
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., September 3, 1908, page 5

[By Edward E. Coad, City Superintendent]

     The schools of a town or community form a fairly good index to the mental, moral and commercial activities of its inhabitants. The aim of this article is to show in a few words some of the more important features of the schools of Hood River.
     Within twelve years the teaching force of the Hood River schools has been increased from two to 18 instructors; pupils enrolled have increased from 60 to 650; the value of school property, from $1,000,000 to $6,000,000. A full four years' high school course is maintained, and a modern high school building of concrete and brick is at present being erected at a cost of $30,000.
     Last year the average attendance of the student enrolled was over 96 per cent. Since the high school grades were first established practically all the students finishing the eight grade have entered the high school. More than 90 per cent of the hundred students in the high school last year intend to take college, university or technical school courses after graduating from high school. This is but natural, for a large percentage of the population of Hood River, city and valley are college men and women.
     In Hood River there is very little of the pernicious and irresponsible loafing and street rambling so often found in towns. In the spring when school is out boys and girls alike go to work. The nine months school term begins the first of September and ends by the middle of May so that the boys and girls may go into the straw berry fields. Then there are the small fruit to pick, apples to thin and a thousand and one other things to do, it is work, toc, but there is no shirking. In the school room these boys and girls work with the same vim and goodwill; so the teachers work is largely that of directing energy rather than stimulating it as so often is the case.
     There is a common aim and ideal in the minds of parents and teachers for the accomplishment of which all are working in unison. Their desire is to encourage and develop healthy, happy, honest, moral, industrious and law-abiding citizens -- men and women who can carry on to consummation the plans, so well begun by the present generation, for an ideal community in Hood River city and valley. -- School and Home.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer