The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., January 17, 1896, page 2
[Essay Read by Miss Bertha M. Warren at Frankton School]
The pleasant little Valley of Hood River is situated
about sixty miles east from Portland and twenty miles west from The Dalles.
From almost any point in the valley can be had a view of the snow-capped
peaks of Hood and Adams, which rise to the south and north, standing like
sentinels keeping guard over the peaceful valley.
From Mount Hood flows the clear and beautiful stream
from which the valley takes its name. From the mountain two branches start,
called the East and West Forks, flowing for a distance of about fifteen miles
before uniting to form the main stream, which finally pours its waters into
the great Columbia, the northern boundary of the valley. The valley as many
attractions for the visitor and tourist. The snow-clad mountains are more
accessible from Hood River valley then any other point, Mt. Hood being 28
miles distant from the railroad station and Mt. Adams 35. The scenery is
always attractive and the orchards and strawberry patches in the fruiting
season lend additional charm to the view. Ditches are being taken out of
the mountain streams to irrigate the constantly increasing berry patches.
Some of the orchards are grown without irrigation, especially on the East
Side, where the soil is more adapted for grain raising and where the farmers
generally raise wheat for their own flour, which is ground at Harbison Bros.'
mill. This mill is picturesquely situated on Neal creek, a good-sized stream
which flows in northwesterly direction and empties into Hood river a few
miles above the mouth. This mill was brought to the valley 17 years ago by
Mr. D.D. Rogers, now an old gentleman over 80. When owned by Mr. Rogers the
mill was situated at the falls of Phelps creek, near the old state road,
where at one time it was thought the town would be located. On this road,
at about the same time, the first store building in the valley was built
and owned by Hon. E.L. Smith. When the railroad was built and the station
located on its present site, the town of Hood River was started. Mr. Smith
moved his store there, and it is now the oldest store in town and is owned
by Mr. George P. Crowell.
The fruit growers of the valley have formed a union,
and through it most of the fruit is shipped. During the summer and fall of
1895 the shipments of strawberries and prunes were considerable. Many apples
are now being shipped, but this industry is still in its infancy. Young apple
orchards are numerous and more are constantly being set out. The farther
up the valley one goes the better the apple land is found to be. Near the
falls of Hood river the country is as yet thinly settled, it being mostly
heavily timbered. When it is cleared, however, it makes the best orchard
land in the valley.
Hood River is becoming quite a noted summer resort for
people from the city, who, during the summer months scatter through the valley,
some going to Mt. Hood, others to the falls or to Lost Lake, near the mountain.
Anyone going to the falls cannot help but notice the grandeur and beauty
of the water as it falls over the rocks into a deep basin below. This basin
is said to be bottomless and is called "The Devil's Punch Bowl." A new bridge
is being constructed just above the falls, and when completed will be quite
an advantage to the public. Fish abound in the lakes, rivers and smaller
Several small mills are located in the mountain. Davenport
Bros. & Co. had a long flume, extending a distance of about eight miles
from the mills to their planer near the Columbia, through which they flume
the railroad ties and rough lumber to be dressed for building purposes.
Hood River Valley has a bright future. When a complete
system of irrigation is reached and all the young orchards now being set
out are in fill bearing, along with the strawberries and other fruits, train
loads of fruit will be shipped from its borders. And with such a delightful
climate, beautiful scenery and in fact everything that goes to make a peaceful
and happy community, Hood River is sure to become a noted place.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer