enlisted in Company "C", 52nd Illinois Infantry on 15 Sept. 1861 at Sycamore, IL. He gave his age as 44! He was recruited by a man named John Brown, an immigrant from England. Philander was actually about 51 years old then. Philander was given a medical discharge. They said he was "old & feeble" on 10 Jun 1862. During his military service, Philander served in the Battle of Shiloh. Along with Philander was his son William Noah Taylor, who died 22 Jan 1862 at Fort Holt, KY and Daniel Taylor, another son of Philander. With them were relatives Charles Morehouse and Henry Carver. Carver was missing-in-action at Shiloh. This regiment guarded Confederate prisoners on a ship bound for Fort Donelson, TN. Later, Philander guarded Confederate prisoners during the siege of Corinth, Mississippi. After the war, the Taylors migrated west from St. Lawrence County, NY before 1850. They settled first in Campton Township in Kane County, Illinois. Later, they moved to Genoa Township and later to DeKalb, IL. He fathered 12 children; Phileman, George, Josiah, Charlotte, William, Daniel, Philinda (Polly), Sylvanius, Emaline, Eveline (twins), Harriet (Mrs. Hiram Scott), and Philander Lee. Philander lived with his daughter Harriet Scott in later years and died 16 Feb 1877. He was buried at Plainfield, Bremer County, Iowa in the Willow Lawn Cemetery.

From Horton, Plainfield Historical Club

Obituary supplied by Judy Taylor

1850 Census, Campton, Kane, Illinois: Philander Taylor (age 40, born NY), Eveline Taylor (age 35, born NY), Phileman Taylor (age 18, born NY), George Taylor (age 17, born NY), Josiah Taylor (age 15, born NY), Charlotte Taylor (age 13, born NY), William Taylor (age 11, born NY), Daniel Taylor (age 9, born NY), Philander Taylor (age 7, born NY), Sylvanus Taylor (age 5, born NY), Emeline Taylor (age 1, born Illinois) and Eveline Taylor (age 1, born Illinois).

1870 Census, Fremont, Buchanan County, Iowa: Sylvanus Taylor (age 25, born New York), Elizabeth Taylor (age 23, born New York) and Catherine Taylor (age 2, born Iowa).

1880 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Sylvanus Taylor, age 35, farmer, born New York), wife Betsey Taylor (age 32, born New York), daughter Eveline (age 11, born Iowa), son Orrin, (age 9, born Iowa), son Henry L. (age 4, born Iowa), daughter Mary H. (age 2, born Iowa)

On August 31, 1881 Sylvanus Taylor made a statement for the pension of Albert Taylor, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

Buchanan County, Iowa

Sylvanus Taylor of said County being first duly sworn on his oath says: That he was a Private in Co. C, 27th Regt. Iowa Infantry; That he is well acquainted with Albert Tennis who was a member of the same company; That while said Regiment was on the march to Little Rock, Arkansas on or about the 9th day of August 1863, it being extremely hot, the said Albert Tennis was overcome with heat and sunstroke, and from which he suffered great pain in his head, and was off duty while in camp at Little Rock. That afterwards, when the Regiment was with Gen. Banks on his march up Red River, the said Albert Tennis was taken violently with chronic diarrhea from which he suffered all the balance of this term of service. And he was also troubled with pains in his head, and at the time of his discharge was an invalid and a mere skeleton. That he knows of said facts by being with him every day. And that he has no interest in the prosecution of said claim. My P.O. address is Buchanan County, Iowa.

Sylvanus Taylor

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of August 1881, and I certify that I have not interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of said claim. That the affiant is a reputable citizen and credible witness, and the contents of the affidavit were fully known to him. My Post office address is Independence, Iowa.

RRMRPman (illegible)
Notary Public

1890 Veterans Census, Hunter, Wayne County, Nebraska: Sylvanus Taylor, Private, Co. C. 27th Iowa Inf. enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Discharged Aug 26, 1865, served 3 years and 8 days. Post Office: Wayne, Nebraska. Disability incurred: nervousness from sunstroke. Remarks: Expiration of term of service.

1900 Census, Wayne, Wayne County, Iowa: Sylvanus Taylor (born May 1847, age 53, married 30 years, born Indiana), wife Elizabeth (born Jan 1848, age 52, married 30 years, born New York, 8 children born, 6 still living), son Orin (born May 1872, age 28, born Iowa), son Henry (born June 1875, age 24, born Iowa), daughter Caroline (born July 1882, age 17, born Iowa), daughter Nellie (born July 1884, age 15, born Nebraska), son Delbert (born Aug, 1886, age 13, born Nebraska).

1910 Census, Wayne, Wayne County, Nebraska: Sylvanus Taylor (age 66, married 1 time for 43 years), wife Elizabeth Taylor (age 63, married 1 time for 43 years, 8 children born, 5 still living.)

1920 Census, Wayne, Wayne County, Nebraska: Sylvanus Taylor, age 75, born New York), wife Elizabeth Taylor (age 72, born New York).

Elizabeth (Payne) Taylor (born Sept. 22, 1847), died Oct. 8, 1921 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Wayne, Wayne County, Nebraska.

Sylvanus Taylor died May 20, 1926 in Strahan, Wayne, County, Nebraska. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Wayne, Wayne County, Nebraska. Lot 29, Section Orig. B 1, Grave 6. Source for DOD was the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and an online Cemetery listing. (But Pension Index records have a date of death of March 21, 1926)

Tennis, Albert He was born about 1839 in Germany. He married Charlotte Lowell on May 1, 1869 in Buffalo Grove, Buchanan County, Iowa.

1870 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa: Albert Tennas (age 30, born Prussia), Charlotte Tennas (age 18, born Michigan).

1880 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Albert Tennis (age 47, born Prussia, farmer), wife Charlotte Tennis (age 29), son William Tennis (age 9), daughter Jessie Tennis (age 7), son Royal A. Tennis (age 3), son George L. Tennis (1 month., born May)

Albert Tennis died Nov. 27, 1882 and is buried in Madison Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Charlotte Tennis married George Sawyer before 1885.

1885 Iowa State Census: La Porte City, Black Hawk County, Iowa: George W. Sawyer (age 45), Charlotte Sawyer (age 32), Albert Tennis (age 8), Jessie Tennis (age 12) and Willie Tennis (age 14).

Also see the pension records for Albert Tennis.

Van Cleave, John David He was born July 15, 1835 in Montgomery County, Indiana. He was the son of John Squire Van Cleave and Frances Harlow (Jan. 7, 1808 - July 8, 1891). John David Van Cleave married Eliza A. Zinn on February 20, 1855 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934) Based on 1850 Census records, she is probably the daughter of Phillip and Barbara Zinn.

1850 Census, District 11, Benton, Iowa: John Vancleave (age 47), Frances Vancleave (age 43), John D. Vancleave (age 14), Eliza Ann Vancleave (age 12), Mary F. Vancleave (age 10), James H. Vancleave (age 7), George W. Vancleave (age 5), Elias F. Vancleave (age 2),

1856 Iowa State Census, Harrison, Benton County, Iowa: John D. Vancleef (age 19, born Indiana in the state of Iowa for 6 years), Eliza Vancleef (age 19, born Indiana, in the state of Iowa for 5 years), John F. Vancleef (no age, born Indiana).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: John D. Vancleve (age 23), Eliza Vancleve (age 22), Francis A. Vancleve (age 2), and Lydia A. Vancleve (age 8/12).

1870 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: John D. Vancleve (age 38), Eliza A. Vancleve (age 36), Emma F. Vancleve (age 12), Jacob C. Vancleve (age 8), Phillip C. Vancleve (age 4), Mary J. Vancleve (age 2) and Frances Vancleve (age 65).

1880 Census, Lakeport, Woodbury County, Iowa: John Vancleave (age 46, farming, born Ind. ), wife Eliza Vancleave (age 46, born Penn.), son Jacob Vancleave (age 18),son Philip Vancleave (age 13), daughter Mary Vancleave (age 12), daughter Catherine Vancleave (age 6).

1885 Iowa State Census, Lakeport, Woodbury County, Iowa: John D. Van Cleve (age 49), Eliza A. Van Cleve (age 48), Jacob C. Van Cleve (age 22), Phillip C. Van Cleve (age 18), Catharine E. Van Cleve (age 11).

1895 Iowa State Census, Lakeport, Woodbury County, Iowa: John D. Vancleve (age 58, born Indiana, Ferryman?, Religious belief: Christian, Soldiers, Sailors and Mariners in War of the Rebellion: Co. C, 27th Iowa, Private.), Eliza A. Vancleave (age 57, born Penn)

1900 Census, Bell Creek, Burt County, Nebraska: Charles Jackson (born May 1856, married for 10 years), wife Kate (born Oct. 1872, age 27, married 10 years, 5 children born, 2 still living), Daughter Pearl (born Aug. 1890, age 9, born in Iowa), son William (born Jan. 1892, age 8, born Iowa), Father-in-law John D. Van Cleave (born July 1834, age 64, married 1 time, born Indiana), mother-in-law Eliza Van Cleave (born Dec. 1836, age 63, 8 children born, 4 still living, born Pennsylvania)

John David Van Cleave died Sept. 30, 1903 and is buried in Sloan Cemetery, Woodbury County, Iowa.

His widow Eliza Van Cleave filed for a pension on Oct. 22, 1903

Eliza A. (Zinn) Van Cleave (born Dec. 1836), died on April 25, 1911 at Sloan, Woodbury County, Iowa at age 74.

Children of John David and Eliza Van Cleave:

  1. John F. Van Cleave (1856 - )Frances Emma A. Van Cleave (1858 - )
  2. Lydia A. Van Cleave (Oct. 1859 - )
  3. Jacob C. Van Cleave+ (7. Jan. 1862 - 1947)
  4. Philip C. Van Cleave+ (7. Aug. 1866 - )
  5. Marie Jane Van Cleave (6. Aug. 1868 - )
  6. (Unknown) Van Cleave (c 1870 - )
  7. Eliza Catherine Van Cleave (6. Oct. 1872 - )

Vanderbilt, William Henry He was born about 1837 in New York. He was probably the son of James Vanderbilt and Esther Warren. He married first Mary Bowen. Married second Emma Jane Russell. His cousins, James G. Warren and William P. Warren also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

I suspected that the 3 Vanderbilts listed in 1870 were siblings. I searched family trees on using their names. I found a couple of family trees that appear to match: James Vanderbilt (1803- Dec. 21, 1845) and Esther Warren. (1805 - Aug. 22, 1875) had the following children: Warren Vanderbilt (1833), Mahalia Vanderbilt (b. abt 1835), William Vanderbilt (b. abt. 1837), Philetus S. Vanderbilt (b. abt 1840) and Alice Vanderbilt (b. abt. 1842). This same family tree showed William Vanderbilt married to Emma and showed several of his children.

1856 Iowa State Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Esther Vanderbilt (age 62, born New York, resident of Iowa 2 years), Warren Vanderbilt (age 23, born New York, resident of Iowa 3 years), Mahala Vanderbilt (age 21, born New York, resident of Iowa 2 years), Wm H, Vanderbilt, (age 19, born New York, resident of Iowa 3 years), Philetus Vanderbilt (age 15, born New York, resident of Iowa 2 years), Alice M. Vanderbilt (age 13, born New York, resident of Iowa 2 years).

1860 Census: Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Esther Vanderbelt (age 66), Warren Vanderbelt (age 29), Philetus Vanderbelt (age 19) Mahala Vanderbelt (age 25), Alice Vanderbelt (age 18) and Ada Vanderbelt (age 2). (Note: William is not listed here, but I believe I found him living with grandparents in New York in 1860. See below.

1860 Census, Aurora, Erie County, New York: William Warren, (age 76), Adaline Warren (age 58), Jane Salisbury (age 13), and William Vanderbilt (age 25) (According to the family tree I found, William Warren was Esther Warren's father. Adaline was her stepmother - So this is most likely William Vanderbilt living with his grandfather and his wife.).

1870 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan county, Iowa: Warren Vanderbilt, (age 37, born New York), William Vanderbilt (age 33, born New York), Nellie Vanderbilt (age 3), Mahala Vanderbilt (age 35, born New York). (I found a couple of family trees that says Nellie Vanderbilt is the daughter of William Vanderbilt and his first wife Mary Bowen - Nellie was on the 1880 Census in Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska. She was listed as "adopted" by George D. and Eliza A. Russel).

I found this query on the internet: "I am searching for the parents of William Henry Vanderbilt born: Dec, 26, 1836 died: 1922 Ponca, Nebraska. He married Emma Jane Russell in Dec. 1872 at Ponca, Ne. Anyone know who are his parents, where was he born and did he have a marriage prev. to Miss Russell? He is a civil war vet." (I had already found the information above regarding George & Eliza Russell adopting William's oldest daughter Nellie. I wondered if they might be Emma's parents. I backed up to the 1870 census and did not find her. Then I searched the 1860 Census and found:. Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Geo. D. Russell (age 38, Blacksmith, born NY), Eliza A. Russell (age 39), Ellen J. Russell (age 13), Nelson J. Russell (age 8), Frank J. Russell (age 5), Emma J. Russell (age 3) and Diamond Russell (age 1/12). It appears that his second wife's parents adopted William's daughter Nellie).

1880 Census, Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: William H. Vanderbilt (age 43, born New York), wife Emma Vanderbilt (age 23, born Iowa), daughter Alice M. (age 6, born Nebraska), son George H. (age 4, born Nebraska), son Willis J. (Age 2, Born Nebraska), daughter Gertrude (age 2/12, born Nebraska)

1890 Veterans Census, Daily and Silver Creek, Dixon County, Nebraska: William H. Vanderbilt: Sergeant, Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, Discharge June 15, 1865. Served 2 years, 9 months, 20 days. Post Office Address: Ponca, Neb, Dixon County. Disability Incurred: Chronic Diarrhea & Rheumatism.

1900 Census, Precinct 16, Cedar County, Nebraska: William H. Vanderbilt (born Dec, 1832, age 62, born New York, Farmer), wife Emma J. (born (Feb. 1858, age 42, 9 children born, 9 still living, born Iowa), Son George (born Oct. 1875, age 24, born Nebraska), Son Willis (born Nov. 1877, age 23, born Nebraska), Daughter Effie (Born Dec. 1883, age 17, born Nebraska), Son Warren (born Mar. 1886, age 14, born Nebraska), daughter Ester (born Aug. 1889, age 10, born Nebraska), Daughter Hazel (born Sept. 1892, age 7, born Nebraska), son Walter (born July 1895, age 4, born Nebraska). (Note: this census record said they were married for 9 years, 9 children born, 9 still living - Unless he was married to two different women named Emma, the 9 years married would have to be incorrect. The 1910 census said they had been married 37 years, so the years married on this census is probably an error.)

1910 Census, Precinct 19, Cedar County, Nebraska: William H. Vanderbild (age 73, married 2 times, last time for 37 years, born New York), wife Emma J. Vanderbild (age 53, married 1 time for 37 years, 9 children born, 9 still living, born Iowa), son George H. (age 34), son Willis J. (age 32), son Warren P, (age 24), daughter Ester E (age 20), daughter Hazel E (age 17), son Walter (age 13).

1920 Census, Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska: W. H. Vanderbilt, (age 83, born New York), wife Emma (age 62), son Walter (age 23).

William Henry Vanderbilt died Sept. 20, 1922 and is buried in Silver Ridge Cemetery, Ponca, Dixon County, Nebraska (GAR Post 116, 352 Dept. of Nebraska)

Vaneman, Nicholas D. He was born Oct. 1841 in Pennsylvania. He was probably the son of David and Anna Vaneman (Van Eman). He married Martha E Smith Oct. 6, 1864 in Buchanan County, Iowa (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the daughter of Martin Smith and Minerva Spaulding. Her brother Elliott V. Smith also served with Company C., 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Wayne, Lawrence, Pennsylvania: David Vaneman (age 44), Anna Vaneman (age 47), Martha Vaneman (age 15), William Vaneman (age 12), Nicholas Vaneman (age 7), and George Vaneman (age 5). This is obviously the same family in Buchanan County, Iowa in 1870. I don't have actual proof that this is the correct family, but working backwards from 1910, it seems to be consistent with what is known. (i.e. I know Nicholas Vaneman was in Buchanan County in 1862, so it seems reasonable that he would be there in 1860. If that is him in 1860, then it would also be him in 1850 -- this is clearly the same family - minus David and Martha in 1870.).

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Anna Vanneman (age 57, born PA), William C. Vanneman (age 22, born PA), Nicholas Vanneman (age 17, born PA), George W. Vanneman (age 14, born PA)

1870 Census, Montros, Genesee County, Michigan: Nicholas Veneman (age 27, born Pennsylvania), Martha (age 26, born New York), Anna (age 4, born Iowa), Nellie (age 2, born Michigan), Arthur (age 6/12, born Michigan)

Nicholas Vaneman filed for a pension on March. 27, 1877.

1880 Census, Montros, Genesee County, Michigan: Nicholas D. Vaneman (age 37, farmer), wife Martha E. (age 37), daughter Anna M. (age 13), son David A. (age 10), son Martin S. (age 9), son George E (age 7) and daughter Jennie (age 5).

1885 Iowa State Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa, Nicholas D. Vanemon (Township 88, Range 10, Section 19, SE NW, age 41, farmer, born Tenn.), Martha E. Vanemon (age 42, born NY), Anna M. Vanemon (age 18, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Arther D. Vanemon (age 15, born Mich.), Martin S. Vanemon (age 13, born Mich), Eliot S. Vanemon (age 12, born Mich), and Jenny Vanemon (age 9, born Mich.).

1900 Census: Hazelton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Nicholas Vaneman (born Oct. 1841, age 58, married for 36 years, Blacksmith), wife Martha E (Born Feb. 1841, age 59, married 36 years, 8 children born, 5 still living). Son Martin was living next door with his family.

1910 census, Hazelton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Nicholas D. Vaneman (age 67, married 1 time for 45 years), wife Martha E. (age 68, married 1 time for 45 years, 8 children born, 5 still living).

Nicholas Vaneman died Jan. 14, 1913. He is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa, West Half block 56

His widow Martha E. Vaneman filed for a pension on January 20, 1913.

The 1925 Iowa State Census shows the parents names (including the maiden name of the mother). I searched for Vaneman in 1925 and found Martha Van Eman living with her son Arthur and family: Martha Van Eman. age 84, mother, highest reader: 2, can read and write, born New York. Father's name: Martin Smith, Mother's name: Minerva Spalding. Parents were married in New York, Religion: Methodist. Note: Arthur was age 55. I suspect he was the child David A. (age 10) on the 1880 Census. He lists his parents as Nicholas Van Eman and Martha Smith. I also found an E. G. (most likely George E. on the 1880 census) who also listed his parents as Nicholas Van Eman and Martha Smith.

Warren, James G. He was born April 2, 1842 in New York. He was the son of Simon P. Briggs and Calista Warren. James G. Warren married Cordelia L. Beadle on Aug. 19, 1862 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992). His cousins (William P. Warren) and (William Henry Vanderbilt) also served with Company C, 27th Iowa.

I had done quite a bit of research on William H. Vanderbilt whose parents were James Vanderbilt and Esther Warren. I wondered whether the two Warren boys (James G and William P) - also in Company C - were related to him? Esther Warren's parents were William Warren and Susannah Hale. They had children:

  1. Esther Warren (married James Vanderbilt), Their children are listed above.
  2. Philetus O. Warren (married Cynthia Adams) and had children: Bishop B., William and Cynthia. He died April 6, 1839.
  3. Hannah Warren married Almon M. Clapp.
  4. Calista Warren married Simon B. Briggs and had 1 child James George Briggs (born April 21, 1842, died May 11, 1837 at Long Beach, Los Angeles, California).
  5. Oscar F. Warren married Lovisa H. Connelly

1850 Census Aurora, Erie County, New York: William Warren (age 66), Cordella House (age 3), Mary Bela (age 2), Calista Briggs (age 43), Oscar Warren (age 21), Bishop Warren (age 16), Cynthia Warren (Age 13), William (age 11) and James Briggs (age 8). This appears to be an extended family. I'm not sure how Cordella House & Mary Bela fit in - But this appears to be William Warren with his daughter Calista Warren Briggs, (with her son James), William's son Oscar Warren and three other grandchildren (the children of William's son Philetus - Bishop, William and Cynthia).

1860 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa, I found the same basic family structure Oscar F. Warren (age 31), Lovisa H. Warren (age 32), Almon M. Warren (age 8), Everett A. Warren (age 6), Edith Warren (age 4), Calista Warren (age 54), James Warren (age 18), Bishop B. Warren (age 25), and William P. Warren (age 21). (I note that Calista is using last name Warren and it appears that her son James is also using Warren as his last name.

Based on this I think William P. Warren (Son of Philetus Warren) and James G. Warren (son of Calista Briggs?) are cousins and are also cousins to William Henry Vanderbilt (son of Esther Warren).

1870 Census, Prairie, Delaware County, Iowa: James G. Warren (age 28, born NY), Cordelia L. (age 27, born NY), Earnest (age 2), Lula (age 2/12).

1880 Census, Mankato, Jewell County, Kansas James Warren (age 36, barber, born Ohio), wife Cordelia Warren (age 35, Milliner, born New York), son Earnest Warren (age 12, born Iowa), daughter Lulu Warren (age 10, born New York), son? Edith? Warren (age 6, born Kansas), son Freddie Warren (age 4, born Iowa), and daughter Vivian Warren (age 1, born Kansas).

1885 Kansas State Census, Mankato, Jewell County, Kansas James Warren (age 42, barber, born New York, honorably discharged from the Volunteer Service of the United States: State: Iowa, Company C, 27th Regiment Infantry), C. L. Warren (age 41, milliner, born New York), Ernest Warren (age 18, servant, born Iowa), Lulu Warren (age 14, born New York), Edith Warren (age 11, female, born Iowa), Freddy Warren (age 9, born Kansas) and Vivian Warren (age 5, born Kansas).

1900 Census, El Monte, Los Angeles County, California: James G. Warren (born April 1842, age 58, married 8 years, born New York), wife Mary A. (age 29, married 8 years 0 children born.)

1910 Census, Lexington, Los Angeles County, California: James G. Warren (age 67, widowed, born New York)

James G. Warren married Susan C. Howard on Aug. 20, 1912 at Los Angeles, California. He was aged 70. She was aged 50. His parents were listed as H. Warren and Chsia Warren. Her parents were Nathan Hill and Zeruah Pond. (California, County Marriages, 1850 - 1952).

1920 Census, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California: James Warren (age 77, born NY), wife Susan Warren (age 57).

1930 Census, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California: James Warren (age 87, born New York, was age 20 at first marriage, served in the civil war.) wife Susan Warren (age 70).

I could be completely off base on this. All family trees say his name is James George Briggs. There are no family trees that say he was called James G. Warren. But based on the information that I found in the family trees that James George Briggs was born April 21, 1842 and died in May 11, 1937 in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California. I think this is him. I think James George Briggs went by the name James G. Warren.

Warren, William P. He was born about 1837 in East Aurora, Erie County, New York. He was the son of Philetus O. Warren (Dec. 16, 1809 - Apr 6, 1839) and Cynthia Adams (Mar. 1, 1812 - Dec. 11, 1883). His cousins (James G. Warren) and (William Henry Vanderbilt) also served with Company C, 27th Iowa.

I had done quite a bit of research on William H. Vanderbilt whose parents were James Vanderbilt and Esther Warren. I wondered whether the two Warren boys (James G and William P) - also in Company C - were related to him? Esther Warren's parents were William Warren and Susannah Hale. They had children:

  1. Esther Warren (married James Vanderbilt), Their children are listed above.
  2. Philetus O. Warren (married Cynthia Adams) and had children: Bishop B., William and Cynthia. He died April 6, 1839.
  3. Hannah Warren married Almon M. Clapp.
  4. Calista Warren married Simon B. Briggs and had 1 child James George Briggs (born April 21, 1842, died May 11, 1837 at Long Beach, Los Angeles, California).
  5. Oscar F. Warren married Lovisa H. Connelly

1850 Census Aurora, Erie County, New York: William Warren (age 66), Cordella House (age 3), Mary Bela (age 2), Calista Briggs (age 43), Oscar Warren (age 21), Bishop Warren (age 16), Cynthia Warren (Age 13), William (age 11) and James Briggs (age 8). This appears to be an extended family. I'm not sure how Cordella House & Mary Bela fit in - But this appears to be William Warren with his daughter Calista Warren Briggs, (with her son James), William's son Oscar Warren and three other grandchildren (the children of William's son Philetus - Bishop, William and Cynthia).

1860 Census, Madison, Buchanan County, Iowa, I found the same basic family structure Oscar F. Warren (age 31), Lovisa H. Warren (age 32), Almon M. Warren (age 8), Everett A. Warren (age 6), Edith Warren (age 4), Calista Warren (age 54), James Warren (age 18), Bishop B. Warren (age 25), and William P. Warren (age 21). (I note that Calista is using last name Warren and it appears that her son James is also using Warren as his last name.

Based on this I think William P. Warren (Son of Philetus Warren) and James G. Warren (son of Calista Briggs?) are cousins and are also cousins to William Henry Vanderbilt (son of Esther Warren).

William P. Warren died from disease (possibly typhoid fever) Dec. 15, 1864, at Memphis, Tenn.

Washburn, Abisha Wellington He was born May 4, 1840 in Bradford, Pennsylvania. (Obituary says he was born in Hebron, Illinois). He was the son of Abija Wellington Washburn (1810-1888) and Arvilla (Foster?) (1811- 1864). He married Mary Emmaline Moreland On Feb. 28, 1873 in Boone County Iowa. She was the daughter of John W. Moreland and Malinda Williams.

1850 Census, Wilmot, Bradford, Pennsylvania: James Foster (age 60), Anna Foster (age 58), Wm. Morgan Hobbs (age 20), Wellington Washburn (age 40), Arvilla Washburn (age 38), John Washburn (age 18), Lowisa Washburn (age 15), Lydia Washburn (age 14), James d. Washburn (age 11), Wellington Washburn (age 10), Foster Washburn (age 8), Bradford Washburn (age 5).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wellington Washburn (age 50, millwright, born NY.), Arville Washburn (age 48, born Vermont), Wellington Washburn (age 19, born Penn.), Foster Washburn (age 17), Bradburn Washburn (age 15), Dorinda Washburn (age 9).

1870 Census, Waterloo Ward 4, Black Hawk County, Iowa: Wellington Washburn (age 30, peddler, born NY)

1880 Census: Pilot Mount, Boone County, Iowa: Wellington Washburn (age 35), wife Mary Washburn (age 25), son Orva Washburn (age 7), daughter Jennie Washburn (age 5), and daughter Melinda Washburn (age 2)

List of Pensioners as of January 1, 1883: Name of Pensioner: Washburne, Abisha W.; Post Office: Boone; Cause for which Pensioned: dis. of kidneys; Monthly Rate: 4.00; Date of Original Allowance: May, 1882.

1885 Iowa State Census: Des Moines, Boone County, Iowa: Alsihar Washburn (age 44), Mary Washburn (age 28) Orval Washburn (age 11), James Washburn (age 8), Malinda Washburn (age 6), John Washburn (age 3), and Rosa Washburn (age 1).

Rosy May Washburn, born Mar. 29, 1883, died Aug. 20, 1896 in Boonesboro, Boone County, Iowa.

1900 Census, Coronado, Kingfisher, Oklahoma: Abeshia Washburn (born May 1844, age 56, widowed, born Pennsylvania), John G. Washburn (born Oct. 1881, age 18). (Note had him indexed as Abigal Washburn).

1910 Census, Seattle Ward, King County, Washington: John T. Washburn (age 29, married 1 time for 8 years) wife Nellie M. (age 24, married 1 time for 8 years), son Wellington L. (age 6), son John C. (age 3), daughter Mellie V. (age 1), father Wellington Washburn (age 69, divorced?, born Pennsylvania.)

Abisha Wellington Washburn died Mar. 2, 1918 and is buried in Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, Washington

Submitted by Brian

Well Known Resident of Menlo Passes Away at Age of 77 Years. Had Resided Fifteen Years in the State and Five Years at Menlo

The death of Abisha Wellington Washburn last week, mention of which was made in the Menlo correspondence last week, robs the G.A.R. of still another of its members and the state of an honored citizen. Members of the G.A.R. from this city and the valley attended the funeral services and had charge of the services at the grave. Among those who attended from here were Judge Solomon Smith, Ambrose Foster, John Cooper, Rev. Gilman Parker, William Grady and Commander F. R Wright.

Mr. Washburn was born in Hebron, Illinois, May 4, 1840, and passed away at Menlo, Wash., March 2, 1918 at the age of 77 years, 9 months and 28 days. He went in early youth to Brandon, Iowa, and when the Civil War broke out he was among the volunteers. He enlisted August 22, 1862, and was honorably discharged January 24, 1863 in Chicago Illinois. He was married February 26, 1873 at Boone, Iowa, to Mary E Morland: To this union five children were born : Orville O. Washburn of Bryn Mawr Washington, James B Washburn of Bryn Mawr, John G. Washburn of Menlo, and two daughters, Melinda A. and Rosa Mae, the two latter having preceded their sire in death.

Mr. Washburn is survived by a brother, James F. Washburn, of South Pasadena, California, and one sister Lydia, Tryon, Nebraska, and his three sons and eleven grandchildren. He had been a resident of the state for fifteen years and of Pacific County for five years. He had many friends in the valley and there was a large gathering of friends and neighbors at the funeral services at the church and grave.

Additional information about this story
Description Willapa Harbor Pilot Newspaper
Date Friday, March 15, 1918
Location South Bend Pacific County Washington

Watkins, David. He was born about 1827 in New York.

Private David Watkins, died May 15, 1864, Columbus, Ky, of inflammation of the lungs

His widow Mary Watkins filed for a pension on Dec. 19, 1864.

Watson, John M. He was born Sept. 18, 1845 in Canada. He was the son of Allen Watson (1807 - Oct. 28, 1855) and Charity Ann Loucks (1814- Nov. 28, 1869). He married Jane Dykeman on April 28, 1866 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934) Also a copy of their marriage record is here.  She was the daughter of Harry and A. Mariah Dykeman.

1850 Census, Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois: Allen Watson (age 43, famer, born Penn), Charity A. Watson (age 36, born NY), William Watson (age 21, born Canada), Eliza A. Watson (age 17, born Canada), Sarah J. Watson (age 16, born Canada), Nelson Watson (age 14, born Canada), Elizabeth Watson (age 12, born Canada), Mary Watson (age 11, born Canada), Martha Watson (age 8, born Canada), Louisa Watson (age 5, born Canada), John Watson (age 4, born Canada), and Laura Watson (age 2, born Ill).

1856 Iowa State Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa, Charity A. Watson (age 45, widowed, born NY), Nelson Watson (age 20, born Canada), Mary Watson (age 16, born Canada), Martha Watson (age 12, born Canada), Louisa Watson (age 11, born Canada), John Watson (age 9, born Canada), Laura Watson (age 6, born Illinois), Isabel Watson (age 4, born Illinois) and Franklin P. Watson (age 3, born Illinois). They had been in the State of Iowa for 2 years. NOTE: This family was recorded on two different pages, and somehow they were scanned in several pages apart. John, Laura, Isabel and Franklin were together on page stamped 900. Charity and the rest of the children were on page stamped 918. BUT the dwelling number was the same. Charity's group was at the bottom of the page dwelling #16. John's group was at the top of the page, with no dwelling number, but the dwelling number just below was 17.

1860 Census, Buffalo, Buchanan County, Iowa: Charity A. Travis (age 51, born NY), Louisa Watson (age 16), John Watson (age 15), Laura Watson (age 11), Ellen Watson (age 10), Martha Watson (age 18). Franklin Watson was next door with a family named King. Note: the entire family was indexed as "Travis" But when I looked at the actual census, the only one named Travis was Charity. The rest were all Watson.

1870 Census, Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: John M. Watson (age 25, teamster, born Upper Canada), Janie Watson (age 20, born Wisconsin), Freddie O (age 3), and Orra A. (age 1).

1880 Census, Rutland, Woodbury County, Iowa: John M. Watson (age 35, farmer, born Canada), wife Jennie Watson (age 30, born Wisconsin), son Fred O. Watson (age 13), daughter Orra A (age 11), son H. Allen (age 7), son Festus F. (age 5), and daughter Cora B. (age 1),

1885 Iowa State Census, Rutland, Woodbury County, Iowa: John M. Watson (age 39, Township 89, Range 43, Section 12, NW NE, born Canada), Jennie Watson (age 35, born Wisconsin), Fred C. Watson (age 17, Born Buchanan County, Iowa), Oera A. Watson (age 15, born Buchanan County, Iowa), Henry A. Watson (age 12, born Woodbury County, Iowa), Festers F. Watson (age 9, born Woodbury County, Iowa), and Cora Bell Watson (age 5, born Woodbury County, Iowa),

1895 Iowa State Census, Rutland, Woodbury County, Iowa: John M. Watson, (age 47, born Canada, Drayman, Religion: None, Soldier in the Rebellion: Co. C., 27 Iowa Inf. Private.), Jane Watson, (age 42, born Wisconsin), Henry A. Watson (age 23 ( born Woodbury), Festes F. Watson (age 20, born Woodbury), Cora B. Watson (age 16, born Woodbury).

1900 Census, Rutland, Woodbury County, Iowa: John M. Watson (born Sept. 1845, age 58, married 34 years, born Canada, drayman), wife Jennie Watson (born Dec. 1849, age 50, married 34 years, 5 children born, 5 still living, born Wisconsin).

John M. Watson died Oct, 16, 1903 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Pierson, Woodbury County, Iowa.   Cause of death was Typhoid Fever.

Iowa Cemetery Records: Name: John M. Watson; Death Date: Oct. 16, 1903; Page: 326; Birth Date: Sept. 18, 1845; Cemetery: Greenwood; Town: Rutland; Level Info: Cemetery Records of Woodbury County.

His Widow Jane Watson filed for a pension on November 2, 1903.

Jane (Dykeman) Watson (born Dec. 9, 1849 in Rocks County, Wisconsin), died Feb. 24, 1916 in Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa. She is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Pierson, Woodbury County, Iowa.

Watson, Thomas He was born about 1838 in Canada.

1860 Census: Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Mary Watson (age 55, born Ireland), Thomas Watson (age 22, born Canada) and James Watson (age 21, born Canada)

Thomas Watson died Jan. 16, 1866, and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Buchanan County, Iowa.

Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans - Watson, Thomas, Pvt. Co. C, Regt 27 Iowa Inf. Cemetery: Littleton, County and state: Buchanan, Iowa, Died Jan. 16, 1866. Headstone supplied by Wm. Mansen. Contract dated Jan. 21, 1883.

His mother Mary Watson filed for a pension on Jan. 26, 1871.

Whait, George Nicholas He was born Sept. 15, 1831 in Bellona, Yates, County, NY. He was the son of George Whait and Mary Nichols. He married Mary Elizabeth Chaffee on Sept. 15, 1856 in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Horace Hill Chaffee (Oct. 17. 1810 - 1894) and Louisa King (Feb. 11, 1816 - May 6, 1845).

George N. Whait 1860 Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Geo N. Whait (age 27, livery keeper, born NY), Mary E. Whait (age 22, born PA), Adelbert (age 1, born Iowa), William Wright (age 65, born England), Mary Wright (age 56, born England), Richard Whait (age 33, born England).

Note: Served four years in the Union army during the Civil War, first as a private and later Sergeant in Company C, 27th Iowa Volunteers. He had a light complexion, dark gray eyes and was five feet, five and one-half inches in height. He was a retailer of boots and shoes. They lived in Independence, Iowa; Colorado Springs, Colo.; and Bellevue, Neb.

1870 Census, Independence Ward 1, Buchanan County, Iowa: Boarding House and Restaurant by H. J. Whait: Harry J. Whait, (age 34, Keep Restaurant, born NY) Sophronia Whait (age 22), Jewell Winslow (age 26, clerk), Werthy Wallace (age 22, painter), David S. Page (age 55, carpenter), George N. Whait (age 36, boot and shoe maker, born NY), Mary E (age 31), Adelbert (age 11), Estelle (age 9).

1880 Census, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado: Geo N. Whait (age 46, shoemaker, born NY), wife Mary E. Whait (age 41, born Pennsylvania), Son Adelbert Whait (age 21, clerk in store), daughter Estella Whait (age 19)

1885 Colorado State Census, District 2, El Paso County, Colorado: Geo N. Whait, (age 52, merchant, born NY), wife Mary E. Whait (age 47)

George N. Whait died July 29, 1888 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. He is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.

His widow Mary E. Whaite filed a pension on Dec. 31, 1888 in Colorado.

Mary E. (Chaffee) Whait died Feb. 8, 1905 in Denver, Arapahoe County, Colorado and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Spring, El Paso County, Colorado.

Wheaton, Seth He was born Jan. 20, 1838 in Warren, Rhode Island. He was the son of Daniel Bowen Wheaton (1804 - ?) and Lucia Maria Campbell (Dec. 31, 1811 - Mar. 18, 1900). He married Margaret J. Seaton on May 11, 1866 in Shelby, Tennessee. (Tennessee, State Marriage Index, 1780-2002) Per her death certificate she was the daughter of Sam Seaton and Eleanore Dates.

1850 Census, Warren, Bristol County, Rhode Island: Daniel B. Wheaton, (age 46, rope manufacturer, born Rhode Island), Lucia M. (age 38, born Vermont), Charles T. (age 21, Law Student), Alexander C. (age 14), Seth (age 10, born Rhode Island), Harriet M. (age 7), Daniel B. (age 1), Harriet Mann (age 53, Mary S. Cambell (age 53), and Catherine Dail (age 86),

1860 Census, Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Daniel B. Wheaton (age 56, born Rhode Island), Lucia N Wheaton (age 47, born Vermont), Alex C. Wheaton (age 25), Seth Wheaton (age 20, born Rhode Island) Harriet M. Wheaton (age 17), Daniel B Wheaton (age 11).

1880 Census, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri: Seth Wheaton, age 40, mail carrier, born Rhode Island). wife Margaret (age 38, born Indiana), son Walter (age 10, born Illinois).

1890 Census, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri: Seth Wheaton, Lieutenant Iowa Colored Regiment. Post Office Address: 4240 Prairie Avenue. (Note this does not say 27th Iowa, but according to the roster he was "Discharged for promotion in Colored Infantry June 27, 1863, Memphis, Tenn".

Seth Wheaton filed for a pension on Aug. 7, 1891 in Missouri. His pension index card also indicates that he had other military service with Co. F, 59 USA Inf.

1900 Census, St. Louis Ward 23, St. Louis County, Missouri: Seth Wheaton (born Jan, 1840, age 60, married 34 years, letter carrier, born Rhode Island), wife Margaret (born July 1844, age 55, married 34 years, 2 children born, 2 still living, born Pennsylvania), daughter Clara M. (born Feb. 1886, age 14, born Missouri).

1910 Census, St. Louis Ward 13, St. Louis County, Missouri: Seth Wheaton (age 70, married 1 time for 44 years, Occupation: government, born Rhode Island), wife Margaret (age 67, married 1 time for 44 years, 2 children born, 2 still living, born Indiana), daughter Clara V (age 23, born Missouri) Margaret S. (Seaton) Wheaton (born July 11, 1842), died Aug. 8, 1916 and is buried in Hillcrest Abby Crematory and Mausoleum, Saint Louis, Missouri. Cause of death per her online death certificate was Uremia - acute nephritis.

Seth Wheaton died July 5, 1919 at St. Louis, Missouri (Pension Index Record). He is buried in Hillcrest Abby Crematory and Mausoleum, Saint Louis, Missouri. According to his online death certificate, he died from acute bronchitis and paralysis. His address was 308 N. Newstead.

Wheeler, David Edgerton. He was born about 1842 in Ohio. He was the son of Jonathan Wheeler (June 13, 1801 - Feb. 4, 1883) and Ann V. Edgerton. (May 25, 1809 - 1873)

David Edgerton Wheeler The photo of David Edgerton Wheeler was submitted by Charles Young.

1850 Census: Royalton, Cuyahoga County, Ohio: Jonathan Wheeler (age 48, farmer, born NH), Ann Wheeler (age 41, born Mass), Betsey Wheeler (age 13), born Ohio, David Wheeler (age 8, born Ohio), Benj. A. Wheeler (age 5, born Ohio) and Almira Edgerton (age 47, born Mass).

1856 Iowa State Census: Spring, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jonathan Wheeler (age 53, born NY, farmer), Ann E. Wheeler (age 47, born Mass.), B. Wheeler (age 19, female, born Ohio) D. E. Wheeler (age 14, male, born Ohio), B. A. Wheeler (age 10, male born Ohio) and J. J. Wheeler (age 4, male, born Ohio). The family had been in the state of Iowa for 1 year.

1860 Census, Sumner, Buchanan County, Iowa: Johnathan Wheeler (age 56, farmer, born New Hampshire), Ann V. Wheeler (age 51, born Mass.), David E. Wheeler, (age 18, born Ohio), Benjamin A. Wheeler (age 15, born Ohio), Johnathan J. Wheeler (age 8, born Ohio), and Almira Eggerton (age 57, born Mass.).

David Edgerton Wheeler died from dysentery during the Civil War on March 27, 1863.

See also a photo of the pen used by David E. Wheeler during the Civil War.

I am sorry that I hadn't read the last portion of the page when I sent the last note. We have a letter that David's father wrote to him while he was in the field hospital there in Camp Jackson, Tenn. The letter was written February 8th & 9th, 1863

It is a sad letter telling him that his younger brother was shot by a friend and has just died and wishing that David could get a discharge so his mother won't die of grief.

My older brother has his diary. not to much in there except I remember reading where his unit reached Memphis and he said "seed guns".

Charles Young

The letter mentioned in my second email referenced a friend of the family, Jonathan F. Gates, Age 23. Residence Independence.

The text below is transcribed from that letter dated February 8th & 9th, 1863. The text was rendered as closely as we could to maintain the character of the writing.

You must bee careful about stiring about to mutch and not get cold if you are hurt bad. If the inflamation gets set in, it will bee pretty bad for you. If their is a chance to get a discharge I hope that you will get one and come home. I want you to write to us all about it how you are and whether you think you will bee discharged or not. I have not room to write mutch more so goodby for this time. Jonathan Wheeler

give our respects to Mike and Gates and the rest that inquire.

Possibly the Mike in the letter is Michael Butler, Age 28. Residence Independence.

The letter was returned with his effects and he was buried in a mass grave at camp Jackson. As I understand, Jonathan later went there to try to recover the body but was met with disappointment and frustration as you can well imagine the chaos of the time.

Charles Young

White, Robert Newton. He was born Sept. 17, 1838 in Edfrid, Middlesex, Ontario. Canada. He was the son of Robert Reynolds White (Sept. 26, 1795 - Oct. 21, 1870) and Charity Burkholder (Oct. 4, 1801 - Nov. 17, 1860). Robert N. White married Sophronia C. Potts on Aug. 11, 1862 in Littleton, Buchanan County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Jacob H. Potts (June 22, 1813 - after 1880) and Elizabeth Katherine Huntsman (Sept.25, 1812 - 1880). Sophronia's sister Hattie Potts married Charles H. Wright, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa. Robert White's sister Hannah C. White married Byron Hale, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

1850 Census, Boone, Boone County, Illinois: Robert R. White (age 54, millwright, born PA), Charity White (age 48, born Canada), John B. White (age 25, born Canada), Henry J. White (age 24, born Canada), Hannah C. White (age 22, born Canada), Esra White (age 14, born Canada), Robb N. White (age 12, born Canada), Sopha White (age 9, born Canada) and Esther A. White (age 6, born Canada).

1860 Census, Boone, Boone County, Illinois: Robert R. White (age 61), Charity White (age 58), Robert N. White (age 22), Hester A. White (age 16), and Henry Stall (age 15).

1870 Census, Oran, Fayette County, Iowa: Robert White (age 32, music teacher, born Canada), Sophronia White (age 30), Elmer White (age 4) and Hatie White (age 1).

1880 Census, Unorganized Territory, Nebraska: Robert N. White (age 42, farmer, born Canada), wife, Sophrona White (age 40), son Elmer E. White (age 14), daughter Hattie S. White (age 11). son George H. White (age 7), daughter Rosa H. White (age 2) and son Jacob N. White (age 1).

1885 Nebraska State Census, Kirkwood, Brown County, Nebraska Robert N. White (age 44, musician, sick or temporarily disabled? Chronic Diarrhea, born Canada), wife Sophronia White (age 45, sick or temporarily disabled? rheumatism, born Illinois), daughter Hattie S. White (age 15, born Iowa), son George H. White (age 12, born Iowa), daughter Rosa White (age 7, born Iowa), and son Frank White (age 2, born Nebraska).

1910 Census, Corvallis Ward 2, Benton County, Oregon: Robert N. White (Age 71, married 1 time for 47 years, born Canada, immigrated in 1846, teacher, music), wife Sophronia (age 70, married 1 time for 47 years, 8 children born, 5 still living), son Frank A White (age 26), Daughter Rose W. Mears (age 33, married 1 time for 13 years, 2 children born, 2 still living), granddaughter Rose Inez Mears (age 3).

Robert Newton White died March 25, 1911 and is buried in Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.

His widow Sophronia P. White filed for a pension on April 13, 1911.

Sophronia (Potts) White died June 16, 1923 and is buried in Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.

Wille, George He was born October 1837 in Hanover. He married Elizabeth Naylor on May 22, 1859 in Buchanan County, Iowa. His name on the marriage record was George Willey. (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934) She was the daughter of Henry Naylor (Oct. 25, 1805 - April 27, 1886) and Catherine Shelley (July 20, 1807 - Dec. 17, 1886). Both parents died in Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas.

I found the query below. Further census research showed that this is the George Wille that was in Company C. of the 27th Iowa Infantry:

"George Wille married Elizabeth Naylor 1859 in Buchanan Co. Iowa. and moved to KS with the Naylor family in 1869 for we find them in the land records and buried in Yates Center Cem. Woodson Co KS. Their daughter, Addie, married ____ STEWART. George on the 1860 census for Iowa listed his place of birth as Hanover. Elizabeth was born in OH. Would like to find others who are related...or find George's siblings and parents...thank you! ..CAT"

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: George Wille, (age 23, born Hanover), Elizabeth Wille (age 19, born Ohio), Adda Wille (age 3/12, born Iowa)

1870 Census, Osawatomie, Miami, Kansas George WILLEY (age 30 Germany /1500, farmer), Elizabeth (age 28, born Ohio), Edda (age 8, b. Iowa), Clarance (age 1, born Iowa). They were living next door to Elizabeth's parents: Henry and Catharine Nailer and Eve Shelly.

1875 Kansas State Census, Center, Woodson County, Kansas: Geo Wille (age 37, merchant), Elizabeth Wille (age 34, born Ohio), Addie M. Willie (age 15, born Iowa)

1875 Yates Center Kansas Deed records: George WILLE US PATENT F:196 W NW 28.25.16

George Wille filed for a pension on Nov. 30, 1877, Certificate 218-706

1880 Census, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas: George Wille, (age 42, born Hanover), Elizabeth Wille (age 42, born Ohio), Adda Wille (age 20, born Iowa).

Woodson County, KS 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll: Certificate #218, 706 Name of Pensioner: Wille, George; P. O. Address: Yates Center; Cause for which pensioned: dis. of heart, lungs, & liver; Monthly Rate: 4.00; Date: Oct., 1882

1885 Kansas State Census, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas: G. Wille (age 47, male, married, farmer, born Germ. Where from to Kansas: Iowa, Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Military Service of the United States: Yes. Name of the State in which enlisted: Iowa, Letter or Name of Company or Command: C, Number of Regiment or other organization to which attached: 27, Arm of service: Inf.), E. Wille (age 45, female, born Ohio)

1895 Kansas State Census Collection, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas: George Wille (age 57, born Germany, from Iowa to Kansas, farmer, Military Record: Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Military Service of the United States: Yes. Name of the State in which enlisted: Iowa, Letter or Name of Company or Command: C, Number of Regiment or other organization to which attached: 27, Arm of service: Inf.), Eliz Willie (age 54, born Ohio), Edna Steward ( female, age 13), Berdal Steward (female age 9).

Elizabeth (Naylor) Wille, (born July 27, 1840 in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio), died Dec. 21, 1897 in Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas. She is buried in Yates Center Cemetery Lot 57 Section 11,Woodson County, Kansas.

1900 Census, Center, Woodson county, Kansas: George Wille, (born Oct. 1837, age 62, widowed, born Germany, immigrated in 1849, in the US 50 years, naturalized, farmer).

1900 Census, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas: M. Fred Stewart, (Born Dec. 1852, age 47, Married 19 years), Addie M. Stewart (born Feb. 1860, age 40 married 19 years, 6 children born, 6 still living, born Iowa), Daughter Edna (born Aug. 1881, age 18), son Roscoe (born Sept 1883, age 16), daughter Birtie (born Oct. 1885, Age 14), daughter Georgia (born Dec. 1887, age 12), Daughter Frances (born Sept. 1889, age 10), and son Wille (born June 1894, age 5). (This is George Wille's daughter and her family).

1910 Census, Delaware, Leavenworth, Kansas: George Wille (age 72, widowed)

George Wille died in 1914 in Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas. He is buried in Yates Center Cemetery Lot 57 Section 11, Woodson County, Kansas.

I found this query online establishing that George Wille is buried in Yates Center Cemetery, Woodson County, Kansas: "Just got back from Woodson Co KS where George Wille is buried at the Yates Center Cem. and so is Elizabeth Naylor WILLE. George was buying land in 1875. Still searching for this line...CAT"

I then corresponded with CAT who provided the additional information below

Yates Center Cemetery Lot 57 Section 11 listed George WILLE and Elizabeth his wife here and have a picture that I took of their grave stone. Listed him as a soldier in the Civil War.

Kalida Cemetery Lot 51 Section 11 listed were Henry WILLE father b. 3 Apr 1789 d. 13 Nov 1884 age 95/7/10days; Margaret WILLE b. 1855 buried 26 October 1942; William C. WILLE b. 1852 buried 17 Jan 1929. Not sure if they are related to George yet.

BIOGRAPHY: In the Beginning Vol. 8 #30 pg 5

Moving Houses: The first of these houses was moved by Hanry WILLE, to the northwest corner of the square where the Woodson Hotel stands. Henry Willie's two daughters, Mary, who married Harve Johnson, Adda Wille and their sister-in law, Mrs. George WILLE, were the first women to spend a night on the new townsite.

The second house was moved in and occupied by the George Wille family where the State Exchange Bank now is. The Central House was the first hotel erected was operated by C. W. Wilson. George Wille had the first general store.

Vol 6 #22 pg 8: In April 1877, The Methodist Episcopal Church of Yates Center was incorporated. The first Trustees appointed were Abner Yates, William Rutledge, J. W. Depew, George WILLE, R.D. Webster, P. P. Augustine, George Mentzer, I. S. John and A. Smith.

A George WILLE had the first General Store.

Williams, Joseph Anderson He was born Aug. 10, 1826 in Guernsey County, Ohio. He was the son of Oliver Williams (May 17, 1804 - July 19, 1891) and Dinah McGrew (Feb 8, 1805 - Sept. 19, 1840). Joseph A. Williams married Mary Ann Walters on Apr. 8, 1847 in Jerusalem, Center Twp, Monroe County, Ohio (or in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., Ohio). She was the daughter of Samuel and Katherine Walters.

1850 Census. Birmingham, Guernsey County, Ohio: Joseph A. Williams (age 24, blacksmith), Mary A. Williams (age 22), Newton Jasper Williams (age 2), Diana C. Williams (age 0), John Wolters (age 18), Diana A. Williams (age 13).

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: J. A. Williams (age 34, farmer, born Ohio), Mary A. Williams (age 32, born Ohio), Jasper N. (age 12, born Ohio), Clarissa D. (age 10, born Ohio), Catharine L. (age 8, born Ohio), Oliver S. (age 6, born Ohio), Alvaretta (age 3, born Iowa), Lavina (age 2, born Iowa).

Civil War: Private Co. C 27th Regiment of Iowa, Infantry, Volunteer was enlisted for 3-year term of service on the 1st day of August, 1862 by Captain Joseph D. Noble of Independence, Iowa was mustered into the military service 28th day of August 1862, By Captain George S. Pierce at Dubuque, Iowa. The records show that Private Williams was a native of Guernsey, Co., Ohio and was residing at Sunnyside, Buchanan Co., Iowa at the time of enlistment. Private Williams served in the Vicksburg and Red River Campaigns. He was mustered out of the service on Aug. 8, 1865 at Clinton, Iowa. When enlisted was 36 years old, had blue eyes, brown hair, dark complexion, was 6 ft. 1 3/4 in. tall and by occupation a Blacksmith. Testimony whereof, city of Des Moines 22 day of May, 1889. Gordon O. Hendrickson.

1870 Census, Vermillion, Marshall, Kansas: J. A. Williams (age 44), Mary Ann Williams (age 42), Jasper Williams (age 22), D. C. Williams (age 19), C. O. Williams (age 17), S. O. (age 15). A. A. Williams (age 13), Lavina Williams (age 16), Josiah Williams (age 3, born Kansas), St. Clair Williams (age 1, born Kansas).

1880 Census, Wells, Marshall County, Kansas: Jasper Williams (age 54, farmer, born Ohio), wife Mary Ann (age 52), son Oliver (age 28), daughter Olivia (age 26, born Ohio), son Josiah (age 13, born Kansas), son St. Clair (age 11, born Kansas), son Magrew (age 8, born Kansas) and daughter Mable (age 6, born Kansas). (Note his name was indexed as Jasper and it really looks like Jasper on the original census records, but this is clearly the right family).

1885 Kansas State Census, Clear Fork, Marshall County, Kansas: J. A. Williams (age 58, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, Military Record: Name of State in which enlisted: Iowa, Letter or name of Company of Command: C, Number of Regiment or other organization to which attached: 27, Arm of Service: Inft.), Maryan Williams (age 56), Josiah Williams (age 18), St. Clair Williams (age 16), McGrew Williams (age 14), Hattie M. Williams (age 11).

1895 Kansas State Census, Wells, Marshall County, Kansas: J. A. Williams (age 68, born Ohio, From Iowa to Kansas, farmer, Military History: Iowa, Co. C, 27th Iowa Infantry), Mary A. Williams (age 66), F. J. Williams (age 28), E. D. Williams (age 23), Hattie Williams (age 21).

Joseph A. Williams died Aug. 15, 1897 in Bigelow, Marshall Co., Kansas and is buried in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Marshall County, Kansas.

His widow Mary A. Williams filed for a pension on May 2, 1898 in Kansas.

Mary Ann (Walters) Williams (born Jan 19, 1829 in Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio) died April 27, 1906 in Bigelow, Marshall Co., Kansas. She is buried in Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort, Marshall County, Kansas

Children of Joseph Anderson Williams and Mary Ann Walters:

  1. Newton Jasper Williams b: 26 MAY 1848 in Buranah Co., IA
  2. Dinah Clarrisa Williams b: 28 FEB 1850 in Guernsey Co., Ohio
  3. Catherine Olivia Williams b: 26 OCT 1851 in Guernsey Co., Ohio
  4. Samuel Oliver Williams b: 15 APR 1854 in Guernsey Co., OH
  5. Alvaretta Williams b: 11 JAN 1856 in Buchanan Co., IA
  6. Elizinah Williams b: 9 MAY 1858 in Buchanan Co., IA
  7. Luvina Williams b: 9 MAY 1858 in Buchanan Co., IA
  8. Ida A. Williams b: 15 FEB 1861 in Buchanan Co., IA
  9. Mary Ellen Williams b: 5 DEC 1862 in Buchanan Co., IA
  10. Finley Josiah Williams b: 21 SEP 1866 in Circleville, Jackson Co., KS
  11. James St Clair Williams b: 14 APR 1869 in Marshall Co., KS
  12. Edwin McGrew Williams b: 12 OCT 1871
  13. Hattie Mabel Williams b: 28 MAR 1874

Wilson, Eri Alba He was born May 16, 1834 in Ohio. He was the son of Noah W. Wilson (1792 - Sept. 30, 1865) and Barbara Ann Struble (Oct. 18, 1804 -?) Eri A. Wilson married Dinah Ann Williams on July 4, 1855 in Buchanan County, Iowa.

Eri Alba WilsonThe Photo of Eri Alba Wilson was found on this family tree. There are additional photos.

1850 Census, Crawford, Wyandot County, Ohio: Noah Wilson (age 60, physician, born VT, Margaret Wilson (age 34), Eli G. Wilson (age 24), Phebe J. Wilson (age 19), Mirandi E. Wilson (age 19), Eri A. Wilson (age 17), John Bowen (age 16), Liken T. Wilson (age 14), Jesse N. Wilson (age 13), Samuel Wilson (age 14), Edward D. Wilson (age 13), Elizah Bowen (age 12), Margaret A. Wilson (age 5), Lorina Wilson (age 3) and Noah O. Wilson (age 1).

1856 Iowa State Census: Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Noah Wilson (age 61, M.D., born VT), Margaret (age 43), Elienn (age 20), Jesse N (age 18), Edward (age 18), Elijah (age 17), Margaret (age 11), Lorinda (age 9), Orlando (age 5),Stephen (age 4), Martha (age 2). This family had been in Iowa for 5 years.

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Noah Wilson (age 68, physician), Margaret Wilson (age 45), Ann Wilson (age 15), Lorinda Wilson (age 14), Orlando Wilson (age 10), Stephen Wilson (age 10) Jane Wilson (age 5), Charles Bowen (age 2) and John Bowen (age 25). (Next door to them is: Eri A. Wilson and his family.

1860 Census, Jefferson, Buchanan County, Iowa: Eri A. Wilson (age 26, farmer, born Ohio), Ann Wilson (age 24), Olivia Wilson (age 3) and Ida Wilson (age 1).

1870 Census, Vinton, Benton County, Iowa: E. A. Wilson (age 36, plastering, born Ohio), Anna Wilson (age 34), Olive Wilson (age 13), Ida Wilson (age 11), Mary Wilson (age 9), Eddy Wilson (age 2), Lilly Wilson (age 1).

1880 Census, Sheridan, Cowley County, Kansas: Eri A. Wilson (age 46, farmer, born Ohio), wife Dinah Wilson (age 44, born Ohio), daughter Olive A. Wilson (age 23, born Iowa), daughter Ida M. Wilson (age 21, born Iowa), daughter Mary E. Wilson (age 19, born Iowa), son William E. C. Wilson (age 12, born Iowa), daughter Lily M. Wilson (age 11, born Iowa), daughter Jessie B. Wilson (age 6, born Iowa) and son Eri A. Wilson (age 4, born Iowa)

Eri A. Wilson filed for a pension on Nov. 29, 1882 in Kansas

1885 Kansas State Census, Sheridan, Cowley County, Kansas E. A. Wilson (age 50, stone mason, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, Honorably discharged from the Volunteer Service of the United States, State: Iowa, Company C, 27th Regiment, Infantry), D. A. Wilson (age 48, born Ohio), Wm. E. Wilson (age 17, farmer, born Iowa). L. Wilson (age 15, female, born Iowa), Pauline Wilson (age 13, born Iowa), Blanch Wilson (age 11, born Iowa), E. A. Wilson (age 9, male, born Iowa).

1895 Kansas State Census, Sheridan, Cowley County, Kansas E. A. Wilson (age 60, born Ohio, from Iowa to Kansas, bricklayer, Honorably discharged from the volunteer service of the United States: State: Iowa, Company C, 27 Regiment, Infantry), D. A. Wilson (age 59, born Ohio), Lillie Wilson (age 24, born Iowa), Pauline Wilson (age 22, born Iowa), Blanch Wilson (age 21, born Iowa) and Alba Wilson (age 18, born Iowa).

1900 Census, McElroy, Pawnee County, Oklahoma: Eri E. Wilson (born May 1834, age 66, married 44 years, farmer, born Ohio), wife Dina A. Wilson (born Jan. 1836, age 64, married 44 years, 8 children, 8 still living, born Ohio), daughter Alice P. (born Nov. 1871, age 28, born Iowa), son Eri E (Born March 1876, age 24, born Iowa). Note their daughter Lillie M. and her husband Joseph E. Allsip were living next door to them. They had been married 1 year. and had no children.)

Dianah A. Wilson (born Jan. 25, 1836), died May 6, 1907 and is buried in Burden Cemetery, Burden, Cowley County, Kansas.

1910 Census, Long Beach, Los Angeles California: Eri A. Wilson (age 75, born Ohio) (this appears to be him - but I am not 100% certain. He is by himself, but if I were to research his children, I would possibly find one of them close by).

Eri Alba Wilson died Dec. 6, 1914 and is buried in Burden Cemetery, Burden, Cowley County, Kansas

Wright, Charles H. He was born Jan 7, 1841 in Oneida County. New York. He was the son of William A. Wright (1807 - Dec. 1, 1881) and Ann M. Clark (May 22, 1808 - Oct. 21, 1875). He married Hattie Potts on Nov. 28, 1867. (Iowa, Marriages, 1809 - 1992). She was the daughter of Jacob H. Potts (June 22, 1813 - after 1880) and Katherine Hansman (Sept.25, 1812 - 1880) Hattie's sister Sophronia Potts married Robert N. White, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa. Note: There is a discrepancy in their mother's name and I don't know which one is correct. The family tree for Sophronia Potts lists her mother's name as Elizabeth Katharine Huntsman. The family tree of Hattie Potts lists her mother's name as Katherine Hansman.) Charles, sister Nettie Wright married John Kelsey, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa. Robert T Wright, brother of Charles, also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.


The following history of the life of Charles .H Wright, one of the pioneers of Fayette County and this section of Iowa is of considerable interest, the more so from the fact that it was dictated by himself about a year ago.

The subject of this sketch, a leading farmer and representative citizen of Oran Township, is one of the brave men who in the days when treason was rife in the enemies of the federal union threatened its disruption, responded to the call of the government and gave his services to its defense. He not only experienced the dread realities of warfare in camp, on the march and in the ordeal of battle, but shed his blood and endured manifold suffering that the cause which he had so much at heart should triumph and the honor of the flag remain unsullied.

Charles H. Wright was born January 7, 1841 in Oneida County, New York, being the fifth of eight children, whose parents were William and Ann (Clark) Wright, both natives of Yorkshire, England. In 1814 William Wright; then a youth of 14 in company with his grandfather Joseph Clark and Thomas Ripley, an uncle came to the United States and grew to maturity in Oneida County, New York, were said relatives located. He was reared a farmer and followed that vocation in the above County, until 1844, when he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he spent the summer of that year and then located 5 miles north of Elgin. After spending the ensuing 10 years in that part of the state, he decided to move further west, accordingly in May 1854, he started on the journey to Iowa, traveling by way of Rockford and Freeport, crossing the Mississippi River, at Galena and proceeding onward until arriving at Fairbank in the state of destination, where he decided to locate. The town of Fairbank at that time was a mere frontier hamlet of four families, the County of Buchanan in the main being but sparsely settled. Mr. Wright purchased 60 acres of land and took up a homestead of 80 nearby, on which he erected a log cabin, 16 by 24 feet in size which answered the purpose of a dwelling until replaced by larger and much more comfortable edifice some years later. He improved his land and in due time had an excellent farm on which he and his good wife spent the remainder of their lives, both being buried in the cemetery at Fairbank, where other settlers are also sleeping the sleep that knows no waking.

The following are the names of the children born to William and Ann Wright; William C., who was accidentally killed by a horse; Marianne, widow of the late F. B. Nute, of Oelwein; Joseph James, a farmer of Popular Grove, California, who died in 1907; Sarah J. wife of Moses Robinson of Waverley, Iowa; Charles H., of this review; Nettie, who married John Kelsey and died some years ago in California, her husband being a member of Company C 27th Iowa in the late Civil War, died at Montgomery, Alabama, while in the service; Robert T., who also served in the above company, and later farmed the old homestead, is deceased, and Martha, the youngest of the family is living in San Jose, California.

Charles H. Wright, like the majority of country lads, spent his childhood and youth in close touch with nature and while still young became familiar with the rugged duties of farm life. Growing up in a comparatively new country, he enjoyed limited advantages in the way of obtaining an education, his total schooling confined to two winter terms of three months each. Later, however, he made up for his deficiency in the great measure by much reading and intelligent observation; his military experience also contributed to the development of his mental faculties, while the mingling with his fellow men in various business capacities has given him a valuable practical knowledge and made him one of the well-informed men of his community.

Young Wright remained at home assisting with the cultivation of the farm until August 1862, when he exchanged the implements of husbandry for the death dealing weapons of warfare. Enlisting on the 15th of that month in Company C 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, he spent some time at Dubuque drilling, thence accompanied his Regiment to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and later went via Prairie du Chein, Madison, Wisconsin and Chicago, to Cairo, Illinois, where the command embarked for Memphis, Tennessee. Shortly after arriving at that city the 27th joined Grant's Army and the first duties that fell to the Regiment was guarding of the railroad bridge at Tallahassee, Georgia, subsequently being sent to Jackson, Tennessee to guard the Jackson and Memphis Railroad. In the summer of 1863, Mr. Wright's Regiment was ordered to Helena, Arkansas, where he joined the forces under General Steele, which soon afterwards captured Little Rock. Returning to Memphis the subject spent three months doing picket duty, which time extended into the winter of 1864, the coldest on record. During the month of December, January and February of that year the weather became so intensely severe that many soldiers had their hands and feet frozen while on duty and not a few being permanently disabled. In the spring of 1864 the 27th Iowa was ordered to Vicksburg, where it joined the Army under General Sherman and from there marched to Meridian, Mississippi, where many miles of railroad were destroyed and 13 locomotives were captured. Returning to Vicksburg, the Regiment was detached from Sherman's command to form part of the force of General Banks for the Red River campaign. In the latter expedition Mr. Wright's Regiment was in A. J. Smith's division and saw much active service, participating in a number of battles and skirmishes and experiencing its full share of suffering and disaster, which marked the history of the movement. Later the 27th took part in the battle of Tupelo, Mississippi after which it was ordered to join General Sherman at Atlanta, but the order being countermanded, the Regiment with others went to St. Louis to head off the Confederate forces under General Price, marching 720 miles, without change of clothing and without much time to rest. The object being accomplished the command went to Nashville, to operate against General Hood, who was moving against that city and in the bloody battle which occurred there and the similar engagement at Franklin the 27th bore a conspicuous and gallant part. Without narrating in detail Mr. Wright's further military service, which the nature of this sketch forbids, suffice it to state that he accompanied his command through all of its experiences and vicissitudes at New Orleans, Dauphin Island, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, and many other places, marching in all 13,000 miles and under all circumstances acquitting himself as became a gallant and brave defender of the union. While on the ill starred Red River Campaign he was shot through the right thigh, a painful and dangerous wound, but he recovered in due season and from that time until the close of the war was always ready to go where duty call.

Mr. Wright was honorably discharged at Clinton, Iowa, August 8, 1865, after three years faithful service after which he returned home and purchased a farm of 160 acres near the family homestead which he improved and on which he lived and prospered during the next ensuing 23 years. At the expiration of that time he moved to Bremer County where he bought land and farmed for a period of 11 years, disposing of his holdings in that part of the state in 1900 and purchasing the beautiful place in Oran Township, Fayette County, on which he has since resided.

Mr. Wright's present farm consists of 100 acres of highly improved and very valuable land and the home is pronounced one of the most beautiful and desirable in the Township of Oran. As a tiller of the soil he is enterprising and up-to-date being familiar with the various phases of agriculture science and he seldom fails to realize abundant returns from the time and labor expended on his farm.

In November 1867, Mr. Wright was happily married to Hattie Erina (Hansman) Potts. The father was born in Knox County Ohio in 1813, the mother in Richmond County, that state on September 25, of the same year. Mr. and Mrs. Potts were the parents of 8 children namely: John born August 3, 1835; Abigail, born August 29, 1837, married J. West and lives in Fairbank; Sophronia, born February 2, 1840, is the wife of Robert M. White, of Oregon; Elizabeth, born July 16, 1842 died September 11, 1845; Benjamin, Bay City, Texas, was born January 7, 1845, Hattie, wife of the subject was born on August 7, 1847; Isabel, now Mrs. Isaac Skillings, of Oregon whose birth occurred February 23, 1856.

Jacob H Potts, the father settled in Illinois in an early day and 1855 moved from that state to Iowa, locating in Black Hawk County, 3 miles southwest of Fairbank. Later he migrated to Brown County, Nebraska, where his death occurred, his widow subsequently returning to Fairbank, where she spent the remainder of her days.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright have had six children; Ida Ann, who died September 1, 1892; Vinnie Sherman who was killed by mule, February 9, 1886; Charles F., died April 25, 1898; Myrtle Bell, who departed this life in July 1900; Laura M, who died December 28, 1883, and William Arthur the only surviving member of the family who was born October 13, 1884, and is still with his parents.

Mr. Wright takes an active interest in military matters and is well posted on the history of the United States, being especially familiar with the facts connected with the Civil War in which he bore such an honorable part. He organized Fairbank Post Number 367, Grand Army of the Republic, served as its commander for eight years, besides filling all the other offices and is still one of the most conspicuous and influential members. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias Lodge at the above place, his wife being a member of the Pythias Sisters and an active worker in the same. Both are highly esteemed and have many warm friends in the community where they reside.

The Oelwein Daily Register, Wednesday, July 15, 1925.

1850 Census, Elgin, Kane County, Illinois: William Wright, (age 44, farmer, born England), Ann Wright (age 42, born Canada), William C. Wright (age 18, Born NY), Mary A Wright (age 14, born NY), Joseph J Wright (age 13, born NY), Sarah J. Wright (age 12, born NY), Charles Wright (age 10, born NY), Henriette Wright (age 5, born Ill.), Robt. T Wright (age 2, born Ill.),

1856 Iowa State Census, Alton, Buchanan County Iowa: William Wright (age 52), Ann Wright (age 42), William C. Wright (age 24), Mary A. Wright (age 20), Joseph J. Wright (age 19), Sarah J. Wright (age 17), Charles H. Wright (age 16), Henrietta Wright (age 11), Robert T. Wright (age 7), Martha L. Wright (age 5). They had been in the state of Iowa for 2 years.

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. A. Wright (age 54), Ann Wright (age 51), Jos J. Wright (age 22), Chas H. Wright (age 29), Mary A Wright (age 22), Sara J. Wright (age 20, Henriette Wright (age 15), Robt T. Wright (age 12), and Martha Wright (age 2).

1870 Census, Fairbank Buchanan County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright (age 27), Harriet Wright (age 23) and Ida A. Wright (age 1).

1880 Census. Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright (age 39, farmer, born NY), wife Hattie Wright (age 33), daughter Ida Ann Wright (age 11), son Vinnie S. Wright (age 9), son Charles F. Wright (age 3), daughter Myrta B. Wright (age 11 M, born June) and father William A. Wright (age 78, born England).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright (age 43, Township 90, Range 10, Section 9, SW SW), Hattie Wright (age 38), Ida A. Wright (age 16), Vinnie s. Wright 9age 14), Charles F. Wright (age 7), Mertie B. Wright (age 5) and William A. Wright (age 0). Note had this family indexed as Weight.

1900 Census, Oran Fayette County, Iowa: Wright, Charles H. (bon Jan 1841, age 59, married 33 years, born NY, farmer), wife Hattie Wright (born Jun 1847, age 52, married 33 years, 6 children born 2 still living, born Ill.), daughter Myrtie (born June 1879 (age 21), son Arthur (born Oct, 1844, age 15).

Charles Wright of Oran Township, is in Des Moines where he is assisting in removing the battle flags. They are being placed in metallic cases. Mr. Wright was a color bearer in the 27th Iowa. It is considered an honor to be one of the number to help remove the battle flags at the Capital.

The Oelwein Register, Wednesday, August 30, 1905

1910 Census, Oran, Fayette County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright (age 68, married 43 years, born New York), wife Hattie P. Wright (age 63, married, 6 children born, 1 still living).

1915 Iowa State Census, Oelwein, Fayette County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright, age 74, retired, Extent of Education: Common 8, Birthplace: New York. Owns his own farm or home with no encumbrances. Value $3000.00. Military Service: Civil War, 27 Infantry, State of Iowa, Company C., father and mother born England., can read and write. Years in Iowa: 61.

1920 Census, Oelwein Ward 3, Fayette County, Iowa: Charles H. Wright (age 80, born NY), wife Hattie Wright (age 73).

Hattie Wright (born August 7, 1847) died April 19, 1922 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Add 1, blk 149, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa.

I found this on Find a Grave: The following obituary was transcribed by Janet Meaney. Much thanks to her for the information.

Independence Conservative - 26 April 1922:

Fairbanks - The remains of Mrs Charles Wright who died Tuesday were brought here for burial Thursday afternoon & laid away in the family lot in the Fairbank cemetery. Hattie Potts was born in Elgin, Illinois August 7, 1847 & came with her parents to Iowa in 1854 locating on a farm three miles west of Fairbank. On November 27 she was united in marriage to Charles H. Wright who with one son, Arthur, survives her. Mrs Wright was the mother of 6 children, five of them preceded her to the spirit land. About 9 years ago she & her husband moved to Oelwein where her death occurred April 18, 1922. She also leaves one brother, Benjamin Potts of Bay City, Texas & one sister, Mrs Sophronia White of Crawfordsville, Oregon & one grandson, Harold Wright besides other relatives & many friends. She was a life long member of the Methodist church & was a regular attendant when her health permitted. For some months she has been failing & about a week ago suffered a severe fall, breaking her hip. From this time on she gradually failed & passed peacefully to her rest surrounded by her devoted husband & loving son and wife. The many friends of these estimable people extend to them their deepest sympathy in their sad hour.

Note that the Death record for Hattie states her death date is 19 Apr 1922.

Charles H. Wright died on July 12, 1925 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, Add 1, blk 148, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa. Note, his tombstone and pension index records says he died July 12, 1925. His obituary says July 14, 1925.

G. A. R. Veteran and Pioneer at Fayette Is Dead at Oelwein

Oelwein, Iowa, July 16––Charles H. Wright, Fayette County Pioneer and Civil War veteran, died at his home near here July 14, at the age of 84. He served from August 1862 to the end of the war in the Union Army. On August 15, 1862, he joined the 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company C, which drilled for a while at Dubuque and from there went to Fort Snelling, Minnesota and after training, the company left for Memphis, Tennessee.

In 1863 the Regiment was called to Arkansas, where it joined forces of General Steele, which soon afterwards captured Little Rock, returning to Tennessee, where Wright spent three months doing picket duty. In the spring of 1864 the Regiment joined the Army under General Sherman at Vicksburg and from there marched to Meridian, Mississippi.

The Regiment was detached from Sherman's command and formed part of the force of General Banks for the Red River campaign. The Regiment later saw other active service. While on the Red River Campaign Wright was shot through the right thigh but recovered and served in other campaigns.

Mr. Wright was honorably discharged at Clinton Iowa, August 8, 1865. Upon returning home he purchased a farm of 160 acres in Buchanan County but later sold it and in 1900 he purchased a beautiful place in Oran Township, Fayette County. The farm consists of some 100 acres upon which he lived until his death.

He was born January 7, 1843 in Oneida County, New York, being the fifth of eight children. His parents William and Ann Wright, were born in Yorkshire England. William Wright came to America in 1814 at the age of 14 years. The elder Wright located at the town of Fairbank, at that time a hamlet of four families. Mr. Wright purchased 60 acres and homesteaded 80 acres nearby, on which he erected a log cabin, which was later replaced by a more comfortable abode.

Waterloo Evening Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1925

Wright, Robert T. He was born July 17, 1848 in Illinois. He was the son of William A. Wright (1807 - Dec. 1, 1881) and Anne M. Clark (May 22, 1808 - Oct 21, 1875). He married Mary Louisa Skillings on Jan. 16, 1869 in Bremer County, Iowa. (Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992.) She was the daughter of Ransom Skillings (Sept. 25, 1817 - Oct. 10, 1892) and Nancy Ann Hills (April 26, 1826 - Oct. 27, 1915). Robert's brother, Charles H. Wright, also served in Company C, 27th Iowa. His sister, Nettie Wright, married John Kelsey, who also served in Company C, 27th Iowa.

This appears to be a biography for the father of Robert Wright.

From Past and Present of Fayette County Iowa (1910):

In 1814 William Wright, then a youth of fourteen, in company with his grandfather, Joseph CLARK, and Thomas RIPLEY, an uncle, come to the United States and grew to maturity in Oneida county, New York, where said relatives located. He was reared a farmer and followed that vocation in the above county until 1844, when he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he spent the summer of that year and then located five miles north of Elgin. After spending the ensuing ten years in that part of the state, he decided to move farther west, accordingly, in May, 1854, he started on the journey to Iowa, traveling by the way of Rockford and Freeport, crossing the Mississippi river at Galena and proceeding onward until arriving at Fairbank, in the state of his destination, where he decided to locate. The town of Fairbank at that time was a mere frontier hamlet of four families, the county of Buchanan in the main being but sparsely settled. Mr. Wright purchased sixty acres of land and took up a homestead of eight near by, on which he erected a log building, sixteen by twenty feet in size, which answered the purposes of a dwelling until replaced by a larger and much more comfortable edifice some years later. He improved his land and in due time had an excellent farm on which he and his good wife spent the remainder of their lives, both being buried in the cemetery at Fairbank.

1850 Census, Elgin, Kane County, Illinois: William Wright, (age 44, farmer, born England), Ann Wright (age 42, born Canada), William C. Wright (age 18, Born NY), Mary A Wright (age 14, born NY), Joseph J Wright (age 13, born NY), Sarah J. Wright (age 12, born NY), Charles Wright (age 10, born NY), Henriette Wright (age 5, born Ill.), Robt. T Wright (age 2, born Ill.),

1856 Iowa State Census, Alton, Buchanan County Iowa: William Wright (age 52), Ann Wright (age 42), William C. Wright (age 24), Mary A. Wright (age 20), Joseph J. Wright (age 19), Sarah J. Wright (age 17), Charles H. Wright (age 16), Henrietta Wright (age 11), Robert T. Wright (age 7), Martha L. Wright (age 5). They had been in the state of Iowa for 2 years.

1860 Census, Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Wm. A. Wright (age 54), Ann Wright (age 51), Jos J. Wright (age 22), Chas H. Wright (age 29), Mary A Wright (age 22), Sara J. Wright (age 20, Henriette Wright (age 15), Robt T. Wright (age 12), and Martha Wright (age 2).

1870 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Robert Wright (age 21, born Illinois) and Louisa M. Wright (age 20, born Wisconsin).

1880 Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Robert Wright (age 31), Mary L. Wright (age 30), Earnest Wright (age 9), Mary E. Wright (age 4), Clara E. Wright (age 3), Charles E. Wright (age 1), Martha Wright (age 28), Annettie Lines (age 6).

1885 Iowa State Census, Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Robert T. Wright (Township 90, Range 10, Section 4, S 1/4 SW SW, age 36, insurance agent), Mary L. (age 35) Robert E (age 13), Mary E (age 9), Clarra E. (age 7), and Charles H. (couldn't read the age-should have been about 5).

Robert T. Wright, died November 13, 1889 and is buried in Fairbank Cemetery, add 1 blk 115; Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa. Co. C. 27th IA. Inf.; member/G.A.R.

His widow Mary L. Wright filed for a pension on Dec. 5, 1889 in Tennessee(?).

1900 Census, Jackson, Charles Mix County, South Dakota Nancy A. Skillings (born Apr. 1826, age 74, widowed, 9 children born, 8 still living, born New York), adopted son Robert Campbell (born Oct. 1886, age 13, born Ohio), daughter Mary L. Wright (born Apr. 1849, age 51, widowed, 5 children born, 4 still living, born Wisconsin), grandson Ernest R. Wright (born Feb. 1871, age 29, born Iowa), grandson Charles H. Wright (born Dec. 1878, age 21, born Iowa), and granddaughter Ivy M. Wright (born Sept. 1885, age 14, born Iowa).

Mary L. Wright died Dec. 23, 1936 at Hayden Lake, Kootenai County, Idaho.

Wroten, Jesse He was born May 27, 1840 in Indiana. He was probably the son of Robert Wroten (March 12, 1804 - June 8, 1867) and Nancy Cameron (Jan. 16, 1812 - Jan. 8, 1878). (In looking for Jesse Wroten born 1840 in Indiana, I came across a family tree for a Jane Wroten born 1842 in Indiana. Parents Robert Wroten and Nancy Cameron. There was no mention of Jesse in the family tree. But I searched 1850 Census records and found the 1850 census records below. I believe that Jesse and Jane were siblings.) Jesse Wroten married Philena/Filina Nichols on Nov. 23, 1869 in Buchanan County, Iowa. Marriage record said "Lena". (Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934). She was the daughter of Asel Nichols and (possibly Lucy J.) Bothwell. (1925 Iowa State Census)

1850 Census: District 7, Boone County, Iowa: Robert Wroten (age 46, farmer, born Delaware), Nancy Wroten (age 37, born Ohio), John C. Wroten (age 16, born Ohio), Jesse Wroten (age 10, born Indiana), Jane Wroten (age 7, born Indiana), Alexander Wroten (age 6, born Indiana), Rachael Wroten (age 3, born Indiana), Sarah E. Wroten (age 3/12, born Indiana) and Caroline Cameron (age 11, born Indiana).

1860 Census: Alton, Buchanan County, Iowa: Robert Wroten (age 56, farmer, born Delaware), Nancy Wroten (age 47, born Ohio), Jesse Wroten (age 20, born Indiana), Alex Wroten (age 16. born Indiana), Rachel Wroten (age 13, born Indiana), Sarah E. Wroten (age 10, born Indiana), Thomas Wroten (age 7, born Indiana) and Almira Wroten (age 5, born Indiana).

1870 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jesse Wroten (age 30, farmer, born Indiana), Philena Wroten (age 21, born Illinois), Alfred Thompson (age 30, born Penn. and Rosanna Thompson (age 23, born Ireland) (Note Nancy Wroten, age 57 and several of Jesse's siblings were living next door -- Also note they were indexed as MOTON by

1880 Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jesse Wroten (age 40), wife Philena Wroten (age 31), son Homer Wroten (age 8), daughter Lelian Wroten (age 6), daughter Hattie Wroten (age 3), son Charlie Wroten (age 1), boarder George Nichols (age 24, born Illinois), Jane Davis (age 25).

1885 Iowa State Census: Byron, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jesse Worton (age 41), Philona Worton (age 36), Homer Worton (age 12), Selia Worton (age 11), Hattie Worton (age 8), Chas Worton (age 6), and Alice Worton (age 3).

1900 Census: Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jesse Wroten (born May 1840, age 60, married 30 years, born Indiana, teamster), wife Philena F. Wroten (born Nov. 1848 (age 51, married 30 years, 6 children born, 6 still living, born Illinois), daughter Lela Wroten (born May 1874,age 26), daughter Hariett Wroten ( born July 1876, age 23), Alice C. Wroten (born Aug. 1881, age 18), and daughter Lucy J. Wroten (born May 1888, age 12).

1910 Census: Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa: Achel Nichols (age 83, widowed, born New York), Philena Wroten (age 61, married 1 time for 40 years, 7 children born, 6 still living) Jesse Wroten (age 69, married 1 time for 40 years). (Note the relationship was unreadable, but Achel Nichols is the father of Philena (based on the 1925 Iowa State Census).

1915 Iowa State Census: Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa: Jesse Wroten (age 74, Occupation Retired, Extent of Education: Common 8, birth place Indiana, Church Affiliation: Methodist, married, can read and write. Years in Iowa: 64.

1920 Census: Oneida, Delaware County, Iowa: Jesse Wroten (age 79), wife Philena Wroten (age 71), daughter Harriet Wroten, (age 44)

January 1, 1925 Iowa State Census, Washington, Buchanan County, Iowa: John Derr (age 43), Lelia Derr (age 50), Dale Derr (age 17), John Derr Jr. (age 10), Celia Derr (age 6), Jesse Wroten, age 84, father-in-law. Even though this census shows parents names, his were not listed. Instead they mistakenly carried down (") from about 3 rows up: showing his parents to be his daughter and son-in-law). Filena Wroten was also on this census: Filena Wroten, age 77, mother-in-law. Father's name: Asel Nichols, mother's name ? Bothwell. Several of their children (Lelia, Alice, Homer) were on this census showing their parents names to be Jesse Wroten and Lena (Philena) Nichols. (Note: the 1885 Iowa State Census shows Ashel & Lucy J. Nichols in Fairbank, Buchanan County, Iowa. So possibly her mother is Lucy J. Bothwell.

Jesse Wroten died in Dec. 22, 1925 (Pension Index Record) and is buried in Littleton Cemetery, Perry Township, Buchanan County, Iowa, (add. blk 1 lot 23; Co. C, 27th IA. Inf.; member/G.A.R.)

Jesse Wroten, G. A. R, Veteran, Is Buried at Independence

Independence, Iowa, December 24 – – the funeral of Jesse Wroten, Civil War veteran, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Derr, was to be conducted this afternoon at the M. E. Church here. The G. A. R. was to form an escort.

Jesse Wroten was born in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, on May 27, 1840, a son of Robert and Nancy Wroten. The family moved West when he was 11, traveling across Illinois in a covered wagon and coming to this county to settle in the timber along the Wapsie, about 4 miles north of Littleton, where the parents were charter members of the Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church. Mr. Wroten had the distinction of being a resident of Buchanan County the longest time, 75 years. In the early 60s he enlisted in the Union Army at Dubuque, serving until the end of that strife with Company C, 27th Iowa infantry.

After the war he was wedded to Mrs. Philomena Nichols. The ceremony was performed in November, 1869, by Judge Barton in the old courthouse in this city. Seven children were born to this couple. One son, Charles, died in 1912. Others, who, with the widow survived are; Rev. Homer Wroten, Clear Lake; Mrs. John Derr, this County; Mrs. Harriet Wroten, Janesville, Iowa; Mrs. A. J. Maythaler and Mrs. D. J. Van Gerpen, Earlville.

There are also 12 grandchildren and four sisters; Mrs. Jane Anderson and Mrs. Rachel Van Eman, this city; Mrs. Almeda Bantz, Waterville, and Mrs. Lida Gates, Chicago.

Waterloo Evening Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1925

His widow Lena Wroten filed for a pension on Dec. 30, 1925.

Mother Wroten (no dates) is also buried in add. blk 1, lot 23 - I would assume that is Philena.

Also buried in Littleton Cemetery add blk 1, lot 23 is Robert Wroten (1804 - June 8, 1867) and Nancy Wroten (1813 - Jan 8, 1878).

Zinn, Thomas He was born about 1837 in Pennsylvania. He was the son of Phillip Zinn (1803 - Oct. 30, 1865) and Barbara Styer (1803 - Mar. 22, 1979). He married Catherine E. Albert on Oct. 31, 1867 in Black Hawk County, Iowa. Marriage record said C. E. Albert (Iowa, Marriages, 1809-1992). She was most likely the daughter of Nicholas Albert (Mar. 21, 1806 - Feb. 15, 1896) and Margaret Weidenbach (Sept. 29, 1811 - Nov. 18, 1891).

In the fall of 1850, came Peter Albert (father-in-law of J B Stainbrook), his wife and four children; Nicholas Albert and his family (wife and four children), and Phillip Zinn with his wife and four children. When the winter of 1850-51 came, the above named completed the colony. They obtained their supplies from Cedar Rapids, some thirty miles away. Sent a man once a week to Marion for their mail, forty miles away; had plenty of wild game that supplied them with delicious food. We should call it a hard life. But with all the deprivations incident to pioneer life, they claim, that never in their lives did they enjoy themselves better.

History of Buchanan County, Iowa, p. 404-408, 250

1850 Census: District 11, Buchanan County, Iowa: Phillip Zinn (age 40), Barbara Zinn (age 50), Thomas Zinn (age 15), Eliza Zinn (age 14), Jacob Zinn (age 12), Sarah Zinn (age 8) and Phillip Zinn (age 7).

1870 Mortality Census for Persons who died during the year ending 1st June 1870 in Jefferson Township, County of Buchanan State of Iowa: # of The Family as given in the second column of Schedule 1: 88, Thomas Zinn, Age 33, male white, married, born Penn. The month in which the person died: March, Profession: Carpenter; Disease or cause of death: Consumption.

Katie E. Zinn married P. H. Steckman on Oct. 1, 1876 in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992).

1880 Census, Brandon, Buchanan County, Iowa Philip B. Steckman (age 38, blacksmith, disability: cords on back of leg cut), wife Kate Steckman (age 37, born Pennsylvania), daughter Mabell I. Steckman (age 2, born Iowa).

His widow Catherine E. Steckman filed for a pension on June 15, 1880.

In 1900 she was still in Buchanan County with her husband Phillip and daughter Mable.

In 1910 and 1920 she was widowed and living with her daughter and family in Pipestone County, Minnesota.

In 1930 she was still living with her daughter and family, but they were in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

Catherine "Kate" (Albert) Zinn, Steckman died May 24, 1931 in St. Paul, Dakota County, Minnesota.