Kaylor Surname - "P - Q - R - S"

Last Updated: Thursday, 13-Sep-2018 20:00:57 MDT
KAYLOR:   Maryland Surname Database

P  -  Q  -  R  -  S

Names listed alphabetically by first name.   To read across the grid more easily,
line up specific entry along the top or bottom edge of your browser window.
A - B - C D - E - F - GH - I - J - KL - M - N - OP - Q - R - ST - U/V - W - X/Y/Z
P Maryland Time Period
& Locations
Parents Birth Date/Place Death Date/Place Spouse Contact
Q Maryland Time Period
& Locations
Parents Birth Date/Place Death Date/Place Spouse Contact
R Maryland Time Period
& Locations
Parents Birth Date/Place Death Date/Place Spouse Contact
S Maryland Time Period
& Locations
Parents Birth Date/Place Death Date/Place Spouse Contact
Samuel C. KaylorLate 1800s - Aft 1925
Washington Co.
John W. Kaylor
Isouria B. Funk
UnknownUnknownUnknownMore Info
Sarah (Donaldson)
Late 1700s - 1800s
Washington Co.
UnknownUnknownUnknownJacob KailerMore Info
Sarah F. (Unknown) Kaylor Mid 1800s
Unknown Unknown Unknown Thomas Kaylor K. Zimmerman
Sophia C. KaylorAbt 1835
William Kaylor
Mary Christiana Kerner
Abt 1835
Baltimore, MD
19 November 1840
Baltimore, MD
NoneK. Zimmerman
Sophia Caroline Kaylor 1817 to Early 1860s
George Kaylor
Margaret Unknown Surname
Feb 14, 1817
Baltimore, MD
July 11, 1896
St. Louis, MO
Augustus K�hne
K. Zimmerman
This database has been compiled based on information provided by a number of sources.  With this in mind, please remember that the data has not been verified and is susceptible to human error. If you have questions regarding a specific individual, email the Contact Person who submitted the details.   Help the database grow - Submission information available.

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