The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., June 19, 1924, page 1
Shipping Center Is Developed
Evolution of Handling Apple Tonnage is Cited - Suggestions Given for Methods
of Marketing
(By. J.C. Duckwall)
Fruit growing in the Odell section is a more recent
development than either in the East or West Side sections of the valley.
In the early days when ranches sold several times and
changed hands in speculation, the tracts of bearing orchards were comparatively
few, and many ranchers were busily engaged in clearing tracts and planting
to fruit trees. But the early ranchers the brought their watchers into bearing
but few remain.
Most of the fruit tracks were planted to apple trees
of which case Spitz Newton apples predominated, and the pear plantings were
very light; pears, cherries and peaches being mostly confined to light plantings
for home use, the commercial pear and cherry orchards being developed in
recent years.
Fruit was all packed off the table, and graded into bins,
being sized into two or three sizes, the packers selecting the size for the
box being packed. Under this method 60 to 100 boxes to a packer was a good
day's work, and with the comparatively small acreage in bearing, the packing
and loading were extended over a longer season than now, even with the greatly
increased acreage.
The loading facilities at Odell were frame warehouses
of the Apple Growers Association and the Davidson Fruit Co., and for a time
were sufficient for the shipments of apples at Odell. Motor trucks being
unknown as a means of hauling, and in times of congestion loads being limited
to one or two wagon loads a day, and sometimes the loads were smaller, large
warehouse space was not at first required.
With the introduction of the modern grading machines,
made necessary by the greatly increased tonnage to be packed within a certain
time, motor trucks came into use as a means of keeping warehouses clear of
The frame warehouse used by the old National Fruit Co.,
had in the meantime been built, and has since been in use by various shippers
of this district. The first growers' warehouse to be built was erected east
of the National house by Frank Massee, and several years later Page &
Son, of Portland, built a frame building next to that of Mr. Massee's.
Another result of the increased tonnage in this district
was the extending of the period necessary to complete shipments from the
Odell warehouses; and it was soon seen that the frame buildings that were
satisfactory for the fruit shipments in October and November would not hold
fruit safely in December and January, and later, when the need for a more
permanent warehouse was seen. The Apple Growers Association erected a substantial
addition of a hollow tile, which type of warehouse has since proven capable
of carrying fruit safely in the coldest weather, with a little heat inside
during longer periods of cold.
Soon after this addition by the Association, Dan Wuille
& Co. erected a frost proof warehouse for their business at Odell, which
has since been added to.
In the meantime, on the north side of the track, the
Hood River Fruit Co., owned by H.F. Davidson and Chas. Castner, had erected
a two-story warehouse to take care of their growing tonnage. On the second
floor the fruit was taken to be packed, when it was carried to the first
floor to await loading into a refrigerator cars for shipment. This was done
by the first fruit elevators to be installed in Odell, fruit being placed
on gravity conveyors and carried to the second floor with one handling. These
elevators are now in use in the other warehouses in Odell with two floors,
and in the Lehman warehouse between the first floor and basement.
Across the pavement to the east, J.E. Fergurso erected
a tile fruit warehouse for the shipment of his fruit, which is now being
operated by Mrs. Ferguson.
About the same time, to the west, Duckwall Bros. erected
one section of the tile proof warehouse which has since been added to, and
a loading platform erected.
H.K. Davenport, on the south side of the track, built
the only two story tile warehouse in Odell, the upper story of which is used
to pack his own and neighbors' fruit. Kelly Bros. have received and loaded
from this house since it was built and are the principal shippers here.
H.H. Lehman, to the north of the Davenport warehouse,
several years ago erected a frame warehouse with a concrete basement for
storage, which was used the first year by the C.M. Kopp Co., and has since
been used to load his own fruit and that of other independent growers.
Last season Allison Fletcher and his brother, Leonard,
erected a modern tile warehouse on the north side of the track to the west
end, operating as Fletcher Bros., are loading their own and other independent
The Apple Growers Association several years ago erected
another tile addition to their warehouse to the west, and now have the largest
house and trackage in Odell.
All rail shipments at Odell are handled by the Mt. Hood
R.R., which is operating today, with the greatly increase tonnage to be moved,
over the same tracks, with slightly increased equipment to that used in former
years. During the congestion in October it is impossible to satisfy the demands
of all the shippers with the all cars wanted, but it speaks well for the
management of the Mt. Hood that last season the service was better, and less
of a shortage existed than ever before. Train crews worked day and night
in all weather to spot cars for loading and assemble trains for filling as
promptly as possible to do so. The Mt. Hood has worked every year with handicaps
hard to overcome, and deserves the cooperation and support of all shippers
along the line.
Today we have 12 warehouses for shipping and storing
fruit at Odell, and shipments are extended over a space of about six months
in some years. To date the physical problems of handling the fruit economically
and safely have been solved. The last two years have taught both shipper
and grower that there is much to be accomplished in both marketing and selling.
In several years there will be not only the problem of the apples but also
of the large tonnage of pears is coming into bearing, and these also must
be hauled at a profit, if the fruit grower is to continue in business.
Of the many ideas and theories that have been and are
being advanced to obtain the end sought after, probably none will ever be
adopted as set forth at the present time. There are too many engaged in this
occupation, too many ideas which must be harmonized, to put forth any set
theory and have it adopted entirely and at once.
It seems that we have one truth as a starting point,
namely that we must have cooperation on a large scale. We believe this
cooperation is not going to be limited to one set or classification, such
as growers only, or growers' cooperative organizations; but it is going to
take in everyone connected in the Northwest with the shipping of fruit grown
in this section. Many phases of the fruit industry are at once interesting
to all. In the different districts, and through them to a central organization,
purchases of supplies, rate and other essentials and favorable legislation,
which are necessary for the fruit grower, car supply and distribution, price
stabilization, regulation of output and shipments; in fact all of the larger
and more necessary phases of the fruit industry are subjects that growers
and shippers can get together on at once for the purpose of putting the fruit
growing industry on a profitable basis.
One of the most important matters to be acted upon is
the regulation of our fruit output. No manufacturer putting out his project
to the trade would put in competition with his finished product, an inferior
grade also manufactured by himself. His inferior grade would cheapen his
main line, so that all would probably sell at a loss. This is what we are
doing every year with our apples. Culls for the cannery at $8 at on, cookers
and C grade selling at less than the cost of production, we are putting on
the market in large crop years, and losing money on all of our output. We
believe that in the near future, the horticultural boards of the states of
Oregon and Washington, and probably Idaho and California, with the advice
and cooperation of the fruit growers and shippers, will define as packing
grades, only such amount of the fruit as will appear profitable to market,
define it extra and fancy if you will. The best of the lower grades will
go to the canneries, and we will dump their rest, making a profit on what
we handle. No organization can sell at a profit with high freight rates a
surplus of inferior fruit.
Other activities mentioned above can be taken up and
acted upon as districts and as a whole for the improvement of the industry,
but regulation of volume is essential if the price is to be in any way
Another step and also an essential one, is the putting
the industry on a cash basis. This we believe would be a very simple matter
indeed, and with a price basis easily established in the different districts,
if we could only get down to the idea of selling. Contrary to the general
impression, dealers would rather buy if possible. The practice, however,
of growers and associations every year holding up the prices in the summer
to unwarranted levels, and then flooding the markets of the country with
consigned fruit at shipping time, is causing the cash buyer to hesitate.
A manufacturer will produce goods, figure his cost, then try to sell at a
profit. A fruit grower will raise his crop, figure his cost, and then try
to get 5 or 10 cents a box more than is offered, even with a profit assured.
We must change to a cash basis by cooperation of all interests, or by cooperation
of growers only which we think unlikely. This basis removes practically all
of the difficulties confronting the industry today. It is not possible to
have flooded markets with this system. When your market becomes crowded the
buying stops, and proves a self regulator for the shipper. By this system,
we are interesting another party in our products. With his money in our fruit,
the dealer then becomes as interested as ourselves to maintain prices, regulate
and lower freight rates and all other phases of the industry, that we are
now trying to a feeble way to improve.
Another great feature that must be developed is the increase
of consumption, and education of the retailer and jobber alike to a more
scientific selling of our fruit. The Garffitt plan, advocated by the Western
Fruit Jobbers, so called, is advocated with this object in view, and when
some such plan is adopted it will have the support of all districts to make
it effective.
We believe that roughly as outlined we have the essentials
for the success of the fruit industry of the Northwest. It is our belief
also that these ideas will be put into effect in the near future. What ever
is to be put into effect, must have the support of all interested, to be
of a lasting nature.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer