The Hood River News-Letter, Hood River, OR., November 24, 1906, page 1
The following is a copy of the petition to the legislature for the setting off of Cascade county. We ask our readers to read it and study the figures given us but Mr. Goit of The Dalles, taken from the records of the county. Please give this your most careful thought. It is a matter of great importance to us, and aside from any matter of local pride, it certainly must be evident to every citizen that it will be better for us to be governed by those whose interests are entirely centered in the valley, than a bunch of officers who have no interest here except to get all the revenue they can from this section:
We, the undersigned, residents and householders in the
proposed new county, hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to
create the following the described territory, namely:
Beginning at a point in the middle of the channel of
the Columbia river opposite the meander corner between sections Three and
Four, Township Two North, Range Eleven East, of Willamette Meridian, then
running South along the section line between said sections 3 and 4 and said
line extended to a point on the base line at the Southeast corner of Sec.
33, in Tp. 1 North, Range 11 E.W.M., thence West along said base line to
the Northeast corner of Tp. 1 South, Range 10 East of W.M., thence South
along the Township line to the Southeast corner of Township Two South, Range
10 East of Willamette Meridian, thence West along the South line of Township
Two South, Range 10 East and said line extended along the South side of Tp.
2 South, Range 9 East of W.M., to the summit of the Cascade Mountains, and
the line between the Wasco and Clackamas counties; thence Northerly along
the summit of said Cascade Mountains, and along the line between Clackamas
and Wasco and between Multnomah and Wasco Counties, or such modification
of such line as may be the deemed best, to the middle of the channel of the
Columbia river and the Northwest corner of Wasco county; thence in a general
Easterly course along the center of the channel of the Columbia river to
the place of beginning; be created and organized into a separate county,
under the name of Cascade County.
We believe that the best interests of the people of the
State of Oregon, residing in said territory, will be best served by the creation
of said new county; and your petitioners will ever pray.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer