The Hood River County Sun, Hood River, OR., January 25, 1939, page 10
The Hood River Hospital is now free from debt, it became
known at the annual meeting of the hospital association, held here last
Wednesday. A complete report of Mrs. Almira E. Ferguson, president of the
association, follows:
Anniversaries always have a particular significance in
life and we are sure our fifteenth report is one of our most important ones.
Our superintendent and anesthetist, Mrs. Clara McCorkle,
has given us a very complete and interesting report. Before coming to Hood
River, July, 1936, Mrs. McCorkle was assistant superintendent in Dr. Coffee's
hospital, Portland.
Our treasurer, Mr. L.M. Baldwin, has just read his fifteenth
annual report and it contains figures that were a surprising, even to be
executive board.
You that have followed the reports during the past years,
know that Mrs. Anna M. Spring created a hospital fund of her own. This fund
was managed and cared for many years by Mr. E.O. Blanchar. Mr. Blanchar delivered
the securities amounting to $8,000.00 to the executive committee to be used
in building this hospital.
During the years other gifts have come to us from this
loyal lady, who loved Hood River and our hospital.
Miss Spring's death occurred last year and she had remembered
our hospital very generously. The last $8000.00 indebtedness on this building
was her gift to humanity. This was in addition to the above $8000.00 and
all the other gifts made by Miss Spring.
We celebrate May 12th as National Hospital Day, honoring
the birthday of Florence Nightengale. This year Mrs. E.O. Blanchar served
as general chairman and was assisted by many others in making this an outstanding
The hospital was beautifully decorated, tea was served
in the dining room. More than 125 persons visited our building. They became
better acquainted with the staff and facilities for caring for the sick.
One of the pleasant features was a visit from our beloved
Miss Theressa Stampher, a former superintendent.
One of the greatest improvement this year it is our elevator.
It has been made over, new electric brakes. It meets all state requirements
and has inside gates, linoleum and new paint. In fact, one of our doctors
feel like a bird in a gilded cage when he rides in it.
We are very proud of our new laboratory. I believe about
$1200 has been spent in new equipment. Mrs. Beverley Fosha is Laboratory
Technician. She is a graduate of the Bethel Hospital training school, Colorado
Springs, and has done special work in laboratory and bacteriology at the
Portland Medical School and Coffee Clinic.
Miss Meta Lauterbach has been with us since the opening
of the Hood River Hospital as a community organization in 1924. Miss Meta
Lauterbach is our assistant superintendent and has charge of the surgery
and X-ray rooms. Her assistant is Mrs. Blanche Rand.
We have added a floor type infra red lamp, blood pressure
apparatus, a stethoscope and a Standard Buckeye Diagram and table has been
Our nursery is one of the most interesting places in
the hospital. There is such a definite campaign in America for the safety
of our mothers and babies. We have had reported 118 births and no new born
deaths have occurred. Mrs. Bernice Van Osten, who has been with us over a
year, has charge of the babies. We are very proud to report that we have
added a new obstetrical delivery room to this service.
We have added 5 Simmons Beautyrest mattresses and one
surgical bed, for metal bedside stand.
Mrs. E.O. Blanchar is chairman of furnishings committee
and has just completed draperies for the main corridor and entrance hall.
Many of the rooms and corridors have been refinished.
The Hood River Pioneer's Society, Mrs. William Stuart,
hospital committee chairman, has placed appropriate draperies at the windows
in their two bed rooms.
Dr. C.C. Chick presented the hospital with a culture
incubator for the laboratory.
Mrs. A.F. Adam gave $15.00 which was used by the furnishings
committee for a chair for the reception room.
Mrs. Blanchar gave 8 chairs for the dining room.
Dr. S.E. Wells gave a floor flash light for the surgery.
Mr. Fisher sent one gallon of oysters for Christmas.
The Blue Birds and the Apostolic Faith church children
have given picture books.
Mr. Leslie Butler has loyally taken care of the apple
bin. Others have brought pears and other fruit.
Mrs. Margaret Jarvis, who has been with us several years,
is now our book-keeper. Miss Marguerite Ferrin serves as a dietitian and
has been with us to years. Miss Ferrin has just completed a course in dietetics
with Columbia University and is now doing work with the University of Washington.
Mr. Couchman has contributed to the efficiency of the
hospital and beauty of the park, by dependability as a custodian.
Miss Lida Sublett has been our cook for the past 18 months.
The food is good. The kitchen is a cheerful place and our plans are for an
electric dish washers, being installed very soon.
We have a few new members and we welcome them. The same
old question has been asked: "How can I become a member of the Hood River
Hospital?" You can become a member by paying $10.00 or more for a non-assessable,
non-profit membership.
This gives you the privilege of attending the annual
meetings and voting.
We have lost by death a member of the board of directors,
Mrs. Katherine Ainsworth. Mrs. Ainsworth had served faithfully her community
and is greatly missed.
Once a month, or oftener, our executive committee meets,
including our vice-president, Mrs. E.R. Pooley, and Mrs. McCorkle, we have
six persons. In looking over our books I find we have never had less than
five present at any meeting during the year.
Mr. Wesley Shannon, who has served as a director for
many years has been ill. We are glad to report that he is able to be up and
gaining in strength. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon sent their greetings and regret
being unable to be present this evening.
My report would not be complete without reminding you
that 919 babies have been born and 9321 patients admitted, a total of 10,249
during the life of the Hood River Hospital.
Again to the Board of Directors and the Executive Board,
I express my sincere appreciation for youe kindness and generosity during
the past fifteen years.
Respectfully submitted.
Almira E. Ferguson,
© Jeffrey L. Elmer