
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., February 1, 1906, page 1

Enthusiastic Meeting For It
Project Met With Unanimous Favor and Committees Were Appointed to Agitate the Matter

     With the enthusiasm characteristic of the valley for progress and enterprise, the meeting held at Artisans' Hall Saturday for the purpose of considering the proposition of building a high school for the city and valley was an unqualified success.
     Delegations including members of the high school boards of Crapper, Odell, Barrett, Frankton, Pine Grove and this city were present and among all there was no dissenting voice. While some of the gentlemen present differed as to the mode of procedure to secure the desired results, all were in favor of the project and gave voice to their sentiments.
     J.W. Ackerman, State Superintendent of Schools, and County Superintendent of Schools Neff were both present to present their views in favor of the school and to demonstrate what a great benefit it would be to the community of Hood River valley. Professor Wiley of the Hood River schools, C.D. Thompson of the Barrett schools and G.W. Brown of the Frankton schools were also present and spoke for the proposition, though the building of the school may mean that they would be forced to go elsewhere to seek a livelihood at their vocation. Such a spirit of self sacrifice at this cannot fail to bring results, and it is thought that many who came to the meeting with the idea of opposing the high school plan or at best only lukewarm in their attitude where won to its support by the position taken by these gentlemen and also that of A.I. Mason, Roswell Shelley, M.R. Noble and others who have taken no little pride in the local schools in their districts and have nurtured and watch them grow with the care they would a pet orchard.
     At the conclusion of the meeting, however, all this feeling was eradicated and a unanimous sentiment prevailed that the school must be built.
     The meeting was called to order by F.C. Sherrieb, who was chosen chairman, and C.H. Vaughan as secretary. Mr. Sherrieb briefly stated the nature of the meeting and called upon Prof. Wiley to outline its purpose. Prof. Wiley did so in a clear and succinct way and told of two plans that could be used in obtaining the school. The first and the better plan he thought was to consolidate all the school districts in the valley in one district with a superintendent and a proper staff of officers and teachers under him, thereby establishing a thorough system of instruction that could be obtained in no other way. To do this would require a petition from the taxpayers of a district to the county court asking for consolidation and a vote on the question at the June election. The petition would require the signatures of five taxpayers from districts of the third class and 50 from the second class. District's which have and enumeration of less than 200 are rated in the third class, and over that in the second class until an enumeration of 100 is reached when the district becomes one of the first class. Pupils entering the high school would be taken from the eighth grade of the primary schools and complete the rest of the course in the former, which would consist of four more grades. If the outlying districts in the valley felt that they did not want to give up control of their schools to one centralized body the other plan was to establish a union high school to which the various districts would contribute their pro rata share of the school tax for maintenance. This, however, would require an act of the legislature. He also said that if the movement for county division was successful a county school could be erected which would be maintained at the expense of the county.
     Mr. Sherrieb then asked Superintendent Ackerman to speak on the subject which the gentlemen did most intelligently, answering objections and putting to rest many of the fears of the greater expense and also what was considered the most objectionable feature of the matter -- transportation of pupils.
     He said that a building such as was thought would be adequate for the needs of Hood River valley could be built for $40,000, and cited as a case, Klamath Falls, where such a structure had recently been erected. He showed how the difficulties of transportation had been overcome at Newberg and Prineville, where the system had been inaugurated and demonstrated that its a cost would be less than two mills. His talk was both business like and enthusiastic and his answers to objections to the point and satisfactory. To a question by Mr. States in connection with the new school and the proposed new county, he said that if the taxpayers would vote to establish the school he would vote for Cascade County, a statement which was greeted with much applause.
     At the conclusion of Mr. Ackerman's remarks, Mr. Mason said that he had come to the meeting with a great deal of pride in his heart for the little school at Pine Grove, but that it had been dissipated and he felt that the larger school should be built, and in reply to a statement of Mr. Ackerman said that Hood River would get a little the worst of the deal in the matter of taxes he took exception and said that if it did it would be made up in another direction. However, he said that he was in favor of consolidation of the districts instead of the union high school plan.
     Mr. Neff followed Mr. Mason, and in order to show just what the enumeration and evaluation of the school districts were produced the following figures:



No. 2 Frankton 214 $125,315
No. 4 Barrett 207   103,770
No. 5 Odell 112     87,715
No. 7 Pine Grove 142   100,480
No. 61 Crapper  56     88,745
----------- ----------
Total 731 $506,025
No. 3 Hood River 660   533,315

     It will be seen it from the above figures that Mr. Ackerman's statement was correct. Mr. Neff also gave some other interesting information on the subject which corrected several statements that had been made and set the ball rolling in the right direction.
     Mr. Shelley of Odell spoke in the same vein as did Mr. Mason in regard to the pride of the Odellites in their local school, but said that as a representative of his district he would say that he had no furthew objections to make.
     Mr. Noble of Frankton said that something would have to be done to relieve the congested condition of the school in his district soon, and while the residents of the district were very proud of their school he thought that the plan as outlined was a good remedy and ought to receive the consideration of those present.
     At this juncture E.L. Smith who had remained a quiet listener in the meeting, was asked by the Rev. Mr. Hershner to express himself on the matter, and he did so with so much eloquence and enthusiasm that at the conclusion of his talk it was very evident from the animated expression of his listeners' faces that there were no more opponents of the high school question in the room.
     Other gentlemen then spoke on the matter, among whom were A.C. Staten, Lee Morse, C.D. Thompson, Mr. Brown, Mayor Blowers, and last, but not least, Chairman Sherrieb, who made the most convincing argument for the school that was made at the meeting.
     A motion was then made by Mr. Stanton and seconded that it was the sense of the meeting that it was in favor of consolidating the valley in one district and was carried.
     Mr. Mason then made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Staten that a committee of two be appointed from the districts of the lower valley, including Odell, Frankton, Barrett, Crapper and Pine Grove, and the city of Hood River to hold meetings in the different districts and present the question to the residents. The motion was unanimously carried and a second motion was made selecting Messrs. Neff, Wiley and Thompson as a committee to appoint the committees.
     There was some talk about delaying the appointment of the committees, but Mr. Shelley and Mr. Mason both argued that it be done while there was such a good representation of the school districts present and their suggestion prevailed.
     The meeting then adjourned until 2 o'clock when the committee met and selected the following gentlemen to look after the district meetings:

Odell - H.S. Galligan, W.L. Carus; meeting February 1st.
Pine Grove - J.O. Marks, A.I. Mason; meeting February 7.
Barrett - F.C. Sherrieb, J.H. Shoemaker; meeting February 9.
Crapper -- J.A. McCurdy, E.E. Lyon; meeting February 13.
Frankton - M.R. Noble, A.C. Staten; meeting February 16.
Hood River -- T. Butler, P.S. Davidson; meeting February 24.

     Delegations from Mount Hood, Dukes Valley and Willow Flat were also present and took a great deal of interest in the meeting, and if the establishment of the school is brought to a successful issue these points can, at any time, obtain admission to the high school district by petition, by simply changing the boundary line of their school district as provided by law.
     The last meeting which will be held here on Saturday, the 24th of February, will be a mass meeting at which all the committees from the other districts will report and at which it is the intention to have Mr. Ackerman, Prof. Campbell and other well known authorities in educational matters address the meeting.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer