
The Daily Oregonian, Portland, OR., May 9, 1881, page 3


     FROM HOOD RIVER - A correspondent writing from Hood River under date of May 5th says: "Five years ago Hood river began to attract the notice of the people of western Oregon and Washington territory, and also those of the eastern states, in such a manner that a colony came from Pennsylvania and New York and settled here. A few of the colony, after arriving here went to other parts of Oregon and Washington territory, but the most of them have settled in this valley and have made homes where they will remain. News of the superior inducements, offered in the mildness the climate and fertility of the soil has reached Germany, and the consequence is that a number of Germans have settled on the east side of the river and some on the west side, also some on the White Salmon opposite Hood river on the north side of the Columbia. Five years ago there were but three flat boats and one steamer that did all the freighting, etc., on the middle Columbia. Now there are five large steamers, two small steamers, three large barges, and a large fleet of flat boats. Five years ago there was no store at Hood River. Now we have two goods stores, and a good hotel. The valley has quite a number of fine orchards, and from the present indications Hood river peaches will be plentiful in the Portland market this year, as well as a small fruits."

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer