The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., February 19, 1913, page 1
E.L. Smith Property Is Offered for $16,000, or a Tier of Lots for $4,000.
- City Council Will Probably Submit It a Special Election - Step Is Heartily
Favored By local Citizens
A move has been started looking towards the purchase
by the city of the E.L. Smith block between Oak and State streets to serve
as a site for the new Carnegie library and also for a public park and playground.
The movement in this direction was brought about by the
announcement that the present site for the library is inadequate. This site
includes the street which formerly passed through the Smith property and
adjoining State and Oak streets. It is, however, only 40 feet in width and
this has been declared insufficient.
A committee was appointed by the city council last week
to investigate the matter and to find out if some more of the Smith property
adjoining the site could be purchased. This committee interviewed E.L. Smith,
who represents himself and the heirs. He stated that they would probably
be willing to sell either a tier of four lots adjoining the present site
or else the entire block. The four lots would cost $4,000, while the entire
block could be secured for $16,000, which is felt to be reasonable.
The property is ideally located for a library and park
site. In the center of the city and on two of the main streets, it would
be most convenient. At the same time the property is ornamented by many stalwart
oaks, almost the sole relics of the oak groves which formerly occupied the
The proposition is meeting with the support on the part
of those citizens who have been informed of this opportunity. The city has
long felt the need of a public park and this site is declared to be the only
one which would fully meets all requirements. The chance to purchase it upon
favorable terms at this time is look upon as most opportune.
That matter was submitted at a special meeting of the
Commercial Club Monday afternoon. President W.L. Clarke of the club said
that he esteemed it a splendid opportunity and one which the citizens of
Hood River should not neglect. He said it had been suggested that the club
make some expression upon the matter.
Several present expressed themselves as heartily in favor
of the proposition. Among these were C.A. Bell, J.H. Heilbronner, Charles
Hall, J.M. Schmeltzer, C.D. Nickelsen and Newton Clark. The last named made
it a motion that the city council be urged to call a special election and
submit the proposition to the people.
County Judge Castner explained briefly the county's attitude
in the matter. Carnegie will give $17,500 for the library building upon the
understanding that an annual appropriation be made of $1,750 a year for
maintenance. Under the arrangement first contemplated the county was to provide
two-thirds of this amount and the city the balance. This arrangement was
not satisfactory to the Carnegie fund commission, however, and the county
will assume the entire obligation. Under these circumstances it is deemed
reasonable that the city should make the additional outlay for providing
an adequate site. The latter can be secured, it is stated, upon easy terms
so that the burden will fall very lightly upon the taxpayers.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., February 20, 1913, page 1
The Smith Block Is Favored
Reliance Company Begins Construction of Water System - Jail Improvements
Asked For.
While the committee appointed a week ago by Mayor Blanchar,
composed of J.P. Lucas, Councilman J.M. Schmeltzer and Councilman A.C. Staten,
recommended that the city purchase the Smith block, on which is located the
home of E.L. Smith, it also asked that the council take up no action on the
resolution for a week, in order that the trend of public sentiment can be
more deeply sounded. The members of the committee met with Mr. Smith last
week in an endeavor to get some expression from him as to a sale of the portion
of the lot adjoining that already secured through the efforts of the Woman's
club. Mr. Smith made an offer of the portion of the lot for the sum of $4,000
or the whole of it for $16,000. The committee favored the purchase of the
entire block for the library site and for city park purposes. However, time
is wanted that means of financing the purchase may be discussed. It has been
suggested that the plan of making the purchase by a bond issue be placed
before the citizens at a special election.
Another offer of a suitable library site was placed before
the council. Charles T. Early offers his property across State street from
the Smith block, for the sum of $7,500.
Marshal Robert T. Lewis reported Monday night that the
city prison was very inadequate. He states that more room is needed. The
police and printing committee was instructed to confer with the county court
in an effort to secure their cooperation in building suitable city and county
prison. Heretofore all county prisoners have been taken to The Dalles for
safe keeping.
By action taken by the council Monday night, bids will
be advertised for on the head works and reservoir of the new municipal water
system. The total cost of both works, according to estimates of Consulting
Engineer Taylor, of Portland, should not exceed $15,000. The reservoir will
be constructed on the Hansberry property on the Heights. This was purchased
for this purpose several years ago.
Hugh Smith has been appointed inspector of the pipeline
construction. Mr. Smith is the superintendent of the water system and should
be well acquainted with the needs of the city. The Reliance Construction
Co., which has the contract for laying the pipe, began work Tuesday with
a crew of 36 men. All the workmen are local residents.
The city will soon be better lighted. The Hydro-Electric
Co. yesterday began work on the installation of the lights to be furnished
under the recently signed contract. Lights will be placed on Oak, State,
Eugene, Hazel, May, June, Pine, Wilson, Union, Taylor and B streets and on
Cascade, Sherman and Montello avenues.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., March 12, 1913, page 1
A special election is to be called by the city council
to vote on the library proposition. At the meeting Monday Councilman Staten
made the motion that the judiciary committee be directed to take the necessary
steps towards calling such an election to give the council authority to purchase
a library site. At the present time the charter places strict limitations
upon the council's power and it has no authority to purchase such as site.
No conclusion has been reached as to the exact amount
of additional land which would be purchased, but 40 to 50 feet will probably
be necessary in order to provide a suitable site for the library and this
would also give room for a small city park.
A petition was circulated Monday asking that the site
for the library be secured on the county court house grounds. This petition
has been held up, however, following the action of the council Monday and
will be withheld to await withheld the action of the citizens at a special
The ordinance calling for pavement of the business streets
was passed and bids were let on March 24.
The contract for construction of balance of the water
system was let. Five bids were received. The contract for Division 2, which
includes the headworks, was awarded to Gibish and Joplin of Portland. Their
bid was $2,946. The contract for Division 5, which includes the reservoir,
was awarded to E.O. Hall, whose bid was $11,220.
Citizens in Clark's Addition petitioned to have a water
main laid on Union Avenue to connect with the one on Wilson street. Residents
in Stranahan's Third Addition past for a water main on Fifteenth street.
A petition was received asking for opening of C Street
from Thirteenth street westward.
Residents in Winans' Addition asked for the creation
of a sewer district there.
A street light at the corner of Prospect and Eighth streets
was asked by the residents in that section of the city.
Architect R.R. Bartlett recommended that the city, instead
of erecting a 30-foot fire bell tower on the Odd Fellows Building, erect
a 60-foot tower on the city's property adjoining, reporting that the latter
could be done at less expense.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., March 13, 1913, page 9
Miss Lottie Kinnaird has been appointed by the board
of trustees of the library to the position of assistant librarian. Miss Kinnaird
has served an apprenticeship in the local library for the past six months
and is well versed with the work of a librarian and the needs of the local
Transients, who may be residing in this city, may make
use of the library, if they deposit with the librarian a dollar, to be returned
when they leave, if they do not violate the rules of the institution. These
visitors may also make use of the library through the introduction and guaranty
of friends.
Non residents may enjoy the library privileges by the
payment of a yearly fee of $1.50. This rule was made that the Underwood and
people of other neighboring towns might use books from here.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., March 19, 1913, page 1
Notwithstanding the fact that two important events occurred
the night before, a large number assembled at the opening of the Parkdale
branch library on Saturday morning. Miss Northey, the county librarian,
instructed the ladies who have volunteered to act as librarians for the ensuing
year in library management and advised them not to receive any literature
that would lower the tone of the community.
A great many books were received as a nucleus for a permanent
library and a number loaned with promises of many more from people who could
not attend the opening meeting.
The community is indebted to Miss Mary Allen, M.O. M.O.
Boe and C.E. Craven for their untiring efforts in securing this needed
institution and also to the ladies who have kindly consented to act as librarians
during the year.
During the day the library was well patronized and a
great many took advantage of the writing desks, with which the room is numerously
provided, to write letters while they sipped their tea.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., March 26, 1913, page 3
Twice the past week every chair in the library has been
occupied and boys have set in the windows.
The books on street paving have not been on the shelf
since they were brought to the notice of the City Council and others interested.
Material on road building is popular just now. Anticipating
this demand, your librarian sent available material, much of which could
be had for the asking.
Gardening, poultry and bee books are much in demand since
the harbingers of spring are here.
The first month of opening the per centage of fiction read
was 89 percent. The last month it was only 51 percent.
Bulletins in the window each week advertise certain books
of interest. Watch these from time to time for popular non-fiction books.
Many who come to the library would be surprised at the
number of men who are at the reading tables during the day and evening. Here
they may find the excellent magazines, the local papers and the Oregonian.
It is really surprising how popular the library is with
the school children when we have no facilities for carrying on children's
work. A room where the children can go and not feel that they are in the
way for lack of room is sadly needed in our library.
If you are interested along certain lines let your librarian
now. We may have just what you want. If not we may be we may be able to get
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., March 27, 1913, page 8
At a recent meeting of the library board at which Miss
Cornelia Marvin, secretary of the Oregon Library Commission was present,
it was decided to carry on a question box in one of the local papers. Everyone
is requested to bring questions about the library and the library building
to the librarian or any member of the library board. If any question cannot
be answered locally it will be referred to headquarters.
The following questions have already been asked:
Q. -- Who constitute the library board?
A. -- There are nine members. Six, one of
which is a member of the city council, are appointed by the mayor of the
city. The county court, consisting of the county judge and two commissioners
are members ex-officio and have the same responsibilities and voting powers
as the other members.
Q. -- Is it a city or county library?
A. -- It is a county library. It began as
such and has continued as such. It has the official name, Hood River County
Q. -- Must the land upon which the building
may be built be deeded to the Carnegie Corporation?
A. -- No. The deed of the land must be in
the name of the party that accepts the gift.
Q. -- What does Mr. Carnegie require when
he gives a gift of money for a library building?
A. -- He requires from the party that except
the gift an agreement to provide at least one-tenth the amount of the gift
each year for the maintenance of the library.
Q. -- Are there any other strings besides
A. -- There are no other strings of whatever.
Q. --If for any reason the county may at some
time be absolutely unable to meet the requirements, would the building and
the site revert to the Carnegie Corporation?
A. -- It would not. There is no penalty attached
to the agreement. It is simply a moral obligation, not a legal one.
Q. -- Do the plans for the proposed building
have to be accepted by the Carnegie Corporation?
A. -- Yes, the sketch plans do. If they are
not accepted they are returned with suggestions for their improvement. This
is done simply to insure a wise use of the gift money.
Q. -- Does Mr. Carnegie appoint the architect?
A. -- No. He does not even suggest a certain
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 2, 1913, page 1
In order that all may vote intelligently upon the library
proposition to be submitted at a special election Thursday, April 10, a mass
meeting will be held next Tuesday evening, April 8, at the Commercial Club.
Mayor E.O. Blanchar will preside. All legal voters, women as well as men,
are invited to the meeting. There will be a number of speakers and complete
information will be given concerning the purpose of the election and the
intentions of the library committee.
The election will be held with a view to amending the
city charter so as to authorize the council to incur an indebtedness not
to exceed $7000 for library and park purposes. Figures have been compiled
which show that the burden to the individual taxpayer would be small. The
assessed valuation of Hood River City it is 2,050,550. The additional tier
of lots would cost $4,000. The cost per $1,000 of assessed valuation, if
paid for in cash, would be 19½ cents. If bonded for it would cost less
than one and one-fifth cents a year.
The Woman's Club, which has been active in working for
the library and park, is planning an active campaign and it is believed that
public sentiment will prove overwhelmingly in favor of the proposition.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 2, 1913, page 7
Since the library was opened at Parkdale recently a number of generous gifts have been received and word has just been received that Mrs. Dr. Welty of Portland has given 100 volumes. Miss Simmons of Brooklyn, who is interested in the Upper Valley, has given a box of the books and these are now on the way. Eugene Euwer has loaned ten volumes of Washington Irving for the use of the library and also files of the National Geographic Magazine covering the past two years. Other contributors have included Miss Mary Allen, J.W. Simmons and Frank L. Keating. A number of others have kindly promised additions to the library and there are already something over 200 volumes. Twenty-four ladies have offered to take their turn as librarian. Mrs. Puddy and Mrs. Hann have been in charge during the past two weeks.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., April 3, 1913, page 10
Do you know that the library is free to all residents
of the county?
Do you know that the library has books on the vegetable
gardening, flower gardening, road building, street paving, building of country
homes, landscape gardening, birds, flowers and bees, photography and nature
Do you know that the library has a telephone and that
the number is 2022?
Do you know that books may be reserved and renewed by
Do you know that all kinds of information may be asked
by phone and that the answers will be given in the briefest time possible?
Do you know that the library receives forty current
periodicals each month?
Do you know that any except the current number of these
magazines may be borrowed from the library for a period of seven days?
Do you know that the librarian wishes to know your special
interests and fads so that books of interest to you may be provided?
Do you know that Hood River county library belongs to
you and that your interests are the interests of your librarian?
In view of the fact that the citizens of this city will soon vote on the proposition of an amendment to the city charter whereby bonds to the extent of a sum not to exceed $7000 maybe issued for the purpose of obtaining a site for the Carnegie library building, the sum of $17,500 having been appropriated by the Carnegie commission for the purpose of erecting a building, a budget of the expenses of the library at the present time that will be received with interest. All items of expense of the institution are given below:
County budget
Appropriation two-tents of a mill, approximately $2000.
Salaries................................$1080 Books.....................................600 Traveling expenses and transportation......75 Binding....................................50 Periodicals................................50 Printing and supplies.....................150 Total...........$2005
City Budget
Appropriation $850
Rent.....................................$360 Salaries..................................200 Periodicals................................50 Supplies..................................100 Janitor....................................50 Light......................................15 Insurance..................................15 Contingent.................................60 Total............$850
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 9, 1913, page 4
Hood River is to vote tomorrow on the library proposition.
Citizens may vote in favor of the library by casting their ballots in favor
of the charter amendment. As has been stated frequently, this amendment would
give the council power to contract an indebtedness not to exceed $7,000 for
library purposes. A subsequent election would then have to be held to vote
bonds or otherwise provide for raising the money.
Those who have been working in behalf of the library
have this week carried on a campaign, not for votes, but a campaign of education.
They are convinced that if the people fully understand the proposition they
will vote in favor of it and the News believes that they will. No community
which claims to be progressive can afford to be without a well equipped public
library and park.
Every indication is that the proposition will carry almost
unanimously. It was to have been expected that a few would oppose it and
such has been the case. Their only argument against it, however, is on the
score of expense. It must be admitted by all, however, that this is small
in comparison to the benefits to be expected. When distributed pro rata it
is almost negligible. Certainly it is it is not sufficient to create any
material opposition and Hood River would not be true to their reputation
as a progressive, intellectual and up-to-date community if her citizens failed
to pass favorably upon the proposition to be submitted at tomorrow's election.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., April 10, 1913, page 1
Mass Meeting Is Well Attended
Citizens Urged to Vote for Charter Amendment - Qualifications of Electors
If but an atom of enthusiasm that prevailed at the mass
meeting of men and women at the Commercial club Tuesday night prevades the
atmosphere today, the special election will result in an amendment to the
city charter, and the city council will be enabled to proceed to secure a
suitable site for the county library. The assembly room of the Commercial
club was well filled Tuesday evening when Mayor Blanchar called the meeting
to order. A limit of ten minutes was placed on the time to be consumed by
speakers and Secretary Scott, of the Commercial club, was made referee.
Prof. J.O. McLaughlin, a principal of the city schools,
and secretary of the library board, was the first speaker. Prof. McLaughlin
told in a general way the way moneys for libraries were expended. "The success
with which the local institution has already met is impressive," he said.
"They have found that we need books. The library was opened six and one-half
months ago. During the two weeks of September 395 books were distributed.
Now, with the branches established in the valley, we are distributing each
month 2200 books. There are 977 borrowers in this city now. The money
appropriated by the Carnegie corporation was based on the population of the
J.E. Robertson, the councilman who is a member of the
library board, next took the floor. "I believe in a library for the community,"
said Mr. Robertson. "The time is ripe for the establishing of such an
institution. And it appeals to our pride that we should have a commodious
site for the building. The problem as to the financing by the council caused
us to devote a great deal of thought as to the best way to work out a means
of securing the money. Some of us thought that the more provisions our charter
contained for the issuing of bonds, these bonds would be just that much less
desirable to purchasers. However, we have included a provision in the proposed
amendment to the charter, that the council can only spend a sum not to exceed
$7,000 for the purchase of the library or park property. When this is exceeded,
the matter will again have to be put up to a vote of the people. Some have
been heard to say that the taxes are high and times are hard, but the tax,
if $4000 cash were paid for the lot that is thought best to buy, would be
only 19½ cents on each $1000 of assessed valuation in the city. The
price of the lot offered the city is considered very reasonable."
Mrs. R.D. Gould, chairman of the Woman's club committee,
told of how the women have always desired to secure a library for the city
and how they had worked to secure the vacated street property. "We had two
things in view," she said. "We wanted the library and we wanted to save the
handsome oak trees there. The women spent $90 last year in improving the
property. We think the time is opportune to secure the additional property
and to make it a beautiful site for our library. If we do not do this a change
may take place in the ownership of the property. We may have a Japanese laundry
there, and the oaks may be cut up into stove wood."
Mrs. W.W. Remington stated that she spoke as a newcomer.
"Hood River is noted for its beautiful scenery. There is no more beautiful
place in the world for a library," she said, "and the institution is a gem
that has been offered us. All we have to do is rear the prongs of a setting
and secure it for ourselves." Mrs. W.H. Lawrence called attention to the
fact that we did not need the library for the fiction that we might obtain
there. "We want it for reference books. And furthermore we want a safe place.
When we send our children for books we want to know that they will be safe.
The site that is proposed is in a centrally located in a quiet community.
If the library were located on the county property how do we know but that
our children might in their journeys to and from the place come in contact
with the men and women called to the courthouse to trial or as witnesses?
We need to establish the library here among our oaks and make it another
rich asset for Hood River county."
Rev. J.R. Hargreaves told the people that they would
not miss the $4,000 asked for the site. "We pay the teachers of our schools,
for we want good instructors. Well, our librarian is a professor of reading.
Her work is more important than that of any other teacher or preacher in
the city," he said, "don't let us have to regret in after years that we have
failed to secure a suitable place and adequate room for our library."
Rev. B.A. Warren, rector of the Episcopal church of The
Dalles and president of the library board there, and who during his preparation
for the ministry had 10 years of experience as a librarian, said: "Give your
public institutions room to grow. Because we are a small community does not
keep us from needing books any more so than if we were a large center." Mr.
Warren told that the Carnegie corporation had no strings on the site secured
for the building. "I had always thought he required that the name 'The Carnegie
Library,' be placed across the front of the building but I was down at Salem
recently and I find that over the door there appears the name, 'The Salem
Public Library.'"
Mrs. J.E. Ferguson, of Odell, who has taken an active
part in securing the branch library at Odell, told of the work of the women
in that district. "We have 112 people making use of our library now," said
Mrs. Ferguson. She told her listeners that the plans to secure the oak covered
lot were worthy. "We want to make Hood River valley the garden spot of America.
We want to get more tourists. I wonder what the people of southern California
would give to have such natural assets as we are possessed of here?"
Truman Butler next took the floor and made the motion
that the city take proper steps to secure a libraries site. The opportune
motion was carried without a dissenting vote.
Following this a number of short speeches were made and
questions asked relative to the coming election. Prof. McLaughlin told of
how the library would benefit the pupils of the high school and grammar grades
of the city and county. "A class at the Park street school has done more
and better work than any other in this city this year -- and not by the use
of text books, but by the reference books in the library," he said. "The
boys and girls have taken trips to China and Japan, and in such a way that
they will remember the trip. I wish you could read some of the papers they
have written."
At the election today any citizen, whether he be a property
holder or not, has the privilege of voting. Any citizen of the United States
who has been in Oregon for six months or in this city three months is a qualified
elector at today's election.
Before the meeting closed Rev. E.A. Harris urged that
the people consider the benefits of the library and the necessity of having
a proper location for it.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 16, 1913, page 4
It is true that there is no good crying over spilt milk
but the News cannot refrain from expressing regret that the library proposition
was defeated Thursday. Those who have been working for many months past in
behalf of the Hood River library were sorely disappointed. They had spared
no efforts and were hopeful that the people of the city were in sympathy
with them.
We believe it was unfortunate that the other issues were
injected into the election which should not have belonged there. It is natural,
for example, that all should wish to see the public building of this kind
located in their part of the city, but this consideration should not have
entered have entered into Thursday's election. To inject it meant that much
would be lost and nothing gained. Many opposed it for economy's sake, but
we are convinced that it was short-sighted economy and that the bigger, better
and more attractive site would have meant more in dollars during the years
the years that are to come than the comparatively small amount saved.
Those who are working for the library are disappointed;
they are sorry that the matter was not so plainly understood that all would
have voted in favor of it. But they are ready to abide cheerfully by the
results and to prosecute plans for the library and to make it the very best
that can be secured under the circumstances.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 16, 1913, page 4
The library measure submitted at the election Thursday
was defeated. The proposition involved the amendment of two sections of the
charter and both of them lost by a narrow margin. On the first amendment
there were 250 for and there were 260 against. On the second there were 235
for and 254 against.
The proposition submitted was in substance whether or
not the city should acquire an additional 50-foot strip for the site of the
$17,500 Carnegie Library and to serve as a city park.
As shown by the figures, there was a large vote out,
both men and women taking an active interest. There was considerable campaigning
going on all day about the streets.
Defeat of the measure does not mean that Hood River will
lose the library, but it does mean that it will in all probability be located
on the 40-foot strip instead of having the more adequate grounds and more
attractive site which would have been secured had the measure passed.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., April 17, 1913, page 6
Such was the reversal of opinion after the result of
the election last Thursday became known that there was urgent request by
taxpayers that certain statements being made through the local papers and
that there be renewed efforts to secure the additional ground for the library
site. Therefore the following facts are stated as plainly as possible.
The county commissioners have practically accepted the
gift of $17,500 from the Carnegie Commission, awaiting only the decision
of site. That is not the question.
The library has been and will be run by the county and
city tax already decided upon and the expenses of running the building will
be no more in one location then another. This is not the question at present.
Where it the $17,500 building to be placed? The county
commissioners, with whom the decision lies, stated they would accept the
site 60x200 feet (20 feet off for road) offered by the city, and the present
city park, so the library will be put there unless something better is offered.
It is possible to put a good building on such a strip of ground and far better
to do so than to lose the gift. But have you considered what it would mean?
An architect would be hampered in design for beauty and
usefulness, the building would be low instead of on high ground; there would
be practically no lawn; high buildings might at any time cut off light and
air; the views from the building and the views of the buildings would be
With a public park surrounding a beautiful building erected
where it would be easy access from two streets would be an object of pride
to ourselves and of admiration to strangers. Our valley friends, who are
joint owners, in this gift, would feel amply grateful to have it so located
that they might find rest and comfort inside and outside.
Can we afford to lose the opportunity to secure a proper
site and a gift of $20,500, including building and park? Time presses, the
present site will be forfeited unless used by October. Carnegie Commission
must not be kept waiting. A new building said the under roof by Sept. 15.
What can be done? Four thousand dollars in cash would
secure 50x200 feet of ground adjoining the present site, making 90x200 feet
available for building and park. This ground has beautiful oak trees and
a view of mountains and river. The fact that business is in an unusually
depressed state has been studied but this seems a proposition which cannot
be turned down without great loss. Would it not be reasonable to consider
some plan by which every citizen would be able to have a share in purchasing
this ground? If $4000 for 50 feet cannot be secured, 25 feet at $2000 would
be a wonderful help. If even that is beyond our power at this time, buy less,
but have the building placed in such a position that it will be most available
and have the right setting. If such a plan is offered every citizen should
give it careful consideration. Library Committee.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 23, 1913, page 1
So many are the expressions of interest on the part of
the citizens of the Valley and city that the library committee of the Woman's
Club hopes soon to announce the purchase of 25 feet additional land on the
E.L. Smith property. All that remains is to transfer the goodwill of the
citizens into dollars and cents and this is being done this week by many
determined women. This additional piece of land will be given to the city.
A most generous gift has already been made of $800 which
consists of $200 apiece from Mrs. W.M. Stewart, Mrs. J.F. Watt, Mrs. O.J.
Nelson, Mrs. Elmor Rand, given in honor of their father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. E.L. Smith. This assures immediate success. This money is given with
the exception that the Woman's Club will raise no less than $1200, which
together with the $800 will make possible of the purchase of the 25 feet.
The hope is that as many as possible will give $25, or
$10 or $5, but it ought to be remembered that smaller amounts are as essential
to success as the larger sums. We wish every man, woman and child in the
county might have a share in the community site if only to the amount of
25 cents. Any sum is welcome. Those wishing to help are asked to bring or
send their contributions to the library and obtain receipts. The campaign
closes May first.
In a letter sent by Judge Castner to the Woman's Club
the statement is made that the county commissioners agree to place the Carnegie
Library Building on the present site of 40 feet or any additional adjacent
ground that may be purchased.
Here is a splendid project nearly completed and it awaits
only the prompt action of interested citizens.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., April 24, 1913, page 3
So many are the expressions of interest on the part of
the citizens of the valley and city that the library committee of the Woman's
club hopes soon to announce the purchase of 25 feet of additional land on
the E.L. Smith property. All that remains is to transfer the goodwill of
the citizens into dollars and cents, and this is being done this week by
many determined women. This additional piece of land will be given to the
A most generous gift has already been made of $800, which
consists of $200 apiece from Mrs. W.M. Stewart, Mrs. J.F. Watt, Mrs. O.J.
Nelson and Mrs. Elmer Rand, in honor of their father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. E.L. Smith. This assures the immediate success. This money is given
with the expectation that the Woman's club will raise no less than $1200,
which together with the $800 will make possible the purchase of the 25 feet.
The hope is that as many as possible will give $25, or $10, or $5, but it
ought to be remembered that smaller amounts are as essential to success as
the larger sums. We wish every man, woman and child in the county might have
a share in the library site, if only to the amount of 25 cent. Any sum is
welcome. Those wishing to help are asked to bring or send their contributions
to the library and obtain receipts.
The campaign closes May first. In a letter sent by Judge
Castner to the Woman's club the statement is made that the county commissioners
agree to place the Carnegie library building on the present site of 40 feet
or any additional adjacent ground that may be purchased. Here is a splendid
project nearly completed, and it awaits only the prompt action of interested
Committee of the Woman's Club.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., April 30, 1913, page 4
Hood River can boast of many blessings and not the least of them is to be found in the energetic, public-spirited and persevering women who never tire in their work for civic development. They are now with demonstrating now this fact anew in their splendid work for the public library. They know no such word as defeat and although the library proposition lost at the election they were not discouraged but straightway set about over-coming the obstacle. They are convinced that the people of Hood River deserve and are entitled to secure a larger site for the $17,500 building and they have been canvassing the entire city for subscriptions. They have met with generous response and it is to the credit of the "man folks" that this is true. The new library building is going to have an ample site and is going to be a greater credit to the community as a result. The women of this city are deserving of much commendation for the work which they are doing in behalf of this importance enterprise.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., May 14, 1913, page 1
Members of the Woman's club who set about raising $2000 for the additional library site have almost grasped success. They have secured assurances of more than $1900 and need only about $50 more to bring the amount up to the sum desired. They have been assisted by Odell and other sections of the county which will be been affected by the increased library facilities. Any persons who have not yet made contributions or any feeling able to give more than at first may do so by communicating with Miss Northey, county librarian, and such contributions will be thankfully received inasmuch as they will serve to bring the sum up to the $2000 mark it is hoped.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., May 15, 1913, page 3
The work of the Woman's club in soliciting the funds
for the additional ground for the library building site is drawing to a
successful close. With subscriptions and pledges the amount now has reached
$1913.50. Other amounts which will probably be given will bring this up to
$1950, leaving $50 to be secured.
On May 21 will be the last meeting of the Woman's club
for this year and a strenuous effort is being made to complete this work
by that date.
The public is asked to consider this matter most earnestly.
If no solicitor has called to ask you for a subscription be generous and
send the sum to the library. All sums are thankfully received from 50 cents
up. Anyone able to give a small amount only and feeling sensitive about sending
it his name can send it "from a friend." The valley friends are responding
The selection of "the library park" for the celebration
on July 4th indicates what the ground will mean to the city.
The county court is busy in selecting the building committee
and in closing the transactions with the Carnegie Commission, so it looks
most favorable for early developments.
As soon as possible a complete statement of the funds
collected will be published in the local papers.
The Oregonian, Portland, OR., May 15, 1913, page 1
Work of Constructing Library Building to Begin Soon.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May 14. - (Special) - Members of the
Women's Club who set about to raise $2000 to buy property adjoining the vacated
street secured by them for the site of the Carnegie library, after the citizens
voted against a bond issue, have secured $1950 of this sum. Eight hundred
dollars was given by the four daughters of E.L. Smith, Mrs. J.F. Watt, Mrs.
William Stewart, Mrs. Elmer Rand and Mrs. O.J. Nelson. Dr T.L. Eliot, of
Portland, was also a heavy subscriber to the fund.
The work of constructing the library building soon will
begin. The County Court has appointed the following on the building committee.
Truman Butler, E.O. Blanchar, Miss Mary McLaren and Mrs. H.F. Davidson. Miss
Della Northey was made secretary of the commission.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., May 21, 1913, page 4
Hood River women, because of their energy and perseverance
in securing money for the additional library site after it had been defeated
by the opposition at the recent election, have come in for some very favorable
mention. The following editorial appeared in the Oregonians the last of the
The women of Hood River have proved that a stingy group
of taxpayers cannot feel certain of keeping back improvements. A proposed
bond issue to erect a Carnegie library was voted down at a recent city election,
but the Woman's Club took the matter up and, without serious difficulty,
raised this sum required by subscription. Some of the gifts were commendably
liberal. It is mentioned for example that E.L. Smith's four daughters contributed
There is nothing in the way of civic improvement which
an energetic and determined Woman's Club cannot accomplish if it takes hold
in the right way. This lesson has been learned in many cities, both large
and small, and others are rapidly learning it. Success in practical affairs
has given the clubs an appetite to do more of the same kind of work, and
we may expect to see them becoming more powerful everyday as factors in municipal
government, the establishment of park and playgrounds systems, and so on.
The old notion that a Woman's Club was an organization to study art out of
encyclopedias and listen to essays on trashy novels has about vanished.
The modern Woman's Club is an extremely practical and
keenly active body. It is interested in art and literature, but in a thousand
other subjects also. It is particularly interested in politics of the up-to-date
variety. The women probably care as little as they ever did for that kind
of politics which is concerned merely with putting one set of rascals out
of office and another set in, but this is not the only kind. There is another
which seeks to apply the principles of justice and common sense to the government
of our cities, even to the government of the country.
Women are emphatically creatures of common sense. In
reality they are far less sentimental than men in relation to public business
and far less liable to adhere to a political party on purely emotional grounds.
At least such is the lesson we learned from their comparatively brief career
with the suffrage. The increasing inclination of the women's clubs to plunge
into politics means an influx of common sense where it is sadly needed.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., May 22, 1913, page 3
(From the Oregonian)
The women of Hood River have proved that stingy group
of taxpayers cannot feel certain of keeping back improvements. A proposed
bond issue to erect a Carnegie library was voted down at a recent election
city, but the Woman's club took the matter up and, without serious difficulty,
raised this sum required by subscription. Some of the gifts were commendably
It is mentioned, for example, that E.L. Smith's four
daughters with some hald a dozen others contributed $800.
There is nothing in the way of civic improvement which
an energetic and determined woman's club cannot accomplish if it takes hold
in the right way. This lesson has been learned in many cities, both large
and small, and others are rapidly learning it. Success in practical affairs
has given the clubs an appetite to do more of the same kind of work, and
we may expect to see them becoming more powerful every day as factors in
municipal government, the establishment of park and playgrounds systems,
and so on. The old notion that a woman's club was an organization to study
art out of encyclopedias and listen to essays on trashy novels has about
The modern woman's club is an extremely practical and
keenly active body. It is interested in art and literature, but in a thousand
other subjects also. It is particularly interested in politics of the up
to date variety. The women probably care as little as they ever did for that
kind of politics which is concerned merely with putting one set of rascals
out of office and another set in, but this is not the only kind. There is
another which seeks to apply the principles of justice and common sense to
the government of our cities, even to the government of the country.
Women are emphatically creatures of common sense. In
reality they are far less sentimental than men in relation to public business
and far less liable to adhere to a political party on purely emotional grounds.
At least such is the lesson we learned from their comparatively brief career
with the suffrage. The increasing inclination of the women's clubs to enter
into politics means an influx of common sense where it is sadly needed.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., June 4, 1913, page 3
Although this is the period of greatest activity on the
ranches, the circulation of books at the library is still increasing. There
is scarcely a day in which there are not new registered borrowers.
Believing that the library is not only a cultural
institution, but that it should bring returns in dollars and cents to its
users, the library is constantly adding to its collection books that can
give the rancher and the business man definite help along their lines of
Requests for the worth while books are frequently made
and books are continually reserved and mailed to the different stations or
to individuals. If to individuals the library pays postage one way, the
individual pays return postage. The librarian is eager to make the library
a living thing. Requests for such books are in line. If we haven't them on
our shelves we will get them.
Mothers' clubs have been organized in Odell and Oak Grove
is next in line with one planned for the fall. The librarian has had the
pleasure of furnishing books along certain lines of study.
A reading hour is to be established at Pine Grove, Oak
Grove and Mt. Hood. Programs for the summer are being made by the librarian
and the work will be in charge of interested young women of the community.
It is just such things as this that make the work of a librarian worth while.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., June 4, 1913, page 6
A report made by the Woman's Club of collections made for the additional ground to be purchased for the Carnegie Library site shows that the desired amount -- $2,000 -- has been secured with $58.50 to spare. The club has worked hard in behalf of the fund and it is a pleasure to report their success in this public-spirited enterprise. The report follows:
Dr. Elliot.................................$100.00
Japanese of Hood River.......................49.25
Hood River Heights..........................143.00
Business firms and downtown residents.......636.50
Odell and vicinity...........................67.50
East Side....................................29.50
State Road Fund..............................16.50
Amicus Club, East Side........................5.00
Mt. Hood Dramatic Club.......................25.00
Barrett District.............................22.00
Tuesday Evening Club.........................10.00
Property holders of living outside of city...20.00
Pledged for July or August..................100.00
1258.50 Given by daughters of E.C. Smith............800.00 Total.....................$2058.50
If it is necessary to close the deal before the few
outstanding pledges are paid the money will be advanced.
As at least $100 will be needed to put the grounds in
order after the building is completed it is hoped that $50 will yet be added
to this fund.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., June 17, 1913, page 8
The Carnegie library building, which is to be erected
on the beautiful oak covered lot, a portion of Fifth street, which has been
a vacated, and the east end of the Smith residence property, will be completed
by the middle of September, before the fall rains begin, according to Miss
Northey, librarian. The structure will be two stories in height. A portion
of the lower story, on account of the excavation that will be necessary,
will be basement. It will be built up red "Rug" brick and finished in grey
sandstone. The dimensions are 56x68 feet, and the architecture chosen by
the board is old English.
The new building will be equipped conveniently throughout.
The main floor will be taken up with receiving, reference, reading and children's
rooms. On the other floor will be class and committee rooms, and an auditorium
to seat 200 people, will be provided. It will have dressing rooms and will
have an appropriate place for readings and lectures. The library building
will also have a room for its country patrons, where the wives of the country
orchardists may come for a rest when in the city.
The bids will be opened on Thursday, July 24, and work
should begin by the first of August.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., August 6, 1913, page 1
At a meeting of the county library board Monday the contract
for building the Carnegie Library was awarded to L.A. Woodard of this place,
subject to approval by the Carnegie Corporation of the plans as revised.
The sum bid, $15,000, provides for the building, the
heating and plumbing systems and wiring. The rest of the fund of $17,500
will be used for shelving, furniture and the like. Work will be started as
soon as final approval is received from the Carnegie Corporation, which has
been requested to send approval by wire.
The library building was designed by Sutton and Whitney,
architects. In addition to being attractive to the eye it has been designed
to embody the modern ideas in library construction. It will have two stories
and the construction will be of Greendale Rug brick. This is a course, red
brick which gives something to the effect of burned brick. It will have stone
There will be two entrances. The main one will be on
State street and will be open into the second story, which will contain the
library. The other entrance will be on the east side of the building and
will open into the ground floor.
The larger part of the ground floor will be taken up
by the auditorium. This will have a seating capacity of about 150 persons.
It will be equipped with stage and dressing rooms. On this floor also will
be the county patrons' room, class committee, work and storage rooms for
the librarian's use.
The main entrance on the second floor will be at the
corner of the building and from the lobby one can either go down stairs or
into the main library room, which will occupy the entire second floor. The
delivery desk will occupy the center of this room and will be divided off
into sections. At the east will be the children's rooms and on the west the
reading and reference rooms. The stack rooms will occupy the north portion
of the floor and the librarian's room will be on the south side.
Ample space is allowed in the plans for the growth of
the next 10 or 15 years. The building is of the Old English style of
architecture, with Gothic windows which will swing on pivots. In order to
take advantage of the splendid view of river and mountains afforded from
the north exposure of the building, a large window will be inserted, giving
a clear view from the library room on the second floor.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., August 27, 1913, page 1
There was a sound of rejoicing at the county library
the first of the week when word was received from Carnegie approving the
revised library plans and authorizing the starting of work on the new building.
As a consequence the board met Monday and arranged for the starting of work
this week. Several of the oak trees will have to be removed to make room
for the building. The contract calls for the completion of the building in
four months, so it is believed that the house warming will be the first of
the year.
Those in charge of the library have been afraid that
the revised plans would not be O.K.'d in time to permit the building to be
started before next summer, hence the rejoicing.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., August 28, 1913, page 1
Work has begun on the new Carnegie library, and the building
will be rushed to completion, as it must be undercover by the middle of October.
The building alone will cost $15,000, and the architecture will be of collegiate
gothic, with rug brick facing. The main floor will comprise the library and
children's study alcove. The lower floor will be for the auditor, county
rest room and accessories. It will also contain a class room and the librarian's
work room, and a steam heating plant will be in the basement.
L.A. Woodard, of Hood River, has been granted the general
contract; J.F. Volstorff, the heating and plumbing; Bert Kent, the painting;
and Morrison Electric Co., the wiring.
The photograph to the left appeared in the 50th Anniversary insert of The Hood River News in 1950, and relates to the event in the article below.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., September 3, 1913, page 1
Simple Ceremony Marks Beginning of Important Work - Woman's Club Sees Efforts
Crowned With Success - Library Has Had Rapid Growth Since its Establishment
a Year Ago.
Marking the successful culmination of the persevering
efforts of the Woman's Club, ground was broken Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock
for the Carnegie Library.
Those who gathered for the ceremony found that marked
improvement had already been made on the site, contractor L.A. Woodard, having
been busy grubbing out the trees that stood on the site of the building.
The other trees on the lot had also been trimmed and the effect was parklike
and decidedly attractive.
Those present included representatives of the Woman's
Club, the county library committee, county court and Mayor Blanchar. Before
the brief ceremony a couple of pictures were taken of the group for publication
in the Portland papers and for preservation by the library.
Mrs. Charles Castner, president of the Woman's Club,
opened the exercises by presenting to Miss Mary McLaren, past president of
the club, a spade tied with the colors of the club, green and white. In doing
so Mrs. Castner made a neat speech in which she spoke of the happy moment
having arrived in which the members of the club saw their efforts crowned
with success.
Miss McLaren found some difficulty in extracting the
first spadeful of earth, but, as was remarked, it has been hard work getting
the library from the start and she stayed with it until she succeeded in
turning over a generous spadeful.
Growth Has Been Rapid
Hood River County Library has been open to the public
a little less than one year. At the end of the first week there were 287
borrowers. There are at present 1591 registered borrowers at the central
library, 795 from the city and 474 from the county. This does not include
those using the county stations. The library opened with 963 books and the
number has increased to nearly 3000 books and bound pamphlets.
At the beginning the library as was open only three evenings
in the week but by the first of the year it was found necessary to keep it
open every day.
As soon as the library was formally opened an application
was formally opened an application was an application was forwarded to the
Carnegie Corporation asking for $25,000 for a county library building. They
replied that $17,500 was the maximum gift for communities of this size. The
county court accepted the gift and agreed to guarantee at least one-tenth
the amount each year for maintenance, with the assurance from the city council
that the city would pay its just share towards this.
The main library of the county system is located here
in the city. There are branches or stations at Odell, Parkdale, Mt. Hood,
Oak Grove, Cascade Locks, and Fir, besides collections sent to the several
schools. The station at Dee will again be opened this fall.
Plans are made for active work all through the county
and arrangements have been made whereby the co-operation between the several
schools and the county library can be completed. Co-operative reading lists
have been made for the High Schools and the grades and all books may be found
at the library. Several mothers' clubs have been organized through the valley
and the Parents and Teachers' Associations at Hood River and Odell will soon
begin active work.
The library has begun a picture collection as help to
better teaching in geography and history. A beginning has also been made
of an art collection for use in the art study in the schools. Reading lists
have been made on certain subjects and others will be prepared on request.
The librarian wishes to know your needs. Every effort
will be made to supply them.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., September 4, 1913, page 6
Ground was broken for the new Carnegie library at ten
o'clock last Friday morning, and the building will be rushed to completion
as the contract states that it must be completed in four months. Only a moderate
crowd turned out for the ground-breaking ceremonies, as the date of the
commencement of the new library was apparently little known.
Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, president of the Woman's Club,
made the presentation speech in behalf of the club, giving Miss Mary McLaren
the spade, tied with a green and white ribbon, with which Miss McLaren dug
of first shovel of dirt, which was followed by cheering of the onlookers.
The building committee, comprising Truman Butler, chairman,
E.O. Blanchar, Mrs. H.F. Davidson, Miss Mary McLaren, and Judge Castner,
J.W. Putnam, and G.A. McCurdy, of the county court, were all present with
the exception of the last two named men. E.J. Bloom took a group picture
of the crowd.
The final culmination of the efforts of many of the citizens
for this new library, after several years work toward this end, is indeed
gratifying. Socials, contests and entertainment have been held to raise money
to launch this undertaking, which is now an assured success. It was deemed
necessary to cut down one of the large oak trees, but those remaining will
contribute toward a beautiful library site.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., September 24, 1913, page 1
Plans are now being made for laying the cornerstone of the Carnegie Library on Thursday, October 2. Truman Butler will preside at the exercises, while E.L. Smith, Hood River's "grand, old man," will lay the cornerstone. Miss Marvin will be present representing the State Library Board; Mayor E.O. Blanchar will represent the city; Mrs. C.E. Castner, the Woman's Club; J.P. Lucas the County Library Board, and Judge G.R. Castner the county. The Hood River Band will supply the music for the occasion. The exercises will be held at 3:30 p.m.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., September 25, 1913, page 1
The contractor, L.A. Woodard, is rushing work on the
Carnegie library building. The concrete work of the foundation has already
been finished and the brick work has been started. The cornerstone of the
new building, which is rising amid the classic oaks of the lot, will be laid
on Thursday, October, 2.
E.L. Smith, whose four daughters each contributed the
sum of $200 toward the purchase of the lot, will lay the stone and deliver
an address. Other speakers of the day will be: Truman Butler, chairman of
the building committee; J.P. Lucas, chairman of the library board; Mayor
E.O. Blanchar, in behalf of the city; County Judge Geo. R. Castner, and Mrs.
C.H. Castner, president of the woman's club, in behalf of that organization.
The building committee of the library is composed of
the members of the county court, Mayor Blanchar, Miss Mary McLaren and Mrs.
H.F. Davidson.
The ceremonies will be held at 3 30 p.m., in order that
the children of the public schools of the city a be given an opportunity
to participate to participate.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., October 15, 1913, page 1
Everything was propitious for the laying of the cornerstone
of the Carnegie Library Saturday afternoon. Blue skies and a mild October
day made conditions ideal and a large number attended the ceremonies.
The Hood River band played a selection to give notice
that the exercises were about to start. Truman Butler presided and opened
the exercises by introducing the Mayor E.O. Blanchar.
Mayor Blanchar said:
"On behalf of the city of Hood River it is a pleasant
duty to give due recognition of this ceremony, marking a step toward the
speedy completion of a building that will prove a blessing to the community.
I should not fail either to acknowledge with gratitude
the unselfish and untiring efforts of the Woman's Club of Hood River which
inaugurated the movement to establish a free library, or the magnificent
gift from Mr. Carnegie which has made this structure an immediate possibility
in our midst.
"I believe I am correct in saying that no other city
in the state has been favored with so large a gift, in proportion to its
size, and our good fortune is due to the fact that this is a county library,
made possible by the intelligent interest and enthusiasm of the county as
well as the city.
"This is a splendid selection as a site for this building,
here among these sheltering oaks which have been so carefully nurtured and
guarded by our beloved citizen, E.L. Smith.
"Fellow citizens, our public library is now assured.
In a few months it will be thrown open for our use and I would feel that
I had been negligent on this occasion should I not direct your attention
to one or two points concerning its future welfare. What does it mean to
have a well-equipped library here? Not merely an attractive building to show
to our visitors, even though some little benefit might come from that. Let
it be the duty of every citizen to interest themselves in this library, its
maintenance and management. Use it. Plan for its welfare. Be a citizen, not
merely a resident of the city, and the result will be that we will soon wonder
how we did without the free library during the years now past."
Following Mayor Blanchar, County Judge Castner was called
upon as representing the county, inasmuch as the scope of the new library
includes the entire county. Judge Castner spoke of the generous support which
has been given the library and praised especially the Woman's Club, which
he declared to be one of the greatest factors in the upbuilding of the community.
He also reviewed the history of the county library here, emphasizing its
rapid growth. He declared that it is serving a utilitarian purpose and that
it is providing all classes of persons with practical books. As an illustration
he told of sending a book on dairy keeping by parcel post to a rancher in
a far end of the county. The opportunity which the library will afford visitors
from the county to find a comfortable resting place was also emphasized.
J.P. Lucas as chairman of the library board gave an
interesting talk. It was partly reminiscent, Mr. Lucas having been a pioneer
resident in this part of Oregon. He outlined a number of the obstacles against
which the board has had to contend and also gave credit to those who have
so faithfully advanced the cause, especially the Women's Club. Mr. Lucas
also paid a tribute to E.L. Smith and in conclusion spoke fittingly of the
loss to the library board and to the community as a whole through the death
of J.M. Schmeltzer.
Mrs. Charles Castner, a native daughter, was called upon
to represent the Woman's Club in her capacity as its president. She spoke
briefly of the club's pleasure at realizing there long-cherished ambition
to secure a library. She read extracts from the minutes of the club meetings
in 1908 to show that the idea first originated with them. Then she placed
in the vault under the cornerstone a number of documents. These included
the club's year book for the present session, a 1913 coin, current issues
of the local papers and Oregonian, also a picture of little Miss Ruth Lenore
McClain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. McClain, as the next to the youngest
baby in the club.
E.L. Smith Eulogized
To E.L. Smith, Hood River's most revered citizen, fell
the honor of laying the cornerstone. In introducing Mr. Smith, Mr. Butler
voiced the regard of all present in the following eulogy:
"I have not minded introducing the other speakers in
the brief and blundering way in which they have been presented to you.
"They know we all think well of them and even now they
have forgotten my shortcomings.
"The next speaker would no doubt be equally charitable,
but I am less inclined to ask him to take the will for the deed and I would
that I might in well-turned phrase and smoothly rounded sentence express
the feeling of love and respect for him that fills the hearts of the people
of this community today.
"Here among the grand old oaks that have been a part
of his home for many, many years, and on the ground that has been made available
for this purpose largely through his generosity, I would well wish that this
pleasant duty had fallen to a more worthy follower of Demosthenes or Cicero.
"And yet, I am selfish enough that I must confess that
I am glad to preside on this occasion.
"I deem it a privilege to extend to him who is to perform
the ceremony of laying the cornerstone at the Hood River County's Library
the good wishes of a host of friends and to assure him that the position
he holds among us is truly enviable.
"It is, indeed, with great pleasure that I now present
Hood River's Grand Old Man, the Hon. E.L. Smith."
Address by E.L. Smith
Mr. Smith made the principal address of the day and,
because of the intimate connection which he has had with the building of
the library, his talk was an impressive one.
Mr. Smith recalled the time 50 years ago when a woman
sat in a wagon selling ice cream during the Fourth of July celebration. "It
was my wife and she was not doing this for her own gain, as many thought,"
said Mr. Smith, "but because she was determined to accumulate a fund for
establishing a reading room and library in this county.
"I am glad that the library is being built upon this
ground which has, in a way, been consecrated by her life to such a purpose
and I hope that someday the city may acquire the rest of the block and make
it a city park."
Mr. Smith paid tribute to Andrew Carnegie, recalling
many of the donations which the Scotch philanthropist has made to libraries
and universities. "Nor did Mr. Carnegie accumulate his wealth through trust
methods," said Mr. Smith, "but through the building up of a great constructive
He emphasized the value of the library to a community,
quoting from the sayings of a number of great men and giving an eloquent
description of the purposes for which the library serves.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., October 16, 1913, page 1
Despite the rain in the first part of the week and on
the day before, the clouds cleared way Saturday morning and the afternoon
was bright and sunny for the laying of the cornerstone of the Carnegie building
of the county library, by E.L. Smith. A large crowd assembled under the classic
of oaks that have given Hood River a broad-spread fame for beauty.
The meeting was presided over by Truman Butler, chairman
of the building committee of the library board. Seats had been arranged on
the improvised floor of the structure, and a large crowd was present. The
chief address of the afternoon was made by E.L. Smith, whose talk, after
he had placed the first trowelful of mortar at the base of the large stone,
closed the exercises. In his introduction, Mr. Butler, as did all of the
speakers, who had preceded him, paid a great tribute to Mr. Smith. "I wish
that I might properly express our appreciation of our grand old man," said
Mr. Butler. "And I want to extend to him the good wishes of a host of friends."
"I wonder if you think of the benefit that will begin
from this beautiful October day," said Mr. Smith. "This library will be an
emblem of the intellectuality of the people of our community. It will be
the means of a postgraduate work for the students of our high schools. Thomas
Carlyle said that a circulation of books is the best university we may have.
Mr. Smith told of the aims of Andrew Carnegie in establishing
libraries over the land. He named a number of the great institutions of learning
that he had endowed. "The great Scotchman," said Mr. Smith, "tells us that
the love of books will drive out the lower tastes of a people. He acquired
his wealth, not through speculation in stocks and bonds, but by straightforward
business methods and he considers that he has held it in a kind of trust,
and the libraries and institutions of learning over the land are being endowed
for the benefit of the people."
Mr. Smith recalled the earnest work his wife had done
toward securing reading matter for the people here." Many years ago, one
Fourth of July," he said, "when the patriotic people of this valley, White
Salmon and The Dalles were assembled here, a woman was seen selling ice cream
from a wagon. She was not doing it for profit, but that funds might be raised
to buy magazines and books for a reading room for the people.
"I am happy that the building has been erected here on
this property that is sacred to me."
Mayor Blanchar spoke on behalf of the city. "This does
not mean to us merely an attractive building," said Mr. Blanchar, "that we
may show with pride to our visitors, but it means that we will have maintained
an institution that we may learn to use to increase our knowledge. Let us
help in the work, take an interest, and be not merely residents of the town,
but citizens." Mr. Blanchar stated that he understood that the Carnegie
corporation had appropriated more money for the local building than for any
other city in the state proportionate to population.
Judge G.R. Castner followed Mayor Blanchar, saying: "This
is a time for congratulations for the people of the county; with branches
established at Parkdale, Mount Hood, Odell, Pine Grove, Cascade Locks and
other points, the people of all the county are given the privilege of using
the institution.
"Last week someone telephoned in in the evening for a
cow book. By next morning's mail the desired volume was on its way by parcel
J.P. Lucas spoke in behalf of the library board. "Many
years ago as I passed up the Columbia, little did I dream that a fair city
would rise on the banks of the Classic Dog River, and that some day we would
have an institution of learning second only to the public school."
Mr. Lucas told of the heroic fight made by the Woman's
club. Both he and Mr. Smith praised the board for the selection that had
been made in securing Miss Della Northey as librarian. In closing his address
he paid a tribute to the late J.M. Schmeltzer, who was an earnest worker
on the library board.
Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, president of the Woman's club,
gave a short address, telling of the efforts of the women, and declaring
that the event of the laying of the corner stone was the most important ever
participated in by the members of that organization. Mrs. Castner deposited
beneath the corner stone, as symbolic of the things in which Hood River people
are interested in the following articles: a picture of little Ruth McClain,
the second youngest baby of the Woman's club; the year book of the Woman's
club; a photograph of those participating in the ground breaking exercises,
a copy each of the Hood River Glacier, the Hood River News and the day's
issue of the Oregonian, and a 1913 penny.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., October 23, 1913, page 8
The new Carnegie building of the county library, when
completed, will be one of the handsomest structures in the city. It was necessary
to remove the but one of the oaks on the lot, a portion of the E.L. Smith
homesite, and the two story red brick building will arise with these beautiful
trees surrounding it.
"We will have the library building undercover by the
first of next month," says L.A. Woodard, who is erecting the structure. "It
is going to be one of the most compact and convenient little buildings that
I have ever seen. The women certainly have right to be proud of their efforts,
as well as the citizens of all the county."
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., November 20, 1913, page 2
The county now has a library, with a handsome home. It
is an institution that the citizens of the community should be justly proud
of. Not only of the Carnegie home, with those who desire to do so may search
the reference and texts that will be kept on the shelves and at which all
of us will be able to point with pride to visitors, but the library, as in
institution of learning and education.
However, the success of the library is going to depend
to a great extent on the manner in which we make use of it. Are we going
to allow it to become a mere shell, a library in name alone? Or is it going
to be all that a modern day institution of the kind stands for? The work
has started out well. Branches are being established in all parts of the
county, and judging from the use that is already being made of the books,
the library is going to be a source of beneficial information to all the
people of the county.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR.., November 20, 1913, page 2
The county library board held its annual meeting at the
room of the library Tuesday night, when the members of the library committee
of the Woman's club and their husbands were present. The members of the city
council and county court and their wives had been invited. However, the former
had spent the day as a committee of the whole inspecting the city water works
system and only F.A. Franz was out for the board meeting. The court was
represented by Judge Stanton, who was accompanied by Mrs. Stanton.
J.P. Lucas, president of the library board, presided.
He called on Judge Stanton, who made the first speech of the evening. "I
formerly lived in a community where we had a circulating library," said Judge
Stanton. "I paid a dollar and a half a year for the privilege of reading
those blocks and I think I always got my money's worth. This is the first
time I have ever had the privilege of living in a community where we had
such a fine building. There is no argument against a library."
Miss Northey, librarian, followed with the report of
the library for the past year. "We have 3,000 books on the shelf," said Miss
Northey. "From the main station 14,372 books were circulated last year. The
increase has been very heavy over that of last year. Last year 65 percent
of the books read her fiction. This year only 47 percent were fiction. We
get people interested in the new books by advertising them, but placing them
in the windows and making notes of them in the newspaper.
"The girls and boys are beginning to read, and our work
with the schools will be our most important work. I have visited every room
of every school in town and most of those in the country.
We appreciate the interest the country people have are
taking in our books; the men of the country read more than those in town.
I was surprised at the number of men who attended the meeting at Mount Hood
last week. They are eager to secure the works on farming in the Upper Valley,
and Grubb's potato book has been in demand there this summer. Beal Bros.,
who are reputed to have grown the best potatoes in the valley this year,
claim that they did so by using the book we sent them from the library."
Miss Northey then went on to tell of the Carnegie building
which will be ready for occupancy by the first of the year. "The children
will be provided for," she said, as she pointed out the needs of a well equipped
auditorium." We can have free lectures by the University of Oregon extension
course. It will serve as a meeting place for our boys and girls, many amusements
can be given them."
Short talks were made by the following, after which coffee,
sandwiches and doughnuts were served by Mrs. J.P. Lucas and Mrs. William
Stewart: Miss Mary McLaren, Truman Butler, Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, Mrs. F.E.
Newby, Mrs. Geo. Strannahan, E.E. Franz, J.E. Robertson, L.A. Henderson,
R.B. Bennett, Joe D. Thomison, and W.E. Hanson.
The Oregon Journal, Portland, OR., December __, 1913, section 2, page 8
Municipal Water System Is Among Year's Achievements; Library
Hood River, Or., Dec. 29. - The administration of the
affairs of this city under Mayor E.O. Blanchar has been characterized by
economy and yet the amount spent for public improvements have exceeded the
amount spent in all former years in Hood River's history.
A municipal water system has been installed at the expense
of $146,000; $36,000 being paid for the private water system in use in the
city and $110,000 been expended in bringing in the Tucker spring. The system
now affords a flow of 2,000,000 gallons per day.
The city streets have been macadamized at a cost of $60,000,
cement sidewalks have been laid at an expense of $15,000 and additional street
and sidewalk work is underway that will run the total of street improvements
up to approximately $100,000.
An electric fire alarm system has been installed throughout
the business and residence sections of the city at an expense of several
thousand dollars, and it is estimated that the total expenditures for public
improvements for the year will approximate $230,000, or an average expenditure
of about $800 per capita.
Bank deposits and business in general lines has shown
a marked increase over last year. While no new business blocks have been
erected this year several new enterprises have been begun, and there are
no vacant store buildings in the city and few vacant residences.
Early in the year, Andrew Carnegie donated $17,500 to
the city for a public library to which the citizens added $2500 and the new
building is now nearing completion and will soon be dedicated.
The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., December 3, 1913,page 7
More and more interest in the library is being shown
through the county. On the fourteenth of the month a meeting of the people
interested in the branch library was held at Mt. Hood. Seventy-five people,
including a large number of men, were present. The librarian had with her
a box of best books for children. Much interest was shown in the beautiful
collection. A library association was formed and officers were elected for
the coming year.
The following day Mrs. Northey and Miss McLaren, a member
of the Library Board, attended an afternoon meeting at Parkdale. Miss McLaren
gave an interesting talk on the social center. After the exhibit of children's
books chocolate was served and a social time was enjoyed.
On the twentieth Mr. Lucas, the president of the Library
Board, and Miss Northey attended a Parents and Teachers association meeting
at Cascade Locks. New interest has been taken in the branch library there.
Plans are on foot for the opening in the near future of a general reading
room with a room adjoining where the men will be allowed to smoke.
Notwithstanding the establishment of these several branches
through the county, there are over six hundred out of town borrowers at the
main library.
The new library building is progressing rapidly. It is
planned to make the library the social center of the community. It should
be the natural meeting place for everything of a public nature or for community
welfare. It should be everybody's forum. Speakers can be secured for the
asking and they will find an eager, willing auditors, earnest, intelligent
men and women who will fill the lecture room to the doors. Free entertainment
and illustrated lectures may be made so attractive that they will always
draw crowds.
Up to this time it has been impossible for the library
to co-operate with the University in their efforts to bring the University
to the people because we have had no public gathering place and other facilities
for the meeting of groups for study. Many young men and women would avail
themselves of the opportunities afforded free to improve their vocational
The cost of hiring headquarters is eliminated if the
citizens of the county owned their own meeting place where everyone is welcome.
The county patrons' room will fill a long felt need of
a public comfort station -- a place where women can come with their children
after a long drive and enjoy the conveniences of the rest room.
With an attractive library building and a public auditorium,
the federation of the community becomes a much simpler proposition.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., December 18, 1913, page 4
Hood River's county library has established itself firmly
as an educational force during its first year of existence, as shown in the
report of Miss Della Northey, librarian, submitted to the County Library
Board. This shows that the total circulation of books for the year was 16,857
and interest in the library such as to make its influence felt in also sections
of the county. The report follows:
On August 15, 1912, the librarian entered upon her duties
in the room in the Smith Building on Third Street. With the help of an untrained
assistant, the numerous gifts and first purchases were prepared for the shelves.
On September 15 the library was opened to the public with a total of 1093
volumes on the shelves. These were supplemented by five traveling libraries
from the Library Commission, making a total number of volumes at our disposal
1343. From the first the citizens of both city and county have been much
interested. Patrons have been most generous in donations and have added
materially to the stock in hand.
Circulation is Large
That number of books circulated from the central library
for home reading was 15,833; that from the county stations 1014, making a
total of 16,857 for the year. It has been absolutely impossible this first
year to keep accurate records at all the stations of the circulation of the
different classes of books, because we have had to depend entirely upon a
volunteer service and have had no regular custodian in charge, the attendant
changing each week.
At the central library fiction formed 66 percent of the
entire circulation. This is a record of which we may be justly proud. The
percent of the fiction read at the county stations is even less, not because,
as one might believe, that they are sent only serious books, but because
there are fewer outside interests and probably more leisure for the higher
1435 Borrowers Registered
There are 1435 registered borrowers at the central library, 928 from the city and 507 from the county. There is a minimum of red tape to the system, no guarantor being required except in the case of children under 16 years of age. A special non-fiction card is issued on request and more than two books may be drawn on that card. Books for home study may be drawn for one month without renewal.
Generous Gifts Made
The total number of books added to the library this year was 2063, of which 702 with were by purchase, 1319 by gift, 42 by binding of magazines. The gifts include many valuable pamphlets, of which are placed in Gaylord binders and circulate as any other book.
Reference Service Helpful
Although the library as a source of reference material is a new innovation in the community and our supply of such material is limited because of the youth of the library, results this year have, on the whole, been quite satisfactory. Material has been furnished to our four Parents' and Teachers' associations of the county and assistance has been given in the making of the programs. The Art division of the local Woman's Club has also found the resources of the library useful in the presentation of their weekly work. The interest of the High School pupils is increasing day by day and teachers are encouraged to send pupils to the library for its supplementary material in the different classes in the literary program. The library furnishes collections for debates, supplementing that on hand with loans from the State Library. Twelve debate libraries have been furnished for the several schools of the county.
Six County Stations
There are at present six county stations at Parkdale,
Mt. Hood, Odell, Fir, Cascade Locks and Oak Grove. The station at Dee has
been temporarily closed because of seeming lack of interest, the one at Pine
Grove on account of its proximity to the central library and the preference
of the patrons to draw books from the central library. However, some of the
patrons requested that a small collection be placed in the schoolhouse during
the winter.
Odell is the first station to have a permanent reading
room. It is understood that Cascade Locks is soon to open one also. At Mt.
Hood the library is placed in a room adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall, but
is scarcely large enough for a reading room. At Oak Grove, Parkdale and Fir
the collections are at present in the schoolhouses.
Books are sent on request to individuals or to the county
stations, the transportation being prepaid.
Is Well Advertised
Although no special effort has been made to advertise the library, the work of organization requiring that all our available energy of the librarian and the assistant, some attention has been given to publicity. Through the courtesy of the local papers, lists of the new books and library news have appeared from time to time.
The Staff
In September Mrs. Lottie Kinnaird, having completed the required six months of apprentice work, was appointed a regular assistant in the library. In September she resigned and Miss Elsie McLucas was as appointed to succeed her.
The Future Needs
In reviewing this year's work we see much cause for
encouragement for the county library is no longer an experiment, but has
proved its right to a place as part of the educational system of the county
and city. However, only a mere beginning has been made. There is much more
to be accomplished. Before we are content the library should reach every
home in the county. There are still many who know nothing of the resources
of their library. We need more books, more stations, more collections at
out-of-the-way stations, closer co-operation with the schools and facilities
to meet the needs of the children. All this extension requires funds. The
future looks bright. We are filled with enthusiasm when we realize our wonderful
opportunities for service, and with the completion of the new building and
the increased appropriation from the city and county.
In conclusion the librarian wishes to express her grateful
appreciation to each member of the Library Board for their heart and willing
to co-operation and support, without which nothing could have been accomplished
that has been accomplished.
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., December 25, 1913, page 2
Meetings were held in the Valley Saturday to discuss
the tax budget submitted by the county court, and at the Pine Grove meeting
a resolution was carried to limit the appropriation for the county library
to $1,000. In commenting upon this action a member of the library board said:
"There is on file in the court house and in the county
library copies of the contract drawn up between the county of Hood River
and the Hood River public library. According to this contract, the county
court levied a tax for library purposes, the same to constitute a "library
fund" for the county. The library board agreed to open a public library,
to maintain the same in suitable quarters, and to extend the use of the library
to the residents of the county in accordance with Sec. 4351 Lord's Oregon
laws. The members of the county court are ex-officio members of the library
board with full voting privileges and committee appointments.
"The county agreed to pay properly certified bills of
the library board to the full amount of the "library fund," provided that
such payment shall be only four books and periodicals, for necessary binding
and supplies for same, and the service of a librarian of the county library
and for necessary transportation and traveling expenses in maintaining the
county system.
"Last year the city appropriated the sum of $850, sufficient
to maintain the library in its present quarters. At a recent meeting of the
city council it was voted to appropriate a one-mill tax, approximately $2,000
for library purposes. This will provide for the maintenance of the new building,
including heat, light, janitor service, and an assistant, for although the
new building is for the use of all the county, it is maintained by the city
according to the previous contract. It is only by this co-operation between
city and county that a library is possible in Hood River county.
"A county library is more than a place where the people
of the county may go to read, study, or borrow books. The library should
be as vital a thing in the country as in the city. Deposit stations have
been located in many parts of the county. Other sections or neighborhoods
may have collections of box by simply making request to the librarian. Boxes
of books are sent to the places to remain two or three months. These books
return to the library and a new supply is sent out. Any borrower living in
the country may ask by mail or telephone for a desired book and it will be
mailed postpaid to him. If it is not in the library at the time it will be
reserved for him. A person living in the country may borrow from any station
or from the central library, but the book must be returned to the station
from which it was borrowed."
A resolution was also passed favoring the completion
of the survey now being made by the State Highway Commission, but to go no
further unless assured of state aid.
The $1,000 appropriation for a county exhibit at the
Panama exposition was also voted down.
The meeting held at Barrett schoolhouse took up the
discussion of the exposition appropriation, and sentiment was against it,
but after an ax explanation by Secretary Ravlin, the question was put to
a vote, three voting in favor of it and two against.
It was voted to approve of completing the survey of the
Columbia river highway, to stop at Hood River, after an explanation by Judge
Stanton as to what was being done.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer