The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., February 2, 1905, page 2
At a late hour yesterday afternoon no word had come from
Salem concerning the fate of Cascade county at the hands of the Senate. There
is a feeling of depression in the city lest the bill will meet too strong
opposition in the upper house.
Monday the measure passed the lower house without a
dissenting vote. It is now in the hands of the senate committee, which committee
it is said will make a favorable report whenever the Hood River delegation
at Salem think it is the proper time to take a vote on the bill. According
to the Oregonian, the Cascade county bill was to come up in the Senate either
Wednesday or Thursday.
A Salem dispatch to the Oregonian of Wednesday says:
"Those from Hood River and vicinity who are working night and day for the
passage of the bill are: Leslie Butler, A.P. Bateman, John Leland Henderson,
Dr. J.F. Watt, Dr. F.C. Brosius, Captain A. Winans, C. Dethman, A.M. Kelsay,
J. Mosier, C.T. Early, C.L. Gilbert and E.H. Shepard.
"Just as sure of the defeat of the bill and just as untiring
are the following from The Dalles: E.O. McCoy, W.E. Walther, E.C. Pease,
Dr. E.E. Ferguson, Judge A.E. Lake, B.S. Huntington, H.J. Maier, Judge G.C.
Blackley and D.J. Cooper. The Dalles people rely largely on the power of
Senator Whealdon of The Dalles to kill the Jayne bill in the Senate."
© Jeffrey L. Elmer