
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., October 7, 1921, page 1


     That Hood River county's greatest need today is a modern hospital, available alike to both the rich and poor, was the consensus of opinion of the large attendance of the Lunch club on Tuesday. The decision came as the result of the request of Hugh G. Ball, chairman of the day, that each member submit in writing, what he considered the greatest need of this community. Many worthy proposals were submitted and will no doubt be read with interest by those concerned.
     After the chairman had read all the projects submitted, it was decided by the great majority of those present that the subject of a community hospital should be taken up for discussion.
    C.W. McCullagh opened the debate by stating that Mrs. Alma Howe, who has long been a sympathizer with the hospital project, had offered to subscribe $100 towards a site for a hospital. He mentioned that a three acre tract in close would shortly come up for sheriff's sale for a mortgage of $500, and he thought it desirable that a fund be raised to acquire this ground, not necessarily for a hospital, but as an investment in trust, for later sale, the proceeds to be turned over to a hospital fund.
     Fordham Kimball stated that he had attended a meeting of the Legion on the previous evening, and he believed the members of the local post would gladly get behind the project and would like to have the building termed a Memorial hospital, as they could imagine no better tribute to the boys who died than a building consecrated to the work of healing the sick. He suggested that a committee from the Legion work with any committee which might be formed by the Lunch club.
     Dr. Dumble stated that he had heard a lot of "hot air" about a community hospital and he advised the people to get the money for their hospital before they talk of building it. He resented criticism of the present hospital and said that most of the stories told about it were untrue or exaggerated. When the talk of a new hospital came up over a year ago, he was ready to close the present building and let the people build their own hospital. He objected to "knocks" at the present institution.
     The chairman suggested that the criticism directed against the existing hospital has not been directed either against the management or the doctors. Rather did it emphasize one indispensable fact, that the present hospital does not meet the requirements of this community. It is the duty of those who are well and strong in a community to aid in any project that will aid the weak and ailing.
     Mr. Boddy said that while everybody would admit that efficient work had been done in the present hospital, it does not today meet the needs of the community. They believe it is right that the matter should be discussed and that criticism should be resorted to, for it is by this means only that the project can be brought before the attention of the public.
     Leslie Butler suggested that the question of a site should be carefully gone into before any decision was arrived at.
     Dr. Thrane related his experience in community hospitals in Minnesota and the method employed of financing it. He thought the amount required might be raised by donation extended over a period of years and bonding.
     J.W. Crites said that it was obvious that the members present were almost in unison in getting behind a community hospital project. He recalled that it had been decided the Lunch club would not get behind any project unless they were determined to carry it through and up to the present had refrained from aligning itself with motions or resolutions. However, here was an object well worthy of their support and he suggested that a motion be put to the meeting.
     On a call from the chair, a motion was debated and seconded that a committee be appointed by the chairman to investigate the project and to submit a report at the next meeting. This was carried and Mr. Ball appointed: E.O. Blanchar, C.W. McCullagh and J.W. Crites a committee.
     E.O. Blanchar said he was thoroughly in sympathy with the project, and he suggested that means be found for raising the entire cost of the building before construction is begun. This view was submitted in the form of a resolution, and carried.
     The chairman briefly referred to the great misfortune which had befallen one of the members and it was unanimously decided to send a note of condolence from the club to J.D. Thomison, who lost his wife under painful circumstances last week.
     W.H. Galvani, of Portland, gave a short talk, urging economy in public affairs. He deployed municipal extravagance and said that if we are to check extravagance we must recognize that communities cannot live beyond their means any more than the individual. Mr. Galvani related that he knew Hood River long before it was Hood River and had roamed through the timber which once grew where our city now stands.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer