Transcribed and Submitted by
Judge John Bauercamper
Allamakee County Courthouse
P.O. Box 248
Waukon, Iowa 52172-0248
Last summer I sent you a note about a history of Co B of the 27th that I found at the Museum in Waukon. I have transcribed the history and prepared a memo regarding the information I have obtained about its author, which is attached. You may include these items in the 27th Inf page if you believe them to be of interest. The Allamakee County Historical Society has given its permission to use the history.
The original book has a ruled margin on the left side of the page. The author wrote comments in the margin of each page to annotate the text. I could not reproduce that format, so I have tried to present that information in bold type.
John Bauercamper
The Company was recruited at Lansing Allamakee Co. Iowa from the 8th to the 15th of August 1862, inclusive, by Charles A. Comstock, Philander J. Harrington and Samuel W. Hemenway.
Aug. 25 Co. went to Dubuque
St 111 miles
On the 20th day of Aug. 62 the Co. elected its officers and on the 25th of Aug. 62 at 2 a.m.. went on board Steamer War Eagle for Dubuque Iowa. Until the 30th Aug. the Co. was subsisted at Hotels in Dubuque.
30th went into Bcks
On that day Barracks having been built in "Camp Franklin" the Co. moved to camp being the 2nd Co. of the 27th that went into camp. They were sworn into service as a Co. by Capt. Geo. Price 19th U.S. Inf. on the 28th Aug. 62.
Regt Mustered in Oct 3rd 1862
From the date of going into camp until the 3rd day of October when the Regt was organized and sworn into service the time passed without any event worthy of particular notice. Co. drill in the A.M. Battalion drill in the P.M. and "Dress Parade" at sunset was its daily duty to be performed.
4th Oct Co. furloughed
On the 4th of Oct. the Co. (as well as the rest of the Regt) was furloughed for five days before going into the field. On the 10th the Regt drew their arms and accouterments Co. "B" and "A" being armed with Enfield Rifles.
12 Left for St. Paul
Orders having been recd for the Regt to report at once at Fort Snelling Minn four companies left on the Ste Northern Light on the 11th & on the 12th Co. B with 3 others left on Ste "Itasca" the remaining two Cos. going on the "Flora"
14th Arrived at Fort Snelling
St 380 Miles
The "Itasca" left Eagle Point at 11 a.m. 12th and reached St. Paul without accident on the 14th at 2 p.m. and at 3 p.m. went on board Ste Clara Hines for Ft. Snelling arriving at 5 p.m. We went into camp immediately 1/2 mile from the Fort on the Minneapolis road.
17th Marched for Mille Lac Minn.
Remained in camp preparing for the field until the 17th when at 7 a.m. six companies took up their line of march for Mille Lac 154 miles from Fort Snelling.
Md 12 miles
We passed through Minneapolis at 12 p.m. and camped on a small creek 12 miles from the Fort.
Md 17 miles
18th at 8 o'clock moved out. The road ran near the Miss river and at 5 p.m. we crossed to the north side on a ferry and camped in Anoka having marched 17 miles.
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Md 17 miles
October 19th marched at 7 a.m. Co. "B" in advance. Marched 17 miles and camped at St. Francis on Rum river.
Md 25 miles
October 20th marched 25 miles and camped at Princeton on the extreme of civilization. Here we saw a stockade for protection against the Indians. 21st struck tents at 7 a.m. and struck into the woods and until our return to this place did not see a house or a sign of civilization except at Mille Lac where there was one house occupied by an Indian trader.
Md 18 miles
We marched this day 18 miles and at 5 p.m. we forded Rum river and camped on the east side of the river. The road today was wet to almost impassable leading through pine and mixed kinds of timber.
19 miles
22nd marched 19 miles along Rum river through a dense pine and maple forest. Camped on the east side of the Rum river in a dense growth of pines.
20 miles
On the 23rd we marched 20 miles through same kind of timber as yesterday and the other day before. Crossed the river and camped on the west side of the river on a creek.
24th reached Mille Lac
18 miles
24th marched 18 miles and reached Mille Lac at 5 p.m. Found one house & barn occupied by an Indian trader. There had been a saw mill at some time, here but it had been washed away. There were on our arrival some 50 lodges of Chippewa Indians here awaiting payment to guard which was the object of our expedition. On the 25th we remained in camp and in the p.m. attended a council between the Indian Agents and the chiefs. It was very interesting. Sunday the 26th Cos. B and A remained in camp while the other 4 companies started back 4 miles to a creek where forage could be got for the teams. In the p.m. I went to a lake which was 3 miles across and frozen over, two miles away & one of the many that fed the Rum river. At 6 p.m. the payment commenced and was continued until nearly daylight when the whole were paid some 1400 in number.
27th Started for St Paul
October 27th struck tents at daylight and overtook the other 4 Cos. at their camp 7 miles on our return road. It rained and snowed this a.m.
18 miles
After halting for dinner the battalion marched to the camp of October 23rd and camped for the night. Here I shot a pheasant and squirrel for my supper which as our rations were deficient was a very desirable thing.
20 miles
On the 28th we marched to the camp of October 22nd.
21 miles
29th marched two miles below the camp of the 21st at the ford, and camped in a beautiful grove of pines on the east bank of the river.
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16 miles
25 miles
October 30th marched to Princeton arriving at 12 p.m. Remained the rest of the day to rest. Many of our men had been taken sick with Measles and Ague. On the 31st we marched to St Francis where we left some of our worst cases of sickness. Co. B left two L.T. Dickens and H.P. Harding. The latter never rejoining us. He died at Fort Snelling Dec 10th 62.
November 1st
17 miles
Nov 1st marched to Anoka & camped with two companies of Minn cavalry enroute for Fort Ridgely.
20 miles
Sunday 2nd marched to St Anthony & camped by the upper bridge.
Nov 3rd Arrived at Ft Snelling
9 miles
Monday 3rd marched down to the ford and found the 4 companies we had left, had gone to Cairo. We went into camp on the old ground. Christened "Camp Gilbert." Nov. 4th the battalion moved into quarters in the fort in a hard rain storm.
8th started for Cairo
Md 7 miles
We remained in the Fort until Nov. 8th at 3 p.m. the battalion marched to St Paul and went on board the St War Eagle bound for Prairie du Chien. (I had started at 6 a.m. of the same day) on Str Fred Lorenz for Lansing, in advance of B Co. The passage to P.D.C. was a pleasant one, only marred by low water. On Monday at 8 p.m. the War Eagle arrived at Lansing and through the kindness of Capt. Remained until 12 midnight giving the boys a chance to see their friends once more before taking their final leave for "Dixie". I remained until Tuesday the 11th & joined the boys at P.D.C. At Lansing we left J. Nelson , Wm. Rose , S.W. Bates and Salem J. Hartshorn as they were too sick to travel farther.
Arrived at P.D.C.
St 302 miles
At 3 p.m. of Tuesday 11th we left P.D.C. for Chicago on an extra train. At Boscobel I left the train to take Stephen Dobbs (who was sick) to the Hotel, the name leaving me. I was detained until Wednesday and did not join the Regt until its arrival in Cairo.
14th Arrived at Cairo
R.R. 532 miles
On the morning of 14th Nov. I found the other 4 Cos. here in camp. We went into camp just below the St. Charles house.
Monday 17th. In camp and Co. B had its first skirmish drill on the sand-bar at the junction of the Ohio and Miss. rivers. Rained in the evening and all night so that on the morning of the 18th our camp was 6 inches deep with mud and water which increased in depth on the 19th until we were heartily glad to receive orders to ship for Memphis which we did on the 20th on board Str "Emerald" leaving Cairo at
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6 p.m. and were finally in "Dixie" at daylight of the 21st. At Cairo left eight more of the boys who were sick George W. Hartshorn and Hans Hanson never joined B Co. again. The former was discharged and the latter died Dec 25 at Cairo. 21st at 10 a.m. passed "Island No. 10" and at 7 p.m. landed at Fort Pillow. In the evening several of us went on shore and by the light of a lantern examined the Fort and the guns which the Rebels had left after ____bursting them. Saturday 22nd at 9 a.m. started down river having been delayed by the bursting of a steam pipe.
22nd Arrd Memphis
St 250 miles
At 2 p.m. we landed at Memphis but did not disembark until Sunday morning 23rd when we marched out 4 miles and camped. Memphis is a well built and handsome city lying on the bluffs and hills. Monday the 24th the Regt was reviewed by Col. Gilbert and we also rec'd orders to be ready to march on Thursday for Holly Springs. We remained in camp until Wednesday falling out for the march.
26th Marched for Tallahatchie River
Wednesday at 9 a.m. marched towards the Tallahatchie river. At Memphis I left six more of the men sick. Roan C. May who on Tuesday had accidentally shot himself through the foot, George Cornwall and Doson Barnes never came to us again. The two former were discharged and the latter died at Mound City.
Md 10 miles
Marched this day 10 miles, finding all the bridges burned by a party of the enemy in our front.
Md 10 miles
27th at 6 a.m. marched and at noon formed a junction with Denver's Div who had come out on another road. Today our cavalry in front exchanged a few shots with a small force of the enemy. Camped this night on the plantation of Col. Allen a bitter rebel who by his talk and conduct accrued the utter and complete devastation of his plantation. His buildings all being burned & his stock confiscated.
18 miles
Marched at 10 a.m. and formed junction with Smiths' Division, having now 30,000 men in the column under Gen. W.T. Sherman. We made 18 miles today and camped at 11 p.m. on "Pigeon Roost Creek". We today saw the first armed rebel. One who was captured by our cavalry.
Saturday 29th remained in camp all day resting. We were 8 miles from Holly Springs.
8 miles
Sunday at 7 a.m. we struck tents and marched 8 miles camping at Chulahoma in a cornfield at 1 p.m. at 7 Co. B went for their first night picket duty. During the night we had a terrific alarm of wind & rain with thunder and lightening
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accompaniments. We on picket fared as well as those in camp for the wind blew all the tents down and scattered things generally. This day we heard cannonading to the east in the direction of Grants Army which was moving down the RR on the front of Price's forces who were fortified on the Tallahatchie River. We were coming in from the west on his flank.
Monday Dec. 1st we remained in camp all day the men busy cleaning their guns and drying their clothes.
2nd reached Waterford
8 miles
Tuesday Dec. 2nd we marched 8 miles and encamped on the River at Waterford. It had rained all day and the roads were horrible. So bad indeed that our teams did not get up until the night of Dec 9th which day we spent in camp without tents or rations.
Dec 4th also remained in camp.
Dec 5th Do. Recd orders to move on Dec 6th.
Marched towards Oxford
7 miles
Struck tents on the morning of the 7th at 7 a.m. and marched 7 miles crossing the river and camping on Hurricane Creek. In the morning I went to the Hd Qtrs of Gen. Sherman on business for Col. Gilbert.
Monday Dec 8th went foraging with some of Co. "B" Captured some meal, molasses, and beef.
9th In camp had skirmish drill.
10th Had a review of the whole Army by Gen Sherman who was about to leave for Memphis to start on his expedition to Vicksburg.
Dec 11th recd orders to march on Friday.
12th marched for Waterford
8 miles
12th Friday marched at 8 a.m. going back to Waterford taking the road to Waterford. Made 8 miles & camped in Waterford valley. Co. B again on picket in rear & back in front as there was only our Regt on the road. Rained again tonight. Had an alarm occasioned by the accidental discharge of a gun in Co. A's line. The Regt turning out promptly at the sound of the "Long Roll".
13th Arrived
8 miles
Dec 13th marched 8 miles to Waterford on the Miss central R.R. 8 miles from Holly Springs.
Sunday 14th Remained in camp. Recd orders to march down to the R.R. bridge 8 miles on Monday.
15 Marched to Tallahatchie
8 miles
15th Marched to the river through a severe rain storm and camped near the bridge in the timber.
16th Remained in camp.
17th Cos. "B" & "G" moved down to the bridge & camped by the side of the R.R. On the 18th commenced framing of some light breastworks around our camp to protect us from guerillas.
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19th Friday finished our works. Co. G left us to join Co. D & H two miles up the R. R. leaving us alone. Co. K was 1/2 mile above and the 12th Ind. Inf. occupying the works 1/2 mile below, built by Pierce & from which he had been driven by Grant.
20th Saturday fourteen Guerillas made a descent on the 27th Hosp. which was only guarded by a few men from Co. I. They captured 12 men (Phineas Smith & Emil Stangier of Co. B) all of whom were paroled the same day & returned the next. At 9 a.m. we saw the smoke of Holly Springs burning which had been captured by Van Dorn. It being expected that he was moving down the road to burn the bridge and breastworks we were guarding. The 4 Cos. nearest the bridge under Maj Howard were got ready for action, the 12th Ind. was in line & the 114 Ill. coming up from Abbeyville formed with them behind the works at the bridge. At 1 p.m. the troops from Oxford began to come up on the cars to form in the field 1 mile above us. By 4 p.m. it was ascertained that Van Dorn was going toward Grand Junction, which set us at rest. At 11 p.m. a Brig of Cavalry came from Oxford on a forced march and followed by the advance of the army under Grant. All night & all day Sunday 21st All Sunday night & Monday the column was passing crossing the river close to our camp. Tuesday the army was camped between us & Holly Springs. It was said to number 80,000 men. From this this time until Monday 29th remained in camp. Done some foraging as the capture of Holly Springs left us without rations.
Monday 29th at dark received orders to be ready to move by rail on Tuesday. The troops below us had all (except two Regt of Cavalry) gone toward Memphis leaving the 12th Ind & the 27th Ia to hold the bridge until the cotton & surplus at Abbeyville could be taken to Holly Springs.
Arrived at Jackson Tenn.
100 miles R.R.
Tuesday 30th at 10 a.m. started by R.R. for Jackson Tenn. Co. C was detailed to guard the wagon train which marched through. The weather was very cold & we suffered much on the train. We arrived at Jackson at 11 p.m. 100 miles. On our arrival we were at once formed in line of battle as it was feared Forest would attack the place at daylight. We lay in line all night and all the forenoon of Wednesday 31st listening to the cannonading at the Battle of "Parkers Cross Roads" which was fought 35 miles away. In the p.m. we went into camp in the town and
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31st started in pursuit of Forest
Jan 1st 1863
had got all ready for a good night rest when just at dark we were ordered out to pursue Forest (though as we supposed to man the works to resist an attack in the morning. We took no rations and within 15 minutes from the inception of this order were on the road (CO. B was the rear guard). The night was clear & cold. We marched till 4 a.m. of Thursday January 1st 1863 when the men were so
Md 38 miles
28 miles
exhausted that the column halted & we slept till daylight without fires notwithstanding the extreme cold. At daylight we moved on, after cooking some coffee and at 4 p.m. camped at Lexington. 38 miles from Jackson. Here we met Col. Dunham's Brig (which had defeated Forrest the day before at Parkers Cross Roads) with some 600 prisoners. We camped here and at 3:30 a.m. of Friday 2nd marched in pursuit of Forest. This day we marched 28 miles and camped at dark in an open cornfield. We were aroused at 12 midnight by two volleys of musketry in our front and as our advance had skirmished for two miles with the enemy's rear before camping. We supposed we were attacked. It was soon found to be two Companies of the 18th Ill. who were patrolling the roads who had exchanged shots by mistake. 3 men were killed and 4 were wounded. We lay down again & though it rained hard all night. We slept soundly. On awakening we found ourselves lying in mud & water. Our Brig moved camp to higher ground.
The other two Brigades moved on towards the river, 9 miles distant. I went out in charge of a foraging party and when two miles on the road towards the river we heard cannonading at the river.
14 miles
Reached Tenn River
& started to return
Our Brig being ordered up on the double quick. I joined the Co. upon arriving within 1 1/2 miles of the river. We were halted & had the misfortune to be one that the firing was from rebel guns on the other side of the river, they having all crossed & were covering their retreat. We marched back to our camp with quite different feelings than when coming out. We had marched 80 miles in three days without rations to get a chance to fight Forrest & now to turn back without a chance to fire a shot was indeed disheartening. Two years afterward we would have felt different.
Sunday 4th Remained in camp & had monthly inspection. We presented a gay appearance having any _____ quantity of red Tennessee clay dried into our clothes, looking much more like "Butternuts" than "Boys in Blue."
19 miles
Monday 5th Marched on our return at 7 a.m. taking a road leading to Bethel a station on the R.R. 36 miles towards Corinth from Jackson. Made 19 miles & camped in the woods. It rained in the night& we made a shelter of shakes & a blanket.
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23 miles
6th Tuesday Marched at 7 a.m. and made 23 miles camping in a grove by the house of a self called "Union Man". Had for supper 1/2 rations of meal & no meat.
17 miles
arrived at Bethel
No breakfast on the morn. Of Wednesday 7th Marched at 6 a.m. and reached Bethel at 1 p.m. 17 miles. The road on this whole march has been hilly and through an indifferent country. At Bethel found the 48th & 49th Ill. in fortifications.
R.R. 36 miles
Thursday 8th at 7 p.m. took the cars for Jackson. On the way we were stopped by a girl at a bridge which had been fired by the guerillas. We had the fire out & went on arriving in camp at Jackson at 9 p.m. Glad to once more have a chance to rest.
Friday 9th Rained all day so that nothing was done.
Saturday 10th had Dress Parade and in the evening received mail.
Sunday 11th 21 men & two Lts Co. "B" on picket.
12th Remained in camp. At 11 p.m. recd orders to be in line at 4 a.m.
Tuesday 10th. An attack being formed. At 8 a.m. we moved camp 18 1/2 miles N.W. from town where we fixed up a permanent camp in the course of the ensuing week
14th Rained all day. Nothing could be done. Put log in our tents to let it rain.
15th On going out we were surprised to find 6 inches of snow on the ground & still falling. This was to have been excellent as Co. B was to go on picket and it never failed to storm at such time. I was detached to command the guard at Depot Commissary. Co. "B" on duty at the Hospitals.
Friday 16th Relieved at 9 a.m. & reported at camp. Clear & cold.
Sat. 17th Ordered out in line at 4:30. ________clothing & went to town to see boys in Hospital.
18th Remained in camp.
19th Rained all day. Cold & cheerless. Built a fire place & were all right by evening. Had a set-to with Col. Settled satisfactory. He tried _________but it wouldn't win.
20th in camp.
21st Rain - Rain - Mud - Mud - Camp named "Camp Reed"
23rd, 24th, 25th In camp. Rained on 25th
26th Lt Smith & 1/2 Co. B on picket
27th Raining a little but cold. Had Drill & Dress Parade.
28th Fair & clear. Had Drill & Dress Parade. We were now Brigaded with 58th Ind. & 103rd Ill.
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January 29th 1863
Had the usual Drill and camp duties.
30th Co. "B" out foraging under Lt Groezinger.
31st Rained in the p.m.
February 1st 63
In camp. Weather warm & pleasant.
18 miles R.R.
Went to Henderson
2nd Cos. A, B, E, G & I went to Henderson Station 18 miles below Jackson by R.R. to forage for the troops at Corinth. Left Jackson at 4 p.m. Camped a 1/4 mile west of the Stockade which was at the Depot & garrisoned by 3 Cos. of the 48th Ill. We had no tents with us and made shanties of rails and leaves & grass. Weather cold but clear.
3rd Cos. A & E foraging. Cos. G & I ordered to McNairy station 8 miles below.
4th Cos. G & I left for McNairy. Detail from A, B & E foraging. I went in command of detail.
5th Snowed all night- last night- and all day today. Capt. Dripps foraging. Was sick myself.
6th I went to Jackson. Clear & cold.
7th Remained in camp sick.
8th Still unable to return to the Co.
9th Went back to Henderson & found the Co. all right - having finished its regular detail for foraging every day except Sunday.
10th In camp. Rained all day.
11th Went out in charge of foraging party. Was sick at night. Cold - with snow.
12th Rained. Roads impassible & no train was sent out.
13th Capt. Dripps comdg. Foraging party. In camp sick.
14th Went out in command of foraging party. Rained all day& the roads were horrible. Had great difficulty in getting the train in on that account.
Sunday 15th All in camp. Weather pleasant. I took cold yesterday & was sick today.
16th I went to Jackson to get some medicine.
17th Returned to camp.
18th Rained all day.
19th Cold & windy.
20th I was still unable to do any duty and moved my quarters to Mr. Sanborns where the Major (Howard) had his quarters.
21st Rained all day.
22nd Washingtons birthday. We heard the salutes fired at Jackson in honor thereof.
23rd We have done no foraging for two or three days on account of the roads which are utterly impassible,
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the soil here being a sticky Clay and the country all wooded except here & there a plantation. The men pass their time each in his own way. Some improve their diner by making private expeditions into the country after sundry geese, turkeys & chickens, not forgetting sweet-potatoes.
24th 25th & 26th In camp. Rained most of the time.
Returned to Jackson
18 miles R.R.
27th Having recd orders to return to Jackson we loaded up and at 12 p.m. took the train for Jackson where we arrived at 2 p.m.
Saturday 28th Were mustered by Lt Col Lake & Maj Howard.
Sunday March 1st
Attended church at 11:00 a.m. in camp. Spent remainder of the day on bringing up Co. business.
From this date until the 29th we remained in camp nothing of special interest occurring. Our duties were to furnish the regular detail for Picket -- of about 80 men every morning Company drill in the a.m. for two hours and battalion drill in the p.m. for the same time and Dress Parade at 5 p.m. This with the regular policing of the whole camp at 8:30 a.m. comprised the round of our daily chores. "sick Call" was had every morning at 7:30 at which, all men reported, who were, or thought themselves sick, with the surgeons.
I was during this time Officer of the Day on the 9th & 26th.
Sunday 29th our Brig. Was to be reviewed by Gen. Kimball Cmdg Post of Jackson. Our Regt at the appointed time, 9 a.m., marched out & formed on the parade ground and kept there for two hours standing in a bitter cold north wind. The result was that in two days our sick list was doubled. The rest of the Brig. Remained in camp, rightly thinking that the General would not come out on such a morning. In the afternoon I was sick with intermittent fever and remained in camp sick & getting worse until the 12th, Sunday when I was sent to "Gen" Hosp No. 1 in town until the 20th. The regt remained in camp as usual, Co. "B" commanded by Lt Groezinger.
Went to Corinth
R.R. 55 miles
Monday 20th the Regt went by R.R. to Corinth where they remained doing picket duty, until
Returned to Jackson
R.R. 55 miles
Sunday May 3rd when they returned by R.R. to Jackson.
Went to Brownsville
26 Miles R.R.
Soon after arriving at Corinth trouble having arisen between Lt Groezinger and the Col., Lt Groezinger was ordered to duty with Co. E and 1st Lt T. Allen Olmsted Co. E. was assigned to the command of Co. "B". On the 1st of May Cos. B, E & D were sent by R.R. from Corinth to Brownsville to guard a
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Returned to Corinth
R.R. 26 miles
load of supplies for Gen Dodge's troops just returning from an expedition beyond Tuscumbria returning on the 2nd of May.
4th Monday moved camp nearer to town & on the N.E. side. new camp called "Camp Hays".
5th Fixing camp.
6th Regt divided up and set to guarding R.R. Cos. B & H went to Medon 12 miles below Jackson towards Grand Junction. Here we had good quarters in vacated buildings. A good stockade had been built at the station & Block Houses at all the bridges. We had 4 bridges to guard, the farthest 3 miles below the station. We found the inhabitants here very kind (whatever their principles) and by good behavior won their esteem, our departure being regretted by all.
On the 20th May I left the Hosp. having somewhat recovered and joined the Co. but did not relieve Lt. Olmsted until the 31st of May. On the 28th I went to Jackson on business and returned on the 29th.
June 2nd
On the 2nd I again went to Jackson to draw clothing for the Co returning on the 3rd. Co. H had been ordered to Jackson. On this day I took command leaving Co. B alone.
5th Arrested 5 of the men who had been absent without leave & got them under guard. Their names were Robert H. Williams - 1st Srgt, James D. Harrington, John Kohr , Fletcher F. Sturdevant - Corporals, and Wm Bates , Wm F. Rose - privates.
Started for LaGrange
R.R. 38 miles
Monday the 8th of June Jackson having been evacuated & all the troops & stores removed to Memphis & points along the road to Corinth (except the 3rd Mich. Cav.) I received orders from Col. Mizner 3rd Mich. Cmdg at Jackson to take the last train at 10 a.m. for LaGrange. We evacuated accordingly and arrvd at LaGrange at 6 p.m. On our arrival I placed the prisoners aforesaid in the military prison there being danger of mutiny. I had kept them under guard since their arrest. From Medon I sent the 5 gov't horses I had there down by land to LaGrange in charge of Corpl Hughes and 4 men. They came through with the 3rd Mich. On our arrival at LaGrange there was no train going on to Moscow where the Regt was, so we slept in the cars. It rained all night.
9th I recd orders from Col. True, 62nd Ill. Cmdg to go into camp near his Hd Qtrs with Cos. B & K (which was also with us)
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We got into camp in the forenoon though it rained in torrents.
10th I went to Moscow 10 miles toward Memphis to visit the Regt & returned on the 11th. Preferred charges against the prisoners excepting Rose & Bates.
15th Arrested John J. Robinson 3rd Serg for complicity, insubordination and inciting mutiny, and preferred charges.
18th J.D. Harrington tried.
19th John Kohr tried.
20th An attack being feared ordered to form detachment on left of 62nd Ill. At 3 a.m. of the
21st. Obeyed the order and remained in line till 6 a.m.
22nd Another alarm Formed line under arms at 11 p.m. After 23rd a.m. we remained till 6 a.m. of the 23rd.
24th Under arms at 11 p.m. and remained in line all night.
The 27th except the Pickets started at 2 a.m. & arrived at LaGrange at daylight having been telegraphed for. They returned at 9 a.m. The whole thing proving to have been a scare. Recd orders to report with my Regt at Moscow.
25th Could not get transportation.
Went to Moscow
R.R. 10 miles
26th Took train at 11:30 a.m. & at 12 m. reached Moscow and went at once into camp. While at LaGrange we were employed in guarding prisoners, to Memphis & Corinth, guarding stores at the depot, but no picket duty. The trial of the prisoners was also finished there.
27th We spent the day in fixing up our camp.
28th Sunday Had Regimental Inspection (monthly). I neglected to give as our Sunday duties, in starting our daily life at "Camp Reed", the omission of Drills & the substitution of "Sunday morning Inspection" at which every man (not on duty or sick) was expected to be present -- fully equiped and on the last day of every month "Inspection of the whole Regt by the Cmdg officer.
29th In camp I was "Officer of the Day"
30th Was mustered by the Major.
July 1st
Had an "Inspection of Arms" of the Regt by Col. True 62nd Ill. "Brigade Inspector"
2nd I went to LaGrange.
4th Men released from all duty except Pickets. Had a national salute fired at 12 m. by a Section of the 2nd Ill. Battery "A" which was stationed with us. Two companies of the 6th Ill. Cav. also came on the 1str & went into camp.
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July 5th
In camp was "Officer of the Day" whose duties I will here explain. He reports at Guard Mounting in the morn. At which all guards, Pickets and Interior guards are formed and inspected. After they are marched off to their posts he takes charge of the fatigue duty and attends to all policing and general improvement of camp. He has then to visit his Picket line& other guards at least once during the day and once after 12 midnight. During his 24 hours of duty he has command of all guards assisted by "Officers of the Guard" who have immediate command & remain with their guard. He has also to preserve order in camp, make all arrests & has charge of all prisoners, in all being under the immediate direction of the commanding officer.
6th Made recommendations for promotion of non com officers to fill vacancies made by the reduction of those who were court martialed. Lt Groezinger's resignation having been accepted he started for home on the 4th. Private Wm S. Sims was recommended for 2nd Lt & on the 7th assumed the duties by order of the Cmd.
During the remainder of the month we were quietly in camp performing our every day chores. Foraging parties were sent out nearly every day for fruit--peaches & apples were very plenty & we did not lack for them.
I was "officer of the Day" on the 13th, 21st, 29th. On the 19th Col. Gilbert went to LaGrange to take command of the Brig.
August 1st
In camp.
2nd I went to LaGrange & returned on the 3rd.
4th Inspection of Regt in Drill by Maj. True. Maj. gone to LaGrange.
9th I was sent with 100 men to guard a ford on the Wolf river as it was reported that Richardson with 400 men was intending to cross that night. They did not come & were relieved on at 8 a.m. of the 10th.
13th Col G [Gilbert] relieved & took command of Brig.
15th Had semi monthly Inspection by Maj. True.
18th We recd orders to be ready to march at an hours notice.
19th Recd orders to move tomorrow. The 62nd Ill came down from LaGrange at 6 p.m. The 7th Iowa Inf. came at 5 p.m. by R.R. & relieved us.
Started for Memphis
18 miles Md
20th marched at 4 a.m. for Memphis. Made Collierville 18 miles at 3 p.m.
21st Marched at 3 a.m. and reached Whites Station at 2 p.m. 14 miles. Passing Germantown at 10 a.m.
----------------------------[end of page 13]---------------------------------------
Aug 23rd 63
Arvd at Memphis
Md 9 miles
Saturday 22nd marched at 3:30 a.m. and arrived at Memphis at 8 a.m. and went into camp in a grove 2 miles north of the city.
23rd In camp making pay rolls & storing surplus property preparatory to a march. Cos. A, B & E were first in the p.m. Recd orders at 11 p.m. to get troops & baggage on board steamer.
Embarked for Helena
24th Marched to the boat at 5 a.m. & at 8 a.m. started for Helena. Lt Smith left back sick in the hospital. We were, with the 62nd Ill. on board the U.S.
Arrived at Helena Ark.
St 90 miles
Transport John H. Groesbeck, arrived at 8 p.m. 90 miles. The troops remained on board till morning. I, as Officer of the Day had charge of the unloading the boat. Worked all night with 75 men. In the morning went into camp near town.
26th In camp till 2 p.m. moved camp two miles south of town.
27th In camp.
Marched for Little Rock Ark.
19 miles
28th Marched at 4 a.m. for Brownsville and Little Rock. Commenced raining at daylight and rained till 10 a.m. Co. B was advance guard. At 6 miles out met a small body of Rebs who took into the woods without firing a shot. Camped at 4 p.m. on Big Creek having made 19 miles.
25 miles
29th Marched at 4:30 & made 25 miles at 9 p.m. Co. B rear guard were fired on while at dinner. Camped on Cypress Creek.
Md 14 miles
30th Moved out at 4:30 and reached Clarendon 14 miles at 12 m. and went into camp just east of the Ferry.
Monday 31st Mustered in the forenoon and at two p.m. crossed the ferry and camped in a cane brake on the west side. While river here is very deep and about 30 rods wide.
Tuesday Sep 1st
M 20
Marched at 3:30 a.m. after making 7 miles through the river bottom. Struck the line across which we had to pass without water all day. The roads were very dusty & they air almost unbearable. At 5 p.m. camped at "Deadmans Lake" on the south skirt of the Prairie. This lake is only a big bayou & was filled with dead animals, but as it was our only shore we used the water.
Sept 2nd
M 20
Marched at 4 a.m. for Brownsville, 20 miles which we reached at 4 p.m. Road same as yesterday. Water only once on this route. Camped 1 1/2 miles south of town in the woods.
Sept 3rd
Remained in camp.
4th In camp. Cavalry went out to reconnoiter. No results.
5th In camp expecting to move. Got ready.
Md 2
6th Moved at 8 a.m. two miles north of town and camped.
-------------------------[end of page 14]------------------------------------------
Sept 7th
In camp. Drew clothing.
M 15 miles
8th Marched at 7 a.m. 15 miles & camped at 9 p.m. on a large plantation by a bayou. Were 4 hours making last 3 miles on acct of the teams.
M 2
9th Moved 2 miles & joined Gen Steeles troops at Ashleys Mills where we camped. Some cannonading up river today.
M 10
10th Moved out at 8 a.m. after two miles struck the river & followed up the north bank. A lot of the Inf. & all of the Cav crossed the river & commenced driving the enemy up the river. After we had gone 4 miles our Brig Battery commenced shelling them across the river Haydens Battery came up & assisted at 2 p.m. The enemy were driven from their works on the south side & retreated toward the city -- closely followed by our cav. & unmercifully shelled by our Div Batteries from our side. We kept even with them & 1 1/2 miles below the town came to their breast works which has been hastily abandoned by Price to cross the river & meet us on the other side. He supposed we had all crossed. We found their campfires burning meat & bread cooking & every sign of a skedaddle. At sundown we entered the city our Brig camping on the north side of the river by the Pontoon bridge. The night was made light by the burning steamboats which they had burned & one large ironclad Gunboat. Slept that night without blankets & a saddle for a pillow.
Sept 11th In camp. Heard the guns of the Cav. (who were in hot pursuit) of the enemy, until 12 m.
12th In same camp. Some prisoners brot in. Rained a little at 8 p.m.
13th In camp. I visited city. The principal buildings one the State-house & Arsenal. A pretty city however of about 10 or 12 thousand inhabitants.
14th Moved camp 1/2 mile up the river on the bank of which we camped.
15th In camp doing only the regular Picket duty.
16th Do Severe storm in p.m.
17th Do Do storm
18th Do Hail. Brig Drill at 2 p.m. by Col. True Dress parade in evening. Lt Smith returned to Co.
19th In camp.
Sunday 20th Do
21st Brig Drill
22nd At Dress Parade recd news of the capture of Chattanooga Fort Wagner & Cumberland Gap. 3 cheers.
-----------------------------[end of page 15]--------------------------------------
Sept 23rd Lt.Col. Lake Lt. Sims & myself went up to Big Rock 3 miles up the river from whose summit (300 feet high) is had a beautiful view of the city & river. The country of the river is very bluffy & the city stands at the point where the river emerges from the hills into the comparatively flat land extending to the Miss. The rock at the city being the last one seen on the river as you go down.
24th In camp.
25th Spent the day in moving & fixing up my tent and in superintending the building of barracks.
26 & 27 In camp
28 I went in command of 94 men of our Brig as part of an escort to Devalls Bluff for a supply train. Reached Brownsville 28 miles.
29 Devalls Bluff 26 miles
30 I came back to Little Rock to attend as witness in the trial of Col. Lake.
Oct 1st At L. R.
2nd Went out on the train & joined escort 6 miles from the Bluff & returned with the train. Camped this night at Brownsville.
3rd Reached Little Rock.
4th From this time until Nov 5th the Co. was in camp
5th Performing only the regular duties. Election was held on the 13th Oct.
17th I started for Memphis under orders reached the "Bluffs" at 11 a.m. where I waited for a boat until Tuesday 20th at 1 p.m. Started on Ste "Lebanon" for Memphis.
22nd Reached Miss. River & took on wood. While river is very crooked but a clear, deep stream. The banks are high flat land heavily timbered all the way except at St Charles where this is on bluff or low hill. In the evening went on board the Ste "South Wester" & started at daylight on 23rd up the river. Reached Helena next evening. Gen Davidson & staff on board. Coaled & started at 2 a.m. of 24th for Memphis. Arrived at 8 p.m. & went to the Goyobo (sp?) House. Until Nov 2nd was engaged in getting the arms &d I had come after packed ready for shipment. 2nd I left on the Ste "South Wester" for Helena. Arrived at 3 p.m. of the 3rd.
Nov 4th In Helena.
----------------------------------[end of page 16]--------------------------------
Nov 5th Left Helena on Ste Pocahontas for Devalls Bluff.
6 Arrived at mouth of White river at 9 a.m. and getting a convoy started at once up White river. Anchored at sunset.
7 Anchored at mouth of Big Creek.
8 Anchored 12 miles Clarendon.
9 Anchored 9 miles below Devalls Bluff
10 Arrived at 8 a.m. & went to Little Rock same day.
R.R. 44 miles
Sunday 15th Having recd orders the day before the Regt left at 10 p.m. on the cars for Devalls Bluff enroute for Memphis. R.R. 44 miles. Arrived at the Bluff at 3 a.m. of the
16th Went on board the boat at 8 a.m. & started at 9. Anchored on acct of fog below Clarendon this night
17 Run within 18 miles of the mouth. Struck a snag & sprung a leak. Boat repaired & went on.
St 182 miles
18 Run to William 20 miles of Helena & anchored on acct of fog.
19 Lay at Helena from noon till 6 p.m. Started for Memphis
Ste 185
20 Arriving at 8 p.m.
21 Bid adieu to Ste Rose Hambelton & her two calliopes & went into camp 1 1/2 miles from the levee & in the suburbs of the city.
22 Drew new tents and went into camp in due form.
23 From this date until Dec 3rd we were engaged in fixing up our camp and preparing to live for the winter
Dec 4th Heard of a fight near Moscow and recd orders to be in line at daylight, which was obeyed. All men remaining in camp all the a.m.
6 Recd word of John Moyers death the first since March 15th 63.
Until the 11th we were in camp doing only the regular camp & picket duties. Our Brig composed of the 49th Ill. & 27th Ia. had about 1 1/2 miles of line to picket -- viz from the Hernando to the State Line roads.
11th At 2 p.m. the long roll was beat and the Regt was in line in just 1/2 of no time. After standing a few moments were dismissed.
12 All quiet.
13 Long roll at sunrise. Co. "B" ordered out to reinforce the Picket Reserve on the "Pigeon-roost road". No enemy was found and at 4 p.m. were ordered in. Cause of the alarm "Slongur" (sp) mistake his first & was supposed gobbled.
17 Lt. Smith & four men detailed to go to Cairo as part of guard on a signal boat.
23 Co. "B" recd orders to go into quarters in the Navy Yard at the mouth of the Wolf river. Moved at 2 p.m. and found
----------------------------------[end of page 17]---------------------------------
comfortable quarters to go into but plenty of duty to do Viz to guard the yard some picketing & guarding commissary store at Bradley Block and No 88 front____.
30 Charges preferred against Lt. Donnan.
31st Warm in the morning but turned cold & snowed at 12 m. Mustered in p.m. by Major Howard.
Jan 1st 1864
The new year commenced cold. Colder than had been known in Memphis for 20 years. The guards had to be relieved every 30 minutes to prevent freezing.
2 Colder
3 Moderated a little but rained & snowed a little.
6th Very cold again.
7 Worse & worse
13th E.R. Bennett returned from furlough bringing news from home.
15 Lt. Sims returned to the Co. from leave of absence given Dec. 18th. Robert Williams also returned from confinement at Alton. Co. signed payrolls in the evening.
16 Weather again warm & pleasant.
17Peter Connor died Jan. 11th in Jefferson Hospital.
19 Rumors of a move & commenced getting ready as I got them from one of Gen Banks staff officers.
22 Recd orders to be ready to move on Sunday 24th. Packaged our surplus stores to be put in store.
23 Issued clothing & were paid by Maj. Leighton.
24 Lt. Smith & his 4 men returned to the Co. having been relieved.
25 Awaiting orders to move.
26 Turned over for storage all surplus stores & prepared to embark.
27 Embarked on the Str Des Moines & at 4 p.m. crossed the river & went on shore to cook rations. Str recrossed to be coaled & returned to the Ark. Shore at 3 a.m. of 28th & took on the cooks & returned again to Memphis and at 10 a..m. left for Vicksburg. Passed Helena at 7 p.m. Here we were waited for the moon to rise. Passed the mouth of the White River at 7 a.m. of the 29th. Lost 2 hours in the a.m. by fog and at 10 p.m. tied up till midnight when the moon being up we started out.
St 400
30 Arrived at Vicksburg at noon. Disembarked & camped on the shore below the city & packed up all surplus clothing to store according to orders.
--------------------------------[end of page 18]-----------------------------------
Jan 31st
Sunday Had Co. inspection at 9 a.m. and Dress Parade at 4 p.m. at which the Regt Band made its first appearance in public. This night it rained very hard and as we were camped on flat, low ground we were soon afloat. Our safety or our danger was constantly presented to our mind by the stout sentries, who notwithstanding the howling of the tempest---stood manfully at their posts & took soundings. Their cry of "four feet, six feet or Now bottom" cheered us or alarmed as they were indicative of safety or danger.
M 3
Feb 1st The morning of Feb 1st broke at length clear & bright and at 10 a.m. we moved our camp 3 miles out of town & just outside the rebel works where we camped in a ravine.
2 In camp
M 18
3rd Marched at 6 a.m. by the North or Fort Hill road for Jackson. Made 18 miles & camped on "Clear Water Creek"
M 18
4th Marched at 7 a.m. Crossed Big Black at 10 a.m. on a Pontoon Bridge. At 2 p.m. heard firing in front which was repeated at intervals all p.m. In the morning learned that it was the 21st Mo. Who had been in front & driving reb cav. all the 18 miles today & camped on one of Jeff Davis's Plantations.
M 14
5 Moved at daylight and met the enemy in two lines. Drove him all day to within four miles of Jackson. Our loss 6 killed and 20 wounded. Just at dusk our Brig. Being in front we were stopped by a Rebel Battery that opened on us in the road in our front. Just after dark a Regt of our cav. moved around & charged them on the flank capturing one L______ & 17 pieces.
M 2
6th Moved at 2 p.m. 2 miles camped two miles from Jackson just within the rebel works where chimneys & foundations stood thick showing where war had removed the buildings wherein had been raised some few perhaps of that great army of soldiers with which we were contending.
M 14
7 Sunday Marched at 7 a.m. Stopped in Jackson two hours & crossed Pearl river at 11 a.m. on a pontoon bridge. Made 14 miles & camped at 8 p.m. in the town of Brandon. At 10 p.m. a detail of 400 men from our Brig moved out on the R.R. to tear up the track, burn the depot, tank, bridges &c. We returned at 2:30 having made the track impassible for four miles each way.
M 8
8 Did not move until 2 p.m. as we were in the rear. Made 8 miles & camped in a stubble field on the right of the road at 9 p.m. Weather warm & pleasant.
--------------------------------------[end of page 19]-----------------------------
Feb 9
M 26
Marched at 8 a.m. made 18 miles & came to Morton where our advance the 17th Corps had found the enemy drawn up to receive us but upon seeing our infantry filing out into line of battle & moving forward they divided part moving toward Mobile & part N.E. to meet Gen. Sooy Smiths Cav. force. In this skirmish the 17th Corp took 100 prisoners killed 200 & one woman accidentally who was in a house between the skirmish lines. When we arrived we found the 17th Corps in camp but we had to march 8 miles farther to get between the Rebs so they could not rejoin with. We camped at 1 a.m. on the left of the road in a field by a swamp bayou.
M 8
10th Moved at 7 a.m. four miles to Hillsboro which was burning. Advance had a sharp skirmish here killing two or three. Moved on slowly being hindered by a burned bridge and camped in a line thicket where there was a spring in the middle of the road.
M 15
11 Marched at 7:30 a.m. & loitered along till dark, on account of burned bridges when we led off till 8 p.m. when finding ourselves on the wrong road we countermarched 1 mile to the right road & finally after being hindered by our battery getting a gun off the bridge. Got into camp at 11:30 p.m. Camped in the mud by a swamp without supper as our wagons did not get up till 1:00 a.m.
M 14
12 Marched at daybreak leaving all sick & weak behind expecting to meet the enemy at Decatur 8 miles. Came there at 4 p.m. & found the town in flames, found a filed piece hid in a thicket. Marched 6 miles farther & camped on "Chunky Creek" at dark. 12,000 rebs passed here today. While the train was passing through Decatur 300 reb cav. made a dash on it & fired into it killing 12 mules but none of our men.
M 15
13 Fell in line at daylight, but did not march until 10 a.m. Marched 9 miles. Crossed Tallasha creek & 2 miles farther crossed Tallahatta creek. Passed today through pine woods & rocky hilly country. At 4 p.m. drove the rebs out of their camp on Tallahatta creek & for 6 miles beyond where we drove them again out of camp & quietly appropriating the fires & wood they had collected we camped at 10 p.m. in the pine forest on the left of the road called "Tunnel Hill".
M 15
14 Marched at 7:30 a.m. 27th near the front of the column. Moved slowly as all of the bridges were burned & timber fallen on to the
---------------------------------------[end of page 20]----------------------------
road by the enemy. Passed this morning 8 dead rebels had been killed in last nights skirmish. Marched 10 miles & entered Meridian at 4 p.m. Our cavalry chasing the rebs out of the way beyond the town by the R. R. bridge. Lt. Sims & myself appropriated a hut just vacated by Reb soldiers which after being thoroughly cleaned out & fitted partially with pine boughs afforded a good shelter from the storm that came that night.
15 In camp until 1 p.m. Rained till 12 m. At 2 marched out east of town 3 miles & camped in the pine woods by a little church on a hill.
16 Marched at 7 a.m. 4 miles to Marion where we camped within a mile of town in a corn field. Left blankets & marched on up the road two miles & commenced tearing up the R.R. Cos. "B" & "G" were ordered to the front as pickets. Remained there until 4 p.m. when we heard artillery at the town. Were ordered into camp at once & on returning found that the Rebs had driven our boys out of town but had been sent back with a flea in their ear.
17 Marched out 4 miles on the R.R. & commenced work. The rest of our Brig (Viz the 32nd & 14th Ia. & 24th Mo. Inf. & 3rd Ind. Battery in our rear) our Regt tore up 3/4 of a mile today & burned a very high & long bridge. Cos. I & E on picket in front. Heard firing. Co. A sent out to find them. When none returning the whole Regt started. Co. B as skirmishers went a mile & not finding them we returned to camp. In an hour the other three Cos. returned. Cos. I & E having driven a small party of Rebs 3 miles after a heavy skirmish. Weather cold at night -- snowed a little on the morning of 18th.
Thursday Remained in camp all day. Reported that we are waiting for Gen. Sooy Smiths Cav. Expedition which started from Memphis.
19 My 25th Birthday. 27th went out foraging for the Brig. Made 10 miles east from camp to within 1/2 mile of the Alabama line. Captured a Reb Captain & two men who were on picket & finding ourselves within one mile of a Reb Brigade camp, turned back arriving at camp at sundown. Found it hard foraging as it is a poor country. Sandy, hilly, pine lands. Recd orders to move at 7 a.m.
20 Moved at the hour. Passed through Marion (sp) & Marion Station burning every thing in the line of public buildings
---------------------------------------[end of page21]----------------------------
Marched 20 miles through a pine country forest burning every cotton house & press we came to. Camped on a large creek in a pine thicket. Had no supper & nothing for breakfast.
21 Marched at daybreak. Country unchanged. Made 20 miles & camped in a field on low ground on the left side of the road among the briars.
22 Marched at 7 a.m. Lts. Boydston &Granger with 18 men from the 27th foraging were attacked by 26 Rebs & 1 man killed & 5 captured. Joseph Green Co. B being one captured. Co. B sent off the road two miles with ambulance to bring in a man of the 34th N.Jersey who was at a house wounded. Camped at 4 p.m. in a pine thicket on the north side the road. Made 15 miles.
15 1/2
23 Marched at sunrise & made Hillsboro (or where it had been) at 4 p.m. Camped in a large field off to the left of the road. Drew a little clothing & issued it at this camp.
24 Moved at sunrise for Canton, Co. B as advance guard. Passed through a good country & over a splendid road, foragers had a sharp skirmish with Rebs in front. Camped in a field on the left of the road by a mill. Here the boys found a great deal of household goods hid in the grass which they of course appropriated. The mill was kept running all night to grind corn as we were short of rations and in the morning when we left was burned. Just before camping this day we passed a house which had been fired by the order of Gen Smith because the owner (a Dr.) was engaged in hunting union men with L___________.
25 Moved at 8 4 miles & halted to wait for the pontoon bridge to be laid over Pearl River. Remained here till 5 p.m. & marched past the 17th Corp who were in camp. When we got within a mile of the bridge we had to stop & go into camp in the woods on the river bottom. Had nothing for breakfast but a little meal.
26 Moved at 8 a.m. crossing Pearl river & coming into the prettiest part of Miss we had seen. Reached Canton at 4 p.m. Co. "B" advance guard. Camped two miles north of town. Canton is one of the prettiest places in Miss.
27 In camp. Sent out foragers Skirmishing all around the line.
28 Regt sent out tearing up R.R. we remained in camp. Foragers attacked. 6 teams captured and one man killed. We were called in line at 3 p.m. but did not leave camp. Spent this day making Muster Rolls.
29 27th marched at daylight up the R.R. 3 miles & tore up 1 1/4 miles. Heard firing all the forenoon N.E. from town where the 17th & A Co. was in camp.
--------------------------------------[end of page 22]-----------------------------
March 1st
18 1/2
Marched at daylight in a heavy shower which lasted till new. Passed through Canton. Roads awful muddy. Co. "B" advance guard. At noon passed through Lexington a little village. After making 18 1/2 miles camped at 3 p.m. in the woods by the side of a large steam saw mill. We halted but once, 20 minutes for coffee, during the whole day & the command was completely exhausted.
2nd 7 a.m. made 4 miles & halted till 3 p.m. for a bridge to be built. Moved on 6 miles & camped on the age of a field of timber at 8 p.m. Heard heavy firing all the forenoon into the rear & learned the next day that the 17th Corp captured 3 guns and some prisoners.
19 1/2
3 Moved at 6 a.m. & camped at Messengers Ferry on Black river at sunset.
4 Moved at sunrise & reached our old camp at Vicksburg at 3 p.m. Received our mail the first for nearly 5 weeks.
5 In camp. I went to town in the p.m. to buy boots &c. Made out certificates of absence of enlisted men & estimate for clothing. Lt. Smith returned to Co. & also 3 recruits joined us, Viz Wm Harrison , Franklin Melton & Oscar Obert.
6 In camp. Dress Parade at sunset was the only excitement.
7 In camp. Preparing to move which means hard work under many difficulties.
8 In camp till 1 p.m. when we moved down to the river & went into camp.
9 Rained hard in the morning, but according to orders we embarked on the Ste "Diadem" in the rain. I was O.D. & of course got wet & wrathy as every Co. commander must have his Co. below & our Co. had to go on the hurricane roof.
10 Lay at Vicksburg until sunset when the signal gun was fired & the fleet pushed out into the stream & we moved off down the river. At sunrise Friday the
S.B. 170
11th we passed Natchez & arrived at the mouth of the Red river 2 p.m. 170 miles from Vicksburg. We lay here just above the mouth of the river until 11 a.m. of
S.B. 35
the 12th when we started out & entered Red river. Went up to the Atchafalaya river 25 miles & turning down the 6 miles we landed at Simmesport at 4 p.m. Had Dress Parade by the levee. We found the place all burned but one little church.
13 Sunday The 2nd & 3rd Brigades moved up to Bayou De Galize 3 miles to Fort Morgan which was a strong work but had no guns
--------------------------------[end of page 23]-----------------------------------
mounted. We found a few Reb Cav. here who "lit out" before our advance. (We had found 300 in camp at Simmesport that the gunboats had shelled them out & captured them their camp. They had fallen back to this Fort as it was on its only road leading back from Simmesfort. We returned to the boat for dinner & lay waiting orders. At 8 p.m. we started and as the same road leading west. Made 9
miles in the dark & at 1 a.m. of the 14th camped in a sugar field. Had cane stalks for fires, bed & pillows & at 5 a.m. Monday
4 Marched on. Co. "B" advance guard of the army. At 9 a.m. met some Reb cav. trying to burn a bridge but a few rods of Double Quick with a hearty yell by Co. B saved it. At 11 a.m. came to Bayou De Gaize again. Found the bridge burned & 150 or 200 Rebs guarding the other side. Our Brigade Battery (3rd Ind. Lieut Sim in cmmd which served us long & faithfully with us afterward) came up & shelled them back into the woods. Co. "B" (& G under Lt Rupe ) crossed in a small flat boat & forming a skirmish line took a double quick for the woods & drove the Rebs through 1½ miles when not being supported (the troops not having come up yet) we halted & waited till dinner was eaten. Upon advancing again Co. "B" found the enemy on the other side of a second bayou & the bridge torn up. Driving them back we built the bridge when a Det. of the Marine Brig. 60 strong came up to take the levee. (These were all the mounted men we have) They advanced & met the Johnnies at the top of the bank. Co. "B" (with G & K who had been sent ahead to report to me) double quicked to their support when the Rebs skeddaddled & did not stop till they reached Mansura a little town 3 miles out in this prairie. We did not stop till we had driven them out of sight when being 3 miles ahead of the command we waited till they came up & then moved on across Marksville Prairie passing through Knoxville, (there was a regular live Nunnery [sp]) & at 3 p.m. reached Marksville. 27th Ia. Provost Guards in the town till the column passed through, when we fell in the rear. At 20 to 4 the advance reached Fort DeRussy where the Ball opened. The 27th pass the columns being called to its place in front with its Brig. & forming on the right just in time to join in the charge of the 2nd Brig & part of the Third on the Fort. The 27th Regt was the first at the ditch & Col. Gilbert the first field officer on the works. The fruits of the capture were, Red river open, 10 pieces Artillery, 9 siege pieces & 2 field guns (3 of the heavy guns were those taken on the Gunboat Indianola & one from the "Queen of the West" who was sunk at this place before by the Rebs.) A large quantity of ammunition of all kinds, 300 prisoners & considerable commissary stores.
We moved back 2 miles & camped.
-------------------------------[end of page 24]------------------------------------
March 15
S.B. 10
Tuesday marched at 8 a.m. to the river where our Fleet lay they having arrived in the night. We embarked & then waited till 9 p.m. when we moved up 10 miles & tied up. Meanwhile the gunboats were taking on the ammunition & the boats the guns.
S.B. 100
16 Steamed on at daylight & arrived at Alexandria at 4 p.m. The Fort was blown up this day and totally destroyed.
17 Disembarked & camped on a plain just below the town & on the riverbank. The whole country from the mouth of the river here in was continuous plain.
18 Sent out a Foraging party from the Regt under Lt. Eisenhart Remainder of Regt lay in camp the boys busy cooking sugar in their little pails. We had found hundreds of hogsheads of sugar & bails of cotton in the warehouses here. The enemy burned nothing.
19 Moved camp down the River 1/3 mile to a better place behind the levee & the river.
20 Rain in the p.m. with sleet. Called in line at 3 p.m. expecting an attack. Lay out in a wet ditch in the cold for two hours when we went back to camp.
21 No change
22 In camp. Had Co drill.
23 Do
24 Furnished a detail to guard our Ste The "Diadem" on a trip 20 miles down the river to get some rails for wood as we had cleared everything combustible out around the city except houses and yard fences.
25 In camp Had Co drill. Recd orders in p.m. to march by land at 7 am
26 Moved at 7 a.m. for the head of the rapids 30 miles. This was necessary as the boats could not go over loaded. We made 20 miles & camped ion the banks of "Bayou Rapides" along which we had marched all day.
27th After Co. B disposing of a hive of honey which was brot across the bayou we marched at 8 a.m. & after 10 miles reach "Bayou Cotile" or Cotile Landing on the river at 2 p.m. Boats not yet arrived.
28 In camp where we remained until Saturday.
April 2 Went on board steamers at 7 a.m. & started up river at 2 p.m. From here as we went up we saw now & then hills covered with pine. Only a few large Plantations in sight from the river.
S.B. 100
3 Reached Grand Ecore 280 miles from the mouth of the river at 4 p.m. Went into camp 1 mile above town in the woods.
4 In camp.
5 " " till 4p.m. Co. "B" out for Picket.
6 Were relieved at 10 a.m. In p.m. recd orders to move at 7 a.m.
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April 7 Marched at 7 a.m. out on the Shreveport road. Made 15 miles & camped in a heavy rain in the pine woods on the left side of the road. Rained nearly all night. As our baggage was left behind we had to use blankets for tents & of course got well wet.
8th Clear & cool. Moved at sunrise & after 20 miles arrived within a mile of Pleasant Hill & camped near a grave yard in the woods. We had heard heavy artillery firing in the front for the last 6 miles. Afterwards leaned it was the Battle of "Mansfield" where Gen. Banks met with his first reverse & the 13th Corps got so terribly cut up.
9 "Long Roll" at 2 a.m. Col. Sent for Co. Commanders to informed them of the disaster of the day before & gave orders to issue 80 rounds to the man, to get breakfast, then to put out the fires. In another hour the remnants of the 13th A.C. began to pass in great confusion to the rear and it was apparent to all that the "Guerillas" had work to do. At 7 a.m. we were ordered to the front 1 1/2 miles west of camp where we went in position relieving the 19th Corps who had been retreating all night & had made a stand 1 mile west of Pleasant Hill. The 27th relieving the 15th Maine. Co. "B" ordered out as skirmishers, took position in the line in front of it left of the 27th & right of the 32nd Iowa. We were not disturbed by the enemy (except an occasional shot fired by a sharpshooter until 20 minutes to 4 p.m. when they opened fire along the whole line of our Brig. which being the farthest advanced & on the extreme right was the first attacked. In 20 minutes we were driven in to the main line & then the enemy advanced in two lines & the battle began in earnest. Our Brig though fighting 7000 men (by the enemys own statements) held their ground four 1 hour & thirty minutes -- when not being supported on either flank & nearly surrounded they retired in tolerable order (leaving 1/4 of their men on the ground) & formed again immediately in the rear of Dwight's Brig Emory's Div. 19th A.C. & supporting the same until the close of the fight -- about 7 p.m. A few minutes later our Brig. was ordered back into town & after getting supper went out on picket to the north of town 1/2 mile in the woods.
10 At 3 a.m. we were ordered up silently, to, as we supposed, advance & engage the enemy at daybreak and when on coming out on to the main road we filed to the left instead of the right & we saw that the troops had all gone & we were but the rear guard of a retreating Army, the wrath of the men & officers knew no bounds. As Gen. Banks rode along our line going to the front -- sullen looks & muttered curses was all his greeting.
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10 We retreated this day 20 miles & camped on a Bayou in the woods at 4 p.m. Here what wounded we had brought with us were attended to & sent at once to the boats at Grand Ecore.
11 Marched at 7 a.m. & arrived at Grand Ecore at 4 p.m. & camped in a line around the place, "Smiths Guerillas" on the right in the pine woods.
12 Lay in camp all day listening to gunboats shelling a Rebel Battery that had blockaded the river preventing the fleet from returning.
13 Marched at 3 p.m. (Our Brig & the 3rd of our Div) across the river & up on the other side to Campti 8 miles when arriving at 8 p.m. we went into line of Battle & lay on our arms in silence & without fires until 12 midnight when the fleet came steaming down & tied up at the town. They reported the Battery gone being being of night -- sneaked out -- by our approach. We now built fires & as a party of the enemy fired on our advance guard from the houses, the town was burned by permission of Gen. Smith.
14 At daylight our Brig moved 3 miles up the river to see what could be found. At one mile the advance guard of cavalry met the enemy & sent back for help. Co. "B" & a Co. of the 32nd was sent forward as skirmishers to their support. After driving them back 4 miles we halted & lay there till noon to keep them off while a steamer which was aground could be got off. We then returned to Grand Ecore & went into camp.
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The account ends here without explanation.